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This week and last week is one of the busiest for Gee's artists in February. Between Super Bowl weekend, New York Fashion Week, and then the NBA All-Star's next weekend it's a lot of traveling for him. Despite being busy he still wants to celebrate Valentine's day with Magenta, so she came to New York with him.

Once she told him that she never really celebrated the holiday, he decided he'd try and make it special. Magenta's excited now and saw this as her chance to do the most as well. It was never a big deal to either. Regardless, they do nice things for one another on the daily. It's an excuse to go all out even bigger.

He went all out for his ex, Kelsey, last year. He knew she was the type who expected lavish gifts, so she can post it online to impress her followers. She didn't even care that Gee only had it sent to her, but he wasn't physically there. Back then he was the type who put work before everything, whereas lately he's willing to put it to the side. He's trying to balance work and his personal life now.

As they ride to the hotel from the airport Gee listens to his artist whine about performing on Valentine's day when she'd rather spend the day with her man. "Why can't I just back out of it?" she asks as he wears a straight face looking out of the window.

"You knew for 2 months you had this performance. That's unprofessional to cancel the day of."

"I've been in New York all weekend and I'm booked until next weekend. I just want one night to myself."

Gee rubs his face in annoyance. She dates another rapper in the industry and their relationship screams toxicity. He feels like a referee since managers handle everything from money, contracts, and conflicts. "You should've thought of that and celebrated early or next weekend."

"I rather be with my nigga than front row at a bougie fashion show," she groans. "What the hell are you doing tonight?" she smacks her lips.

"Celebrating vday. You better be at that show. I'll see tomorrow. Don't call me later crying because y'all got into a fight and you want me to book you a flight," he laughs while hanging up before she can argue. With a huff he locks his phone looking over at Gen.

"I couldn't do it. Being a manager seems like too much work."

"It is. I'ma counselor, lawyer, accountant, security, music exec, and parent all rolled into one." A smiles spread across his face making her smile. He grabs her arm shaking it, which makes her limp hand flail. "I got you with me all week. We boutta go too crazy... as long as you don't get on my nerves."

"Me? You're the damn bugaboo," she snatches her arm away. "You're too happy. I'm happy too even though I'm just following you around," she laughs before kissing him.

Magenta actually doesn't mind the fact she no longer works a 9 to 5 where she has to go into an office everyday. At first deciding to walk away from the business marked a time of uncertainty. Now she's preparing for the next chapter. Gee's doing the same.

While sitting in traffic they both look at their phones. He's texting Choice and Cortlen to make sure they got back to Houston from L.A. okay after last nights debacle. She's on Instagram. "That's crazy," she mumbles.


"Quake and two guys from his entourage got shot this weekend." He already knows she's talking about the altercation they got into. "I don't know if you've heard of him. He's signed to an independent label in Houston. He's pretty good. I've worked on some stuff with him. He's getting a big buzz."

"I've heard of him."

"It was outside of that Super Bowl after-party we went to."

"Damn, are they okay?" He plays it cool as if they weren't involved.

"Yeah, 4 people all got shot in the leg. They're all in stable condition with non-life-threatening injuries. I guess you were right to get us out of there," she shakes her head. "According to police the shooter's still on the loose. With everyone coming in town for the Super Bowl, I doubt they'll ever find who did it. It's always something."

"Told you. We got our asses up out there too and went to the next location," he tells the white lie.

He's waiting for her to put two and two together when watching a video leading up to the shooting, but she never does. It all happened so fast and there were so many people a shooter couldn't be identified. That's good for Cortlen and even better for Gee.

Gee's thoughts are broken when his phone rings. He quickly answers saying, "Nigga, I've been calling you all weekend. Where the hell you been?"

"Busy. I am a college student," Seven says with attitude. "I had a bunch of papers and assignments. And the coach has me on two-a-days since I came a semester late. I have catching up to do with the rest of the team as far as plays. It ain't no thing though. I'ma fast learner and you know ya boys a beast on the field," he brags.

"Yeah, aiight. I'm glad to see you're focused." He wants to be skeptical thinking something's up, but he decides to believe him.

"Where you at? You back in Houston?"

