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2015: August, Fall Semester

Much like a birthday, the mark of another year starting in college doesn't feel like it's bringing much change. At least not yet. All Genesis knows is he's a Sophomore and it's slated to be his year if you ask his coaches.

Unlike last year when he was redshirting, Gee actually feels like he's apart of the football team. It was hard not to considering he only got ten days of rest; at the beginning of summer and the end. He put a lot of work in, but this time it'll actually pay off on the field.

Seeing the 5 minutes away text he stretches and gets up from the full size bed in his dorm. He looks around the room that's already cluttered because he's been moved in since June. The walls are covered in posters and pictures of his family and friends back home who he feels like he hasn't seen in forever. He also has his countless trophies, medals, and jerseys from football throughout the years around the room.

Gee became extremely close with Colby and that's his nigga, but he's not sharing a room with him again. He needs his privacy, so he got a room by himself.

Finding his room key on his desk covered in leftover crap from his summer classes, he grabs it. Gee doesn't know how he survived taking two summer classes in both June and July. They were Monday through Friday for two hours and the six weeks zoomed by with barely any time to retain the information. All that matters is he passed.

He slides his feet wearing socks into his Nike slides leaving his room. Riding the elevator down to the lobby floor of the dorm building he's met with a large crowd of students checking in for move-in day. He maneuvers through the people greeting anyone he knows before heading outside. His brown skin feels like it's being torched by the Texas sun as soon as he steps out.

The building they'll be living in this year towers over him reading the address: 222 West Highland Boulevard — Legends Hall.

It's not even something that was done on purpose. With time comes experience resulting in them getting a little wiser on choosing housing. This residence hall is prime location. It's close to the campus gym, it has a shuttle bus stop right when you walk out, the student parking lot isn't so far that you have to ride the bus, and the buildings they take most of their classes in are close by. Fate and a coincidence.

Just like last year, there's countless cars lined up with their hazard lights on allowing students to get their belongings. The only difference is Gee's not going to be nice enough to volunteer to help strangers. No coach or overzealous teammate can talk him into that shit again.

He was sore, sweaty, and unpaid by the end of that day. The only good that came of it was meeting Magenta who just pulled up in her White Jeep. Gee stands on the sidewalk watching the car come to a stop. He watches her mother, Tempest, get out of the passenger side making him have a moment of Deja Vu.

But Gee's a little surprised when Magenta gets out of the driver's side and walks around her car. She's no longer the curly haired, wide-eyed freshman. Three months doesn't seem long, but the first month of summer it was radio silent between them mainly on Magenta's end.

He never really got an explanation for it. By all accounts nobody had really heard from her and she wasn't on social media. Everyone's allowed space and a break. He figured she was busy with her summer job. When July rolled around Gee was focused on football and his classes, so they talked sporadically.

The only time they saw each other in person was on July the fourth. Gee came to her family's cookout, but it was Choice who invited him, not her. That gave her time to change and did she...

"Damn," he catches himself off guard when he lets his true thought slip out.

Before Magenta left for summer break she big chopped with his help. Since then her hair has grown enough to get it cut reminiscent of Jada Pinkett and it's now dyed grey.

Her braces have been removed revealing straight, white teeth. Her bright, wide smile as she waves at a girl she knows is an indicator of added self-assurance since their removal.

It's clear Gen doesn't plan on helping with the moving that much because she wears a black maxi dress that makes her body draw every eye. She proves why a sundress is God's gift to man.

It's also noticeable she lost that freshman 15. She looked good either way, but she was used to being a certain weight.

The confidence is radiating off her. Plus, she has a fuck boy free glow now that she's single... She finally called it quits with Noah like she should've a long time ago.

He took all that in within the ten seconds that she took to open her trunk. At the same time that all felt like it was in slow motion. When Gen looks his way she seems to not be quite made of flesh and blood. There's always been something about the way she floats into any space she occupies like a mystical goddess.

With her eyes landing on Gee, he doesn't realize she's having similar thoughts. He changed too...

At nearly 235 pounds still standing at 6'1" he's built like a house to be the perfect starting linebacker this year. If you were to build the ideal player at his position he was it to a T. He carries that thick frame with big, wide shoulders and a new muscle tone to balance it from rigorous summer workouts.

Last year he had quite a few tattoos that he got in someone's basement when underage, but now he's covered in even more. His arms have ink from shoulder to wrist.

