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Sitting in the airport, Magenta and Genesis wait on their flight after spending a few days in New York City. Before they go to Ohio for NBA All-Star Weekend they're making a pitstop in Kentucky since they have a few days. Gee hasn't been home since Thanksgiving and before that his father's funeral. It's overdue for him to visit his mother, Misty.

With her AirPods in, Magenta stares at her MacBook screen on Facetime with her therapist. "That's a completely natural response to trauma," she says after Gen detailed the flashback she had.

The thought of it not being Caprice after going through all this, she needed to tell someone. She couldn't ignore it. She wouldn't feel right. To willfully forget or brush it off is the same as lying to herself and everyone. She's seen too many times someone go to prison for something they didn't do. She wants to get rid of all doubt for her own sake.

"When bad things happen, sometimes the brain doesn't process the memory correctly. So memories can feel like they're happening now and they shift. The face could've been a manifestation of everything you've been through creating this monster of all the victim blaming you've endured," her therapist goes on making her sigh in relief.

"And if still in doubt, call the D.A. on your case. Obviously, one flashback doesn't ruin the entire case. That's not hardcore physical evidence like what they have. Just ask if they have any possibilities of it being anyone else."

Magenta already called the D.A. on the case yesterday asking as many questions that can be answered with the trial right around the corner. The District Attorney made it clear they believe they have substantial evidence to support the charges and allegations brought against Caprice. That includes DNA, phone records, and the video retrieved from his phone. They matched the tattoos on the arm in the video to Caprice's. They also don't believe it could possibly be more than one person. Now it's a matter of proving the sex was nonconsensual in the court of law.

Now that she's been reassured by two people, she needs to work on getting rid of these flashbacks and body memories. She just wants to be normal again.

"Why do I keep having these flashbacks and dreams?" she asks her therapist.

"You may think you've done all the work needed to be done. That you've healed and moved on, but your body remembers. Respect that memory, no matter what form it comes in. The trauma wasn't only emotional, it's also internal. Healing comes from being open and honest. You need to acknowledge it then true healing can begin. That's the first step."

"I thought I was doing that. I have my therapy sessions with you, go to group counseling, I journal, the attunement, I do everything I'm being told."

"And that's great, but it doesn't happen overnight. It's only been 6 months since it happened. The first year is the hardest. I commend you for not ignoring the flashbacks by telling me."

"True," she nods looking at Gee who's on Facetime as well. His conversation is drastically different as he tells Choice about the helicopter ride wearing a big smile. He's been telling everyone who will listen about it.

"Start by reminding yourself and your body about the most important fact: I survived. It's over. It won't happen again. I'm in control. I want to live now free of trauma."

"What about when I'm actually having a body memory?"

"You have to talk yourself through the flashback. Tell yourself it's okay. I'm going to send you more information. I'd also suggest sharing it with your partner. From what you told me based on this last attempt and with your ex, I'd avoid missionary. It's most likely triggering because that's the position you were in during the assault. Sometimes you have to—"

Gen slightly tunes out fiddling with her ankle bracelet as her legs are folded in the seat. She looks at Gee who moved a few seats down so his conversation wouldn't distract her. Seeing he's still busy talking and not paying her any mind she decides to tell her therapist about her self-harming a few weeks ago. Gen also tells her she doesn't have time to go into detail. Not with Gee so close by and she hasn't told him yet. She doesn't want him to overhear. So they decide to schedule a session for once she gets back to Houston. Her therapist did tell her that the self-harming thoughts would stop when her mental state improves.

Not too long after she ends the call Gee also gets off the phone. He immediately slides across the seats to be next to her again. "Are you gonna tell everyone about that damn helicopter ride?"

"Hell yeah! Gotta let my niggas know about some different experiences now that we outta the hood."

She chuckles putting her arm around his shoulder before kissing him. "I have to find time to upload what I recorded during it to my laptop. I said I was going to start vlogging on top of the videos of my healing journey, but I haven't even uploaded any of them. I'm too scared."

"Might as well. Everyone knows about it being you in the case, so they know what you're going through now. You might help someone who's going through something similar."

"True," she thinks on it. Being that vulnerable and transparent on the internet is scary. Regardless of if she uploads them, recording herself talking and getting her thoughts out is therapeutic. After yawning she says, "You've really had me in 3 different states in less than a week. You're running me ragged."

"What do you think I do when working? You got spoiled not knowing how much I travel. You got holiday, beginning of the new year, me. Now everything's back in motion."

Right on time they're calling to begin boarding the flight. After two hours they land in Louisville taking a car to his mother's house. As soon as they step down from the Chevy Suburban the front door to the home opens with Misty coming out.

Like expected his mother hugs Magenta first. Instead of complaining, Gee simply stands back as they enjoy being reunited. Misty has been waiting a long time on this day considering she still talked to Magenta throughout the years. She always liked Gen.

"I missed you," Misty gives one last squeeze before letting go. "I knew you two would make up eventually," she hugs her son next.

"You didn't know that," he playfully looks upside her head as she pats his arm.

"Yes, I did. I have women's intuition." She motions for them to follow her inside and they do. Misty goes to the kitchen opening the oven to check on the food she has cooking. "I cooked, but it'll be another twenty. How are you?" she asks coming from the kitchen into the living room. She wears this concerned look making Magenta know what she's getting at.

