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In her office, Magenta keeps herself busy until it's time for her meeting to start. There's nothing she hates more than being confined to an office space, but it's one of those days where she has to sit through meetings with her artists. It's about to be the end of the year, so things need to be wrapped up before the holiday.

The tv on the wall catches her attention. It's on the news for background noise and the upcoming story is about her brother, Choice.

While they were all in Jamaica, the police were searching Choice's million dollar home in Katy. They didn't find anything such as a potential murder weapon. They also searched his cultivation warehouse in Austin. What lead them there?

The man on the screen currently being interviewed. It's an employee of a cleaning and maintenance company that comes in monthly to clean the incinerators at Choice's warehouse.

Back in August the man found human remains in the incinerator. He quietly reported it, and investigators had been looking into it. There's so many people who work at Choice's cultivation center they couldn't blame anyone without a plausible reason. They've slowly been looking into it and questioning employees there.

The man from the maintenance company tells his account to a camera crew... "I saw ash and something that looked like bones inside the incinerator. There was a funny smell. Like rotting. It wasn't nice."

"Why does a Cannabis cultivation center have an incinerator?" The news anchor asks.

"Cannabis growers have to work with a licensed incineration company or use a specialized incinerator to destroy their waste. Burning marijuana can potentially create a biohazard effect into the air. It has to be disposed of properly. So, I come in monthly to make sure their incinerator is working and getting rid of waste. Usually, the incinerator's used for roots, stalks, leaves, and stems that turn to black ash. Something looked off, so I called the police."

The news anchor comes on screen to say, "The burned remains are believed to be Bashir Bleak, Tyquan White, Yusef Gray, Harris Granbury, and Quincy Young. The five men went missing in August. What was found in the incinerator are too charred to be identifiable by their DNA."

Magenta shakes her head. If they're too charred to match the DNA how can they be certain it's even them?

They interview the manager of the cultivation warehouse next. He's like Choice's right hand man who makes the place run smoothly everyday since Choice isn't always here. "I really don't think my boss could've done this. This is crazy. He's a good business man. Nicest boss anyone could ever have."

"You told the police that something had been off in the warehouse. What did you mean?"

"All I said was one of the batches got messed up. The plants got weak and yellowish. That usually is a sign of being exposed to too much CO2. I asked the employees if anyone messed with the levels, but no one would own up to it."

"You also said their was footage from the security camera missing?"

"Yeah, it was blank. It was suspicious, but I don't know," he shrugs. "The date in question... I don't remember seeing Choice come into the warehouse that day. We have over 50 employees. It could've been anybody."

The news anchor then goes into details police have linking Choice to Big Bleak. The only thing they had is him showing up to Chandrika's funeral. The investigators theory is Bleak's a known drug dealer and Choice has a Cannabis business. Marijuana must've linked them. In the words of the lead detective, "I think it was a drug deal gone bad."

That was enough to arrest and charge him.

Choice's lawyer argued it was physically impossible to kill five men alone. That Choice didn't have the physicality to do so. Choice is over six feet and big enough. He's the type who goes to the gym daily and heavy into lifting weights. But Bleak was nearly 300 pounds and over 6 feet himself. Another one of the men was 6'6".

He also said it would be physically impossible for Choice to be in so many places in one day. Investigators traced his whereabouts. He went to brunch in Houston with his girlfriend. Then he drove two hours to Austin at some point in the day. Killed the five men and got rid of the bodies. Then caught a private flight to Dallas, which is over an hour. In Dallas he attended his sister's baby shower.

"He was a very busy man if he did that," his lawyer laughed it off. "It's physically impossible for him to be at that many places and that many cities in one day. "He has alibis, witnesses," he argued.

Choice actually could be that many places. You have to time it right. Magenta knows that. She knows he did it, but the police have to prove it. Law is always what you can prove and not what you know.

Magenta turns the tv off. Choice is still in county after his bail was denied. Seeing as they arrested him after a private flight from Jamaica, prosecutors made a case he has the means to flee

Checking the time she gets up from her desk. Making sure she has everything she needs, Gen makes her way to the conference room. She greets everyone sitting at the table next to FML Gravedigger; who the meetings about.

The meeting about his upcoming project is going smoothly until they play the music video. They went with his idea that he presented to her and she produced it. Torrance wears a smile as it plays feelings like it came out great. The last step is getting it approved to be released.

