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Sitting in Magenta's photo studio, Genesis waits on her so they film a video. He looks at all the lights and the multiple cameras set up in front of two director's chairs. He moves them from their previous position of across from one another to next to the other before sitting in one.

Right as he gets comfortable his phone rings. Seeing Choice's name on his screen he answers. "You with my sister? She's not answering," he says after Gee gives a greeting.

"Yeah, we're about to record a Youtube video. That's probably why. Wassup?" Gee slightly lies. The past month and a half, Magenta has distanced herself from all her siblings to save the stress.

"Cortlen's out."

With furrowed brows he sits up. It's been over a month since Cort turned himself in. After the first week of him sitting, it was evident Destin never intended to help. They had all come to terms that Cortlen would have to go to trial and fight this.


"They lowered the charges from murder to abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence, so he got a bail."

"That's a big drop. It's a good sign, right?"

"Yeah. Cort's attorneys are going to argue it was an accident. That somehow the CO2 gas was turned on higher than usual and when he came to the room it was too late. They were already dead. He panicked and put the bodies in the incinerator because he had a record. He just got out of prison and didn't want to go back."

"And what're the prosecutors arguing?"

"They're claiming the motive for murder is Big Bleak and his guys came to the warehouse with the intention of robbing Cortlen. He killed them then disposed of the bodies... He... Him," Choice scoffs knowing he did it.

"How much time could he get for the new charges?"

"Five counts of 180 days to 2 years. So, two and a half to ten."

"It's way better than 5 life sentences, but still too much for someone who didn't do it..."

"Cort's tryna keep my record clean because at least one of us needs to. I only had a juvenile record. If I go to prison my whole Cannabis business will go under. I won't be able to get my licenses and permits. Everything down the drain. Both of our incomes."

"I get it."

"I already had to shut down the Austin warehouse temporarily after it was plastered all over the news. I don't know. They could give him a harsher sentence based on his prior criminal record if he's found guilty."

"A lose lose. You must have a good ass attorney to get the charges lowered so much.."

"That's the other thing," Choice pauses. "It was Destin. He came through after all."

"What? Why? How do you know?" Gee shoots out each question.

"At Cortlen's hearing earlier, he was here. We didn't talk though. This must be a power play on Destin's part. Probably something to dangle over our heads. For the first time I'm stumped on what to do."

"Same. I have no plan," Gee rubs over his face. The old answer would be violence. It's not that simple with men like Destin or his father.

"Honestly, I think we all need to keep laying low, especially Cort. We don't need any reason for Destin to pull strings and have him back in jail like he did Caprice."

"Yeah. Are you and Cortlen straight now? I hope you see what he's sacrificing.."

"Not gonna lie, I was still mad. Then I was talking to Gen and she made me realize something. I told her I got over it and moved on. I did when it came to Chandrika. Mostly because she's dead and no longer here. No sense in being bitter. But I realized I was projecting the anger for both of them only onto Cortlen because he's still here for me to direct it at him."

Choice and Cortlen haven't been on speaking terms since ChaCha died. That's almost a year ago. "I get it."

They talk a little while longer. Gee's still confused on why Destin did that for Cortlen. Ever since those masked guys showed up at the house or they found the dog dead, it's been quiet. Gee thinks the investigation into his father's death hitting a brick wall has to do with that.

The private investigator hasn't found anything new. It stops at Genaro being poisoned with still no answers on who 100% did it and why.

Magenta comes back into the room ready to start. "Who moved the chairs?" she asks knowing it was Gee. The only other person here is her assistant. "Most people sit across from each other interview style. There's no point in having multiple cameras and angles if we're right next to one another."

He shrugs as she sits next to him with a chuckle. "Your brother's out," he informs her.

"Good for him," Gen says nonchalantly too focused on the task at hand.

She came up with the idea to record a couple's video since Valentine's day and their anniversary's coming up.

Gen's assistant holds up a thumb indicating it's recording. After her introduction she waves her arm over Gee to put him on display, "My boyfriend." When he only gives a small smile she adds, "Say hi! Excuse him if he's shy."

"What am I s'posed to say?"

"Introduce yourself," she urges.

"I'm Gee."