Even people who aren't big into social media know about the case. Misty was shocked seeing Magenta's name and face plastered on tv.

"Fine," she gives a content smile keeping it simple. "You?"

"I'm making it day by day," she gives the usual response with a sigh. It's obvious they're both not fine, but they don't want to ruin the mood. Misty's still in the process of grieving Genaro and has been for months. One day she's fine, another she's not. "So, y'all are finally together?" she asks the question she's been itching to get out since they pulled up. The nosiness in her can't help it.

Gen and Gee both look at each other realizing the conversation hasn't been had. There's been so much going on it wasn't the first thing on their mind. They talked about whether they both still want this in L.A. after they argued, but the topic hasn't been revisited. They both felt like Valentine's day made their decision clear.

At the same time, it's not the best thing to assume you and another person are still on the same page. They both agreed to take it slow, but how slow? They both just got out of relationships with other people, so are they ready to get into a new one? They definitely need to discuss it. Because if not they don't need to waste one another's time.

"Ohh," Misty gets it. "It's a situationship... again."

"I wouldn't say that," Gee starts to explain. "We're not trying to jump in a relationship with the mindset to figure it out along the way. We rather do that first."

"Been there, done that. Once I look up I realize I don't even like or know the person I'm with. Yes, we knew each other in the past, but we're different," Gen chimes in.

"We're actually figuring out what we want in life as a whole and together at the same time."

"I'm still tryna figure out what happened with the last one," Misty can't help but be shady. "Mm, the one you never wanted to introduce to me. What's her name?" she snaps.

"You didn't like her anyway," Gee laughs.

"I don't like half the girls you date. I need you two to make this happen. It'll make me very happy. If you wanna be with someone, be with 'em. Don't wait until it's too late. Trust me, I know," she refers to herself and Genaro.

The entire time that they've been talking Magenta was looking at all the picture frames she has on a display. Picking up one that has a personalized picture frame with Genaro and Misty's initials she smiles. They wear matching outfits in front of a car holding hands. She chuckles noticing Gee's father had a gold tooth.

"Look at y'all," Gen says cheerfully.

"It's cute that y'all have the same initials as me and ya Daddy. G and M."

"I didn't even realize," Gee replies.

Misty gives him a smile saying under her breath, "Meant to be," before going back to the kitchen to get the food out of the oven. Once it's cooled down she comes back with two plates extending one to Magenta.

"You didn't have to. I could've got up."

"I wanted to. Here, eat this. You're losin' a little too much weight."

"Am I?" she looks down at herself before taking the plate.

"Mama," Gee gives her a look.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't bring up people's weight. You don't know what someone's going through... But as a woman, I've been there before. I'm there right now," she admits.

"No, you're right. I haven't really had an appetite lately. Everything I eat makes me feel sick. In the words of my mother, I'm lookin' a little po'." Gen and Gee both look at each other and laugh in sync having the same thought. They often argue about who talks more country. Gen swears she doesn't because she's from the city as if she's still not from the South.

"You still look great. That's that depression. It'll have you not eating and the pounds falling right off. It's either that or stress eating too much." Gen nods already on her second bite. Sometimes you need a home-cooked meal not fixed by your hands.

After eating, Magenta spends the next hour talking to Misty. She doesn't know what it is about Gee's mother that made her tell everything with no hesitation. Maybe because she's an outsider who can't have any biased thoughts.

"Sometimes your enemy can live in your very house," Misty gives the advice after Gen gave an account of what happened with her sister, Felicity, even going back to childhood. "I had to tell Gee that when he brought that lady up in this house with that baby. I'm so glad that damn child wasn't his," she says before telling Gen what happened play by play.

Gen wears an amused smile enjoying the animated story. He groans because she never lets him live down the situation with Trinidad. "How are you gossiping and giggling about you sneaking to get a DNA test done?"

"I was right, wasn't I? Mama knows best. I saved you 18 long years of torture. I'll say, I'm not the oldest... But I could use some grandkids. Gen, if you're willing to spare your uterus. I won't mind," she says bluntly making Magenta choke and laugh at the same time.

"I'm already regretting this visit," Gee shakes his head.

"I'm kidding... I'm not, kinda."

"You should come to my birthday next month," Gen licks the spoon after finishing the dessert Misty made. "I'm acting like I know if anyone's planning anything for me. Regardless, you should come to Houston on my birthday. If I don't do anything I'll still be with family, most likely. It'll be nice for you to be there."

"Yeah, I can do that," Misty nods.

"You and Ms. Tempest in the same room?" He laughs trying to picture it.

Magenta gets up taking her dishes to the kitchen making sure to wash them and whatever else is in the sink. She pauses in confusion because her phone's blowing up with notifications. She dries her hands and unlocks her phone seeing she's being tagged by a bunch of people in blogposts.

Apparently, Caprice and Felicity are engaged in a big social media blowup. How when he's still in a California county jail? He must've got a phone.

Magenta's able to gather Caprice called off the engagement after posting a video of Felicity kissing another rapper. He accused her of cheating on him while he's in jail. It came with a slew of tweets calling her every bitch and hoe under the sun. Once again his drama is being broadcasted to social media.

