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Landing in the Maldives after a 20+ hour flight everyone's exhausted from the trip. Following a weekend in Miami, Gee's birthday isn't over. They're now starting a "couples" trip with Pandora, Colby, Cortlen, his girlfriend, and a few of their other friends.

For many of them it's their first time out of the country. It makes the trip even more special for the likes of Gee, Cortlen, and Pandora. Whether it was probation or a criminal record barring them from traveling, they're glad they can now.

From the Malé airport a luxury yacht picks them up taking 45-minutes to get them to the private island resort they're staying at for the week. As soon as the boat pulls up they're met by their personal butler for the duration of the stay. Greeted with drinks Pandora can't help but exclaim, "Okay! This is fancy! They done let a project bitch on the islands."

The overwater resort has them all in awe as they're given a tour of the island on the way to their rooms. This place is like heaven on earth. You're immediately mesmerized by the white sand beaches and clear waters.

"I've never seen a sky so blue," Cort looks in amazement.

Magenta's the only one with an attitude as her stomach growls. She squints up at the sun before lowering her shades. "When are we eating?" She questions making it clear what's on her mind.

"We just got here."

"And? I'm not going to like vacationing with y'all if you people only eat once a day. I need my three square meals. Y'all aren't hungry?" she looks around the group. The plane food wasn't enough for her.

"Damn, we're gonna eat, hungry, hungry hippo ass," Cortlen looks at his sister.

"Fuck you, bitch," Gen returns the sibling banter.

Gee's quiet too busy recording everything they pass by. After he gets his video he asks, "Did someone call to make sure Choice got back to Texas alright?"

"I didn't talk directly to him, but my Mama said he landed in Dallas and is gonna stay with our granny for a few days."

"I feel bad. I know he feels like everyone else moved on and doesn't care about ChaCha dying," Gee says honestly.

"To be real, I think he just wants to be left alone. Even when he showed up in Miami, it's like he wanted to be surrounded by people. To help him not feel alone, but then he realized it didn't help. It doesn't take that void of Drika," Cortlen tries to explain.

"I get it." Gee felt the same way after his father died. You keep moving to distract yourself.

They come up on the first bungalow meant for their group and the butler says, "Pandora and Colby."

"That's us." P turns to everyone saying, "Welp, we'll see y'all losers later. Probably late tonight. No, we're not taking a nap. We're probably going to be fucking, so do not disturb!" Pandora sticks out her tongue, while Jux wears a giddy smile. She throws up a peace sign as they walk down the boardwalk hand-in-hand to their villa.

Gen shakes her head. "They're a match made in crazy heaven," Gee says what she's thinking too.

One by one the group gets smaller. Gee and Gen enter their villa taking it in. "This is nice, real nice!" She expresses walking every inch of it. "Look!" she points at the the infinity pool as if she didn't pay extra so they'd have it.

Gee walks into the bedroom met with decorations. There's rose petals all over the floor then they're spread on the bed to spell out 'Happy Birthday.' He looks up at the balloons noticing the gold letter ones say 'Big Daddy' making him laugh.

When Gen walks into the room he says, "We supposedly weren't back together just two days ago per your words, but-" He points knowing this had to be planned in advance.

"Friends do that," she laughs.

"Yeah, okay. What were you calling us? Support partners, my ass. Did your little retreat mentor say support partners be fucking the way we do?"

She opens her mouth trying to find a response. "I- If that's the moral support the other person needs," she shrugs wearing a smirk.

They both bust out laughing and he motions to the wrapped gift boxes on the bed, "I thought I opened all my gifts."

"Those are to celebrate your new job. You can open them. I got you another cake because you didn't get any at your dinner. I'm gonna go get it," she prances off.

With slight surprise he turns up his lips. Gen's been in really good spirits lately. It's shocking and slightly throwing him off. It makes him wonder how long it'll last. He expected her to dive back into a depression full of mood swings and drastic emotions after Chandrika's death. Clearly, whatever she's doing is working.

She comes back holding a small cake, a knife, and plates. "How big of a piece you want?" She asks.

"Right there," he points. She's too busy to notice him looking like he's plotting. He barely has the plate of cake in his hand before he smooshes it in her face.

Gen stands there stuck as icing covers her. She licks her lips to say, "I was nice enough to have them get you a cake, and this is what you do?" She's already coming at him holding the entire cake as if ready to launch it.

"Wait!" He tries to grab her arm, but it's too late. The remainder of cake is upside his head compared to the one slice he did. They both fall on the bed filled with rose petals as she smears it even more into his skin.

"Asshole!" They both stare at each other before they're filled with infectious laughter. "I really wanted that cake too." Taking a finger Gee swipes some off and licks it. Despite hating it when she does it, Gee lets her lick the side of his face with a shake of his head.

Two Days Later...

Even if they're jetlagged, everyone knows today they have to do more than just sleep. They don't want to waste anymore precious time knowing it's limited on this beautiful island. So they're up bright and early with a full day of activities scheduled.

The first thing on the checklist for Gee and Gen is to eat. They're currently waiting on the butler to bring a floating breakfast to have in the pool. They've barely been here, but it's proving to be their dream vacation.

Once done they both get ready to go out as a group. Now dressed, Gee asks, "Are they ready?"

"They said 5 more minutes."

"Where's your little camera? You gotta vlog," Gee says with more excitement about than her.

"I gave up on it," she chuckles. "I'm not very good at it. I record one thing then forget."

"I'll remind you. You should be running it up with your Youtube. You gotta record for memories anyway."

"I'll try," she puts her different cameras and their batteries in her bag. While they wait she decides to record her intro. Standing in the mirror she shows her outfit as Gee stands behind her.

