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Pulling up to a small Dallas Baptist church, Magenta parks her car. Hopping down from her Audi she pulls down the black pencil dress as Pandora gets out from the passenger side. There's numerous people standing around the parking lot. She exchanges her slides for heels taking a deep sigh. Today is Chandrika's funeral and she knows it's going to be one of those days for everyone.

Walking towards the front of the church you can see ChaCha's family lining up so they can walk in together. Gen makes sure to hug all of her family, especially her mother. Their families have been intertwined for over a decade. Choice and Chandrika practically knew each other their entire life. That's why this is even harder.

Her brother doesn't know this life without her. Whether they were on bad or good terms, together or on a break, she was always the one. He has been no good all week. It was to the point Choice woke up this morning saying he's not coming to the funeral. Cortlen had to force him out of bed.

After less than a year of marriage he's now a widower...

Gen approaches her own mother hugging her next. Tempest shakes her head. Everyone's dressed in all black to the nines. Being from the south they don't play about laying someone to rest.

They're still waiting on Choice to arrive, so until then everyone's standing around talking. When Gen's phone rings she's expecting it to be Gee or her brother. Instead it's the D.A., which she hasn't spoken to since the first hearing was considered a mistrial.

Her day is already bad, so she debates on answering. With a huff she steps away and puts the phone to her ear. "Hello? Right now isn't the best time. Unless it's good news, I can't take it," she states frankly.

"It's good news..." The woman says with excitement in her voice.

"What happened?"

"Caprice and his legal team were trying to reach a plea bargain agreement between the prosecutor. You would've had to sign off on it, but not anymore. We're going to announce a superseding indictment tomorrow."

"What's that?"

"The superseding indictment replaces the original indictment. Two more women and counts will be added. We finally got more victims willing to speak up with enough evidence for a grand jury. The cases are now being investigated by the Federal Bureau of investigations also. This might become federal."

"Are you serious?" she asks in shock.

"The only problem is this will delay the trial in order for us to get everything prepared."

"I don't care. As long as you can prove it. Whatever it takes to get a guilty."

"Also, before you go... Did you have on a necklace the night of the assault? If you can remember..."

"Um," she closes her eyes trying to think back to that night. "Yeah. I thought I lost it, but I couldn't figure out where or when." She didn't make a big deal of it because she had insurance on it and replaced it. "Why?"

"We found it at an address Caprice has stayed at that we didn't search before. Can you describe the necklace you lost?"

"It said Twinkle. It's my nickname. It has diamonds on the chain and pendant."

"That's it. We found a bunch of stuff hidden that we think are from different women. We think he allegedly took souvenirs from his victims."

Magenta doesn't even know what to say. She doesn't want this to get into her head because she's been in a good space. After hanging up she feels like she was hit with another blow that's cracking at her emotions.

In the distance she can see her sister, Felicity, getting down from her G-Wagon. She looks at Felicity's round belly in disbelief. It's the first time she's seeing her sister. She didn't get to see her during the trial.

This made it all real to her. She's pregnant by Caprice. She almost feels like she's going to be sick.

"What's she doing here?" Pandora leans in to ask. Yes, she's Chandrika's sister-in-law, but no one expected her to show up. Felicity's never been friendly to ChaCha despite how many years she was in their lives.

Everyone's eyes are on Felicity and they don't even try to hide the fact they're whispering about her. The national news and gossip had indefinitely found its way to their Dallas neighborhood and the Facebook streets.

Seeing Cortlen walk up, Gen wonders where Choice is. "Where's Dodi?" she asks as he approaches. "Everyone's waiting on him."

"He's in the car. He's coming." Cort pauses to shake his head. "He's not okay. I literally had to get him dressed like a toddler. Buttoning his shirt, doing his tie, tying his dress shoes laces."

"We just have to get him through the day," Gen mumbles. Right at that moment Choice comes towards the church with Gee following behind. Choice wears black sunglasses to hide his puffy, red eyes as everyone's gaze is on him.

"We ready to start?" He asks nonchalantly.

One of the funeral service workers announces, "If there are any friends of the family still left if you could please make your way inside the church and sit on the right. We want to ensure family is all seated together. Before Pandora and Gee can even budge to go inside their attention is grabbed..

Seeing a matte black Rolls Royce pull up they all furrow their eyebrows. A man emerges from the backseat and Cortlen's jaw clenches. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

It's a good question. Big Bleak came all the way from Houston to Dallas, for what? Hasn't he done enough.

Like a bat out of hell Cortlen's going towards Bleak causing Choice to follow. "You can't come up in here. You done lost your rabbit ass mind?!"

Choice puts his hand in front of his brother pushing him back. "It's fine. I invited him."

"What?! This man is the reason–"

Choice gives him a stern look making him stop talking. Everyone's too busy trying to line up to where the closest family members will get front priority seats to see what's happening. Only Magenta, Gee, and Pandora are paying attention to the three men.

"We talked it out. We came to an agreement. No more beef and war," Choice starts. "I provide him with pounds of weed to sell and it's peace. No one else coming after us as long as we don't seek revenge on them."

"Calm down," Bleak lays his hand on Cortlen's chest seeing him breathe hard. "You're more mad than him and that's his wife," he says like he knows about the friction between the brothers over Chandrika.

"I will-" Cortlen slaps his hand from touching him and steps forward only for Choice to pull him back.

"But I heard you're a hot head. You did shoot three of my guys in LA... Super Bowl weekend. Yeah, I knew about that. I let it slide because Fade authorized that hit without my permission," Bleak looks into Cort.

"Your people started with us. I spared them," Cortlen grits.

"I'm over that. Fade being killed though, I couldn't let that slide. He put a lot of work in for me over the past couple of months." Breon may not be from Houston, their neighborhood, or crew, but in their eyes they adopted Fade. They're not just gonna kill one of theirs and get away with it.