"New York City. You good? You still have money for the month?"

"Yeah, I'm straight. Mad as hell I couldn't go to the Super Bowl with you. You in the damn sky box and shit," he smacks his lips.

"Maybe next year."

He doesn't want to tell Seven about what happened in LA this weekend. Plus, Magenta's right here and he hasn't told her either. They both think after he paid Big Bleak back that everything is under control. Seven never wanted his brother to inherit his problems. Fade went back on his word and that's grounds for Gee to talk to Bleak. He knows he won't approve of the move Breon pulled when they called a truce.

Gen's the only person who knows Gee sent Seven off to school in North Texas. As long as Seven stays away from Houston he should be safe. He's hoping this weekend was more about his old beef with Fade and nothing to do with what happened involving Seven. Assuming no one gets Seven's location in Denton, he'll be okay.

"When's your Spring Break?" Gee asks.

"The week of March 12th."

"That's your birthday week," he looks at Gen before going. "You doing anything? Any plans?"

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna come to Houston for the week. I made friends, but two months isn't enough time to be traveling with them. I don't know them like that to go out of state. They're going to Miami. They could leave my ass for dead for all I know."

Gee chuckles while wiping one hand on his jeans. "I don't know about that. Go to Miami. It's your first college Spring Break. I'll give you the money to get a plane ticket and hotel," he offers.

He's hoping to have his issues resolved with Fade before then. You never know though. He has a month. "Maybe. I still have time to decide." Gee talks to him a little while longer before they hang up.

"You have ten more minutes to use that phone then it's going off," he informs her seeing they're almost there.

"I know. I was checking my close friends seeing how my girls are getting spoiled by their tricks," Gen chuckles. "P over there running the slew-footed snakes pockets," she locks her phone.

"Why don't you just tell her your issue with Kross? If she would've saw that argument with him there's no way she'd still fuck with him. Dude called you out your name and jumped like he was onnat."

"Nah, he's just a trick to her. It's not like she's gonna fall in love. She's gonna get what she can then skate. It won't last until summer."

"I hope you're right."

"I know P like the back of my hand. She's not tapped right in the head when it comes to the love department. If she really liked him than she would've been talking marriage, kids, and moving in within the first month of them dating. Jux also wouldn't have been an option. She only likes Kross for what he can do for her. Once he has no benefit or gain she'll toss him to the side," she shrugs.

"She's that stone cold?"

Gen laughs. "You don't know pimpin' P. She's a real street bitch. Me? I sold some weed to make a few dollars. Her? She's done everything you can think of to make money. Where was the first place you met P? At Choice's house in Mesquite. She used to work for him."

"What? I think I would know that since I worked with him too," he looks confused.

"When you met him she stopped working for him not too long after. She got into selling pills and getting scripts for her ex-boyfriend. You know Choice was against that. When she worked for him she had the job you got promoted to, being a courier. Before that she was a jack girl. She'd help dudes set niggas up for robberies. She had a goal to never go back to projects and she hasn't. Her store has been her first legit job. When she falls in love, she falls in love. If not, you're a lick to her. Kross is one big ass blow-pop right now," she explains.

"I always knew she was a gangsta. I looked in her purse one day. She had a stack of cash and a gun with a drum magazine. She spends money like a drug dealer too. When you asked if I gotta gun, I immediately thought, shit, I'm safe between you and Pandora. Y'all tote Glocks and pistols like designer purses."

Gen laughs hitting his shoulder. "Shut up."

"I'm dead serious. I don't want any problems."

"Yeah, we jump niggas who break our heart too. Anything I'm on, she's on. No questions," she motions her hand across her neck.

"I think I'm gonna need her help," he rubs his face in thought. He chuckles under his breath adding, "When you were cussing Kross out though, I was like damn she's sexy as fuck. Sounded just like me. My little twin," he pulls her closer.

"Oh my gosh," she covers her face with a hand in embarrassment. "I bet people were staring. I didn't even realize I threw the plate until I noticed I didn't have one for them to start serving food." The rest of the car ride he's thinking about what Pandora said last night.

