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2015: October, Fall Semester

In the basement of the Legends Hall dorm building, Genesis and Magenta are in the community laundry room. Gee takes another load out of the dryer, while Gen sits on top of the center table skipping through people's stories on Snapchat. Her feet wearing pink Ugg's kick back and forth as Gee puts more clothes in the dryer and washer.

Beginning to fold his clothes and putting them in his basket neatly he says, "Since you came down here with me you could help a nigga out."

"Nobody told you to wait two months to wash your clothes," she looks at his multiple baskets that're overflowing. He hasn't washed his regular clothes since this summer. He'd only get his football stuff washed. He's lucky he has a lot of clothes.

"I've been busy as hell between football practice, football games, watching film for football, study hall after football, workouts, classes, and the classwork," he emphasizes football each time to make the point clear. "Why'd you come then?"

"Moral support," she flashes a smile at him tilting her head to the side. "I helped carry a basket. That's something! If you start paying me, maybe I'll do your laundry for you. Or you better ask one of your little hoes."

He sucks his teeth. "I don't have hoes. And you know I ain't got extra money for that. I'm already paying this one chick to sign me into my elective class, so I don't have to go."

"And how exactly do you plan to pass, Mr. Sir?"

"I go in on test and quiz days. Keep up with the reading on my own. Going to that class three times a week for an hour and a half is pointless and a waste of time," he shrugs.

"I feel that way about a couple classes. You know, we could finish these degrees a lot faster if we only had to take classes pertaining to our major. The hell am I in a reading class for? We literally come in & read a book. Our first major grade was making a PowerPoint of all the memorable books we've read in our lifetime," Gen wears a straight face.

Gee busts out laughing. "You serious?"

"Yes! It's supposed to be a class where we learn about reading for the different areas. Literature, media, newspapers, blogs, etc. I did put my professor onto the Midnight series by Sistah Souljah though. My girl about to be reading urban novels," she laughs.

"Hell nah! See, that's a class I would skip."

"Yeah, honestly I hate all my classes this semester. I have this race, gender, and sexuality class that's so fuckin' annoying because I'm the only Black person. Every time race comes up everyone's looking at me for my opinion and that's pretty much every class."

"Bruh, when they all discreetly turn to look at you. Awkward as hell."

"Exactly. On the first class day this white boy sat next to me. Out of nowhere he turns to me then leans in whispering, Tupac or Biggie?" Gee does his dramatic scream laugh doing a jog around the laundry room not expecting that.

"Tell me you lyin'?!"

"Nope," she purses her lips before beginning to laugh herself. "These mutha fuckas and their microaggressions."

"You should've asked him The Rolling Stones or The Beatles."

They both smile glad that it's not awkward anymore. A conversation about the obvious hasn't happened, but after the night he helped Gen with her car there was just a shift.

For Magenta, it was her realizing she was letting her feelings come in the way of their friendship. His mother's house going into foreclosure made her realize she's lacked in being a support system. Gee also never wanted dating to ruin any of his friendships.

They both realize they don't want their relationship to change. Not right now at least.

Gee's still seeing Estelle even though it has tremendously slowed down on his end. He has bigger things to worry about as far as getting this money to help his mother.

Magenta watches Gee check the pockets of a pair of sweatpants before throwing them in the washer. He pulls out a wad of cash from them saying, "Heads up!" He throws it and Gen catches it putting it with the other money he's found wadded up in pockets that he had no idea about.

"That's a damn shame," she shakes her head. He's at least found a couple hundred dollars. That's when you know you've been touching too much money when this doesn't phase you.

The last couple of weeks, Genesis has had a whole operation to get the $15,000. He knows he's playing a risky game, but he's on track to getting it. All while not actually having to necessarily do anything himself. He did what Choice suggested.

He got a couple people to sell weed and pills on campus. He gets them the product to sell and they get their cut. That way he can still focus on class and football, while they do the footwork and he still makes his money. He didn't want to get into the whole pill thing, but he's able to make more money so he took Fade's suggestion.

"Oh, go check out my Instagram page," Gee tells Magenta.

She does what he says seeing all his old pictures are deleted unless it has to do with sports. No pictures of him with his friends back home who may be throwing up some sort of hand sign or flashing money. Barely any regular pictures of him even if it's just to show off a nice outfit.

"Looks so neat and professional. You got your followers up too," she notes seeing he's in the thousands.

"Yeah, but I can't really post what I want anymore. Gotta keep it clean. You see most of my posts are sports related now."

"Yeah, but it's good. You're building that brand and image."