She turns around to show the back prompting him to ask, "Why you gotta show all that?" But that quick he gets distracted cupping his hands at the cuff of her ass. Gen laughs at the big smile on his face with each jiggle. "It's back dere."

"Always. Heavy." Stopping the video she adds, "But this is partly why I don't record around you. I always get distracted," before kissing him.

They leave the villa deciding to already start walking to meet up with the others. Of course the others weren't ready to leave like they claimed to be.

Like always Gee had to talk Gen into taking pictures, while she acted like she didn't want to. Mainly because she hasn't been active on social media. A lot of times she thinks he just wants to have pictures of her on his phone. It's cute.

"How many pictures you gotta take?" she asks with growing irritation...

"You know, most women appreciate when someone wants to take their pictures with no complaints. I get the good lighting and angles. I'm that nigga!" He pats himself on the back.

"Let me see them." Looking through the camera roll she smiles to herself. There's practically a picture or video for everyday they've spent together.

Holding hands they walk down the boardwalk meeting up with everyone else. The choice of transportation is bikes, but it's not going over well with the group.

Only 30 seconds into peddling, Pandora's huffing and puffing. "Now, where the hell is a resort staff person with the golf cart? Didn't nobody say anything about riding bikes!"

"I'm out of shape as hell. They say it's as easy as riding a bike. Shit, I never got that saying," Cortlen chimes in.

"I didn't intend on sweating before we even did shit. My wig gonna be peeling back like layers on an onion," Ivy, Cortlen's girlfriend for a month now, says in distress.

Their first stop is Flyboarding. Gee sits watching as Colby and Pandora go first out of the group. He wanted to see how it's going to go; let them test it out. He's still not feeling it. "Are you gonna do it?" Magenta asks seeing the perturbed look on his face.

"I'm not doing that shit!" He watches Jux rise up 70 feet in the air over the water.

"Why?" Gen laughs while putting on a safety jacket.

"Why would my black ass do that?! I can't swim. If something goes wrong, not only do I fall from the air, but into a body of water. I'm good as dead. Hell nawll," he shakes his head. "I prefer the ground."

"This trip isn't going to be any fun if you're not willing to try things," she leans in trying to coerce him.

"I'ma do the other stuff. This? No."

"Scaredy cat," she teases before giving a quick peck.

"I'll send up a prayer for you to the big God," is all he can give her as she prepares to go next now that Jux and Pandora's turn is over.

He wasn't lying about that. He did everything except that including, fun tubing, parasailing, and snorkeling with the nurse sharks. Everyone's open to the new experiences on the trip, but some people had fears they weren't willing to face.

By evening they go to the private movie screening with dinner on the beach. With endless horizon under starry skies a movie plays on a big screen. The sound of waves gently lapping against the shore can be heard in the background. Of course they pick the blackest movie on the list - Love & Basketball.

As the credits roll at the end, Cortlen, stands up to stretch. "I hate that damn movie. Y'all really consider this a romance movie?"

"Thank you!" Pandora agrees. "I wouldn't have gotten back with him. She always played second fiddle to that nigga. Then you damn near breaking my ankles on the court talkin' about 'double or nothing.' Fuck you!"

"Let's not act like she wasn't wrong too. She wasn't there for him," Gee gives his opinion. He lays on a sun lounger as Magenta relaxes on top of him.

"I'll play you... For your heart," Colby says dramatically clutching his chest. "You make a fool of me. Tell me why!" Cortlen sings stretching out his arm as Gee and Jux join in.

They all laugh until Gen speaks up, "Y'all are missing the point! Sometimes people have to go on different paths in life and have other experiences to find their way back to one another. Then you realize how much you love a person."

"Shut the hell up," multiple people say in unison.

She smacks her lips. "Some haters who don't believe in true love."

Even though the movie's over they still hang out. One of the employees says they can use the area to do karaoke on the beach if they stick around. While it's being set up they all talk, continue drinking, and eating.

"I'm tryna see the dolphins. I wanna swim with them," P says with eagerness.

"Yeah. I heard a lady talking about diving with the sharks and manta rays too."

"I don't even know why y'all are speaking on that. Who's doing that bullshit?" Cort asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Have y'all been to the spa and got a massage? Me and Cort did it yesterday. The tables look over glass-bottom floors, so you can watch the fish swim during it," Cortlen's girlfriend gushes.

As soon as karaoke's kicked off it's nothing but pure entertainment. It doesn't help they're all off the Casamigos and the 2 for 1 margaritas.

With the lyrics rolling by on a projector screen, Pandora does her performance to Trust No Nigga by Khia of all songs. "You put yo trust in a nigga, stupid hoe, how you figure," she raps with all the passion possible. By the end of the song she's poking Jux in forehead feeling it a little too much. "Don't trust no nigga, no, no. You can't trust no nigga, no, no!"

"Sit your ass down," he says grabbing the mic from her grips.

"Sitting," she says plopping into a bean bag as they all laugh.

Gee and Gen both remember Jux and P meeting for the first time on her 19th birthday in college. Pandora was not going for his slick talk and flirting. She swore he couldn't handle her, but that turned out to be wrong. It seems to everyone that he can. That's because Jux can match her energy and meet her where she's at. He might be the one to tame her, who knows.

Getting up from the group, Gee and Gen decide to go to a nearby bar on the beach to get a different type of drink. While waiting on the bartender to finish fixing them, a random older woman sits next to them beginning a conversation. "What brings you here?"

They look at each before Gee answers, "Oh, we just got married."

"Yeah, we're on our honeymoon!" Gen co-signs with a smile as the woman claps her hands in excitement.

