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Sitting in his car that's parked in the driveway Genesis shakes his head. He honks the horn one more time since Seven still isn't out of the house. "I don't have time for this," Gee mumbles.

While he has time he decides to check his social media. The last post he made was for Magenta's birthday and he has the right mind to delete it feeling petty. He's still pissed over what her and Seven pulled. He's been giving them the cold shoulder since it happened despite them apologizing.

Gee's not going to delete it though. He doesn't want the countless trolls and Caprice fans thinking they did something. People act like their negative comments will change him being with her. It's not hard to block and cuss someone out. One thing Gee will never do is let someone play with Magenta.

When he posted her it confirmed the speculations about them dating. It also gave people a reason why he fought Caprice. With that came the comments from fans who are probably suburban teenagers calling him a simp or proclaiming Caprice innocent. Talking as if they know them personally. It doesn't bother Gee one bit.

Him verifying he's with Magenta also brought more shade and subliminal's from exes. Kelsey's been throwing shots ever since it ended, but they revved up after he stopped paying her bills. Now him going public with Gen brought on more bitterness.

Kelsey tweeted: We broke up two months ago and he's already in a new relationship. The math ain't mathing. Basically insinuating he must've been cheating when he wasn't.

Seven finally runs out of the house sliding into the passenger seat. "Bout damn time!"

"I don't understand why I have to go everywhere with you," Seven grumbles as he backs out of his driveway.

"You think I'ma let you out of my sight after that shit you pulled. Until you go back to school you're coming everywhere with me." He's counting down the days for Seven's flight back to Denton.

Only getting to the stop sign, Gee calls Magenta on Facetime remembering he left something he needs at her place. Upon her answering he asks, "Are you at home? I need to get something."

"Oh, now you wanna call me. You didn't see me calling you yesterday?" She doesn't answer his question.

"Didn't wanna talk."

"Well, then get off my phone with yo non-talkin' ass," she says humorously even though she's glad he called.

"Where you at?" He stares into the screen seeing she's in the car herself.

With a smirk she answers, "I'm out."

"Why you all dressed up? Where you going?"

"I look good, huh?" Gen moves the camera fixing her hair and pushing her boobs up. "I'm on my way to see my new nigga since you act like you didn't see that I sent you my Mariah Carey playlist. We Belong Together should've made you respond. I said I'm sorry, baby," she finds it amusing that he's upset and he doesn't.

"Quit fuckin' playing with me. You about to get on my nerves. You didn't tell me what was going on with my little brother. Either of you could've ended up dead. This shit ain't funny."

"Are you mad because you were left out or because you weren't in control?"

"Right!" Seven agrees trying to lean over and be in the screen. "What's he really trippin' about?" he smacks his lips.

"So I'm the bad guy because I want my girl and little brother to be safe? I don't like y'all two creating this little bond to double team me."

"Now you know how it feels. My brother was still cool with you when you were the opps," Gen sucks her teeth.

"I wasn't tryna have a full-blown conversation. Are you home? I need to swing by and get something. You need to just give me a key."

"Give you a key for what? You broke up with me," she playfully rolls her eyes.

"What're you talking about? Did I say that?"

"You didn't come spend the night last night," she says like it's obvious. "You basically said it's over."

"I was going to be sleeping at my place regardless. My mama's in town and your mother's at your place. They don't take me as the type who'd be okay with us sleeping in the same bed while unmarried," he can't even take himself seriously saying that.

"The two women who question why they don't have 'grands' every time we speak to them?" Gen asks. "How are you gonna breakup with me over one day when I've been good to you all these other days?" She laughs getting a mug from Gee.

"Cause," he says like a little kid.

"Alright, you won't hear from me no mo."

"Can you stop playing and answer my question before I get to your neighborhoods," he turns knowing he doesn't live that far from her. He doesn't want to have to turn around.

"My Mom's at my house. I'll call her and tell her to let you in."

"Thank you," he says with attitude.

"I'll see you tonight. Kiss the camera, nigga."

"Gone on," he fights a laugh at her blowing a kiss towards the phone.

"C'mon. At the same time on 3!" He smacks his lips, but puckers them doing it. He gives her a death stare seeing she didn't do it too.

"You didn't even do it. Get off my line. Bye!"

"You called me. I love you!" She laughs before hanging up.