He's saying how much he loved her, meanwhile Felicity's rebuttal is he's acting like a victim considering he's cheated on her all throughout their relationship. She also brings up how she's been paying his lawyer fees, paid his bail that's now forfeited to the court because he violated his conditions, and how his cars are in her name. Tink even threatens that he'll come home to nothing when she takes her name off everything and sells it.

Your whole life is in my name, one tweet from Felicity reads.

Another says, I went against my entire family & my sister for you. This is the thanks I get?

To top it all off, Caprice's last tweet is him doxing her. For his millions of followers to see he posts Felicity's address and phone number telling them to 'have fun.'

The way he's handling Felicity on the internet trying to publicly embarrass her is no different with the shit he's tried to pull on Magenta. The only difference is he's supposed to 'love' her and wanted to marry her. She'd say Felicity knows how Gen feels now, but Caprice has been humiliating her since they got together.

This will either be a wake up call for her sister to stop being degraded and demeaned or another regularly scheduled episode of their on and off again relationship. Gen can't say she feels bad for her sister. Misty just said karma would come back around to everyone and it must be starting...

On Monday, Caprice's associates who had warrants began turning themselves in one by one. That included Amil, a security guard, and two of his close friends. Now they're waiting to be formally charged and have their arraignment to know if they'll get bail.

After finishing doing the dishes, Magenta sits back down in the living room with Gee and Misty who are talking. Not interrupting she only listens, "I still think we should turn your father's house into another rental property. We already moved all his stuff into storage. It's just sitting over there empty. Since you paid it off for him it's yours," Misty explains to him.

"Yeah, I wanted to let Seven have it. When he's older and more responsible. Imagine giving an 18-year-old a paid off house."

"He'd tear that mutha fucka up," Misty laughs. "You can rent it out and he gets the money. That way he has easy, passive income while in college. He won't have to worry about money since he can't work between being busy with football and school."

He thinks on it nodding his head. "That's a good idea. If I had that when I was in college... I never would've sold one drug."

"Exactly. Then you don't have to worry about him getting in trouble again. And the house is still in the family as opposed to selling it. If he wants it later he can take it off the rental market."

"That's smart," Gee rubs his face. "Do you still have all the paperwork for my management company?"

"Yeah. Locked up in my filing cabinet," she points. "Why?"

"I'll tell you later. I might need you to do something for me. In a month to six weeks, I'll need you to come to Atlanta with that paperwork," he keeps it vague. Magenta can tell it has to do with Kross. She wonders what he has up his sleeve.

"Alright, just let me know," Misty looks confused, but agrees.

"We're finna go to the cemetery. Put some flowers on Daddy's grave and check into the hotel." Gee nods motioning for Magenta to come with him, so she does.

Leaving in one of his mother's cars they head for their destination. "I gotta stop to talk to the guy who's the coach of my pop warner team," Gee says as if Magenta knows what direction he's going in the first place.

"You have a football team?" It seems like every other day she finds out he has his hands in something else. "That's cute."

"Keeps kids out of trouble. Maybe one of them will actually take it far and do what I never could," he shrugs as they pull up to a house. A guy walks from the porch up to Gee's window as he rolls it down.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Magenta preoccupies herself with her phone as the two men talk. She minds her business until they begin discussing Kross after the guy brings him up. "Yeah, I haven't talked to Kross in a year, but he called me out of the blue trying to have an hour long conversation. That nigga don't even come back to Kentucky like you. Not even for his sick mother. Don't do shit for the neighborhood or community."

"He called you?" Gee asks with furrowed brows.

"He asked me about your brother, Seven... How is he? I know he was wildin' after your Pops passed."

"He's good. What'd he ask?"

"If he was back in Kentucky and who he was staying with. I'm like, how the fuck would I know? I figured he'd know better than me. I thought he was down in Texas with y'all." When Gee tells him how he and Kross fell out the guy isn't surprised. "I been stopped fuckin' with him. He stole my Jordan's senior year."

Gee laughs. "You never let that shit go."

"Hell nah. He had me walking back from football period barefoot. Helped me look for them in the locker room, whole time he's the one who took 'em. Nigga been a fake bitch. Hope you figure everything out with your business though."

They dap before Gee pulls off once again. It's quiet until he speaks up to say, "I need to tell you something..."


"The last night we were in L.A. it was us who got into that fight with the rapper. The one where those 4 guys got shot," he stares straight at the road not being able to look at Magenta.

Sitting up in her seat she takes it in. "Us?"

"Me and your brothers. They were jumping Choice and trying to take his chain. Then Cortlen-" he looks at her not wanting to say aloud he shot them, but she catches his drift.

"So, you lied?"

"Cortlen told us not to tell y'all, but you should probably know before we get back to Houston."

"Don't listen to that nigga if he tells you not to tell me. Because guess what? You do some shit around him you're not supposed to, he's going to tell me. Bro code gets thrown out of the window when it comes to his siblings. And for future reference my brothers can't save you from me," she forewarns him.

He tries not to laugh at her small voice despite the little anger trying to brew. "And what you gonna do?"

"I'm serious. They can't help you when we're arguing because you decide to lie for them," Gen's face is full of attitude.