"Congratulations!" She says cheerfully. They've been sticking to the lie the entire trip. It usually comes with exciting congratulations then offers to buy them free drinks. Nobody questions it because this place is a favorite among honeymooners. They don't even bother to notice the fact both their ring fingers are empty. "Drinks on me!"

They both laugh thanking her as the bartender slides them across the bar. They spend another ten minutes talking to the woman and her husband. It seems as if most of the other guests love their group. Everywhere they go people can't wait to talk and hang out with them.

Last night when they went to dinner, it was obvious this couple from Spain was into swinging. They kept flirting and asking them to come back to their villa.

Before they know it they're inviting some of the people from the bar to come do karaoke with them. Vacation means catching a vibe with anyone. You act like best friends at the resort and never see these people again.

While a man in his fifties sings a Phil Collins song, Gee talks to Cortlen and Jux towards the back. "How'd y'all meet?" Gee asks motioning to Cortlen's girlfriend, Ivy.

"Instagram," he laughs. "Shit sounds weird to say."

"You finally figured it out? I had to teach this man how to slide in the DM's," he chuckles.

"It worked. I had to learn how to text though. I immediately wanna meet and talk in person to get a feel. Apparently, folks don't like that nowadays," Cort screws up his face.

"They want it steady. Can't do too much. They start thinking you're thirsty or a weirdo who's gonna kidnap and kill them," Jux agrees.

"You were cussing girls out for not wanting to go on dates or something?" Gee laughs.

"Naw, but after you're not replying to the third message, what the fuck you doin'? I don't have time to waste. I spent my whole life in jail. I'm tryna find the one!"

"You wildin'. A girl gonna post your messages and go viral," Jux daps Gee as they crack up.

"See, I'm still trying to get used to this whole social media thing. When I went in we had MySpace and Bebo. Now there's DM's on every platform. I just found out about the disappearing messages. I don't know how y'all trust any of these women," Cort explains.

"Bro, all I'ma say is don't ever go through your girls shit."

"I did it to Pandora when she was drunk one time. Immediately regretted it."

Gee laughs. "Why would you do that?"

"I'on know 'cause she's not my girl. She's popular and I know she's sought after. What made it worse is I knew she was talking to other niggas. I wanted to see my competition. Two messages in, I couldn't breathe. I thought I was gonna die, dog. He said what?!" he gasps grabbing his chest dramatically.

"You set yourself up for failure every time. Gen be tryna show me and I'm like, I'm good. Spare me. Rappers, athletes, scammers, drug dealers. We can laugh, but if I know the nigga it can get real serious. I rather not."

They continue talking when Magenta and Pandora come over. "Amil's trial was today," Gen hands her phone to Gee. He's been curious how it would play out after what Destin said.

From Caprice's trial it was obvious Amil was prepared to barter a deal. Although, she plead not guilty based on the fact she didn't encourage or facilitate the crime's commission and withdrew from participation.

While cross-examined a lot more things were revealed. They caught Amil up several times. During Caprice's trial she claimed to not know anyone would be sexually assaulted. That turned out to be a lie.

They had text message proof that Amil was paid to get Magenta to the recording studio. She was also the one who put something in Magenta's drink. It was a planned setup from the jump.

At the same time, Amil's asking for leniency claiming to be a victim of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. She revealed that at one point she worked as an escort for a woman named Rejoice Mobisson for a few years. She originally went to Ms. Mobisson's talent and modeling agency to build a career in the industry. In the end she was lured and recruited into working.

Amil always had a large social media following, but that translated into becoming an IG model and 'groupie' to rappers and athletes.

Rejoice Mobisson had an escort service that stretched from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California. But in 2020 she was arrested for her crimes. Eventually, she fled the country and hasn't faced her charges since.

After Rejoice left the country, Amil continued to maneuver the industry. She worked for Rejoice's old partner, Neriah, who does the same thing. Round up pretty, vulnerable, and desperate girls.

Amil's the type of chick who's willing to do anything or anyone for fame and money... Even taking victims with her.

She got entangled into Caprice's circle, not only dating his best friend, but helping them find girls to take advantage of. It sounds like Amil was taking other girls and making them victims like she once was.

She basically exposed a whole system where women are drugged and raped. None of them speak up or press charges because they're 'IG thots' with reputations. No one gets caught or consequences.

It was no different then Rejoice's system where she had her girls drug and rob the celebrity men who brought them home.

Now it's very obvious how Amil was affording her lifestyle. The designer clothes, diamonds, constant trips, luxury cars, and partying came at a cost. And that night, so did Magenta's body.

He reads over the article before saying, "Rejoice? Why does that name sound familiar?"

"I know how I know her," Pandora speaks first. "She's from Dallas. Oak Cliff or Pleasant Grove. We used to see her at the house parties and little teen clubs." Magenta looks confused as Gee tries to think. "She's Felicity's age and grade," P continues trying to jog Gen's memory. "Her brother was fine ass Christian!"

Gee's busy typing into google while they keep talking. "The one who got killed by the police? I remember now."

"The good ones always die young. You know I used to talk to him," P says facetiously.

"You did not talk to him," Gen wears a doubtful frown.

"We messaged on Kik. Back then that's considered talking."

"I know her face," Gee points at the screen.

"Rejoice? You probably know her as Joie now. She was big on the Houston party scene," Pandora explains with a shrug. "She booked me a couple times to host. Bro, I knew she was selling coochie. She gave heavy madam vibes."

Then it hits him. "I knew her. She used to book my artists for clubs. Some of my male rappers were fasho paying for cat from her girls. I had to tell them to stop that shit. You can get free pussy anywhere if you look hard enough. Wasting money."

"Well, Amil's definitely being found guilty. It's a matter of how long she gets," Pandora responds.

