Chapter 5

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I look through my dresses, looking for something like a thick velvet for my walk tonight. I know that the nights here are chilly, and sickness is a cruel curse I do not wish to encounter. I pull out a long green velvet and smile. Its one of my favorites and I have a cloak to match it.

"Begin laying this out, Lady Latimer," I say. "Lady Dunbar, my long riding cloak needs pressed. It will be quite chilly tonight."

"Yes, M'Lady," they say and I sit down in my chair to file my nails to fine, even shapes. I hum softly to myself as my ladies work. The setting sun starts as my dinner is delivered, shirmp in a lovely lemon sauce. I carefully eat my dinner and wash my face as I am getting ready for tonight.

I stand in the center of my room as my ladies undress me and redress in the warm clothes. I gasp as they tighten the bodice and hold my necklace ascit is tied on my neck. I turn in the mirror and smile. My long hair is in a braid hanging over one shoulder with a dark crown in my hair. I allow my cloak to be fastened around me and I hear a knock on my door. Lady Buckingham goes to answer it and she bows.

"Your Highness," she says. "Perfect timing. My mistress just finished dressing." She stands aside as Peeta walks in and my ladys and I bow in respect.

"Good Evening, M'Lord," I say.

"M'Lady," he says bowing back. "You look lovely as ever. Are you ready to go for our walk?"

"Yes," I reply standing up. He offers his hand out to me and I take it.

"Lets go then," he says and I follow him out. We walk down the hall, alone for once. I feel his eyes on me and I walk slowly forward at his side. Our footsteps echo against the wood and I take a deep breath. "What is it?"

"Nothing," I say and he tips my head towards him.

"Come now, you can tell me," he says.

"I'm just put off," I say. "Us being so alone."

"We were alone on our ride a few days ago," he says as we walk outside.

"I know," I say. "But at night, in the dark, it feels a lot more intimate."

"It is," he says. "But you trust me, don't you Katniss." I look at him for a moment and then at our joined hands.

"I supoose I do," I say. "I mean, I have to, don't I? You're going to be my husband."

"Do you though?" He asks. "Not because you have to, but because you do trust me." I look at him a moment and then shrug.

"I suppose I don't really know yet," I say. "I've known you all my life, yet it seems as though we are two strangers."

"Yes, I suppose that's fair," he says softy. "Though if its any consolation, I trust you completely."

"You do?" I ask.

"Of course, Katniss," he says as we start into the cobblestones that pave the garden. "You have never done anything to make me think I couldn't. Not even we were children did you betray a secret." I smile and look at him.

"I guess," I say. "I mean, I guess there is no reason for you not to. There's no reason for me not to trust you either. But I just, I still don't know I guess. Its hard to trust anyone in a court you are unfamiliar with. The Seam court is so much different. Not so open and celebratory. We are proper and my court is riddled with those I cannot trust."

"Be sure that I do not desire to decieve you in any way and expect that I would take actions against those who would seek to do wrong against you," he says and I look up at him.

"Against anyone?" I ask. "Your grooms, your nobility, your counsel, your friends you've known all your life? You would take my word over theirs and seek retribution on my behalf?" Peeta stops walking and turns to me. He carefully lays his hands on my shoulders.

"You are going to be my wife, Katniss," he says. "You are before everyone, in my eyes. You always will have that privilege, as long as I should live and after." I look down before dropping to my knees.

"You are too good to me, Your Highness," I say. "I am but a simple woman who does not deserve such favor." Peeta laughs and tips my chin up.

"Come now," he says. "You were taught that, but you know better. You are much more than a simple woman." He stands me up and smiles at me. "You are my equal in every way."

"Then, I suppose I must trust you, Peeta," I say. "For I have not once expected such respect from you. You are young, yet so wise and caring."

"Thank you, M'Lady," he says smiling. "I think alot of you too." We start walking again and I find myself leaning against him. He says nothing, only sliding his arm around me to hold me better. The sky is so pretty as the stars start to come out and I can't help but chuckle.

"So many stories," I say. "A whole sky fullof legends placed among the heavens."

"You know about them?" Peeta asks as we walk around the side of the horse pastures.

"My father taught me Latin reading Roman Myths," I say. I lean on the fence. "We would sit on the voyer and he would point out the characters as we read the story."

"My father did too," he says. "Its a fun way for children to learn such a hard language." I nod and click to my horse as I see the white blaze down Mossy's nose and the black horse comes up to us.

"Hello Sweetheart," I say. "I see you are enjoying all the lovely mares that the isle has to offer you. No trouble setting in for you."

"Of course not," Peeta says. "There are plenty of lovely Persuasion Fillyies for you to attend to, huh?" He holds his gloved hand out and strokes the horse's neck. He gets a side eye, but unlike with some of the tasteless grooms, he doesn't get a nipping from Mossy. I smile and kiss the horse's nose.

"He's the last thing my father gave me," I say. "A beautiful, stocky young colt for a birthday gift. Now, I'd never go anywhere without him."

"I'd never ask you to," Peeta says. "He and his foals will be treated as well as any horse upon the isle." I laugh and continue to stroke his nose theres a knicker from the back of the pasture. I notice a young mare just a few yards away and I pat his neck.

"Off you go then," I say. "Like any prince, you have maids to woo and sons to make." He turns and starts trotting off. I look at Peeta and sigh. "We are probably set to go off for the night, now."

"There's no rush, Katie," he says. "You are to do whatever you wish. But if you are tired, I can take you back to your chambers."

"Perhaps we could stay here a while, and look at the stars some more?" I ask.

"Of course, Katniss," he says holding out his hand. "Theres a gazebo just up there. We can sit up there." I smile and take his hand, letting him lead me accross the yard to the little shelter.

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