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November, 2022

Driving towards Magenta's house, Genesis tries to focus on the music playing. His new job title requires listening to the artists signed to the label even if he rather not be. The current song playing pauses due to his phone beginning to ring. Seeing it's Kross' mom, he huffs but still answers.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks already knowing what this call will be about.

It's been six months since Kross died. Gee didn't attend the funeral. He didn't shed one tear about it despite how close they once were either. Too much transpired in that last year. You don't cry over a dead man who wanted to see you in the same predicament; a casket and six-feet under.

"Hey, Genesis. I could be better. I know you're probably busy, so I won't hold you up too long and get straight to it. I'm kinda in a financial bind right now. I was wondering if I can borrow some money. I promise I'll pay you back," she already starts.

Gee sighs because this isn't the first time she's called needing money. And he's tired now.

"No disrespect, Ms. Shay, but I've done all I can do. I gave you the money Kross was owed for selling our management company, despite the fact he stole from several artists. I helped you pay your rent a few times since he died. You spent all that money from the business already? That was a lot of money."

"This new generation..." She scoffs. "In my day someone you knew your whole life, you help their people after they pass. No questions asked," she tries to make him feel guilty.

"Me and your son weren't on good terms before he passed. We were at odds. That's the whole reason we decided not to be in business together anymore. That's not my obligation. You're not my obligation."

"Kross didn't pass. He was killed! 30 shots to the fuckin' body!"

"What you need the money for?"

"You know I've always had health issues. I have medical and hospital bills out the ass. Those artists he stole from are threatening to sue his estate since they can't sue him anymore. I want to get a private investigator to find Kross' killers because clearly, the Houston police ain't tryin' hard enough."

"I can't help you. Look, I got other things going on. My own issues. You calling my phone and don't even ask how I'm doing, but start asking for money."

"I don't exactly see you calling my phone to check on me either like I'm not grieving my son's murder."

"I gotta go," Gee hangs up right as he pulls into Gen's driveway. Blowing out air he shakes his head. "Muh fuckas so entitled," he puts his car in park.

Entering the house he sighs to himself making his way down the hall. "Gen!" He calls her name.

When he hears her voice towards the kitchen that's where he heads. Noticing all the bags from Whole Foods and one of the local Farmer's Markets, he knows what kind of mood she's in. That and the fresh flowers, or the fact she's cleaning and reorganizing the fridge are indications of that.

It's usually a sign she started off having a bad day or she's overwhelmed. That could either be with work, family, or her personal life. Nowadays you just have to choose one on any given day.

Stepping in to kiss her, Gee realizes she's on a video visitation call with her father. Looking at her iPad on the kitchen counter it's the first time he's seeing her father outside of an old picture.

"My fault," Gee says with realization that he interrupted.

"Is this the infamous boyfriend I've heard so much about?" DeMario asks.

He was honestly surprised Magenta began talking to him. He remembers how angry she was when he went with her to go visit him all those years ago and it didn't pan out. Or even how she'd compare Gee to her father when he was heavy into selling drugs. He's glad to see it though. It's a sign of growth.

"That's me. I've heard a lot about you too. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm sure over GTL isn't how you pictured meeting a girl's father," DeMario chuckles lightly. You can tell he's a man who's made peace of his predicament behind bars. Now he's taking it day by day until he gets home. "I'd do a rundown of the not hurting my daughter spiel, but I think you want to say the same thing to me. And you have more reason to..."

"Nah, it's all good. I trust she's in good hands."

Magenta speaks up saying, "Speaking of boyfriends and girlfriends, you gotta a little jail bae?"

DeMario laughs before answering, "I do not. I'm still looking for the Monica to my C-Murder, but I rather not."

"Why not?" Gee and Gen ask at the same time. "I can hook you up. I know plenty of women willing to hold you down. You don't want a little pen pal or someone to come visit?" he goes on.

"Any woman on the outside will never be fully yours. And I'm not a fan of wasting anyone's time. Plus, no conjugal visits. What's the point?" Her father and Gee laugh, but Magenta doesn't.

"That was a little too much information," Gen cringes.

"You realize I have four kids. That's how you got here." The conversation continues until their time is up.

Once she hangs up Gee sits on a barstool asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Why do think something's wrong with me?" He points at all the stuff on the island. "Oh, eh, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm better now. I got your Cinnamon Honey and Apple Cinnamon Jelly," she motions towards the jars.

He gets happy because it's his favorite from the farmer's market down the block. "Thanks."