Once they get to the Manhattan hotel they get their room keys riding the elevator up to the right floor. Entering their suite, Magenta says with childlike excitement, "Yay!" She takes in all of the decorations consisting of candles, red balloons, and roses. The typical Valentine's romantic setup. Gee wears a just as impressed face because he paid someone to do this. He got his money's worth. "This is a grown with big money Valentine's Day. Okay!"

He watches Gen turn to him with happiness before going down the hallway trailed by rose petals and candles that leads to the living room of the suite. The couch is taken over by gifts from both parties making her dance.

She's a few steps ahead of Gee, so she rushes back towards him. "Thank you," she hugs him before opening even one present. "I've never had anyone do something like this for me."

"You're welcome," he kisses her. "You wanna open gifts now or later?"

"Hmm, I say now since we're going out. Plus, I want you to open yours. Save the cards and maybe one until dinner though."

They both put their stuff away sitting on the couch beginning to open what the other got them. After opening about the fourth Cartier box he looks at her confused asking, "Ain't you jobless?" He's serious, joking, and perplexed all at the same time. She bought them matching Cartier trinity cord bracelets in nearly every color.

"I prefer to say, I'm in transition. Thank you!" she gives playful attitude.

"Okay, but shouldn't you be saving?"

She fights a smile saying nothing pointing at the giftbag. "Just keep opening your gifts."

Reaching into the bottom of the bag he pulls out multiple neat stacks of money with currency straps around them. "This is a big ass stack," he smiles. He can't lie, he'd rather get money as a gift then something he won't use or wear.

"I got the CBS settlement."

"You settled it?" His excitement begins to grow for her.

"Yup, I didn't even get to tell you. Ya bitch is ballin' in the game. That's your management fee for answering all those emails, taking calls, and pretty much putting it in motion with my lawyer."

"Damn," he looks at it again. "That's what the fuck I'm talkin' about!" Doing the handshake they made up in college they're both surprised they can remember it.

"I have plans for this money. I'm gonna do what you said. I'm going to invest. I really want to do an investment property. I think I also know what I want to do next... I want to start my own production company."

"Yeah?" She nods. "You can do it. I'll help you with whatever you need."

She smiles at his words of encouragement before asking, "So? You gonna make it rain?" Before he can answer she jumps on the long curved sectional. They were already listening to music while opening gifts, but Gen switches it from R&B to a Throw It Back by Fredo Bang.

With a laugh he rips off the paper money band taking some off the top to throw it in the air. "You're fuckin' dumb!" he watches her jump down to the floor. She pulls him up from the couch making him stand. Getting in front of him, Gen bends over putting her hands on the floor and spreading her legs beginning to twerk.

He throws the bills letting it fall around her to the floor covered in rose petals as she throws it back. With an entranced look he watches her ass move like water while her shorts get swallowed from the motion. At the beat of the clapping in the song he smacks money onto her ass.

Let a gangsta hit it, then she won't forget it
I'ma fuck you good and leave my feelings in it

"Do a handstand," he says jokingly picturing the strippers who do it while shaking their ankles.

"Let's go," she chuckles holding one leg up for him to grab. Anybody watching this would be wondering, what the hell are they doing and what's wrong with them. It's them being themselves around one another.

Magenta makes sure her palms are firmly planted shoulder width apart creating a stable base. He holds both legs and when she gives him the word he lets go. Gee steps back honestly expecting her to go falling into the glass table covered in candles. His hands hover ready to catch her, but she has it.

Gee cracks it into laughter as she eagerly yells, "I got it!"

"Don't fall."

"I'm gonna do a split." Slowly spreading her legs she slightly turns her body dropping down.

"Ohhh!" He throws more money as she flexes one butt cheek.

"Help me up. My joints aren't like they used to be."

"It's 'cause you haven't been stretched out in like a week," he pulls her up. "In all seriousness... Niggas tried to pull some funny shit exposing your name, but you still gotta win out of it."

"Karma," she wraps her arms around his neck kissing him. They both share a smile realizing things are really about to change. Yeah, it's fucked up it took family and friends doing them dirty for them to change paths, but everything happens for a reason.

When Gee picks her up she shrieks. "We're about to make every person who went against us regret it," he says with conviction now that they're eye level.