"Whose idea was this?" one of the executives asks once the video's over. It was the perfect depiction of how easily a girl can go to any party, get drugged, then assaulted.

"Mine," Torrance says with no hesitation.

They look at him skeptically before fixing their eyes on Magenta. As an A&R she's the go between the artist and the record company. She's supposed to find a balance between the artistic vision of the talent and maximizing sales for the label. Gen tends to cater to the creatives first because she's a creative herself. They don't always like that.

"Look, this isn't the direction we want to go in for the next single or music video."

Torrance gives a frustrated groan. "What? You'd much rather me put out a song about killing and toting guns? I told you I'm growing up and my music is going to change. I can make other music. That's the whole purpose of me doing this melodic EP."

"Yes, and we understood and green-lit it. Why can't you choose one of the love songs to be the lead single? A song about sexual assault isn't going to top the charts of Billboard or be played on the radio in high volumes."

"That's not what I'm looking for. I want to send a message. And if you're smart you'll realize this can gain me more female fans. Even though it's not about that," Torrance tries to explain.

"Give us a second," one of them asks Torrance to step out.


"Please." Smacking his lips he pushes the rolling chair back forcefully. Once he's out the exec clasps his hands together looking at Magenta down the long table. "Whose idea was this really?"

"Tor- FML Gravedigger already said it was his. I just helped bring his vision to life. That's my job."

"I understand what you're going through in your personal life outside of the workplace. But that's where it should be kept, out of the workplace. Music videos and songs aren't the place for your personal vendettas and agendas to be pushed."

"Excuse me?" she looks at the white man in his fifties sideways.

"Everyone knows you're the Jane Doe," a woman speaks up with a smile trying to soften what the man said. "We know topics like this are near and dear to your heart. We know you want to be an advocate for victims, but maybe you should do that on your own time."

"My agendas? It wasn't my idea. I didn't hold a gun to his head and make him record the song or video. He did it on his own. He presented something and I made it happen."

"Look, you've been here, what? Six, seven months. It was long enough for me to see what you're capable of and I don't think this is working out. We hired you as a favor to Devin-"

"Favor? One, I'm no ones favor." She can tell where this is going, so she beats him to the punch. "Let's make this easier on both of us because I know what you're about to say. I quit!"

She stands up exiting the room going to her office. Before the door's shut she grabs a box throwing things into it. Magenta pauses wondering if she made a mistake. She paces back and forth before plopping into the office chair.

She tries to hold it together but the frustrated tears rush out. She's tired of starting over. She's already beyond stressed as it is.

While also working this job, she's been starting a business on her own in the background. Starting a company with no business partners is harder than she thought. She's been shelling out cash left and right.

Her anxieties been on ten wondering if the business will even be successful at the rate her career is declining in the industry.

She just got through the stress of renovating her investment property. That took three months and a lot of money all to see a return in revenue.

She went from feeling adventurous and excited for a new beginning to it being dreadful.

Magenta takes anything she needs on her work computer putting it on a flash drive. She only grabs the belongings that can fit in her tote bag realizing she never got settled in the first place. Not saying another word to anyone she whisks out of the building.

Sitting in her car she cries to herself still not leaving the parking lot. Her phone that's connected to the Bluetooth begins ringing making her slightly jump. Seeing it's Gee, she tries to gather herself as quickly as possible. For the last three weeks he's been out of town on business.

Answering the Facetime call she tries to put on a smile. "Wassup, baby girl," he greets distracted by opening the curtains to let in more light.

"Hi," she responds sheepishly.

When he does look at the screen he asks, "What's wrong? Your nose all red like you've been crying."

She looks at him apprehensively saying meekly, "I just quit my job." Her weepy voice trembles and like a small child she begins crying again.

"What? Why?"

She starts the story and Gee can't help laughing when she describes the exec as 'an old, wrinkly white man.' After detailing what happened she finishes it by asking, "I'm not tripping, right?"

"Nah, they're fasho wrong. Sounds like they were looking for a reason. You want me to talk to someone? I can talk to Devin. He'd get whoever it was in check. Get you your job back."

"No! And have people think I tattletale to my boyfriend who then goes to the boss. I know they were already whispering I only got the job because we're in a relationship. I'm over it. I'm ready to focus on my own thing."