"Here you go. We're going to play a game of 22 questions."

"I see what you did there. 22 instead of 21."

"Exactly. Who's going first?" She shakes the bowl filled with pieces of paper that have questions written on them. Gee points at her, so she grabs one. "We're starting already," she looks at the question. "When are we getting married?"

"Is that what it really says?" He leans over to look. "I told you that's up to you. I have a plan and timeline with everything. But you–"

"I'ma leaf going where the wind blows. We can get engaged any day. I don't care 'cause most people are engaged for a year or two."

"Hmm," he nods his head as she passes him the basket. "How did we meet?"

"College move in day. First day I walked on campus. He's not new y'all," she rolls her eyes thinking of comments that she moved on from Noah too fast. "You were obsessed with me when we first met," Gen looks at him waiting for him to deny it.

"I was."

"We were always together. Our dorms, the Union, the library. As soon as he'd get out of class, football practice, study hall... He'd call or text me. Where you at?"

"What was your first thought when you met me?" He asks with curiosity.

"My sister's right. Why did I come to college with a boyfriend," she laughs. "You know what I wanted to ask... You know how they had the hashtag for new students to meet people? What made you tweet me?"

He shrugs. "I really don't know. That shit was like I was pulled to you. Same on move in day. That's why I always said it felt like I knew you before I actually did. It was weird. Then I tried to pull your Twitter back up to show Quez and it was gone. I thought I was crazy and imagined it."

"I only made it to use the hashtag," Gen chuckles remembering. "You were tryna show me to your friends? Aww, you never told me this."

"Yeah, but you deleted it. He was joking saying there wouldn't be any black girls at my college, especially fine ones. I was tryna show him I might be alright," Gee admits.

"You were stuck from the beginning," she smiles pulling another question. "When did you realize you first started liking me?"

"Your 19th birthday."

"You bought me my favorite flowers and the necklace," she pauses narrowing her eyes. "You gotta funny way of showing you like me. I'm not gonna tell what you did. It's about to make me mad all over again."

He already knows she's talking about him and Amil having sex in the dorm bathroom. "See, I fucked shorty on some sympathy shit forreal. That was me being heartbroken. I was gonna confess my feelings that night, but you were drunk crying over that other nigga. Then boom," he gives the excuse.

"Boy, what?!"

"Moving on... When did you start liking me?" He returns the question.

"Towards the end of Freshman year."

"Don't say that. You had a boyfriend. They gon' take that the wrong way."

"So?" She shrugs not caring. "One day I looked at you and said, I'll give him some cat if it goes there."

"You were fasho tryna put it on me," he reminisces.

"How'd you used to flirt with me before I knew you liked me?"

"I'd be like, You look nice today, Twinkle," he uses a fake shy voice. "Or I'd say some hater shit. If you and your dude were arguing I'd be like, That nigga don't deserve you. Slide it in real smooth." They both laugh and he goes next asking, "Our first argument?"

"You want me to tell the truth? I really shouldn't have been your friend..."

"I don't remember," Gee rubs his face playing clueless. "Aiight. I borrowed something from you and you got mad," he makes it sound better.

"Hell nah! Don't say it like you borrowed a cup of sugar. You stole out of my dorm!"

"And I brought you the money. You want me to tell them what I took? You're not innocent, Big Meech! Yeah, she ain't a goodie 2 shoes," Gee looks into the camera.

"Don't tell my business. Gonna get me a RICO like Young Thug."

"The Feds ain't thinking 'bout you," he responds as they both laugh.

"What was your first thought after our first kiss?" She takes her turn wearing a big smile.

"We're about to go together," he smacks his lips and shakes his head. "I was sprung. I thought we were gonna be together after that. She broke my heart, y'all. You used to stomp on my shit."

"I broke your heart?"

"You wouldn't go on a date with me. Same after the first time we had sex. I used to feel so used," Gee rubs his chest like it hurts. "What's your favorite feature of mine?"

"Your lips. Nose–"

"You've picked my nose before," he blurts out.

Magenta looks shocked. "Why are you tryna expose me?"

"You do! That's true love, but you nasty. Keep going..."

"I was gonna say your eyes. Sometimes I'm really surprised you have two functioning, working eyes."

