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March 12th, 2022

For the past few weeks Magenta has been the happiest she's ever been. It's partly due to her not bothering herself to keep up with Caprice or any updates on the case. Before she was preoccupied by it because every time she looked up something new was happening. Now she's gotten back to living her life. She'll worry about it once the trial starts at the end of this month.

Today she's focused on the fact it's her 26th birthday and celebrating. She's blessed despite everything that's happened.

To start her day she went to the nail salon with Chandrika and her friends, Glow and MiMi. Pandora was supposed to come, but she hasn't seen her since L.A. during Super Bowl weekend. They haven't talked much either.

"Girl, bye. I got it. It's your birthday, bitch!" ChaCha says when Magenta's about to pay for her own. She thanks her then stands back letting her get it.

While waiting she checks her Instagram surprised to see Gee gave her a birthday post. It's a dump filled with the pictures and videos they've taken since coming back into one another's life. She's heard Gee say several times he usually doesn't post relationships on social media, but something must've changed his mind.

The caption reads: I love her. I have since like 19 or 20. The first girl I ever loved. Last girl I'ma love too. I haven't seen a flaw in you after all these years. Sometimes I go looking for shit thinking you're too good to be true. I know you were sent to me to help me heal. All I ever needed was real love. You can't do any wrong in my eyes. Been there through it all, good or bad. Your love always remained the same. Even when we weren't speaking and you blocked my ass... I knew you still loved me. My best friend, my star, my rider, my twinski. Twinkle G and the g stand for gangsta. It also stands for me because that's who you see when you see her.

She laughs because he had to show his love in the most hood nigga way. While they're exiting the salon she types up a comment before they all get in Gen's car to leave.

Tonight she's having a birthday dinner, so she's been getting prepared. "Try calling Pandora again," Gen suggests.

Glow dials her number, but shortly after says, "She's still not answering."

Seconds later a text comes to the group chat from Pandora saying, Getting my hair done. I'll see y'all tonight.

Magenta furrows her eyebrows feeling like they've been distant lately. She equated it to them both working and being in new relationships, but something's off. "I haven't been talking to her the last couple of weeks. Have you guys?" She asks while driving.

"Yeah. We went to Miami with her the other weekend. We were helping her setup her new store getting ready for the opening next month. Why didn't you come?" MiMi asks.

"She said it was all on Kross' dime and I just didn't feel right." She was afraid this was going to happen. Pandora being with Kross was always going to cause tension. Especially because she couldn't bring herself to tell P she didn't want her to be with him.

Pulling into her garage, Gen parks her car. They all enter her townhome bombarded by the hallway, kitchen, and living room being covered in balloons and flowers. Even her staircases have balloons lining them.

"Aww, my Sugar Plum," she pouts. In the middle of her living room there's a bunch of clear, tall glass vases with roses. "They're magenta," she touches her chest.

Walking closer she sees each bouquet has a card with a reason he loves her and a picture of them together starting from when they were in college. Unbeknownst to her, Gee snuck down to her craft room and had all the pictures she had copied into polaroid's for this. He also had pictures she didn't even remember because only he had them.

"We look so young," she chuckles at a picture from freshman year. She looks at another where they're hugging after one of his football games. She laughs at her hoodie that has his jersey number of 22 on the sleeve. "I was doin' all'at like he was my man. I was sick."

"Manifesting," ChaCha smiles from behind her. "He did his thing," she looks around.

"I'm about to cry." The more pictures and cards she looks at she can feel the tears coming.

"You stay crying. Happy tears now though. This bitch over here glowing," Glow notes as Gen wipes her face laughing in embarrassment.

"I mean, she's finally getting compatible dick again. Isn't it a blessing?" MiMi jokes.

"I have never stayed with a nigga whose dick is little or mediocre. I don't know how you stayed with Noah so long. I'm glad you came to your senses," Glow screws up her face. Gen cracks into laughter because she's right. Noah's stiff ass turned her into a pillow princess and she's far from it.

"Everybody's caught one or two little dick or can't fuck bodies. A sympathy fuck or two. Don't lie," MiMi looks around the room.

"Who?!" Glow acts offended. "I speak up for myself, I'm leaving, and blocking the nigga."

They all laugh as Magenta checks the time trying to remember everything she needs to do. "Do you know what you're wearing? Or can we help you pick it out?" ChaCha asks.

"Well, the dress I ordered didn't come, but I have something." Magenta doesn't want to admit she was spoiled by the fact her sister's a designer. Anytime she had a special occasion Felicity would make her outfit free of charge. She had to order a dress this year, but it didn't come in time.

Chandrika, Glow, and MiMi look at each other in confusion. Cha asks what they're all thinking, "And you're not somewhere having a mental breakdown because something didn't go right? Old you would've been calling off the entire night."

She shrugs. "It's just a dress."

Glow wags her finger. "See. That's that good dick. Shit's like therapy. Can't nothing bring you down."