"Yeah, they're 'cleaning me up.' No more practice fights, unnecessary roughness violations, or off-field incidents. My coach is trying to turn around the villain image I may have created," he smacks his lips. "You wanna shout out?"

"I'm good. You see I barely post and my profile is private. I'm not really a social media person."

"You need to build your shit up too. Create a brand. You wanna be in the music industry, right? A journalist and shit. You can be one of those girls who gets paid to post or sent free stuff. I could see you having a lot of followers if you started posting more."

"Eh, that's not me."

"Girls are buying bodies like yours to get paid to take pictures nowadays. The Instagram baddies."

"I saw. That shit is crazy," she says lowly. She can't even fathom the fact people are getting thousands of followers who don't know them yet keep up with their lives. All because they're attractive or can dress. Social media is a phenomenon she's trying to grasp. "Can you speed this up? I'm hungry," she pouts.

Gee smacks his lips giving a deadpan look. He hates when she rushes him. Simply for annoying him, he takes the freshly washed pillow case in his hand swinging it at Gen to hit her. With a snap it whips her in the face.

"No, you didn't!" She jumps down from the table rushing towards him. Gee's running around the table as she tails him. He stops on one side and she does too. "You know when I get you I'ma whoop your ass."

"Gotta get me first," he entices her. He runs right towards her, but he hits a spin move as she yanks him back by the hood of his jacket. As soon as she releases him, Gee grabs onto her so she can't hit him.

Holding onto her from behind she tries to break free from his hold. "Let go! You know once these hands fly–"

"They won't do shit," he lets her go and she turns around wearing a look of frustration.

"You're always playing," she says as they begin slap boxing until she dramatically grabs onto her face. "That was too hard!"

"You were putting your whole body into those hits now you wanna cry?" She pouts to lay it on thick and he smacks his lips. "Big ass baby," he hugs her. "Let me see."

She moves her hand whining, "It's red, isn't it?"

"You are so dramatic. You know that right?"

"Apologize," she turns her head to the side acting like she's actually mad.

"I'm sorry," he says softly before kissing her cheek. It makes Gen's entire body freeze. "That you're a sore loser!" He laughs as her mouth falls open. She mushes Gee, while laughing and trying to get out of his grip.

"Leave me alone," she chuckles.

When her phone begins vibrating and shaking across the top of the table she moves away from him. Magenta takes a second to get her composure, while grabbing her phone. "It's Jody." She answers and has a short conversation as Genesis goes back to folding his clothes. Once she hangs up she says, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just don't get it." Gee's mood is completely different now. "Jody McIntosh? Jody?" He repeats in a really tone.

He's not the first to give her that reaction. Jody has a reputation for being a cocky asshole. He's one of those guys who has been popular from sports his whole life so his entire identity's centered around it. A pretty boy jock.

"Isn't he your friend?"

A month later Magenta doesn't know about the fight at practice they had. The team was good about keeping some things between just them. Plus, they had peaced it up by the end of the week. Gee always remembered what he said about her in the back of his mind and watched Jody. He also could never like him for that reason.

"We're on the football team together." That was his way of saying if they weren't, they wouldn't associate. Football's much like family. It's a brotherhood where you all have the same goal, but if some of them weren't your 'family' you wouldn't associate with them.

A lot of the football players at this school think they're untouchable. That's because most of them went through life being protected whether it was grades or behavior. They had people to save them so they would never miss a game.

"You and Estelle are getting pretty serious..." Magenta slightly changes the subject off Jody.

"Serious? I wouldn't say all'at now," he downplays it. Mostly because he doesn't know anymore. They've been seeing each other 3 months now. Everyday he notices small things he doesn't like. He knows he eventually has to get in a relationship with her or end it. He doesn't want to string her along.

"Then you might wanna tell ya girl that. She's telling anyone that'll listen that you two date."

"Bruh," he rolls his head around like he agrees, but he's not happy about it. "The last football game she introduced me to her parents. She sprung it on me, didn't even tell me before doing it. I looked up and she was on the field with them. It was awkward as hell. We're not even in a relationship yet."

"Oh, she's trying to secure that spot. Claim her territory. That's a girls way of saying it's time to give me a title."

"Yeah," he breathes out.

Once they leave the laundry room, they go up to Genesis' dorm room. They both sit down and Gee goes into every hiding place he has dumping money onto his bed. He sits down along with Gen and they begin counting it.

"$18,750," Magenta ends the count adding the money to another stack. "You actually did it with a week to spare. Gee looks at all the money rubbing over his chin. "You're not happy?"

"I am," he shakes his head.

"How are you gonna pay it though? I don't think your Mom changed her mind about not taking your money."

