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2015: September, Fall Semester

It's been a month since the semester started and Magenta has found herself in a daily routine. She goes to class in the morning then work. She got a job in one of the campus department offices answering the phone and making advising appointments for students. Last year was a nice break of not working a 9 to 5, but since 15 this is what she knows. She's never been afforded the opportunity not to work.

Laying in the bed, Gen looks at the clock seeing she has two hours before class. With her residence hall being down the street from the buildings she takes most of her classes it made less frantic about getting ready. Whether she walks or catches the bus it takes her 5 to 10 minutes to get to class, so she leaves at the last minute.

Instead of being productive by studying or doing any homework she may have, she stares at the ceiling. Her phone has notifications from the group-chat and Snapchat constantly coming in making her annoyed. She puts it on do not disturb because none of them are talking about anything nor is it who she wants it to be.

Magenta's still as confused as ever when it comes to Gee. These last couple of weeks have been a head scratcher. The dance at the party didn't help. At the same time it was only a dance. The presence of flirting is there... And so is the fact Gee's still seeing Estelle. The confusing part is him constantly talking about her and even asking for advice.

At the same time, Gen's been getting to know that football player, Jody. Ever since he approached her, they've been talking. It started off simple, casual, and harmless. It was a way for Magenta to dip her toe into this college dating scene.

They've been on a handful of dates in the last couple of weeks. They text often and hang out around campus when they're not busy. Magenta still feels like she doesn't want anything serious right now. She's having fun.

Magenta stretches then grabs her phone that's laying on her chest. She's so bored she can only think of one thing to do. Unlocking her phone she goes to the browser on private mode then enters the address for her favorite porn website.

Searching through her beloved section of ebony lesbian she watches several videos. Don't ask why, but she can't watch straight porn. It does nothing for her. The men are always so annoying and cringy to her. A fast turn off.

When she feels like she's hot and ready like a Little Caesars Pizza, Magenta removes her terry cloth shorts and panties. Getting adjusted she takes a sigh of relief using her hand to do the work. With her eyes closed she tries to concentrate, but a familiar face invades her mind. As soon as she starts thinking about Gee her eyes pop open and her hand stops.

"Yeah, no," she mumbles to herself quickly going under the covers to pull up her underwear and shorts. "I need a shower. A long one. Probably cold," she mumbles to herself getting out of her bed. She grabs what she's going to wear for the day then opens her room door. "These dorms need detachable shower heads," she talks to herself. Seeing her dorm mate in the kitchen making breakfast she cuts off her sentence to play it off and smile.

After getting dressed and grabbing her backpack, Magenta leaves the dorm hall going down the street. Walking into the building of Curry Hall the hallway's filled with students waiting to go inside the classroom once the one ahead of them is dismissed. Gen finds Kiara who leans against the wall since they have this class together.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Girl," Kiara responds back ready to gossip and spill any tea she acquired over the weekend. "You should've been at that kickback me and Juju went to."

"Why? What happened?"

"Too much!" She beams ready to tell it all. "We were all drinking and having a good time or whatever. Next thing I know Selena and Amil got into a fisticuffs. There was clearly still some beef from Mil fucking her man last year and it finally boiled over. It was a mess." She leans in going on, "Then me, guess who got head from Cameron..."

"Who is that?" Gen's shocked and confused.

"Cameron. The one from the pool party over the summer. The one time you actually came out."

"Oh, I remember him. He had hazel eyes, right?"

"Yeah, him. You know that man has a tongue ring? At first I was like I don't know about that. Seems a little off, but I found out why he had it," Kiara shakes her head as if reminiscing. "That backseat was heaven while it lasted."

"Look at you. You done got wild on me," they laugh as the previous class is finally filing out.

"Yeah, meanwhile you're missing the fun going on dates and shit. I can't believe you're talking to fine ass Jody Jo," she chuckles.

Magenta shrugs. "He's cool so far. Honestly, I'm just tryna fuck. I haven't had any dick since me and Noah broke up," she responds bluntly. "I didn't want to come off easy, but who cares. We've been on a couple dates. We're going out later today, so I think tonight's the night."

"Well, good luck. I heard he's bumped up against a couple cervixes. He got that August Alsina."

They both laugh. "Shut up," she responds as they enter the packed lecture hall. This is a class you need to show up on time, because there's hundreds of students and there's not one empty seat when it's all said and done. They find seats towards the middle and Magenta prepares for 90 minutes of Mass Communications.

Once the hour and a half class is over Kiara and Magenta get on the bus because they want to go to the Union. The bus is packed with students, so Gen and Ki were unlucky on finding an empty seat. Instead they have to stand and hold the bar. Gen stands by the open door waiting for the bus to leave, while chatting to Kiara.