"Leave me alone," she laughs looking at her phone. After reading a text from Pandora she asks, "Why is P asking for the venue address? I thought she helped put this together."

The three women look at each other once again before Chandrika answers, "It was mainly Gee. He paid for everything. He had me help the event planner pick the theme and decorations. Pandora only did the guest list to make sure all your friends will come. He orchestrated pretty much everything. It was getting close and P didn't mention it, sooo-"

She furrows her eyebrows because they always organize each other's birthday events. "That's weird. Whatever. I can't even deal with that."

Soon after, ChaCha's opening Gen's front door after someone rung the bell. "It's yo man!" Cha hollers. Gen shakes her head stepping into the hallway to see Gee entering. "On that note, we'll see you tonight."

"Byee!" she waves walking towards Gee locking the door. While hugging he laughs at her wrapping one leg around him playfully. "Everything's so perfect."

"Wassup, mamas? It's your day," he kisses her.

With her arms wrapped around him, she asks, "Your Mom here?"

"Yeah, she's at my house. Even though I'm barely home and have a cleaning lady she insisted on cleaning it from top to bottom. You know Mamas."

"Mine is at Choice's house." Looking over his shoulder she asks, "Can I open those?" She points at the gifts leaned against the bouquet vases with an eager smile.

"Yeah, that's why they're there. I left the big presents for tonight." She gives a cheery clap rushing to get the boxes wrapped in metallic pink wrapping paper. Sitting on the couch he only smiles like a mother watching her kids open gifts on Christmas morning.

Later that night, Magenta's dressed with her hair and makeup done. Walking into the venue for her dinner party she holds hands with Gee taking in all the decorations. It's intimate yet grand as the room's decked in different tones of pink.

Some people have already arrived, so she greets and hugs them. She hugs Choice and his wife, Chandrika. They've been doing lots of counseling and it must be working. The only problem is they're still walking on eggshells when Cortlen's added to the equation. Even after Cort saved Choice that night in L.A.. Cortlen got his own condo and they've been distant ever since he left Choice's house.

Gen hugs Cortlen next and when she pulls away she notices a brown skin girl standing close by him. It's the chick he's been dating. "Oh, hi. You're pretty."

"This is Ivy. Ivy, this is my little sister, Magenta."

She greets her and once she walks away Gen asks her brother, "You good?"

"Yeah, I've been better if you didn't call me cussing me out. Hurt my little feelings," he dramatically puts a hand on his chest.

"I just wanted some understanding on what happened on Super Bowl weekend and I got it. I only ask you to move smarter. Don't need you going back to prison or taking anyone with you."

"It's good. Even the rapper admitted on Instagram live it was his fault, they started it, and they got got. All while not cooperating with the police."

"Mhm," she pats his arm. Looking around she's once again wondering where Pandora is. No calls or texts saying she's on her way.

While they're waiting on more people to get here before officially starting, Magenta decides to use the photo booth they have setup. As soon as she steps out her smile fades seeing Felicity talking to some of their family members.

Magenta sucks her teeth as Felicity comes her way. "Hey," she tries to hug Gen only for her to move back giving a scowl.

"Don't come in here acting like we're friends. Who invited her?" Everyone turns to look with no one admitting to it. Gen looks between her brothers, mother, grandmother, aunts, and cousins. Someone had to give the address up.

"Felicity would like to have a conversation with you," her grandmother, Evelyn, speaks up.

"And it won't be happening tonight. It's my birthday. She can pick any other day, but not today. You can leave. Thank you," Gen motions to the door. Felicity doesn't budge. "Unless you came with a check for buying me out of the company... What's the hold up on finalizing that? If not get the fuck out. Respect my wishes and my boundaries. I'm not negotiating. I entertained that weak ass conversation in Miami. I'm not doing it again."

Felicity clears her throat feeling embarrassed with all the eyes on her. "I came to apologize," she says with a lowered head.

"I can't hear you," Gen cups her ear. "Huh? What? You have something you want to say to me? Better yet, you have something you want to show me? An empty engagement finger? Where's that Cracker Jack box ass ring?"

"You don't have to be a bitch. I know you saw what happened..." Felicity huffs shifting weight between hips. She's clearly trying to hide her hand because she's still wearing the ring even though Caprice publicly called the engagement off.

"You can still wear it though. I know he probably got installment plans on it, but engagement rings are gifts. You can keep it until it's repossessed. Might as well because I'm sure you'll get back with him like always. We all know the ring was only an installment plan to buy him another year of you holding down his bullshit anyway. I hope he doesn't miss a payment," Gen gets it off her chest.

"I feel like there's a lot of miscommunication amongst you two. There's a lot of outside influences ruining you two communicating one on one," their Aunt Keitha speaks up.

"What? Y'all broke up now you wanna crawl back?" Gen crosses her arms over her chest. "If she insists on staying here I will leave my own party."