"I had my grandmother give me the address of the bank she got the loan from. I gotta get a check and send it in the mail. I guess tomorrow," he checks his watch for the time.

A couple days pass and it's Homecoming week, so the campus is buzzing with excitement. Genesis is excited as well because he can focus on doing good on the field now that he made sure his mother's house is no longer in default. He has a lifted stress off his shoulders.

After getting out of class, Gee drives to Choice's house. He was surprised when he asked him to come over because he usually doesn't ask him to come out of the blue.

Pulling up to Choice's house he rings the doorbell then he's let in. "What's up?" Gee asks after they dap.

"Sit." Gee sits on the sectional couch wondering what this is about. "I heard you were able to get the 15k," Choice crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting on my Mom to find out I paid it and cuss me out," he sighs.

"I'll cuss her out for you," Choice wears a stern look making Gee say 'huh?' "How did you get the whole $15,000? You didn't get 15k worth of weed. I gave you half and you were supposed to come get the other half to sell, but you never did. I know you didn't charge someone more than what the pounds were worth. Oh no! I have someone coming to me asking when I'm going to start selling Percs because they prefer those over Addy's and Xanax. Funny because I don't sell any damn pills!"

Choice went from calmly talking to getting increasingly more angry. "What I tell you when you started working with me? I only sell what grows from God's green earth, nigga!"

"What's the difference? It's all illegal in some sense. You can go to prison either way."

"But there's a slim chance you'll put someone six feet under. Muh fuckas dying left and right from this pill poppin' epidemic. I done did some shit in my life, but I still gotta moral high ground. Get ya morals together!"

"It's a business. Just like the FDA who approves and sells this shit knowing all the side effects."

"We ain't the mutha fuckin' FDA, nigga. They're a billion dollar company that can buy their way out of trouble. Meanwhile, us Black ghetto niggas go to jail for decades over weed," he scolds Gee. "Why is it connected to my name? I know it's Fade who started this shit because he's been buggin' me about it for months. No one should be associating MY name or face with pills!"

"I don't know about that. No one ever mentioned you. I know Fade sold some to a girl himself and since y'all are so close she probably assumed it was both of you."

"He did what?! I know– I know he didn't go up to that college campus and sell something in person. Personally! Face to face!" He elaborates. "I'm going to kill this nigga," Choice mumbles.

"I don't know," Gee shrugs knowing Fade has come up to his school a couple times ever since he helped Magenta move in.

"What people don't seem to understand, what Fade doesn't understand... I'm on some real business man mentality shit. This ain't street shit to me. I don't use violence. I'm not out here making crazy rash decisions. It's all calculated. That's why I work with Pop. A nigga who owns a Cannabis farm, who works with dispensary's, cultivation centers. This nigga Fade is so stuck in the mutha fuckin' hood, I swear," Choice shakes his head.

"Look, I don't know what's going on between y'all. I'm just tryna make money," he holds up his hands.

"You knew Fade was doing this behind my back. You need to remember I'm the one who gave you an opportunity, not him." Choice pauses. "Let me tell you somethin'. I've been knowin' Fade since before my dick could get hard. I know him better than he knows his damn self. But I didn't get this far in life listening to him or following his lead. I did the opposite. My brother, Cortlen, that robbery and attempted murder he's sitting behind bars for... those were Fade's charges that he took being loyal. I'm all for people being adults and making their own decisions, but Cortlen ain't supposed to be in there. Not for some shit that was Fade's stupid ass idea."

"Fade didn't hold me against my will or put a gun to my head. I made my own decision to ensure I got all the money on time. I wasn't going to be able to do it only selling weed. It was my choice."

"Fine, but the last thing I wanna see is you become a crash dummy. Fade has a tendency to look for people to do his dirty work. That's all I'll say. You're too damn smart to be someone's soldier. I made you a General for a reason."

"Never that," Gee says lowly. He narrows his eyes wondering if this strife between Choice and Breon will cause problems later. Like he said, he's just trying to make money. Not be in any drama.

"I hope you were only selling the pills to get that money. Be smart. Drugs, fine. When it leads to death or violence that leads to police and jail time."

"Of course. It's back to driving and transporting. No more selling on campus," Gee reassures him standing up from the coach.

"Aiight." They dap then Genesis leaves Choice's house.

Halfway through the drive back to Denton, Gee's mother calls him. It's been a few days since they talked and he knows eventually she'll know he paid the money. After her telling him a month ago, Gee made Misty think he was off the subject of paying it. He just didn't want to hear her mouth.