"How in the hell you get fired before your year was up? You've barely been there," he chuckles trying to make light of it.

"I haven't worked for anybody since I graduated college. I don't take well to people trying to play me. That's the same reason I walked away from the business with my sister."

"Did you tell 'em your man has two jobs and you don't need this shit in your Rochelle voice?" He makes her laugh as she wipes her face.

"No, but I have to get this production company started tomorrow. It's taking so long, but I want it to be perfect," Gen sighs.

"How much you need to speed up the process of starting your business?"

"I don't need your money, Gee."

"Didn't say you did. I'm offering." This isn't the first time either. She tells him she can dip into her CBS settlement and he tells her not to because of 'saving it for future plans.' Whatever that means. "Give me a number."

"$100k," she throws out there thinking that'll shut him up. Also, to see what he's going to say.

"Alright," he responds nonchalantly. "It'll be your Christmas present. I need something in return though. A return on my investment sorta," he smirks making her laugh.

"I knew it came with strings attached. What?"

"And it will. I need the lingerie with the stringy things..."

"I'm done with you. I'll see you when you get back," she smiles.

"Red. The color of the lingerie. I'm serious."

"When are you coming home?" She can't lie she has serious separation anxiety. She cried the day he left and she's been miserable since.

It's the first time she's lived with someone she's in a relationship with. Noah was always long distance, for a reason. She actually likes waking up to someone in the morning. Coming home to the same person. Cuddling every night.

"You miss me huh? I come home Thursday."

"Well, hurry up! Make it back to me in one piece."

"I will. Promise. I love you. And keep your head up, Tommy. Your next job you'll own the company," he pokes fun at her.

"I love you too, asshole!"

Hanging up she finally starts her car and leaves the parking garage. Driving on the highway she raps the Drakeo the Ruler lyrics full of passion. "Feel like you a bitch, I think everyone should know. Identify yourself, is you a bitch or you a hoe?"

She pauses looking in the rearview mirror noticing a black car that's been behind her for awhile. There used to always be someone lurking around, but it stopped for nearly six months. Now it's starting again.

Magenta speeds up switching in and out of lanes to see if they will too. They do. "A nigga go against the grain he gettin' smoked," she mumbles the lyrics sitting up as she weaves through traffic. With one hand she steers and the other reaches into her glove box for her gun.

At the last minute she takes the exit causing someone to honk at her. Seeing the car keep going straight on the highway, she lets out a deep breath.

By evening Magenta finds herself doing the remainder of her Christmas shopping with Pandora. "Should I get my mama this Louis bag?" Gen asks picking it up.

"That's cute. I know I'm not gettin' my mama shit. That lady didn't even wish me a happy birthday."

"Y'all still have problems?" Pandora nods. "You have parent issues. I have sibling issues," Gen sighs.

"We really had a fucked up life. It made us who we are, I guess," P shrugs.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"Eh, who knows. Stuff that's not normal is normal to us. Death, killing, drugs, guns.."

"I say I forgive Caprice, but I also have trouble separating him from the person who hurt me. At the same time, it doesn't bring me joy when he gets hurt. I'm more numb than anything. Do you ever feel guilty for the part you play in someone getting set up?" Gen asks remembering what was said by Choice in Jamaica.

"Sometimes. Kross getting killed fucks with me because I wasn't expecting it," P answers honestly. "I know he broke into my house and we fought right before that, but I didn't want him dead. When I sent that SOS text I didn't know what it would result in."

"What text?"

"Choice told me to text him if Kross happened to get bail and tried to come at me. If he realized I set him up... Choice said he'd try and come immediately to help me. So I text Choice to let him know he popped up. I was the one who gave out Kross' location, which caused his death. My intentions weren't to get him killed. Really I just wanted to let someone know that I could be in danger."

She can tell it genuinely weighs on Pandora's conscience. "But did my brother ever show up?" Gen looks confused.

"Choice didn't get there until the police showed up. He was there when they arrested both Kross and I. He said he'd bail me out, but after I was in there a day I called you. He wasn't answering his phone. I think he called whoever, told them Kross would be in county, and they watched until he was released. Then he was killed..."

"Damn," Gen whispers.

"Don't get me wrong, Kross had it coming. I didn't want it on me."