"That's not necessary. Just leave, Tink," Magenta's mother tries to guide Felicity to the door, but she won't move.

"I need to talk to my sister."

Magenta smacks her lips. "Where's the bathroom? I need a minute before I whoop her ass." Gen walks off and her Aunt follows to make sure she's okay.

Tempest tries to talk Felicity into leaving, but she refuses. This whole time Gee was making sure everything's squared away for tonight. When he walks back in the tension in the air is thick. "What's going on?" He asks noticing Magenta's sister. She definitely wasn't on the guest list.

Choice tells him what's happening and Gee walks up to Felicity. "You can't be here. You gotta go. You don't wanna leave willingly, I'll have security escort you out," he says straight up.

"You need to stay out of it," Tink puts her hand in his face.

"I don't have to stay out of anything. You showed up at the dinner I threw for my girl. I have every right to ask you to leave."

"You need to lower your voice and not talk to me like that. Why are you even talking to me? This is between my sister and I."

Gee screws up his face because he's very calm. She's trying to provoke him into actually getting aggressive. Choice is about to say something, but Gee looks at him and laughs. "I got this. I'm talking because she can't do that freely with you without certain emotions arising. You're not about to come in here triggering shit. You've been a person who contributed to your sister's pain over the past months. You comin' in here tryna re-open a wound that's not even healed. I'm the one dealing with her emotions. I think I have the right to speak."

"I don't appreciate a grown ass man even trying to tell me about my family. You barely came back into the picture. What right do you have as a boyfriend? A hoodlum, thug, felon shouldn't be all in my face being hostile," Felicity grits.

Gee laughs under his breath wiping over his face. If he didn't know himself that could've flipped a switch. "If I'm all'at what's your boyfriend, fiancé, ex, whatever? You've been hostile towards your sister for months. Let's talk about people being hostile. Did you not call your sister a liar? Did you not take the side of her rapist?"

"Y'all mad at me like I'm Caprice. You were a whole drug dealer and you got so much shit to say about my ex and judging him. Nobody's absolved of mistakes!"

"Mistakes?!" Gee scoffs.

Nobody even realized Magenta came back from the bathroom. Like a bat out of hell she approaches her sister. Gee stops her from getting too close as she says with a pointed finger, "First of all, don't address him. How the hell are you looking down on anybody as if you don't know why the Daddy you love so much is in prison. Act like you know you wouldn't have a damn degree if it wasn't for 'drug dealers'. But rape?! Save it. I'm so good off you."

"Twinkle, come on. She's trying to apologize," one of their cousins interjects.

"I did a lot to suppress myself in this family, but my feelings won't be invalidated. That'll be to my own detriment. I'm speaking up for myself and setting my boundaries.. Anybody who has a problem with it can leave right along with Felicity."

"Whatever. Everyone saw I tried," Felicity yanks her arm from the security who's ready to show her out. They all watch her leave and Magenta motions for them to sit at the dinner table as if nothing happened.

Thirty minutes later, what happened before the party even started is a distant memory. She's ready to eat and drink, especially since there's a personalized menu. Magenta's all smiles despite one of the seats being empty from Pandora's missing presence.

Chandrika walks around the table leaning down to whisper to Gen, "Pandora's here."

"Okay. Tell her ass to come in."

"She said she needs to talk to you first." With a huff Gen gets up from the table following ChaCha to where Pandora is...

"Bitch, you're late," Gen doesn't waste time. She also wants to point out empty-handed.

"But I'm here."

"You come strolling in late acting like this is a pit-stop to whatever else you want to do tonight. What is it?"

"Uh, I wanted to let you know I invited Kross to the after-party. Is that okay?"

"You come here late-" she reiterates. "And the first thing you mention is that nigga instead of a reason, excuse, or happy birthday?"

"Happy birthday! Is that going to be a problem?"

"I don't care as long as he doesn't bring bullshit." As soon as it leaves her mouth she regrets it.

Pandora hugs her saying, "Let's turn up!"

Once dinner's over music is turned on and most people are dancing. Magenta laughs at her mother and Gee's mother getting along perfectly. From the moment they were introduced they agreed they're future in-laws getting along as if they've known one another for years.

Most parents would've been frowning their face up at a song like Bacc On It by Icewear Vezzo playing. Not Tempest. With Cortlen hyping her up she's the center of attention. She waves the blue bandana in her hand that came from Cortlen's head that was under his Dodgers hats.

Magenta shakes her head as Tempest throws up a C. "Yeah, Ma!" Cort laughs living for it. Temp makes it clear what she was into back in the day. Gen chuckles because that's the mom she knew growing up.

"Fuck squashin' beef, I'm back on it, yeah!" Gee raps as him and Gen stand in a corner watching everyone else dance. "Your mama a gangsta."

"I used to be scared as hell of my mama. I rather run away then get in trouble with that bitch," she covers her mouth and looks around as if her mom will pop up from behind them. She's been drinking and it slipped out.