"Hello?" Gee answers making sure to still pay attention to the road.

"I'm over here getting ready thinking there's going to be a foreclosure sale in a week only to be told the fee was paid off. Why would you pay it after I deliberately said no?!"

"Why wouldn't I pay it, Ma?"

Gee can hear her sigh. "What am I supposed to tell your father? I can't act like I'm okay with this as the parent."

"Nothing. Just like you told him nothing about the foreclosure in the first place. What you gonna tell him? Because then he's going to question why you didn't come to him & ask him for help instead of your 19-year-old son."

"I never asked you for any help, first of all. When you end up in jail am I supposed to play clueless?"

"So you told me just 'cause? Like when you told me you couldn't pay the light bill when I was 16. Or when the car note was going to be late my senior year. You're always mentioning things in passing thinking I should sit by and do nothing."

"What's going to happen next month when I still have to pay bills? This doesn't fix shit. I can't upkeep a house and all it comes with. That's why I was fine with letting it happen."

"So you rather ruin your credit and maybe have to file bankruptcy?"

"Regardless, I'll still have to work 2 jobs, bust my ass, and be tired as fuck just to get by."

"I'm tired of getting by!" He says sternly.

"If you think because you paid $30,000 at one time doesn't mean you're just getting by, you're wrong. Fast money can be gone like that," she snaps. "Lawyer fees going back and forth to court, bails, bonds, all that shit once you get caught. That's on top of them taking any illegal money and what was bought with it. How do you think we're in the predicament we're in now. Your damn daddy-"

Gee cuts her off not wanting to go there. "That's always been your problem, Ma. You can never straight up ask for help. You always throw hints. Then cause you waited until the last minute I gotta scramble to figure it out, but somehow I'm the one who's getting cussed out because I found a way. Something you couldn't do."

"You done lost your everlasting mind!"

"Your pride... It gets in the way of a lot of stuff. It's the reason you and Daddy aren't together now."

"You were a child who should've stayed in a child's place."

"You made me a man before my time, Mama. Now I am one."

"No, your father made you think you were a man teaching you all that street mentality bullshit. He thought it would make you go the other way, but all he did was hand you the rules of the game on a silver platter. You think you're a man because you made some money. A man is honest, morals, has integrity... You're a little boy."

"That's fine if you feel that way, Ma. Maybe I'm not a man in your eyes, but this little boy made sure you and your things didn't end up on the curb. You're welcome. I love you," he hangs up.

It's the night before the homecoming football game and the festivities have been in full-swing. Magenta was on a committee to help at one of the events, so she spent all morning volunteering. Now she's about to go to the homecoming bonfire.

Magenta couldn't be bothered with getting all dressed up. She pulls the hood of her J. Cole 'Dreamville' hoodie over her head walking towards the Apogee Stadium parking lot with Juliette and Kiara. It's 8p.m. and kind of cold as the temperatures have dropped to 50 degrees.

They maneuver through all the people wanting a good view of the bonfire. The Talons, which is the corny name for the students here, spent a week building it. It's been a tradition since 1950 and it's the largest man-made pallet bonfire in the nation.

A random guy puts a glow stick necklace around her neck as they keep moving. Seeing Genesis, Colby, and Destin they all give excited greetings. Magenta hugs Gee asking, "Have they lit it yet?"

"Nah," he responds as Gen looks around.

Juju nudges her making Gen look down at her. "Is that Jody with Amil?" She looks in the direction where Juju points seeing Jody and Amil smiling in each other's face. She watches his hand go to her ass before they kiss.

Despite Gen not really taking Jody serious she scoffs. It has more to do with the fact it's Amil, otherwise she wouldn't care. It's always her... "I'll be back. I'm gonna go say hi."

Juju and Kiara raise their eyebrows watching her walk over there. As soon as Jody realizes it's Gen his entire face changes as he steps back from Amil. "I-i thought you said you weren't coming."

She chuckles at his stuttering. "Changed my mind."

"You coulda said something," he does a fake laugh shifting his eyes to Amil who wears a guilty smirk.

"Hello, Amil. Long time no see," she acknowledges her. Jody's waiting for an argument or fight to ensue like most girls, but it never comes. "You two enjoy the bonfire. The fireworks are the best part."

She waves then walks right back over to her friends leaving Jody with a confused look. "What was that?" Kiara asks.

"That's how you let a lyin' ain't shit nigga know that he also doesn't mean shit to you but some dick. I'm not about to go back and forth with a guy who I don't have a title with."

They all laugh before Magenta goes to sit by Gee. They watch as the bonfire's finally lit causing the flames to slowly grow. It's so big it looks like it touches the sky. "You okay?" she bumps shoulders with him because he seems quiet.