Bleak goes on, "At the same time he brought trouble. I don't want anymore heat and attention on my people. Violence begets more violence. But violence doesn't beget money. He was costing me money with his fixation on revenge. So, we can come to an understanding. We're gonna make money together. We're even now..."

Cortlen looks at Choice wondering how he's letting this slide. He's talking about Chadrika's death like she's a score on a board. He thought he would have to be pulling his brother off Big Bleak. Instead Choice wears a cold look.

"Tell me something... How in the hell is it that just y'all three – no gang, no crew, no clique, no manpower – just three reformed street niggas and drug dealers manage to always come out unscathed? You niggas are like wolverine...That doesn't matter. My sincerest condolences."

Bleak puts his hand on Choice's shoulder before walking into the church followed by three men. "Nah, you're trippin'," Cort grinds his teeth. "Working with that nigga?"

"You're trippin'. I'm savin' us all. Aren't you a pallbearer? Fall in line," he gives a snappy response walking back over to the entrance of the church.

Cortlen does the same, but he makes the comment, "He's not telling us something."

When Chandrika's mother came to see her daughter's body at the funeral home, she turned her sadness and rage on her son-in-law. She tearfully repeated, "This is all your fault," while having to be pried off him by family members.

It was already eating Choice up on the inside. He blames himself for her death.

The rumor mill began to swirl even more. People concocted this idea that he set this all up, his own wife to be murdered, because he was still upset she slept with his brother. The things people make up. He was in that car too. He could've easily been shot or died from the car flipping too.

"Can you pass out programs?" Someone asks Magenta, so they can get people seated faster and get this show on the road.

After the pallbearers carry in the casket, the kin to the deceased walk down the aisle as she hands them out. With some time to spare she flips one open to the page that's filled with pictures.

Seeing a group picture of her, Chandrika, Pandora, and other girls from their neighborhood she smiles. They all wear Luxirie by LRG jeans giving very much ghetto fabulous. Gen wears hers with an Ed Hardy tank top and there's no doubt that's a Metro PCS phone in her hand. You couldn't tell them anything.

Gen chuckles to herself feeling her nose about to drip, so she sniffles. She's glad she came back from her retreat in time to say her goodbyes.

Chandrika was like a big sister to her; the one she wished she had in Felicity. ChaCha would put her up on the latest fashion trends, do her hair, taught Gen how to do her makeup and the latest dance crazes.

The first time Gen had a crush on a boy she went to Drik for advice. Chandrika fighting Felicity wasn't the first time she's fought a battle for her. Drik was always the type who's riding for whatever.

She wasn't like a sister to Gen, she was her sister. This honestly feels like JuJu all over again. Someone innocent caught in the crossfire of a beef.

While the family's filing into the church, Choice grabs his sister to walk with him. He already had his mother, but he wants both of them sitting next to him. He didn't want to be alone on the first row of the pews with only Chandrika's family. Not when some are blaming him in their grief stricken state.

He knows if he couldn't count on anyone else they'd make sure he gets through this like 2 pillars holding him up.

Throughout the service Tempest swings a church fan towards her son hoping to keep his nerves calm. Earlier when Gen was looking at the program that 'she leaves behind a husband' hit like a gut punch.

It felt like yesterday Choice was happy to be walking down the aisle into the next step of his life. It was only 4 or 5 months ago. What the fuck went so wrong, so fast?

Everything feels like it's in slow motion as a funeral home worker wearing white gloves removes the flower on top of the casket. The man hums along to the tune the piano player's keying out before opening the rose pink steel casket.

As soon as Chandrika's upper half can be seen the wailing from people around the church begins. Choice had been holding up fine until that moment where he fully broke down...

After the service everyone stands around the parking lot waiting for the police escorts to show, so they can go to the cemetery. And of course, Chandrika's family members are arguing on who should ride in the lead car.

It should be a given that it would be the spouse, her parents, and siblings. Nope. Two of her cousins feel like they should because they were closer to her than some of her siblings. It's always something.

Magenta shakes her head looking for Pandora and Gee in the crowd of people. She's prepared to walk by Felicity without saying anything, but her sister has to yell behind her, "You're welcome for testifying!"

Stopping in her tracks Gen screws up her face. "Today is not the day, Tink. I'm not thanking you for a bitch ass thing!"

"Why can't you ever recognize when someone tries to do something nice for you. At least I'm trying."

Gen scoffs. "Why are you even here? Last time I checked you said right to Chandrika's face that she's not even family. Why come?"

"I'm here supporting my brother. Why are you here? Cause I heard you're nearly the reason she's not alive," Felicity wears a smug look.


Tempest can see her daughter's arguing, so she quickly comes to intervene. "If y'all nut up and act a fool at this funeral, I'ma get a switch off the tree and all. Do not do this!"

"Hi to you too, Ma. You haven't spoken to me once today either," Felicity says with attitude.

Tempest rolls her eyes. They haven't really spoken since that Miami trip. Even when she showed up at Gen's birthday party it was clear which child's side she was on. As the parent she shouldn't do that, but she'll be damned if she enables Felicity.

"Tink, this is not the time and you know it. Today's not about our family. Act like you have some sense," Tempest says between tight teeth.

"Everybody's jumping down my throat!" Felicity can't help herself from going on causing people to stare. "You show time and time again you have favorites. Am I not deserving of love and care? Twinkle's not the only one going through something. I'm pregnant and alone, while my family treats me like an outcast. You're a hypocrite," Tink directs her anger at her mother.

"You will not disrespect me and the next time you do, I will slap the piss out of you. Try me. think I'm playin'. We are burying, ChaCha today, my daughter-" she emphasizes.

