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Magenta's supposed to be focused on getting ready for a date night with Gee. She's can't help but pause doing her makeup being too engrossed in watching Caprice's bond revocation hearing. The prosecutor setup a Zoom call that way all the victims on the case can be in tune.

"The first order of business is the motion filed by the bondsman requesting to be released as the surety," the judge starts as Gen blends her concealer. "Why do they want to be released? Destin Dent, correct?"

Magenta can't help but giggle to herself. Caprice was an idiot for going on national tv and accusing Destin of setting him up to be shot. Especially if he's the reason you're free on bond. Now Destin's playing chess and trying to snatch that money and his freedom back.

"The surety feels like the defendant hasn't been living up to their end of the agreement. The defendant hasn't been staying in contact. He also has reason to believe the defendant has been contacting witnesses in the case..."

Gen's eyebrows furrow. How does Destin know that? And witnesses as in plural?

"We'll get to that later regarding the witnesses," the judge stops the prosecutor from jumping ahead.

"Based on those reasons, Mr. Dent asked the court to be released from responsibility of the defendant's bond and relieved of any financial or criminal obligations."

"Mr. Wilcox was released on a million dollar bond. Before I ask if he can get a new bond reinstated or find a new bondsman with a surety to post it, let's continue with the hearing. I know that the prosecutors have other evidence to present. No reason in putting him in cuffs and making arrangements if I decide to revoke it. Let's continue..."

"The first thing that I'd like to present that I believe is a violation of the bond are lyrics that the defendant rapped on his new album-"

"Objection. Song lyrics?" Caprice's lawyer butts in.

"He has a gag order and I believe he violated it. The judge made it clear for him to be careful with his words on social media, interviews, and songs."

"Present the lyrics," the judge sighs as if he rather not be there.

The D.A. reads, "I ain't goin' back and forth on the net with a hoe. Who is she to make me plead my innocence? Granny warned me, but I didn't listen. Say, "Who don't hear must feel", now I'm feelin'. She said the hoe tryna get some dough and I'm 2Pac. Bro, you gotta watch these women."

"Nah, man. How's that violating? I didn't say any names," Caprice has an outburst.

"The use of the word she. It's too direct. He could get away with 'hoe' or 'bitch' because that's general," the prosecutor clears her throat feeling awkward using that language.

"It's third person. It could be general. He could be talking about an ex, his girlfriend or now wife, any woman. How do we know he's referring to a victim on the case?" The defense argues.

The judges notes it asking, "What else do you have?"

"We have proof the defendant met with several of his victims." When she lists who, Magenta's not amongst them. Apparently, Caprice went on an apology tour. During those meetings he allegedly offered some of them money.

It's like he's purposely trying to get his bond revoked. She can see him doing that. Apparently, he's been receiving more threats after blaming Destin. It seems as though Caprice would rather be back behind bars than out in the free world.

That's apart of the reason he rushed and married Felicity in Las Vegas. She's sitting front row with their baby looking a fool. He wanted to make it permanent before he has to go back to jail.

He felt like he had to prove his love, especially with her now being the mother of his child. Another thing that plays a part is the confession he made to Magenta. Caprice knows at any second it can be revealed to her sister. He married her out of guilt and paranoia.

Lastly, it helps to present himself as a family now. Look, I'm married with a daughter. It's a sympathy play. Caprice never truly valued Felicity more than a tool in his belt.

But little did Felicity know a day before he married her in a strip wedding chapel, he was back to his old ways. For the prosecutors last reason why he should be remanded back to custody is that Caprice allegedly tried to assault one of Felicity's friends.

"We also have evidence Mr. Wilcox may have attempted to sexually assault another woman while out on bond," the prosecutor makes the revelation.

Magenta completely pauses from putting on her eyelashes to look at her iPad. "You should've lead with this," the judge motions for the D.A. to come forward after asking to approach the bench.

As they go into detail, she's in shock. Evidently two days before they wed, Caprice and Felicity flew to Vegas with a group of friends. While on this trip, they had bachelor and bachelorette parties.

Sometime that night, Caprice saw one of Felicity's bridesmaids in the lobby of their hotel. She was heavily intoxicated and Caprice offered to help her get upstairs to her room. Instead, he took her to his room. He offered her a drink that he said would help her not have a hangover in the morning.

From there, the woman claims she passed out. When she woke up Caprice was on top of her. She eventually fought him off and ran out of the room. A security video from the hotel was presented where you can see her running down the hall half-dressed.

The next morning Caprice sent the victim text messages apologizing, saying he loves his soon-to-be wife, and begging for her not to tell Felicity or go to authorities. The woman went to the police, filed a report, then left Las Vegas.