"You still know how to fuck like this? You strong!" She gives a mischievous grin looking at his arms under thighs as he holds her up.

It catches him off-guard. "You always have your mind in the gutter. You can't say stuff like that," he puts her down.

"But I can. I noticed you either tap your foot or pop your rubber band when I kiss you..."

"Keeps me from going 0 to 100. I be ready to bend you over and fuck you. Without a pop back to reality, I woulda been a dog in heat. I'm not even tryna be that type of nigga. I like to have self-control. You know, respect your boundaries."

"Tonight may be your lucky night," she shrugs motioning to he intimate scene set.

"You don't have to if you're not ready," he sits back on the couch getting a little serious. "It'll be the first time-

"We've had sex before."

"It will be the first time in a long time. That was years ago though. That doesn't- I was gonna say it didn't count, but it fasho did. I'm man enough to admit good sex gets me in my feelings. Had me trippin' and you weren't even mine forreal."

"Mhm. That grip had you in a chokehold. And I've gotten better," she can't help but brag on herself.

"You're talkin' big shit."

"Put it on him, make him wanna marry me," she grinds the air. "Let me stop. What time is it?"

"Yeah, quit playin' and go get ready. You know your ass takes a century, so go 'head and start now. Do all ya hair and makeup shit."

"I'm going," she rushes off towards the bedroom of the suite. Looking around the living room where gifts have been unboxed with things strewn around he sighs. It's crazy how life is really a rollercoaster. One day it's bad then the next it's good.

A couple hours later they've both changed outfits prepared to go out. Magenta wears a classic little black dress, heels, and adds a toffee leather trench coat to acclimate to the weather. They would both much rather not be in this 30 degree weather.

They both planned one part of day and right now they're on the way to Magenta's portion. Walking towards the building she takes in his outfit beginning to hype Gee up by saying, "Fuck 'em up!"

"What is wrong with you today?" He laughs swatting away her hand because she keeps tickling his chin.

"You're really the rawest nigga in the world to me. Like you really like that. That's crazy."

"That's crazyyy," they say the simple insider at the same time. "You're really trying to distract me from the fact you haven't told me where we're going."

"Why would I tell you that? You're not telling me where you're taking me later."

Entering the building he realizes what this place is. "Ahh, shit." She taking him on a helicopter tour of the city. He mentioned it on several occasions, so now they're about to do it.

As they fill out the liability waivers Gen asks, "You scared?"

"I don't know. I'm excited and nervous."

"I'm scared as fuck. What the hell was I thinking?" She looks at the big ass helicopter they have in the lobby as decoration. "I'm only doing this for you. Her stomach feels like it's in her ass, but she's putting on a brave face

Gee gets up going to turn in both of their forms. Of course he begins talking to one of the employees like he knows the man. He can talk to anyone if he feels like it.

"The first time I came to New York there was a real bad thunder storm. I didn't know that though. I'm thinking they done dropped a bomb like 9/11. I said ain't that about a bitch. Why when I'm here?" He exchanges stories with a man in his fifties.

Gen stares at him from a distance wearing a look of admiration. She just wants to see him happy. It's not until a woman speaks up that it breaks her gaze. "I know that look," a random woman says to her.

"Oh," she laughs bashfully. The woman gives a knowing smile. Her partner comes out of the bathroom and they lock hands before disappearing out of the exit.

Ten minutes later they're on the helicopter wearing the aviation headsets getting ready for takeoff. "Hell nah," Gee sucks in a breath as soon as he feels them lifting into the air. Gen's holding onto his hand so tight he feels like she's about to break it.

It takes a few minutes for them both to get somewhat comfortable. This was on his bucket list, so he was glad she brought him to do it. He's honestly surprised she was listening when he mentioned it.

"They say this is a big rich town," he begins singing the Power theme song as they fly over the New York City skyline. His mood is greatly different from last night. This is what he needed.

After surviving the helicopter ride and making it back to ground they head for the portion Gee organized. Walking into the American Museum of Natural History's Rose Center for Earth and Space, Magenta looks at the huge sphere that appears to float inside a glass cube.