"You going to hell," Gee points like a kid who's going to tattletale.

"My mama was hell. My mama was such a little gang banger both of my brothers first and middle names start with C."

"You lyin'?"

"Cortlen Carmelo and Choice Corleone."

Gee busts out laughing, "That's hard. I fuck with it. I think Snoop Dogg did that." Glancing at Pandora across the room he asks, "Y'all good?"

They both observe Pandora who's dancing on Colby. Despite her picking Kross over him it's clear she didn't completely drop Jux.

Gen shrugs. "I don't even know. I'm not trippin' though. Thanks for putting this together for me."

"You deserve it," he kisses her temple as they hold onto one another tightly. For the next few minutes they're in their own little world talking.

"Where the hell is the birthday girl?" Her Aunt Treasure shouts realizing she's missing.

Looking around they spot her in the dark corner hugged up with Gee. They're not surprised. If she goes quiet in an event there's three reasons: she's with Gee, she's eating, or she's somewhere asleep. They're all glad to see her happy after being unlucky in love several times.

"TaTa!" One of her aunts yells the childhood nickname she always hated, but that finally gets her attention. "Girl, you didn't blow your candles out. You needa open gifts too."

They all sit back down and the cake is brought out. As they sing happy birthday to her she beams with a smile. She can't help but look up at Gee who stands over the table singing the loudest as if he has Whitney Houston vocals. Gen laughs at him and her brothers beating on the table making it drag on.

"Come on!" she clasps her hands together ready to make her wish.

"Make a wish!" Gee encourages her. Closing her eyes she blows out the candles.

Immediately everyone's passing bags and boxes wanting her to open their gift. It's crazy because Magenta's never really been into birthdays, but she appreciates the love.

After opening a couple Pandora says, "Me next." She hands Gen a wad of cash from her Birkin adding, "Have a ball." Everyone else is ooh'ing and ahh'ing except Gen who tries to hide her dissatisfied smile.

"Ohhh." She wants to ask, That's it? There's no thought that goes into a gift like this. Is she going to complain? No, but birthdays were always special to them. It's like she stopped at the bank real quick and got this because she forgot. It didn't even come with a card.

Gee gave her a lumpsum of money earlier, but it was for her to start investing in stocks. He gave her books about it weeks ago and has been teaching her. "Thanks," Gen says with a little disappointment as Pandora hugs her.

"Last but not least. Whatchu get her, my nigga?!" Choice already has his phone ready to record as Gee makes his way around the table to her side.

Genesis pulls out the jewelry box and as soon as it opens she starts crying. She looks at the diamond chain that has a '222' pendent. He didn't go overboard. It's simple and not too big knowing what she's like. At the same time, it's an upgrade from the gold necklace he got her in college.

"Your makeup!" ChaCha yells as if the tears didn't already start rolling. She's always so emotional and grateful. Meanwhile, Gee's cheesing from ear to ear while putting it around her neck. Men get so happy when they buy jewelry; it's cute.

He already bought so much stuff for her earlier she didn't expect much else. She got the princess treatment all day and she's loving it. It's even better because they're not substitutes for bad treatment and behavior. They're not 'I'm sorry' gifts. The material items match the actions.

Pandora high fives him on one hand and Cortlen daps him on the other. Magenta realized her exes must've been terrible because everyone loves Gee. "That ain't no middle of the Mall shit. That's straight from a Asian or Middle Eastern jeweler taking all our money. Hol' on!" Cort says loudly off a few drinks himself.

"Ooowee! Bust every piece, I'm back frozen," Choice raps fixing it on his sister's neck.

"She gon' jump off the dick, then back on it!" P says the next line getting too hype. "He gettin' it good tonight."

After the excitement dies a little everyone goes back to dancing because they have the venue another hour. Tempest takes that time to approach her daughter. "You having fun?" she asks her daughter.

"Of course. I see you clicked with Gee's mom," Gen looks at Misty across the room going down the Soul Train line they made.

"I see why Gee turned out so great. I was telling her she should come with me, my sisters, and cousins to the Bahamas. We're going on a cruise. She can come get her groove back," Tempest bumps her butt against Magenta's.

"I think she'd enjoy getting away," Gen nods. Tempest extends an envelope making her eyebrows furrow.

"Your father wanted me to give you this."

"My father? I didn't even know you still talk to him."

"Of course. I had four kids with the man. Y'all are grown now, so I don't necessarily have to talk to him. I accept his calls and visit from time to time. He saw you on the tv about the case..."

"Hm," is all she can let out deciding she'll open it later. All these years later Magenta still has no relationship with her father.

"You ever try talking to your Dad after that time he cancelled your visit?"

"Nah, I've thought about it though. I don't know. He was so upset I didn't visit, call, or write he didn't want to see me when I finally tried. If he could be that petty I convinced myself I didn't need to get to know him," she shrugs.