"See, you goin' too far. You can't stay mad at me long anyway. Not long enough to leave me alone," he waves her off. "My mama never left me and I pissed her off way more than you."

"What?" she ends up cracking in laughter. "I ain't ya mama. I'm not putting up with what she did. She birthed you, not me."

"You gon' birth my kid though. How you gonna birth my kid if you leave me?"

Taken aback she chuckles. "Your mother's rubbing off on you. You're going way off topic. What the hell happened? I'm confused on why some up and coming rappers would want Choice's chain," she tries to make sense of it.

"They're signed to Big Bleak. The guy who my brother stole the drugs from."

"You paid him his money though. I thought everything was squared away."

"Those guys also run around with Fade. I'm sure he put them up to this."

"He won't let this shit go," she huffs.

"I meannn," Gee moves his head side to side thinking, I did have him shot at two months ago. "My past is catching up to me. I'm trying to prepare you for this. We talk about everything. Life and death, even beyond that. I can't leave you in the dark with what I got going on."

"What're you saying? Nobody's going to hurt you."

"You gotta be in reality, Gen. He's coming for me hard and I brought that on myself with the way I was livin'."

"I know," she sighs. "My biggest fear is someone taking you after I finally got you back in my life. You were living fast back then, but now that you're not... Why can't things be normal?"

"You helped me develop the mindset I have now and it kept me going in this world. Selling drugs, that didn't make me a man. You made me want better and more out of life. You made me wanna leave the streets alone. I know I never told you that. I know it didn't seem like that because I kept doing shit–"

"This is sounding like a last speech before something bad happens and I don't like that," she interrupts feeling worse by the second.

"I just needed you to know that. You were there when nobody was. You were the one person who never wanted shit from me. Maybe that's why I made it my business to always look out for you. Even if it was only buying your food at the movies in college. That was me giving you the world when I could. Staying free and staying alive, that's what means the most to me now. If I have to take someone out to ensure that... I need you to understand."

"I don't like this. You already have the investigation. You still don't know if they're going to make you serve time. I don't want you doing anything that further jeopardizes everything you worked so hard for. You can beat a skunk, but is it worth the stank?"

"What am I supposed to do? Let him keeping coming at me, us? I don't need you judging–"

She holds up her hand. "I'm not judging. I never judged you. That's one thing I never did. I never wanted you to be anything but yourself, which deep down I knew was more. Stooping to Fade's level does nothing for anyone. We can leave Houston and go somewhere else," she tries to reason with him.

"You can't run from problems your whole life."

"Okay," she breathes out. "You gotta do what you gotta do to make sure you stay safe. I need you to come back to me. Finish it," she looks directly at him. He nods leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Thank you for being honest with me."

"No problem," he turns once the light changes green. That was the perfect time for her to offer her truth about her cutting. Instead her lips are sealed as he stops at a store to get flowers.

Ten minutes later they're arriving at a cemetery. Both getting out they walk across the grass and Gee stops at his friend Jahquez's burial spot first. His headstone has a football etched into he granite with his jersey number of 22. Magenta stands back as he brushes off any leaves putting the blue roses in the attached flower vase.

"Shit is crazy," he looks at the birthdate and death date. "So many of my niggas dead or in jail."

Gen could always tell Gee suffered from survivor's guilt. And it's been coming in heavy with the situation with Fade coming back. If you already feel like you don't deserve to be here, you do things to speed it up. She'd hate to see him regress back into that mind frame.

With her hands in the pockets of her coat she allows him to have his moment quietly. The frosty weather nips at her skin. Squatting down Gee says in a hushed tone, "Quez, I need you to tell me something. Send me a sign. If Kross had something to do with you getting killed–" He stops himself standing up walking back to Gen. Much like the air, his face wears a coldness.

She follows him to his father's headstone next that's a couple sections over. Seeing his monument it actually hits Magenta that he's gone. Gee telling her the first time they sat down after all those years it never really registered.

A sadness washes over her as Gee does the same thing he did for Quez's gravestone. He gets rid of any debris putting the flowers in the right spot. "My Mama told me if her flowers are gone my auntie's and them been up here. They've been arguing ever since he got put in the ground. Apparently, they come and take any flowers she puts and replace them with theirs," Gee does a small laugh shaking his head.

"Family can never act right when someone passes," Gen mumbles.

"If I tell my Mama, she's gonna call my aunt all types of heifers, bitches, and muh fuckas. I'ma lie and say her flowers were still here." The longer he stares at the headstone the more his smile fades. "Still can't believe they took you from me," he wipes over his face.

"I can wait in the car and give you a moment by yourself," she offers.

"No, you can stay." His eyes practically beg, so she doesn't move a muscle and stays by his side. Gee always talks to his father when no one's around. It might seem crazy because obviously no one's talking back. Right now is no different as he starts telling his father his feelings..

"I feel good, but I'm hurting," he starts. "It feels weird talking and you not responding. God knows you were gonna say what you feel. Even when I didn't ask. You had a mouth on you," he chuckles. "I know you thought I wasn't listening or cared, but I heard every word. I love you. I apologize for everything I ever did wrong. You were always pushing me to do better. Seven's lost. I'm lost, but everything gon' be good. I get everything now. No matter how much someone else told me, now I'm telling it to myself."

