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Sitting in a lobby of a Los Angeles CBS corporate office, Magenta looks at a clock on the wall tick second by second. She came here for Super Bowl weekend with a group of family and friends for the merriment, but business also has to be handled.

Her phone buzzes with a text, so she looks at her screen. She furrows her eyebrows at a message from a number that's not saved nor does she recognize it. Opening it she immediately scoffs and rolls her eyes. It's Amil. She's giving a very general and vague apology. She doesn't admit she set Gen up or say sorry for leaving her that night. She doesn't apologize for taking Caprice's side. The part she played in destroying Pandora's shop or trying to jump her. She doesn't express regret for the tweets, Instagram live, or Youtube video telling lies. Just a weak ass 'I'm sorry.'

"This bitch," she doesn't respond to the text.

"They're ready for you," a secretary holds an office door open. Magenta and her lawyer both stand entering the room with CBS employees.

Ever since her name was outed they've been quietly handling negotiations for a settlement. Gen sits across from the White faces representing the company. They're not too happy she didn't accept a measly interview conducted by Gayle King to tell her side as compensation.

Mediation begins by an attorney representing CBS speaking first, "We recognize that the leak of your name on national tv was a breach of confidentiality. This was an indisputable violation of Ms. Thomas' expectation of privacy. This settlement amount is calculated based on what Thomas could potentially lose in earnings due to her name being exposed."

"What about the investigation?" Her lawyer asks.

"An investigation commenced to figure out who was responsible for leaking your clients name. We do believe whoever was behind it was paid and possibly an associate of Caprice Wilcox. Although we're not sure why such a dramatic step was taken. Whoever did it did so without the authority of CBS and was in violation of their obligations."

"How hard is it to figure out who was in charge of editing the clips to make sure the audio of her name was cut out? Who was the editor of the episode?" her lawyer probes.

"We will let you know once investigations are concluded," is the only response that can be given. "Back to the settlement... If this settlement is agreed upon by all parties, Ms. Thomas will not be able to file a legal complaint against CBS in the future. The amount will also be kept confidential. Our offer," they slide a contract and check towards her.

Seeing all the zeros Magenta tries to contain any surprise or even excitement. "I think the low seven figures should be sufficient," one of the CBS representatives speaks up. It's more than enough.

The money doesn't erase the pain and humiliation she endured from being exposed to the public. She's sure it's not going to stop anytime soon either. But she knows her career's going to take a major hit from what happened. This will soften the blow and help her take steps to create a plan B.

Magenta whispers to her lawyer and he tells them, "It's more than sufficient." Handing a pen over she signs the contract agreeing to the terms. "We'll be in contact about the investigation." She stands shaking multiple hands before leaving.

Checking the time she decides to make one more stop at the D.A.'s office since she's in town. After waiting she's let into the office being greeted by the state attorney. "It feels like there's always new developments in this case," she sighs as Magenta sits across from her.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't stop. I was recently made an offer to change my story by Caprice's team. Hush money," Gen informs her of the new detail.

"I'm not surprised. We're building a strong case against him. How much?"

"It wasn't a specific amount. They wanted me to name what I wanted. It could've been money, a business like a store, or a job doing hosting."

"Who made this offer?"

"I don't know his name. It was a man. He just said he's a representative of Caprice." Magenta doesn't mention that he made the offer at a business meeting through Caprice's girlfriend, her own sister. Despite everything her sister has done, she's still protecting her in a way.

"If you can provide some proof I'll look into it. I have some other news..."


Magenta watches the D.A. fold her hands. "We're looking to make some more arrests connected to your case. Some of Caprice's associates who were there that night will be charged as well. Either on accomplice liability, aiding and abetting, or witness tampering."

"I-I don't know about that. If they didn't commit the act isn't that a little much?"

"A person is responsible for the acts of another if they assist the commission of the offense, encourages, or aids the other person. This can include such things as taking the rapist to the victim and vice versa, providing a place for the act, or facilitating it. As the prosecutor I believe I have enough evidence to prove multiple people assisted or knew what was going to occur."

"Who exactly?"

"The three men who came with Caprice the next morning to get the car when he pulled the gun on you. Also, the friend who took you to the studio."

"Amil," she says faintly.

"Under California law they can face the same level of punishment as the person who carried it out. We issued warrants and now we're waiting for them to turn themselves in."

"This is a lot," Magenta sighs to herself.

"This is halfway to justice." She nods leaving the office going back to the hotel she's staying at.

Magenta didn't even want to come out here this weekend, but they talked her into it. She came with Gee, Pandora, her brothers, and other friends, so she'll see how this goes. This is her first time going out to public events with celebrities since her name was revealed.

As she gets ready to go to an industry event she feels the anxiousness growing in her stomach. For the last month Caprice's team has paid several blogs to drag her with made up stories until she drops the case and hides under a rock. Magenta's not famous nor does she wish to be yet people haven't respected that.