"You need to quit being mean to my dawg," Seven defends Magenta. "If it wasn't for her or her brother, I wouldn't be alive and Fade wouldn't be dead. Shawty got off. She didn't flinch or hesitate to shoot." He brushes his brother off pulling up to Gen's townhouse.

"Hey, Ms. Temp," he hugs her once she opens the door.

Gee jogs up the stairs to the master bedroom grabbing what he needs. It's been a few days since Gen's birthday, but all traces of the day are left behind. Between the balloons, streamers, flowers, and opened gifts.

Coming back down the stairs Tempest's sitting on the couch. She drinks a mug of coffee watching one of those court judge shows. "How much longer you in town?" he asks deciding to sneak in Gen's pantry and take a snack.

"I have a flight back to Dallas tomorrow. How's Twinkle been doing?" Tempest asks with curiosity.

"Uh, she's fine. Better."

"I'm just asking because she has a tendency to mask things."

Gee thinks about the self-harm and any other obstacle she's had, but she got over them. It's not his place to tell. "She talks to a therapist and has her healing process. You know. The trial's coming up faster than we think. It'll all be over soon."

"I pray it is," Tempest sighs. "Thank you for making my daughter happy. For being by her side..."

Gee gives a modest smile replying, "I try. No problem." Looking at his watch he realizes he still has to sit in traffic and doesn't want to be late. "I gotta go. I have something important to do. I'll see you next time you visit." She nods following behind him to lock the door.

Thirty minutes later he's arriving at the address where his informal office hearing will be held. Today he finds out what they decided pertaining to the investigation after assaulting Caprice.

Gee shakes the hand of his lawyer. He tells Seven to sit and wait, while they go into a room filled with the people who are going to make the decision. He doesn't know why, but he's confident they won't reimpose his original 5 year sentence.

The hearing begins with the official conducting business. Gee's attorney already submitted a Proposed Recommended Order on how this should be resolved based on the evidence. Gee has his chance to explain the situation and the board also presents information.

Gee's lawyer is using the defense that he was provoked. Also, that Caprice threatened him over the phone leading up to the confrontation; basically, self-defense. Does he know if it'll work? No, but he's willing to try.

One of the officials informs all of them, "The investigation hit a roadblock... The victim, Caprice Wilcox, stopped cooperating with police and the D.A.."

"Isn't he currently being held in a Los Angeles county jail? Did anyone try to visit and talk to him? It's not hard to find him. He can't go anywhere."

"He refused the visit and stopped calling us. Last we talked he said he was never cooperating with us and doesn't want to send anyone to jail. He said he's not a snitch and he never wanted to press charges. This is a direct contradiction because he originally said punishment was to our discretion. Whatever punishment we see fit, is what he said before," a man in a suit explains.

Gee's not surprised. As a celebrity, Caprice's business is always plastered on blogs. It wouldn't be a good look for it to come out he was cooperating while he's currently in county. Especially when he's already been jumped and cut in his face.

"Why does any of this matter? There were several videos posted on the internet, even surveillance footage from the club. It went viral with millions of people seeing it," one of the officials looks around the room wondering why this isn't cut and dry.

"I don't know why he's no longer cooperating. You have no witnesses. You don't have the victim. Cases are decided based on facts and the law. Without an alleged victim it's difficult to make your case. Taking into consideration this happened while Mr. Wilson was on probation my objective recommendation is that his original five year sentence not be reimposed. We're going to make an offer that he attend 18 hours of anger management classes to be finished within 90 days. Does he accept this offer?"

Gee's lawyer looks at him and he nods his head. With a sigh he watches them finish up sending him about his day. He'll take anger management over jail or more probation any day.

Once leaving, Gee heads to his next location. Both him and Seven walk across a park to the basketball court where Choice is already shooting hoops. Choice looks very chipper for someone who killed his old best friend since third grade...

Seven immediately grabs a ball dribbling it as Gee and Choice go to the side to talk. "You know you should've called me," is the first thing Gee says sitting on a bench.

"No time. I had to get to your brother before things could possibly go left. My sister didn't tell you for a reason. She lost you once before and she doesn't want to again. Especially when she has you forreal."

Gee gives an exasperated sigh knowing he's right. "You good?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Choice asks nonchalantly bending over to retie his sneakers.

"Fade wasn't nobody to you," Gee shrugs.

"He was...He was nobody to me," Choice says coldly. "I don't have time to grieve a friendship that died years ago. It was either him or us."