She can spot a fresh cut for the new semester from a mile away. And he's in the process of trying to grow in a beard. He finally reached the stage where he's growing more facial hair, so he's taking advantage of it.

At last they both looked like the adults they're becoming...

"He looks good," Magenta's mother comments in a murmur vocalizing her same thought. Even if Gen never said it, Tempest knows that look. From both.

Gee smiles and Gen does too. She steps onto the sidewalk and skips as best as she can in her ankle length dress towards him. Rushing into his arms she falls into the hug naturally. Lifting her off the ground to hug her tighter, Gen laughs missing his bear hugs.

Once back on the ground she gets a better look at him. "I missed you, Gee baby," she pinches his cheek making him raise his head higher.

"Man c'mon. I missed you too, but we gon' talk about what your missing someone looks like later," he gives Gen a look before going to greet her mother with a hug. "Hey, Ms. Temp."

"Gee. How are you?" She rubs his back releasing. Tempest was definitely heartbroken when her daughter ended it with Noah. But of course she was already thinking of Gen's next prospect and Genesis is a contender on her list.

They exchanged a few pleasantries making Tempest smile then look at Magenta who stands by. Her eyes say a lot. He's nice, has manners, goes to the same college, plays football, and has potential.

"I'm gonna go check in. Choice should be pulling up soon," Gen informs him before heading into the building. While she walks away with her mother, Gee can't help but steal a glance.

"Damn," he swipes his hand over his face watching her ass have beautiful movement in that dress.

Loud bass rattling makes Genesis turn around. Seeing a money green old school car on rims he knows exactly who it is. Gee shakes his head seeing Choice get out of the passenger side. Once the door opens all you hear is Damn, nigga, she just love me. Watch me ride by wanna fuck me!

Gee approaches Choice dapping him. "Do you know where we can park nearby and won't get a ticket?" Looking in the car he can see Fade behind the wheel.

"That parking lot," he points. "You'll have to pay with the smart meter."

"Ain't shit around here free, huh? A nigga helpin' pay tuitions, dorm fees, books, all type'a shit and still can't get free parking," he gripes. "We'll be back." Gee watches the car pull off with its loud engine and music drawing attention.

Magenta comes back out of the building toting a cart asking, "Was that my brother?"

"Yeah." Moments later Choice and Breon are crossing the street. "I never thought I'd see you on a college campus," Gee laughs dapping Fade.

"It's my first time. Didn't nobody tell me it was gonna be so many White people...and police," he looks around with a mug on his face right as a campus police car rolls by. He pulls up his sagging pants before reaching into his pocket pulling out a lighter.

"Act normal. You look like you're casing the place," Gee pats his shoulder before trying to help Choice and Gen who're taking stuff out of the trunk.

"You know you can't smoke that," Gee hears Gen tell Fade who's about to light a Black & Mild.

"What about this?" He pulls out a Swisher.

"Definitely not that. You can't smoke anywhere within the campus," she informs him.

"What about that bitch? She's puffin' on somethin'," he points at a Hispanic girl with turquoise hair who puffs smoke in the air as she passes by.

"E-Cigarette. She's not even supposed to be doing that."

"Well, shiiit. If she's doing it, I can too," Fade flicks his lighter.

"No, you can't," she grabs it from him. "You're supposed to be helping me move in."

"I'm not even a hard working type of nigga. I hire little boys for shit like this," Fade smacks his lips leaning against her car.

"Man, get the hell out his face," Choice takes the lighter back from Magenta. "I don't need you ruining his attitude and I have to deal with it."

"Why'd you even invite him? He too damn hood," Gen whispers to her brother who pushes her to walk away.

"Go inside to do your girly shit while the men do the heavy lifting. Damn!"

Gen screws up her face. "If y'all had funky attitudes and didn't want to help you didn't have to come." Choice points once again for her to go inside.

Gee can only chuckle before grabbing the first filled cart. He follows behind Magenta into the building. They ride the elevator up to her floor and she asks, "What floor are you on?"

"I'm damn near on the top floor," he answers as they look for her room.

"Mm-mm, I'm scared of heights. And if there's a fire? Hell no."

"I wasn't even thinking about that, but thanks for instilling a new fear," he says making her laugh. She stops at a door then uses a key to open it. Tempest walks in first then she holds the door open for Gee.

"This is niiiceee," Tempest looks around the single occupancy suite. Before you go in her actual room there's a kitchen area and bathroom that she has to share with one other person.