"What!? You sayin' that cause I got shot in one? That's fucked up," he looks at her sideways.

Gen covers her mouth realizing that's how it sounds. "I wasn't tryna shade you. I said it 'cause you always have sunglasses on. Like ya buffs."

"Nah, you sneak dissin'. I peep it. See how they do on camera," he wags his finger as Gen laughs.

Her assistant who stands behind the camera tries hard not to laugh. She can tell they're best friends. To the viewers it's going to seem like they're laughing about nothing, but they're laughing at everything. They have insiders about everything.

And even though Gen complained about the chairs being moved, it was second nature for them to touch. Gee's soft spoken and relaxed giving off a safe and comforting feeling for Magenta. He lets her speak and genuinely admires her when she does. It's authentic and cute.

"Who said I love you first?" Gen continues the line of questioning.

"You did."

"I think not! Why are you lying?" Gee only sits there silent indicating he's not changing his answer. Asking the last question, Gen reads off the small piece of paper, "What do you think about people who talk negatively about me?"

"What's that gotta do with me? I don't give no fuck," he screws up his face before laughing. "They're not with you, I am."

"They're never going to like me, but I'm not here to be liked," Gen throws hair over her shoulder.

"Pop yo shit, twin. Fuck 'em!"

"That's the last one. We're done." She balls up the slip of paper throwing it before standing up.

"This was fun. We're still gonna keep people out our business, but it was coo."

"I want to do a couples quiz to see if you really know me, but you're never coming back on my channel," she shakes her head at some of the stuff he said.

Gen leans against his chair standing in between his legs. "We're really a couple," he says in disbelief.

"Not a lot of people elevate from friends with benefits, fuck buddies, the side nigga. We had stages. We made it," she smiles before kissing him. "Alright, bye!" With a laugh she rushes towards the camera covering the lens.

A Few Days Later...

Like the previous year, their chosen destination for Valentine's Day is New York City. This time around, Gee doesn't have to experience the suffering of being a manager with whiny clients he has to babysit.

Both of them decided to keep it simple and use the two day break for relaxation. Entering their suite after a few hours at the hotel spa, Gen smiles at the decorations that weren't previously here.

"Oooh, Auntie 'nem did that. I gotta give them an extra $500," Gee takes it in.

"We're gonna be swinging from the chandeliers tonight," Gen spins while pushing through strings of balloons. She immediately freezes noticing the song playing. "Is that our song?"

Gee nods with a smile seeing the growing excitement rush her. They decided that Love Story by Mariah Carey would be their 'couple song.' It's perfect for them.

"Boy meets girl and looks in her eyes. Time stands still and two hearts catch fire!" she sings off-key. Gee watches as she swiftly removes her slides and jumps on the bed. She undoubtedly ruins the heart made from the rose petals.

"Why'd you do that? You didn't even get a picture."

"Oh," she pauses her jumping to look down. She waves it off nonchalantly falling to her knees on the bed. Gen gathers some of the petals sprinkling them over her head making him laugh.

"Why are you like this?" He asks walking to the end of the bed. Gen raises up on her knees a little meeting him halfway to kiss. With her arm on the back of his neck she pulls him onto the bed with her.

"But this isn't just another love story. Together we'll make history. I know because it's just too real. There'll be no end to our love story," the lyrics drown everything else out.

They both look up at the ceiling that's covered with red heart shaped balloons. "We talked about a lot of things we'd do together in college. When we'd make plans for the future, did you actually believe them?" Gen asks.

"That we'd still be in one another's life to do it together? Yeah." Gee doesn't get too comfortable as he gets up from the bed. "You didn't see your flowers," he points out the bouquet.

With enthusiasm she follows to get them. She reads the card that says, 1. Can't wait to make you my wife one day. He could buy her flowers everyday and it still would make her smile ear to ear.

"I miss Sparkle," he states randomly grabbing one of the cupcakes that has a picture of them on it. It's been over a month and he's still not over it.

"I spent a lot of money too. I can buy you another one."

"You can't just buy another puppy," he grumbles.

"Why can't I? You only had the dog a few days."

"I wanted Sparkle. I made an IG page. Look how many followers it got?" He holds up his phone. The page only has three pictures.