"The defendant was told the conditions of his bond," the judge starts. "You were told not to mention victims in any capacity. You were told not to be in contact with them. Let's note that you violated the gag order the last trial. The rules didn't change just because it was ruled a mistrial. You had plenty of warnings and opportunity. I hereby remand the defendant to custody in violation of discovery protective order and personal contact order. You will be held in county until the trial date, which I hereby set for September 27th," the judge concludes as they cuff Caprice.

Magenta sighs to herself feeling bittersweet. She's happy he's no longer free. At the same time she's sad it took him assaulting someone else for that to happen.

The D.A. shares her sentiments as she gives a response to press outside of the courtroom... "I have a lot of things going through my head right now. I can tell you I'm angry. The courts allowed this to happen. As a society, we put so much pressure on victims of sexual assault to report because it's the right thing to do. Like it's their responsibility to protect future victims. It isn't fair. No one who's been harmed should have the responsibility of preventing future harm. You cannot expect people to ever talk about sexual violence if they're going to receive the treatment that these women received throughout this case. They have to relive this everyday."

Gen's in deep thought to the point she doesn't notice Gee come to the door. "Are you ready?" he makes her flinch.

"I need like ten more minutes," she stands up.

Hearing sound from her iPad it makes him say, "I thought you said you're done watching the case so closely.."

"I am. I just had to know if they'd take his bond. Sorry." Gee gives her a worried look. "I'm not regressing. Moving forward," she kisses his cheek.

"So? What happened?"

"He's going back to jail. He assaulted someone else right before he married my sister. Court was set for September if they don't push it back," she summarizes it while shimmying into her pants.

"Damn. What the fuck?!"

"Yeah, it's crazy," she comes off as nonchalant, but her shaking hands while buttoning her pants say otherwise.

"You good?" He asks.

"I'm so fucking irritated this keeps happening to women."

"The justice system is slow, unfortunately," he responds softly. He narrows his eyes as if in deep thought himself.

"And stupid." She pauses feeling herself getting angry. Shaking her head she adds, "What would it really take? I bet if he killed someone... Whatever I'm not going to ruin my own day. Our day. It's fine. I'm ready," she sighs pulling a coat over her shoulders.

Leaving for their destination, Gen quickly puts herself in a better mood. They haven't been on a solo date night in awhile so it's much needed. Between their careers and family drama they haven't had much time to themselves this month.

The first part of their date takes them to a place called Ice Castles. They walk around the frozen attraction looking at the thousands of icicles hand-placed by professional ice artists. Right on their trail is a hired bodyguard who's become an everyday fixture lately.

"Do we really have to go everywhere with security now? It's awkward," she says while hand-in-hand with Gee trying to take in LED-lit sculptures.

"Well, when people are following you and trying to kick the door in? Yes."

"They've had people following me for a year. What's different now? They're spying on me for this damn case.

"That's because it was a P.I. watching you at a distance. This clearly isn't that. Someone's trying to scare us or they're really trying to do something. We have to be careful. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"You bullet proofed our cars like we're going to World War, bought more guns, and made me go to the gun range like it was a daily morning Starbucks run."

"I'm confused why you didn't blast they ass off the damn porch.. A knife? This is Texas. You could've."

"One gun was upstairs and the other in my car. I panicked," she shrugs.

"And that's why you need the security. You can't react to what you don't see coming. We can say we know how to move, but that's how you end up dead. Protect yourself at all costs."

"Got it," she pushes hair behind her ear.

Gen gets distracted by a text message from FML Gravedigger. He sent a trailer of the music video they shot with a release date. It's accompanied by a text of him explaining the label's still putting it out as a single.

The only problem is they're not going to put a budget behind it as far as marketing and promoting with the rollout. None of the playlisting, billboards, ads, and radio. Basically, all the things that could help it get more streams and views.

She shakes her head because it's above her now. She signed a release form, so they can do that. Being petty and saying she doesn't want it out only hurts Torrance.

Magenta's gone full-throttle with starting her business. Now that she doesn't spend most of her day in meetings, in the studio, at shoots, or listening to artists music all day, she can focus. She's been working to build her brand and team. Right now she's on the search for an office space and beginning to interview potential employees.

Leaving the first part of their date, they go to a reservation they have. Walking into a bar that's a replica of a steam train carriage, a hostess shows them to a table.

Gee sits in the seat across from her, but he doesn't look happy about it. He has this thing where he likes to sit directly next to her. If he can choose a booth he will.

"We can play footsies," she teases, meanwhile he's already scooting the chair over. "Damn, you don't always have to be up under me." He ignores her as she looks around. "This place is so cute!"

The "windows" of the "train" are tv screens projecting videos of a wintery scene. It really feels like you're speeding through a snowy mountain landscape.

A bartender wearing suspenders and a bow tie brings them two freshly poured champagne glasses and gives them a cocktail menu. "You talk to your brother?" Gee asks as they begin looking over them.

