Chapter 6

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I let Peeta lead me down into the garden, the sweet smell of night magic flowers filling the air. I can't help the unease I do still feel around the Prince. I am aware of what would be expected of me. A son of the King's blood to continue the royal line. How can trust that all the promises he keeps making about an equal life spent together when that is the only value a queen is. That and appearences.

"What is it?" Peeta asks as I sit down on the rail of the gazebo, straightening my thick velvet skirt.

"What is what, Your Majesty?" I ask.

"You're acting strangely," he says. "Do I, do I frighten you Katniss?" J look up at him and shrug.

"We're barely more than strangers," I say. "How, how can I be expected to process my unconditional love and devotion to a stranger? And be the mother of his children when I don't even know what love is, let alone if I'm in it with you or anyone. You know what I mean?" Peeta sits down next to me and I feel him reach for my hand.

"Of course I do," he says. "What is any Lady of wealth to think, when they are betrothed at birth to some far off prince for some kind of strong hold treaty? We haven't seen one another in five years. And now we are just supposed to pick up and go live our lives here. You so far from home you can't see the glows of your home fires." I look down and he tips my head up.

"I do miss my home terribly," I say. "But I guess, this is my home now, not that I can complain. Panem is beautiful and much freer than the coal lands. But I am very concerned about my people's lives."

"Of course," he says. "And when I have the power to, upon our marriage, I will send everything my dear people of Seam need. They will be our people to care for, not your worries alone, Katniss. I promise you that."

"But what are promises, My Lord?" I ask. I stand up and kind of pace the solid stone floor. "I don't know you. Your word, it just seems so lacking when I know not the value of it." Peeta looks over at me, almost as though he were slightly hurt by the implication. "Not that I don't think that your word is Noble, I just don't know, Peeta. I could never trust any man of my court. They laid with my maids and ran numerous conspiracy against me. I nearly fled here for fear of my life last year. But that was my Homeland. I had to be faithful and strong for my people who believe in my right to rule the Throne of Seam. And now I am here. Why am I here Peeta? I should be leading my Homeland. I should be a coronated Queen in my own right."

"You are Queen of your own right, and I will trust your judgement in the matters of the people you come from. And ask your input on the matters of my own. Believe me Katniss. You are not a stranger to me nor am I a stranger to you. We spent every summer together as children. We know each other well and I, I care for you. You're a friend any person would be happy to have and a Queen any prince would be glad to have. I know that I am so glad and grateful to be able to call you my betrothed." I watch him a moment and then look at my hand, the stone that bound me to Peeta as an infant still upon my hand.

"You don't mind my uncertainty?" I ask. He shakes his head, standing up.

"Anyone who has lived a life like yours, I cannot blame for uncertainty. But I am sure. Very sure that I will be nothing but satisfied with a life with you," he says, standing close to me. I look up at him, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, like I cannot meet it. I lay my hand on his chest and let my fingers trace the embroidery of his coat.

"How is it that you have so much faith in this?" I ask. "That we'll be happy here, together? Because I am trying so hard to be brave, but I am terrified. Of being your Queen, your wife, and the pressure of bringing a son into the world. I'm so scared of all of this. It all seemed so far away until I came here. And now,"

"There's no room to breathe," He says. "I know what you mean. There's so much pressure on us now. We can't deny that we are bound to our duties now. " I nod and I feel his arms grip tighter into me."I want to be good to you, Katniss. The best husband I can. I don't want to hurt you or be someone for you to fear."

"I am not afraid of you. I'm afraid of," I stop and he tilts my head up.

"It will take as long as it takes for that to happen," he says. "I don't expect you to be put in a position of discomfort due to me."

"You won't?" I ask. "You wouldn't expect me to preform my wifely duties right away?"

"No, Katie," he says. "I will not, nor will I ever, force myself upon you." I look up, into those brilliant blue eyes and see nothing but sincerity there. I feel a tear run down my cheek and I rest my head on his chest.

"Thank you," I whisper. "I have felt nothing but pressure from my mother about our wedding night for four years. I have been so frightened of the wants of men, of the 'needs' you would have with me." Peeta chuckles and holds me tight to him.

"No need to thank me for stating my belief. You need to believe that I want the best for you and our family that we will raise here. And I don't want the begining to be a bad situation for either of us. I want an intimacy to be on both our terms." I hold onto him and nod as I pull away.

"I think I can agree with that," I say. I look out over the fields at the moon reflecting over the sea. I smile and lay my head on his chest, still looking out.

"You are so beautiful like this," Peeta says. "So calm and relaxed. Like you're letting that guard down just enough for me to see you." I sigh and close my eyes, listening to his heart.

"Can you handle one more promise for me?" I ask, not bothering to look at him.

"Anything," he replies.

"If we ever forget our agreements and promises, we will meet back here and look out over the water just like this and talk it out just like this. Because we will never lie to one another, nor decieve the others intentions. And this is how we will remember what we mean for our lives together. Just listening to the nature around us each other's hearts," I whisper. Peeta tips my head up so I do look at him.

"Seal it and it will be so," he says and I reach up, gently meeting my lips with his. I rest my hands on his cheeks and pull away sighing.

"Let's go back inside," I say. "We must be ready for the festivities of tomorrow." He nods and takes my hand to lead me back home. 

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