"People do it all the time. They post the dog for a week then it disappears. What do you think happened? They killed the dog or gave it away already. People don't do right by these animals."

Gee smacks his lips. He brushes it off as they continue the holiday. This year they had no plans of leaving the hotel room. Helicopter rides and planetariums are impressive, but they want quality time together. They even had a chef come to their room and cook a private dinner.

Afterwards they begin opening the gifts they got one another. "How many Amiri's did you buy?" Gee asks putting another pair on the small stack he acquired.

"I'm tryna see that ass in 'them jeannnsss'," she sings the two words obnoxiously like Beyoncé in the Savage Remix. "If you don't jump to put jeans on, baby, you don't feel my pain."

He shoots her a glare. "Quit playin' with me."

"Open that one!" She points with a chuckle.

He grabs the large envelope wondering what it is. He thought it was one of those big cards, but he pulls out a stack of papers asking, "What's this?"

"Equity in my business."

He's taken aback for a second. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. You gave me 100k with no hesitation. That's an investment. What's the point of investing if you're not going to get a return? Isn't that what you taught me?"

"My return's seeing you win, but shit, I'ma take it. This for me forreal?" he reads over the papers. Seeing his government name at the top he's speechless.

For someone to let you own a piece of their company knowing it immediately has value means something. They have an actual partnership. He's gotten so used to doing for others and not getting anything in return he doesn't know how to react.

"I love you. I very much appreciate it," he hugs her tightly. Checking his watch Gee adds, "You can get your last gift now. Let's go."

"Go where? I thought we agreed we're not leaving the hotel premises," she waves her hand over her body that wears an outfit not meant for going in public.

"Just throw a robe over it and put on some slides. It won't take long." She looks at him suspiciously following his lead.

Ten minutes later they're walking out to a car. The driver opens the backseat door and seeing the rose petals on the floor of the car, Gen says to him, "I know you mad you gotta clean this up." He chuckles to himself as they both climb in. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." As they ride through Manhattan, Magenta sings her heart out to I love you by Celine Dion. With their fingers intertwined he looks at her commenting, "You really love that white lady."

"She can sang her ass off!" Arriving in Times Square the car pulls over. Gee gets out first helping her climb down. "Why are we here?"

"You're so damn impatient." They stand on the sidewalk and he watches the small hand on his watch go by. Counting down from five he points at one of the large screens. Seeing the ad video for her production company that launches in a few weeks on a billboard screen, she freezes.

"No!" She jumps up and down in excitement before hopping on him. After getting fired Gen realized it needed to happen. She looks up at the screen with wide eyes.

Gee came into this relationship looking at it as an investment. If you want to get anything out of it, you have to put something into it. Not just once, but consistently over time. As you do this, it grows and becomes more valuable. It gives you returns with interest. It's always easy to invest into an asset; assets are always better than debts and bills.

"I'm like, 'Come and put that pussy on me, don't be runnin' from me'. If I like it, I spend money on it, get whatever from me. Put six figures in your business, I do real shit," Gen bends over twerking with the display panel in the background.

"I thought you don't like Lil Baby?"

"Seven got to me," they both laugh as she hugs him again this time kissing him continuously.

Despite Choice having to close his growing warehouse for awhile, Seven's still in Austin. He's working at one of Choice's dispensary shops. He must like it out there. Houston was too much trouble for him.

Seven's doing good. A part of that is Gee keeping him out of the loop about their father. He knows eventually he's going to have to tell him everything that's going on. Gee doesn't want Seven doing anything stupid or impulsive that'll jeopardize what he's trying to do.

Gee let's Magenta relish on her gift for awhile before they get back in the car. The driver makes his way back towards the hotel as they're in the backseat. Gen still wears a wide smile that makes Gee just as happy.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She turns to look at him.

He shrugs not realizing he's staring. "You sure this is what you want?" He asks tilting his head.

"What? This relationship?"

He nods. "You're happy, right? When this is all said and done you're not gonna leave me?"

"Is that what you think?" He shrugs in response to her question.

"Maybe I get in my head second guessing shit. Myself. Whether I'm doing good enough or doing too much. Probably 'cause we've had so many people betray us lately. I don't wanna lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere. You always say we should be together as long as it makes sense. It's makes perfect, complete sense," she reassures him.