"How did looking for a place go?" she asks cutting the heads off strawberries.

"Bad. I fucked up. I got my Mom a new place before I got mine. Now the market's messed up. This was a bad time to sell my house and not already have another place. I might need to move into one of my rentals."

"You could just move in here," she eases out with a slight shrug. "I know how you said you didn't want to live in the place you got your Mom. Considering you haven't lived with her since like 18."

He'd rather die. He moved his mother to Houston last month, and he likes having her closer. He doesn't want to cohabitate with her though.

Gee smiles asking, "You tryna shack up? You fast as hell, little girl!"

Looking at his smug face Gen responds, "Don't get flattered. I can take the offer back, homeless!" She can't help but poke fun like he used to call her jobless.

"I'm kidding. Bout damn time you asked! I was stalling and acting like I couldn't find a place hoping you'd get the hint. Took you a minute."

She laughs with the shake of her head. "Have you even been looking for a place?"

"Sometimes. Other times I was spending my mornings running errands," he tells the truth. "Might as well move in, right? My PlayStation is over here. That means it's serious."

"I mean, considering I bought it..."

"That was real nice of you too. I didn't even tell you what happened to the last one. My ex drowned it," he makes her chuckle.

He never officially moved in, but his stuff is everywhere. He was barely at his house, which never made sense to her because his place was much bigger.

"Are we ready for that? It's different. We won't have somewhere else to go if we get mad," he wonders.

"It'll force us to face our problems head on. You're already over here every day and night."

"Are you gonna give me some closet space, finally?"

"You can put your stuff in the closets in the other bedrooms," she smiles knowing he's going to argue.

"What happened to compromise? I need half."

"That is compromise."

"Whatever. We'll figure it out. Also, I need a space to do my gaming."

"You have it," she points to his PS5 in the living room.

"No. I'm talking the whole set up with my screens and gaming chair."

"You do that too? Cortlen and Choice do all that bs. Yelling with those damn headphones. You're asking for too much now."

He laughs at her screwed up face. "One day we're gonna build our dream house from the ground up. Every little detail will be picked out by both of us."

"Mostly me," she smiles.

"Women are always so stingy when it comes to decorating houses and weddings. Men can't insert our opinion in anything. What about my wants and needs?"

"Because we know what's best. It's happy wife, happy life for a reason."

"As long as I get my porch," he shakes his head making her bust out laughing.

Gee checks his phone once again being bombarded by the social media campaign trying to find Big Bleak and four other men. You would've thought they were upstanding citizens. Shit, they're acting like Bleak is some white girl from the suburbs.

"I can't believe Big Bleak's missing. That's crazy." Gee does wonder what happened to him.

"It's been three months. I don't think they're finding him if they haven't found a body yet. He clearly done went on to glory."

His feed is also filled with blogs talking about Caprice's debut album. It doesn't help Gee's being tagged in a bunch of stuff related to it. Why? Because Caprice didn't miss the chance to diss Gee in one of the songs.

After Caprice's album being delayed for nearly a year, he was finally able to put it out. The release has been a rollercoaster. With a manager who was killed and a label trying to maneuver his scandal, it took awhile.

The press run and interviews leading up to it were a mess. A complete PR nightmare. He did an interview with Ebro that quickly went left. He put the pressure on Caprice and didn't back down despite agreeing he wouldn't ask questions about his trial or accusations. Caprice had a complete melt down. He stood up yelling and cursing, threw and broke things, then stormed out.

But once the album actually came out it was trending and went #1 due to the controversy. Because of the gag order he couldn't speak on Magenta, the other victims, or his cases. That would put his bail and freedom at risk like when he did that Gayle King interview.

In one song he dissed everyone who went against him and turned their back on him. In that long list was Gee. He found it laughable he was every 'bitch ass nigga' and 'pussy whipped'. Especially because he has all this mouth as if Gee didn't have him on his back.

Another track was dedicated to his tumultuous relationship with Felicity. He gave her credit for everything she's done for him in one verse then in the next called her bitter and toxic. He also talked about her taking the stand and lying that he abused her. He claimed she was the one hitting him.

Basically, to people Felicity must've been lying because she's now back with him. If he really did those things why go back? That then leads people to think Caprice that it's possible for women to be lying on him...

He also dedicated a song to his new daughter. While asserted he's only guilty of playing women – not raping them. But having a little girl changed him for the better. That he'll be a better man because of her.

If he didn't know Caprice in real life, it'd be a good body of work. Too bad he knows 75% of its content is a crock of shit.

