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August 12th, 2022

Today marks the one year anniversary, or what her therapist calls a Trauma-versary, to Magenta's assault. She could say today her life changed forever, but she also doesn't want to sit in that feeling. A year later she can finally see herself not as a victim, but a survivor. Even if she still doesn't know completely what transpired that night and what happened to her...

The past three months she's been living her life and focusing on work. That included her taking that A&R position. At first she was unsure about working for a record label. It was one thing to work as a creative director, but she was freelancing. Now she works for a company.

So far it hasn't been bad. She wasn't going to pass up on this because it could catapult her into doing more major things. She also knows she won't be doing it for long. She looks at it as a stepping stone.

They assigned her a few artists that she helps develop their brand. It pays the bills and keeps her busy. Nonetheless, Magenta's been happy.

Her therapist warned her of possibly experiencing the 'anniversary effect.' She said not to be surprised if she has flashbacks, anger, sadness, anxiety, shame, or guilt. Gladly, today got off on a good start.

That's partly because she's accomplishing a goal today. In an office with a real estate agent, Gen sits at a table with papers and a pen in front of her. She's signing the warranty deed on her first investment property. It's a proud moment.

"I still can't believe he found this place," Gen comments out loud.

When Gee gave her the money for stocks on her birthday, he also gave her a list of properties to look at. Using his real estate agent and looking at his suggestions, she found the perfect place. She got approved for a mortgage and now she's about to close the deal. It's the perfect way to use the money from her CBS settlement while yielding a profit.

"I can," the real estate agent responds. "Gee has a good eye for this type of thing. He's very good at this. All of his properties he got a return on them. He always has renters. Once you do the renovations and decorate, I'm sure this'll be a great Air-bnb like you have planned."

"I'm excited," she smiles.

"That's a goodt man to put you on. I always say a real man will make his woman a boss. Your partner is an investment, especially if they believe in you," the woman goes on as Magenta makes sure to put her signature and date on each line where it's needed.

She can only nod in agreement. These last couple of months they've been doing well consistently. It's never been about the money, so him doing things like helping her find this place are a plus. It's the things money could never buy.

She could've easily fallen into a slump and got comfortable not being able to or having to work. He keeps her head on straight to stay motivated and helps her reach her goals.

For the first time they have something they haven't had with anyone else. Gee didn't tell her to quit or throw away her dreams to settle down. And Gen doesn't take advantage of his dedicated and giving nature. They both feel loved and appreciated.

That feelings only validated when she walks into her townhome after leaving with the real estate agent. Entering her townhouse she has a pep in her step feeling good about sealing the deal. Going into the kitchen she smiles at the balloons and flowers.

With a giddy smile she prances over to see small cake that reads '1 year of healing' in icing. This time she's not letting this one go to waste. She bypasses the Dior box going straight for the card first. Opening the card that says 'You Did It!' on the front she reads what he wrote on the inside:

I love you so much. I'm proud of the woman you became. I'm ready to see what's next. I wish I could wrap the world up and hand it you, but it's already yours and we're just living in it. Thank you 4 letting me in like no other. I got you 4L & past it.

Even if he can't always express his feelings vocally without getting shy, one thing he can do is write and do a nice gesture. "My honey bun," she pouts.

With a sigh she checks the time. Magenta made a whole plan for the day to ensure she doesn't have time to dwell on the negative. She wants today to be as optimistic as possible. On the top of that list is uploading a reflection video she pre-recorded to her Youtube.

Opening her laptop she watches the video to make sure it's ready to go up. Listening to herself speak she smiles to herself..

"It's also been 5 months since my suicide attempt and no suicidal thoughts. 6 months of no self-harm. And one year of healing from sexual trauma. On this day, I reflect on how far I've come since my traumatic event. I have experienced many traumas throughout my life, which have drastically changed my outlook and life progression. Today, I can see how they all correlate and influence the person I am today."

"Today, I reflect on my current life and the changes I've made. I've endured extensive therapy and a healing journey to work through depression, anxiety, and c-PTSD. To anyone watching I want to tell you that you're not your flaws and errors. You're not made of pain and hurt. You're not broken. You're not empty or alone."