Gee looks over at her and smiles. "I'm good." He puts his arm around her shoulder as they go back to looking at the inferno.

They enjoy the moment until Jux comes up from behind them putting his hands on each of their shoulders squeezing them closer together. "F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and heeeee," he changes the lyrics. "N is for anywhere and anytime at all here at UNT," he drags the note out swaying them back and forth.

"Please, shut the fuck up," Gee says making Jux clamp his lips shut.

"Damn, I'm just tryna have a friend moment." Gen laughs and shakes her head as he lets go of them.

"You nervous about tomorrow?" She asks playing with the strings of her hoodie. "You haven't played a college homecoming game, ever. It's a lot of pressure."

"I'll be fine. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She smiles and Gee looks towards Jody and Amil.

"Being single isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I've only dated two people at 19 and I'm 2-0," she takes in a deep breath letting her shoulders slump.

"Maybe it's the type of guys you pick."

"Yup...I used to look for perfection. On the outside they look great. They're like a mowed lawn, but then I realize that the grass isn't always greener on the clean and pristine side."

"Would you settle for someone who's not perfect but trying?" Gee looks at the blaze that flickers in his eyes.

"That's not settling. Perfection isn't real and I know that now. I don't think you find happiness in that. I want someone who will love me for me. The real me, the imperfect me. That's how you find happiness."

They both look at each other holding a look. When the fireworks shoot into the sky they both smile and look up at them.

The Next Day...

Looking at the time, Magenta's trying to get ready for a tailgating party hosted by the Alpha Phi Alpha as fast as she can. It started hours ago but she prefers to be fashionably late rather than sitting around in a parking lot for hours. For some reason, Gen's not as excited about homecoming this year.

Hopping into a pair of distressed jeans, Magenta puts on a packable athletic jacket with their school's mascot. The green jacket with a white eagle goes perfect with her icy white Air Jordan 5's. She might regret wearing these with the dirty, sticky stadium ground but she wants to take pictures.

She leaves her dorm room to go meetup with Juju and Kiara. Checking her phone she sees that Gee finally replied to her text message. She sent him a long paragraph of motivation for today's game. She does it every week whether she'll be there or not.

Since the season started Magenta hasn't missed a game yet. If it's a home game, she comes. If it's away, she watches it on tv. Regardless she roots for Genesis each week.

While walking down the hall she passes by Amil. All they do is give one another a blank look. Playing the field as a college student is harder than she thought.

After an hour at the tailgate, Magenta's in the stadium stands ready for the 3p.m. game kickoff. Along with other screaming students, she sits with her friends as well as Choice and Felicity who decided to come.

Watching them run out with spirit flags in front of the football team everyone screams. "Damn, my eardrum!" Felicity holds her ear as Magenta jumps up and down screaming and clapping. She only came because it's her senior year and wanted the last memory before graduating this Spring.

Since it's not that cold, Magenta removed her jacket showing the team jersey she's wearing. "Ohh, and who's number 22?" Felicity asks plucking at the fabric.

"Gee," she says in a duh tone. "Who else would it be?" Felicity shrugs narrowing her eyes. All she can do is observe like everyone else when she's the most excited anytime Genesis does anything worthy of praise on the field.

By the end of the game, their team walked away with the win for a glorious ending to homecoming week. It was also another impressive game for Gee.

After the game, Estelle's about to approach Gee to congratulate him on the win, but as she goes towards him she stops in her track. Someone had the same idea. Magenta had managed to beat her to it as her and Gee hug.

In her dance uniform, Estelle clenches her jaw and rolls her eyes. Estelle figured Gee will come to her first. She thought her and Gee were making progress. In fact she can feel they're on the brink of making it official.

After Jody daps his fellow teammates he even notices Gen in the embrace with Gee. Jody figured she'd give him some love too. They seemed to be on the same page when they talked on the phone earlier. He didn't get the message that she she said they're cool, but not that cool. She meant they're cool enough that she'll call him if she gets horny or something.

Instead Gen and Gee go to each other like always and Estelle's sick of it. Every time she looks up Magenta's around. Jody felt the same way. He's felt like they had something going on ever since their fight in the locker room. Because why did Gee get so mad?

Gee got used to Gen being his only support when it came to football. It's not like his parents could come to his games since he's at a school out of state. All they could do is watch it on tv and text or call him. Gen was the one who was in the stands for him when she could be. Even when they were barely of awkwardly talking, she still showed up.