"I always wondered why Kross didn't ever try to kill Gee," she leans in because they're talking as quiet as possible despite no one being around them.

"He talked about it. Every time he got mad he said he was opening that back door. But it was like he needed someone to tell him he could. Like he needed the greenlight first, and it never came."

"Maybe Destin?" she suggests.

"Wouldn't be surprised. Kross was one of those niggas weirdly obsessed with wealthy white people. Anytime Destin would call he'd drop everything and do it. Destin had him around millionaires and billionaires, but he was nothing more than the equivalent of a store runner for those white folks, a do-boy, a flunky. Once I saw that I didn't really have respect for him. If they told him to hop on one foot while rubbing his stomach, he'd do it."

"What if they had something over him?

"Maybe? He's always said he owed them."

They continue shopping and when they're done they go back to Magenta's house. Walking in she carries as many bags as she can. Hearing the tv, Gen looks confused to see her mother sitting on the couch.

"Ma, what're you doing here?" she asks because she's still been staying at Felicity's. Tempest's holding an icepack to her face and has suitcases lined against the wall. "What happened?"

"Yo weak ass sister put me out her place." You can tell Temp's genuinely hurt by her voice.


"I tried to give her slow ass some advice and expressed my feelings for that ain't shit nigga she calls a baby daddy. It blew up from there."

Magenta motions for her to tell the entire story. Tempest groans lowering the ice pack beginning, "Every time I had a child, my mother helped me. She'd come and stay with me. I did the same thing. I've been taking care of her baby, while she works from home or chasing behind that nigga to make sure he's not cheating. She's leaving for days tryna run after him. This is a newborn. I've never seen a woman leave their child so easily."

"One, dude's not even helping her with the baby. I am. Making excuses saying he can't help 'cause he's healing from getting shot. She's callin' him begging for him to come get the baby, so either of us can have a break. Ain't changed a diaper, bought formula, ain't did shit. But he all in interviews and songs saying how she changed him for the better. Bullshit!"

"First of all, I wouldn't even let him around my child. He's a whole serial rapist and you want that around your daughter?" Tempest screws up her face.

"Exactly," Pandora's tuned in completely to the story.

"She asked me to watch the baby a few days to go to Vegas. Her and Caprice are going to get married. I told her she's dumb and not to do it. She gets buck. She starts throwing glasses at me. She pushed me and I dragged her ass all through that house. I don't give a fuck. She called the police to have me physically removed. I'm done. I'm washing my hands. I tried 'cause she had my granddaughter, but not anymore."

"I know you lyin'!" Pandora hypes it.

"Fuck all that Iyanla Vanzant, keep the peace shit we did in Miami. Now we can line it up. You're grown now. We can really square up. She got all those yes bitches around her. Her assistant, her employees, all of 'em bird brains squawking together. Act like ya know and not like ya slow!"

"Why she tryin' you, Ma?" Gen looks at P for her to be quiet.

"I feel sorry for that baby. I really do. That's the last time she can choose that sorry ass nigga over family. Tink gon' say I can book you a flight or get you a hotel. No ma'am. No thank you. I don't want anything from you. I'm good."

She's sick of this family. All of her siblings. "I'll talk to her."

"Talk to who?" Temp and Pandora ask with the same confused look.

"Felicity. I'ma show her somethin'," she says vaguely. P knows it's the recording.

"Don't go trying to fight your sister. Leave it be," Temp reasons.

"I'm not."

Hours later, she's glad when she's left alone. Her mother decided to get a hotel and Pandora went home. Since Gee's been gone, most nights she ends up falling asleep on the couch while watching tv. Tonight's no different.

She's half asleep when her phone gets an alert from her home security camera that there's motion detection. Checking them she can see two figures lingering around her front door. They wear all black with masks.

Her heart beats fast as she gets up. Maneuvering to the kitchen she quickly grabs a knife slowly moving towards the door. Looking through the peephole she sees the two men arguing. One backs up like he's going to try and kick the door in.

Before he can, she uses the security system panel on the wall. She pushes the microphone icon saying, "Get away from my door now! I will blow you down then call the police. Stand your ground.."

Seeing them run off she takes a deep breath sliding down the wall. Looking at the knife in her shaking hand she huffs letting it fall to the floor.

A Few Days Later...