Felicity stretches her neck back. "Am I not your daughter now? Wow."

"Did you come here to start drama like always? Choice's wedding, Miami, my birthday... ChaCha didn't even like you. You didn't like her. People always wanna act fake at a funeral. What's your problem?" Gen asks.

Tempest grabs Gen's arm to calm down. "It's done."

"I don't know why any of your asses are here," Choice speaks up. They didn't even know he heard or saw any of the argument.

He looks at Felicity saying, "Tink, she didn't tell one lie. You said my wife wasn't family, so why are you here? Y'all physically fought a few months ago. You're the reason my marriage was messed up because of you being petty in Miami. All you do is bring chaos."

"I-" she starts only to be cut off.

His brother catches the next stray even though he's standing off to the side minding his business. "Cortlen, you know it looks crazy you being here knowing you slept with her. Went behind my back and kept it a secret. I thought I forgave you, but fuck you. If it wasn't for you two, me and my wife wouldn't have been at odds," he points at Cort and Tink. "We wouldn't have been arguing and having to go to counseling. We lost trust. Couldn't even enjoy the first few months of our marriage. I spent weeks and months being mad at her, now she's gone. I'll never get that time back. Fuck both of y'all!"

Felicity's mouth is agape with shock. Magenta's not off the hook as Choice turns his rampage to his last sibling. "And Twinkle, you're not innocent either. If you wouldn't have called me that night to go get Seven none of this would've happened. I should've stayed home. Better yet, I should've stayed in Austin and never moved to Houston. It's been nothing but drama since I did. Fuck everybody!"

"Wh-" Gen now wears her own surprise.

"Excuse me, I have my wife to lay to rest," Choice walks off getting into the town car for immediate family.

Gen's confused. All she did was ask Choice to do the night he killed Fade was get Seven before Breon hurts him. She never told her brother to kill him. That was his choice. Whether Fade was alive or dead, people still would've been coming after him. Everybody knows Fade was trying to get Seven to set him up. He was going to find a way.

Everyone's blaming the wrong people. The people that should be blamed are the shooters. Even Big Bleak; who watches this all play out with a smirk.

"How's he mad at me?" Gen looks confused.

"He's upset. It's a part of his grieving cycle. Give him some time. It's a lot. That was his first... only love," Tempest assures her.

Magenta decides to go wait in her car until it's time to go. Normally she would've taken Choice's harsh words in stride, but she can feel the emotions overwhelming her. You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. She's learned that emotions come and go in waves. It's best not to fight against them but ride with them.

She sits with the air and music on until there's a knock at her passenger window. Seeing Gee, she rolls it down. "I'ma ride with you. It's tense in Cortlen's car with your Mama and granny," he hisses.

She unlocks the door and at the same time Gee slides into the passenger side as Pandora gets in the backseat. "Folks don't ever know how to act at a Black funeral," P shakes her head.

"You ain't lyin'. My Daddy's funeral was a shit show," Gee adds.

"You see Aunt Doll tryna climb her ass in the casket?" P refers to a woman named Darlene from their neighborhood with a chuckle.

"She does that every funeral. Doesn't matter if she knows 'em like that or not. It's getting old," Magenta laughs with a sniffle. She looks out of the window taking in everything. She rarely comes back home to Dallas nowadays. "I'm glad we got outta here."

"Shit, my cousin tryna get me to come to the club tonight. I don't party in Dallas. Feel like you're gonna get shot at any second. The zombies comes out at night," Pandora states. Gen has a short flashback hearing the helicopters and gunshots at night.

Seeing the police escorts are here, she turns on her hazard lights and backs out. She joins the funeral procession as they drive to the cemetery Chandrika will be buried in.

Sitting in the dining hall of the church building the room's full of people for the repast. Magenta has a plate of soul food enjoying every bite. She feels like she hasn't had a good home cooked meal since Christmas.

"It's Seven. I'ma take this outside," Gee dismisses himself from the table that's now only occupied by Gen and Pandora.

Magenta dances in her seat after a bite of cornbread. That giddiness is wiped away when Felicity decides to take the empty seat Gee was just sitting in. Tink sits her plate of food on the table as Gen rolls her eyes. She now chews with anger in her jaws that Felicity won't leave her be.

It's awkwardly quiet until Pandora decides to make conversation. "How many months are you?"


Magenta begins calculating. It takes time to find our your pregnant. But she can't believe Felicity was doing all that sneaky and conniving stuff while pregnant. The only excuse she can think of is that Felicity did it so the father of her child won't go to prison.

"Why would you keep it?" Pandora asks bluntly, but also as if dumbfounded. "I'm just sayin'. I've seen broads have abortions for less. And the way they're making laws against it... Better get it while supplies last."

Felicity only gives her a deadpan look not responding. It's quiet, but the feelings stir in Felicity. She can't help but say, "I'm literally pregnant. No one has offered to throw me a gender reveal, start planning my baby shower, ask to come to appointments knowing I'm doing this by myself. Not you, mama, our aunts, granny. That really hurts my feelings."

"Hurt feelings. We can talk all day about those," Gen says coldly. "You being pregnant doesn't change anything."

"My baby's innocent."

"A snake's blood runs deep. That baby is still Caprice's child. You must think I'ma fool. You're having a baby by a man who raped me. That's all that needs to be said," Gen shows no sympathy.

This is not how she thought she'd feel when one of her siblings would have her first niece of nephew. She thought she'd be excited. That she'd be ready to spoil them endlessly.

"Is Caprice going to be in this child's life?" she asks.

"I guess that depends on if he goes to prison or not."

Gen breathes out harshly. "I was literally used like a pawn in your toxic relationship. Did you hear Amil's testimony? I was used to try and make you jealous. If you would've left him alone a longggg time ago maybe this wouldn't have happened to me."