"Did you listen to the album?" He asks Magenta.

"Nope and I'm not going to. He won't get a stream out of me."

"This nigga got some nerve even speaking on me," Gee smacks his lips.

"I saw on Instagram he threw shots at you. You got rap beef now? You just gonna take that? You better drop a diss track and ether his ass. You write a Hit Em Up?! Your rap career gon' take off!" She laughs finding it amusing.

"This shit ain't funny."

"I'm sorry," she covers her mouth. "Speaking of Caprice..." she eases out as if she's nervous.

"Say it."

"I want to meet with him and sit down to have a conversation."

He rubs over his face trying to process what she said. "You what?"

"I want to have a sit down conversation with Caprice."

"For what? You have a protective order against him for a reason."

"It feels like once he got out on bail it's like everything started over again. The paranoia, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares. I think it'll help me heal," she shrugs. "It's crazy to me I've only been face to face with him like two times. I feel like the conversation will help me make sense of a couple things."

"I reiterate, you have a protective order against him. You're not supposed to be around him until the trial's over." His voice shows that he's becoming increasingly more upset.

"The judge, D.A., and defense won't know unless someone tells them. A protective order isn't in effect unless me or someone calls the police."

"After that last trial you're setting yourself up. The constant contact with people in close proximity is the reason it was a mistrial last time. Imagine if you actually meet with the perpetrator...They'll throw it out entirely. How do you even know Caprice will talk to you?"

"It's already been set up. I've been in contact with someone close to him and I'm meeting with him in two days," she says nonchalantly.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me. You seriously went behind my back like that?"

"Went behind your back?" Gen looks confused.

"It should've been discussed first."

"I'ma grown ass woman who can make my own decisions. I don't need permission to do something I think will help me."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"You're not. I need to do this on my own. By myself."

"Are you crazy?"

"No. How am I supposed to know whether his words or actions are only based on the fact a man is there? A man who whooped his ass to the point he broke his jaw, might I add."

"This doesn't make any damn sense," Gee rubs over his head standing to his feet. "I'm starting to think maybe things aren't as black and white as they should be..."

"What!?" Gen furrows her eyebrows.

"I'm feeling like there's more to the story now," he looks her dead in the eyes saying it with full audacity.

Gen scoffs throwing the knife in her hand to the cutting board. "If you're insinuating I lied about what happened to me or I left things out to make myself look better... You might wanna go on a walk for fresh air then come back when you have some damn sense!"

"What person wants to meet up with someone who supposedly raped them?"

"A person who is fuckin' tired and wants closure. Tired of my heart skipping a beat when his name's mentioned. Tired of having breakdowns every time he gets out on bail. Tired of walking around in fear that I'll run into him somewhere."

"I guarantee talking to him won't do shit for you!"

"Then I guess I'll find out after I do it," she shrugs. "The reality is this case is far from over. And now my fuckin' sister has a baby with him. Blood connects us whether I like it or not. Walking around with this hate and fear does nothing for me. I need to do something to gain my power and peace of mind back. Why can't you understand that?"

"We're supposed to be trying to move on, but it's like your stuck."

"We're? I'm the one who was assaulted. You're making this about yourself. Am I stuck or am I actually working to cope through my trauma instead of ignoring it? I'm sorry I'm not burying things like you. I'm facing it head on."

Gee laughs under his breath at the the slight shade. He rubs over his face because him ignoring what could've possibly happened to his father has only created other problems. The thoughts and questions are eating him up even though he insists he doesn't want to know.

"If you do that shit, I don't know if we can work out. I swear to God, we're done," he gives the ultimatum.

Magenta's not surprised by the reaction. Gee's a very calm and reserved person, but when it's time to apply firmness he can be too domineering. She'd hate to say his protectiveness can border possessiveness. That's why she was scared to tell him in the first place.

Clearly, Magenta doesn't buy the threat. "Is that your go to at any slight inconvenience? You're getting this mad about something that's ultimately my choice. Respect my wishes. You don't have a say in the matter. I know you mean well, but this is my decision to make on my own."

He waves her off at her using his words on him. "I don't have time for this shit." He grabs his keys about to head for the door.

"Why do you always run from conversations?" she calls behind him.

"I have to go get Seven," he exits without another word.

Going to the airport, Gee picks his brother up. After putting his bag in they both get in the car. "You know you could've drove from Austin. It's only 2 or 3 hours."

"I was lazy," he stretches as if he took a 24-hour flight.

"How's it working for Choice?" Gee asks as he drives.