"Which one?" she twists up her mouth. Either way, she's pissed at both of them. Choice for putting them in this predicament and Cortlen for making it worse.

Cortlen stuck to his guns about turning himself in. He walked into a detectives office after making arrangements ahead of time. They put him in cuffs to take his brother's place. Not too long later, Choice was walking out of the door Cort just went in. It's the dumbest thing she's ever seen. That was three days ago.

"Both, I guess."

"I'm supposed to meet with Choice to talk tomorrow. Cortlen called, but it was short. He told me not to worry, but how can I not?"

"I'm sure they have a plan we're not aware of," he shrugs not knowing himself. He'd never do it, but Choice and Cortlen have an interesting brotherhood.

The waitress comes back so they can order their drinks and give them the dinner menu. It doesn't take long for him to come back with them. As soon as it's on the table, Gen sips hers which is a strawberry infused Belvedere Rye whiskey.

Neither of them has to say a word as they slide their drink to the other so they can try it. Gee ordered some bourbon drink with concord grape. "Alright!" she says trying to grab her drink from his grips as he chuckles.

"Yours is better." The drinks are cute and strong like she likes them. Looking at the screen, the view briefly darkens as they slip through a "tunnel". "I'm not gon' lie, this shit making me dizzy," Gee admits.

"Don't tell me you get motion sickness.."

"Nah, but tell me it's not moving fast as hell," he stares at it.

"We're not actually moving, babe. Stop looking at it so long," she laughs moving his head. She takes another sip before asking, "So, are you going to finally tell me what's been going on with the investigation into your father's death?"

Magenta's tried her best to let him process everything rather than badgering him at every turn just to know what's happening. She knows he needs time to figure things out, so she gives him that space.

"I know I've been keeping everything close to my chest. Honestly, I don't want to scare you..."

"Scare me?"

"It's a lot. When you put the pieces together it all fits to make a fucked up puzzle. It starts with you, goes to Caprice, then Destin's father, then higher up," he rattles already becoming overwhelmed having to explain it.

"Destin's father?" Gen looks confused.

"This nigga's like the white Suge Knight. That albino squirrel looking mutha fucka has been lying about everything."

"Wait, back up.. What do Destin and his father have to do with your father's death? What does Kross even have to do with it?"

"You know how I said my Dad died from Oleander toxicity?"

"Yeah, and Pandora said he had a shrub of it. I figured he had something to do with it. But why would he kill Genaro?"

"Me and the P.I. are still working that out. We get up to my father having a gambling problem and we hit a brick wall. How do I break this down?" He rubs his face.

Magenta grabs a napkin then takes a pen from her purse extending it to him. "Map it out."

"After that talk with Destin, I looked up Rejoice Mobisson and Gabriel Ricardo," he writes their names at the top. "Destin's father was one of the names on the list of men suspected of sex trafficking connected to those cases in 2020. He was arrested in a sting operation with 20 others for human trafficking, but those charges were dropped. He was rich enough that they blocked the evidence. They had his ass on video tape, but the tape was destroyed. That's billionaire shit."

"Wait, why would Destin tell you to look up those names and cases knowing his father's name would come up too?"

"I don't know. But in that deep dive I found that Destin's father had a friendship with Trump, and a lot of influence with the democratic party. He must've called in a favor from judges and prosecutors."

She always knew the legal system is mostly about how much money you have and who you know. If you have neither on your side, you're probably going to prison. That's the fucked up part about America. It's never truly justice. It's about race, class, and connections.

Gee writes Reuben's name under the other two drawing a line for the web. "Destin's father was connected to a bunch of corrupt shit. Organized crime, gambling rings, illegal pro-sports betting, fixing MLB games, prostitution, sex trafficking. All of this through his connections to the Jewish mafia."

"Mafia?" she looks shocked.

"That niggas been Jewish this whole time."

"Destin? I thought he was regular white."

"That's what I said!"

"Okay, so your father was gambling and Reuben's connected to gambling rings. Maybe he got in with the wrong people and they wanted him dead."

"That's my theory too. My father was spending a lot of time with Reuben. Destin seems like he's just tries to protect his father. That's why him and Kross were trying to make your case with Caprice go away."

"They probably had some type of human and sex trafficking ring. Caprice got in good with them. He started taking advantage, but took it too far by assaulting women outside of it," Gen tries to piece things together.

"You rub shoulders with them long enough you become like them. That was Kross' problem."

"Pandora said the same thing. Rappers and black people in the industry are weirdly obsessed with white wealthy people."

"She's not lying. I feel like Kross got too involved with Destin and his father. They'll have you demeaning yourself and participating in things that compromise your character. I was never with that. Niggas act so gangsta and tough acting like they don't tolerate any disrespect. Get around billionaires and start doing Simon Says."

"You think maybe your father owed someone connected to Destin or the mafia, and they're the ones who told Kross to kill your father?"