When a boy rushes onto the bus tapping Magenta, she looks over her shoulder. He asks for her number, but she declines and he gets off the bus continuing what he was doing. "He was cute. Why'd you say no?" Kiara asks.

"He has colored contacts in. I have a deep hate for them," she responds while replying to a text from Jody.

Kiara chuckles. "I have a feeling you're going to be breaking hearts this year."

"Maybe. I know one thing, I'm not getting in my feelings. I don't have the time." Magenta's keeping in mind the advice her sister, Felicity, gave her last year. She couldn't receive it then because she was defensive, but she gets it loud and clear now.

Plus, the person she wants isn't fully available...

Going into the Union, Gen and Kiara stop at Jamba Juice to get something to drink. After getting their orders they climb the three levels of the green stairs before exiting the building. While passing by an outside area where they have tables with umbrellas Kiara says, "Oh, look it's Gee!"

Hearing his name her heart skips a beat. Sure enough Gee sits on top of a table as Estelle sits on the attached bench eating. Nowadays you either see him with her or one of his football teammates.

"Let's say hi," Kiara's already going in that direction. Magenta lags behind her, so when she does reach the table Gee and Kiara are already talking. He glances at Gen then smiles. "We haven't seen you at game night in awhile..."

"Man, I know," he smacks his lips. "We've been having evening practices."

"It's cool. Everyone's been busy with either working or schoolwork. Reality hit we can't have fun forever."

"And that shit hit hard. Y'all still have study sessions once a week at the library?" Magenta's eyes go from Gee to Estelle who's preoccupying herself with her phone.

"Yeah, Tuesday."

It falls quiet and Gee looks at Gen once again. "Hey, Magenta," he greets her because they didn't get a chance to. It was like a cat caught her tongue.

"Hey," she breathes out throwing her hand up. Gee's eyebrows bounce up and he can only assume no hug.

"This is Estelle," he introduces her knowing it's awkward. He's been trying to keep everything separate. Gee didn't want to get Estelle intertwined in his friend group if things don't work out. He hates when you're dating someone then they're still hanging around your friends at all the spots after it's over.

Estelle looks up smiling at both Kiara and Gen giving them waves. They give the same back, but Gen quickly says, "Uh, I gotta go. I have work soon."

"You work in the GAB, right?" In that moment she realizes she didn't even tell him she got the job. They talked about her going to the interview, but she didn't relay the news she was hired.

"Yeah," she tilts her head to the side.

"One day I gotta stop in and say wassup. I have a class in that building. I'm tryna picture you pushing pens and answering phones. You don't give me office type. Gotta see it in person," he smiles trying to have normal conversation despite her uncomfortable disposition.

She's not. Between her short cut, dyed hair, the septum piercing, her small ear plugs, and tattoos she's a very old, traditional person's nightmare. Lucky for her she has a great relationship with one of the advisors who hired her.

"You should. I'm there Monday through Thursday. You ready?" Gen asks turning to Kiara. She nods so they tell Gee and Estelle bye before continuing to walk.

Magenta let's out a deep sigh causing Kiara to say, "That was hard to watch."

"What?" Magenta acts like she doesn't know.

"You and Gee clearly have some unspoken tension. I'd bet on sexual tension."

"It's not even like that. It just seems like we're growing apart. All of us. We're all so busy now."

"Yeah, but it's sophomore year. We can't be careless teenagers forever. We all have to work towards our futures." Kiara pauses then adds, "Then again, your future could be at that table with another girl."

"What?" Gen laughs it off.

Kiara shrugs. "I'm just saying. If you don't say something he might ride off into the sunset with her. You need to do something before they're in a relationship. Then you'll really be having 'what ifs'." Magenta knows she's right...

Later that night Magenta finds herself going out with Jody once again. They went to the movies. All that's cute, but it feels like a waste of time. She knows she doesn't want anything long lasting with him. She's not even going to try and romanticize him or this situation.

Jody walks her into the dorm building taking her all the way to her door. Making sure she has her keys out and ready, Magenta turns to face him. He actually isn't her type despite the praises for his looks. He's 6'2" on the leaner side with caramel skin. Gen's also realizing preferences are childish.

"I had fun," she smiles and nods. "I have a question though..."

"Shoot," he licks over his lips.

"You talking to anyone else?" She's mostly asking to see his answer, not because she actually cares.

He laughs. "Nah, not seriously. Why?"

"You know you don't have to lie to me, right?"

"I'm not lyin'. I'm chillin'," he shrugs. "We just got back on campus. It's my junior year, so I'm locking in on football and grades. Really I'm tryna settle down forreal."

Magenta wants to laugh in his face, but doesn't. Niggas will bold face lie for no reason. "Cute. You wanna come in?" She points at the door slightly taking him off guard. Before she wouldn't even let him get passed the doorway, let alone into her actual dorm room. Magenta unlocks the door grabbing his hand leading him in...