"Damn," one of Estelle's friends and a fellow dance team member mumbles as she stands there with a fallen smile. "I thought you said y'all talk."

"We do," Estelle says under her breath. Instead of approaching Gee she stands back watching him take pictures with Gen. Her eyes bore into Magenta, especially at the custom jersey. What female friend is doing that?

After taking the pictures for them, Felicity hands Magenta back her phone so she can look at them. "Y'all are so cute," she smiles at her sister before nudging Gen.

"He's just my friend," she looks at the pictures deciding which ones she likes the most.

"Friends can be cute," Felicity gives her a knowing look.

"You're acting like Mama," she says with annoyance. "Hey, Estelle," she smiles and waves genuinely being nice only to get a mug in return. Estelle gives her no greeting back and walks passed making Magenta turn up her lips. "Okay, stank attitude. Fuck you too." Gen gets off the field going back to her friends.

Even with her out of the way, she's still a topic without knowing because Estelle approaches Gee asking, "What's up with you and Gen?"

Gee furrows his eyebrows at the question. He's surprised she didn't ask way before this. "Damn, no good game or congratulations on the win," he nervously laughs trying to deflect.

"Answer the question, Gee." She clearly has an attitude with a hand on her hip.

"That's my little homie. That's my boy," he jokes using an insider between him and Gen. "Why?"

"Oh, so she's like one of the boys?"

Gee reaches to scratch the back of his head. "I wouldn't say that. That's just what I say. She's my best friend. We're close.."

"Y'all are really close."

"Most best friends are," he tries to laugh it off.

"Have you guys ever–"

Gee holds up his hand to stop Estelle in her tracks. "I just had one of my best games of the season. We won homecoming and you're coming to question me about my best friend? I haven't got off the field good. Ate, showered, celebrated, damn!"

"It's hard not to when you literally paid me dust to go to her. I thought you and I were establishing something. We hang out all the time. Text, talk on the phone, go out. We've been talking since summer, so what's up? It's been 3 months. It doesn't take that long for someone to get to know someone and makeup their mind. Either we're going to be together in an exclusive relationship or we can dead this," she gives the ultimatum.

"Damn, you're in a rush." He licks over his lips seeing she's serious. "Why do you want to be with me, Estelle?"

"What?" She asks with a look of confusion.

"Why do you want to be in a relationship with me? I can tell you... Because it looks good. You're the head of the dance team, I'm on the football team. We'd take cute Instagram pictures to fit your aesthetic and 'goals'. You think I'm going to the NFL. It looks and sounds good. You haven't even made a real effort to get to know me. You come to my room to have sex and cuddle thinking that's enough. I try to talk to you about some real shit and you switch the subject to bullshit or yourself."

He's tried several times and ended up realizing Estelle doesn't care or get it. So he ends up talking to Magenta. Estelle talks to him everyday, but doesn't know about what he's going through back home. Others may be satisfied with lust and situationships that don't mean shit, but he'd rather be single if it's like that.

"Where is this all coming from? What? Next you'll be asking me what your favorite color is as if that proves I'm really into you," she laughs.

"I bet you don't know it though. It's red. My point is we need more to be in a relationship. I gotta lot of shit going on with school and back home. I don't have time for something that's going to drain me."

"Drain you?" She licks over her teeth then scoffs. "Are you sure your favorite color isn't Magenta?" She stares into Gee who doesn't give a reaction.

"Good night, Estelle. You go your way and I'll go mine. I don't see much of a future here."

He's about to walk away, but Estelle keeps talking. "I swear you niggas on this campus are a bunch of bitches," he's shocked because he's never heard her cuss before. She always presented herself as a prissy, good girl. "Just be real and tell me the truth. You like Magenta. Maybe even love her."

"You're right," he admits. "Goodnight," he walks off with his teammates.

After the varsity team victories, the campus Tower's lit green to showcase the team's win. After home football games, students lead a victory march from Apogee Stadium to the tower to sing the Fight Song.

While everyone else was going out to keep celebrating, Magenta was ready to call it a night. Jux, Destin, Juju, and Kiara went to Buffalo Wild Wings and she went to her dorm room. She's not alone though because Genesis came to her room too.

After they both showered and changed they found themselves being very antisocial tonight. Now wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts, Gee groans while climbing onto Magenta's bed. His teammates went to celebrate, but he couldn't do it. Homecoming week feels more hectic now that he's actually playing. At least last year he got to enjoy it on the other end.

Magenta's in the kitchenette putting Pillsbury Pumpkin Sugar Cookies into her toaster oven. Fall and around Halloween are her favorite times of year. In both the common area and her room, Magenta decked them out in decorations.