Magenta lays in bed bored out of her mind. She should be doing something productive, but without a job, once again, she chooses to be lazy. She looks at her phone that's on her text thread with Gee. She stares at the last message where he says he's landing tonight at 7.

Her ears perk up when she hears, "Front door unlocked...Front door open." Her immediate thought is it must be her mother. But she knows it's Gee by the sound of his footsteps. They're heavier.

Flinging the covers back she runs down the stairs. "Gee?!" she questions right as he sits his bag down. "Oh, God!" she sounds pitiful as she jumps into his arms. "Don't leave me that long again. Or I'm coming with you. Just don't leave me," Gen kisses all over his face making him laugh.

"I was only gone three weeks," he puts his hands under her thighs to secure her around his waist.

"21 longggg days. That's a long time. The fuck?!" He walks forward with her still wrapped around him tightly.

Noticing the welcome home balloons, Gee laughs, "You're extra as hell." The house is spotless and smells like lemon. She cleaned like a maniac in preparation. She also didn't spare anything on the Christmas decorations. It screams holiday spirit.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be home for like 5 more hours. I was supposed to pick you up from the airport, and I was gonna cook your favorite food."

"I got an earlier flight. Tryna pop up and make sure you ain't got no niggas in here. Mr. Biggs style. Busted," he sings.

"It's been me all alone. Why'd you leave?" As soon as he sits her on the kitchen counter she hits his arm.

"Ow! I gotta work, right? One of us has to. I missed you too, if that's what you're tryna say," he kisses her. He glances over her adding, "You look good."

"Forget all the pleasantries. You finally brought my dick back," she kisses him again this time sliding her tongue in his mouth. Her hands are already reaching for his waistband, but he grabs them.

"Damn, I can't get a 'How are you? How was your trip?' Some permission or consent?" He jokes. "You're treating me like a floozy."

"If it's about the lingerie, I have it. Not my fault you came home early. I can put it on later."

He stares at her a few seconds liking to see her get antsy. "Go 'head." She giggles diving right back into Gee ready to show him how much she missed him.

It's Christmas Eve, and Genesis sits in the kitchen of his mother's home. She's already preparing some of the food for tomorrow, and he's on the phone with the pathologist, Suzanne. His phone's on speaker, so she can talk to Misty. There's only some things his mother can answer.

"Can you tell me how Genaro's health was leading up to his death?" Suzanne asks.

"Two days before he passed he was complaining of stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. He told me he thought it was some bad food he ate. I only came by to give him some medicine and food, so he'd try to eat. He needed to get fluid back in his body."

"Is there anything that stuck out to you? Something he was eating? Did he tell you what he ate before he became sick? Anything you noticed out of the ordinary?"

"No," Misty racks her brain trying to think, especially because it was a year ago. She snaps her finger saying, "When I went over there he was smoking this blunt rolled in a flower petal. I assumed it was one of those rose blunts. From his ashtray it looked like he smoked a couple."

Both Gee and Suzanne pause. "There it is!" Suzanne exclaims. "Someone must've given him marijuana wrapped in an Oleander petal. He smoked it. The smoke fumes can cause severe irritation to the airways as well as cause systemic toxicity due to the cardiac glycosides and digitoxigenin within the plant."

"English, Suze," Gee tries to reel her in.

"Initially the heart rate speeds up, then it slows down to the point of death. Oleander smoke is toxic. Wow," she sighs feeling accomplished. "I don't understand. Your father was clearly poisoned, physically assaulted prior to that, sick before his death, and the authorities didn't suspect foul play?"

"Whoever gave or sold it to him, he had to have trusted the person," Misty sounds stunned.

Ending the call, they both sit in silence until Gee asks, "You knew about Daddy's gambling?"

Misty remains concentrated on stirring what she's making vigorously. "That's why we called it quits that last time."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugs. "I figured we involved you in enough of our relationship problems. We were doing good for a couple years. And it'd be like when you were growing up. Us always breaking up only to get back together. Except we never had a chance to get back together..."

He scratches his head. "Let me get this straight... When I'ma kid you get me involved every time you two would argue and break up. Now that I'm an adult and can handle it, you leave me out of the loop. He was gambling thousands of dollars and owing people all over town, Ma!"

"I know! I didn't know what to say. You were busy with your career and life. What were you gonna do? It's not like a drug addict or alcoholic who you send to rehab."