"I think I should change outfits," Gen says looking in the full-length mirror as Gee sits on the bed. "It's showing too much," she critiques herself in the tight dress.

"You never cared before, so why now?" Gee asks trying not to make his frustration obvious. She's changed at least five times.

"People are gonna judge me," she huffs digging through her suitcase. She overpacked like most women, but it still feels like she didn't bring enough options.

"Who gives a fuck what people think."

"I have more of an eye on me where they're picking me apart. Everything I do, my clothes, my body."

"Wear what you want. That shit don't matter. They did it before and they'll still do it. How many times are you going to change? We need to go," he looks at his watch. "Either you can appease people and dress like a nun. It doesn't change shit."

"One more time," she grabs another outfit. "I'll be back," she's about to go into the bathroom.

"Just change right here and come on. You're acting like I haven't seen you butt ass naked before. Let's go," he stands after getting about the fifth text that everyone's waiting on them.

"I can't want privacy?" she gives a self-conscious laugh brushing him off. He looks at her suspiciously. "You don't have to be attached to my hip every second," she makes the snide remark.

"If you go in the bathroom you'll be in there another twenty minutes. You're being weird," he shakes his head. Lately she's been acting too secretive for his liking.

"No, I'm not. You're being clingy and annoying as fuck... as usual. You're getting on my nerves." She's clearly deflecting and gaslighting, but he doesn't know that.

"Now I'm getting on your nerves? Aiight," he heads for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To the lobby with the group of people we're holding up waiting on yo ass," he emphasizes making sure he has everything he needs.

"You're really in your feelings because I said-"

Cutting her off he says, "Make sure you shut the door all the way and don't forget your room key," he walks out. The door closing with a slam makes the room shake as Magenta huffs before sucking her teeth.

She really had to piss him off for him to storm out. Gee's an extremely patient person, especially with her. At the same time he knows how to check some shit and put it back in line if need be. Gen's attitude hasn't been the best lately, so she's beginning to try it with him.

She immediately feels bad going into the bathroom. Taking off the dress she's wearing she looks at herself in the mirror. In only her undergarments she takes in the multiple Band-Aid's on her thighs covering cuts.

Her and Gee are making progress, but soon they'll be backtracking because Gen's pushing him away once again. It has nothing to do with him, but with what she's going through.

"Fuck," she sighs putting on a crop top and mini skirt. "Why'd my hot tail ass not bring at least one outfit with full pants?" She questions herself. Hearing a knock at the door she jumps making sure to pull her skirt down as much as possible. Looking through the peephole she opens the door letting Pandora in, "He sent you."

"Right after saying, You need to get your friend, with some other things grumbled under his breath. What the hell did you do?"

"I didn't do shit," Gen answers trying to find what shoes and purse she wants to wear.

"Not you acting up literally two days before Valentine's day. He's gonna take all the shit he got you back expeditiously," P laughs.

"He's always all in my space. I can't breathe without the man in my damn air."

"Shit, you're trippin'. I like mine clingy and obsessed."

"Yeah, crazy too..." She says lowly spraying herself with perfume. Magenta can see Pandora staring at her intently. She knows what P's thinking. Hoping to distract her she says, "I'm so glad we got out of Texas because it had some nerve snowing."

"You ain't never lied. When is the groundhog coming? Cause a bitch is tired of the cold." P pauses before tilting her head. "What you got going on?" she points at Gen's thighs. It takes her a second to come to a conclusion. "You're doing it again?" she asks with disappointment in her voice.

"Once," she keeps it vague. "And please, don't tell anyone. My brothers or Gee." Pandora can't even bring herself to lecture her. Magenta knows what she needs to do.

"If you do it again I'm saying something," she points sternly.

"I won't." Making sure she has everything she says, "I'm ready."

As a group they go out to a restaurant where a singer reserved the entire space for a private dinner. Walking in it feels like she has a fat scarlet letter on as people stare at her. She's embarrassed and self-conscious to walk in a room. It might all be in her head.

Sitting next to Gee it's clear he still has an attitude. She can tell by the fact he didn't ask her to scoot closer to him. Glancing up from the menu, she notices Kross sit in the empty seat next to Pandora.

When they kiss it's obvious P decided to be with him after all. If they're happy... Hey. Magenta tried to give Kross the benefit of the doubt for being on Caprice's team, but he's just as bad as the rest.

She doesn't acknowledge his presence as P gets up to go to the bathroom with Chandrika. "Hi, Magenta," Kross says cheerfully only receiving a mug. "Oh, we're not cool anymore? You don't like me?"

"You know why," she preoccupies herself trying to figure out what she wants to eat.

"No, I really don't. If it's because I'm Caprice's manager, I'm only doing my job."

"It's one thing to do your job and another to go out of your way to help them make my life hell. You helped them expose me. People are harassing and threatening me. I have nothing to say to you."