Sitting at his desk in his dorm room, Genesis taps the eraser of his pencil on his notebook. The page is filled with him doing physics equations, while the website for his homework is open on his laptop. He throws his pencil down watching it roll next to his graphing calculator.

It's not even that he can't do it, he's just tired. He needs a nap. He also wants to take a much needed break. He picks up his phone seeing all the conversation he's missed in the group-chat. It's mostly Destin, Colby, Magenta, Juliette, and Kiara cracking jokes about nothing. Lately, he does a lot more watching then actually talking.

It reminds him of yesterday when he saw Magenta and Kiara. This first month of the Fall semester feels like it's setting a tone of him being the one who's left out. Last year he wanted so bad to play, but he forgot he'd be sucked into that school-athlete world where you spend most days with other student-athletes.

He misses his friends, especially Magenta. But being around Gen fucks him up... His head, body, shit everything. During summer when he didn't see her, he was so sure about everything. He was sure he liked Estelle, now he's picking everything about her apart. He's being his old self who gets bored and annoyed with women easily and wants to end it before it gets too serious.

Going to his text messages, he goes to his thread with Magenta. The last text they had was from earlier that week when they used to talk everyday.

Right when he's about to send her a text his phone screen freezes before a call comes in. Seeing it's his mother he answers on the second ring. "Hey, Ma."

"Heyy," he can already hear the worry and stress in her voice making him sit up. He stretches his back with his phone to his ear.

"What's wrong?"

"I might as well tell you now... I've been trying to keep it to myself and deal with it."


"I'm behind on mortgage payments. Now the house is in foreclosure. I can't get current on the loan and stop the foreclosure sale. I thought I'd tell you, so you don't hear it from someone else. I know how people be gossiping around this city."

"When did this happen?"

"Well, a house doesn't go into foreclosure until 120 days after missed payments. That's when it started back in April. I didn't want to tell you after Quez died. You had enough on your mind."

Closing his eyes, Gee rubs his forehead. "I thought you've been working two jobs..."

"That's the reason I got the second job. I knew I wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage with the one job. Things kept coming up, especially with your Grandmother's health getting worse."

"So what's going to happen?"

"I'm just going to let it happen. I've tried everything. A loan modification, denied. I did a loss mitigation application to buy more time, denied. I simply don't have it with one income. The second job barely gets me over. I'll move into an apartment. I needed something smaller with you gone now anyway."

"You can borrow money from my Dad," he suggests.

"I can't do that."

"Why? We're family."

"We were family up until you turned 18. Plus, ya Daddy's gotta new girlfriend. That wouldn't fly. I know it wouldn't if it were me."

"You're his wife. I don't think he would feel that way. You're still legally married. Won't this affect him?"

"No. I got this house on my own when he was locked up. I never put him on the loan or mortgage. You know your Daddy used to be in the streets. He didn't have credit like that back then. Then we've been living separately for so many years. This is my sole responsibility."

Opening a drawer, Gee pulls out a box. He takes the top off revealing a bunch of rolled up and rubber-banded cash. "I don't know. Maybe I should come back home. I can't leave you to deal with this alone."

"You can and you will. This is my problem. You're not leaving school."

"I can transfer to one back home. Closer," he begins counting the money.

"I appreciate the thought, but no, Genesis. Focus on football and school. One day we won't have to worry about shit like this. Until then I'll figure it out like I always do."

Gee sighs because he's tired of hearing that. "How much time do you have? Before the foreclosure?"

"35 days. Really 30 because I have 5 business days before the payoff date."

"What're your options?" He eyeballs the other wads of cash then calculates that with what's in his bank account.

"Options? Not many. The only option I have left is reinstating the loan before the foreclosure sale. That's where I pay the entire delinquent loan in one lump sum and I can't do that."

"How much? I have some money saved up that I can wire you."

"I don't think you have $30,000." Hearing that amount his chest hurts. "Between what I owed, the foreclosure fees, lawyer fees, interest, and late fees it added up."

He rolls his neck around before cracking it. He's preparing himself for the lecture. "I have about half and I can get the other half by the end of the month..."

The line falls silent. When she does say something Misty's tone is now more harsh. "Your father told me he thinks you're doing something you have no business doing down there. I told him to trust and have faith in you. He was right. I told him you're too far and it doesn't help you can't come home. I swear, Gee-"

"Ma, you can't just let them take the house!"

"I don't know where you got the money or where you plan to get it, but I will not take whatever money you do have. You're just like your fuckin' father!" She hangs up in Gee's face.

"Ma!" He sucks his teeth looking at his phone sideways.

Genesis stands up pacing in place rubbing over his head. He doesn't know what to think right now. For the first time in life Gee felt like he could breathe while off at college. Back home the air was heavy, thick, and suffocating. There was always something negative looming over him. But that shit still follows him... His friends dying, a gasp. His friends going to prison, a gasp. His parents struggling with money, a gasp. He can't breathe with all this stress.