"Someone once told me to tell myself that I'm enough. Now I'm telling you. You are enough and you always have been. Know what you stand for and stick to it. Your scars will always be a reminder of who you once were. They don't show who you are meant to become. Remember this."

She pauses the video when she hears the jiggle of her front doorknob. The door opens and in walks Gee using the spare key she gave him. Skipping towards him a smile spreads across Gee's face right as she jumps into his arms being hoisted up.

"You feeling good today?" He asks while she wraps her legs around him.

"Mhm," she nods pecking his lips. "You?"

"Yeah. Well, my house is officially on the market. Too many people knew where I lived." They both chuckle thinking about how when they came back from the Maldives his garage door had 'asshole' spray-painted on it. Luckily, that was the last of Kelsey. That must've been her closure. "You signed that paperwork?"

"It's a done deal," he puts her down. Hooking arms they walk to the kitchen. "Look at you taking a note out of my book." Not that long ago Gee thought she was weird for celebrating him being off probation.

"Just matching your energy. Every little milestone counts, right? I see you flourishing and shit!"

"Be who you are for your prideeeee," she busts out singing.

"What?" Gee looks confused.

Smacking her lips she says, "You never watch the videos I send you."

"You send too many. I'ma big music exec now. I don't have time. I'm a busy man," he gloats.

"Oh, oh, oh," she mocks him while making faces. "Thank you for my gifts though. Stay away from my cake too," Gen points seeing him already opening the box. Walking over to him as soon as she's in his vicinity he kisses all over her face. "Everything's going good for once."

"That's good."

"Damn," she says in realization. It feels too good to be true. She hates to get her hopes up, but she wants to be optimistic.

"And it gets better."


"A photo you took is about to everywhere..."

Magenta furrows her eyebrows. "What? I have nudes leaking or something. I knew I shouldn't have-"

"Nooo," he laughs.

"Remember I had that singer come to your studio for a shoot. Her team decided to use them for a Youtube Billboard ad that's going up in Los Angeles. If you sign the release form, of course."

"You're telling me something I do as a hobby is going on a billboard?"

He nods. "I told you I need to be your manager. The price is going up. Ya feel me?" She laughs taking his hand that's held up. When he pulls her into him, she bumps his chest aggressively as they're both filled with excitement. "We finna run that bag up!"

"Okay!" His smile fades immediately fades when she starts thrusting him.

"You always takin' shit too far. You a little too excited."

"Sorry," she calms down.

She decides to open the Dior box he gifted her. While she's undoing the tie he asks, "You know what I always wondered... You still have that promise ring I gave you before I left?"

"Huh?" She plays lost.

"Huh," he repeats.

She chuckles answering, "Was I supposed to keep it?"

"I mean, no. It would've been nice. You were that mad?"

"Eh, kinda. I may have thrown it into the fountain in the Union," she refers to their old college.


"What? Why you bringing up old shit anyway?"

"This why I don't do nice things for you. Here, nigga," he says playfully sitting the small jewelry box on the counter. "Since you say I didn't ask you to be my ol' lady properly."

She gives a soft smile kissing his cheek. "Why do you have to call me that though? Ol' lady," she mimics him.

"Everybody knows that's more serious than saying my girl."

"All I picture is a man who's been with same woman for fifteen years, but no plans of marrying her anytime soon. A forever girlfriend. They live together, got kids, even considered common law married. He says what's understood doesn't need to be explained when really he's legally married in another state, but hasn't gotten a divorce. He's just stringing the woman along," she rants.

"That's real specific. I feel like you're talking about someone."

"My Aunt Deborah and no good Charles. He's an alcoholic, she's a chain smoker. House smell like Marlboro's and whiskey."

With a laugh he says, "I bet you they're happy and in love."

"I guess they are." She smiles wide opening the box looking at the ring. "What're you promising?" Gen leans into him.

"Come on, why do you do that? Put me on the spot. You know I'm not good with expressing my feelings verbally." He likes to analyze everything before he speaks.