That should've been the end of the conversation. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I thought we're all cool. We used to have a nice, little time together. Double dates, becoming friends..." Kross looks at Gee who's deep into his phone.

Gen laughs because she knows everything he's said about her to Gee. "Clearly not. You judged me from jump, especially once you found out I was the Jane Doe."

"I didn't judge you. My stance was always about protecting Gee because it seems ever since you and your people came back in his life the nigga's head ain't been on straight. The man's vision is blurred."

Gee cuts in saying, "Don't speak for me. I'ma grown ass man."

Something in her snaps a little. "So you judged me! You running back to my nigga doing real bitch shit. For what? You jealous 'cause you want him? You don't have any reason to do what you're doing to me besides money. Don't make it like it's because of Gee when you could give a fuck about him."

Usually Gee would jump in, but he feels the conversation needs to be had. Magenta needs to get things off her chest. Walking away and remaining mature like she has been is great, but she's let too much slide.

"If there's talent and a check I'ma do it. Take personal feelings out of it. I'm not doing it based on ill will. My stance is also based on what I heard about you from people in the industry," Kross explains.

"Fuck what you heard, I'm right here. Since the streets are talkin', let's speak on what they say about you. Cause they've been saying you're a clown!"

"I'm a clown? Nobody even knows what you do. What's your job title, ma? What's your job description?"

"Now you don't know what I do as if I wasn't hired to do your artists music video? A video I came up with the treatment for and it's his highest viewed. Like I haven't interviewed most of your artists with them having millions of views. Act like you know the credentials. You have no credibility your damn self to be speaking on me. Get ya mind right and I might help you."

"Are you crazy?" Is the only response Kross can give. "I have one of the top music management companies in the game."

"You're a grown ass man in another man's business. Worry about your own shady ass business," her fist hits the dinner table.

"Your problem is you need to know your place."

"I know my place. I play my position as a woman. Earlier you said I have a business. No, y'all have a business," she motions to Gee. "Last I checked you're a peon being carried by niggas between Gee and Destin, you boot licking Uncle Tom. You the white man's nigga now? Massa say jump and you say how high. Don't ever discredit what I've done, bitch ass nigga."

"Get this stupid bitch out of my face!" At the same time Kross and Magenta stand from the table. Gee raises from his seat slowly still not saying a word with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You're digging your own grave. Y'all not gonna punk me. Keep playin' with me," she throws a plate at him. It misses and crashes to the floor.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell." He lunges like he's going to come across the table until Choice swiftly snatches him back.

"Wrong one."

Everyone was expecting Gee to punch Kross right then and a fight start, but nothing. You'd assume he's not defending her because they argued earlier. He knows what Kross is trying to do. Kross knows he's being investigated. He can't risk getting into another altercation.

Instead of Gee's usual rage that turns into violence he plucks at the rubber band on his wrist. His instinct to get defensive or protective over Magenta lies dormant as he lowers his head in thought. He wants to kill Kross for betraying him and this only adds to it. Then throw in he could've possibly had something to do with Quez getting killed or him getting shot... The sleeping bear wants to wake, ready to maul a mutha fucka. Luckily for him and everyone else he's able to calm himself down. He has other plans for him.

"Go 'head! There's nothing worse anyone can do to me," she dares him.

"You done lost your rabbit ass mind?" Cortlen questions already walking around the table.

"She done called me everything but the child of God now y'all wanna get buck?" Kross looks between the three men.

"I don't care. You can step outside and talk," Cort motions for him to follow. He's nice enough not to tear this restaurant apart.

"No, it's cool. I was talkin' crazy first. He's just showing he can't handle my mouth and what I got to say because I'm right," Magenta stares into Kross who's clenching his jaw.

"It's good," Gee keeps his composure. His calmness is confusing for her brothers. Cortlen narrows his eyes at Gee taking his word for it.

Cort doesn't miss the chance to warn Kross, "If you think those comments and the shit you're doing will be conducive to you walking around freely in the city... Whether here or back home, you better reevaluate. You gotta walk around. Remember that."

Kross laughs wiping his hand down his face, but says nothing. He knows Cortlen isn't the one. Yesterday they went out and it was very clear Cort's respected even out here. You have to be careful, especially in L.A. with the gang affiliations.

Cortlen shoots him a smile as Gee adds, "I gotta take care of myself and my family. You handle your business on your end and I handle mine. We don't need to hang out. I'm drawing a line. That's it."

"So, you're choosing a side? Her over me?"

"You chose it for me. You chose money and Destin. You gotta stand on that shit. Until we find an exit plan for our company...No beef. No animosity. We're just two grown men on two different paths going our own ways. Don't speak to me or her in any room. Respect my space."

"Whatever," Kross backs up. "Tell Pandora I'm waiting on her outside," he walks away.