"It's cool," Seven keeps it vague seemingly growing uncomfortable.

"Damn, you can't tell me anything? Is it a secret laboratory? What do you do there?"

"I just work in the packaging room. He's trying to ease me into helping with more of the drying process, but he has to make sure I know what I'm doing."

Gee nods. "Good it's working out. And you're getting your own money," he makes them both laugh. "You hear about Big Bleak?"

"Yeah, that shit's crazy," Seven blows out air once again keeping it brief.

Seeing one of Seven's leg bounce up and down it makes him ask, "You got something you wanna tell me?"

"Nah. I guess that means we don't have to worry anymore. Ya know? Everyone's dropping like flies, but that's what comes with that street shit. Right?"

"Right. That's why I had to get you out of that shit, and I hope you stay out."

Seven nods. "I was thinking for the anniversary of Daddy's death we could release some balloons or something." Once that got brought up, Gee started to tune out. He doesn't know why everyone's so excited to celebrate his death. "Gee?"

"Huh? My fault. What'd you say?" He repeats himself and all he can respond is, "Yeah, whatever you want." Gee taps the steering wheel deciding to turn the music up ending the exchange.

There's a million things playing in his head. Gee got his insomnia under control for months on end. Now it's back. He can't sleep, which caused him to lose track of time. He had no idea the anniversary date for his father's death is creeping up on him.

The closer it gets, the more it eats away at him. It's like he thinks about anything, but everything at the same time to keep his father off his mind. Trying to process it all...

Gee tried to stay out as long as he could, so he didn't have to go back to Magenta's. He spent hours at his mother's house, but after awhile Misty started asking, 'What you about to do?' Like he's not her son or the one who got her the damn house.

As it got later he realized he needed to just go back to Magenta's. When he got there instead of going upstairs, Gee sits on the couch in the dark. Something randomly made Gen wakeup out of her sleep and go downstairs.

Not even needing to flick on the light, she can see the outline of Gee's body. "Nowhere to go, huh?" She leans against the wall crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm really homeless," he makes the silence turn into laughter.

Gen lowers her head and shakes it. "I shouldn't say this... But as long as you pay my bills on time, you'll have a place to stay."

"That's the only reason? Damn! What happened to love?" He asks making them chuckle.

"Love should bring your ass home," she rolls her neck.

"It's like you said earlier. If I move in, it'll force us to face our problems head on."

"And you can't say you're packing your shit every time we argue," Gen makes it clear.

"I get mad, I'ma leave. To at least cool off."

"You clearly like upsetting me. You know as soon as the door slams I'ma be sliding down the walls crying," she jokes.

"Cause yo ass is overly emotional." He motions for her to come here, so she does. Straddling his lap she makes herself comfortable knowing they need to talk. The thing about them is neither will hold grudges and will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

"I didn't change my mind about talking to Caprice."

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not comfortable with your decision, but I don't have to be. It's not about me. My reaction earlier was selfish. The only reason I got so upset is because I don't want you to be hurt more. A nigga like Caprice, he's not gonna give you what you're looking for."

"That's the thing, I'm not looking for anything from him. I'm not going in wanting an admission or an apology. I don't think I'm going to change him. I can change myself, though."

He nods in understanding. "I get it. Maybe you should still bring someone with you. Take Cortlen or somebody."

She laughs. "You want me to take the person who had him jumped and sliced in county? Yeah, that won't go over well."

"I can get security for the day," he suggests.

"I can agree to that. Are you okay?" She asks peering into him.

"I'm fine." He pulls the rubber band something he hasn't done in awhile.

He's clearly not. Without much speaking she can still understand his emotions. He's been on a slow decline mentally since Kross died, and his revelation about Genaro was buried with him with him.

"You're not."

"You're right about me burying my feelings regarding my father," he admits. "I've been carrying around this guilt since I heard that recording. I always felt like people around me get hurt because people want to get to me. I feel the same way about my father. What if he was killed because of me? I can't live with knowing that."

"Even if the original reason for what happened is you, evil doesn't need a reason. Kross was always going to do that. That hate was in his heart. Your spirit was always going to irritate his demons. You have all these feelings stirring up inside you and they always come out as anger. I don't wanna see you go down that road again."

"I don't either."

"It's clear not knowing is eating you up more than knowing is. If you find out you can put all questions to bed."

"Sometimes I feel like I died, but I ain't really know because I don't even know what it's like to live," he says in a hushed tone. "You're right. My Daddy deserves to be more than a question of 'What ifs.' His life deserves more than that. If only the the deceased could talk..." He sighs.