This time Magenta opted on getting a dorm room by herself. She got a good scholarship this year and the extra money's worth her sanity. Anything's better than having someone right across the room from you. She can avoid her dorm-mate.

Using another key they go into her actual room where there's a bed, desk, and closet. They begin taking stuff out of the cart and Genesis can feel Gen looking at him, but she's not saying anything.

After ten minutes her mother's saying she'll be back, leaving them alone. "You look like you want to say something..." He smiles because it feels like she's been holding in a breath since they were left alone.

"You look good," she smiles picking up a box filled with kitchen stuff. She's already on her way out to sit it in the kitchen area.

Gee raises an eyebrow. "Appearances wouldn't be such a surprise if someone didn't go ghost a couple times..."

"About that. I had to be spend some time clearing my head, taking time for myself, getting back to me," she continues to move boxes out of the cart.

Gee chuckles. "It's not funny, but do you know who you really are at 19?" He leans on the edge of her desk putting his hands on it for support.

"No, but I'm on this journey of discovery–"

"Okay, Half and Half," he pokes fun.

She playfully slaps his arm. "I'm serious. I had to learn a couple things about myself. You're getting a new and improved Magenta."

"And what'd you learn, Miss Lady?" Magenta smiles because his father always called her that anytime they talked. Most times it was whenever Genaro called and she happened to be around he'd say hey real quick.

"That everyone was right," she sighs.


"Enjoying this college experience. Being single, not stressing, having fun, living." Gee smiles a little because he can tell she's relieved.

Now that the word single comes from her mouth he asks, "You're really done with Noah... for good?"

"Yup, we haven't talked since we broke up."

"Wow, I'm proud of you. And surprised," he says honestly. "I'm excited to see this new and improved Magenta. As long as you're happy you know I'm on your team."

"Thank you," she smiles.

Gee pulls at a rubber band on his wrist before looking up. "I guess I should tell you now. You're going to find out anyway with how people gossip 'round here."

"What'd you do now?"

"I didn't do anything. But I have been dating this girl, Estelle, over the summer. I would've told you about her, but you went M.I.A."

Gen could literally feel her heart sink to her feet. "That's good," she smiles hiding any feeling of angst. If he's mentioning her that means she's important...Right? "Do you like her?"

"So far she's cool. We're kickin' it and vibin'. Taking it slow."

"Wow, look at you. You were so anti-relationships last year. They grow so fast," she puts a hand on her chest.

"Now I'm not to the relationship point yet. Baby steps. I'm just a little more willing to get attached and catch feelings. Not there with trusting either and that's the most important part," he shrugs.

"At least you're honest with yourself. You gotta picture?" He pulls his phone out going to her Instagram. "She's pretty! Is that a dance uniform?" She points at another picture, so he clicks on it.

"Captain of the dance team." Magenta simply nods as it gets a little awkward. They're both happy when Tempest comes back. There's definitely something in the air. An elephant in the room that needs to be addressed, but not now. Not yet.

After bringing in her stuff she asked Gee, Choice, and Fade to go to Best Buy for her while she starts decorating her room. Like she asked they got her the cords she needed to hookup her tv. While they drive back the three men discuss business...

"I guess you could say Pop is bicoastal. He's in between Texas and Cali now. The plus is better product. The negative is we're doing a lot more driving, flying, and shipping to get it where it needs to go," Choice details as Gee drives them back to campus.

"Pop been getting that good shit lately."

"I'm not really interested in you selling on campus anymore since you suggested other people to do it. With you playing and starting this year your profile on campus has raised. It's too risky. Congratulations on starting by the way." Gee smiles with a head nod.

"You can come to where we grow to help harvest the cannabis then drive the product to make your money. You can do that maybe twice a month. Problem is you won't have cash in hand as quickly like you would with selling zips. You'd have to learn to budget. Much like you would if you worked a 9 to 5 and got paid bi-weekly," Choice looks at him.

"That works for me because my schedule is crazy during season."

Once they get back to campus Genesis sits at the courtyard adjacent to the dorm building because Choice wanted to smoke. He doesn't know where Fade disappeared to.

"It's crazy how people will celebrate someone coming home from prison or help someone in jail more than someone in college," Choice has the random thought. He's watching a girl hug her parents goodbye.

"They'll put money on someone's books to say they held it down, but if you ever need help with books or rent... They ain't got it," Gee agrees. He hasn't gotten a cent from anyone since last year. He knows he's a 'man' now, but he still needs support.