Kross' attitude is if you're not doing things how he wants then it's fuck you. It doesn't matter about all the things Gee's done for him. This is the turning point. After this Gee's going as hard as possible to get out of this business and move on to something else.

Pandora and ChaCha finally come back from the bathroom still laughing about the conversation they had. Seeing the broken plate and Kross missing, P asks, "What the hell happened?"

"Nothing," Gen clears her throat sitting back down. "Your man's outside."

Gee gives her a look. He's been telling her for weeks to tell Pandora how involved Kross really is with everything to do with Caprice. She hasn't because she doesn't want another person feeling like they have to choose. She shakes her head making Gee groan. He sits back down too as they act like nothing happened.

Not letting that ruin the mood they spend the remainder of the night having a fun night out. Gee spent most of the night around his friends and she did the same.

As they ride back to their hotel she looks out of the window. Knowing they're about to pass by the recording studio her assault took place in she lowers her head not wanting a trigger to come on. Like he can sense her energy Gee extends his hand palm out. Taking it into hers she sighs in relief considering they haven't interacted much tonight.

Once in the hotel they say goodnight to any friends who are staying in the same accommodations as them. While walking back to their room there's clearly still tension in the air from their lover's quarrel earlier. "You still mad at me?" She asks.

"I'm over it," his tone says otherwise.

"No, you're not. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I didn't mean it. I like it when you're all in my bubble," she hooks arms with Gee finally getting him to look at her.

"I feel like there's something you're not telling me."

"You're overreacting," she says on impulse knowing it'll start an argument again.

Shaking his head he holds his tongue at least until they get into their room. They both walk in and when the door closes he wastes no time saying, "Don't make it seem like I'm trippin'. Don't do that."

"I'm so–"

"Don't apologize either. You've done that already. These last couple of weeks I've been traveling a lot tryna get my business affairs in order. Cool, but when I did see you it's mood swings and a funky ass attitude. I'ma keep it real... When someone shows me a sign of not wanting something or shit not being the same, I'm out. I don't have time to waste. So, what you wanna do? If this isn't what you want right now because of everything you have going on, say that and we can go back to being friends."

"I didn't say that." She sighs trying to find the right words. "Genesis, you're the only person I've ever really wanted. I thought we had an understanding coming into us dating. We both know what each of us has been through individually. Some days I may not be emotionally available. That doesn't mean my feelings changed. I like spending time with you and where this is going–"


"Sometimes I feel like you're only sticking around because I'm going through so much. Maybe that you feel that you can't leave me. A charity case. It feels like I'm a kid being watched or babysat. You handle me with kid gloves. Like you think I'm going to do something to myself because I'm mentally unstable."

"Is it wrong? You've been through a lot and maybe I'm a little confused. You're not reacting to things like I thought you would. Until today you've shown no anger to anyone yet you choose to take it out on me. You're so detached emotionally from everything around you. Don't get it confused though, I'm here by choice. You need to act like it and not push me away because I'll leave."

"I just– Maybe I am back to not feeling anything. I have to shut down sometimes to cope. I'm angry, sad, happy. All of those things, but most of all I'm tired. I have nothing left in me."

"And that's what scares me," he says faintly. "I don't think you're actually coping properly. You're bottling it all up and I'm not about to be the nigga you take it out on. I'm not stickin' around for that type of shit," he makes it very clear.

"I know and I won't do it anymore. I'm okay. I promise," she insists.

"If you weren't okay, would you tell me?"

"I'm good," she really doesn't answer the question.

"But you're not."

"And neither are you. We're both going through a lot right now. It's a time of change for both of us. It's confusing and we don't know the next steps with friends, family, and work. Honestly, having each other is the one constant right now. I don't take that for granted. You've shown up for me in every way possible."

She can tell he's thinking. Her heart starts to beat fast making her irrationally say, "If you don't think this is still worth pursuing..." She knows if he agrees she'll be sick.

Mulling it over he exhales roughly. "I didn't say that either. If we're going to decide that can it at least wait two more days? I can't get my deposit back on some of that shit for Valentine's day and I'm not trying to waste any money," he rubs his neck.

They both laugh and Gee opens his arms and she naturally falls into them. His hands grip her waist as he gently brings her towards him. Gen brushes her nose against his in a teasing manner making them chuckle before kissing him. For a second she feels guilty knowing she's lying and keeping a secret. She just doesn't know how he'll react if she tells him.

The next day is Super Bowl Sunday and as a group they went to the game. Because Genesis has a close friendship with a very wealthy music executive he gets invited every year to watch it in a luxury skybox suite. This year he invited all his friends to join. Technically, this is work for him because his artists have performances at the after parties and clubs. He originally only invited Magenta considering Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Then it turned into a group thing.

Even though he said he didn't want to hang around Kross he has no choice. Kross was also invited by the same person. Seeing him laugh it up with one of the white old men, Gee glares at him.