"Yeah. Maybe I didn't think you had it in you," Gee says lowly.

"That's the problem. Maybe mutha fuckas think too highly of me. People were always telling me how I'm better... Smarter. Even Breon. I'm not."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"I did everything everyone else did. I sold drugs, toted guns, did illegal shit just like the rest of 'em. I've never been better. I'm not the most intelligent, but I'm the smartest. There's a difference. Smarts are acquired, while intelligence is inherited and you're born with it. Smarts get you results. It's the decisions and choices you make. I made a decision that night in the cemetery."

"I can't be mad at it," Gee sighs rubbing over his face. "I just don't want this to blow back on any of us. We made it out."

"It won't. I was clean. Made it look like suicide," he whispers. Choice stares off at two birds that chase each other. They fly low to the ground wildly as one tries to attack the other. He wonders if they're in competition for territory, food, or mating rights. "I showed Fade compassion and mercy. Gave him the benefit of the doubt when he didn't deserve it. Shame all those kids gotta grow up without a daddy. He clearly didn't give enough fuck about them with the moves he made."

Gee's never seen Choice so hard-hearted. He's usually the voice of reason. Choice goes on saying, "I'm 30 and I've lost a lot of people I love. In the beginning when Fade came back around I was unsure and you probably thought I was scared. I had weak moments of not knowing what to do and being indecisive. When the hit didn't go as planned I was actually relieved. Then I realized war isn't about lies or truths. War's about winning. Once we in it, we in it..."

"You know this isn't over just because he's dead. I wanted to sit down with Big Bleak before any moves were made on Fade. I can guarantee he's not going to be happy that the agreement was broken."

"But that isn't our fault. Fade started it again by having those people come at us in L.A.."

"You know how it is. It's a respect thing."

Looking in the distance, Gee spots Cortlen walking towards them. "Bout time you got here," Gee daps him.

"Fuck all'at. Fade's dead. I saw it on Facebook. Folks saying he committed suicide. All his baby mamas making sad ass posts like they didn't wish death on him last week because he was a deadbeat. Multiple chicks acting like he was their boyfriend. A shit show," he laughs shaking his head. "It's not funny, but that nigga killing himself? Doesn't sound right."

"Cause he didn't." Cortlen looks lost. He takes one look at his brother still being able to read him like a book.

"Am I missing something? Nobody told me shit!"

"Long story," they begin breaking it down.

"We need to set a meeting with Big Bleak," is the conclusion Cortlen comes to.

"We will. After Seven goes back to school."

"I agree. You also might wanna get him some therapy. That type of shit is traumatizing," Choice glances at Seven who's shooting the ball around.

"First time you see something like that up close it fucks you up then you get desensitized," Cortlen adds.

"Yeah," Gee blows out air. "Shit, we all need it apparently. I'm half-way there. They're forcing me to go to anger management for the Caprice shit."

"That was solved?" Choice asks.

"Today. They couldn't do much because Caprice stopped cooperating with the investigation."

"I figured. When they slashed his ass in the face, I told them to give a little message. Keep his mouth shut or county will be hell," Cortlen flashes a smile.

"I'm not surprised," Gee lets a chuckle slip.

"That's why your ass gonna end up right back in prison. But hey, I wouldn't even be mad at that," Choice scolds his brother. Pretending everything's all cordial between them couldn't last too much longer.

"All this passive aggressive ass shit. You got somethin' on yo chest get it off!" Cort shoots back. "You can forgive your wife, but can't forgive your blood brother?! I said I'm sorry," he walks towards his younger brother.

"What!?" Choice does a hard chest pass with the basketball he's been holding. It hits Cortlen's abdomen harshly, but he catches it. "You wanna fight? I've been wanting to whoop your ass for that foul shit."

"There's not a time or place that you'd whoop my ass in a fair one. Let's get that straight," Cort clarifies.

"I may be smaller and younger, but I'd pack you up like a FedEx package on any given day," Choice looks him up and down not giving in.

"Can y'all just fight already and get it over with? Shit, Gen and P are better than y'all. They fought it out one second then hugged it out after like some real niggas," Gee doesn't budge from his spot on the bench. He's tired of playing referee to grown people.

"You can hit me. After that I don't wanna hear shit else about this," Cortlen taps his cheek enticing Choice.