"I need to know why I'm putting this on! What did you say last time you made a promise," she lifts her head thinking. "I promise one day I'ma get right and be what you need."

"I got right, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did," she gives a bashful grin.

"I'm what you need, right?" The softness in his voice always makes her insides flutter. Then with the gaze to match. It's said that if two people love each other, it's in their eyes.

"What I need and want," she peers into him as if it's a staring contest.

"This is the last one. That's what I'm promising."

"The last relationship?" When he nods she kisses him. "You don't have a choice."

"So there's no confusion, I want to be with you, bad," she chuckles at him using the same words from when they were in college. "I want to build a future and life with you."

"I know."

"You gonna marry me?"

"Yeah, of course," she doesn't hesitate. Her tone even sounds as if she's offended he has to ask.

For the first time in her life when someone mentioned marriage or kids it doesn't feel like she's going to have a heart palpitation. Magenta was never the girl who wanted to be married or have kids by a certain age. She didn't know what her dream wedding would be. She didn't have baby names picked out.

"All you have to do is say the word. Whenever you're ready."

"I can come any day and you'll do it?" She asks.

"You can't say let's get married tomorrow at noon then if I leave a dirty dish in the sink at 3 you call it off," Gee makes them both chuckle.

"I won't."

"We can get married on our porch?"

"What porch?"

"I told you I wanna build a house with a wraparound porch. Like in the old movies." She laughs finding him so adorable.

"A veranda? No, why there?" Before he can answer she adds, "You made today so much easier. You make everyday easier."

"That's my job," he mumbles.

Connecting her lips to his, she easily becomes engulfed in the moment until she pulls away. "I have to go get ready for brunch with my girls."

"You 'bout to be throwin' bottomless mimosas back then come home and have your way with me. I can see it now."

She laughs. "Exactly. I don't know what you have planned today, but baby, I suggest you get some rest."

"My whole day is free. I'll be waiting right here. All I have to do is order my books for Fall semester."

When Gee said he was thinking about going back to college, he was dead serious. He applied to Texas Southern University and got in. Now in two weeks he'll be a student again.

"At least you're taking all online classes."

"I'ma little mad I have to retake a few of my classes, but I expected it. I've been out like 5 years. Plus, I changed majors from Kinesiology to Business and that's a big difference."

"You're officially a college boy. Proud of ya!"

"You gonna help me study? I don't even remember how to be a student."

"Why should I have to suffer? I did my four year bid. I'll only help if I get something out of it," she teases before slithering from his arms to rush up the stairs. She doesn't want to get distracted again when she needs to be changing and doing her makeup.

While picking out an outfit in her closet Pandora calls her. Putting it on speaker, P asks, "You wanna ride to the place together? I can pick you up."

"That's fine."

The short call reminds Magenta about the recording she played Gee of Kross. It's been three months, but Gee acts like he didn't find out what he did. He hasn't even attempted to find out what Kross could've meant by that.

Once she's ready she goes back downstairs asking Gee, "You seriously don't want to know what Kross could've possibly meant regarding your father?"

Gee gives her annoyed look because it's not her first time bringing it back up. "I'm blocking out the negativity," he mocks her whispery voice

"Kross hinted at something more than natural causes resulting in your father's death and you're going to ignore it?"

"What can I do, G? Kross is dead and sadly, my father is too. What answers am I gonna get? Any answer I do find will only make me angry and ready to kill someone. I'm over feeling like that," he says nonchalantly.

"You can have his body exhumed and have it looked into. Do another autopsy. Tell the police it wasn't natural and there might be foul play involved. They can investigate."

"And you know what they'll do... They'll flip it on me. The police in my city hate me. They could give a fuck if I'm legal now. They still see the nigga who was selling drugs on house arrest. Or me getting shot cause I was in the streets. They don't give a fuck if I have multiple investment properties or a pop warner team. They're going to say, if it was foul play, why? What did you do to get your father killed?"

"Okay. The recording of what Kross said... We know he has something to do with it. Like when you were shot and Quez getting killed. All Kross! It'll be justice for you, your family, your friends. You can all get some peace and closure."