Losing Kross as a friend is going to hurt Gee deeply, but he'll get over it eventually. Gee knows he ignored all the red flags. People back home told him before that Kross isn't right or he's snaked people in the past. He looked over it because it wasn't him.

Kross idolized Gee...He'd get mad if Gee didn't take his side and was jealous of his relationships with Destin, Choice, and even Magenta. He wanted Gee's demeanor and temperament. At the same time, Kross let too many people talk crazy about him and didn't check them. He'd shit on all of Gee's endeavors outside of the management company.

Shaking off his thoughts Gee looks at his empty cup. "I'm about to get another drink. You want anything while I'm up?" He asks Magenta. He chuckles at her staring at the field intently. He got her to make a pretty decent bet and she's scared she's going to lose. She shakes her head and he gets up going to the drink and food area in the back of the suite.

While getting another drink he decides to call his brother, Seven. They'd usually talk on the phone once a week and either send texts or DM's throughout. He hasn't heard anything from Seven since him sending a barrage of funny videos through Instagram.

The phone rings twice before it goes to voicemail. A few moments later a text comes through only saying, At practice. Gee narrows his eyes. 1. It's Sunday and he knows from experience they don't practice on Sunday. 2. If he is at practice he shouldn't have his phone on him. It should be in his locker.

"What the hell this boy got going on?" He mumbles to himself. His first assumption is that Seven dropped out and is too scared to tell him. He checks Seven's location seeing he's still in Denton.

Before his worry can kick into high gear his thoughts are broken by Choice approaching him. "You good?" Choice asks pouring himself a beer.

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm at the Super Bowl. I'm more than good. I remember I thought I was gonna be on that field," Choice laughs while shaking his head.

"Shit, me too. I'm kinda glad my football dreams didn't pan out. That life is no joke."

"Man, I agree. I'm fine growing my weed," he chuckles. "Thanks for inviting us."

"No problem," Gee nods. "I see you and ChaCha are working things out..." Inside he's thinking about seeing her leaving Cortlen's hotel room.

The only person he's mentioned it to is Magenta. She asked very valid questions. Did the room smell like sex? Did it look they just did anything? If not don't go stirring up trouble if it's nothing.


"You and Cortlen?"

"That's still a work in progress."

"Progress? I don't think progression can happen if you don't talk to him," Gee chuckles.

He smacks his lips. "I need a little more time. It's not like a marriage. I have to live with this woman everyday. I can go to marriage counseling with her. Me and Cortlen we usually solve things by throwing hands and I'm trying to avoid that. Even though I want to beat his ass, badly."

"Why can't it be the same? You can go to therapy with siblings," Gee suggests. "I'm not saying my family's perfect, but your whole family needs it. Bad." Choice laughs lowering his head.

"It's not a bad idea, but I doubt that nigga–" He motions to Cort, "will go to therapy. You know how some black folk look at that shit. He needs therapy on his own. He seems normal, but prison fasho took a toll on him. It's all he knows."

"I can see that," he agrees.

"And what the hell did I miss? I go to Austin and come back now you and Kross got issues.. I thought y'all are close?"

"It's some business shit, he went behind my back, so we're on the outs." Choice nods in understanding because he went through it with Fade. "It's not even about the business or the money, and it's a lottt of money... This whole thing made me look at my relationships with people more intentionally."

"That bad?"

"I'll shake the room before I shake that nigga's hand," he says to make Choice understand.

"Damn. It's gotta be bigger than the business then?"

"It is. Remember that time I got arrested with the pound of weed?" He asks and Choice nods. "He gave me the weed. I think he was the one who reported the car."

Choice isn't even surprised. "I told you that shit was suspicious back then. I knew someone you actually knew had to have done it."

"I gotta get out of this business with him as fast as possible before I end up with nothing," Gee blows out air. Choice's mouth falls open in realization. "What?"

"He knows about you... Us- getting the hit on Fade. Didn't you give the money to him and he got the people? He made the call, right?"

"Shit," he rubs his face.

"If he can set you up like that back in the day using the police... He'll do it again. Now y'all have a business together and you're falling out. He might do whatever to ensure he gets the business to himself and all the money. You have to do something fast." He's right.

After the game they're ready for the many celebratory events thrown this weekend. Pulling up to a gas station Gee watches as several people between the two cars they ride in get out to go in. From the seat next to him Magenta counts the thousands of dollars she won from her bets.

"I just knew the Bengals were gonna win," Cortlen smacks his lips from the back row.

"Y'all want somethin' from the store? I'm feeling generous," Gen rubs it in his face stuffing it into her Prada purse. "Going once, going twice..."

"Get me some BC powders. I'm getting drunk as fuck tonight and I'm not trying to miss my flight," Cort requests before Gee climbs down to let Gen out.

He watches her go into the gas station, while leaning against the car beside Pandora. "Hey," she says lowly before extending the blunt she puffs on. Gee declines before she asks, "What was going on with everyone at the dinner yesterday?"