Cort must've thought he wasn't going to take the offer. Before he can even get his feet planted firmly to prepare himself, Choice is taking a hard swing with his right hitting him in the face. "Damn," Gee puts his fist to his mouth as if he felt it.

It makes Cortlen stumble back, but he catches himself. "Okay, okay," he nods accepting it. "Let me sit down," he sits on the other end of the park bench. "We good now?"

"Peachy keen, nigga. I also want a one on one on the court. Dust yo old ass up one time," Choice wears a smile.

Cortlen spits out the blood that accumulated in his mouth onto the ground before speaking, "You forgetting I served over ten years? I was on that court every time I hit the yard. I was ballin' on murderers."

"Then I guess I gotta kill yo ass on the court. Let's go," Choice says already walking towards it. Cortlen takes a sip from a water bottle to further clean out his bloody mouth before going too.

Gee only laughs to himself remaining seated. He watches when his phone rings with Pandora behind the incoming call. "Wassup?" he answers.

"Got some info for you... Kross is planning to hold a meeting to vote you out of the company tomorrow. He figured you'd be out of the country on a trip. I don't think you ended up going. Just wanted to give you a heads up, so you can decide what you want to do or go over paperwork to make sure they're within their rights based on the operating agreement."

"Thanks for telling me."

"Ay, and you knew what it was at Gen's birthday. Kross thinks me and Gen are stepping back from the friendship. He's already starting to try and get in my ear to make me fully turn on her. I'm no dummy for dick. I see what he's doing."

"You gotta stick it out a little longer. You can help me though, right?"

"Yeah, I got you."

"Aiight, I got $5,000 for you."

The Next Day...

After being tipped off about the meeting by Pandora, Gee knew exactly what he needs to do. Luckily for him, his mother's already in town. He always knew it would come to this, but he's had everything prepared for that day.

Driving to the office for their management company he thinks to himself until his mother speaks. "You know how you asked me if I'd ever move out of Kentucky? I think I'm ready."


"Without your father there isn't much left for me there," she shrugs. "I know I'm over your rental properties out there, but by the next year I need a change of scenery."

"I can feel that. Whatever you want we'll make it happen."

"I didn't really get to talk to you about it when you came to visit... How are you as far coping and your mourning process?" Misty's constantly checking on him and he can't be mad it. She's his only child, so she always wants to make sure he's okay.

"I'm at ease." He says that, but his body language speaks for itself. His whole demeanor changed upon the mention of his father. "It's a cycle of emotions you can't shake off you."

"Yeah. Death makes you different. You don't see life the same. Pain gives you strength, but also opens a new chapter of emptiness. I always pray you continue to feel safe enough to express how you feel. Also, that you get to a place outside of maintaining your emotions. Unfortunately, that entails going through the ugly uncomfortable waves of grief to get to the other side."

"It's crazy. We're all we got," he says in a hushed tone in realization.

"I didn't know things got so bad with you and Kross. You've known him since diapers," Misty shakes her head in shame.

"Money changes people."

Gee did exactly what Devin told him. He threatened a lawsuit against Interscope because they helped Kross and Destin setup the clone business. It was infringement for them to setup that company when he owns and trademarked the name. They didn't want the court battle like Devin said and sent an offer to settle within days. They offered the amount they originally extended to Kross and Destin. Gee's going to take that money to invest into another business and go on about his life.

Before that can happen he has to officially end any business ties with Kross and Destin. It's time...

Gee explains everything to his mother. "I was looking into the company to get things in order. Kross has been stealing from an artist. He told Destin it was me, but it was him. I'm glad I'm not an idiot. I always drew clear lines. He was in charge of his artists, and so was I. No one can say I'm stealing if I don't touch any of their money or have day to day dealings with them."

"It seems he looked at you as a competitor and not a teammate."

"Exactly. Our first year we made $10 million. That doesn't happen. He let it get to his head."

"So, do I have to say anything in the meeting?"

"Nope, just vote."

Not too long later they're walking into a conference room where people are filing in prepared for the voting process. Some of them look confused when Gee pulls out a chair for his mother to sit at the table.

The confusion doesn't stop when Kross and Destin walk in. Seeing Gee standing at the head of the room the smiles on their face wipe away. "Shit," Destin mumbles.

"I heard there's a voting happening." Kross glances around at everyone wondering who told. "You can't have a meeting without all the shareholders and board of directors in attendance," Gee states.