Magenta can feel her eyes getting watery, but she holds it in. She knows how bad he's hurting. And nobody can take that from him as bad as you want to. She knows that feeling even if they're on two different planes.

"I feel like when he died I embodied his whole aura. I never met a nigga like him. Most solid, stand up man I ever met. After he died, it was the first time I thought there ain't no God."

For the past couple of months Gee has been surprisingly composed when discussing his father's passing. He honestly hasn't cried since he got the call. He didn't cry at the funeral or when alone. He simply kept it moving knowing he had business to handle. A lot of men don't seek sympathy, but it doesn't mean they're not hurting inside.

His eyes water from the cold air. It blows passed his face making tears involuntarily fall in the same direction as the strong wind. Gen takes her hand from her pocket holding his as their icy palms come in contact. The emotions he was so desperately trying to keep tucked away break through. The cry that's been deeply rooted in the pit of his stomach is finally released. Magenta can only hug him as her own tears fall for his loss. When she sees somebody else crying she starts crying with them.

Genesis wasn't expecting his trip home to be so eye-opening. He thought he'd just check on his mother and rental properties, but it turns out he needed it for his sanity. They spent a couple days in Kentucky before heading to Cleveland, Ohio. NBA All-Star weekend is over and his artists have finished their obligations, but Gee and Gen are still here. Their flight is in two days mostly because they've had so much peace being away from Houston.

Sitting on the end of the bed in their hotel room, he looks from the tv to the bathroom door that's shut. He's been waiting on her to finish taking a shower for the longest. "What's taking so long? I thought you wanted to watch the new episode of Power Book IV: Force we missed," he yells so she can hear him.

"One minute," she shouts back. Behind the closed door she's removing the various band-aids on her thighs. They've had plenty of time to heal. Gee's willingness to be vulnerable and transparent a few days ago makes her want to be too. So instead of hiding them under bandages she puts on her scar reduction cream then comes out.

"About time–" Looking up from his phone he's wondering why she's standing in the bathroom doorway so awkwardly. "What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something... And show you."


"Promise you won't get mad."

"I only get mad if it's warranted, so-" She tilts her head to the side so he says, "I promise."

She gives a sigh of relief taking a few steps forward. "These," she points at the linear lines that look very deliberate. She only wears one of his white t-shirts and underwear, so they're on full display.

"What am I looking at? You did this yourself?" He asks as she stands in front of him. She can only nod. He's heard of people cutting themselves, but he's only seen it on teen dramas. Not in real life. The thought of someone else hurting her infuriates him, so knowing she's doing it herself is conflicting for him. He knows lashing out won't help anything. He remembers his promise not to get mad. "Have you told your therapist?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to have a session when I get back," she says softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I felt I had it under control. I realized after that one time it doesn't help. Also, my tolerance for pain isn't as high as it used to be. That shit hurt." The unintentional nervous laugh she can't help but let out in uncomfortable situations makes Gee look at her like she's crazy.

"No fucking duh. You're hurting yourself." Realizing he's being condescending he dials it back. "This shit ain't funny, G! Is that why you were acting like that the last couple of weeks? You were trying to hide it. And you lied..."

"I didn't li–" Knowing that'll be another lie she purses her lips.

"You said they were burns from that zapping shit y'all women do." Thinking back on her saying 'used to be' he asks, "Have you done this before?"

She points at his wrist and he looks confused. He looks at the Cartier trinity cord bracelets she gifted him for Valentine's day. It's ironic she got him these because they symbolize love, fidelity, and friendship. All things that should come with trust.

"The rubber bands," she clarifies making his eyebrows furrow. He goes back to her giving him the coping mechanism back in their freshman year. He always wondered how she knew about it.

"In high school. I had a lot going on. My Mom going to the Feds. Cortlen getting arrested. We didn't have money to get him a real lawyer after just dealing with my Mom. Choice had to drop out of college. I was living with my grandmother. I felt so unseen and alone. Even then I couldn't lean on Felicity. I did it like twice then I found rubber band therapy."

She shows him her forearm where a tattoo of sunflowers cover the few scars she has. Above it says 'loneliest loner' in Courier font. It was the first tattoo she got. She got it done as soon as she turned 18 to cover them up. Just like before she didn't do it long before she came to her senses.

"How did I never notice? How come you never told me? We've talked about damn near everything and you never brought it up."

"Embarrassed. You know the Black folk make it seem like that's something we don't do. That's that white people shit. And if you do they make it seem like you're a weirdo," she expresses.

He can't argue with that. "Can I ask why?"

"I guess the physical pain distracted me from my mental anguish and stress. It was a pain I could control. Only for a moment. Sometimes I wish that I could make myself as unattractive as possible, so it won't ever happen to me again. I don't know. It's stupid," she shakes her head used to dismissing her thoughts.

"C'mere." Sitting on his lap she listens to what he has to say, "You don't have to pretend to be okay. No one expects you to, especially me. We need to stop keeping secrets from one another."

"I agree," she sighs. "The problem is we think the other person has enough going on and don't want to add to their weight."

"Because we know we'll lift and carry the weight for the other with no question. I think we need to find boundaries to not take on the other's problem to the point it weighs us down. With that being said, what can I do to help within my limits?"