He may be here on a scholarship worth more than what his mother makes and playing for an association worth a billion, but it means nothing.

Out of frustration Gee throws his phone at the wall. He stands there taking in a deep breath and that quick he gathers himself knowing he can't let his anger take over for too long. He doesn't have time to let it fester. He needs to finish his homework.

Later that night he finds himself in the locker room getting ready for evening practice. The only thing he likes about them is that it's cooled down as opposed to during the day when that Texas heat is trying to kill people. But with them running late, it doesn't leave time for much else except sleeping because in the morning he has strength and conditioning at 5:45a.m.

He pushes the buttons for the code to his locker before beginning to change. "What up, 22!" Gee's so zoned out in thought he doesn't realize his teammate's talking to him. "22!"

"Huh?" It finally registers. "Oh, wassup?" He daps one of the safeties.

"You good?"

"Yeah, my slow ass forgets I changed my jersey number sometimes. Still getting used to it." Gee went from being jersey number 11 to 22 to honor his best friend, Quez.

"I feel you. I'm still pissed that nigga Darius got my number," he looks across the locker room. "Ay," he hits Gee's arm making him give eye contact. "You tryna make some money?" He asks lowly.

Gee narrows his eyes. "Nah." He didn't even need to know how.

"Funny, thought you would."

"Whatchu talkin' bout?"

"I got some homies with this operation they got goin'. They break into dorms and take laptops, TVs, tablets, whatever they can sell."

"Y'all boys wildin' for that. Y'all gon' get caught."

He shrugs. "Gotta do what we gotta do. I didn't get a full-ride scholarship like you."

"Unfortunate," Gee stands up walking away. He can see them getting kicked out of school for that before him. He realized they have more of a tolerance for weed. Anything more and you're getting the boot. He told himself he's not doing anything compromising with his teammates. That's how you really get caught. They talk too much...

The entire practice Gee took out any frustrations, stress, or anger he had on the field. That's what he's always done. He knows if he walks around with that anger that's never good. For him or anyone else.

During one of the plays, Gee easily throws Jody who has the ball to the ground. Instead of accepting the take down for what it was, Jody gets up from the tackle with fire in his ass coming towards Gee and pushing him. "Why the fuck you throw me down by my neck like that?!"

"Was it your neck? My bad," Gee shrugs nonchalantly continuing to walk showing he doesn't care. He's honestly ready to get practice over with and go home. Jody thought he was doing something by shoving Gee from the back still bitching.

"You always playin' like this is street ball."

"Why is you even talkin' to me right now?" Gee keeps his face turned to the side as if he doesn't see Jody.

"This ain't the fuckin' hood! You can't play like that unless you want fouls out the ass."

"And if you don't get out my fuckin' face I'ma put you on yo ass and back. Back the fuck up out my face, nigga."

"Fuck you!" He pushes Gee once again.

"It's practice. Calm the fuck down," he looks Jody up and down. "Do you wanna talk or fight?"

The coach lifts his hat watching the scene. He shakes his head before blowing his whistle. "Gentlemen, at ease." Gee stares at Jody who narrows his eyes. Gee laughs before walking away. "Let's call it a night."

That's all Genesis wanted to hear. Once they all enter the locker room, Gee goes straight to his locker. Jody couldn't help but come in still talking shit. "We all know what your real problem is..."

"And what's that?" Gee asks in a monotone voice.

"Gen's fine ass. Remember when I asked if she was single and you said she was... Now to me it seems you're mad I'm actually fuckin' with her," Jody grins.

He asked a simple question and Gee answered. What was he going to do? Lie just so he wouldn't try to talk to Magenta. He's never been one to block, especially when she's only his friend. Gee thought Magenta would turn him down. Jody's not even her type. He was wrong.

"How you sound? Why would I be mad about that?" He turns to look at Jody.

"I got her and now the nigga salty. What? Estelle not satisfying you? I'm fuckin' the bitch you want and–"

Before he can finish Gee's grabbing the front cage of Jody's helmet slinging him into the lockers. He crashed into them with a clang making him fall to the ground. Jody stands up snatching off his helmet ready to fight, but Gee's already swinging with his left hand hitting him right in the face.

"Here he goes," another player sits down not attempting to break it up while others are.

At this point they're used to Gee fighting. He's fought at least five teammates since this summer. There were more practice fights than ever once his red-shirting status was lifted.

They finally get the fight broken up and Gee's sent to the office of the defensive coordinator. "You know I have to suspend you. We need you next game, so let's leave it at five days. That sounds fair."

"He started with me, coach."

"Jody will have consequences just like you, but that's for the offense coordinator to deal with." He leans back in his seat. "I don't think you realize how many repeated violations of unnecessary roughness you've had just from the summer until now, Wilson."