"Seeing Kross' body shot up outside that courthouse was enough justice for me. I'm done talking about this," he says coldly.

"Did you at least tell your mother?"

"Why would I tell her? For her to be in more pain and cause more questions? I'm not doing it... And neither are you."

"She's literally moving to Texas next month. Did you even tell her why you wanted her to move out here so urgently?" Gen questions.

"No. She already brought it up in the past and that just made me move faster."

"It's not right keeping this from her. You kept saying you wanted clearer answers because he died so suddenly. I'm sure she feels the same way."

"You tell her then! You look her in the eyes and tell her someone we called family, my friend, could've had something to do with my father's death. The nigga who lived down the block and I played with. The kid who'd come to my house and she'd feed his ass. The nigga who'd always tell me he wished he had a father like mine. Gon' head and tell her. Break her heart even more."

"That's not my place," she says in a hushed tone.

"Glad you know," he stands to his feet about to walk passed her.

"You don't have to talk to me like that."

"Respect my wishes and boundaries. I know you mean well, but this is my decision to make on my own. My mind is made up," he heads up the stairs leaving her standing there. She sighs knowing she can't argue with that...

Arriving at their favorite spot for brunch, Magenta waits with her friends to be seated at a table. For the first time since Pandora picked her up she notices the picture on her shirt. "Bitch, I know that's not your mugshot on your shirt.."

"What?! I was cute. I went viral too," P pops her tongue showing off her top.

"Girl, you did less than 48 hours."

"So? I did that time and didn't drop a dime," she says making them laugh. Her attention's briefly grabbed by her phone ringing, but she ignores it. "Not right now, Jux. If I answer and he gives me a reason, I'm going home."

"Whipped as a mutha fucka."

"I know you're not talking. When's the last time we've all gone out together? You up under that nigga 24/7," Pandora rebuttals. "You followed him to Atlanta like a little puppy."

"First of all, I went out there for work. We just happen to work for the same company," she says making them both chuckle. "Y'all have been doing good, right? I don't wanna hear y'all been over there fighting like you were with Kross."

"Oh, nooo. I'm lowkey scared of him. As soon as he puts a little bass in his voice, "Yes, Daddy!" I don't want any problems with that man."

"Not you over there submitting."

"Submitting, laying it down, bending it over, anything you can think of," they exchange a foldup. Magenta's happy for her best friend. Her being in a relationship with Colby is new, but it's working. Pandora had to bounce back from that toxicity she called a relationship with Kross.

Once at their table they order drinks. Holding up their glasses for a toast Pandora leads it by saying, "First, let's cheers to our friend bouncing back like the real bitch she is! Second, let's cheers to those mutha fuckas being found guilty and going to jail."

"You're going to jail, bitch!" Their friend, Glow, adds making them laugh.

A couple days ago Amil was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison followed by 5 years of supervised release.

Meanwhile, Caprice's bodyguard and his two friends – which include his best friend, Javari – were sentenced to 34 months followed by 5 years of probation.

The judge cited that instigating nor stopping the commission of the crime is enough for a guilty sentence. Magenta's hoping them being found guilty is a good sign that Caprice will as well. That's all dependent on the DNA tests done on his friends because those could exonerate him.

Once they get their food they continue talking until something catches Magenta's attention. Seeing a waitress show her brother, Choice, being shown to a table in the same are she squints.

"Is that Choice?" MiMi asks the question already in her head.

Gen hasn't seen her brother in person all summer. His excuse for staying away is that he's been busy with his businesses. Truthfully, he's thrown himself into work to distract himself from Chandrika's death.

Choice will answer calls and texts, but he keeps it short. When they try to invite him to hang out he always has a reason why he can't. And of those reasons might be on Choice's arm as he pulls out a chair for the woman he's with.

"I'm gonna go speak," Gen gets up from the table going over to theirs. Looking up from his menu, Choice's eyebrows furrow.


"Hey." It instantly gets awkward. "I didn't even know you're back in Houston. I thought you went back to staying in Austin."