Gee picks up a glittery pumpkin chuckling to himself while looking around her room. She even had the Fall scents going. She decorates her room for every major holiday and it might be extra, but sometimes the spirit puts a smile on someone's face.

"Is that my sweater?" Gee asks with squinted eyes when she walks back into the bedroom.

Magenta looks down at it then up with a guilty face. "I took this last year. You didn't notice?" She shuts the door behind her grabbing her tv remote.

"Apparently not."

"You have too many clothes. You don't mind," she smiles handing him the ice pack he asked for. She climbs onto the bed sitting sideways so her back is to the wall, while her legs hang over Gee's and off the side of the bed. "We're so old for sitting up in this room," she chuckles deciding to settle on watching The Wire even though she's seen it a million times.

"I'm all partied out. I couldn't do loud music, alcohol, or a bunch of people in my space one more night," he sighs leans his head against the headboard.

"I was honestly partied out freshman year."

Looking at the ice pack he holds to his knee it reminds her. She grabs a cup from the side table circling it around making the ice shake before putting it to her lips. When Gee hears that crunching he lowers his head to look at her before shaking his head.

"You and that damn ice."

"It's so good," she crunches the last bite. She used to make fun of girls who ate ice all day, but the dorms have that Sonic type ice in the machines. She quickly grew an addiction.

They both watch the show quietly until Gen can feel Gee's rubbing her legs. You would think she'd be used to it because he always does this, but also because she always puts her legs on him. Usually it wouldn't bother her, however the small gesture's making her tingly.

"You're always touching my legs," she clears her throat.

"Hm?" His thumb that was moving back and forth stops. He looks at his hands on her calf then at her. "I like them," he shrugs.

"Cortlen used to call me Michelin Man when I was little because I had rolls everywhere. I had so much baby fat. My legs, wrists, neck," she laughs scooting up a bit.

"You do gotta Trina neck. Like Hawaiian Rolls," he chuckles.

"You didn't even have to go there," she tries to hide it.

"It's cute," he licks over his lips then looks down at his hands that're still on her legs. Gee lets out a deep sigh letting his head fall back once again.

"If you go to the NFL you better not forgot about me."

Genesis smiles while still looking at the ceiling. "Hell nah. I'm taking you with me or I'm coming back for you. We're in this together." He looks at her then extends his arm with his index finger out and locks hers with his.

"Promise you'll come back for me," she smiles and he does too.

"Promise. I can help you get a job at ESPN being a commentator. Use your journalism degree."

"I barely know anything about sports. That's why I didn't pick sports journalism."

"We're gonna be millionaires. I can feel it. If I make it, I'm bringing you. You make it, I'm coming."

"What's the first thing we're gonna buy?" she asks showing no doubt that it'll come true.

"Some land or property. We gotta be smart. Invest. We can be business partners and shit." She nods her head liking that idea. It grows quiet and that elephant in the room is present as they exchange a look.

Gee licks over his teeth deciding to just bring it up. They're both fully single now. Why not? "Remember how I said when you're single we can have a conversation?"

"How could I forget? I wanted to have it in August when we got back to campus," she mumbles the last part.

"Why didn't you say anything? Start the conversation yourself..."

"Estelle," she says her name the way Pandora does with a posh accent.

"You realize I was only dating her, not in a relationship. You could've said something at any point in those 2 months. People can date more than one person." Gen notices the was.

"I'm not into sharing," she quotes him from last year when she asked him to be her pass. Gee smiles and nods as if to say touché. "And I didn't want to be that type of girl."

"And that is?"

"Coming off like I only wanted you because someone else had you. So I decided to wait."

"Getting involved with my teammate was waiting?"

Gen raises her eyebrow. "You say it like you two were best friends. The teammate you fought?" Seeing his face change she says, "Yeah, I know about that."

"He called you a bitch," he says nonchalantly. "Well, I decided to wait too. I didn't think you were actually done with Noah. Last year you two broke-up then got back together whether it was a day, week, or month. I thought it was the same thing again. I was waiting for you to come to your senses."

"The senses came to," she murmurs. "Finally."

"With you barely talking to me over the summer, I figured you needed time to deal with the breakup. I also didn't want to be stupid by waiting, especially with you blatantly avoiding me. At one point I thought you must've got back with him, but he said you couldn't be friends with me."

"And that's how you started dating Estelle?"

"Pretty much, but now I decided to cut things off with her."

"I saw you two arguing earlier at the stadium. Why?"

"Why were we arguing? You."

"I meant why'd you cut it off, but– Now I feel bad."