"What're you talking about? Ms. Misty?" He looks at Gee's mother who gives him a smile.

Not only did Gee give her a percent of the company meaning Kross and Destin can't make it two against one, but she's also the deciding vote in things like this.

"I think we should start. I'm sure everyone has other things to do," Gee says with no worry.

Kross wears a glare starting the meeting. He lists the grievances that're supposed to convince the board to vote Gee out, but his reasons are weak at best. Because Gee hasn't violated any company rules in order to be removed, the resolution must pass by a 75 percent majority vote.

Gee watches as everyone votes and when they're done the results are read. When it's said and done, Gee's the one smiling as Kross wears a salty face of disapproval.

"And now that I haven't been voted out of the company, I have an announcement... Because I'm the majority shareholder I've decided to sell the company," Gee makes the declaration.

"You can't do that," Kross stands up angrily.

"But I can," he hands him the paperwork. "Remember when we first started everything you didn't formally put your name on any paperwork because of all your legal issues? You kept putting off doing it. Lesson: when starting a business put shit in writing."

"We had an oral agreement," Kross clenches his jaw. He looks at Destin who's skimming over the paperwork.

"He definitely can do this. Well played," Destin laughs. He finds it funny because he only owns a small percent and won't be effected by this in a major way. He has more successful businesses than this. But for Kross this was all he had.

Gee just stopped the only thing Kross has now and what he planned in the future...

"I've already started the process to sell the company to a third party. It'll be done within 6 to 8 weeks. I also stopped you guys starting a company of the same name in another state. Yeah, I knew about that too." Kross is stuck as Gee wears an amused grin. "It's been nice doing business with you gentlemen, but it's time to cut ties and move on. I have other ventures I would like to pursue."

Genesis is smart enough to know they don't need to ride the wave too long. Most young business people don't understand that it's better to cash in the chips and move at the height of an endeavor's earning potential. That way you still maintain solid relationships that can contribute to your next big thing.

However,a perceived sense of power, ego, and entitlement get in the way. You have to expect that another man's ambitions will entice him to cut a side deal eventually... Especially if he perceives he's the better partner based on ego alone.

Gee's doing the smart thing. He's cutting bait, making a profit while he still can, and putting his influence behind something else.

"All the work I've put into this company I'll be damned if I let you take this from under my feet!" Kross shouts as Gee remains calm.

"If everyone could step out except me, Kross, and Destin." Everyone does as requested leaving the three men.

"After everything we've done together?" Kross asks.

"You're afraid?" Gee says with fake pity voice. "It's understandable. You know you can't do this without me. You tried to cut me out of a deal and it backfired on you. You made a sneaky move and you were way out of your league. You lost a friend and business partner. I've already started planning an event to make the announcement to all our employees and artists. It's a wrap."

"You're throwing a successful business away, for what? Because you're mad that I did a couple things that hurt your girl's feelings?"

"You don't get it, do you? It's you. It always been you. You're not the same person. Money and the music industry changed you. You said fuck you, now you gotta stick to that. There's no going back for us. I want to do my own thing and go my own way. I don't want to work with you anymore. Our business relationship is over. It was good while it lasted," he looks between Kross and Destin.

Gee stands up and Kross says, "I'ma see you one day. One day we can line this shit up." He takes that as a threat because with him there's no other way to take it.

"Good luck," he walks out.

Pulling up to the 'Ill Minds' office, Magenta parks in a regular parking spot considering she no longer has her reserved spot in the front. If things stuck to course she'd be coming back to work after her mental health break. Instead she's about to close on the buyout deal meaning her time at this company is no more.

Looking up at the building she remembers when they signed the lease on this place. She was a year out of college and had so many hopes and dreams. She moved to Houston with only the money she had saved and was ready for a new start. She was even more excited to be doing something she loves with her sister and friend.

This was a stepping stone in her career path. She learned a lot. Now it's time to take what she learned and move on.

Going inside Magenta goes to her office space and unlocks the door. Flicking the light on she's hit with nostalgia. She came early to begin packing it up and she does that for the next twenty minutes. When someone knocks on the door she looks up seeing Felicity through the glass.

With a groan she watches her sister enter. "Can we talk now that it's not your birthday?" She asks. Gen gives an annoyed nod and Felicity walks further in.

"What do you want to say so bad?" Gen continues taking pictures down.

"Well, I already apologized."

"And you think that's enough?"