She was used as a conduit to display Caprice's power. Reduced to a simple tool for showing revenge and spite.

"I know Caprice is sick for that, but I can't control what he does or did," Felicity tries to reason.

"And you're still using me as a pawn in your relationship..."

"What're you talking about?"

"Your testimony on the stand. You used it as a way to get back at him. You know he never abused you. You lied."

"You're not going to at least ask if it really happened? You're doing the same thing you were so mad at me for doing."

"Did he ever put his hands on you? To the point you had a miscarriage?"

Felicity's eyes shift indicating it's a lie. "I was pregnant before, but I had a miscarriage due to stress. He was cheating on me left and right. Threatening me to have an abortion. He didn't physically abuse me, no. It helped you though. It made it clear he has a history of violence."

"Do you realize if they find out you're lying about the abuse it looks bad on my part. They'll assume you're lying for me and we're in cahoots because we're sisters. You have to provide proof of abuse, Tink. It's perjury."

"Sorry," Felicity says in a low tone.

"How did Kross get my buyout contract to give to the defense team? Only a few people had access to it. You, Jux, and our attorneys," she's been wanting to ask since the trial.

"I was threatened for it. They said they'd expose an explicit video Caprice had of me. I didn't know what to do. If they use it next trial, you just have to show your copy that doesn't have those parts. It was altered."

"Oh, I know."

"I don't want to do this alone. I need help. I need my family," Felicity pleads.

She shakes her head. "I can't. You were right there helping Caprice. You tried to help pay me off. Paid Caprice's lawyer fees. Paid his bail. And I'm not stupid... I remember you mentioning how you know how to pay for someone's Instagram page to be deleted. You're the reason Pandora's business and personal pages kept getting shadow banned or deleted. All because she stuck up for me, you wanted to hit her pockets knowing she makes money from social media. You're not innocent."

Gen keeps going, "...But I still protected you because we're family. I should've told the prosecutors everything you did. Maybe it would've saved my case from that conflict of interest. People have told us to stay loyal to blood my whole life and I let it brainwash me. I'm over it. I choose not to have you around me from here on out."

Felicity has tears in her eyes until she lowers her head. "I know it looks like I'm only sorry because Caprice did some of the same things to me. I'm not. I'm just finally waking up."

"Before I can admit I looked down on you. Now I see I'm no different. My relationship with Noah was bad. Comparable to your relationship with Caprice, but yours had mine beat. You were manipulated and emotionally abused. All I can tell you is get therapy. That's what I'm doing. Run to that chair and get the help you need."

That's her way of dismissing Felicity. Tink takes a second to suck it up before getting up from the table to move to another one. This is the last time she'll talk to her sister...

Magenta continues eating realizing Gee still isn't back. She looks around the hall seeing him sitting at another table with Cortlen. He's holding someone's baby, while trying to eat his food.

"Who's child is that?" Gen asks right as her mother sits at the table.

"That's Sheronda and Vinnie's baby," Tempest answers like she's supposed to know who that is.

Seeing Gee play with the infants hand leaning in to sniff him, Gen laughs. She notices he always sniffs babies. He says he likes the smell of them. Pandora notices it too making her say, "Aww," while touching her chest.

Tempest forcefully hits Magenta's arm saying, "Give that man a baby!"

"Ow! And you say it like it's a piece of candy. I'm not giving any man or myself a baby until I'm ready."

"Do you even want kids? I've never heard you mention it?" Tempest asks mostly for herself.

Gen shrugs pushing food around her plate. "You had four kids by my age. I don't know how you did it."

It's not that she can't see herself being a mother. She wants to be in a certain place in life. She doesn't want her kids raised the way she was. Until she gets to where she wants to be in her career, financially, and emotionally, while also with the right person she's not doing it.

"I'm ready for a husband and kids," Pandora admits happily.

Gen laughs. "Girl, you always say that. A month into a relationship you're seeing wedding bells and baby carriages. Seek professional help," she jokes

"What? Me and Jux would have some cute kids...Once we get in a relationship. Who has time for therapy when I'm planning my wedding and picking baby names?"

"How are you planning kids before y'all are official? Anyway," Gen stands up from the table. "This is too much permanent energy for me, so see ya. Pregnancy is already in the air and I prefer not to breathe."

Magenta goes to the dessert table to get a slice of cake before sitting at the table Gee's at. By the time she gets over there the parents of the baby already took him back.

"Seven said wassup," Gee says as she sits down.

"I miss my little homie. How he's doing?"

"He said he should be released next week. The lawyer said they're working to get all charges dismissed based on lack of evidence. The D.A.'s delaying handing over the discovery, which usually means the case is too weak," he wears a smile.

"So, your plan with Kross worked?" He only nods. "Good job."

The pair exchange smiles. Since she got back in town she wouldn't say they bounced back to lovey-dovey, spend every waking and breathing moment together like they were. She wouldn't even say they're a couple. They're more like friends or support partners right now. They've still continued to work on themselves and give the other a safe space to do so. It works for them.

May 7th, 2022

It's only been a week since Chandrika's funeral, but it's also Gee's birthday. In the wake of all the sadness and grieving he didn't know how many people would be up for celebrating, but he this was already planned. Plus, no one wanted him to suffer on his day. Some of them need the escape of fun. So, they're all in Miami to help Genesis usher in a new age.

While getting dressed, Gee's phone rings. He answers assuming it's Seven calling from county jail to wish him a happy birthday. He listens to the automated voice give the pre-recorded message, but the inmate name given is not his brother.

He groans as he's told if he doesn't wish to accept this call to hang up. He contemplates it, but stays on the line. It connects and he hears the familiar voice. "Happy birthright, Gee."