Magenta can feel her nose about to run, which is a sign she's about to start crying. "A hug," she says in a trembling voice.

"C'mon. Whatever you need," he opens his arms and she shifts to straddle his lap and be held. "Why are you crying? I didn't yell at you or get mad. I was nice. I hope that's not a cry of shame.."

"No, I thought you'd be mad and I didn't wanna fight. I'm tired of fighting," she sniffles laying her head on his shoulder as his hands rub into her back.

He knows her response is because she's not used to these types of reactions, especially lately. She's not looking to be coddled, but an extension of grace and forgiveness. She's given it to so many people, yet it's rarely returned.

His mother gave him good advice while visiting her. She said it's all about intentionality. Does someone know they're going to hurt you? In this instance with Gen the answer is no. The same for Gee when he kept the shooting away from her. Gen's hurting herself more than anything and he thought he was protecting her.

Misty said something that stuck with him... It's easy to be loved when you're doing everything right. What happens when you mess up? Love is compassion and forgiveness. Many people struggle with knowing how many times to forgive and what to forgive. His mother said if the experience is transformative where the person learns and grows from their actions then you can forgive.

"No one will hurt you ever again. Not even yourself, right?" He moves his head so he can look at her face. He's not going to ask her to promise because he knows that's more than she can do right now. "You're a really good friend to everyone else. I don't know why you can't be a good friend to yourself."

"Right now I'm my own frenemy and she whooped my ass," she leans forward allowing him to wipe her face. With a chuckle she looks down adding, "My poor thighs. I ruined them."

"They're fine. Shit, you can still wrap 'em around my head." She chuckles wrapping her arms around his neck pecking his lips.

The simple kiss quickly intensifies. Abruptly pulling away from his lips, it makes Gee look at her confused. "I love you so much." It's the first time she's said it without beating around the bush, being hesitant, nor was it read from a letter or card. It was straight up. To hear her say it explicitly makes him smile.

Before he can say anything her lips are back on his. The more passionate she gets he tries to meet her where she is, but he can't. For his sake he tries not to get too excited. He can't afford to get blue balls again.

She can tell he's being hesitant. "I know what to do now." Gee looks at her uncertain because just a few days ago they tried, but she ended up thinking Caprice didn't do it.

"You sure?"

"I'm. In. Control," she uses her therapists words slowly in the middle of kissing him. The little breathes she takes in between tickle and give him a warm feeling. "I'm not letting it control me. I want to feel your touch. I want you to make love to me. I want to feel loved... I want to feel you."

That was all he needed to hear, but he also still follows her lead. As their lips connect breathlessly his t-shirt on her body rises exposing her pink lace underwear from underneath it. His hovering hands land on her ass beginning to knead the soft flesh.

Gen's hands go to the waistband of his Palm Angels track shorts before stopping herself. "Do I have your permission?" She asks coyly.

"Whatever you want."

She lifts up helping him remove his shorts  and briefs. At the sight of his dick she licks her lips longingly. She doesn't even bother to fully remove her underwear. She only pulls them to the side feeling impatient. Mounting his lap properly she pushes him back into bed gliding her wet lips against his length.

He grunts at her back and forth motion as she pulls her shirt over her head throwing it to the floor. "Damn," he breathes out looking her over. Not wasting anymore time she slides down on him making them both release low moans at the missed feeling.

Seeing him reaching forward, while about to lift up she puts her hands on his chest pushing him into the mattress. "Hands off," she gives the command enjoying it way too much. They've had very in-depth conversations of what can be said and done to make her feel safe in the bedroom. Now she's just using it to play with him.

She can see he's about to move his arm, so she says, "Don't touch."

"I j-" Moving her feet on top of his thighs she puts more pressure on her bouncing. She smirks knowing constantly letting her take the lead drives him crazy.

"Hm?" her sultry voice tries to coerce him to finish what he's saying. His bottom lip is tucked under his teeth as her hand moves up his chest to his collar-bone. Placing it on the base of his neck he gives her a look.

"You're not choking me," he mumbles with a smile, which makes her feel like he lowkey enjoys it. She lets out a giggle-laced moan because she's definitely tried to do it in the past. Gen doesn't do it, but the death-grip of her pussy tightening around him definitely has him in chokehold.

"Oh, fuck," they say in unison as her hips continuously grind against him. Throwing her head back her hair swings breathing out an 'oh my gosh.'

With his hands rubbing up her thighs, Gee looks at her in amazement. His bottom lip drops open at the sight of cream oozing out. "It's so perfect," she pants looking down. "You're making me cream all over your dick."

When he slips out from her being so wet, Magenta takes that as her chance to fully remove her underwear because they're only in the way. Removing the soddened fabric, she takes the time to lick the remnants of her own mess clean making Gee's mouth form an o.

While she climbs back into his lap, Gee sits up moving to the edge of the bed. He was going to ask if she's okay to check in, but she appears more than fine. Putting it back in he immerses himself in her wetness.

"Tell me what you want," his rich voice shakes her core.

"Fuck me, please." Gripping handfuls of her ass he moves her up and down, while at the same time drilling into her from the bottom. "I missed you," she moans in his ear as if they haven't see each other in years.