"He does," she kisses his temple. "You have a lot of trauma as well, Gee. You went to anger management and that was great. But you only did what was required for you not to get that five year sentence. Once you finished your hours, you quit going. Maybe you could go to therapy. If I was diagnosed with c-PTSD, I'm pretty sure you would be too."

"Nah. It's different. I can't tell a therapist the shit I've done and seen. It's one thing if you're in the army and fought a war. How do I tell her I've seen, done it myself, or authorized for people to be k-" He cuts himself off. "We're fighting a different type of war... inside and out. How will they understand?"

"I thought the same thing. Turns out I was judging the process because it does help."

"And if I catch a case? With one paper your old therapist was on the stand forced to tell the truth..."

"Why would you be catching a case?" She furrows her eyebrows with concern. "Also, therapist client privacy."

"And how well did that work for you?" He says seriously.

"I gave her permission, so that was my fault. Homegirl knew she could've lied for me though," they both chuckle. "You gotta do something. This shit is gonna eat you alive if you don't. Promise me you'll get help." He inhales a deep breath nodding. "You gotta say it.."

"Yeah, I will," he says softly, but not very convincing.

Gen doesn't wanna press him, so she adds, "You know it's about to be a year since we came back into one another's life."

"Why am I not surprised you know the date of that? You're like walking calendar. How do you remember all this shit?"

She shrugs. "I was in a terrible place last year compared to now. You know I journal everything then I go back and reflect. Also, I use planners."

"Yo ass acts like you're still in school sometimes. Faithful to it," he laughs faintly.

"You write it down with a pen and paper, you'll remember it better," she taps her head. "I brought that up because we've both been through a lot in that year. We made a lot of progress because of it. I wouldn't want us to start regressing. It's easy to think you're better just because time passed..."

She grabs her old journal flipping to today's date a year ago. She hands it to him for him to read it...

"Woke up at 2:22am. Keep seeing that number again. Another nightmare. Still can't sleep. Stayed up until I had work in the morning. Contact with Gee today through a work phone call. His voice still makes my heart sink. Wish it didn't. Went to survivors support group. Don't think it's for me. Can you be a survivor if you don't know you're a victim? I hope one day to get rid of this confusion and pain."

"Think about where you were a year ago. I'm sure you don't wanna go back there," Gen says letting it sink in as he begins thinking. She's right.

While answering work emails down in her craftroom, Magenta also tries to listen to her mother who stopped by. Tempest has been in town for weeks staying at Felicity's. She was there for the birth of her baby and now she's helping take care of her.

"I have to go to work in a bit," Gen lets her mother know, while hitting send.

"Work?" Temp looks at the time because it's the evening.

"It's a studio session."

"I can stay here and cook. Make dinner for Gee."

"For Gee only? What about me?" She looks at her mother who laughs. "You finally learn how to burn some pots and pans then swear you're Paula Dean. You always wanna cook for my man. That's my man. Back up off him."

"I was tryna be nice and help you out. My mannnn!" Tempest chuckles. "Have you seen Felicity's baby?" she asks even though she knows the answer.


"I figured. Tink tried to send a picture..."

"And I'm sure she found out I blocked her on everything." Gen felt like she had to do it after stumbling onto her page.

"Her name's Capri Charisma Wilcox." Tempest wears the smile of a proud new grandmother. It's the only reason she's dealing with Felicity again.

"She gave the baby his last name?"

"Me, ya aunties, and granny tried to tell her. I don't care what anyone says. You don't give a baby the father's last name unless you're absolutely sure about him. And a man who publicly denied and questioned your baby doesn't deserve for the child to carry his name."

"Not surprised."

"That baby shower did not go over well," Temp shakes her head. "Nobody knew Caprice was going to show up. We didn't even know he was out. So imagine our surprise. When I tell you Choice tried to kill him with his bare hands."

"I heard." Magenta's being short with her mother only because she doesn't want to talk about this.

"Felicity was willing to put herself and her pregnant belly between them just for Choice to stop. I don't think he's spoken to her since."

"I wouldn't either. She's always going to choose that man over everyone else."

"I'm honestly worried about Choice. He teeters between hiding his emotions and being very, very angry. Violent. Ever since ChaCha died. And then he's already moved on by dating that broad, India."

"Inandi," Gen corrects her mother knowing she's being petty.

"Same thing," she waves it off. "Either way, I don't like that girl."