"Maybe you never gave him a fair chance from the jump."

"I just heard so much negative shit about him. You were in high school and he was older when y'all started dating. I remember overhearing you talking to granny about tryna leave him. You said he told you to your face he was only with you because he knew he could "mold" you into what he wanted."

"I didn't know you heard that," Tempest's eyebrows bounce up. She sighs, "We didn't know about 'grooming' back then. We looked at it as wanting a more mature guy."

"I hate those type of men," Gen admits. "Then he was cheating and left you to raise four kids alone."

"We had a part to play in things. Your father went to prison when you were two. You don't remember him or even know him. I think you should give him a chance. At least for your closure and healing. Read it, but I think you should visit him too," she points to the envelope.

Gen sighs, "My therapist told me I should talk to him, but I've been putting it off. Like I know he was probably broken and carrying baggage himself. I knew that the one time we went around his side of the family for that family reunion yearsss ago."

They both laugh. "If you think my side is a hot mess? Those Thomas' have us beat." Tempest rubs her daughter's back before hugging her. "Happy birthday. I'm gonna get your granny and your drunk ass aunties outta here."

It gets closer for them to get out of here and go to the after-party only for the people in their age group. Magenta had been drinking champagne the whole dinner, so when people start cheering for her to give a speech she tries to avoid it. "Speech, speech, speech!" They yell.

"Alright," Gen gives in. "I'ma little smizz right now," she slurs holding another glass of bubbly.

"Smacked!" Cortlen adlibs as they all laugh.

Leaning against Gee for support she says, "I just wanna thank you all for coming out and celebrating my day with me. It's been a crazy year, but it's nothing but up from here all 202- Bae, what year is it?"

"2022," he whispers to her.

"That! Nothing can bring me down. And the party doesn't stop, so if you wanna come to the club we're going all night."

Magenta assumed the night would continue going good, but of course she's wrong. She completely forgot she told Pandora that Kross could come to the after-party. She doesn't know why he insists on being around them knowing they don't fuck with him.

He came to the venue to meet up with them and ride to the next location. But also when he pulled up he saw Pandora giving Colby too warm of a goodnight. P and Jux were drunk with hands on asses and whispers in ears. Kross saw the whole thing.

Now as they ride to the club in an Uber Black, Kross and Pandora are arguing like cats and dogs. Gen wears a screw face looking out of the window wanting them to shut up. She sits in the second row with P, while Gee's in the front seat and Kross is on the third row.

Of course Pandora's talking crazy to Kross as if she wasn't in the wrong. Liquor always makes her combative on top of her having a reckless mouth regardless. The worst part is Kross likes that about her. He's the type to think you don't really fuck with him like that if you don't argue and do the most.

At some point in the argument P hops from the second row to the third to fight him. Gen doesn't know what happened, but maybe it's because he called her a bitch. Who knows. They're both drunk.

Now they're fighting like Ike and Tina Turner. It screams the epitome of a hood relationship. It reminds Gen of stuff both her and Pandora saw growing up in Dallas. There's a certain boundary that doesn't get crossed whenever they are "fighting", but it's still too much.

Pandora got a couple licks in before Kross grabs her arms and holds them. "Let my hands go!"

He doesn't, so she bites his face. "Why would you ever take those veneer dentures and do that?!" Kross hisses releasing her wrists.

With an annoyed face Magenta's eats the cheesecake from her leftovers container acting like she doesn't see what's going on. "You gonna stop them?" Gee looks back.

"I don't give a fuck."

"This is ridiculous. Pull the car over," Gee tells the driver who pulls to the side of the highway. "Y'all get out. Kross you sit in the front." Gee's already getting out of the car opening the backseat. Instead of them ceasing, they're still going at it. "Get out of the mutha fuckin' car!" Gee yells like he's someone's father.

Pandora gets out, but all she does is walk around the car and fling Kross' door open still trying to fight him. "Bro, get her!" Kross yells as P has him halfway dragged out of the car. He holds onto the grab handle above the door for dear life. He has to kick her back to keep her at a distance.

Frustrated Magenta hops down from the car too grabbing Pandora. "Are you really ruining my birthday like this?!"

"Did you not beat Amil's ass at my birthday?"

"Is it a competition?" She questions scoffing before saying, "What's your problem? Be a real bitch. Address the issue instead of being weird. We've always been there for each other. Always went all out for the other. Now you're acting funny. For you to disrespect my day is so flaw to me!"

"What's flaw?" Pandora starts to walk towards Magenta aggressively.

"Don't walk up on me. You know I'll go there with you," but she doesn't stop. Pandora mushes her back by her neck. Gen quickly gives her two knocks upside her head hoping to infuse some sense back in her.

"Ay!" Gee yells holding them apart pushing Magenta back into the guardrail.

He stands in between them as Gen says, "You done lost your everlasting mind, bitch. I'm not Kross. Back your ass up!"