"It makes no sense. So I do it all. I help my sibling in prison and I help my siblings in college. They all deserve help," Choice blows out smoke.

"Can I ask a question? How do you help yourself?"

Choice takes in a deep breath making his chest visibly rise. "You know, I ask myself that everyday. I realized that everybody doesn't get what they want when they want it. I can be patient to have my time. I have three more years once Twinkle graduates then I can focus on myself."

"What're you gonna do?"

"I wish weed would be legal in Texas, but I'm not seeing it. It's too red and Republican. Maybe move to another state where it's legal and start a dispensary or shop. Have my own business. Do it the legal way even though it should've never been criminalized in the first place. If I can't do that, fine. I even thought about going to Flight school after seeing the pilots working at the airport," he chuckles.

"I'm sure they get paid good."

"Hell yeah, they do. Bout to be in that bitch like Snoop Dog in Soul Plane," they laugh.

"I think you can do it. If you do, help a nigga out with discounts on flights."

"I got you. Right now it's about stacking this bread and helping my people. I know I'ma get mine. You help people and one day good will come back. That's how I live my life."

"Magenta's lucky to have you..."

"You have siblings?" Choice glances at Gee.

"A brother. Different mama's though."

When he says that it would make sense why his father and mother aren't together. He was beefing with his father for a while behind that. Even when he was trying to introduce this new sibling aka the 'outside' child for them to get close.

At that time Genesis viewed his mother as a saint, but it turns out she wasn't. She's simply human. After seeing Gee ignore his father for months behind the betrayal Misty admitted that she cheated on Genaro while he was in prison. Although he stayed with her after he got out, he was still hurt. Mostly because of who she cheated on him with. It was Big Gee's longtime friend that he asked to look out for Misty and Gee while he did his time.

They were still legally married, but had decided to take a step back. In that time he got another woman pregnant. From then on his parents had a rocky relationship. They were never able to bounce back after the cheating and other child. A lot of pain and hurt from both sides.

That's why Gee's proud Magenta ended it with Noah. Too many people hold onto history or not wanting to start over. It's not even about taking anyone's spot or "getting his chance finally." He's over that notion..

Genaro apologized for his role in the dysfunction, so Gee forgave him. Gee wouldn't say he's close to his brother though. The only thing that came out of that was his negative outlook on relationships.

That's why him dating Estelle is a big step. It's not a relationship or exclusive, but he's open to it getting there...

It had been a long day of people getting moved in. Gee's tired, but they're currently waiting on Colby, Destin, and Juliette to meet up with them. Sitting in Magenta's dorm room she comes into her partially decorated room after taking a shower. She changed out of the dress into an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

"You and Choice seem to have gotten closer," she comments grabbing her lotion.

"Yeah, over the summer he'd come workout with me and run drills sometimes."

"And you're still working for him?" She peers at him like a mother making Gee scared to answer. But he keeps it completely honest telling her everything. Magenta furrows her eyebrows. "That sounds like a bigger role to me. Doing less work means you've elevated, been promoted. He trusts you to know where the growing and stash houses are. He trusts that if you're transporting something and get pulled over you won't say where you got it from."

Gee doesn't want to admit that throughout the summer he spent a lot of time with Choice and Fade getting closer to them...purposely. He'd go to a workout in the morning, class in the afternoon, and 'work' at night. He made a lot of money this summer from weed. That led to them building trust.

He knows he should stop, especially with football. Coaches often call linebackers the "quarterback of the defense", and they're specifically looking for Gee to become a leader. A good leader does things the right way, even when no one's watching...

Once everyone gets here they leave to go for a late night grocery store run. They need food and essentials they may have forgot. The Walmart parking lot's full indicating they're not the only ones.

While they walk towards the store Gee decides to already grab a cart. Gen stands on the front of it it as he pushes. They all laugh and joke glad to be reunited. Entering the store it's full of UNT and TWU students making it clear this is a college town.

"We should've brought Ki's cheap ass and her coupon book," Colby jokes while putting something back down after looking at the price.

"Don't talk about my friend. She's not cheap, she's frugal and smart," Gen points now sitting in the basket of the cart.

"Cheap! Remember when she had y'all staying at the crackhead motel," he laughs.

"You talkin' shit, but she said she got an EBT card this year. You might wanna see if you can use it."

"How she get that? I might actually need it. The way my financial aid hasn't hit yet," Jux smacks his lips.

"Shit, mine hit!" Juju brags with a pop of her tongue.