"You know how that go. Me and your boy aren't seeing eye to eye right now."

"I heard. Is it that bad to where I shouldn't bring him around anymore?"

"That was my friend at one point, so I won't say that. I'm at the point that once I walk away that door is never opening again. It takes a lot to get me to that point. Once I'm there it's get down or lay down. It ain't beef I just don't respect him it at all."

That makes Pandora's eyebrows raise. "So, it'll be a bunch of tension and very awkward if I do?"

"I don't want to give him access to me anymore. I'll say that."

"This is putting me in a hard spot."

"I know you and I aren't close like that. We have Magenta in common. I know you're a loyal person. You've always been there for her. Being with Kross will be a test of loyalty, in my eyes..."

"If she didn't want me to be with him she'd tell me that herself."

"You know she'll never say that. She's doesn't like being the cause of confrontation. Imagine you're the one who was done wrong and it causes everyone's life to blow up indirectly."

"I love Magenta, I do, but... How did this start affecting all of us? My store was destroyed and I had to shut it down until it was fixed, so I lost money and inventory. Then these past couple of weeks she's treated us like shit by shutting us out. It's like we're there for her, but we don't get the same in return. If I come to her for advice or help it somehow circles back to her problems," she vents. "She's been super selfish lately and she constantly victimizes herself. It's starting to become draining."

Gee can't even argue because it's true. "She's not the same person she used to be and she can't be right now. I had to realize that. You have to set boundaries and put your foot down. You gotta know what's your responsibility and what isn't, so that you're less personally affected by how she's acting. How she acts isn't about you. You have to decide what you're capable of giving her because your life still belongs to you."

"I wanna be there for her, but I have my own shit going on too. It feels like it doesn't matter or that she doesn't care."

"You know I know. We can only hope therapy helps and once this case is over everything goes back to normal. I don't know though. The damage has been done."

"I miss my old friend," Pandora wears a look of sadness. "It's like someone dying. I've never been through anything like this."

"You gotta adjust to the presence of this new person. It's not easy when it's a person who's constantly struggling to keep her head above water. It's also not wise to date a person who contributes to your friends drowning," he refers to Kross.

Pandora groans. "How y'all gonna introduce me to a fine, rich nigga then try to snatch him away? You brought him in my life!"

Gee laughs shaking his head. "I'm not even gonna front, I do think he actually likes you. Like really fucks with you. He wouldn't be doing everything he is for you if he didn't. The truth is he doesn't have any integrity..."

"Does he not have integrity because your not friends anymore or because you truly believe it? You can't be close friends with someone and not know that person doesn't have morals or integrity. What's different now?"

Gee nods his head. "True. That's where I fucked up. If you champion integrity, then you have to stand on that square even when it doesn't involve you directly. I watched him lack integrity with others and didn't care because he didn't do it to me."

"That's like being mad you got robbed by your thieving ass friend who always steals. You knew what he was the whole time, but didn't care until you were directly affected."

"Judas betrayed Jesus," he looks into the darkness of the night. "Be careful with him."

Pandora blows out smoke. "I'ma big girl. I know what I'm doing."

Gee looks at her for a second. "Yeah, you are. He told me he likes you because you don't care, you're outspoken, and don't give a fuck about what people think."

"And don't!" She rolls her neck making them laugh. "Everyone likes it until I tell them about themselves."

"You really like him?" She only looks over at Gee as they exchange a knowing look.

"You ever need me to help you with something let me know. Method is more important than strength when you wish to control your enemies. We can both get what we want out of this. Call me the snake charmer," she says before walking over to the car she's riding in. Gee laughs a little to himself right as Gen walks out with a shopping bag of stuff.

He helps her into the car and once everyone's out they head to their location of a West Hollywood after-party. An hour later the exclusive VIP event hosted by a celebrity is in full swing as music blasts and people dance.

Gee was taking this entire weekend as his opportunity to network. All the artists and celebrities are out, especially big names who work behind the scenes in the music industry. Usually he'd play the background, but he has his future to think about. Since Kross has been going around acting like they're not partners to everyone who will listen, so is he. He needs to make those connections.

He watches Magenta drunkenly dance with Pandora and ChaCha. She drank more than usual. He laughs a little at the fact Gen doesn't twerk like normal girls. She's pulling out every move a rapper can think of. Gee's smile fades when he sees bottle girls coming towards their section. One of them holds up a light up sign that says, I'm sorry. The others hold up a bunch of bottles.

When they come in one of them points across the venue. It's a section filled with football players including her ex, Noah. He smiles as Gen hides behind Chandrika in embarrassment and shock.

She hasn't spoken to him since she went to California. Noah thought he was doing something by helping Caprice by lying that she bribed him. With no proof the motion was dismissed, but it was another layer to people figuring out her identity.