"Promise me if this isn't what you want you'll be straight up and don't blindside me."

She nods. "Promise... But I don't know why you think you can get rid of me. Boy, please! It's up and it's stuck! You think I gave you equity in my company if I plan on dipping? I'm in it for the long haul."

He laughs wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek. "The world is ours. I'm gonna give you the world."

"And all the stars in the galaxy?" She waves her hand across the air.

"Anything you want, Twinkle. I'll get the damn moon if I can. I can take us to space, baby," they both laugh.

For the first time since they got back in the car she notices another bouquet sitting on the floorboard. She picks it up reading the attached card. 2. To be continued...

"I thought we're going back to the hotel," Gen looks in confusion.

"To be continued on another night," he grins.


"Whenever I tell you to get dressed and we're going out. You'll see. Suspense makes the heart grow fonder," Gee finds joy in her perplexed face.

"I thought it's distance?" she giggles.

"Same thing."

"You're making me nervous. Mhmm," she lets it go for now.

As they ride Magenta rolls the window down. When she sticks her head out of the window, Gee says, "What're you doing?"

She stares up at the city buildings before turning to where her head hangs out of the window letting the wind run through her hair. Gee can only shake his head because this is her all day, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He lives for that smile.

"You're acting like we're in a movie," he says as she sticks her arms out putting them in the air.

"We are," she comes back in the car.

"What's the name of our movie?"

Being put on the spot she says the first thing that comes to mind, "Something You Forgot." It's their favorite Lil Wayne song. "I don't know," she shrugs with a laugh. Looking out of the open window she adds, "Ooh, you still hungry? We didn't eat our dessert. We can stop and get ice-cream."

"I could eat somethin'," he looks her up and down.

"Do you want something on or off a menu?" She flirts back. He lightly chuckles at her bouncing in the seat before sticking her tongue out.

"You know."

Eventually, the driver stops allowing them to get ice-cream. The remainder of the car ride, they both made their plans clear for when they get back to the hotel. Once dropped off they ride the elevator up towards their floor.

"I'ma ride you like a rodeo," Magenta says the lyrics repeatedly, while lightly brushing her ass up against as she whines her hips.

"All you do is play all day," he comments as the elevator doors open. They get to their hotel door and Gee's trying to get the room key out of his pocket, but he's fumbling with too much going on. His phone is ringing in the other pocket, he can't get the room key out, and Gen's still teasingly brushing her ass against him.

"Open the door," she says the obvious with a smirk knowing he's already distracted.

"Hold on," he grumbles. He gets the key out handing it to her. He then moves his left hand that's on his waist to pull out his phone. Gen damn near yanks him in the room when he's trying to see who's calling. "Damn, you strong!" Seeing it's a call he's been waiting on all day he says, "Pause that thought."

"Don't answer it."

"I have to. It's the real estate agent," he tells the white lie.

"Why's she calling so late?

"I told her to since she knows how desperate we need to find a new place." Once again they're in a situation where they don't feel safe with people knowing where they live, so they've been on the search. "Give me a second. You just go get ready for me." When she tries to grab his phone, he pulls it back. "Do what I asked you," he kisses her.

Gen's too filled with glee about her gift that she doesn't question why he can't answer in front of her. After all, the house will be for both of them. Stepping into the bathroom, Gee closes the door behind him and answers. "Wassup, Nick?"

"It's done," he informs him.

"I was starting to worry it wouldn't be done on time.. It's all set?"

"I know I'm cutting it close and missed the Valentine's deadline. That's my fault. You can either come pick it up or I can hand deliver it myself."

"I'm in New York right now, but when I get back I can come get it. I had a feeling it wouldn't be ready by today, so I decided to wait until next week. That'll be better anyway."

"Okay, so we're good. I'll see you when you come get it."

Gee hangs up the phone as a little nervousness washes over him. He takes a deep breath looking in the mirror mumbling, "We're doing this." Hearing Magenta whine for him to hurry up, Gee gathers himself yelling back, "Here I come," while exiting the bathroom.