"My Mom mentioned my father borrowing money from Kross. It could be any of them. Maybe it was the mob, maybe it was Kross. There's a lot of different stories and possibilities. Either way it's all people I introduced my father to. Why the fuck did I have my Daddy around these folks?"

"You can't beat yourself about that," she touches his hand that's on the table. "You didn't know. These people act nice until they're not. That's the industry. What's the plan? Because we need one..."

"I was thinking... You know how the FBI started investigating Caprice after more victims came forward. Maybe I could give them what I found. They're only looking at Caprice when this is a whole sexual pyramid scheme."

Magenta looks at the napkin. It starts with Rejoice and Gabriel goes to Reuben then Destin then leads to Caprice then Kross. Then you also have to include Caprice's friends, Amil, and the list goes on. Everyone has a part to play.

"I don't know. Destin already threatened us. Maybe we should leave it alone. We have a 50/50 chance of seeing Caprice in prison, but we won't win when it comes to Destin's father. If they got rid of the prostitution thing they can do it again..."

"They killed my father, G," he says strongly.

"I know, but we're trying to move on. You always say that to me. This'll make things implode."

"You're the one who kept pressing me about finding out what happened to my Daddy," he grows irritated. "I did and I can't ignore it."

Gen leans in whispering, "If they killed your father, Destin had something to do with Kross, and then Caprice was shot at... What the fuck do you think they'll do to you?" She shakes her head. "I'm not losing you."

She looks at Gee whose leg bounces profusely as he pulls the rubber band on his wrist. "I can't let them get away with this."

Touching his knee it makes him stop. "I hope you know I didn't forgot you told me you'd get help."

"Here you go. I had one anxiety attack. I've been good," Gee argues.

"What you just told me... That's a lot to deal with for any person. You're a music exec, back in school, now this. You're losing it internally. I know you are."

"As long as it's not translating externally, what's the problem?" She gives him a deadpan look making him suck his teeth. "I told Choice and Seven I'd go to grief counseling with them. I'll try it one time, but if I don't like the shit.. And if they try to put me on medication I'm not fuckin' with that."

"Not all counseling and therapy tries to put people on meds. There's always alternatives to diagnoses. I'm not on medication. As long as you at least try," she grabs his face kissing him. "We'll figure this out."

The next day, Magenta drives to Choice's house in Katy. She rings the doorbell and a minute later the door swings open with Inandi behind it. She rolls her eyes hoping she would've skated by now, but clearly not.

"Can I help you?" Inandi asks with attitude.

"You know I'm here to see my brother," she pushes the door back walking in. Just from the foyer she can tell the house was virtually flipped upside down from the police searching the property. "Choice!" she yells.

He jogs down the stairs hugging Magenta who keeps her arms by her side. "Hug me back, nigga!" he tries to force her.

"I don't like you right now," they walk into the living room. Gen looks back at Inandi who's going towards the kitchen. "I don't like her either. You're still with her," she complains.

"Don't start already."

"I'm just saying," she sits on the couch. "The lady was counting the chickens as soon as the eggs hatched. She cried for 2.5 seconds when they cuffed you before asking who'd run your company. Right after she suggested she should. Then she asked who was the person over your bank accounts in situations of emergency. Then she found out it was Ma and got mad. That's not a red flag to you?"

The few weeks Choice was in jail, Inandi was hell on wheels. She hated the fact if she needed money or information she had to go through their mother. Tempest loved every second of it.

"Wellll, she's going to be my wife." Magenta looks at him annoyed that he insists on going through with the engagement.

"But she's not yet... Please, don't be stupid and already put her name on things or give her access. And if you marry her get a damn prenup! You have a multimillion dollar company. Imagine someone taking all that like this," she snaps.

Choice laughs finding this amusing. "Look at you trying to give me advice. My little sister. I'ma big boy. Don't worry about me. My estate is going to you, Tink, and Ma. Your portion is good."

"I'm not saying all this because I'm scared I won't get anything. I have my own money. This is about you. Speaking of you, I can't believe you let Cortlen do that.."

Choice sighs rubbing over his head. "What was I gonna do? I look up and they're saying I'm free to go," he shrugs like it's nothing.

"You know why he's doing this, right?"

"Because he feels guilty? Yeah."

"You knew about him and Chandrika?"

"I knew. You think I didn't? We're talking about my wife and brother. The two people I knew like the back of my hands."

"And you didn't care?

"I didn't say all'at."

"You were still working to fix your marriage with Chandrika though."

"She admitted it after I confronted her." He looks at Gen's confused face. "Love is love. If I love you, I love you forever."

"I'm sorry, but there's not enough love in the world. My blood brother and a girl I've been dating since elementary school? There's no way."

"The love outweighed the bad shit they were doing. It's easy to give up. Your loyalty and love isn't determined by others. It doesn't stop because theirs did," he tries to make sense of it.