"I'm only here today." Choice glances at the woman sitting with him before adding, "Oh, this is my little sister, Magenta."

"Oh, wow. I've heard a lot about you. Inandi. You can call me Di if you want," she extends her hand and Gen shakes it.

"Nice to meet you. You look familiar. I feel like I've met you before..."

Inandi looks at Choice before saying, "I don't think so."

"I could be wrong," Gen shrugs.

"I'm gonna go talk to my sister outside. Can you order for me?" Inandi nods as the two of them exit the restaurant sitting on a bench.

"I've been worried about you. You didn't even come around for 4th of July."

"I know. I'm good, I swear. I needed time to myself."

It's quiet and Gen can't help but ask the nosy question. "Are you two dating?"

Choice sighs. "Despite what everyone's saying we're not even together." His response comes from his family gossiping. Gen heard he's been seen out with a 'new lady friend' lately. "She knows where I am mentally and emotionally, but she's okay with hanging around until I'm ready."

Gen nods despite thinking how ChaCha's only been dead a few months. "So, you want to date her eventually?"

"I really don't want a lecture on how I'm moving on fast."

"I'm just concerned about you. Did you know her before ChaCha passed?"

"If you're insinuating that I was involved with her while married, no. I met her a month after Drik's funeral. I don't know. She came into my life at the perfect time like a familiar stranger."

Gen narrows her eyes. "I hope you're healing and not using this woman to mask your true feelings and hurt."

"You're not the only person getting professional help for your problems. I've been in grief and trauma counseling three times a week. Just because I'm not showing grief the way people expect me to doesn't mean I'm not. People grieve differently."

His attitude is telling that a lot of people have come to him with the same issues. "I don't mean to be intrusive. I'm your sister. And I'm there if you need me... If you'd let me. Like you've always been there for me."

"People don't know the half of what I was going through. Panic attacks, anxiety, couldn't sleep, barely eating, depression. Inandi helped me through it. She's been there for me. This may sound harsh, but ChaCha's not coming back. I can't be married to a deceased person. My vows were 'til death do us part."

"I just don't want someone to come in and take advantage of you at a time when you're vulnerable. If you're happy though, I'm happy for you," she gives him a smile.

"Thank you. I saw your Youtube video. I can't believe it's been a year... If I never said it before, I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Don't be. It was apart of my story," she sighs.

"Til this day I still walk around with guilt for what happened to you."


"I thought I should've been able to do something. Or that I could've protected you. You're my little sister, ya know."

"That's not your guilt to wear. You weren't even there. What were you going to do?"

"It just bothers me," he trails off looking at his watch. "I should probably get back inside. I'm on a time crunch as it is. I still have to go to Dallas to make it to Tink's baby shower tonight."

"Her baby shower's today? She really picked today of all days?"

With realization Choice says, "I don't think she did it on purpose. I'm sure she didn't even know today's the anniversary of your assault. She's not that petty or vindictive," he hopes.

"She's been pissed ever since I put my foot down and cut her off. Even more after I blocked her. She's been sending subs on Twitter for months. Taunting me trying to get a reaction so she can play victim like always."

"Just keep ignoring her. My peace making days are over. I learned my lesson from Miami," he chuckles. "Also, forgiveness doesn't require reconnection. I've learned to reconnect means you have to trust and expect a different outcome. Forgiveness just means not feeling negative towards the person."

"Trust, I know. I learned my lesson after Amil, Noah, and a bunch of others."

"I think her and Mama finally had a sit down conversation. Ma just doesn't want to be at odds with her when she's having her first grandchild."

"And I told Ma that's cool. We all have separate relationships. As long as I'm not the bad guy for cutting her off. Everything that happened to me opened my eyes so much. I used to let people get over on me. For years I let everything slide."

"That letting it slide shit is a slippery slope. Before you know it you build up resentment until you don't like them anymore," he understands.

"Have you talked to Cortlen recently?"

Choice shakes his head. "I'm mad at him, he's mad at me," he shrugs.

"For what?"