Nothing has changed much with Choice being distant. When he does come around he always brings Inandi. The two times Magenta was around her, she couldn't pinpoint what it is about her.. She feels maybe she needs to get to know her better. Inandi has a very strong personality. From what Gen saw she's easily able to control and get her way with Choice. All it takes is the bat of her eyelashes.

"Did you give her a fair shot?"

"She's not Chandrika. I'll say that. Six months later after she died, he's in a new relationship. Doesn't make sense to me."

"Women grieve, men replace," Gen repeats the words she's heard her grandmother say.

"True. It's usually because men are used to someone taking care of them. Someone to do the cooking and cleaning. If they have children, they want someone to help them raise them. I don't like it, but I guess I don't have to."

Standing up with a stretch Magenta says, "I gotta get going. Are you staying here or going back to Tink's? I'll only be gone a few hours."

"I'll stay. Cook you and Gee up some food," she makes sure to include her daughter this time.

"Well, thank you. I'll see you later." She kisses her mother's cheek. Heading for the stairs she stops midway. "Also, when we talk, I'd rather Felicity not be a topic of discussion. Like, at all."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tempest is taken aback at first.

"I know you're used to talking about the family with me. I just have no interest to know what's going on in her life. It only triggers me and stresses me out."

"Then I won't." All Tempest can do is respect her wishes. In fact, she smiles a little. It's something she wishes she could've done sometimes with her family.

"Thanks," Gen makes her exit.

Walking into the recording studio she greets the people in the room. She sits her things down sitting in the closet chair to Colby who's freelancing as this artist's graphic designer.

"Did you get the draft designs done for the promo visuals?" Gen asks taking her laptop from her bag.

"You know I do," Jux begins pulling them up.

Seeing the state fair style airbrush portrait images, she smiles. She got inspired by finding the one her and Gee got made back in college. FML Gravedigger presented this idea of doing an EP that's more about relationships and love. She got the idea to make every song about a different girl. Then it'll be promoted through these images of each girl with a different story.

"Perfect. We're in the right direction." They talk over a few more details before she changes the subject. "I have a question... I know it's not my business since I decided to leave, but how's the company been doing since I left?" She asks Jux.

Jux blows out air like that's a loaded question. "It's been hard. Felicity was pregnant then she had the baby. So now she's on maternity leave. Even then she focuses more on styling celebrities independently rather than through the company. I'm basically running it by myself, and it ain't easy. I'm two seconds from jumping ship like you. Go back to doing my own thing, solo," he explains.

"I figured. I'm sure my sister hasn't been focus. She has a lot going on... I ask because I'm in the beginning stages of starting my creative production studio. I plan to only be working for this record label a year at most. I just wanted to tell you first because I'm going to have some openings for graphic designers..."

"Are you trying to poach me from your own sister by offering me a job?" He laughs.

"I wouldn't say poaching. I simply know talent when I see it and I'd love to have you on my team. You're the best of the best. I know going from being 1/3 then half of owning a company is way different from working for someone."

"I'll tell you what... If things don't get better with Ill Minds and you sister, I'll put my application in."

"That's why you're my dog," they both smile before exchanging a dap.

When the artist finally arrives, they talk business. Gen's been doing creative directing work sporadically throughout the year for FML Gravedigger ever since that video shoot a year ago. He liked her work so much that when she became an A&R at his label, he wanted to be a priority for her.

"I have this idea for a video... But I want your blessing first, Gen," Torrance looks at her.


"Yeah. I have a song on the EP about sexual assault. And I think it has a great message, especially in rap. I want you to help write the treatment and co-direct it. Give you complete creative control, so you can tell your story," he explains making her eyebrows raise. "I've been keeping up with your case and that shit... People don't talk about how prevalent it is in this industry. It's fucked up."

"Wow," she says with a little shock.

"I hope I'm not offending you by bringing it up-"

"No, of course not. It's not that." She's almost speechless. It's the first time anyone, as far as an actual artist, has validated what's happening to her. They rather turn a blind eye.

"You surprised I can get that deep?"

"Yeah, actually I am," she makes them chuckle. "No, I know you're smart. I just didn't expect this. I heard the song, but didn't think you'd shoot a video."

"I know you've purposely avoided speaking on it in the media, but it's a way to use your voice.."

"Without actually speaking?" She nods in understanding.

"Exactly, you let your work speak for you through that co-directed by Magenta Thomas."

"I like it," she smiles.

"Then it's settled. Come up with that video treatment and we'll get the ball rolling."