"Why are you calling my phone, Kross?"

"I can't acknowledge yo day?"

Hearing his voice Gee can feel himself getting angry. He thinks about what Pandora said by confirming things he already thought. At the same time he thinks about what he's learned in anger management. Even what Choice has said and done since ChaCha passed.

"No you can't. There's always an ulterior motive with you. What do you want?"

"I'm at the same jail as your brother. Different dorms though," he continues with small-talk.

"If you touch a hair on my brother's head–"

"It wasn't some sly way of threatening him. These calls are recorded. I'm not an idiot. I'm calling to apologize..." Gee's silent thinking there's going to be more. To see if he'd give a real one where he says what he did and what he wants forgiveness for.


"You know... I can't say all I did wrong, but you know. We grew up in a certain environment and maybe I didn't handle situations properly."

Gee wishes he could accept it, but a thought flashes into his mind... He remembers back when Quez was killed he saw pictures of Kross at the funeral. He was all in the pics with their childhood friends mourning the loss. Offering his condolences to Quez's mother and family like he didn't do it. Meanwhile, Gee couldn't even go home for the funeral because his parents wouldn't let him.

"You get jammed up now you wanna apologize? All the fucked up shit you did?"

"I remember yo granny used to always says, 'My disobedience to the lord is your salvation.' Anytime she did something wrong, but caught herself, basically saying her religion saved their ass," Kross laughs. Gee furrows his eyebrows wondering where he's going with this.

"Do you remember my grannies favorite Bible verse?" Gee asks.

"How could I forget? Philippians 2:12." He pauses then they relay it at the same time, "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose."

Kross adds, "She used to say it all the time to keep our asses in line and instill fear. Had me feeling like I was going to hell... Well," he pauses as if in thought.

"That's not why she said it at all. Took me awhile to realize that. Salvation isn't something you have to work for; it's a free gift from God that's received by faith. You don't work for salvation, it works for you. The free gift's inside of us. We bring out those attributes and character traits by faith. Faith isn't work, it's a rest. So working out what's on the inside of us happens by faith."

"What're you saying?"

"I'm saying if you don't believe you deserve to be forgiven you won't walk in forgiveness. Same with faith. It's a noun, not a verb. For me the issue is settled. My mind is made up and my heart is at ease. Why? Because if it's just in you, it's just in you. I know this isn't an invitation to pick up tools, but to drop them..." Gee explains.

"I'm not a bad person," Kross says faintly. Mostly because he can picture his own grandmother being disappointed in him. Both of their grandmother's were deep into the church. Gee's was the Sunday school teacher and Kross' was an usher.

"Maybe not, but it ain't in you to be of good character either. It isn't in you..." When the automated voice says their time's almost up Gee says, "Bye, Kross," before hanging up.

With a sigh Gee checks the time. He doesn't even have time to process the conversation because he needs to finish getting ready.

In the midst of that he finds himself trying to respond to all the texts, dm's, and posts of happy birthday's. He's a little surprised to see one coming from Magenta. She hasn't posted since the mistrial.

It came with new information for people to form new opinions about the case and her. The defense made people who believed her switch sides. It also left some confuse, which brings more negative attention to her.

Many blogs assumed Gen and Gee broke-up; which technically they did. His management company submitting evidence that didn't work in Gen's favor looked suspicious. No one would think they could last after that.

Gee laughs at an old video of them in the car. Magenta sits in the passenger seat singing her heart out to Angel by Angel Perez as he drives. What makes it more ironic is it was the day before he was arrested.

The next video is very similar, but years later. It was from their road trip to California. He reads the caption smiling to himself:

Happy Birthday to my best friend, my heart. You have changed my life. Your heart's so pure. Your consistency's unmatched. Your determination blows my mind. I respect you more than you'll ever know. It was divine timing that you came back into my life when I felt so broken. You didn't try to fix me, but you taught me I'm much more than my shattered pieces. You loved me at my lowest, but never made me feel like a burden.

Thank you for rooting me on when I feel like I can't go on. Thank you for holding me down & loving me through all the battles. Thank you for teaching me. You have my love, loyalty, & respect forever.

He scratches his head feeling like this break isn't going to last too much longer. And he gets that feeling even more when Magenta walks in...

"Who you lookin good for?" He asks with a smile.

"The birthday boy, of course," Gen waves her hands over herself. She gives him a spin before singing, "Do it like it's yo B-day, bay-bee." She does the dance making him chuckle. "You ready?"

"Yup. Guess who I just got off the phone with though?"


"Kross. He apologized... Sorta. Half ass, really."

She scoffs. "Copping pleas. Do you think he meant it?"

"Eh, I don't know. I do know he doesn't have the resources to fight a case. Not without Destin and his connections. Not without a steady income once our company is dissolved. He's probably hoping I do something that'll get him off the hook. If saving my brother means he goes down for something he didn't do, oh well." He pauses. "But, I feel like how Choice did with Fade."

"Like you're stooping to his level?"

He nods. "Lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. A nigga's tired of itchin'," he says seriously, but they both laugh. "I'm not stressin' it right now though."

"And you shouldn't. Take some pictures with me." She grabs his hand pulling him towards the mirror. He stands behind her and only two pictures in she says, "Can you do some different poses? Please!"

"What? I'm practicing my jail pics incase I gotta Will Smith me a nigga," he jokes.

"Now you know you do more than Will Smith. More like Big Gee a nigga." A couple more pictures in Gen smacks her lips. Hood dudes really can't take pics. All they know is a mean mug, throwing up a middle finger or their set, or flashing money and jewelry. "You always gotta be ignorant," she laughs.

"What I do?"

Looking at the pictures Magenta takes her two fingers and zooms in. "I know that's not a Black," she looks from her phone to his hand. "You always ruin my pictures."