"He's mad at me for still working with Big Bleak. I told him to let it go because it's what has to be done. I'm mad because I can't let it go about him and ChaCha. It's in the back of my head. Like you're my blood brother. Over ten years ago or not, you knew what you were doing."

Magenta can feel the sadness set in. They're all growing apart and it's sad to see. Your siblings are either your best friends or worst enemy it seems.

They hug for a long time until the point it feels like Choice melts into her. She can tell he needed it as she rubs his back.

They both go back inside and as Gen sits at the table she shakes her head. "Is he okay?" Pandora asks.

"He seems fine, I guess. I don't get it... I thought Choice was working with Bleak because he had a bigger plan, but I don't know anymore. It's been 3 months and he's still working with him."

"There's no expiration date on revenge. He could be letting things die down. Or maybe he really is buying everyone's safety. It's been quiet since Kross."

"I can't imagine breaking bread with a nigga who's the reason my wife's dead. On top of that, he's losing money. Bleak gets free weed from him," her and Pandora whisper to one another.

"And everyone's alive with peace of mind. Maybe Choice was right," Pandora shrugs.

"It's extortion." She gives one more glance to Choice at his table before beginning to finish her food.

In Austin, Texas, Choice sits in his office at one of his Cannabis Cultivation warehouses. He stares at Chandrika's funeral program that's flipped to the page solely dedicated to their relationship. The pictures start from them sitting on porch steps in South Dallas as kids all the way to their wedding less than a year ago.

He looks at some of the words he dedicated to her: The love in my heart died with you. Crying is just a part of my day now. I will try to be strong for you, even though I feel weak.

Choice opens a drawer on his desk. He grabs his wedding ring that sits next to a gun that he keeps for protection. He sits his ring on the middle of the program sighing to himself.

When the door to his office opens, Seven is behind it. Clearly school just isn't for Seven. This is his second time having to leave a college due to legal troubles – all in the same year that was supposed to be his freshman year. So Gee helped him get a paid internship working at Choice's business in the packaging room. He's been living in Austin since. He's also been staying out of the way and out of trouble.

"Bleak's here," Seven informs him.


Choice stands grabbing his gun tucking it into the back of his pants. He flaps his jacket down to hide it. Taking his index and middle finger he presses them to his lips before touching a picture of him and ChaCha.

While walking out of the office with Seven beside him, Choice says, "You can go 'head and head home for the day."

"You sure?" He asks with concern because he'll be left alone with Bleak and his cronies.

"I'll be good." Seven shrugs already heading to finish up and clock out.

Walking out to where Bleak and four men that he never goes anywhere out, he puts on a smile greeting them. Like agreed, Choice has been providing Big Bleak and his crew with pounds of weed. Today they're here to pick up their shipment.

While Bleak's men go to the loading dock to put the boxes onto a truck, Choice walks around the facility with Bleak giving him a tour.

"You always hear about the drugs being found and seized on the boats. You don't hear about the boat owner getting arrested. You hear about the drug busts and the millions of dollars connected to the gangs and cliques... Magically, you never hear about the reason it's even getting into the damn country," Bleak says as Choice pretends to listen attentively. "What's your job title exactly?"

"Cannabis Cultivator or a grower. This is one of three warehouses. I have one in Oklahoma and Colorado," he explains. "Also, with that shipment I threw in some bonus pounds of my favorite strain. You can keep for personal use or sale. A gift for what you helped me with."

"My nigga," they dap.

Big Bleak had no problem giving up the fact Kross was the one who assisted them on the shooting regarding his location. He also insisted that he never meant for anything bad to happen to Chandrika. So to show good faith he promised he'd help Choice take out Kross. And that he did. He got his men to kill Kross and amends were made.

People like Cortlen don't understand him working with Bleak. He's willing to sacrifice product that can be sold legally at a dispensary if it means getting what he wants... Peace of mind.

"We have two grow rooms, two nursery rooms, a dry pod, a trim room, the waste destruction room, oil extraction lab, and a vault for storing product," Choice continues showing him around.