"I don't even know how y'all trust FAFSA. That's why I apply for so many scholarships."

"First of all, it's FASFA," Jux scoffs like he's correcting Gen.

"Uh, no, it's not. Black people always changing shit. The one I really hate is when people say eXpecially. Where'd the x come from?"

"Since when did it become FAFSA?" Jux looks at his phone after googling it.

"Bro, don't get me started on when people say the Ying to my Yang. The Ying Yang Twins got y'all fucked up. It's yin to my yang," Gee shakes his head as they move down an aisle.

"Both ways work. The Ying Yang Twins were a dynamic duo. Being compared to them isn't so bad. They're the iconic visionaries who came up with the whisper song. Hey, how you doin' lil mama? Let me whisper in your ear," Jux whispers in Gee's ear making him flinch and cover it.

"Don't ever put your hot breath that close to my face again," Gee says making them all laugh.

After 30 minutes they have two carts with stuff between all the people. Gee didn't really need anything and only wanted to come along. Most of them had junk, while Gen was being sensible getting cleaning products and toiletries. Stuff you actually need.

While walking behind the group, Gee's phone rings and he sees it's Estelle. "Hey," he answers.

"Hey, I haven't heard from you all day."

"Oh, I've been helping my friends move in. Now I'm at the store with them getting some stuff."

"Yeah, I helped my friends too. Can I come to your room tonight?" Gee looks at his watch then at his friends. They're in the midst of talking about watching a movie in one of their dorm rooms.

"Yeah, give me like another hour or so." Gee has a feeling he's going to be pulled in a bunch of directions this year. Classes, football, friends, dating, making money. He's going to have to find a way to balance it all...

In her dorm room, Magenta raps along to Red Opps by 21 Savage that plays loudly from her Smart tv. She bounces while at the same time applying L.A. Girl Pro concealer to her undereye, forehead, and chin. It's been a couple days since she got back to campus, but she missed it.

Classes haven't started yet, but of course the parties have, which she's currently getting ready for. Now as Sophomores they don't have to suffer through Flight Week with boring events involving speaking engagements and kiddy group games.

Once done with her makeup she removes her headwrap making sure her hair is laid how she wants. She quickly puts on her outfit because her friends are already outside waiting. Looking at herself in the mirror she smiles. It settles in that she's single and can finally go to a party where she has real fun with no one blowing her phone up.

Exiting her dorm she goes out to an awaiting car. Her group of female friends still consists of Juliette, Kiara, and Selena, but they also added a community college transfer, Shay.

As soon as the group enters the house party the music thumps, bodies move, marijuana smoke is in the air, and red plastic cups are filled with alcohol. Magenta scopes the scene trying to see who's here. Who she knows or who she doesn't know, but wants to get familiar with.

"Hey, Daddy!" Juju gives a flirtatious smile to a guy who passes by them. He gives her one back and Gen shakes her head.

"Either every nigga had a glow up over the summer and I don't recognize them or we finally got some cute niggas up in here," Kiara bobs to the beat.

In the club boppin' with my niggas
All of us rockin' on 'em jiggas

Magenta grabs onto Ki's hand maneuvering through the people. As they walk it's like they all wear the same facial expression when they see Amil with two other girls. Selena turns up her face the worst. She might've broken up with her ex, but she'll always hold a grudge. She called that girl her friend last year and she had sex with her high school sweetheart. The boy she thought she'd be with forever.

That skrilla, that skrilla, boy, I'm 'bout my skrilla

After getting drinks, Gen laughs at Selena dancing because she can't. They tried to teach her, but she's hopeless. She has two left feet and no rhythm. What matters is she still has fun. Gen looks around the party noticing Gee across the room with a group of guys.

"Damn, I'm not gonna lie, Gee looks good," Juju sips on her drink looking at Gen knowing she read her mind. Magenta puts the straw of her drink into her mouth not saying anything. Gee smiles wide showing a bottom gold grill while laughing with his football teammates.

"I heard he got money too," Shay says making her come back to the conversation. She's new so it begs where she heard it, but people talk. Gen just hopes no one finds out about his extracurricular activities.

Magenta's also not thrown off by the statement. Gee's a hot ticket item this year. After redshirting last season, he's set to not only start but be the team's star linebacker. That was already determined during a Spring football game and how he's been performing at practice during the summer.

"How? Those football players can't get paid or endorsements, and they barely have time to work. That shit is slavery if you ask me. The NCAA does it on purpose because most of the really good players are Black. Then they can't immediately go to the professional draft. Another way for the poor to need the White man," Selena rants.