"Why would Amil do that to me though? She knew I wasn't that type of girl," Gen sounds genuinely hurt.

"Amil was always jealous of you. People have evil hearts. You were doing well in the industry without having to lay on your back. All hard work. She's a college graduate who either couldn't find a job to use her degree or things didn't go to plan, now she has to sell her body. She clearly has issues she needs to resolve."

Destin's right. If Caprice's case is tied to human trafficking and Rejoice, this will go deeper. He read up on the A&R, Gabriel. It's clear as day he was killed while awaiting trial. The man was set to start testifying against some powerful people to save his own ass. He was killed before he could do it. Even Rejoice. It was either wait for something to happen or go on the run.

There's no telling how this can go...

The next evening, Gee's waiting for Magenta to finish getting ready so they can go out to dinner. The trip's going fine so far, but he can tell Gen's mood is declining. Especially after what she learned regarding Amil.

Gee knows she'll be awhile, so he decides to Facetime Choice and check on him. After a few rings he feels like he's not going to answer, but it finally connects. "Wassup?" Choice says groggily. It's 6p.m. out here, so it's 8a.m. in Texas.

"My bad for waking you up."

"It's good. I needed to get up early anyway. I've been sleeping 'til noon and granny's damn near whooping me out the bed," he chuckles while sitting up and stretching.

"I'm sure Ms. Evelyn is. They think the whole day is gone by then... You good? You were in your cups the other night."

"Yeah, my fault if I ruined yo day. I paid for it. My drunk ass tried to call ChaCha that night and the hangover-" he shakes his head.

"You wanna talk?"

Choice sighs, "I'll get over it eventually."

"It's not something you get over. It's something you get through," Gee speaks from experience.

"I'm a widower at 30," he scoffs in disbelief. "I thought I'd have so many other things at this age. I have the success... But I thought I'd be starting my family. Have kids. All that shit was already put on hold, so I could make sure my family was good. I put everything on the line."

Gee's quiet allowing Choice to freely express himself. "I promised her I'd let the street shit go. When we went to college I promised her I'd give it a fair shot, but I ended up dropping out. I promised her I wouldn't be doing illegal stuff for the rest of my days. The whole reason she even got back with me is because I had a legit business and I stopped hanging with Fade. Pops left me all that stuff. I started my Cannabis business. I went back on my word. Now she's dead."

"It's not your fault."

"It is. I was so hard on you in college because I did the same exact thing as you. Sacrificed everything. My scholarship, college, my football career, my relationship with Chandrika. I threw it all away. Like you wanted to help your mother with the foreclosure. I wanted to help after both my mother and Cort went to prison. Now I look back and wonder for what? Those years I could've focused on myself. I could've went to college, graduated, and been married for years with kids by now."

"I know it doesn't seem worth it in the grand scheme of things..."

"I did all'at to see my family win and we're falling the fuck apart. I know I went off on everyone at the funeral, but I'm not even mad at anyone. I'm mad at my damn self! I wish it was me who would've died that night. It was supposed to be me, not her," his voice cracks. "I couldn't save her and I tried."

"I know it sounds fucked up, but then that's going to have to be enough. Knowing you tried and knowing you loved her while she was here."

Choice does a pessimistic laugh saying, "Man, you and my sister are just like me and Chandrika. I just hope and pray you two have a different ending. So, when it comes to Kross... Let that shit go. You don't wanna be like me. Mourning the girl you love over some preventable shit."

"Look at the way he betrayed me? He tried to take everything from me. My friends, my business, what he did to Gen, my life..."

"You can be prideful and be dead, or be talkin' about this shit 40 years later laughing about it. You gotta know when to fold em', know when to hold 'em, or know when to walk away."

"What if you can't because you gotta good hand?"

"Don't write a check yo ass can't cash. Trust me. Kross is gonna get his..."

"How did you end up giving me advice?"

"You know I'm your Yoda. Oh, and tell my sister, I apologize for what I said at the funeral. I'm a grown man and made my own decision that night. She has enough on her shoulders, and that guilt doesn't belong to her. I was in my feelings."

He says it at perfect timing because Gen comes out of the bathroom hearing what he said. "Yes, you were." Gee turns his phone screen towards her so she can say, "I accept your apology. We're gonna get through this together. I love you."

"I love y'all too. Y'all kids have fun," Choice teases before hanging up.

Tonight they're eating at an undersea restaurant. When they sit down, it's hard for either of them to concentrate on looking at the menu. They both stare enchantingly at the fish swimming by in the 180-degree panoramic views of the vibrant coral gardens surrounding them. They can't believe they're sitting below the Indian Ocean and all it's crystal blue waters.

The waitress comes to bring their drinks and as soon as she leaves Gee says, "Onna date, kinda nervous."

Gen chuckles. "You love saying that every time we go out. Let's make a toast," she grabs her glass.

"To what?"

"Your new job, of course. I know you were worried thinking you were going to be blackballed for sticking up for me. Now look at you. Movin' on up!"

"We're movin' on up," they tap glasses.

"I'm not so sure about that yet. I didn't sign or accept anything. This is about you," she deflects.

"You talked to Devin about the A&R position, right?"

"Do you really think working for a record label is the best thing to do? For either of us? This is far from over. In fact, with new girls being added and the FBI picking this up it's only going to get bigger and worse. Taking that job would be like walking into a lion's den."

"Devin's the president of the label. He has our back. So, then what are you going to do? You want a career. You talked to me about starting your own creative production company. You're still going to be working in the music industry. What's the alternative?"

"I have no idea," she sighs as if defeated.

"Working at the record label we could make real change. Working with artists, especially women, you can help. You can guide them and protect them. So what happened to you doesn't happen to them."