Magenta continues working when her phone begins ringing. Seeing it's Gee's mother, she steps out to answer the call. "Hey, Misty."

"It's Gee. He's in the hospital," she says sounding in distress.

"What?!" Immediately her body's filled with worry. Her mind goes to thinking he was shot. It's been a regular occurrence in this family lately, so it's the only thing that makes sense to her.

Misty tells her what hospital and she doesn't hesitate to leave. When she gets there she finds Misty and her mother who sit together. "What happened?" she approaches them.

"We were all hanging out. We were cooking and talking. I brought up his father and he just started breathing rapidly, sweating, he said his heart was beating fast out of the blue," Misty rambles.

"It was an anxiety attack," Tempest puts it plain.

"Anxiety?" Gen looks confused. Slumping into the empty seat next to her mother she sighs in relief, while still clutching her chest. She was thinking the worse.

At the same time, she's actually not surprised by this. She got through the anniversary date of her sexual assault like a stroll in the park until the last hour.

Meanwhile, the closer it gets to the anniversary of his father's death, the more signs he shows of an anniversary reaction.

One day he'll be okay then another he'll get upset at something small. His mother talking about Genaro was probably a trigger. Especially because he still hasn't told her about what Kross said. Anticipation and worry about an upcoming event can manifest as anxiety.

Magenta asked Gee if he wanted to do anything to commemorate his father's passing and he said no. She didn't want to do anything he wasn't comfortable with. Just because she wanted a cake and balloons doesn't mean he will.

No healing journey is the same. Ignoring the anniversary of something traumatic may work for some. For others, it can feel like an important marker of their healing. What Gee is doing is avoiding.

After Gee's checked out from the ER, he wears an annoyed face as they walk through the hospital. "I'm fine. Y'all doing too much," he interrupts both his mother and Gen who badger him about taking better care of himself.

"Why are you having anxiety attacks?" Misty asks.

If you ask the doctor it's from him being under a lot of stress, not getting enough sleep, neglecting himself mentally. He glances at Gen silently asking if he should finally tell her.

Gen nods for him to go ahead, so he says, "Before Kross died he may have alluded to knowing how Daddy really died."

"What?" Gee unlocks his phone going to the voice recording that Pandora sent to him. He clicks play letting her hear it. "We need to look into this. It could've been foul play!"

"Ma, I don't think that's a good idea. Nothing  will come from it. Kross won't go to prison for it since he's dead now. One question will lead to another. Why put ourselves through that?"

"Gee, I don't think you understand. I need this peace of mind. You were just laid up in a hospital bed from anxiety. You're clearly already going through it. You're anxious for a reason. It's your brain's way of reacting to stress and alerting you of potential danger ahead. You find out and maybe it'll go away," his mother expounds.

"Fine! Fine! Will that make y'all happy?" He looks at Misty and Magenta. "We'll exhume his body. I'll hire a private investigator. Talk to the police. Whatever you want."

"It's for your Daddy," Misty grabs his hand and squeezes it for assurance this is the right thing to do.

A Few Days Later...

To celebrate the memory of Genaro, a group of people gather at a park. They all hold red balloons waiting to release them. While Misty gives a speech, Gee only lets her get through one sentence. Hearing her trembling voice he says, "Don't start all that damn crying."

"You shut up!" She cuts off her heartfelt sermon making everyone laugh.

"Let yo mama cry," Gen hugs her. Only because they're one in the same when it comes to being emotional.

"If she's gonna cry, keep it short. It's cold. I know you. You get to talkin' and we'll be out here 30 minutes. I'm tryna go eat." Magenta nudges him, so he lets her keep going.

Just to appease her son, she keeps it short. Also partly because if Genaro was here he'd be complaining about the same thing.

Gee, his mother, and Seven all plan to go back to Kentucky to put flowers on his grave. Until then, this'll have to do. Plus, Gee needs to go home to see what he can do about looking into his father's death.

If he plans to do this he wants definitive answers. Not possibilities or the same unanswered questions before.

They don't stay in the park long before all piling back in their cars, so they can go to Misty's to eat. In Pandora's car with her, Colby, Gee, and Seven, Gen makes sure to put her seatbelt on in the backseat. "Can you stop by the store? I need to get more meat." Clearly they're not on the same page because after a few minutes of driving Gen leans forward, "Where are you going?"


"Girl, I don't get any damn meat from Walmart!" She says as if appalled.

"Where else you gonna get the shit?"

"I go to the Hispanic, African, or Indian stores. Whole Foods too. Duh! All the Mess-icans we lived around in Dallas and you don't know that."