"There's a thin line between loyalty and letting people play you like a fool."

"It doesn't matter anymore, now does it? I've moved on and I'm over it." She can't argue with him if that's how he feels. How can she be mad if he isn't?

"How is this even going to work? Wouldn't Cortlen have to give a written confession or take a plea agreement? How can he if he doesn't know what happened?"

"I called Cort about my bail before I found out I didn't have one. We were talking and I mentioned Destin owing me a favor. He owes me for helping him with Kross and Caprice. Cort called him. He told Cortlen he'd arrange a deal that's already been cut. All he has to do is walk into the lead detectives office and give himself up. They'll make sure they don't indict or charge him with anything from there."

"We're fucked," Gen puts her face in her hands.


"I don't think that's going to be an option anymore. Cortlen might've walked into a fuckin' trap. I don't think there's any deal.."

"What're you talking about?

"Gee thinks Destin, his father, and Kross had something to do with his dad's death. He confronted Destin and it didn't go well. Destin threatened him because Gee said he wasn't going to stop looking into it."

Cortlen turned himself in a day after that conversation between Destin and Gee. This is probably a power play to get at Gen and Gee.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," Choice stands up pacing. "He was my get out of jail free card!"

"Maybe if you weren't moving so secretive and keeping us out of the loop. You should've told someone that!"

"Why the fuck would Gee confront him before he got all the answers and knew for certain they were involved? Cort's already been in there a few days."

"It should be fine regardless, right? If the bodies were in the incinerator and the DNA was too charred to match, they have nothing. They can't even say for certain it was those 5 men. There's no bodies and no weapon."

"You don't have to have a body to convict someone. All they need is facts that connect and a motive. They're already putting two and two together with CO2 after what my warehouse manager said."

Gen's mouth slowly drops realizing that's how he killed them. "No?"

"Yes, that's the murder weapon. I put four of them in a room, locked it, then turned the CO2 on. Then I shot Bleak. Right now they're leaning on a drug deal gone bad. That's enough for them. Cortlen may be fucked. Fuck!" Choice yells.

When Cortlen got out many people wondered how long it would take for him to get in trouble and end up back in prison. It's fucked up, but he had spent the majority of his life incarcerated. He didn't know anything else. In and out. In and out.

Yeah, he got caught up in some bullshit at first. He shot those guys out of self-defense. He was ready to risk it all to protect his family. But other than that he was adjusting and staying out of trouble. He was genuinely trying to change.

Now if he does go to prison it's because of something someone else did...

For the next twenty minutes the two siblings sit in silence. Choice is clearly pissed trying to figure out a new plan, but he's stumped.

"Where's Felicity?" Magenta looks at her watch. One of the reasons she came over is because she asked Choice to invite her so they can talk.

Five minutes later the doorbell rings. Choice opens his door letting Felicity in who carries a car seat. She looks stressed out. Between Caprice going back to jail, and having no help with the baby, she needs sleep.

Choice doesn't give Tink so much as a hi. He goes straight for his niece picking her up as the infant cries at the top of her lungs.

"What's wrong? Hey, CC," he kisses her face.

"She's been fussy all day. She wouldn't sleep through the night. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe she misses her Dad," Felicity brushes her hand over her hair that needs to be done.

Choice looks at Felicity like she's delusional. "Uncles got you," he tries to console her while walking away.

Felicity approaches and Gen notices the ring along with a wedding band on her finger. Magenta lowers her head and laughs. "You can't make this shit up," she mumbles. "Let me guess... You don't believe your friend either."

"We're not friends anymore. She was only around to use me anyway," Tink flops on the couch with a sigh. "If you want to scold me about what happened between Mama and I-"

"I really could care less about that. That's between y'all two. I'm sure she gave you the warranted ass whooping you needed."

Tink scoffs with a light laugh. "What do you want? I don't have time for this," she gives attitude.

Magenta unlocks her phone. "I was going to let you live in your stupidity... But I don't know if I can sit back knowing you have a child, a daughter, with that man now."

"Are you insinuating my child's father would hurt our daughter?"

"I am. The man's sick and needs help. You enabling him won't help. He literally assaulted someone right before you two got married. If he can admit and use the excuse that he was depressed, drunk, and high as why he raped me, it's not farfetched he could hurt a child..."

"What're you talking about? He never admitted to shit. He plead not guilty."

Magenta hits play on the recording. She made sure to play the entire thing from start to finish just so she won't accuse her of tampering or editing the audio.

Once it's done playing Felicity has a stuck look on her face. There's tears welled up in her eyes and her bottom lip trembles. "How long have you had this?" She pushes out in a shaky voice.