"You're going to have to verbalize how I made you feel, Twinkle. I can't read your mind."

Gen scoffs in disbelief. "Make a list of all the shit you have and haven't done in the last months. You'll know exactly how you made me feel."

"I'm sorry for the way I made you feel. If you want an apology because I raised questions or that I didn't automatically believe everything you said then that won't happen. I'm not sorry for that. I'm never sorry for questioning anything."

"I never once told anybody to never question anything I said. I actually welcomed it. News flash, if I didn't I wouldn't press charges because I've been questioned from the time I made the accusation and the investigation started. I'll be questioned on the stand as well. To say not to question someone who makes an accusation is asinine. People lie and people even get it wrong. You could've at least looked at the affidavit then made a judgement. If you're adamant in taking his side, go online and get the paperwork. Fly to California and go to the court house if it took that. Educate yourself. Most cases are public record at some fuckin' point. You never cared to know the truth!"

Felicity shrinks knowing Magenta's right. "I'm not with Caprice anymore. He never treated me right and I'm finally seeing it. You were right. Everyone was right. I just want to make things right with you."

"What don't you understand, Tink? You're not my sister in my eyes. You've never acted like one in the first place. I spent so many years trying to get us to be close and you never cared. If we're in the same room don't speak or look at me. I don't want to hear you pleading for anyone in the family to play mediator to peace it up. You're dead to me. Buried. 6 feet under."

"I can help. I'm a character witness..."

"If you wanna help, tell the truth on that stand. Regardless, I've washed my hands of you." Gen looks at the clock seeing it's almost time for the meeting. "And we're one step closer to being completely done after the buyout."

She walks around her sister who follows her into the boardroom where Colby and their attorneys are. Once started they go over the new agreement of negotiations. They up'd the original $500k offer to the $700,000 like she asked for.

Reading over it she goes through each page. She signs the liability release within the agreement meaning she can't sue. But she's not happy when she sees there's a non-compete clause saying she can't begin a new job with a competitor or within the same industry for six months.

"What's with the non-compete clause?" she looks at Felicity and Jux. "The whole time we've had this company we acknowledged we're all creatives. We've all done freelance work on top of the company projects. How can you ask me not to work in the industry for 6 months?"

"You asked for more money than you were worth and we gave it to you. We raised the buyout offer to account for the added difficulties. It's outlined you can still do freelance projects, but you can't work for any big companies in the music industry. You can always do creative directing in fashion, media, entertainment. You have a Journalism degree, so the possibilities are endless. Especially with your following acquired from interviewing," the attorney explains.

Magenta looks at the dotted line knowing if she declines that will make this process prolong even more. "Fine. It's gonna take me awhile to get my next endeavor off the ground anyway."

She signs her signature and the date making it official. They all smile and she slides the papers to the attorney. "Make sure all necessary paperwork is filed with federal, state, and local authorities. Transfer all business related accounts and make sure Ms. Thomas' name is removed from all accounts. We're done here."

Magenta smiles at the check she recieved. She opted to be paid in a lumpsum rather than installment plans. With this money and her CBS settlement she can remain comfortable until her next venture.

When they step out of the meeting room, Magenta's surprised to see all their employee's gathered. They give her an applause then one of them steps forward handing her a gift bag. "Just a little departing gift. We're all going to miss you. We enjoyed working with and for you."

"Thank you," Gen smiles hugging anyone she formed close relationships with. Going back her office she continues packing up when Colby enters. "I was meaning to talk to you," she motions him to enter.

"It's really over," Jux sighs beginning to help her pack.

"I'm sorry it had to end like this with you in the middle of our family feud."

"It's cool. I get it. Family or friends can't always be in business together. What's next for you though?"

"Getting everything in order now that I'm freelancing full-time. Things were a little iffy with my interviews and Youtube channel, but I have some scheduled. I've been ducked off creating some of my best work that actually resonates with me personally. I kinda got lost in commercial and industry work. I've been really inspired lately. I can't wait to share when I'm done."

"That's good. Does it have to do with photography?" He smiles knowingly.

"Yup, I'm finally putting my camera to use other than interviews like you always told me to."

"Bout damn time. Your eye is sick. You should be directing and a photographer not writing treatments for basic rappers," he laughs.

"Like you should use your graphic design for more than lyric videos and single covers for said rappers."