"Yeah, Devin told me to use it as a stepping stone until my non-compete is over and I can get back into creative directing. Also, I can use the time to start the production company. I'll think about it," she shakes her head.

"Speaking of thinking... I've been thinking about going back to school. Just to say I finished because clearly I can't depend on Seven to be the first person in the family to get a college degree," they both laugh. "I don't know. I know I don't really need it, but-"

"You should do it. You can do it. I think about getting my Master's everyday. I know I don't need it either, but it feels good. To show people you're here for a reason," she encourages him.

"Sometimes I walk in rooms and I feel like I don't belong. Ex-drug dealer, felon, had to leave school, lookin' how I look. Maybe the degree will help."

"You're smart. If I could do it, you can do it. You're smarter than me."

"I wouldn't say all'at now. You're gassing me up."

"Anybody good at math and science is smart. I barely passed unless you helped me study or with my homework. Seriously, you're one of the most capable men I've ever met. You're good at everything you do."

He ends up blushing always becoming smitten when she compliments him. "Oh, shit. I forgot to mention... Me being an executive at Capitol means I have to spend more time in Atlanta, especially the first couple of months. I was hoping you'd come with me. I know you have to be there for Choice, but-"

Before he can start making excuses of a possible no, she responds, "I can go back and forth. And I'm pretty sure if I take the A&R job I'll have to spend more time there too."

He nods and not too long later they're bringing out their food. As they eat Gee gets a notification on his phone, so he checks it. He has a nosy neighbor and it was only fitting he asked her to watch over his house while he's gone for the week.

She sent a video where you can see a woman trying to get into his house by lifting the garage door then a window. When that didn't work the person spray painted his garage and left.

Should I call the police? The text reads. It only took him a second to know it's his ex, Kelsey.

No, he responds. "This girl is a fuckin' lunatic," he says before telling Gen what's going on.

They eat in silence for a few minutes mostly because Magenta's thinking. Speaking up she asks, "Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Like what?"

"With your ex. She shows up at your birthday dinner, now this. Is there some loose ends you need to tie up? Were you messing around with her again while I was gone at that retreat or something? Why is she popping up again?"

Gee sticks out his bottom lip. "No, no, and no," he answers each question.

"Hm," she makes the noise as if not believing it.

"What's with the noise?"

"You did go back and sleep with her that one time," she says passive aggressively.

"Just like you went back and slept with your ex. I haven't touched her since January. Why you tryna build a case?"

"You asked me if I was messing with anybody during that month. I didn't ask you. Why can't I ask? Really, now that I'm thinking on it, it seems you asked out of guilt because you were," she accuses.

"I'm a very upfront person. I don't lie or keep secrets. Just like the last time when you said you were with Noah, I told the truth that I was with my ex. I don't have a reason to lie. We technically weren't together that month anyway."

"All I'm asking for is some honesty," she keeps going.

"I said no. You're not getting much else from me because I'm not about to argue. We're at dinner."

"Then you shouldn't have checked your phone when we're out to eat in the first place."

Gee puts his fork down looking at Gen like she's crazy. "Now it's about the phone. Clearly you wanna argue... There's this thing called trust, Twinkle. You trust that the first answer I gave you was the truth. Your lack of it in me really bothers me." Magenta falls quiet making his eyebrows raise. "What? Nothing to say now?" He asks.

She purses her lips knowing she's wrong. "I'm working on that. I have been since the trial..."

"I looked up Complex PTSD," he starts. "Did the same for how to date someone after sexual assault.. I know it's hard to trust, but it's me."

"It has nothing to do with you." She exhales. "I'm learning my truth is entirely dependent on my current feelings instead of looking at the bigger picture. I think with my emotions. I don't view my actions, thoughts, or intentions in terms of black and white. Instead, they're colored by an entire rainbow of shifting colors. Which usually makes for an inconsistent, abstract mess."

"Abstract? That's what we're calling it?" He makes them both chuckle.

"Compared to you, you view things more concrete. We're different in that way. I'm having to teach myself to not only be more gentle with myself, but more gentle with you. I'm learning to turn things down a few notches. I apologize for projecting my trust issues and past experiences on you," she says sincerely.

"A woman who apologizes without attitude or sex? I can fuck with this!" They both laugh.

By the end of dinner, they're stuffed after multiple courses. The last thing they order is more shots. Sitting at the table Magenta looks at the big glasses with dread. "My shots bigger than yours," she complains.

"Come on. Drink it. I'm tryna be drunk and nasty tonight."

"Let's cheers," she says to buy time.

"We did that already. Let's go!" he says with high energy.

"Cheers to me sucking dick and busting this pussy open in the islands of Waikikiiii," she shows her tipsiness.

Gee lowers his head before saying, "Cheers to that. Cheers to us making my son tonight."

"Plan B, baby. Woo!" She says as they tap glasses and down them. She cringes at the sting in her throat. Her glass is barely on the table before she's standing up. "It's time to go."

This trip was proving to be much needed. Everyday has been filled with amazing scenery, good food, fun, and even better sex. Today will be no different. Now back at their villa the unoccupied rooms are silent accept the bedroom.

Gee stands at the edge of the king size bed as Gen lays flat on her back. With his two fingers sliding into her she tries to concentrate on her task at hand as her mouth's wrapped around his dick.

"You wet as hell for me." Her body jumps at him beginning to pick up pace. Placing her hand over his she tries to slow down his movements only for it to be swatted away. Popping him out of her mouth so she can fully release her moan she strokes it slowly. They're not even 69'ing, but this is why she never liked it; she can't double task.