"Nobody can see it."

Later that night more than 50 people are gathered at one of Gee's favorite restaurants in Miami for a private dinner party. The Mafia themed gathering is filled with his friends, and all the artists and employees managed by their company. He wanted them here for an announcement he'll make later.

Gee sits at the head of the long table as everyone finds a seat. Everyone's surprised when they see Choice walking in with his hands raised. In one hand there's a champagne bottle. "Y'all tryna party without me?"

From the slur in his voice it makes Cortlen ask first, "Are you drunk?"

"I had some drinks on the plane. So what? A nigga flies first class the least I should get is free alcohol. Why's everybody looking at me like that? This isn't a funeral. Let's turn up!"

Gee gets up approaching Choice. "Are you su-"

"You think I'ma miss your fuckin' G-day?" he daps Gee aggressively pulling him into a short embrace. "We gotta celebrate more life because we don't when they'll take us out."

He furrows his eyebrows moving around Gee to greet other people. He looks at Magenta who can only sigh. "Just let him rock," she shrugs going over to talk to him.

"Happy birthday!" one of his employees says happily. Gee nods and as she moves from his sight, he sees his ex, Kelsey, walk in.

He wonders how she got an invite or why she even came, but he's sure his assistant who handled the guest list invited all artists who were signed to the management company. Her leaving was recent, so maybe it was a mistake.

Kelsey approaches him as it grows uncomfortable. "Hey," she says lowly.


"Oh, and happy birthday." Getting a thank you in response she nods. "I- I've seen everything going on. With the management company, Kross, Caprice, your new girl," she rolls her eyes. "You deserve better."

"In what sense?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Everything. I always said Kross wasn't your real friend. You deserve to win in the music industry. To find real, peaceful love where you're not bringing yourself down by being with trash-"

Gee groans causing her to stop talking. "With who? You? You gotta get the fuck up outta here," he motions towards the door.


"Why are you actin' like we were in love? Or like you treated me better? You used me to get opportunities in music and I let you. There's nothing you have I want back."

"Fuck you, aiight. I wasn't the only one wrong in our relationship. You wasted my time!"

"Let's not waste anymore of it. Good night," he motions to the door again.

Kelsey storms off and Gee makes his way to the table, so they can finally start dinner. Once everyone has food and a glass of champagne or a shot, they all raise glasses.

Gee's friend and mentor, Devin, stands to say something... "I want to take this time to congratulate Genesis. You are now looking at the newest executive at Capitol Music Group."

Of course everyone claps and cheers at the news, especially because he hadn't told anyone. He wanted to make sure everything went accordingly.

Devin gives the floor to Gee. "First, thank y'all for coming. I guess you could say I'm in a transitioning period of my life. With my new job, I'm pretty sure it's obvious I'll be moving on. Made Men Management is done. Kross and I are selling the company."

A couple of the employees gasp despite already being informed of this. Maybe they didn't think it was real.

"First, I want to thank Devin. I met him years ago and from day one he always gave me good business advice. Because of him, I can say I wouldn't be standing here. I'd probably be somewhere broke and bitter because my business was taken right from under me. Thanks for always having my back."

Devin nods and he looks at Magenta. "I also have to thank Gen. I don't even know if you want credit for this, but you coming back into my life revealed who was for me and who wasn't. I know all this happened for a reason. These past 6 months were a test of my integrity and morals in this business. It has definitely been about trusting that everything's happening exactly the way it's supposed to. There's something about us that's always the right time and place whether we realize it or not."

"Thank you to everybody who agreed with me and didn't think I was crazy. I'm here for a reason!" They all tap glasses as Gee wears a proud smile.

He's glad he chose to walk away from this company right now. If he would've stayed in it any longer working with Kross would begin to tarnish his name and reputation. While making sure any debts were settled during the dissolution process he discovered some things.

Kross stole hundreds of thousands from several artists by getting advances from their labels on 'their behalf.' Money the artist never saw or touched, but it had to be recouped in their budget. And most artists won't understand where the money went unless they audit the label and see an advance was given. Kross very well may be getting sued or a fraud charge very soon if they take action.

While everyone's eating Destin asks to borrow Gee away from the table. He really only invited him, so he could hear the announcement in person. To show him, he can do things without Destin unlike Kross.

"I'm gonna get outta here. I just dropped in to bring your gift. I know we're not as close as used to be, but I'm proud of you. Congratulations, man!" Destin holds up his hand, but Gee leaves him hanging, so he keeps going, "I always knew you were smart. That's why I offered to help you start a business that night in that Kentucky club. It was your assertiveness that put fear in the hearts of cowards-"

"I'm not really interested in the speeches. When we talked at the first trial date, I remember you saying this whole thing with Magenta and Caprice is deeper... What did you mean by that?"

"You really wanna do this tonight?" he laughs nervously.

"Cut the shit, Destin. This is probably the last time I'll see or speak to you."

"Damn, like that?" He moves his head back in surprise. Gee only nods and Destin rubs over his face. "In 2019, there was an A&R at Warner Records. His name was Gabriel Ricardo. I don't know if that's familiar to you."


"Well, he was charged with sexual misconduct of the singer, Béla. You know her, right?"

"Of course. She's like the biggest superstar we have now."

"Look into the case... That small thing snowballed into them uncovering sex trafficking, powerful politicians, music execs all involved in nasty behavior. The music industry is a cesspool of it."

"What does this have to do with Magenta and Caprice?"

"I'm getting there. There was witness tampering and intimidation that left cars blown up and a teenager killed. Lastly, the A&R was dead. No resolution because he was found dead in his cell from apparent suicide before the trial. It's obvious he didn't kill himself though. The powers at be... Trying to cover up secrets because he was set to testify and start talking."