"We might as well face it. Every person we date is going to have a problem with our friendship."

Gen narrows her eyes. "What're you saying? I hope you're not trying to end our friendship because it's bros over hoes."

"You ain't my bro," he laughs. "And hell nah! I just think it's clear everyone sees something that we don't."

"Who says we don't? I think it's better this way. Easier."

"Easier for who? Easier doesn't mean better. What I had with Estelle was never going to work because...she wasn't you," he says honestly.

The hold a stare, but when the timer she set for cookies goes off she jumps. Magenta quickly climbs over him and off the bed. With her heart beating fast she leaves her bedroom going into the common area.

Gee follows behind her saying, "Always avoiding."

"I'm not avoiding," she opens the toaster oven door. She's about to grab the tray, but hisses and realizes she needs a mitt or towel. She takes them out sitting them on the counter.

"Look at me," he demands. She can't. "There's clearly something going on between us."

"I can't do this right now," she shakes her head looking down at the cookies. "You literally just called it off with Estelle tonight. Can we give it a day?" She breathes out.

"What difference is a day going to make? We–" Once again they're saved by the bell when there's a knock at the door.

They both look in that direction then Magenta brushes passed him. "That's probably Juju. She's supposed be bringing me to-go from Buffalo Wild Wings." She looks in the peephole before swinging the door open.

Sure enough it's Juliette. She waves at Gee and he wears a frustrated face waving back. He can hear Gen whispering to Juju trying to get her to stay, but she says she cant. He's not going to push, so all he can do is groan and go back to the bed.

An hour later, they're back to normal. At least they're acting like it as they both rap along to Full of Dat Sh*t by Webbie. In the middle of her room, they go back and forth with her rapping Webbie's verses and him doing Boosie's. She wears black sunglasses holding her wave brush, while he wears one of her fitted caps with it tilted on his head.

One thing they've always had in common was the type of music they like. That J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar debate sparked something beautiful. While other girls seemed to love R&B, Magenta preferred hip-hop and rap.

That's part of the reason she chose Journalism as her major. She wants to interview artists in the music industry and have her own entertainment and media company that covers music, fashion, and pop culture as a whole. It's a big dream, but regardless she'll find a way to use her degree. This four years is worth it to her.

Both out of breath from their full-set performance of the whole Savage Life album, Magenta falls into her desk chair. "Let's go get a tattoo," Gee suggests.

"What? That was random," Gen chuckles, but he's serious. She furrows her eyebrows. "Let's go." She quickly puts on a pair of sweats and shoes then they leave.

They go to a tattoo shop that's still open. She has no idea how one night had so many twists and turns. Especially for them to end up getting matching tattoos. She already has matching tattoos with both Pandora and her brother, Choice. It seems none of them were planned.

She looks at the fresh ink that has 222 on the topside of her wrist. When she looked it up it said this number is a sign from your angels that you're being divinely guided and connected to the people, places, and things you're supposed to pursue.

As much as her friendship with Gee scares her, she knows he's in her life for a reason. She also knows no matter how hard she avoids certain things, it's going to play out exactly how it's supposed to. Also when it's supposed to.

It's after midnight and they get back to the dorm building. This time Magenta means it about calling it a night. Genesis walks her to her dorm and she reaches into her purse for her keys.

"We've done a lot of spontaneous, crazy stuff together but I think this is top of the list," she states while finally getting her keys. Magenta barely had time to look up before Gee was pulling her closer and connecting their lips.

Or this...

At first she's caught off guard, but then it quickly registers what's happening and she melts into him. Since she didn't pull away, she can feel him slightly smile against her lips. The hand on her waist pulls her even closer deepening the kiss.

As crazy as it sounds this is the first time a kiss felt like it actually meant something. It was warm, delicate, and it made her feel cherished. It actually had emotion behind it. It wasn't the type of kiss where you can tell a guy is trying to get straight to fuckin'.

They don't even realize Gen's dorm mate opened the door. She stares awkwardly not knowing if she should interrupt, but they're blocking the doorway for her to leave. She finally clears her throat making them pull away from one another.

"Excuse me," she squeezes in between them to get through then disappears down the hall.

"Um, goodnight. I have an 8a.m. class tomorrow," Magenta quickly slithers into the room.

The door shuts in his face and he tosses his keys up and down in his hand. "Tomorrow's Sunday, but okay." He laughs under his breath blowing out air before walking away.


Gee getting the money? Do you believe what he told Choice about not doing it anymore?

Any surprise that Amil's talking to Jody too? Gee done with Estelle?

Making his move on Gen? Where do you think they'll go from here?

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