Walking out of At Home, Magenta pushes the loaded cart towards her car. While putting bags in the trunk she calls Gee. It's been a few days since they got back from NYC for Valentine's day, but she's already anticipating the next day to celebrate love aka their anniversary.

"Where are you?" she asks holding her phone between her ear and shoulder while struggling to get a large mirror into her car.

"I'm stuck in traffic. Wassup?"

"I didn't want nothin'. What're we doing this weekend?" She throws in hoping to hear something good.

"I'm working this weekend. Why?" Her premature smile fades.

"Whyyy?" she stretches her neck back. "Did you forget?"

"What?" Gee genuinely sounds lost making her grab the phone in her hand.

"Our anniversary!"

It's silent on the line a few seconds. "Damn, it was just Valentine's day last weekend. We have to celebrate this too?"

"What?! So because you asked a week after a holiday I have to suffer? Every other couple gets two days to celebrate, so why should I have to lose one? Why would you want to lessen your chances of getting gifts and having sex? You must not want the gawk gawk 3,000..."

He laughs responding, "You spoiled as hell... and points were proven. I do enjoy some sloppy toppy." Gee sighs, "Everything has me stressing."

She pouts telling him reluctantly, "Fine. We don't have to do anything. You're tired, I'm tired. We can do a rain check, and sleep all day."

"Am I speaking to my girlfriend? You died inside a little with every word because that's a lie if you seen't it. I'll see what I can pull together," she can hear the mischief in his voice before he laughs.

Once they hang up, Magenta slides into the driver's seat. Instead of backing out she Facetimes Pandora. "Have you talked to Gee?" she asks once P answers.

"No. Why?"

"He's acting weird making it seem like he forgot our anniversary's coming up. What's tea?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Ain't that your bestiana?"

"That ain't my bestie. That's really my opp. We stay arguing like Martin and Pam," Pandora sucks her teeth.

"He didn't tell you anything, ask for advice, get your input?"

"Nope, I'm heartbroken right now. I wouldn't be much help. I'm no good, child," P states dramatically.

"Who told you to break up with Jux in the first place?" She did it after New Years, and Gen's surprised they're not back together by now.

"I'm trying to protect him."

"All you have to do is tell him what's going on. Plus, it's been quiet. Choice got your chain back and nothing has happened lately."

"And scare him off? Regardless, it'll be over. Jux is the first genuinely good guy I've dated. He went to college, no record, not in the streets. He's a graphic designer!" she says with shock she dated him. "I don't want him to get hurt."

"Tell him and give him the option. He still wants to be with you, but he's confused why you cut him off."

"I'm so emotional," P shakes her head as Angel by Amanda Perez plays in the background.

Gen fights a chuckle. "I used to have this song on replay when Gee left. Crying my eyes out."

"You always tryna find a way to bring up Gee. This is about ME and MY broken heart," she puts on the theatrics. Taking a swig straight from a Casamigos bottle, she sings loudly only stopping to say, "I'm going through it. I need a hug. Help me lord, woo!"

"Girl, call that man and get him back. Everything's good now though?"

She already knows the answer. Of course it's all good. The guy Choice pistol whipped to get her chain back swore to no beef and that no one would come at Pandora again. It was settled.

Big Bleak swore the streets would be warring for 40 days and 40 nights because he got so much love. In actuality, all his men were tired of being under him. Choice hasn't been touched yet.

"I think he got me a new car or something," Magenta throws out guesses still wondering why Gee's acting funny.

"How do your nails look?" Pandora asks.

She flips the camera and shows them. "They're still my Vday nails." They're light pink with airbrushed hearts and Gee spelled out on three nails.

"Mm, I think you should get them re-done. You need something more classy and simple."

"I just got these. I spent too much on them."

"I'll Cashapp you. You have to be happy with these for the rest of your life!" P exaggerates.

"Uh, okay. Come with me to the nail shop then. I'll come get you."

"Girl, I'm too depressed to leave the house," she puts a hand to her head like she's faint.

"Everybody's being fake as hell. I'll call you later. You call Jux."

Two Days Later...

Magenta keeps that sentiment of people being fake. After getting her hair and nails freshly done, she tries calling her Mom and brothers... No answer. She tries to call Pandora, Gee's mother, and even Seven; it's the same thing. She wants to tell them she thinks Gee's going to propose, but they're clearly ignoring her. She was hoping one of them would let a hint slip.