"Gotta start somewhere," Jux shrugs. "Sometimes we gotta realize we're not that far from being new college graduates. This is only the beginning. We have to work until our sixties before we retire."

"Forty more years of coworkers and bosses we hate. Kill me now," Gen thinks on it. "I know you're not leaving the company too, but if I start something and have a spot for you... Maybe you'd consider coming to work for me," she whispers while nudging him.

"If the pay is right, I'll consider it," he gives a sly smile. "Until then I'll see you around since we're both freelancing for FML Gravedigger," Jux chuckles while saying his name. "Let me know if you need any connections or phone numbers. You know I got you."

"Appreciate it. One last thing..." She starts as Colby stands to his feet. "You and Pandora? I saw y'all at my birthday."

"We weren't trying to be discreet."

"I thought you guys stopped seeing one another. She's in a relationship with Kross."

He laughs under his breath. "We never stopped. It is what it is. We know what it is. I'll see you around," he taps the wall before walking out.

Magenta sighs looking around her office. "I'm out this bitch," she says under her breath looking at her boxes. A smile slowly creeps across her face.

Once Magenta got back home she was all alone considering her mother already left for her flight. While she was gone Cortlen took her to the airport. She's still upset she didn't get to go on her birthday trip. She needed a vacation. At the same time, she wants to celebrate leaving the company and make up for the mishap with Gee. So she invited him on a weekly date night that she planned.

Thirty minutes later, Gen's getting a call from him that he's here. She changed into something more comfortable and on her way out she grabs her purse, while sliding her feet into lavender Crocs filled with charms.

Once outside she locks her front door, and at the same time Gee rolls the passenger window down to say, "Wassup, shooter?"

Walking towards his car she playfully rolls her eyes as he laughs. "Look at you!"

"What I look like?" He smiles.

"My baby deddy. Can I get your number?" She says flirtatiously peering into the car. "How do you open this? You and your cars. You should let me drive anyway," she fiddles with the Lamborghini door handle.

"Drive what car? Not mine. Where are we going anyway? You didn't tell me."

"That's why I want to drive. It's a surprise." He looks at her suspiciously, but gets out to let her drive and he goes to the passenger side.

"If you crash my car," Gee warns when she's not even all the way out of her driveway.

"I know how to drive. You know I drive like a nigga."

"That's the problem," he makes sure his seatbelt is on properly.

"And I know you already watched the new episode of Snowfall without me. I saw it on Hulu."

"Yeah, you pissed me off," he says unapologetically.

"Why do I imagine you angrily clicking on it saying, 'Fuck her. I'ma watch it by myself.' You're so petty," she laughs. "Cancelled the damn trip."

"I shouldn't have been going anyway. Not with the investigation. I lied and told the people the trip was work related. But that's over now. I'm off probation and the investigation's over. We can go somewhere forreal."

"Really?! I'll plan one for after the trial," she lights up in a smile. "You really got away with beating that man's ass when it was on camera. That's crazy."

"Some crazy ass luck or I'm that nigga."

"For sure that nigga."

"Don't try to fill me with compliments to get on my good side. I'm still mad at you."

"I know I was joking the other day like it wasn't serious, but I understand it was. I should've told you about the gas station incident. Honestly, I didn't want to because I didn't want you doing anything crazy."

"Just like you didn't want your shit affecting me, I feel the same way. You shouldn't have to be shooting at niggas and saving my little brother's ass. I'm supposed to protect you."

"I'm a big girl... with good aim."

"We also just had a conversation about hiding things, lying, and keeping secrets after the cutting situation. You keep a secret or lie to me again, it's a wrap," he makes clear.

"Damn, you don't give any chances. You're like a warden," she frowns.

"Well, get used to it. I'm not these other niggas you've been with."

"I like when you put your foot down." She smirks and he wants to laugh, but he hides the tempted smile. "You know you wanna laugh! You won't be mad for too long," she says confidently.

"Why are we at Choice's house?" Gee asks in confusion once they pull in the driveway.

"You'll see."

When they get out of the car she leads the way. As they walk down the side path towards the backyard Gee stops. "This is giving me setup vibes."

"Why would I set you up? C'mon!"

"I just want you to know I'm fully aware incase it is. I also have a gun," Gee says loudly as if he wants someone to hear.

"Stop playing," she hits his arm. "You trust me, right?" He let's her head the way into Choice's large backyard.