"Girl, please! Not tonight, Dr. Umar. This girl swear she's Tariq Nasheed or somebody," Juju says making them laugh.

"She's right though, but you know athletes get like sponsors and boosters. Those old, White men are always looking for someone to invest in. They'll buy them cars, clothes, shoes. Anything they need to make sure they play good on the field. They're not supposed to though," Kiara agrees.

"So a sugar daddy? I need me one of those," Juju nods.

"Unh unh, do they gotta exchange favors for all'at? Let me find out these niggas sucking dick for a plasma tv in their dorm," Selena turns up her face.

"Maybe he got rich parents or somethin'. Magenta," Shay nudges her. The whole time they were talking she was still looking at Gee.

"Huh?" She snaps out of it.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I haven't drank since Spring semester. This shit already got the room spinning," she makes the excuse.

"Lightweight," Juju chuckles.

When Gen looks back over in Gee's direction he's motioning her over. It's been a couple days since she's talked to him. She honestly doesn't know how to be normal around him anymore. She can't explain it.

"I'll be back." As the intoxicating song that samples 1994's Brownstone fills the room she squeezes through people to get to Gee.

As soon as she's in the area all the eyes of the men are on her like vultures. Genesis introduces her to the four guys apart of the school's defense before they give greetings. He grabs her arm pulling her a little more to the side. Despite the thousands of smells that invade her nose in the congested space, she can still pick up on his stimulating scent.

Staring into his chest she's met with his usual G initial pendant and the 222 gold chain. Now he's added a necklace that has a football helmet pendant with the number 22 and Quez's name as a memorial for his murdered best friend.

"You okay?" He asks with concern making her look up. No, I'm not. She's trying to figure out why she's so nervous.

"Yeahh," she looks around the party.

"Dance with me," the request catches Gen off-guard. Her eyebrows raise in surprise. Out of all the parties they went to freshman year they never danced on each other. They had to draw lines somewhere.

His hand moved from still holding her arm to her side making Magenta give him a suspicious look. A part of him couldn't help it. She looks too good. As the R&B song played his hand glided lower to her waist while the other went to the small of her back.

Gee playfully does a shimmy against Gen making her laugh. She shakes her head as the wispy vocals of the song work in a catchy manner urging anyone to sway.

You gon' have to do more than just (say it)
You gon' have to do less when you (do it)

The beat is smooth and minimal, but also infectious. When Gee grabs her hand to raise her arm and spin her she chuckles. Her back's now to him leaving no space with her ass pressed against him. Gen moved her hips slowly and subtly not wanting to do too much. She didn't have to.

And you know, you know

The chorus came in repeatedly and Gee got more comfortable. Her head's rested on his shoulder as his hands roam her body making goosebumps raise. Bringing his head lower he says in her ear, "You look good too." It's take a second for it to click he's responding to the compliment she gave him on move-in day.

Magenta lets out a smile releasing a sigh. With the song coming to an end Gen walks away without a word. Gee stands there stuck for a second as she moves through the crowd going back with her girls.

She glances his way and he can only rub over his chin hair laughing to himself as he looks at her...

"Girl!" Juju yells over the music wanting to ask a million questions. Magenta only continues to dance.

One of Gee's teammate's taps him incessantly to get his attention. "Huh?"

"Estelle's here. She's looking for you."

"Who?!" Gee asks still in a slight daze from one dance.

"Nigga. Estelle!"

"Oh. Where is she?" At that Gee's leaving the area to look for her.

Two Days Later...

Today's the first day of classes, but Magenta's not ready at all. She almost fell asleep in one of them, so she was glad when she was done for the day. After class she immediately goes to Voertman's book store because she needs to buy her textbooks.

Of course the bookstore's packed with students. People rarely buy their books before the semester starts. She moves through people hearing a guy say, "How you doing? You're pretty."

Magenta smiles with a thank you proceeding to the line. She can appreciate a guy giving a compliment and that's it. There's no cat calling or asking for your number. A good old fashion nice gesture.

After waiting in the long line for fifteen minutes she's called up to the next available clerk. Gen hands her printed out schedule to the student employee who takes it to get the books that match the class and section number.

Coming back with the book the Hispanic girl says, "So we have everything except the book for JOUR 2300. Sorry, maybe try Barnes & Noble. in the Union"

"I was trying to avoid their overpriced asses, but thank you." She pays the $200+ on a credit card deciding to rent the books she can.