"Not that long ago. He met to talk to me right after he got shot. It was an-"

"I'm sorry," Felicity blurts out as the once stagnant tears rush down her face. "I'm sorry. I really am," she breaks down crying. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I don't even know who I am anymore since I've been with him."

This isn't at all how Magenta pictured this moment. She honestly thought if Felicity gave a genuine apology they'd both cry together and hug it out. Instead, Gen's cold with no reaction.

She's so quiet Felicity slides from the couch getting on her knees. "I don't know what it'll take for you to forgive, but I'm so sorry. I let him turn me into a monster just like him. Against my own sister..."

Gen stands up looking down at Felicity before pulling her up from the carpet. "You know my intentions at first in letting you hear the recording was to make you look stupid. To prove a point that I was right. To see that egg on your face for calling me a liar. Then I realized a part of that is wanting acceptance from my big sister. I don't want or need that anymore."

"I know I haven't been the best sister," she starts as words get stuck in her throat.

"You still have time to annul the marriage. Other than that, you're not my problem anymore," Magenta grabs her purse putting it on her shoulder. "And I think your baby has an ear infection..."


"She's fussy, crying, won't sleep, tugging her ear." Seeing Felicity look at her as if she doesn't know what she's talking about she adds, "I used to babysit LeeLee all the time," referring to one of their cousins. "She'd get them a lot. Take her to a doctor and you'll see."

"Thank you," Tink responds faintly.

"Whatever. Tell Choice I'm gone." Magenta walks out of the door getting into her car. She sits there a few seconds with her hands on the wheel. She waits for tears of relief to come, but nothing. "Hm," Gen pushes out starting the car and backing out.

In a heated rooftop cabin, ten people sit around a table for their dinner reservation. It's New Year's Eve and they're all ready to celebrate the ending of another year. With floor-to-ceiling vistas of the downtown Houston skyline it's the perfect backdrop for lively conversation.

"Women are definitely more sneaky," Colby argues during the current topic of conversation.

Gee's comfortable in the banquette style seating as Magenta's next to him. His arm's draped around her shoulder, and he can't help that one hand is on her chest. It's become subconscious for him. He doesn't realize he's doing it. If they weren't in public his hand would be all in her shirt.

Choice joins the debate. "Women will literally be showing a nigga trickin' on them on their close friends. Posting champagne glasses in the designer store. Then on their regular story they're posting their real man calling him the love her life. Y'all got it!" He throws up his hands.

"I don't think women are sneaky," MiMi maintains. "I think men are so narcissistic and full of themselves they don't see the shit that's right in their face. Y'all are used to being the ones cheating, you can't fathom a woman doing it too."

"Here y'all go! I'm so tired of the words narcissist, gaslighting, and narrative. Y'all see words on Twitter and run them in the ground," Jux makes a few people chuckle.

"I've never been cheated on. I can't even imagine that shit," Gee adds to the conversation.

"You probably have been, but you didn't know. Like I said, women are better at hiding it," Jux states with a shrug.

"I bet y'all have been the side nigga helping a sneaky woman cheat though. It wasn't a problem then," Glow laughs sipping on her red wine.

"I'm a proud side nigga who got upgraded to main. Right, baby?" Jux kisses Pandora's temple.

She's too preoccupied by her phone not hearing a word from the conversation. "Huh?"

Gee shakes his head looking at the virtual fireplace and the hanging string lights in the corner of the room. Everyone gets happy when their servers enter the cozy cabin bringing the food. Once they've all gotten their plates a toast is proposed.

With their glasses raised they go around giving cheers for every person at the table acknowledging something they accomplished or overcame this year.

Since it's Magenta's turn she chooses Gee saying, "Cheers to Gee finishing his first semester back in school. All A's, 4.0."

Gee goes next because the toast was for him. "Thanks to G for writing a couple papers for me." He looks around the table choosing Pandora for the next one. "Cheers to P for owning two successful boutiques. Also, for being a real nigga who holds it down."

She raises her glass a little higher as a thanks. But it's clear her mood's off tonight. She hasn't been talking very much and quieter than usual. "Cheers to Magenta for quitting that job. I know you're on to bigger and better. Release those shackles, girl!"

They quickly get through the rest and do a group prayer before digging in. Gee barely has his silverware open before Magenta's staring at his plate of Buttermilk Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes and chipotle gravy. "That looks good as hell. Can I have some?"

"Why you always wanna eat off my plate? Stick to that healthy ass food you ordered." When she pouts he smacks his lips. "Here, dog," he gives in making Gen dance in her seat.

After eating they ride the elevator down to the lobby the rooftop restaurant is in. Gee and Gen are amongst the first half, while the others are waiting on it to come back up.

"Everything good with P? She looked distracted and anxious," Gee notes as they walk.

"You noticed it too. I'm gonna ask later. She doesn't seem herself." Going out of the revolving doors they wait on the rest of their group to come out. "I'm ready to get drunk," she announces because they're going to the club.