Pandora looks shocked that Gen hit her. "Y'all need to calm down with y'all drunk asses."

"That bitch put her hands on me first. I'll hit her back every time. Quit playing with me."

"You got it. I don't wanna fight you," P begins picking up her things strewn on the side of the road from her purse falling out of the car.

"You're supposed to be the first bitch here. You should've been helping put the shit together. We've never missed each other's birthdays. Even when I was away at college and we lived in a different city-" Magenta gets off her chest.

"I didn't miss it. I showed up late and you're about to lose your mind," P downplays it.

"When it was your birthday I was there from beginning 'til end. Planned it and paid for it. But mine gets treated like an afterthought and we're best friends? That's fucked up!"

"You keepin' a count and tally of shit you do to throw it in my face? You did it from your heart, right? Since we're keeping score... When they destroyed my shop did you offer to pay for the damages? Considering this all stemmed from you. Did you send flowers or a gift to congratulate me on my second shop location like I did when you hit a million subscribers on YouTube? Did you think to plan me a grand opening party for my new store and already start planning for it in advance like my sister?" Gen's quiet. "I don't think so. I've done so much for you over the months and now you're upset because of one day. Might I add it turned out great thanks to Gee. I feel like the energy's not reciprocated and I have nothing to give right now. What happened to 'it's the thought that counts'?"

Magenta swallows knowing she hasn't been the best friend she can be. She's been preoccupied by other things. "People have other shit going on in their lives. It doesn't always revolve around you," P finishes it off.

"And this has nothing to do with him?" She glances at Kross.

"We don't fall out 'bout dick and that's not changing," P makes clear. "Like damn, be happy for me, bitch."

"You're happy as hell to be leaving and going to Miami."

"Leaving? I'm going to be back and forth. Why can't I be happy? You have Gee now. Choice moved to Houston. Cortlen's out of prison. You don't really need me anyway."

"What? I do need you. My feelings are hurt. You know I'm extra sensitive."

"And I get that, but I can't live my life catering to your feelings. Your feelings are always hurt. I'm not trying to come off as a bitch, but I have my own life to live. When you moved to Denton for college, I understood. You moved to Houston first and I eventually came. Now I have to go somewhere else because I have goals to accomplish just like you did. I think we need space to do our own thing."

"I don't wanna hear that... But I get it. And if I didn't say it before congratulations on your second store location. You deserve it," they hug.

"So, y'all having a heart to heart like I didn't get my ass beat?" Kross jeers looking at the red scratches on him from P's nails.

"Shut up," Pandora shoots towards him still hugging her friend. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put my hands on you."

That's Magenta and Pandora for you. They fight like sisters. The difference is she's willing to forgive because she's closer to her than her actual sister. They're literally like boys. Boys can physically fight then make up in seconds.

Pandora and Kross decide it'll be best if they go home. Meanwhile, Gee and Gen go to he club with the rest of her friends. In their section Gee watches her dance with a smile plastered on his face. Choice notices only giving a small smile too. He looks at her as if she's his world from every angle. Gee's glad to see she didn't let anything ruin her night.

"It's my birthday!" Magenta yells. She holds up her chain flexing it to the music making him laugh. Here's to 26...

The next day, Magenta's supposed to be packing for the trip her and Gee are taking. Instead she was tending to a hangover all day. And late at night she gets an unexpected call to pick someone up from the airport.

With her car parked on the curb of the correct terminal in arrivals, Gen sees who she's waiting on. Getting out of her car she hits the button for her trunk as Seven approaches. "I could've sworn your brother said to stay away from Houston," she watches him put a small suitcase into her car.

"Hello mutha fucka," he says to her lack of greeting making her chuckle. "It's supposed to be a surprise."

They both get in the car. "He'll be surprised alright. He's going to cuss your ass out. Me and him are supposed to be going on a baecation for my birthday," she pulls off.

"Y'all can still go. I have things I need to handle out here."

"He's not going to wanna go and leave you alone if you're here." She wants to ask him what he needs to do in Houston, but doesn't...yet.

Once out of the airport she drives closer to her house deciding to stop at gas station. Pulling up to a pump the Rob49 song comes to a stop as she cuts her car off and gets out. She hits the button for her gas tank taking her wallet from her Chanel purse.

Gen barely has the nozzle in her car before seeing a black car come to a screeching stop. Knowing robberies occur often she already had her gun sitting on the passenger seat just in case. Seeing the masked man in all black coming for her she doesn't freeze or hesitate. She reaches into her rolled down window grabbing her gun on the front seat.

"Wh-" Seven looks confused coming out of the gas station with a drink and candy.

"Get in the car and lock the door. Now!"

Seven does as told as she takes the safety off she shoots the first guy. Despite her shooting him in the leg and getting him down, the second man still comes at her. He tries to grab her to get in the car. He puts his arm around her neck jerking her around. Gen pushes the gun into his thigh pulling the trigger making him scream.