There's several things that made Gen come to that conclusion. Hopefully, she's not looking too much into it. How stupid would she feel if she's wrong? Regardless, she prepared herself if it's going down.

"Fuck y'all," she smacks her lips when another call goes to a voicemail box. Looking at her nails that are more subtle, Magenta decides to call her therapist since nobody else will answer. "I think my boyfriend's going to propose," she blurts out upon the woman answering.

"Is that a bad thing?" the therapist assumes because that's usually when she calls.

"No, I wanted to tell someone. I'm anxious. If I'm wrong, forget this conversation. Don't use it as a lesson of my overthinking and creating fantasies in our next session."

Her therapist chuckles. "What made you come to that conclusion?" Magenta explains, so she responds, "It seems like you two are in a good place, so I wouldn't be surprised."

"I know," Gen takes a deep breath.

"If he doesn't, it's also okay," she reassures her.

"He told me he was going to do it in a year, so we'll see." She talks to her therapist a little while longer before heading home.

Today's their anniversary, but she hasn't spoken to or seen Gee at all. When she woke up this morning he was already gone. He's been so secretive the last week.

Walking into the house she's not surprised to see it decked out for the celebration. She goes straight for the vase of roses and the card on the counter. On the outside of the envelope he wrote out 'wifey'. Taking the card out it reads, 3. 365 roses. 365 reasons to love you.

She tries to call Gee, but he doesn't answer. She doesn't even know what's going on or what's planned for today. He said he'd handle everything. Gen doesn't get her answer until she goes upstairs to the master bedroom.

On the bed is a silky, strappy dress and a box of René Caovilla Black Chandelier Beaded Ankle-Wrap heels. Next to it is a note that has, We have reservations tonight at 8. A car will pick you up at 7:30, scribbled onto it.

With butterflies in her stomach she kicks up a leg swooning at the thought of what might happen. Rushing towards her bathroom, the black hair that goes to her butt flows with body waves in it. She needs to start getting ready so she has enough time.

With the possibility of a camera being stuck in Magenta's face, she went full glam on the makeup. Like he said, a car picked her up and is now taking her to Downtown Houston. Wearing the outfit he picked, she's a ball of nerves in the backseat.

Pulling in front of a hotel, the driver gets out and opens her door. After helping her out Gen's expecting Genesis to be waiting on her, but nope. The driver hands her a key card saying, "You're going to ride the elevator up to the penthouse suite. From there you'll go to the rooftop terrace."

Magenta nods entering the building following his instructions. Reaching the 12th floor she steps off being greeted by a room completely washed in red lighting. There's rose petals and candles everywhere.

Her heart was already beating a mile a minute, but now it feels like it's going to come out of her chest. She doesn't even know which way to look or go. Jumping at a flash of light and camera shutter, she asks the man holding a camera, "Who are you?"

"Mike, Gee's photographer. You don't remember me?"

"Ohhh, yeah! What's it lookin' like in there?" she whispers the last part.

"Go in and you'll see," he chuckles.

When she hits the corner, Gen can't believe her eyes. The sitting area is just as decorated with panoramic views of the city. Mike's right on her heels recording everything, especially her reaction to the gallery walk.

Her eyes are already watering at the multiple blown up canvas portraits of them placed around the room. They all have placards next to them like in a real museum gallery. She stops to read the one next the photograph blown up so big it's taller than her...

I'll never forget the first day I met you and the feeling I got seeing you for the first time. Maybe somewhere deep inside I knew my life would never be the same. I feel like a part of me has loved you since the beginning. Maybe we're from the same star. We're connected by something greater than us. Angels, spirits, who knows.

Thank you for the most transformative years of my life. Thank you for allowing me the space to grow and heal over and over again. Watching you evolve has been amazing. You're so powerful and watching you continue to step into yourself has been an honor. I love learning more about you as you learn more about yourself. I'm proud as fuck of us. We've continued to confront and overcome every obstacle we've faced. Life hasn't been easy this last year, but we face every situation with ease. Thank you for being my peace. Thank you for grounding me. To many anniversaries together, and lifetimes to go. I prayed you never left me, and you still haven't.