"You havin' this shit. What you got on, twin?" He asks taking in her outfit..

"Just a little Mugler and Balenci," she holds up her purse. "Nothing much-"

"No biggie," he finishes her sentence making her chukle.

Before going to the club they make a stop. Gee goes into the gas station getting what he needs along with a few others. When he comes out he decides to approach a man who's selling flowers.

A minute later he's swinging the door open not looking pleased. "I love you, but it ain't romantic when those finessing ass Mexicans charge you an arm and a leg," he says holding a bouquet.

"Babe," she gives him a look to watch his mouth.

"What? He went from $5 a flower. I ask how much for the whole thing and it's a hundred."

"Don't knock that man's hustle," she takes the roses gladly.

"Finessed the fuck outta me. This is why I stick to my lady, Consuela. I needa hit my girl up," he gets back in the car.

Magenta laughs kissing his cheek multiple times. "Aww, thank you, papi. I appreciate it. Money well spent."

As they drive, Mimi says, "Look at this," pointing out the fact Gee still reaches back to the third row to hold Magenta's hand since they couldn't sit next to one another. "Y'all are disgusting. Somebody get my single ass out of this car," MiMi complains right as they pull up to the club.

The whole reason they're coming to this club is because Pandora's hosting. P waits in the backseat of a Chevy Tahoe waiting for her manager who's ensuring they have all her money.

Fifteen minutes go by and they're still waiting. P looks irritated as she argues with her manager. "What's going on?" Gee asks Jux who leans against one of the cars.

"Pandora's saying she's not going in."

"They don't have all her money?"

"Nah, something about her security can't come in with a gun. She's refusing to go in. I don't know. She's been extra paranoid lately, but won't tell me what's going on," Jux shakes his head.

Pandora can be heard aggressively saying, "But if I try and bring mine in they'll say no. It's either I keep it on my person or my security has it. If not, I'm not going."

"You can't cancel the night of when you were on the flyer," her manager tries to reason.

"In a minute, I'm finna stop doing these appearances. Niggas shootin' up clubs left and right, but I can't protect myself?" She says with attitude.

"I'll talk to them."

"I move comfortable and smart, but not lacking. Do I look dumb?" P says to no one in particular.

"It happened to her too," Gen says in a low tone. "Two masked men tried to run up on her in her parking garage."

"To rob her?"

"Who knows. They could've been trying to kidnap her for all we know."

"Bullshit," Gee mumbles as his mind goes a mile a minute. How can people tell him to leave it alone when clearly others aren't doing the same?

It takes a minute, but they finally enter the club. They were giving her such a hard time about not bringing weapons in, but Gen was able to sneak passed security without having her purse searched. They were more focused on patting down the men, so she slid by.

In the packed section, Gee stands behind Magenta as music thumps. There's probably not a single sober person as everyone wants to be buzzed for the holiday. "How you mad she choosin' me? I like what she do to me," he raps with his arm wrapped around Gen's shoulder.

"She say she feel safer over here. This where the shooters be. She say ain't no paper up over there, shit she barely eatin'!" Gen finishes like it resonates with her deeply.

"I'm drunk as hell, on my kids," he yells through the music.

Jux looks confused. "Nigga, you don't have kids!"

With narrowed eyes he has to think on it. "You right. I meant on my mama," Gee causes Jux to crack in laughter.

At some point, Pandora leaves the section to go to the main stage and throw money on the dancers. Meanwhile, the rest of them continue partying. P's security trails behind her as she tosses money to the beat of the music.

She was fine and enjoying herself, but within minutes something went wrong. Before anyone knew it Pandora's arguing with a man who approached her angrily. She doesn't know him personally, but whoever he is clearly has a vendetta against her.

The verbal altercation takes a quick turn when the man spits in her face. P's first reaction is to swing on the man not caring if he's stronger. The security finally tries to intervene, but the man snatches her chain from around her neck by the time he does.

Nobody even realizes Colby jumped over the rail and was halfway across the club to fight the man.

"What's going on?" Magenta stops her drunken twerking on Gee. She looks around confused at the growing commotion on the other side of the club. "I know they're not trying to fight my best friend."

"Ay, wait!" Gee yells behind her as she's also rushing in that direction.

Within moments their section's nearly empty as one by one people are leaving to defend Pandora.

Jontell, Pandora's assistant and a childhood friend from the neighborhood, was right on Jux's heels. At first the other men weren't worried about a gay dude with a wig and makeup coming their way until he started knocking heads back. Male or female he's fighting behind his friends.

Pandora's younger sister, Sasha, threw her heels off and was using them as weapons. Bottles are being thrown as the man who started it has a crew of men backing him up. It's chaos.

"Chill out!" Choice yells trying to grab Glow and MiMi.