With his fingers going faster, Gen's back arches away from the bed. Before the intense feeling can take over she clamps her thighs shut trapping his hand in her hold. "What you doin'?" he forcefully pushes her into the mattress.

"No, I don't want to yet," she whine pushing his hand away.

"Strong ass thighs," he makes her chuckle. Sitting up briefly she licks his fingers clean looking directly in his eyes.

Already pulling him by his shirt she says, "I want you on top."

It catches him off guard because they've steered clear of missionary. All it brought were flashbacks and body memories, which will always kill a mood.

Gen hasn't had one flashback or nightmare since before the retreat after undergoing eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It's a psychotherapy treatment that alleviates the distress associated with traumatic memories. Even if he mind drifts to that night in August, she knows how to take control of her upsetting thoughts.

"You sure?" He double checks.

"Mhm," she kisses him already planting her back on the mattress. She pulls him as close as she can letting him know how certain she is. Hovering on top of her, he reconnects their lips.

"Tell me you trust me," his soothing voice makes her heart jump. With his length teasingly rubbing her slit she hisses.

She fights a smirk by biting into her bottom lip before saying, "I trust you." Not breaking their eye contact he slowly slides into her warmth making her gasp.

"How much do you trust me?" Starting off nice and steady she exhales deeply as pleasure takes over her body. She closes her eyes and turns her head to the side, but he's still waiting on his answer. "Look at me." Putting a hand at the nape of neck her eyes open at the urging of his voice. "Answer me."

Looking down at the space between their bodies, her attention is direct back to his eyes to answer, "I trust you with everything...My life."

Rolling his hips into her slow he sends a hard thrust into her. "Fuck!" She digs her white, square nails into his skin leaving behind crescent moon imprints.

Parting her legs further to give him more room in between them, she holds the space under her knees. Due to the balcony door being open you can hear the waves crash in the distance. As her waters stir with every stroke she's starting to sound a lot like the ocean.

"Choke me," she requests already coaxing him with bat of her eyelashes. She always had a way of making someone get lost in her brown eyes. Before you know it you're doing whatever she wants.

"Yo crazy ass," he smiles at the same time as her.

"You know what I like. I'm not a delicate flower. You know I want you to break me in half." She wants to be cracked in half like a wishbone then her every desire granted.

"Then you better take that dick." Within seconds his strong grasp is around her throat as he sinks his entire length into her. One of her hand caresses up his arm and her legs begin to shake.

She pants with his hold around her neck. It feels like he's taking her soul and bringing her back to life almost like defibrillators. All she can get out is a "yes" in a whispers.

As soon as he releases her, she takes a deep breath. Both from the brief restriction of air, but also to prepare for him going deeper. It's almost like she can feel it in her chest. Repeatedly hitting her spot, he's touching a place that sends her over the edge. She always believed it tapped into her crazy as if she's not already there.

"You're so fuckin' wet," he throws his head back.

"You're so deep," she moans wildly into the night air. Gee grabs her ankles, pushing her legs back more towards her head. Hitting her from a deeper angle her hands roughly grab the sheets.

Not even for a second does she take her eyes off him. He always wonders how she manages to pull him into a world that extends beyond the physical. If there's ever a time they can't express themselves through words, there's power in intimacy.

It's never just been lust either. She feels secure and comfortable, while he's trying to display his love and dedication. It's about truth, reassurance, and safety – that's intimacy.

Cradling his head in her hands, he whispers the nastiest things he can in her ear. Hugging his body to hers, she's hypnotized by his words and the sound of how wet she is. "I love how you fuck me," faint whimpers follow from her parted lips.

"You do? I love fucking you."

"You feel so good in me." When he begins rubbing her clit with his thumb her body jumps as if she's not already trembling like a leaf. In a few seconds she's going to break like a brittle leaf in Fall if he keeps it up.

He kisses her forehead multiple times as she closes her eyes and grips his shoulders just as firmly. "I'm gonna-" The rest of the words go silent as it feels like the wind has been knocked out of her.

She damn near thinks she's going to black out when the familiar sensation rushes through her. "Gee," she tries to push him knowing what's about to happen. He knows too, but clearly he doesn't care as much. She's so wet it forces him out of her and it's immediately followed by a surge that drenches the bed.

Her body writhes as she catches her breath. Gee only looks at her with an accomplished smile. "Why would you do that?" She asks staring up at the ceiling. She hates when it happens, especially if they're at a hotel and can't change the sheets at their will.

"I'm not sleeping in the wet spot," he laughs.

"I don't like you," she grumbles with a hand on her chest trying to catch her breath.

"You did it. How are you mad at me?"

"No, you did it. You made me do it! I really don't like you," she makes it clear.

"I know, cause you love me, baby," he kisses her shoulder and neck as she sits up.

Not saying a word she pushes him flat on his back. Maneuvering one leg over him, she gets in reverse cowgirl aka her star star player. It's the one that's going to get the job done and where she shines the most.

Lowering down on him, Gee's hands can't help but grab her ass. She starts off slow and on her knees, but once she gets a nice rhythm she moves to her feet. With his hands on her ankles, he let her do all the work. Maldives is a beautiful island, but nothing would ever beat this view.

His huffs and puffs eventually grew to soft groans and moans each time she came down. When a woman rides dick with this much confidence and power you're bound to want her to take it all.

"Oh, my God," he blows out air. Staring at her backpiece tattoo that spans from her shoulder to ass, he concentrates on the flowers as if they're art in the Louvre Museum to keep from busting.

Watching as she gives it her all he palms her ass. His fingers dig into her flesh spreading her ass apart watching his dick slide in and out of her. It gives him more leverage for her to slam down. "Creaming all over my dick like that," he mutters, breath almost getting stuck in his throat.