"What'd you miss? I've been right here," he questions knowing what he wants to hear her say.

"I've missed you inside me," she looks into his eyes as their lips meet. Moaning into his mouth she sucks on his bottom lip before pulling away suddenly. Her hand holds onto his knee feeling her thighs beginning to tremble.

Gee runs his hands up and down her back before gripping her ass and smacking it. His strokes are slow and circular before moving her forward and quickening his pace. Hugging her body to his, he can feel her unraveling. "Let me have it," he talks her through the brewing orgasm.

Pressing her forehead to his, she goes silent as any sound she can make is stuck in her throat. All you can hear is the swashing from her leaking. "Fuck, you're making a mess daddy," she whimpers. "Shit, I'm cu-" Gen stammers, her body going into a frenzy at the unfamiliar feeling. It's been awhile since a man knew how to get her to that point, so it's like her body doesn't know how to react. It feels like they're both trying to make up for lost time.

Her breathy moans have the same rhythm as her wriggling body. She lifts herself up trying to make him pull out only for him to bring her back down. "Why you tryna get up off it? I didn't tell you to stop," he kisses her chest as she tries to control her breathing.

His aggressive strokes have slowed down as she does a sensual swivel. "Good ass pussy."

Magenta's tongue curls to the top row of her teeth turned on even more by the compliment. Her impassioned grinding picks up as she doesn't break eye contact. "Why you so fucking good in it?" Gee can only marvel in her nastiness. He always loved how vocal she was.

Getting up from his lap she stands to her limp legs. Without a word she climbs onto the bed getting on all fours. Following suit he stands over the edge of the bed as she arches her back having the perfect form. It's so beautiful it deserves to be made into a statue and put in some museum of stolen artifacts.

He can't help but eat her from the back before sliding back in. Giving her long strokes he watches her ass bounce every time their skin comes in contact. To say he hasn't missed this despite being as patient and understanding as he was would be an understatement.

"Fuccckkk," he watches her take all of him.

Gen doesn't know when her senses begin and end. Clawing at the sheets it feels like he's pulling her soul out of her with every stroke. Her next orgasm sneaks up on her. She had zone out a little more concentrated on not running.

Before a guttural sound can escape her throat, Gen grabs a pillow. With her face in the bed she covers her head to muffle the scream and curses. It's nice of her to be considerate since they're in a hotel, but Gee doesn't care.

A menacing smile appears on his face as he lets out a baleful laugh clearly amused. He lets her get out a couple more suppressed moans before snatching the pillow. "You know better. I wanna hear it."

"I don't know shit," she grumbles, her satisfied moan betraying her attitude. She reaches back putting a hand on his thigh scratching at it. Slowing down to a teasing crawl he tortures her spot making her nails dig into him. "Wait-"

"What's wrong? You want me to stop?" He makes sure to check in.

"No, don't stop. Keep going," she contradicts herself. "I want you to have all of me. Every inch of my body. It feels so good." She grips his thigh once again this time pulling him in deeper.

Giving her what she wants he digs into her over and over again. Putting a hand in her hair he pulls her up making her back touch his chest. The hair she got done before they left Houston is all over the place. He paid for it and he'll do it again. "I'm not going anywhere. You hear me?" He whispers in her ear.

"Yes," she repeats like someone hit replay feeling like she's losing it.

Releasing her she falls to her previous position. "Pick that head up," he orders before she make her face one with the sheets. It takes her a second to get it together before repositioning herself. Deciding to take over she begins throwing it back making sure to put pressure on it. "That's my girl," he lets her do the work.

She would never know how good this looks. "You're gonna make me cum," he pronounces.

Looking back at him full of lust she tries to coax him. "You gonna give me that nut, baby? I feel you..." Seeing he's now the one who can't handle it she wears a satisfied smile. Especially when he releases on her ass, while she has another orgasm.

"Damn," he looks down at her. They're both stuck in their places before anyone thinks of moving a muscle.

"I told you I know what to do," she brags. With a smile Gen lazily falls forward to the bed on her stomach. He chuckles at her being spread out like a star fish trying to catch her breath. She's completely stuck much like the sea creature to glass on a fish tank.

"Shit, that you do."

"I love you," she gives a bliss filled sigh as her head falls burying into the sheets. "You make my pussy happy. You make her smile," Gen beams desperately needing that.

"Good pussy deserves it," he smacks her ass. "You're getting a little too comfortable though. After all these years you think that's it? I got one, two, three, four–" he counts on his fingers "–years to catch up on." He hands her the water bottle on the nightstand and she can only breathe out deeply.

When Gee's eyes flutter open to a dark room, he looks at the clock on the nightstand that reads 2a.m. It's been a while since he's been woken up out of his sleep by a nightmare like he used to. Before his soul was so broken he couldn't even escape in his sleep between the nights he woke up sweating, crying, or his nose bleeding.

This time he woke up feeling like he's not stressing about anything. He saw his father in his dream and Genaro actually stayed for a minute rather than disappearing within seconds. Genaro didn't say anything, and Gee didn't either. They were both just smiling at one another. To him it was a sign that everything's going to work out.