"I was finna cry, I'm not even gonna lie. I done been through too much shit for that to be the way I die," Gee's still trying to get over what they did earlier. Speaking to a museum employee they go get someone else who Genesis seems to be familiar with.

The man leads the way to the Hayden Planetarium, while giving background on everything they pass and the building as a whole. Usually, this museum has a Valentine's day event called 'Romance Under the Stars' for nearly a hundred couples who buy tickets, but it was put on hiatus this year. The Planetarium is empty aside from them and you'd think it's closed today. He was able to get it to themselves.

"This theater has a custom-made star projector that displays a view of the planets, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies so realistic you'll feel like you're in space," the guide explains as they walk passed theater seats.

Magenta's too busy looking up she doesn't notice the dinner table for two in the middle of the room or the string quartet that's playing live music in the corner to set the mood. She stares at the stars that look so real you want to grab them. "Wow," she whispers.

It's not until she almost trips on her own feet while holding Gee's hand that her neck lowers. Seeing the candlelit dinner inside the dome she beams in realization. Why not see the stars with someone nicknamed Twinkle? Also, numerology has played a big part in giving them signs for one another, even when they didn't notice. It's interconnected to astrology, so this should be fun.

Both sitting at the table one of the museum's astronomers tells romance stories based on the mythology of the constellations and zodiac. Holding hands they both listen and look at an unforgettable view of the night sky. Every so often the projector changes to show a scene that fits the story.

Once the star enthusiast is done they're served dinner. The food, the atmosphere, the hosts, the music, everything's perfect. Neither one of them has stopped smiling the entire day.

Looking at Gee sitting across from her, she can't help but think he's the same as college in some ways. Even back then he always knew what he wanted. He didn't always talk about his feelings out loud, especially at first. He'd keep his thoughts to himself, however if you stick around, you'll see who he really is. You'll see he's sweet and means well deep down.

"What're you thinking about?" she asks always wanting to pick his brain.

"The first time we met." That sentence makes them both laugh thinking on that day.

"J. Cole's still better than Kendrick," she slides it in.

"You were mean as hell," he shakes his head. "Like damn, be my friend mutha fucka."

"That's 'cause people kept playing in my face. I'm from South Dallas. Quit playin' with me just because we're at this White people school."

He nods knowing he pushed some of her boundaries early on. "I'm proud of you. It takes you a minute, but when you stand up for yourself... The way you're handling all this with the case, your sister, Amil, Kross, everything. I'm proud you're standing in your truth and not backing down."

That meant a lot to hear, mostly because it's coming from him. "I'll give credit where it's due. I learned that from you. You don't leave room for any confusion on how you feel if you have a problem with a person. You're headstrong. I try to save people's feelings to avoid confrontation. I need to get over that."

"I think I'm too headstrong," he blows out air.

Looking at the bubbles rise in her champagne glass she asks, "Remember when you first started coming back around and you said it was always me?" He nods. "It was always you too."

"Shit, I know," he says cockily making her crack in laughter.

"Why do you have to ruin the moment?"

"I'm saying 'cause I knew. I was waiting on you to know and quit fuckin' with lame ass niggas."

"Look here, you left," she throws it in like parsley pointing her finger.

"Nah, nah, you can't keep using that as an excuse. You were running from the truth and your feelings before that."

"I was," she admits. "Do you ever wish we would've gotten it together sooner?"

"Nah, I think it's the perfect timing."

"Thank you for being patient with me," she says sincerely. He repeats her exact words as they both nod. Feeling like it's the perfect time she extends the card she got him. He watches her unfold a piece of paper making his eyebrows furrow. "I couldn't fit it all on the card, so I wrote you a letter."

At first she was going to post it on Instagram, but she ended up deleting it a minute later. It's been a month since her name was outed and the hate comments have died down some. She still gets a few trolls every now and then, which is why she rather keep it to herself. She's not looking for people to validate and accept what they're building. They'll only judge and make up rumors.

Instead she decided to write him a letter knowing he'd appreciate it more anyway. Gee hates social media outside of using it for work. He says it's fake, and people overshare allowing others to use that information against you later. He's right.

She flaps the paper out dramatically and clears her throat beginning to read, "I know I can be a brat and hard to handle, but thank you."