"That's because I'm playing with a bunch of bitches and pussies on this team. I fight to win. I'm not like these mutha fuckas on this roster," Gee smacks his lips.

The coach nods. "That's why we recruited you, but that's also why we had you sit a year. You're too aggressive. The best linebackers are those who can channel the aggression and violence of the game without crossing the line. You're the most competitive player I've ever coached. You play rough, but you make players better. You have good player IQ," he compliments.

"Look, I'm trying. I've been playing like this since a kid. I was playing with people older and bigger, so I had to adapt. It doesn't help nowadays everything is a foul or violation."

The coach turns to grab a newspaper throwing it on the desk, so Gee can read it. "Sporting News already dubbed you 'The Meanest Man in College Football' and we're only a few games in."

"Is that a bad thing? I'm a tone-setter. I'm known for being a headhunter."

"And you're capable of also being a vocal leader on this team. They won't listen to you if every last one of them has had their ass beat by you," the coach lets a chuckle slip out. "Is that the reputation you want? To be a villain? Once you're dubbed that it follows you to the professionals. You may have fans who love your style, but the people with the money will see you as liability. We're going to have to clean you up. We found you at a private-prep school. I know your parents worked really hard to send you there. Don't make their sacrifices to get you here be in vain."

Hearing that Gee lowers his head. He knows his coach is right. "I know."

"You go from being so soft spoken and sweet then a flip switches," he snaps his finger. "Calm it down." Gee nods ending the discussion.

Two hours later Gee lays in bed with a lot of things heavy on his mind. He looks at Estelle who's already asleep. Since they both have so much going on between class and sports, she usually comes over at the end of the night and sleeps in his room.

Gee's feeling like this is too much and too fast. It feels like he's already in a relationship with her because she's clingy. Any alone time he has, she wants to spend it with him.

It takes him a while to grow comfortable with the idea of dating someone. He's not into going straight from strangers to a relationship. He prefers to form a friendship first. Moving too fast scares him. He likes to take his time.

He stares at his tv that plays re-runs of Family Guy when his phone starts ringing. He looks at the screen with one big crack from throwing it earlier. On the screen is a selfie of him and Magenta smiling big with her contact name of Double G🤞🏾 making him pick it up. He answers wondering why she's calling so late. He's hoping it's not about him fighting Jody.

"What're you doing?" She asks making him sit up in the bed. His arm's under Estelle's head as she sleeps. He tries to move it without waking her, but his arm's also numb.

He slowly pulls it from under her saying, "Nothing. What's up?"

"Um, well, my car won't start. That's what I'm doing. Can you come help me? Choice said it's probably the battery and I need someone to take me to AutoZone or O'Reilly's."

"Uh," he looks at Estelle who stirs in her sleep. He puts his phone between his shoulder and ear already getting out of the bed. "I'm coming," he says putting sweats on and the first slides he sees. "Where are you?"

They hang up and she sends a text saying what parking lot she's in. He figures he can leave to help Magenta and be back before Estelle notices. That idea flies out of the window... With his back turned he pulls a hoodie from a hanger in his closet putting it over his body. Hearing, "Are you going somewhere?" he looks over his shoulder.

"My friend's having car trouble. I'm going to go help her and I'll be back," he answers grabbing his keys and wallet.

"Her?" Estelle sits up wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yeah, you can go back to sleep. I'll be back."

"Let me guess... Magenta. She's always calling you for help. She doesn't have a boyfriend or other friends? I didn't know you're Superman." Gee furrows his eyebrows wondering where this is coming from.

He can't lie, most of his interactions with Gen have been emergencies lately. Almost like a last resort so she has no choice but to call Gee. Otherwise, they're seemingly distant.

"Would you prefer I leave her in the middle of a parking lot at night with nobody?" He watches her get out of the bed with an attitude grabbing her clothes. "What're you doing?"

"I'm coming too."

"No, you're not."

"Why can't I come?"

"Why do you need to? Do you know how to change a battery or jump start a car? I don't think so."

"Well, then I'm going back to my dorm. I'm not staying here alone."

"You're being dramatic as fuck right now, so cool. I'll drop you off on the way." He can see the anger in her face, but she doesn't argue.

He does exactly what he said and takes her to her dorm. Gee finds Magenta's car in the parking lot parking his car in the spot in front of hers. He gets out walking up and knocking on the window. When she rolls it down he can see her gun in her lap.

"Don't shoot me," he chuckles looking at the pink firearm. "Get out for me," he already pulls her door handle allowing her to hop out. He reaches in trying to turn the key in the ignition, but nothing.

"I've tried. Won't start at all."

"Which button is to pop the hood?" She hits it then he walks around to the front lifting it. "I'm surprised you called me," he scans his eyes over everything.