Peeking into one of the rooms he can see his men waiting in a room like he expected. They do it every time while him and Bleak handle business and talk.

Choice shortly stops at the PLC controller in the hallway. On this monitor he can control what happens in each room up to the detail. That includes CO2 levels, temperature, and lights being on or off. Clicking on the room that Bleak's men are in he turns the CO2 on and raises the level.

Bleak's too busy texting on his phone to notice. He keeps walking saying, "We're one of the rare cultivating facilities that pre-packages everything with our own branding before delivering it to the dispensary. We're also a federally licensed facility."

Choice gives a head nod to Seven and his cultivation manager who leave for the day. "So you know all the science behind this shit?" Bleak asks.

He nods. "Cloning, phenotypes, genetic replicas." Choice is trying to move as slow as he can. He wants to keep him talking and interested to buy himself some time.

"I don't know about any of that shit. I just know how to sell it and make money."

"That's how I used to be. When I educated myself I expanded to more possibilities for income. I know if I'm actually getting my money's worth and then get the best return. Now it's based on what do my patients want, what're they getting at dispensaries, and what I think they'll want next."

"Patients? You professional as hell," Bleak laughs.

"If Big Pharma can call people they're killing patients, I can too when nobody's dying from weed," he shrugs. "A lot of niggas I trapped with used to laugh and make fun saying weed ain't really trapping. Me personally, I wasn't tryna be doing all the cooking and cutting up. I have more of a green thumb."

"I heard you were the biggest weed dealer in your city. Dallas, right?"

"Something like that."

"How'd you go the legal route?"

"I had connections with the right people," Choice remembers Pops. "I took what they gave me, used it as a foundation, and built what we dreamed of."

While Choice engages him in conversation the four men who came with Bleak are feeling the effects of Carbon Dioxide Poisoning.

"Y'all feel funny?" One of them asks. The gas leaking into the room has no smell, so they have no idea. Some of them are feeling dizzy or feel like they can't breathe. The chemical is replacing the oxygen beginning to starve their heart, brain, and body.

"What the hell is taking so long?" He tries to pull the door handle, but the doors automatically locked.

Choice and Bleak walk down the same hallway again and he ups the levels to over 30%. This creates an environment for asphyxiation. Rapidly, the men lose consciousness in seconds.

Looking at his watch Big Bleak looks at the expensive watch on his wrist. "I think it's time I get outta here." With his back turned he doesn't even realize Choice pulled a gun on him until he feels it on the back of his head.

Bleak laughs under breath before turning around holding up his hands. "You're one thirsty mutha fucka for blood. First Fade, Kross, now me. Damn, guess you got me."

"You should've known."

Bleak turns up his lips. "Maybe. Just know this won't go over well in the streets. I'm too loved. I got too many people under me."

"I'll deal with it when it comes." Hearing the coldness in Choice's voice he knows he has nothing to lose. Bleak could never bitch up and beg for his life. He always said if someone gets the one up on him, they just do.

Big Bleak closes his eyes and without another word Choice pulls the trigger shooting him in the head. He falls to the ground and he shoots him once more in the chest for safety measure.

Tucking the gun back into his place he looks down at Bleak. He probably should've thought twice about doing this by himself. Bleak isn't a small dude.

Choice goes over to the PLC controller turning the CO2 off and opens the door to air it out. He drags Bleak's body as far as he can to the waste destruction room. He waits until the monitor says the level is safe for occupancy going into the room with the four men who are now dead.

Seeing their lifeless bodies all he can picture are the text messages of them bragging about the shooting and Chandrika dying...

That nigga who has the weed company. We did that.

His wife died. She wasn't supposed to though.

But shit, her ass was hanging out the window shooting at us.

The car flipped, but that's what she gets acting like she like that.

I feel like I can count that. I got one under my belt.

That was for my big bro, Fade. That's what he wanted. To make that nigga suffer.

Choice drags them one by one to the same room as Big Bleak. "Choice?" He hears making his neck damn near snap. He pops his head into the hallway seeing Seven who's following the blood trail.