She leaves out taking the bus across campus. As soon as she hops off she sees Gee waiting for the bus at the stop. He's far enough that he can't see her as he stands underneath the canopy with other students who wait. He has headphones on with his phone in his face, but he happens to look up and notice her.

'Please, don't talk to me,' the thought repeats in her head despite the warm smile on her face. She figures a wave would suffice before keeping it moving. He waves back and at the same time a girl approaches Gee grabbing his attention. His smile's now directed at her as he wraps his arm around her and they hug.

It only takes her a few seconds to figure out it's Estelle by remembering the pictures he showed her. She's brown skin, 5'6", wearing her real hair that's pressed out. Magenta stares a few seconds and only moves when someone bumps her shoulder because she's standing in the walking path. The feeling of envy washes over her. She shakes it off getting across the street.

Once done, Magenta finds herself going to meet Pandora at the mall she works at. She desperately needs to talk to someone. Pandora just got off, so they start by going to the food court to get something to eat. Once sitting Gen jumps right into it saying, "I think I like Gee."

Pandora slightly chokes on her drink releasing the straw to get air. "Well, okay. You act like you're saying something new though. That's last years' news..."

"I did not like him last year. I had a boyfriend," Gen rolls her eyes.

Ra gives that 'yeah, right' look. "Who do you think you're foolin'?"

"I didn't. Maybe a small crush in the very beginning then I got over once we became close."

"So you didn't have a crush when you asked him to fuck? I recall you calling me and ranting for an hour about how you can't believe he turned you down. In that rant you said how you only wanted to smash once to see what that dick was hittin' for."

"I said that? I don't even talk like that. I must've been drunk. I don't remember that," she lies straight through her teeth.

"Tell him," Pandora shrugs.

"He's dating Estelle now," Gen says like Pandora knows who that is.

"Who the fuck is that? The bitch sound bougie as hell. Estellleeee," she tries to put on a posh accent but that Dallas still peaks through.

"She's part of the school dance team, the Northern Lights Ladies. Every dude on campus wants her. One of the star football players and the dance team captain dating. It sounds like the perfect college sweethearts story. I can see them now... They're posting a family picture on Facebook with their son and daughter who have straight A's, Genesis Jr. and Stella Wilson. They have a big house in the suburbs. A dog, probably a toy poodle. They'll pledge a sorority and fraternity so they can have the license plate frames to show off."

"Ay, yo!" Pandora busts out laughing interrupting her seething rant. "You've had a lot of time to think about this. This shit sounds so high school."

"I sound crazy. I know. I missed my chance. Everyone knows summer's when you snag 'em–"

"Snag? You've been at that school with those white folks too long."

"During summer's when you text all day and talk on the phone at night then you come back to school like, Yeah, we talk," she smacks her lips.

"So why'd your dumb ass avoid him all summer?"

"Me and Noah broke-up in May. Right now it's only been 3 to 4 months. It was too soon in the summer. I just kept replaying when he said talk to me when you're single. I got nervous and decided to avoid him instead. Plus, I'm not ready."

"Not ready for what?"

"Him. I don't know. He's got other shit going on that I would prefer him not be involved in, especially now that I'm not," she refers to him working with Choice. "Me and Noah had nothing in common. He was my type and I was physically attracted. Just two people calling it a relationship because we fucked and argued. But he checked out on paper. Clean..."

"How's it different with Gee?"

"He's different as a whole. We talk about real shit. Our upbringings, the past, the future, now. Everything. He smells so good," she can imagine it. "He's understanding. Good communicator and good with his words. He's just big, the perfect size. Strong, yet tender. Softhearted at the core–"

"For you."

"Maybe for me," Magenta shrugs. "He opens doors. Noah would literally slow down on purpose, so he wouldn't get to a door first. He always pays for me when he doesn't have to. Noah didn't. I understood at first 'cause we're all struggling young adults in college, but I couldn't get a Chicken Express meal out the nigga. Never took me on dates. Gee will buy me something just because he knows I like it even if it's only candy. He's not into all that social media shit or drama. He stays out the way and to himself. He's so calm. And he don't play about me."

Pandora smiles at how happy Magenta looks detailing all this. "This is why I don't like niggas," she turns up her face making them both laugh.

"Girl, when are you going to getta boyfriend? You've been having boys obsessed with you since middle school and you treat them like nothing."