"The label and Caprice's team could be looking at something similar to that or even R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. A slew of alleged victims, accusations, and court cases. Before Magenta no woman had brought a criminal case against Caprice. They were all civil and he'd settle out of court in exchange for their silence. Magenta's opening pandora's box... It's deeper than just Caprice having a problem. He gets caught, other people go down too."

"So, what?"

"You're not understanding. More powerful people. White and rich. People willing to kill just like they did to Gabriel. I don't know. Maybe I thought if I helped Kross get her to accept the settlement money I was saving her. That I was helping her. I know how nasty this music industry can really get. I didn't want her to get hurt."

"Sounds like some white savior bullshit to me," Gee dismisses him.

"C'mon, you don't have to bring race into it." Gee smacks his lips.

"It's hard to buy this when you did shit in such a dirty and conniving way. You knew her. How hard would it have been for you to tell Kross or Caprice's team you'd talk to her like a human fuckin' being? Instead y'all tried to use me without my knowledge. Had me reunite with her knowing the feelings and regret I had about her. Then tried to get me to offer her the settlement money, while lying and saying you didn't know she was the Jane Doe."

"I told them it wasn't going to work as long as you thought someone hurt her. They wouldn't listen. Caprice's mother used to work for R. Kelly in the early 2000's. That should tell you all you need to know..."

"So you helped protect Caprice?"

"I didn't look at it as protecting him. I thought I was protecting her more than anything. This can go one of two ways. They make Caprice the scapegoat as long as no one white gets thrown into this. Aka take the Black man down. Or they come after Magenta. And the way I see it after the trials of Caprice's associates, some connections will be made that put everyone involved at risk."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait for Amil's case," is all Destin can say. "When execs fear you, they don't fight. They fire, sue, swindle, harass, threaten, and blackball. They use the law as a canal to backchannel their hidden agendas and ulterior motives. That's what the law's for... The protection of those afraid of being overpowered. It's like joining a gang. It's suits and ties instead of hats and rags. The boardrooms aren't that different from the streets," he warns.

"You know you can use your position, money, and privilege if you know this."

"There's just some things not even white skin can help. I don't have enough money or influence. Magenta better pray for a guilty verdict for Caprice that doesn't involve him throwing anyone else under the bus. If not..." He shakes his head because it's self-explanatory. "Glad to see she's happy and healing though. Happy birthday, bro."

Destin pats Gee's shoulder before walking off. Gen comes out seeing Destin walk through the entrance. "Everything okay?" She asks.

"Yeah," he puts on a smile.

"Congrats, Mr. Exec," she pops his collar. "Even thought you didn't tell me."

"Had to make sure it was real. And don't think this is just for me. Devin wanted to let me know the label's looking for a new A&R and they'd love to have you..."

A smile spreads on her lips. "Really?"

He nods. "They fucked with what you did for FML Gravedigger. They figure you'd be good for creative direction over music projects if you're interested. I know you have that non-compete from your company with your sister, but you can do this until you can get back into solely Creative Directing."

"Wow," she puts a hand on her hip. "Here I was thinking you were done with the music industry."

"I was, but I think I have more left to do. I'm gonna do it until I can figure out what's next as far starting my own thing. That offer for the joint venture is still there..."

"I'll definitely be down when I have my own shit together first. I do have this business idea I want to run by you. To get your opinion later."

"My opinion matters that much to you?" He looks in surprise.

"It always has. Just one question..." She holds up her finger then leans in to whisper, "I'm not getting offered the A&R job because I've had seggs with you. You know they say I'm a groupie and fucking for job opportunities."

He puts a fist to his mouth glad she's able to joke about the many rumors about her. "Trust me, I had nothing to do with you getting offered the job. Except the fact Devin looked into you and your work after he met you that time we went to brunch with him."

"Then I might accept. You deserve this," she hugs him. When his hands start lowering from her waist she takes a step back. "Hold up playa. I'm not your girlfriend right now."

"We're going on a couple's trip out of the country tomorrow. You kinda are."

"Kinda? When I came back you said, 'we'll figure this out.' You gotta ask me to be your girlfriend again. In a cute way. Not like before when you woke me up outta my sleep. So unromantic," she says jokingly. "Plus, I didn't wanna cancel your birthday trip like you did mine," she rolls her eyes.

"Man, whatever. You know you're mine."

"I don't know shit."

"You really try to test my gangsta, but I haven't seen you with another nigga yet. You know! You're my girl, my woman, my ol' lady, my wifey, whatever you wanna call it."

She almost blushes before acting fake tough. "I'm glad to hear it. I almost acted a fool when I saw your ex, but I wasn't tryna act crazy. What was she doing here, by the way?" she can't help but ask.

"An invite just got accidently sent out. I made her leave though."

"Good. You must want some birthday sex. I wanna ride, I wanna ride!" She sings the Joseline lyrics grinding against him before laughing and kissing him.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Ay, come open your gifts!" Jux calls him over.

While opening each one, Gee can always appreciate having friends with money. It's the thought that counts, but it's nice to have some rich friends. Opening one of the many gifts from Magenta he can't help but brag, "Y'all know my girl got big money."

He opens the diamond baguette earrings with a smile before she puts a hand on his mouth. "Don't tell these folks my business." Most people don't know about her settlement payout with CBS. She simply gave to those closest to her that she felt deserved a gift or portion.

He opens the next gift ripping the wrapping paper from the long, rectangular object. Once the paper's out of the way he can see the painted portrait of his father, Genaro, making Gee completely pause.

He looks at Gen making her hand him something else. "You have to open this with it."

Taking the box he moves slowly prompting someone to yell, "Open it!"