"Well, Destin doesn't know shit about cars. He knows how to call AAA and swipe his card. Jux definitely don't know shit with his slow ass," she makes them both laugh.

"Try again," he points. She gets into the driver's side turning the key. It starts, but he notices how dim her headlights are.

"It was that easy?"

"You still need a new battery. You have corrosion building up on the terminals," he points to the white stuff.

"What does that mean?" He chuckles at Gen's confused face.

"Your car will continue not to start. You can keep jump starting it for awhile, but eventually you'll have to get a new battery."

"How much does a battery cost?"

"About $200," he shuts her hood. Magenta turns up her face and groans. She feels like every time she turns around she's paying hundreds of dollars for something. She does not like being an adult. "All the auto part stores are closed. We can go in the morning to get you a new one."

"Thanks. Choice would've came out here to help me, but apparently he took a last minute trip to California."

"He didn't need to come all the way from Dallas anyway. I'm right here," he gives her a reassuring look. "Where were you about to go this late anyway?"

"Um, to get something to eat...With Jody. I already called and told him I couldn't come though." Hearing that name Gee can't help but smack his lips.

"You couldn't ask him to come help you?"

"Damn, if you didn't want to help me–"

"I didn't mean it like that. You're messing around with him, right? The least he could do is come help you with car trouble."

"I didn't exactly feel comfortable asking him for help. We're not serious and this is some I feel like I can count on you type shit. It ain't that with him."

Hearing her say it's not serious he thinks about what Jody said before their altercation. "If it ain't serious you should know he's going around running his mouth. Telling people he smashed and calling you bitches. Disrespecting your name."

Magenta rolls eyes. "Why can't niggas ever keep their mouth shut? That's that little boy shit," she crosses her arms over her chest. She clearly doesn't know about the fight and he'll keep it that way.

"Do you still want something to eat? I heard your stomach growling when I was looking at the battery," he offers.


Gee chuckles. "Come on. What do you want?" They get in his Dodge Charger deciding to go to Braum's despite it being near closing time. They order their food then go to the nearby Walmart parking lot parking so they can eat.

Magenta sits on the top of his trunk as he leans against the car. They both finished their burgers and now eat their ice cream. "What flavor did you get?" She licks her spoon of cookies and cream.

"Butter Pecan."

"You must've spent a lot of time with your granny," she says making him laugh.

"I actually did."

"What's your granny's name? I know she gotta typical old lady name."

"Dorothy Mae," he chuckles and shakes his head

"Evelyn Anne," she mumbles her own grandmother's name.

"I miss yo granny's funny ass. That lady's crazy. Bulldagger. Hell nah," he recalls.

"You might see her if you're coming for Thanksgiving again..."

"Most likely. Even if I did go home there wouldn't be a house to go home to," it slips out.

"What're you talking about?"

"Nothing," he brushes it off. Gee always feels like his problems are his and he doesn't like to complain. Seeing his foot tap as he leans against the car she furrows her eyebrows. Magenta reaches over pulling the rubber-band on his wrist to pop him a couple times since he won't do it. "Why'd you do that?"

"Coping mechanisms, friend. Use it. Release. Be."

"I just gotta lot on my mind," he still tries to downplay it.

"Then shrink me down and put me in your head," she puts her spoon in her mouth ready to listen.

"My momma's house is in foreclosure. I gotta find a way to get this money before they take it."

"I can relate to that."

"Whatchu mean?"

"When my Mama had to go to the Feds for fraud. Between the legal fees, four kids, not being outside to work, she lost the house while we were staying with my granny."

"I remember you saying she served time."

"Three years... You can tell that shit crushed her. That house was her first major purchase alone. She got that house when she was 24, right before I was born. My momma was a hustler," she smiles. "First Cortlen burned it down then she lost it," Magenta shrugs. "Is Ms. Misty trying to save the house?"

"Ms. Misty's being stubborn when I told her I have half and can get the rest by the deadline. I feel like I can get the whole $30,000."

Magenta stretches her neck back looking at Gee like he's crazy. "30k? From where? I'm sure Ms. Misty doesn't want drug money because that's the only way you're getting that."

"Weed is hardly a drug, G."

"You don't think those folks won't ask where she got all that money all of a sudden after not having it for months? Man, that's asking for trouble. With foreclosure they're all in your finances wondering why you don't got it. No one would get a loan to payback a loan, so how would she explain it? You can't. She's better off taking the money you give her and getting a new spot."

"She wouldn't even take that. To give her money, I've been sending it to one of my close friends back home. He goes to visit my mom every month pretending he's giving her something to hold. She only takes it from him 'cause she knows he works at the Post Office, but he also moves weight on the side. My momma the most stubborn ass lady," he puts a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"Sounds like she has pride. If she's stubborn you got it from somewhere. You can get that $15,000 as fast as you want, but it's going to come at a price."