"So, why'd you breakup exactly?"

"I told him he has a problem and he said he has it under control. The last straw was when he bet $50k on a football game that he didn't have. I packed my things and moved out. For the first time in 30 years, I even went to a divorce lawyer and thought about filing..."

"It was that bad?"

"You retired him, and I guess he was bored. Hanging around people I didn't like... Some days I wish I tried to help him instead of doing what I knew.. walking away," Misty's voice trembles. "I still cared about him and loved him, but I left. He only got worse once I did."

"Why didn't he come to me?"

She shrugs. "He didn't want to come to you because you were already taking care of him financially. So he borrowed the money from other people."


"The only one I know for a fact is Kross. I told him to stop because that's your friend and business partner. It could cause problems between you two. After awhile your father stopped telling me what he had going on."

With everything she says it's like more pieces to a puzzle being put in place.

Gee's private investigator already discovered Kross paid off the original coroners. That was a given.

From his P.I., Lee, digging further into this he came to the conclusion Destin and his father are organized crime frontmen. They're the ones who handle business dealings because they have no criminal records for the ones who are really doing the dirt.

Lee described those type of people as engaging in a Faustian bargain – When a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches. It's a deal with the devil, basically.

Genesis stays at his mother's for a couple hours before leaving. He's brewing with anger and confusion to the point he calls Destin. He just so happens to be in Texas, so Gee asked him to meet up and talk.

He knows the P.I. would be against him meeting Destin after everything he found. He can't help himself. He needs answers from the horses mouth. He doesn't know if Destin will admit to anything, but he wants to see.

Gee pulls up to the address they agreed on. He surveys the area making sure nothing looks off. Opening the glove box he grabs a gun. At this point, it seems he doesn't know what to expect with Destin. He doesn't even know who he's dealing with.

Entering a hotel, he goes the restaurant going to the table Destin's already sitting at. Gee sits asking, "What you on?"

"What do you mean? Let's get a drink or something to eat before we talk."

"Not hungry or thirsty. Maybe I'm slow, but I really thought we were friends..."

"We are. You've been the one cutting me off."

"Why wouldn't I? You're always lying to my face like I'm stupid. You Jewish?" Gee asks making Destin laugh.

"What?" He's caught off guard.

"Are you Jewish? I thought you were regular white."

"Regular white? Is there mild or spicy?" Destin laughs louder still not answering.

"I mean, y'all be claiming Irish, Scottish, Italian– Most Jews mention it at some point. All I'm saying is I don't even know who the fuck you are. Now that I'm thinking on it I don't know shit about you."

"Where's this coming from?" Destin rubs over his mouth knowing he must've looked up his family. Destin tried to keep it as down low as possible that his father's connected to organized crime. Gee didn't even know there was a Jewish mafia. "Do you remember how we became friends?" Destin asks.

"We were at that party the second week of college," Gee wonders where he's going with this.

"That white football player kept saying the n-word and you checked him. He tried to argue you with his bullshit that 'It's just song lyrics, bro'," Destin chuckles.

"Before I knocked his ass out, you deescalated the situation and made him apologize."

"I always had your back. That was real. I was really your friend and I still am."

"So what happened? Why keeps secrets and lie?"

"You don't get it. It's my Dad. There's some things I have no control over or that I can tell people."

"Why'd you offer to help me start a business? Forreal."

Destin exhales deeply. "I used to talk about all my friends from college to my father, including you. He knew I wanted to get involved with the music industry. That was great because he had ties to it from the 80's. He told me to find someone who could get us into the rap side of things.. Someone to be the face of a business.."

"Someone black? From the hood? What?"

He nods. "I brought up you. Especially because of your street cred with selling drugs. Kross coming along was even better. You were more reformed trying to change your life. He was willing to do whatever as long as he got paid. You were clean, he was dirty. He was willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for me."

"What'd you have Kross doing?"

"Nothing he wasn't doing before. He was like a cleanup guy, a fixer. He'd arrange bribes, payoffs, threaten people, crime-scene clean-up, hits, anything. Whatever was required to protect a celebrity client."

"That's how Caprice ended up signed to our management," Gee mumbles with a scoff. "He was supposed to clean up everything."

"But it only became more messy and it will continue to do so. I'm talking downright disgusting. That's why you need to leave it alone, Gee."