Watching him fall to the ground her eyes widen. With shaky hands she stops the gas pump that's still going, quickly putting it back in the holder. By the time she turns around another guy's coming towards her car on the side Seven's on.

"Seven, get down!" She yells. As soon as he ducks she shoots straight through the car as the man tugs on the passenger door handle. The bullet breaks the glass. She can't tell if the guy goes down from being hit or if he ducked on time.

Gen doesn't hesitate to jump in the car, and Seven reaches over starting the car. Before her leg's all the way in and the door's closed she has the car in drive. Slamming the door she turns the wheel all the way to the right with her left hand screeching off making sure not to hit the car in front of her.

"He's hanging onto the car!" Seven yells looking out of the shattered passenger window with a bullet hole. The man's holding onto the door handle for dear life being dragged against the concrete.

Magenta busts a hard left making him let go and roll into the street. Sitting up straight she pushes down on the gas as the engine on her Audi grows louder. "Shit." She hands the gun to Seven for him to put it in the glove box as she controls the wheel with one hand and holds her phone with the other.

Seeing her dialing three numbers Seven narrows his eyes, "What're you doing? Don't call 911!"

"I have to. Gas stations have cameras. It'll be on the news and they'll be looking for who's involved."

"Then let them come to us when the time comes," he grabs her phone from her grip.

"It was self-defense!" By the look in his eyes she gets it. "Who the fuck was that?"

"Fade's people."

"I thought so," she smacks her lips. A tear involuntarily falls and when she wipes her face she notices blood on her hand. It must've come from the guy she shot in the thigh. The blood smears on her face and she sees her hands shaking. "I need you to drive," she says clearly shaken up.

They pull over briefly and switch places getting on the highway. Seven knew he needed to start explaining... "The weekend y'all went to the Super Bowl, Fade showed up to my college threatening me and shit. Held me at gunpoint and took my phone to get Gee's location. That's where that random fight with the rapper came from. They were supposed to beat up Choice and bring his chain back to Fade for bragging rights. Also, a warning. It didn't work out that way cause all his people got shot."

"You talked to Gee after that and said nothing."

"Fade's been trying to get me to set Gee up for weeks by giving him a location on him. He said it's either me or him. Save my own ass or my brother get killed. I've been stalling. I'm not about to give my brother up."

"Why the hell would you come back to Houston knowing this? You should've stayed at school!"

"Because I'm going to handle it myself."

"Are you stupid, boy? You up against Fade who's backed by Big Bleak and his crew by yourself?"

"I have a plan. I'ma handle it then go right back to school. And I don't need you tellin' Gee until I get it done."

"You want me to not tell my man his little brother's in trouble? A life or death situation? If something happens to you he'd never forgive me and I'd never forgive my damn self."

"Then help me..."

The Next Day...

Driving one of Gee's cars, Seven pulls into a cemetery. The gravel under the tires of the Charger crunch as his heartrate picks up. Coming to a stop he pulls next to a purple Jeep Trackhawk. It's night and only a light post and their headlights give them a glow in the field surrounded by trees. Seven looks at all the headstones surrounding them getting an eerie feeling.

He rolls his window down and multiple windows on the Jeep lower too. Smoke breathes out and Fade who has a blunt in his hand stares into Seven. "I've been lookin' for you, boy."

"I know."

Seven looks at his phone in his lap because it's vibrating. It's Magenta calling him again, but he hits the ignore button. She's calling to try and find him. She told him she'd help with the Fade situation, but in Seven's eyes she's taking too long. He decided to do this on his own like he initially planned.

He puts his phone in the cupholder then glances at the gun in his lap. He subtly reaches for it not wanting to alert Breon of any sudden movement. He grabs it into his hand taking it off safety.

For the next 15 minutes he keeps Fade talking as they engage in conversation. He's mostly convincing Fade that he's going to actually help set up his brother. He even gives a full breakdown with a plan how Fade can get him when he's leaving for his trip with Magenta tomorrow.

Seven grows anxious as he holds the gun in hand on his lap. He's trying to build the courage to just up it and shoot, but can't. In his head he's trying to convince himself it's the right thing to do. He wants you or your brother dead. Just do it. But he also thinks about potentially getting caught and going to prison for a very long time.

Letting out a deep breath he begins to raise his hand. But when he looks at Breon in his car, Seven squints his eyes. Fade's so high and lax in his leaned back seat he doesn't see what's coming...

Seven can see a dark figure coming from the shadows. A normal person would warn Fade, but he says nothing. He's stuck his damn self. Watching a man in all black approach Breon whose head is laid back on the headrest with his eyes closed rapping along to the music.

Before Fade even notices the unknown figure coming his way, the man's lifting a gun and shooting him from the driver's side. Point blank.

Seven's paralyzed with fear watching the man come towards his car next. "What the fuck?" he whispers to himself.