It was also Noah's last attempt to be the controlling narcissist he is helping to further traumatize her. All because she ended it with him. Noah's feeling himself after his team won the Super Bowl tonight. He would've liked to have Magenta on his side, but now it's about making her regret not being with him. It doesn't matter what trophy or ring he gets, Magenta would never go back.

"I don't want that shit. Send it back," she tells the bottle girl.

"Hell no! More liquor for us," Cortlen grabs one of the Ace of Spades bottles. "Who's that? Tell him thanks," he nods popping it open.

"That's Gen's ex," Gee informs him.

Cort's eyebrows raise as he takes the first gulp. "Forreal?" he wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "Oh, she was dating an NFL player. Damn, you wanna go beat his ass? That's a bold move. He's doin' that in your face."

Gee laughs because he's clearly been drinking tonight. "Nobody's worried about him." He's not gonna lie in the back of his head he wondered if she'd just end up going back to him like always. It's a thought he's had ever since she slept with him.

Their group doesn't stay much longer at the party because he has to go with his artist to another performance. Instead of them leaving in the awaiting car service they stand outside among a big group of people who congregate to talk. One thing about Black people they'll talk ya ear off after saying they're gonna head out twenty minutes ago.

Gee feels like he's the only one to notice the atmosphere changing. He can feel tension beginning to rise. That happens when you have a group of 30 men who have been drinking and possibly partaking in drugs with street backgrounds.

He looks at the group of rappers who are taking a picture for social media. He makes his way over to the car of women who wait on them. "Y'all should go back to the hotel for the night," he suggests interrupting their loud, drunken chatter.

"Uh uh! Why are you trying to get rid of us? Y'all tryna be with hoes? I know all the fake tittie escorts are out this weekend," Pandora says what the rest are thinking.

"You have fake titties too, bitch," Chandrika slurs. "I thought we're going to another club? Y'all must wanna see bitches. Why only send the women home?"

"It's not like that. I have this feeling..." he looks around.

"If you have a feeling then y'all should come with us. Nice and safe in the hotel," Gen furrows her eyebrows.

"I can't. I'm out here working too. I have to stay with my artists. You're drunk as hell already anyway."

Magenta rolls her eyes swinging her legs into the car. "Close the door."

"Text me when you get back to the hotel." He shuts the door stopping to talk to the driver before sending them off.

Literally, right after the car pulls away the feeling he had is confirmed. He knew something was about to unfold. Turning around he can see an exchange happening between Choice and someone from the entourage of one of the rappers.

"I don't know what you think this is. You got me fucked up," he can hear Choice tell the guy who's trying to get in his face.

Before Gee can go over and deescalate the situation the man pins Choice to the car so he can't move then punches him in the face. The two men begin fighting as Gee pushes his way through. Not before someone else jumps in trying to defend his friend and essentially be two against one on Choice.

Realizing what's happening Cortlen rushes over jumping on top of a car to get through because the space between the parked vehicles is small. He practically jumps into a punch having his brother's back. It didn't matter that they hadn't spoken the entire weekend.

"Ay!" Gee yells rushing over. He's actually trying to be the peacemaker only to get punched. Of course he can't take that so he fights back. It quickly turns into a brawl with people from each camp trying to protect their side.

The fight makes its way onto the sidewalk from the side of the street. Choice ends up on the ground underneath several men as if this was a targeted attack. During the altercation they're trying to snatch his chain from around his neck. Seeing one of the guys reaching like he's going to pull a gun Cortlen beats him to it.

Cortlen puts his arm in front of Gee pushing him back. "Back up!" He takes a gun from the pocket of his Amiri hoodie aiming and firing the gun several times at all the guys jumping Choice. Luckily, none of the shots hit his brother who's on the ground.

He pulls his brother up as people scream and run. They dart behind the crowd of people that's dispersing leaving three people shot. They basically blend in with everyone else able to make a clean getaway on feet. It all happened so fast.

They get a block away when a car comes to screeching halt. From experience they think to run with no question. The car's window rolls down and it's someone Gee knows. "Get in!"

Quickly getting to the car it pulls off as Cortlen asks, "Who the fuck were those niggas?"

"One of them is signed to Big Bleak's label. I know that for a fact. I was looking to manage him at one point. I remember seeing one of them with Fade before."

"I knew he was too quiet lately," Cort adjusts in the front seat as the car speeds down the road. "They clearly were tryna get your chain as a souvenir to bring back."

Choice wipes his busted and bleeding lip. "Where'd you get a gun?" he asks from the backseat.

"Does it matter? I saved you, right?"

"You barely got of prison and you just shot some niggas. What if they don't make it?"

"You serious?!" Cort looks at him in disbelief. "Fuck them! It was either you or them! I gave them each leg shots. They'll be aiight."

Choice blows out air. "Thanks for having my back."

"We good?" You can see the hurt in his eyes from them not speaking. Cortlen and Choice were always close. Cort was more like his siblings' father more than anything.