"Leave it alone? My father got killed in all this mess!"

Destin looks confused. "What're you talking about?"

"My father was killed. It wasn't natural causes. He was poisoned."

"By who?"

"I don't know that part yet. If I find out your father or Kross had anything to do with this–"

"What reason does my father have to want Genaro dead? That's not his M.O.. Regardless, whatever you're doing you need to stop. Stop digging."

"And if I don't?"

"More people will get killed," Destin shrugs.

"Are you threatening me?"

"It's a friendly warning. What comes after if you keep pushing I have no control over. Why do you and Magenta keep pushing? The CBS settlement wasn't enough? The money from Interscope? Take the shit and go live a happy life away from the industry."

"Clearly, it's not about the money then. People I love got hurt."

"You gotta listen, Gee. This isn't some street bullshit. These people switch the sport from what you know to who you know. Now you're in the game of politics. That's all this is, and you're not ready for that world. You're not competent enough to go against these type of people. You're out of your league," the last words haunt him because he said the same thing to Choice. Now look where he is...

"I'll take that chance."

"Gee, you were just a puppet," Destin grows colder with a hard look in his eyes. "Kross was too. And once puppets can't have their strings pulled, they can get cut," he does the motion of scissors with his fingers.

Gee raises his eyebrows. "Is that why you had Kross killed and tried to do the same to Caprice?"

Destin and his father clearly used Kross up for everything he had then threw him out like trash. Destin took back the offer to be Kross' business partner on the multimedia company. He watched Kross sink his own business with Gee. He was disposable to Destin.

Gee wants to know what Kross did to make himself be deemed useless?

"Glad you know," Destin let's a slither of a smile show. "You've been formally warned," he gets up from the table walking away.

The next day, Genesis tries to act as normal as possible since it's Christmas. A number of people are gathered at his mother's home opening gifts. All Gee can think about is yesterday though.

He looks at Magenta who opens a present from her mother. She wears a big smile. Gee hasn't even told her half of the things he found out from investigating his father's death. It's not like Gen doesn't ask. He always tells her they're still looking.

He can't even put it all into words. She seems so happy lately. All of it will only confirm once again that people had no regard for her or Gee's feelings. They've had enough betrayal. Also, the unknown is scary... Not knowing where this could take them, all to know what happened to his father.

"You see me mutha fuckin' shining!" Seven says happily lifting the chain around his neck. Gen got him one very similar to the one she got Gee on his birthday. Seven's just has a picture of him and their father.

Genesis sits back thinking he opened all his gifts. His favorite was from Magenta. She turned her guest room into his walk-in closet. Complete with the shoe display case for all his sneakers and clothing racks. She couldn't help but brag about putting everything together herself. It even came with a setup for his game.

She must've been tired of his stuff being 'out of place' since he moved in. Regardless, that was the highest level of compromise to him. It was also reassurance considering the thoughts he relayed to Choice.

In Magenta's mind nobodies gift was better than what she got. Waking up to that money being wired for her business, she's been on cloud nine. He still has that song from the Tyler Perry play stuck in his head because she sang it all morning...

Like she's in his Gen comes towards him singing it again, "You gotta cook and clean and wash everything. Smile and grin and hand yo man a pen, so he can write that check paying all your bills. And he'll give it to you, and you'll give it to him!"

"What is wrong with you?" He laughs watching her head bob with each word.

"Your last gift," she puts a box on the floor. She opens it and when he sees a English Bulldog puppy a big smile comes across his face.


"That's what he kept alluding he wanted for Christmas? A dern dog? I thought you were asking for my grandchild!" Tempest says angrily like it's her present.

"Ooh, calm down. No ring, no womb," Gen pops her tongue watching Gee pick the puppy up.

"We can make that happen." She squints her eyes with curiosity, but doesn't respond.

Later that afternoon Pandora and Colby come by to exchange gift and food. Sitting in the living room Gee talks to Jux. "I can't believe she got yo ass wearing matching Christmas PJ's. You in love, my boy," Jux says shaking his head.

"I kept it gangsta though," he shows off the outfit. "And what are you, nigga? You in love too."

"I'm not even gonna lie, she took me completely off-guard," he looks across the room at Pandora.