"What're you still doing here?" Choice asks blocking Seven from seeing the dead bodies in the room.

"I forgot my keys in my locker. What are-"

"Get out of here."

"You can't get rid of these by yourself unless your Superman," he tries to reason.

"Nah, man. You're supposed to be staying out of trouble. I'm not about to make you an accomplice."

"Let me help," Seven whispers as if there's anybody else here.

"No! Go! Now!" He points to the left. "Get your keys and go. If Gee finds out I let you help he'll kill me. Get the fuck out!" Seven smacks his lips but does as he's told. He gets his keys quickly leaving.

Once alone again Choice starts up the incinerator that's used to dispose of grow room cannabis waste. Looking at the bodies he gears himself up to get them in there. Usually, the marijuana incinerator is quiet, odor-free, and smoke-free. It's the opposite considering it's burning flesh and bones instead of plants.

It takes him a couple hours, but once he's done cleaning up he goes to his apartment in Austin. He showers, changes clothes, and like nothing happened he catches a flight to Dallas to attend his sister's baby shower as planned.

In Houston, Magenta lays in bed after a long night of hanging out with her friends. She should be asleep because it's nearing 2 in the morning, but she can't. The past couple of months she got over the insomnia she used to have. Tonight it decided to come back.

She looks at Gee who's knocked out as his restlessness has been long gone since they began sleeping together every night. His comfortability is apparent by the fact one of his body parts has to be touching her in someway while sleeping. It's to the point he's holding her earlobe, which makes her chuckle.

Grabbing her phone from the charger she unlocks it going to Instagram. Today was the first day she turned her comments back on after having them restricted for months.

Also, after an unwelcome memory on her phone through a snapshot from the night she was assaulted, she unarchived some pictures. That included the ones taken on the very day.

At first, she began to sink back into the old memories. Back into feeling like the vulnerable, confused person she was at the time. She let herself feel it, just for a moment. Then she reposted the picture to her story.

She didn't care if it brought people to the comments of the picture. That people would put two and two together with the date. She didn't care about the comments made about her outfit because they were made.

She doesn't have the same guilt and shame she did months ago. Before she felt like what she was wearing made her an easy target. No, that's not her fault. She went to dinner and a bar with friends. A dress and heels were appropriate no matter how short or tight. She didn't know they were going to a studio with predators.

Staring at the pictures with satisfaction something takes her to Felicity's page. She unfollowed her months ago. She's nosy and ends up watching her sister's story that's filled with pictures and videos from her baby shower. From the pink decorations one can only assume it's going to be a girl.

Seeing a video of Felicity walking into the venue with Caprice on her arm she nearly drops her phone.

Last she checked Caprice was serving a 200 something day sentence for his harassment charge to get it out of the way. That was in March, so he must've been released early.

He ended up serving 70% of it then they released him after completing a drug rehabilitation program successfully.

It was clear after the first trial that Caprice and those around him have a problem with drug usage. They told him if he completes it, they'll let him come home early. Now he's out awaiting trial wearing an ankle monitor and required to be drug tested frequently.

"How could they have given him bail? This makes no sense," she whispers to herself. The man has multiple counts of rape and they let him walk around freely.

All that begging Tink did at the funeral was in vain. Gen doesn't know if they're back together, but her sister's all smiles by his side. As if they didn't expose each other on social media, as if they both haven't cheated, as if he didn't claim the baby wasn't his...

A thick fog sets in all around Magenta. There's a heavy emotion she can feel deep in her body. She realizes that despite all the work she's done to heal, you feel confused, lost, afraid and numb all over again. And it just... won't... let... up. It all seems eerily familiar.

Feeling a lump form in her throat she can't even suppress the tears that begin falling. Covering her mouth she tries to keep it together for the sake of not awaking Gee. It's like, what happened is occurring all over again.


Magenta dealing with the assault anniversary?

Gee not wanting to know what happened to his father?

Choice potentially moving on? Killing Big Bleak & getting his revenge?

Caprice being out on bail? Him being at Felicity's baby shower? Do you think they're back together?

Comment / Vote💫

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