The area is lit up by string lights and a fire pit. There's an outdoor projector screen for a movie date. Chandrika was also nice enough to setup a layout of candy and snacks. ChaCha pops her head out of the back patio door to give a thumbs up. She fully understands Gee being pissed because she was pissed at Choice when he told her.

"What movie are we watching?" Gee asks going to the table already wanting to pick his box of candy.

"The new Batman movie. I remember you complaining you haven't had time to go see it." Gee gives a smile because Gen knows he loves Batman. He watches every movie, every show, the video games, everything.

"Y'all gotta bootleg?"

"No, the real thing," Gen chuckles as they both sit. Gee's a little more excited as he has a slight bounce ready for the movie to start. "You forgive me now?"

"Yeah, we straight. Gimme a kiss." She can't help the smile on her face as she pecks his lips multiple times. "You remember our first kiss? I had you stuttering. You didn't even know what day of the week it was. I knew I was that nigga. I just knew we were gonna be together from then on. I thought it was up. You used to shatter my achy breaky heart."

"I wasn't stuttering... I was," she admits with embarrassment before laughing.

They both get comfortable under covers as the movies starting. His hand on her thigh makes Gen look down. She looks at her hands in her lap as one of them has rubber bands on the wrist. She wears them like she did back in high school to pull if she ever gets the urge to cut. Gee doesn't use the coping mechanism much these days, but it's helping Gen. She hasn't thought about doing it again.

Opening her hand he intertwines his with hers. He was already leaned into, but when she kisses his cheek it's like he immediately relaxed even more as his eyes close. They know that they are each other's comfort zone. Always have been. Neither one had to say it. They both had a hard few days, but they have each other. Anything else doesn't really matter. They'll figure it out later.

After the nearly three hour movie, Gee drives Magenta back to her house only to pick up clothes. Since her mother left town she doesn't want to be lonely and is going to spend the night at his house.

But when they arrive in his neighborhood, it's hard to get to his house. There's a bunch police cars and personnel surround his home. A man in an FBI jacket standing in the streets tries to wave for Gee to turn around. He stops and rolls his window down saying, "That's my house. What's going on?"

Before the federal agent can can answer he sees an officer guiding his brother, Seven, out in handcuffs. The teen is shirtless with only sweats and slides on. Gee's mother rushes out behind him demanding they at least let her give him a shirt.

Gee's first assumption is they further examined Fade killing himself and realized it was a murder. Seven would be the first suspect because he was there on the scene when the police arrived. He's also the one who told them Fade shot himself.

"Since it's your home, there's a federal raid occurring. We are here to arrest an individual who was in your home. How do you know the suspect, Seven Wilson?

"He's my younger brother. He stays with me when he's not at school. He's on Spring Break right now. Why are you arresting him?"

"We're bringing him in on charges ranging from aggravated robbery to accessory to murder. That's all I can tell you right now. Why don't you pull over and park. Wait until this is all over. Come talk to me after."

Gee's mind immediately feels like this is connected to the killing of the drug courier from Big Bleak's crew. That means they've been looking into it for months. It makes him wonder if they arrested the TQ guy who actually shot and killed the man.

"This isn't good," Magenta whispers as Gee parks by the curb. "There's no guns tied to anything in the house, right?"

"It's good. Calm down," he kills his engine.

"How are you so confident?"

"I got the money to pay for lawyers and bail if it comes to that. I can already tell what this is..."

"You got mad at me for not telling me about Seven. There's something you're not saying right now, Gee."

"Pandora," he gives the one word answer getting out of the car.

He walks over to the officer he talked to earlier who asks if he has any guns in the house. He's asking, but there's already people in the house flipping everything top to bottom looking for anything illegal or that could evidence.

But like he expected the police don't find any weapons inside his residence. He got rid of all of them despite needing protection. He's glad he did because he'd be right in cuffs along with his brother considering he's a felon.

He speaks to his mother next who's clearly confused and in shock. "They just bust in yelling and waving gun," Misty shakes his head.

Magenta looks at Seven who's in the back of a police car. "We're done here," one of the agent says as they wrap it up. Soon they all Seven be driven off. Gee already told him not to worry or say anything. He has a lawyer and he already called him. Regardless, it's crazy.


Gee not having to serve the 5 years? Having to do anger management instead?

Choice & Cortlen making up?

Gen & Gee closing their business partnerships?

Seven getting arrested?

Comment / Vote💫

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