"Who are you telling," he can't help himself from muttering it.

"Let me finish," she chuckles. "Thank you for always make sure I'm comfortable and protected. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for being there at my lowest points. For never making me feel like a burden because of everything going on. Thank you for seeing my worth and value. Thank you for loving my family the same way you love me. Thank you for making me feel safe. For making me feel seen. Thank you for allowing me to be the best me, but also the worst me because you know I'm not perfect. Thank you for showing affection and selflessness I can reciprocate."

She takes a deep breath to keep going. "I am grateful for the atmosphere that you create at a time when everything's a whirlwind. I've seen you step out of your comfort zone to put me in mine. For that I'm grateful. You always reassure me and I need that. I love being apart of your journey. I love you as if you were a part of me," she finishes folding the paper back up.

Gee does a soft handclap making Gen giggle with a playful eyeroll. "I appreciate that you're appreciative. You always say thank you."

"Gotta give you your flowers." He extends an envelope across the table and she takes it. Of course it's Hello Kitty Valentine's Day card. Opening it a folded up piece of paper falls out. She knew he was going to do it, so she did it too. She still has every note and letter he wrote her in college. "You wanna be like me so bad," she pokes fun.

"You know I'm better at writing my thoughts down."

"Read it!" She extends it back to him.

"You want me to read it out loud?" Gee asks shocked as if she didn't just do it. "That's why I be writing you cards and notes, so I don't gotta do that. You know I'm shy," she says playfully.

Smacking her lips he takes the piece of paper back. "You're always acting fake shy. I make you nervous, baby?"

"Alright," he unfolds it. "In the few years we knew each other in college, you did more for me than people I've known my whole life. You're the only woman I would wait years for. Back then you were better than I was ready for-"

"Are those dvsn lyrics?" she cuts him off.

"C'mon nah. You didn't want me interrupting you." She motions for him to keep going and he does. "You always made me want to be better. I realized why meeting you at 18 was so impactful. It's the time I was becoming a man. I was learning who I was. And when I did things that people viewed as mistakes, you guided me through them. Most times you told me not to do it before I did it anyway. Instead of saying 'I told you so' you gave me ways to fix it and move forward. That's why I've continued this journey of life knowing you'll never let me drive off a cliff. We've done things together I'll take to the grave. You were like a home away from home then and now."

Magenta can feel her eyes getting misty being the emotional crybaby she is at heart. He can hear her sniffle as he keeps reading, "I always struggled with sleeping plagued by nightmares of my past, but now that you've come back into my life, I dream of you and the future in colors that don't exist. I don't know if I make it easy to understand everything I've been through. I can only open my heart and hope you know my intentions are true and pure. For that I know that I'm in the best doctor's hands to perform open heart surgery. I've never had a problem putting my life and love in your hands. There's literally nothing anybody can tell me about your past, present, or future that would change how I look at you. I love what I see now and that's all that matters."

Looking up at Gen on the verge of blubbering he hides his face trying not to laugh at her. "Your words... They're just so beautiful. I'm okay," she tries to hold it in as best as she can not wanting to mess up her makeup. "You're always laughing when I'm crying. What happened to consoling me or wiping my tears?"

"You always crying. Sensitive ass. Here. Your last gift," he extends the rectangle jewelry box.

Opening the box it's a diamond encrusted bracelet of safety pins that go all around the wrist. He knows it fits her style, but it's also a Trust bracelet. Reading the small card inside it tells what it means: What's love without Trust? Safety pins have long been a symbol of security. Safety equals trust. This bracelet bonds souls that cannot be broken. Give it to someone you put your trust in.

She acts normal, but she knows deep down she's been lying to him, therefor breaking his trust.

Magenta wasn't lying when she told Pandora she only cut once. Despite that she still feels like she should tell Gee to put everything on the table. She said she'd tell him anytime she's not doing well mentally and that was a sign of that.

Instead she's been putting on a smile acting like everything's okay. Genesis did ask why she has all these band-aid's on her thighs. She explained them away by saying she got burned during laser hair removal and it caused a few blisters. Being a man he wasn't going to question it because he knows nothing about that.