Pulling the box open he's met with a diamond chain featuring his father. He's never been an emotional person, but him nodding his head is an indication he's feeling something. Truthfully, the only person he shows his deepest emotions with is Magenta.

"Don't cry like Herb in the turtleneck!" Someone yells to make everyone laugh. There's always the one loud person shouting and recording with the camera all in someone's face.

It's the picture of him and his father that's in his Master bedroom. It was constantly falling off the fireplace prompting him to flip it down or simply ignore it out of fear.

"Let me say why... You kept saying the picture kept falling, so it's a bad omen. Not always. That could've meant your father was letting you know that he's there offering spiritual protection. It could've been warning you something bad was going to happen. Or it could've been a reminder for you to visit his grave, which we did that one. Regardless, he's always watching over you."

Pulling Gen into his lap he kisses all over her face making her wear a smile of accomplishment. It's one of the most special gifts he's ever received.

After dinner most of them went back to the house to change clothes before heading to a strip club for the after-party. As money flies everywhere along with ass, loud music fills the building.

Gee watches Pandora pour another shot informing her, "Nah, that's your last one. You good, gang?"

"I'll smack any bitch in this club. I don't give no fuck," P says aggressively staring off at no one in particular; that angry drunk.

"What?!" He looks at her confused.

"I feel like King Kong or Hercules in this bitch," she flexes only for Gen to put her arms down.

"I'm gonna need you to not."

On the other hand, Choice displays a contrasting emotional drunk. When they play an old Pretty Ricky song he sits down. With stacks of money in his lap he hugs them to his body before beginning to cry.

Magenta's the only one who's not confused by his sobbing. The whole Bluestars album was the soundtrack to Choice and ChaCha's teenage love affair. She still remembers stealing the CD from Chandrika. Gen had no business listening to those songs back then.

Choice is a mess and sloppy drunk. People can only feel bad for him. He should be back home in Texas grieving, but he simply wanted to get out. It's clearly not going well.

Cortlen and Jux stand him up as another friend offers to take him to the house they're all staying at tonight. He needs to sleep it off instead getting drunk to numb his pain.

30 minutes later, Gee leaves the section wanting to get more bills to throw. While gone for the short period it's not surprising some bullshit has to pop off...

Gen stands on one of the stages throwing money on a dancer while vibing to the music. Her good night is ruined when she feels a hand slap her butt. Looking down it's some random man. He's acting as if she's one of the dancers as he throws money in her direction.

Her reflex makes her slap him in the face. "Are you crazy?!" She yells through the music. "You don't fuckin' know me, nigga! Don't touch me!"

"Now you don't wanna be touched, groupie ass bitch. Ain't you the hoe from the Caprice trial?"

She raises her leg two seconds from giving him a 'this is Sparta' kick to the head, but Cortlen pulls her back. She tries not to let things trigger her, but it's hard.

Cortlen's two seconds from jumping off the stage as his hand mushes the man's head back. From a distance Gee can see everything that happened. He maneuvers quickly to get back over there.

Gee has to be the one to play peace maker as he grabs Cort saying, "You good. You good."

"This bitch ass nigga-"

"Too much to lose. Remember you said you're not tryna go back to prison," he reminds him.

Cortlen nods but can't help insult the man, "Broke, bitch," before walking away.

Gee goes to Magenta next asking, "You okay?"

"Yeah." She's so perplexed that really happened. At the same time she takes in the fact Gee didn't escalate the situation like he usually would. They definitely don't want another chaotic scene like the night Gee whooped Caprice's ass.

He kept that in mind by making sure she's okay first before anything. Anger management's working for him. She's still a work in progress as the the emotions fight with staying tame.

"You wanna leave? We can just go?" She nods as he tells the people they're with.

Instead of immediately getting an Uber, they decide to walk down the street. Magenta wanted to try some ice-cream shop that's open until 2a.m. since it's close by.

With her heels off as she holds them in her hand as they walk on the sidewalk. "You country as hell for walking with your bare ass feet on this ground," Gee comments making her laugh.

"I forgot to bring flats. You could carry me on your back," she suggests.

"You carry me on yours," he snaps back. "How far is this little ice-cream shop since you're making requests?"

"You know damn well I can't carry you," she looks him up and down.

He grabs his chest. "What you tryna say?"

"You's a biggen," she jokes only for Gee to playfully put her in a loose headlock.

"Say sorry!"

"My hair!" She laughs profusely saying, "You know I love you, juicy man!"

He releases her and stops walking saying, "Come on!" He lowers a little allowing her to hop on his back as he continues down the street.

It's not until he starts spinning with her still on his back that she regrets this. She's stuck between filling the street with her echo of laughter and wanting to kill him.

When he does put her down Gen hits his arm feeling dizzy. "Do you know how much I drank tonight?" She asks hunched over with her hands on her knees.

"That was the point. That'll teach you to talk shit." Magenta fake retches in his direction making him flinch.

"Yeah!" They both stare at one another before bursting into laughter. "I hate you," her lips pout and smile at the same time. She looks around the quiet road surprised how empty it is. "We can be like in the Notebook," Gen walks into the street.

"Is that a movie?" Gee doesn't even question while following her.

"And you've never seen it," she guesses. "We'll watch it one day. You lay in the street."

She gets down spreading her arms out and he does the same laying next to her. "Is that it?" He looks up at the sky.

"That's it," she says faintly taking in all the stars. Simultaneously they grab one another's hand looking at the other.

And that's why they always end up here... Because they can just be with one another. They can be emotional, crazy, silly, angry. They can completely be themselves with no judgement. There's also the realization that they just might make it to the other side of all this, together.


Finally got to show a lil connection to FIGHT. And that's not it👀

More women being added to the case?

Chandrika's funeral? Big Bleak coming? Choice's behavior?

Gee's birthday? Kross calling him? His new career?

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