"Cause they are. At least at this age," she shrugs. "I don't like boys right now. I'm worried about my money and getting out of Dallas. When I do I'm never looking back. Never going back to the projects."

"I feel you. I don't know about Gee sometimes. He reminds me of Cortlen and my Dad," she mentions her brother. Pandora knows what that means without her saying it.

"That's the big 'but' I was looking for. I'll say this... Any nigga you ever wanted, you got. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. I thought you said you're not stressing love and relationships this year. That you just wanted to kick it and have fun."

"You're not helping me. Tell me I don't actually like him and my mind's playing tricks on me," Gen pouts.

"I'm telling you what's real. You know my motto: Keep that shit playa. Why you sweatin' it?"

After eating they somehow ended up going to a Spec's liquor store to get a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin. With Pandora's car parked in a lot they drank the bottle, mostly Magenta drank since Ra's driving, and talked for hours.

"I wanna get out and dance," Gen takes another sip from her cup that's mixed with juice.

"Do it!" Pandora encourages.

She watches as Magenta walks in front of the car and the headlights shine on her. Pandora turns the music up expecting to get a show, but instead Gen stands there before running over to the driver's side.

She rolls the window down for Gen to say, "I can't hear the music." They both crack up laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. She's clearly tipsy.

Pandora decides they should call it a night. It's only 6p.m., but she needs to get Magenta back to Denton. She has work in the morning and Gen has class.

After a 40 minute drive they're pulling into campus. Pandora parks in front of Magenta's dorm building. "I think I'm gonna just tell him," she breathes out taking her seatbelt off.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, why not? I got this," she nods to convince herself. She opens the door grabbing her purse then gets out standing in the doorway.

"If you want that nigga, go get yo nigga!" Pandora gives the pep talk with excitement.

"I'ma get him. That's my man. That's me. When you see him, you see me!" She points at herself.

"That's all you!" Pandora claps. "How can he say no to alllll that country ass."

Magenta smacks her own butt. "Yeah! He'd be a fool. That's what he'd be!"

"Damn right! A big one!" Pandora points dramatically. "Go get em', girl!" She watches Magenta enter the building knowing she's going to need to keep her phone close by.

Magenta walks into the residence hall, but when she sees Genesis with Estelle in the common area she immediately freezes. Her heart beats fast as her feet are stuck. That pep talk she had with Pandora went completely out of the window.

She doesn't snap out of it until the dorm building R.A. greets her. Within that second a large figure blocks her view causing her to look up. Standing in front of her is Jody McIntosh. The Junior, wide receiver who could have any chick's panties wet with only a glance. Fine as all get out, but she also heard he ain't shit.

"Wassup, Gen. You good?" his Louisiana accent makes her blink a couple times. He broke a lot of hearts when he turned down LSU to come here instead. Jody had been between his home state and Texas ever since Hurricane Katrina, so this was a second home to him. That's why he chose to go to college here.

"Yeahh," she drags out knowing she's not good at all. Looking past his shoulder she stares at Gee and Estelle interact. They must be calling it a night because they hug and she's walking towards the entrance.

"I've actually been meaning to talk to you," hearing Jody say that her eyebrows furrow. The only reason she knows him is because he's on the football team with Gee. They speak when they see each other around campus, but that's about it. She sees the way he looks at her.

"Really? About?"

"I was wondering if I could get your number... I really wanna take you out."

She looks over his shoulder seeing Genesis coming their way in the distance. While passing by Gee gives a head nod to Gen with a smile that feels like it's in slow-motion. "H-huh? What?"

"Can I take you out some time? Maybe go out to eat?" Jody pauses noticing Gee saying, "Wassup, Gee?" They dap and not wanting to interrupt their conversation Genesis keeps it moving. The truth was that Jody had already asked Gee about Magenta knowing they're close. "So?" he directs his attention back on Gen.

"Yeah, that's cool." She reaches up to tuck hair behind her ear out of habit, but remembers she has none. She awkwardly touches her eyelash instead as Jody smiles pulling out his phone.

She swallows realizing what the fuck was she thinking? Why would she ever want to be more than friends with Gee? The one guy who's always there for her and never wanted anything from her but friendship.

"Aiight, I'll text you." Gen gives him a fake smile watching him walk away before heading to the elevator. Some start to the semester...


It's their Sophomore year. Magenta's single now... but it seems Gee might have someone already. Oop👀

Gee dating someone? Him getting more involved with Choice?

How do you think this year will go?

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