"What's the point of me being here if I can't help anyone? Me being here is a burden."

"It's one of those things where the risk is bigger than the reward right now. It's not an instant gratification type of thing. You have to either get the degree or get to the NFL, which at minimum won't see results for another year."

"I don't know," he shakes his head.

"You're still on track for the 3+2 program, right?"

"Yeah, I have to maintain a 3.25 GPA or higher and finish the required courses by next Fall and I'll be eligible to apply."

"That's good. Stay focused."

"I don't want to disappoint my parents, my Dad especially."

"Your father's word means a lot to you," She vocalizes the observation.

"I learned a lot from my Daddy. For a while we didn't have a good relationship because of other shit. Stuff that had to do with my Mom. Regardless of my anger or the grudge I was holding, he always been my Daddy. I'll never take that away from him. A real stand up man." He thinks about his mother saying he's just like him. "My Daddy sold dope, but I never judged him for that. He's not an ain't shit nigga. My Daddy was solid."

When he finally looks over at Magenta she has a goofy smile on her face. "Why you lookin' like that?"

"I think it's cute you call him Daddy. I don't possibly know how you make it sound hard, but you do," she states making them both laugh. It shows they're close to her. She's seen some dudes who are so indebted to what masculinity should be they can't say that word. They think it's soft.

"Man, here you go."

"I'm serious. I'm surprised no one made fun of you. I tried to start calling my Mama 'Mommy'... The way my siblings and cousins tore my ass up and made fun of me. They'll make fun of you for the stupidest shit."

"What was anybody gon' say? I was one of the few who had a Dad around. Niggas was just glad to see someone with an active father. My Daddy was like the father figure to the whole hood. Can't shame me for having a father who loved me."

Magenta smiles faintly saying, "Yeah." They both let it get quiet and all you can hear is crickets. The night sky has a few stars and the parking lot's almost empty. "I'll probably regret saying this, but I would talk to Choice. I know he said he doesn't want you selling on campus, but you'll probably have to sell something to get the money fast. I don't know how you'll get that much in a month though."

"I don't know either," he mumbles. Gee pushes himself away from the car throwing his trash on the concrete. He moves to where he's standing directly in front of Gen as she still sits on the trunk of his car.

"You're smart. You gotta good heart in there too," she taps his chest. "Not like the rest of these niggas just doin' some shit cause it makes them look hard. You'll figure it out."

"Here I was thinking I was coming out to help you and it's the other way around. Thanks."

"No problem." She lifts her leg that's exactly the distance he stands away from her. Gee grabs her ankle and when his hand starts gliding up her calf she says, "Uh uh, don't start touching on me."

Genesis laughs saying, "I'm just helping you down." He puts his hands on her sides before lifting and putting on her feet. It's late and he needs to get back to his dorm to sleep. "What? You don't want another dance?" He teases hitting the unlock button on his key fob. He smirks at her while opening the passenger door for her.

"Nope. Let's go," she gives a short smile getting in allowing him to shut the door behind her.

When he gets into the driver's seat and starts the car he tells her, "I have work outs in the morning. When I'm done, we'll go to the auto parts store. Be ready at 8a.m."

A Few Days Later...

As the days passed, Genesis thought about what Magenta told him. About asking Choice and he debated on it, but he's wasting valuable time to get the money.

Sitting in front of Choice's house in Mesquite, he finally gets out going to the front door ringing the doorbell. A few moments later he can see someone peak through the blinds then the door only open a crack. Gee knew he'd get that reaction because he didn't call or text first before coming. Choice was very strict about people not showing up to his house unless they're working that day.

"What're you doing here? We're not supposed to work today. Don't you have an away game tonight?" Choice asks only letting his face be seen.

"Yeah, we leave in a couple hours. I need to talk to you though."

"You couldn't call?"


Choice can see the look of uneasiness on Gee's face. He smacks his lips then Choice yells, "Bae, go in the back real quick!"

"Why?! Is that one of your other bitches?" He can hear a female voice in the background.

"Why can't you ever just do what I say? Always an argument," Choice shuts the door.

"Who is that?" The woman yells again.

"Someone I work with. Go in the damn back." A few seconds later Choice is finally opening the door and letting Gee in. "You can't just be popping up here unannounced."

"Sorry." Gee stands in the middle of the living room and Choice crosses his arms over his chest.


"I need something to sell. I need to make fast money. Enough to make $15k."

"$15,000? The hell you need 15k for?" Gee scratches his head not wanting to say it. Because he doesn't say why Choice says, "I can't do that. I don't want you selling on campus anymore."

"What's the difference? I'm not selling, but I'm the one getting product to the other people you have selling at my school. I'm the one collecting the money from them."