Gee snatches Gen up as she's punching some man in the back of his head. "What're you doing?" he asks getting a tight grip on her.

"That bitch knows what she did!" The guy who kicked it off yells as security steers him towards the exit. "Next time I see that bitch, she'll be in a box. Opp ass hoe!" He holds up her $30k chain with a grin. By the pendant around his neck, Gee knows he's an affiliate of Big Bleak. "Come get it if you want it."

He can bet money this is about her involvement in setting up Kross. It wasn't known to many that Bleak helped Choice with the setup. Bleak left them in the dark about a lot before his death.

Gee can see Choice whispering to some of his friends. His head motions to the left and Gee knows he's telling them to go outside.

"You're the nigga they arrested for Bleak," a guy tilts his head looking Choice up and down.

"I'm out 'cause I ain't do that shit," Choice lies. "But if you knew what I knew, you'd walk away or you'll be next."

"Whatever," he blows out air snatching away from a security guard trying to show him out.

The club waits until they've gotten out everyone who was with the initiator of the brawl before they even think about letting Pandora leave.

"You okay?" Magenta fixes P's top as she sits in the back of an SUV.

"Yeah, I'm done for the night though."

"What about the countdown and fireworks?" P only shakes her head. "Text me when you get home safe." Gen's about to close the door, but a lime green Corvette pulls up. Choice rolls the window down sticking his arm out holding Pandora's chain. It hasn't even been twenty minutes.

Gee approaches his car to get it for her. "Niggas weak as fuck. You don't get any points for snatching a broads chain. Tell P's driver to follow me," Choice says callously.

Genesis thought Choice being arrested would make him steer completely clear of predicaments like this. But once again, he can't stand by and let people come at someone he considers family. Especially when he got her involved in this unknowingly. Right about now Pandora's wishing she didn't send that text to Choice.

They watch the two cars pull off before Gee and Gen get into theirs. "Can we get a New Year's Eve with no drama?" Gee asks remembering last year. At least this time it wasn't his fault.

"Everybody needs anger management and conflict resolution classes because the immediate reaction is violence to something they don't like."

"Weren't you bopping a nigga upside his head?" Gee asks making them both laugh.

Even though they've been drinking most of the night, they stop to get one more bottle before heading to a park. They want to end the night at a fireworks show.

As soon as they get there, Gen's running down a sloping hill of the grass field barefoot. She holds a Clase Azul Tequila bottle in one hand and her phone in another. "Come on!" She rushes Gee. She jumps up and down excitedly as the colorful explosives burst into the air.

When he does catch up to her, she tries to pull his hand to sit in the grass with her. "I have all white on! And grass makes me itchy."

"Please." He gives in sitting. Anything for her. Gee chuckles at her recording the fireworks like she's never seen any before.

Seeing a dramatic tear slowly roll down her cheek he asks, "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy. They're happy tears. Tears of joy," she blubbers.

"You're an emotional drunk. Every time," he wipes her face.

"I'm so proud of you!"

"Proud of me for what? What did I do?"

"Everything. For being you. You're so smart. Remember when you got arrested all those times, always fighting, got kicked off the football team, lost your scholarship, had to quit college? You came so far!" He furrows his eyebrows not knowing if he should take the compliment.

"Thank you," he responds hesitantly. "I'm proud of you too."

"Life's good. Even when it's not. It's always good with you. I'm glad I met you," she sniffles as the teardrops keep coming.

"Me too," he laughs, but also consoling her. He's gotten used to her emotional ways. "Last year I said I'm trying to spend all 2022 with you-"

"And we did that," she cries even harder. "You kept all your promises. I don't deserve you, babe. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"We're gonna do that too," he kisses her. "I love you."

After the countdown, they didn't stay out much longer before going home. Gee unlocks the door, and they enter the house. Magenta clumsily feels her hand on the wall asking, "Where's the damn light switch?" Because she's barefoot she feels something wet on her feet. "What the hell?"

They both look down and there's a trail of blood going down the entrance hallway. "Is that blood?"

Gee goes ahead cautiously following it. Seeing the blood stops at the puppy Magenta just bought him for Christmas, Gee's mouth falls open. "Not Sparkle!"

"What?" Magenta rushes towards him stopping next to him. "They done kilt the damn dog!"

Gee doesn't even know what to do. He approaches the dog, but she's clearly dead. "Who would do this?"

"Destin," Gen says like it's obvious. "What kinda sick shit? I thought white people don't play about dogs.. Bet I call PETA and that'll get they ass locked up since sex trafficking doesn't," she grumbles.

"Don't you see me grieving!"

"Sorry," she pats his shoulder.


Caprice's bond being revoked? Him allegedly assaulting another woman?

Cortlen turning himself? Destin being Choice's plan to get out of it?

Felicity marrying Caprice? Her reaction to the recording?

Their New Year's celebration? Them coming at Pandora?

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