He looks at Magenta who's across the bed out cold. Despite her being on the other end her leg lays on top of his just to say she's touching him. He can see she's sleeping peacefully, but he still taps her profusely to wake her. "Huhhh," she groans trying to swat his hand away.

"Wake up. I gotta say something."

"Can it wait until the morning?" She asks groggily keeping her eyes shut tight.

"No....We're together."

She's quiet trying to piece together what he's trying to say. It's not computing in her half-sleep mind. "Are you asking? I know you're not doing the 'what are we?' right now."

"I'm not asking. Ain't no what are we. We are."

"We are, what?" She peeks an eye open looking in confusion.

"Together. We're an our, them, they, and us. We're a couple."

"Okay, fine. Can I go back to sleep now?" She sighs flipping over to her stomach. "I love you. Goodnight," she mumbles.

The Next Morning...

At 9a.m. Gee's awakened by voices. When he opens his eyes he sees Gen letting in a hotel employee, so they can bring in the breakfast. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" she says vivaciously.

Once the woman leaves he sits up saying, "I think you're my girlfriend."

"I vaguely remember that," she chuckles. "I don't know why that was said. If I call you my nigga or my man to anybody we go together. Everybody knows that," she playfully rolls her eyes.

"That's not official. This is official now."

"Told you. Put it on him make him wanna marry me," she does spirit fingers making Gee laugh as he walks into the bathroom.

Looking at his phone he looks at the time and date. Popping his head out he asks, "You know it's the 22nd?"

"How could I miss it? Everyone's posting acting all deep and shit. 2/22/22, manifest today," she says in a mocking manner. She's too busy doctoring her food to realize what he's getting at. Looking up it registers. "Is that gonna be our anniversary? Did you plan that?"

"Nah, that shit be in the stars like that philosopher said," he refers to Valentine's Day at the planetarium.


"Same shit."

An hour later, they find themselves going to a brunch event. His friend, Devin, invited him and he needs to thank him for his help. If it wasn't for him Gee would've never knew Kross and Destin were going behind his back.

Walking in, Gee and Gen approach Devin and his wife. "This is my girl, Magenta," he introduces her. With a shy smile she shakes the man's hand. The small gesture meant more than Gee could even know. There's no shame or hesitancy in his voice.

It's not long before Devin's wife whisks Gen away with her. Meanwhile, Gee sits with Devin. "How have you been? Everything smoother with the business?"

"Eh, I had to dumb it down and play like it's all cool until we dissolve the company. I think I'm going to get out of music management. It's not for me anymore.."

"I can see that. There's been talk."


"If someone tells their label, I want to sign to Made Men management... I want Gee as my manager, they'll suggest someone else. At least at Interscope. Let's just say if paperwork comes across a label desk with a budget for a music video or an artist, and they see your girl's name as creative director... They'll give a suggestion for someone else."

"Basically, blacklisting. I don't get it," he rubs over his face.

"When labels see you, they're going to think about all the money you cost them. Caprice's debut album got pushed back with a new date nowhere in site and he's in county jail with no bail. They're loyal to who makes them money. Money was put upfront to market him, radio play, music videos, studio time, all'at."

"I'm being punished because I stood up for what's right?"

"I have to ask something and I don't want you to get offended... Is she worth it?" He looks over at Magenta who's talking to his wife.

"People admire her or even judge her for what she looks like, but she's really a sweet person. At the core she's pure. She only wants the best for me. She genuinely wants to see me win. And I've never had that before. I've always been with women who are selfish, self-centered, or they wanted me to do something as long as it benefited them. That even meant if it was illegal as long as I could still give them money."

"Sometimes relationships are about sacrifice. Will she do the same for you?"

"I'd assume, yeah."

Devin looks skeptically. "Women are usually self-contained. I'm not saying she doesn't love you. She's still going to put herself first. When a man really loves a woman they're ready to die 'bout that. We're ready to put our life on the line. Make career risking moves. That's why I never understood how people say women are more emotional than men. That type of sacrifice only comes from deep emotion."

"I wouldn't be with a woman who makes me lose focus or knocks me off my path. She's bringing me up. She helps me."

"I'd pick my wife over the world any and everyday. I'd fall out with the world behind that woman. She's seen me do it several times. When you know a quality woman, you know. And it doesn't take as long as people think. There's a difference in putting a real woman first. If you're not willing to do that then reevaluate what you're about to do.."

"Do? It's already been done. I made my choice just like Kross and Destin. There's no going back."

"If Caprice did it, he's wrong. I'd do the exact same thing as you. You have a window seat to her pain. The plane might even be about to crash and you put her mask on first. You've witnessed all these people treat her wrong at the expense of her pain and that hurts. Times like this she should be protected."

"And that's what I've been doing."

"Then that's all that matters. You'll bounce back without Kross and Destin. There's a train coming from every angle even if it's today or tomorrow, and you better hope you're not in it's path."

"You and your metaphors," Gee laughs.

"I'm serious. You don't wanna manage, I know something else you can do. The best businessmen are the ones who adapt, so here's what you're going to do..."


Magenta's talk with her therapist? Do you believe it's still Caprice?

Felicity & Caprice breaking up? Their argument on social media?

Gen finally telling Gee about self-harming?

Their first time? Them deciding to be in an official relationship?

Comment / Vote💫

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