"The difference is you're a football player whose face and name is easily accessible. One google search of the roster and boom! Whole thing fucked up. In two weeks you'll do your job and make $5k. I don't know about $15 but 5."

"My mother's house is in foreclosure. I need this money!" Gee admits. "To help her," he says faintly seeing Choice's tense shoulders ease up.

"Damn," he mumbles. He remembers when his mother's house was in foreclosure. He was too young to do anything. Cortlen thought he could rob houses and steal cars into all that money, but it was too late. "15k, bro? How long do you exactly have to make that?"

"30 days. Less now."

"You would have to buy some good quality exotic from Pop and sell it at a higher price to someone else. The whole buy it for a dollar and sell it for two shit in order to make a profit," Choice begins calculating in his head. "Maybe find someone who wants to buy in bulk."

"I need to make a play. I need to sell something. I can't wait until the end of the month to get paid. I need to get paid now."

"Can I ask you a question? If you have the money in time, will your mother actually take it? My mother was in the worst debt of her life from lawyer fees and having to do Fed time. Wouldn't take my money if her life depended on it because it was illegal. I hope your mother isn't a prideful woman because your efforts will be for nothing."

"I'ma try."

"The point is for you to make money, smart money, and stay out of jail. The fastest way to have your ass locked up is making a desperate move by selling on campus trying to make fast money. I took you off that hand to hand shit for a reason. It's just like your football position... You receive the defensive play calls from the sideline then you relay that play to the rest of the team."

"Are you saying if I can find someone else to do the work for me, that's what I should do?"

"Exactly. Work smarter, not harder."

Choice promised Gee he would talk to Pop about getting him some weed to sell and that's all he wanted to hear.

While walking out of Choice's house he hears his name called. He looks around seeing Fade coming out of the little tool shed next to the house. He waves Gee over, so he walks to him.

"What's up?"

"I overheard your conversation with Choice..." he must've come in the side door because Gee didn't even notice him. "I heard you're having cash flow issues. I can help you with that.."


"Pills. You ever sold pills?"


"They're big on the college campuses. When I came to help Gen move in–"

Gee cuts him off to say, "You didn't really help."

"When I came I sold this girl some Adderall."

"That's where you disappeared to?"

He nods. "She wants more and has friends willing to buy. I've been trying to get Choice into selling pills, but he said no. If you sell enough of these and make a good profit it might convince him to start selling them. More money for us all."

"Why won't he touch them now?"

"He's not really feeling how you have to get 'em. You know, through Pharmacies is risky to him with getting scripts and shit. He also doesn't want to be the cause of overdoses if it's a bad batch or laced. You can't really overdose on weed. Pills make him paranoid."

"Shit, sounds like good enough reasoning. Maybe he's right. A lot of people been dying. Imagine one of those white kids on campus overdoses. We're going to prison. Throw away the key!"

"I got good stuff," Fade reassures him.

"Look, I gotta go, but I'll hit you up about it. I'll think on it." They dap and Gee gets in his car.

Gee's so desperate he might just do it. He'll do anything if it makes him money...

Later that night, the Gerald J. Ford Stadium in Dallas is lively for a game against SMU. The UNT dance team, The Northern Lights, and the band dubbed the Green Brigade are all on the side of the field. The away side of the arena is a sea of green filled with fans cheering on the Mean Green. The buzz of energy on and off the field is high.

When Genesis looks over his shoulder from the side of the field, Estelle smiles and waves at him. Her dance uniform consists of a long sleeve crop top with UNT in glittery letters, a short skirt, white cowboy boots, and green Pom Pom's. As game-day captain she tells the dancers what to do. All it took was for Estelle to cool off for a couple days then they were back to normal.

At this current time Genesis leads the team's defense in tackles. Setting up for the next play Jody looks at the back of Gee with a glare. He can hate him all he wants, but they have to play cohesive in order to win. Jody's really mad because what Gee said to Magenta led to cussing his ass out from left to right then up and down.

After the 46-23 win against the SMU Mustangs, Gee's surprised when Jody comes up to him holding his hand up. "You did your shit." He figures that's his way of offering a truce.

"You too," they dap.

Hearing his name being yelled, Gee looks to the stands. Seeing Magenta, Choice, Destin, Colby by the rail he smiles and points at them. No matter how distant they've been they come to his games if they can. He appreciates that.

"Ahhh! Number 22!" Jux yells in a high-pitch voice trying to sound like a girl making Gee laugh and shake his head. Gee gets closer dapping both Destin and Jux. When he gets to Gen they touch index fingers before doing a handshake.

The entire time Estelle watches the interaction. When Gen turns around Estelle notices she has on a custom hoodie with Gee's jersey number on it. She tried to act like she doesn't see it, but it's starting to add up and she has questions...


Magenta talking to Jody? Thoughts on him so far?

Gee's situation back home with his mother? Do you think he'll be able to get the money in time?

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