Magenta took it all in stride with determination. Each time their skin came in contact it slapped together as stickiness covers the top of his thighs and the bottom of hers.

Feeling him throbbing inside her, Gen's string of moans and pants grow louder. "I'm about to nut," he warns her as they both up the ante.

"I feel it."

Her riding becomes sloppy as they both get close to their brink. Not being able to hold it, she rises up dragging her fingers to her lower lips rubbing her clit in large, fast-paced circles. Gee watches her waters gush out like a fire hydrant.

With no hesitation she drops back onto him. "Fuck," he drags out as she gets a couple more strokes in. His own orgasm approaching fast he didn't even have the chance to pull her off... And maybe she didn't want him to. He releases in her as Gen's body jolts from the remnants of her last orgasm.

Needing to get the rest of it out she keeps riding the tip clearly not done, her own senses becoming frazzled. He groans from it being so sensitive receiving an innocent, "I'm sorry," from her.

"You're good," he chuckles while at the same time gently pushing her off. Right on time her knees buckle and she falls to the empty side of the bed being able to see the mess she made.

"I love you," she says short of breath with her hand still on her lower lips that are covered in the remnants of this session. "So much."

"I know you do. I love you more."

Finally back from the week long Maldives trip, Pandora walks into her luxury condo lugging her bags behind her. With a sigh she mumbles, "Home sweet home," throwing her keys onto a table. As soon as she looks up she's face to face with Kross who's sitting on her couch.

Pandora only laughs making Kross' eyebrows raise. Kross filed to use his home as collateral for his $500,000 bond for the indictments. It was granted and he was released until trial. He's still facing up to 25 years in prison on the charges, but he plead not guilty.

"You think this is funny?" He asks with darkness in his tone.

"You think I'm new to this? You know I'm like that. I don't know who you're trying to intimidate. I keep a gun on me at all times and you know that," she points at the baby blue Birkin courtesy of him that's on her forearm.

"Then use it. Stand your ground," he holds his head up high.

"What do you want Kross?"

"Maybe I'm a dumb ass, but I thought you really fucked with me. Whole time you were playing me."

"That's how the game goes. You know that," she shrugs removing her shoes preparing herself for anything.

"Tell Gee to clear my name..."

"What makes you think I can get him to do that? He's not going to do that regardless."

"He knows damn well I ain't pay for a hit on Fade or kill him. I barely knew Fade like that outside of him!"

"You knew him enough to click up with him to go against Gee."

"If he's that gangsta, he wants get back that bad, tell him we can run it in the streets. Instead his pussy ass put the police on me."

With one hand behind her back she sends out an SOS text message. Her finger glides over the screen navigating it from photographic memory to begin recording.

"Kross, he's only playing by the rules you laid out. You forget how you gave the tip about the weed in his car? It's no different. That's only the tip of the iceberg for what you've done to him. He could've put a bag on your head."

"You planted that gun under my bed!" He raises his voice slapping his hand into the other.

"I didn't do shit," she denies it. "You gotta go," she rests her phone on the table with it still recording.

"I'm not going anywhere until you call Gee. Now!" He stands up.

"Calling him won't magically make the charges go away. You lost, Kross."

Taking strides towards her, he rubs over his beard. "If people would've played their cards right, I could've told Gee how his father died..."

"What?" she looks confused. "You need to leave," she says already reaching into her purse for her gun. In an instant they're both wrestling over it. As a man he has more strength than her, but she's not backing down putting up a strong fight...

After that long flight back from the Maldives, the first thing Magenta did was knock out for much needed sleep. All she could do is sleep the next day. Hearing her phone ringing she looks around her dark bedroom having no idea how long she's been asleep or what time it is.

Grabbing her phone from the nightstand she looks at the unsaved number in confusion. Usually, she'd ignore it assuming it's a scam caller, but she answers. The automated voice message plays letting her know it's a call from the county jail.

She furrows her eyebrows thinking it's Seven, but it's not. As soon as it connects Gen hears, "Girllll, they done got me!"

Even if it's a serious matter Gen busts out laughing. It's not her first time getting a call like this from Pandora. "Who?"

"The police. I was arrested for domestic violence. Can you believe that? That nigga ain't nan one of my spouse, partner, nor does he live with me. The nigga broke into MY place, but I'm in jail. Kross got to the phone before me. Can you come bail me out?" she smacks her lips.

"I'm on my way," Gen's already getting out of the bed. She quickly throws something on heading out.

Posting her bail was nothing. It was very low being under $1,000. Waiting in her car, Gen finally sees Pandora come out looking exhausted. She is considering she went straight from a day long flight to jail. No shower, food, or sleep.

Hopping into the passenger seat, Pandora groans as she pulls off. "Thanks. I'll pay you back."

"No need. So? What happened? Who won?" P looks over and she can see she has no marks on her face. "It must've been you."

"The champ is here. Girl, I won that one," she says proudly. "I bust his ass upside the head with my gun. We were fighting over it. Tussling and shit. He had the gun pointed to my chest. So I'm fighting back. It went off and shot a hole in my damn tv. Someone in my building called the police. We were in that bitch fighting like Ike and Tina. They only took me to jail because he had more visible marks on him," she details animatedly.

"The police are so bogus with that. That almost happened to me when I was with Caleb," Gen shakes her head.

"Exactly. Like officer, this man's not even on my lease. He's not even supposed to be here. They weren't trying to hear it and arrested both of us. Talking about it's on file that several calls have been made to both his and my residence before. That they warned us if they come back out again we're arresting both."

"I'm taking it he found out you set him up?"

"Yup, and he's out on bond. I don't know if they'll revoke it for this, but we gotta tell Gee..."