"My makeup!" Magenta pouts not wanting to ruin it, so she contains the tears welling her eyes.

Mike doesn't want to ruin her moment, but he urges her, "Keep going," pointing towards the stairs.

"I'm scared," she mumbles.

Gen gets herself together climbing the stairs. When she does she can see at the halfway point where the bedroom and bathroom is. Knowing how much these event designers cost, he had to spent a grip. There wasn't an empty space to show the budget was skimpy on decorations.

Walking out of the door to the rooftop she's hit by the cool air. On cue an orchestra consisting of violins, flutes, and harps begin playing. Walking down the aisle runner lined by lanterns she feels like she's shaking like a leaf.

Waiting at the end of it, Gee wears a cheesy smile on his face making her cheeks go up. She's smiling on the outside, but on the inside she can't think straight. Gen's thoughts are all over the place.

Her eyes never leave his as she makes her way to him. But she can tell the setting is intimate. The attention to detail and execution is top tier.

"You look so good," Gee compliments losing his train of thought. Especially at the dress he picked out. He has good taste. She mouths a thank you, he snaps out of it. "Oh!" He pats his pockets pulling out a ring box beginning to lower to one knee.

Magenta bounces with excitement in her 4-inch heels. She wants to yell, I told you, niggas! She knew he was proposing tonight.

Her intrusive thought take over and she shouts, "Hell yeah, nigga! Where's my ring?!" Sticking out her hand eagerly while fluttering her fingers.

It completely throws Gee off and he can't remember the speech he had in his head, but they both bust out laughing. "I haven't said anything yet," he laughs.

"Let me be classy," she gains her composure shifting weight between hips. "I knew it though!"

"So, what's the answer?" He looks up at her.

"You haven't asked me anything. The answer to what, sir?" Gen responds with playful attitude.

"Will you marry me?" The once hysterical laughing she was doing quickly turns to crying. Somewhere in there is a yes.

In the middle of her blubbering and the long embrace, Gen takes time to look at her custom ring made by the jeweler, Iceman Nick. She's completely mind blown by it. "I love you so much," she exclaims through the sniffling.

"I love you too. No one ratted me out and ruined the surprise?"

"No," she shakes her head. "I just had a feeling. That woman's intuition."

Gen feels like a fairytale and a dream come true looking around the rooftop. She's glad it's only the two of them and he didn't invite anybody else. She didn't want a huge crowd, not even her friends or family. They bring too much drama.

There's two things she always asked him not to do... Don't propose when she's big and pregnant or in public in front of strangers. He did it perfectly, exactly how she envisioned it. The energy, the love, the ambiance...everything came together.

Magenta's still in awe trying to take it all in. Her makeup's ruined and her head's even starting to hurt from crying so much.

Unlocking his phone, Gee makes a group Facetime call. Everyone's been waiting as the faces of their favorite people popup on the screen. Of course it's all the people she was calling earlier, but wouldn't answer.

"Why weren't y'all answering my calls earlier?" Is the first thing that shoots out of her mouth.

"Did she say yes?" Gee's mother, Misty, yells first.

"Show us the ring!" Tempest shouts next.

Gen flashes her hand dramatically. "Allow me to reintroduce myself. Hi, name is Magenta and I'm a fiancée!" All the women shriek making the men widen their eyes.

"Finally, one of my kids marrying someone I actually like," Tempest throws the shade to Choice who smacks his lips.

"I knew you'd understand the assignment. That's a VVS flawless for you!" Pandora hypes it up.

"So all of you knew?"

"Of course. Gee had to get permission for your hand in marriage from me and your father," Temp replies.

"I have to call my Dad tomorrow morning."

"All I know is I need to be best man," Seven proclaims

"All the stress you put me through this year and you think you deserve that honor?" Gee screws up his face making them laugh. All Magenta can do is sigh in relief. She couldn't ask for a better anniversary gift. Sometimes she wonders how she got so lucky, especially after everything she's been through.


I wanted a break from all the drama this chapter lol.

Cortlen's charges being lessened? Him getting bail, but from Destin's help?

Thoughts on their Valentine's day & anniversary? Gee proposing to Gen?

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