"Shit, it didn't surprise me. I still remember you being all googly eyes over her the first time you met her. Kept flirting with her."

"This was supposed to only be a fun thing, but I think I'ma go all in with this one."

Gee chuckles lightly. "I'm proud of you. P's crazy as hell, but she's solid."

"Crazy as fuck!" Jux emphasizes as they dap.

"Did you really make the puppy an Instagram?" Magenta yells across the room holding up her phone. She must've saw his post on his story telling people to follow the page.

"What's the problem?" He asks in confusion.

Gen smiles because he's so adorable. "Are you gonna make the captions like you're talking for the dog? Please, tell me you won't. That's weird," Jux laughs.

"Pfft, no," he plays it off.

After eating, everyone continues the festivities talking and enjoying the holiday. It was expected that Cortlen would come over, but he didn't. Instead he called and asked for Magenta to meet up with him because he needs to give her something.

Gee drives because they're also going to make a stop to get more liquor. Gen tells him where to go as they go up multiple levels in a parking garage. "There he is," she points her brother out...

Gee's under the impression this won't take long, so he doesn't even park. He rolls his window down and Cortlen walks over leaning on the roof of his Lamborghini Urus.

"You good? Where you headed?" he daps Cort.

"I was supposed to be going with my girl to her people's. First Christmas together, meet the parents, ya know. Not anymore though. We broke up."

"What? I like Ivy!" Gen leans forward to say.

"I know. I don't want her having to wait on me..."

"Wait on you? You're still not ready to commit, boy," she responds.

"We're not here to talk about my love life. Here, for you and Ma." He extends a folder into the window and Magenta grabs it.

"What's this?"

"Paperwork giving you and Mama power of attorney over all my finances. My bank accounts and paperwork for my percent's of the marijuana company. I think Ma's still holdin' my birth certificate and social security card hostage. It's all there."

"Why do we need this?"

"I'm turning myself in. I'm gonna take the fall for the murders, so Choice can get out," Cort says casually like he's going to the store.

"You done lost your ever-fuckin'-lasting mind!" Gen spouts out.

"You told me to fix it and I am."

"This is not what I meant. I meant fix it between you and Dodi. The relationship, the bond."

"Choice deserves a real chance at life. No worries. No picking up slack feeling like he has to be the man of the family. No enemies. Just peace. His heart is too good and pure to be locked away in a prison."

"Are you prepared to go to prison for the murder of five people? That is life with no chance at parole guaranteed," Gee speaks up.

"He built something real. I can't let him give that up. He sacrificed ten years of his life. He made a sacrifice for the people he loved. If he didn't we'd still be living in paranoia wondering if Fade, Big Bleak, whoever would be coming for us. If I can sit behind bars for more than 10 years over Fade - a nigga who snaked us - I can do it for my baby brother."

"Wha-" Gen starts, but Cortlen's backing up. He sees a car coming and their blocking the one way road of the tight garage.

"I'ma leave the keys to my condo and cars in your mailbox. I have a few more stops. I gotta go." He taps the top of the car already walking.

"Cort! Don't fuckin' do this! Cory!" Magenta yells out of the window, but he's getting in his car.

A car behind them honks so once Cortlen pulls off, Gee follows to get out of their way.

"We can't let him do this. This is stupid," Gen states.

"I don't think his mind can be changed. It's no different than me going up against Bleak knowing my brother made a stupid mistake. I could've left him out to dry. Let Seven learn his lesson the hard way by going to prison or getting killed."

"I understand protecting your siblings. I did it for Tink when she didn't deserve it. Sometimes you have to let them face it. Choice did something very stupid."

"And sometimes we're willing to do stupid shit to save our loved ones. The second they need help we'll do what we have to do. The need to protect that love is stronger than any petty pride. It's more important than your own life."

Gen's trying to call Cortlen, but he keeps ignoring them. She groans out of frustration. "Everything's falling apart," she looks out of the window on the verge of tears.

"Honor and loyalty ain't pretty. It's sitting in a dark room because you sacrificed for people who probably don't even appreciate it. They may not even understand how much you gave up, so they could get what they wanted..." Gee speaks from experience. "Let it go."


Magenta getting fired?

Felicity going to Vegas to marry Caprice? Letting her hear the recording?

Gee's talk with Destin? Should he leave it alone?

Cortlen taking the blame for Choice?

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