"You bougie as hell now," P smacks her lips.

"The who? Y'all country as hell," Gee can't help but let the comment out.

"I know you not talkin'. Say hundred..." Pandora shoot back at him. He wears a glare on his face knowing that R is going to be missing.

"Say ear, nigga!"

"Urrr," she says with no shame as they laugh. "This is why I don't let more than two people in my car," Pandora complains.

"Woah," Jux says dramatically flying to the right when she makes a hard turn.

"Shut up talkin' to me. I'm driving. All y'all sit back!"

After eating and hanging out with everyone for a couple hours Gen and Gee head home. While Gee sits on the couch with a groan, Magenta hands him a journal and pen. She suggested he do a burn letter and he agreed.

She's done several over the months and they're a good release. He's going to write it to his father in hopes it'll help anything he's holding in. You express all your emotions, thoughts, worries, and fears onto a piece of paper.

Gen excuses herself to give him alone time with no distractions. He spends the next 30 minutes starting the letter from his thoughts in childhood, teen years, adulthood. He didn't know he had so much he needed to get out.

He had fond memories of his father, but he also had resentment. That physical fight in the hotel parking lot after he was arrested comes to mind the most. They both apologized to one another, but they never discussed in depth what was said leading up to it.

You're automatically deemed disrespectful if you tell your parents how you truly feel. Even though it's not in person, Gee's glad to get these feelings off his chest. Genaro made Genesis the man he is whether good or bad...

Once he's done Gen comes back turning on her fireplace. He drops it in watching it turn into flames. Burning the letter is a way of showing yourself that you'll no longer let that hurt or fear control you. The letter turns to ash, and a sense of pride comes over Gee.

Tonight Magenta was supposed to be meeting up with Caprice tonight, but he never showed up. She waited awhile then decided to leave. There's a good reason he was a no show though...

Caprice was on his way and had every intention of coming. Before he could get to the location he stopped at a gas station. While there he was robbed of his jewelry and shot multiple times. Whoever it was must've been following him to his destination.

He was rushed to the hospital and undergoing emergency surgery. He's expected to recover if everything goes to plan.

He was literally at a QuickTrip right around the corner from where they were supposed to meet. When leaving, Gen saw all ambulance and wondered what was going on. Once she got home she saw it posted on all the blogs.

Magenta couldn't feel any way about what happened to Caprice. She actually doesn't wish harm, let alone death, on him. She's much rather see him in prison.

A couple hours later, she sits on the couch watching tv when Gee walks through the door. She's sitting mostly in the dark, so she she leans over to flip on the lamp taking in his appearance in entirety.

Last time she talked to him, he was with his brother and Cortlen. He leans down kissing her. Gee furrows his eyebrows as she opens his jacket, checks his pockets, then scans her eyes down to his shoes expecting every inch.

"What are you looking for? I hope you're not going to ask me to smell my dick next," he lets out a laugh that's laced with confusion.

"Funny. You ain't stupid enough to cheat." She squints her eyes. "Did you tell anybody I was meeting up with Caprice?"

"What? This about him getting shot? But you think I'm stupid enough to shoot a nigga you were set to meet up with..."

"You have my location," Gen shrugs.

"If I wanted that nigga hit up, I would've done it a long ass time ago."

With a sigh she scratches her head. "It's not that I feel bad. I'm just tired of people getting hurt around us. This whole past year nothing but violence."

Gee plops onto the couch next to her. "It's Choice," he says as if it's for certain.


"I think he's the one doing all this. I don't know if he's doing it himself or hiring people. We already knew Fade. I think he had something to do with Kross, Big Bleak, and now Caprice. I don't know how I didn't realize it before. It's something with how Seven acts all weird every time I bring up his name."

"That's the only thing that made you come to that conclusion?"

"He said something about Kross getting his karma when I talked to him in the Maldives. A few days later he was dead. He's been keeping his distance and not coming around."

She thinks for a second herself. "When I ran into him at that restaurant.. He was saying how he felt guilt for what happened to me. He was saying he thought he could've done more or protected me as my big brother. He fought Caprice at Tink's baby shower."

"He's crashing out. He's gonna get himself killed or in prison for the rest of his life," they share a look.

"Can you talk to him?"

"I can try, but it seems to me the deeds have already been done..."


Gee & Gen living together?

Gen wanting to have a sit down conversation with Caprice?

Gee looking into what happened to his father after all?

Caprice getting shot? Choice's actions lately?

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