Right now she's focused on after-care to ensure she has the least amount of scarring possible. Obviously the idea is not to do it at all, but she learned if you do it you need to do it properly. Don't cut too deep and take care of them afterwards, so they don't get infected.

Once back at their hotel suite the anxiety settled in that she needs to figure out if she's ready to have sex with Gee finally. In your mind you'd say it's a no brainer. Girl, he went all out for Valentine's Day. You better give him some. But your body usually betrays your mind.

She had to be wine drunk just to have sex with Noah. She had to chug several glasses during that dinner to even sit through him talking. She completely checked out laying down with him. She doesn't want that to happen again considering she actually wants to this time.

There's no pressure from anyone but herself. She hates that nagging feeling of women being told if you don't have sex with a man, he'll just find someone who will. That if you make a man wait too long, he's most likely sleeping with someone else. Don't mention the fucked up thoughts you have after being a sexual assault victim.

So even though Gee insisted she don't do anything she's not ready for, she insisted she is. She truly did think she is, but once again her body's betraying her. Hyperarousal... When the body is telling someone they're in danger even if they aren't. It can be triggered by certain positions, words, smells, or anything that makes a victim's nervous system jump into flight-or-fight mode during or after intimacy.

It can then cause flashbacks and body memories making her feel as if she's re-experiencing her trauma. It's like she can actually feel it in her body again. Because she was drugged when it happens she goes completely numb, whereas someone else can begin fighting to defend themselves. The flashbacks can feel extremely real and terrifying.

Her body remembers everything even if she doesn't...

The face that's been hazy since she started having the flashbacks and nightmares is now crystal clear... And it looks nothing like Caprice, the person she accused. Up until now they would cut off and now it's making her panic.

Because they had worked so long on attunement as a unit, Gee easily can pick up on her non-verbal cues. He had stopped as soon as her body tensed trying to check in with her rather than continuing like some men.

She's so zoned out Gee calling her name sounds muffled. Like someone turned a volume knob, his voice grows louder and her eyes pop open. "Look at me," he holds her face until she looks back in reality. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"It's not you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm like this. I don't know what's wrong with me. Nothing's working," she begins overexplaining as if she did something wrong.

"It's okay. You're okay."

They lay there in silence before she gets up saying, "I need a minute," going to the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she picks up a robe from the ground covered in rose petals putting it on.

Pacing the tile floors she runs her hands over her straightened hair. The recollections make her feel stuck in that moment. They're always static. She closes her eyes for once hoping the flashback comes back so she can see the face again. She's hoping her mind is playing tricks on her.

Nothing. She opens her eyes looking in the mirror at herself. "What is wrong with me?" She whispers in a shaky voice sitting on the edge of the bathtub burying her face in her hands.

Gen takes a few minutes to herself swinging the bathroom door open. "It's not him!" she expresses to Gee.

"What? Who?" He asks in confusion.

"Usually my flashbacks would cut off at a certain point. This time it didn't and the face I saw wasn't fucking Caprice. It's not him. What if I'm accusing the wrong person? What if I'm wrong? Oh my gosh, everyone's going to hate me. I ruined everyone's life," she rattles off.

"I need you to calm down."

"H-how can I be calm? I personally blamed him and pointed the finger at him," a tear runs down her face.

Gee looks stunned, but he tries his best to comfort her in the best way he knows how. "I read that paperwork. Anybody would think it's him. The last memory you had was with him. You woke up the next morning to him. He was the one who mentioned you two having sex, but you were unable to consent. He had the video. He's the one whose been harassing you and trying to pay you off. All fingers point to him. Who else could it be? And if it wasn't him they'll figure it out in court like they're supposed to..."

"I don't know," she whispers. "I can't rely on that excuse. I could potentially put an innocent man behind bars. It wasn't him," she adds faintly.

"You got a rape kit, right?" Magenta nods. "They did DNA and I'm sure if it didn't match the charges against him would've been dropped or you'll find out at the trial." Gee looks over at the time. "You can call your therapist in the morning and ask why this is happening." Letting out a sigh she agrees. Happy Valentine's Day...


Thoughts on their first Vday together?

Magenta possibly being wrong about who did it?

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