"Yeah," Choice looks out of the window. "Take me to my hotel."

"We're all leaving early in the morning. Those niggas aren't going to press charges or cooperate with the police when they started it. It was self-defense. And they're probably out of towners like us," Cort says while they head to their location.

"Whatever," Choice grumbles.

"Nobody tell your girls what happened. Play it cool. Everybody needs to delete anything they posted on social media. On your story or posts in the outfits you're wearing. I saw people recording. Folks pullin' out there phone as soon as there's a fight? I can't get with it," he shakes his head.

Choice gets dropped off first as they head for their hotel next. "Why's he so mad?" Cortlen smacks his lips.

"You know that wouldn't be how he solves it. Not at this point in his life."

"Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll go to the fullest extent to protect my siblings. Whether it's Caprice or tonight. I've always been overprotective of my little brother. He was the first to get put on to our hood, so I felt like I had to do it too. To make sure he doesn't do any crazy shit. Since we didn't have a Dad it was hard for me to make those brotherly or "dad" decisions. Whatever he did, I supported."

"He was first? I wouldn't think that."

"Yeah, but he was never trying to shoot and kill anybody on that type of gang shit. He was looking at it as strategic. He always had a different mentality in a good way. He's a street dude who can change the way he thinks. That's what a boss is to me."

"Choice is definitely different.

"It's something to respect and admire. He's able to brush that shit off and keep it moving. You can't emotionally react to everything. I still gotta learn how to get there," Cort admits.

"Do you admire him enough not to sleep with his wife?"

Cortlen's head snaps back to look at Gee so quick. "What're you talking about?"

"When I came to give you the money Fade owed you... ChaCha was at the hotel getting off the elevator. I don't know. It looked crazy," he says apprehensively not wanting to poke his nose too far into it.

"She didn't even come in my hotel room. I talked to her in the hallway. We didn't do anything. She was telling me to give them space to fix their marriage because I kept calling him, texting, and showing up so he'd talk to me. It wasn't like that."

"I would hope so. I've known Choice a long time and-"

"You wouldn't feel right not telling him what you saw if something was up? You're a loyal person. I'm glad I was right about you." He pauses then goes on, "I am sorry for what happened back then, but I can't change it. I don't think he'll ever trust me again and I understand."

When they arrive at the hotel, Gee goes up to his room entering quietly. Glancing towards the bed Magenta's sound asleep, so he goes right into the bathroom to shower. Looking at himself in the mirror he can see blood on his white t-shirt from the fight.

With a huff he begins removing his jewelry moving slow and tired. He changes his life, but somehow keeps getting put in situations like this. He's exhausted. He just wants to go somewhere far away and start a new life.

Holding in his tears he has thoughts of confusion. He's beyond stressed, but also lost. Days like this he wishes he could call his father for advice. Knowing he can't he sucks it up and turns on the shower water.

A couple hours later Magenta slowly comes out of her sleep. Even though she doesn't have nightmares anymore she wakes up constantly throughout the night. It doesn't help Gee's holding her so tight to the point she can't move.

She looks at his body laying on top of hers and his arm around her neck. He looks so comfortable. She doesn't even know when he got back, but Gen gives a small smile. The best thing about him coming back in her life is the cuddling while sleeping. They still sleep nose to nose as if the other doesn't deserve space.

Reaching to turn on the lamp she checks the time. It's 2a.m. meaning they have to be up in three hours for their flight. With the light on she notices blood on her chest. Realizing it came from his nose she begins nudging him.

"Wake up, Gee."

"Huh?" He groans groggily.

"Your nose is bleeding." She slivers from underneath him as he slowly starts to wake. Grabbing one of her makeup wipes she looks in the mirror getting it off before going back into the room. "Is that normal?" she asks wiping his nose as he sits up looking lost as ever.

"It happens sometimes. If I'm stressed or my anxiety's on ten. It ain't nothin'," he brushes it off.

She looks at him with furrowed brows. "What happened after we left?"

"Nothing," he lies.

She doesn't believe him, but doesn't push further. "Every time I'm not with you, I damn near feel physically ill thinking something's going to happen to you. You have no idea how much I pray for you and your safety. I know there's niggas who want to see you-" she can't even say the word dead.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asks wondering what she's getting at.

"I don't know," she says softly. Climbing back into the bed she lets him take his previous spot of laying on her. "I know when we were in college I would've made excuses of why we can't date because of shit like this." Gee lays still thinking 'Not this again'. "I'm not gonna do that this time. I'm not leaving. I know the other day we had that conversation, but I'm in this.. All the way."


Magenta getting the settlement money from CBS? The D.A. looking to arrest Amil & Caprice's other associates?

Gen's argument with Kross? Pandora still deciding to date Kross?

Seeing Noah at the party? The fight & shooting?

Gee & Gen both keeping secrets from one another?

Comment / vote💫

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