A Few Days Later...

Kross finally gets to see a judge after what happened with Pandora. He knew he shouldn't have gone there, but he just couldn't let it go. Now he has the Federal prosecutors over his other case trying to convince the judge to revoke his bond.

Meanwhile, his lawyer's pleading his case by stating that he's not a danger to society and that it was Pandora who caused more damage. Kross stands in front of the judge with a knot on his head from P hitting him in the temple with the butt of her gun. He knew she'd give him a run for his money every time. The girl's Ford tough.

Kross was arrested for criminal trespassing. While out on bond he wasn't supposed to have any contact with the police, so this was a violation of his supervised release terms.

Luckily for him, the judge decided to show him mercy. Mostly because neither Kross or Pandora pressed charges on the other. The judge decided to up his bond and make his release restrictions stricter.

Once again Kross is leaving the courtroom a free man... For now, while he faces a slew of charges.

He doesn't know why, but he couldn't bring himself to make a statement on Gee even if meant freeing himself. He rather make him pay another way. He'll take these bogus charges and fight them in court. With evidence it'll show he had nothing to do with any of that bullshit.

After paying the extra money, Kross walks out of the county jail gates to his new attorney a couple hours later. He exhausted most of his options and had to put his pride aside to reach out to Big Bleak. Destin or his high-powered Jewish lawyers weren't answering his calls.

He's known Bleak for years now because of how much power he has in the streets of Houston, but also because the record label he started. Ever since he reached out to Bleak in order to get the meeting between him, Gee, Choice, and Cortlen, they've been in contact here and there.

Also, Kross recently helped Bleak with something. He's the one who dropped the lo on where his people can find Choice. Then that was how they put a tracker on his car for the shooting that resulted in Chandrika's demise...

As a favor for favor, Big Bleak was his last option on finding a good lawyer and he was nice enough to give a number.

What Kross doesn't know is there's two cars parked across the street waiting on him to come out. The Dodge Charger Scat Pack and Buick Verano are filled with multiple men and weapons. They've barely got a wink of sleep not knowing when he'll get out, but they're ready to ambush him.

Standing on the sidewalk Kross has his phone to his ear wearing an unassuming demeanor. He's waiting on a car service to arrive for him. He didn't exactly have anyone who could pick him up with a warm welcome from the short jail stint. He has nobody nowadays. He's crossed everyone.

He doesn't even notice the four or five men popping out of the cut. Kross doesn't have time to run or even see it coming. In seconds a hail of bullets are aimed towards him. All the gunmen are determined to empty their magazines as Kross falls to the ground being lit up. Anyone walking on the street begins to scream and run for cover. Kross lays on the pavement surrounded by his own blood as his body's riddled with bullets.

There's spent shell casings everywhere as the men flee back to their cars speeding off. Kross' lawyer lays on the sidewalk a few feet away holding onto his knee that was grazed while also yelling for help. He looks at his new clients lifeless body as someone calls 911...

By that same afternoon, Gee's pulling up to that exact county jail to pick up his brother who's being released from custody. Genesis looks confused at the taped off area that looks to be a crime scene.

The area had been cleared hours ago, but news stations had continuously come to the location to record. Gee had no clue what happened to someone he once called a friend.

With his arms raised Seven exits the gates only holding one bag after 3 months in county. All he had to be is patient and all his charges were dropped, along with no longer being a person of interest.

He approaches the man who made all this happen. He daps Gee who pulls him into a hug saying, "Missed you, kid. I told you I'd get you out."

"I believed you. That's cool and all, but I'm hungry as hell," he rubs his stomach.

"Way ahead of you. Gen's cooking." Without another word they both get in the car. They first stop at Gee's so Seven can shower and change then drive over to her place. Entering her townhome they can already smell the food cooking.

Gee watches as Seven rushes down the hall as him and Magenta embrace in a hug. "I missed you!" She says excitedly.

"Well, ya boy is out. Damn near missed my own birthday though. It's all good," Seven waves it off. Imagine spending your 19th birthday in jail.

"I hope you're out and plan to stay out of trouble," she nudges him.

"I'ma try."

"You're gonna do more than try," Gee threatens before kissing Gen and seeing what she has going on in the kitchen. At the same time, Pandora's coming down the stairs. "What up, thugga," he laughs as they dap. "I heard you went to the slammer."

"A couple days ain't nothin'. I've done way longer than that. Y'all hear?" She sits on a barstool.

"Hear what?"

"Kross was killed. Dead."

"What?!" They exclaim in unison.

"Shot and killed right after bonding out of Harris county jail. Over 30 bullet wounds all over his body. He was pronounced dead on the scene," Pandora says with softness in her voice.

"Gee," Magenta says looking at him as if assuming it was him.

"I didn't make that call. Not now. Not this soon. There's been too much heat around us. That wasn't me."

"Maybe he had other enemies," P shrugs. "Someone had to have got the drop on him. This was definitely planned. They said it was two cars of guys with guns."

"And it was the court house where there's police coming in and out?" He blows out air in shock. "Whoever wanted him, wanted him bad."

"I call it karma. Listen to this." Pandora sits her phone on the table hitting play.

Hearing what Kross said about his father, Gee's eyebrows furrow. "What the fuck did he mean by that?"

"I have no idea. That's all he said."

"Now I'm never gonna know?! The mutha fucka took his secrets to the grave. Fuck!" They all look around at one another with the same expression. They thought they'd be happy Kross is gone. Now they don't know...


Gee & Gen's vacation?

What was revealed during Amil's trial? The connection to Rejoice?

What happened with Pandora & Kross? What he said?

Kross being killed? Who do you think made the call?

Comment / Vote💫

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