With a hand covered in a black glove whoever this is taps it against the glass of his window. It's not until the man lifts his ski mask and unveils his face that Seven rolls it down. It's Magenta's brother, Choice.

"My sister got your location off your brother's phone. What the fuck are you doin'? Why didn't you tell someone where you were going? Better yet what you're doing?" Choice looks at the gun in his lap.

"I wanted to end this," Seven says faintly. He looks passed Choice seeing Fade's head slumped over with a blank stare.

"That wasn't your job to do. I wanted to pull the trigger. I owed him that. He used to always say how I wasn't a killer, a shooter. He always said what I'm not. He thought he had me figured out. He assumed I was weak because I didn't display brute force 24/7. Look who got the last laugh."

Seeing Seven staring at Breon's lifeless body in a trance he steps in his line of vision. "Fade uses everyone. Don't lose any sleep over this, kid. Give me your gun."

Seven hands it over and Choice reaches into Fade's car rolling up the passenger window. He shoots it out aiming to make sure the bullet doesn't hit Breon's body. He then walks around the car putting the gun he used to shoot Fade in his hand making it look like a suicide.

Choice walks back over to Seven's car giving him his gun back. "This is what you're going to tell the police," he says before giving instructions.

Once Choice leaves like a thief in the night Seven calls 911 putting his acting skills to use. "I need help. My friend just shot himself in the head in front of me. There's so much blood!" he says dramatically.

Seven now stands on the outside of his car. He looks at Fade feeling like he's going to be sick to his stomach. Breon's head has a hole in it right on the temple.

"Is he breathing, speaking, or moving?" The dispatcher begins their usual list of a million questions.

It takes 20 minutes for the paramedics and the police to arrive. Once they arrive Breon's pronounced dead and the police are questioning Seven.

"We were talking. He started to say stuff about how he didn't want to be here anymore. Before I knew it he rolled his window up and locked his doors putting the gun to his head. I tried to talk to him through the glass, but then he pulled the trigger. I had to shoot out the passenger window to get the door unlocked and open," he explains sticking the story Choice told him to use.

"Do you know why he'd be suicidal?" The officer asks.

"He had a lot going on, I guess. He was fresh out of prison. He couldn't find a job with his record and people judging him. Multiple kids to take care of. I think he had too much on his plate and couldn't take it anymore."

"What's your relation to this individual?"

"We're friends... My friend, man," Seven pretends to break down pulling the collar of his shirt up to his eyes.

Right at that moment, Gee pulls up after Seven called him. He pushes his way through trying to get to his brother. "Sir, you can't-"

"That's my brother," they let him through. "That's it. I think that's enough questions for the night," Gee urges already putting his hand on his brother's shoulder to steer him away from them.

"He seems a bit too shaken up to drive himself home. Take him home and maybe come get his car in the morning. Make sure to lock it up. Don't be surprised if he's called for questioning."

As they walk towards Gee's car he whispers, "What did you do?"

"I had to." Once they get in the car it's silence as they ride home. As soon as they enter Genesis' home, Magenta runs down the stairs. "Thank God! I've been calling you," she pushes Seven's arm. "What the hell happened?"

"Fade is dead," Gee stares into Seven. "Someone needs to explain!"

"He wanted me to help set you up. He was planning to have you and Choice killed," his brother blurts out. "Then the other night some dudes ran up on us at a gas station, so clearly he wanted me dead to. Something had to be done."

"Us?" Gee looks confused.

Gen makes a face at Seven for spilling the beans. "I handled it," she says quietly. "I shot the guys and got us out of there."

"So whose plan was tonight?"

Seven and Gen speak at the same time, but Magenta's louder. "I told him to tell you. He wanted to do it alone. I told him I wouldn't feel right if I didn't say anything. When I noticed him gone, I got his location and sent my brother."

"And Choice killed him," Seven admits.

"You went behind my back. Both of you. I literally just told you how I was going to handle this," he looks at Gen. "You should've told me about the guys at the gas station. You damn sure should've told me about my brother deciding to go kill a nigga! What the fuck were you two thinking?! You put your life at risk," he turns his attention to Seven.

"Sorry," Magenta mumbles.

"And if it's not clear, trip cancelled. We're not going any damn where," Gee already heads back up the stairs.

Magenta stomps her foot looking at Seven with a glare then at the packed bags by the door. "I told you. Now your brother's mad at me," she crosses her arms over her chest.

"He's dead, right?"

Gen breathes out. "You're okay though?" He nods. "You need to get rid of those clothes and where's the gun? Take a shower too."

"I know the program," he heads up the stairs next. As soon as he enters the bathroom connected to the room he pulls his shirt off. Looking in the mirror, Seven wears an aloof stare. He examines himself before reaching over to turn on hot shower water.


Thoughts on Magenta's birthday? Felicity showing up? How Pandora was acting?

Seven coming back to Houston & trouble following? Fade getting killed, finally?

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