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Sitting in her car, Magenta stares at the downtown Houston building. She listens to the state attorney on Caprice's case gives her any updates... "I talked to all the girls who dm'd you. All of the stories are similar. They go out with these guys. After one drink they start to feel out of it. They usually have some memories of the assault. One girl said every time she woke up it was a different guy coming in the room. They also record videos or take pictures to use as blackmail later, so women won't go to the police."

"So, what does this mean? I'm the only one who filed a criminal case. You know how people are. Unless it's on paper it's all he say, she say."

"Yeah, none of them are interested in pressing charges. Don't let that discourage you. Some of their stories check out and I filed a motion to have the ones willing to help added to the witness list. If it's approved, great. Court's all about what you can prove, not what you know. This shows a pattern. Apparently, a lot of the women were surprised he did that to you, but it made sense why you were actually brave enough to press charges..."

"What do you mean?" Magenta furrows her eyebrows.

"You're not his normal type of victim. You're a college graduate with a growing and established career behind the scenes. They usually go for the girls known to get around the industry. The ones who want to model, act, luck up and be a rapper or athletes baby mama. The girls doing only fans."

"The ones who they can say, 'no one will believe you if you come forward anyway,'" she nods in understanding.

"These men look at women as disposable, as a commodity. They think they have a right to these women's bodies because they have a reputation. Caprice met his match with you as long as you don't back down. I'm going to do whatever I can to ensure he never does this to another women."

"Thanks," Gen says before ending the call.

With a sigh she kills the engine on her car. Something catches her eye in her rearview mirror. She glances to her side mirror next seeing the car that's been following her the last couple of weeks. From talking to Gee it's a private investigator who Caprice hired to follow her.

Sucking her teeth Gen opens her glove box grabbing her gun putting it in her purse. Before she'd feel safe walking around without it, not anymore. They're trying to intimidate her. Getting out of the car with her belongs she slams her car door walking towards the Black Ford Focus.

The windows are tinted, but she can here the car start. "Yeah, I see you!" The car speeds off and she rolls her eyes watching it disappear into the distance.

Walking into the 'Ill Minds' office space it feels like she hasn't been here in forever. The last month off from work is exactly what she needed. And as much as she'd like to come back to work like nothing has happened in her life, that's not happening, unfortunately.

She's sticking to her guns about wanting Felicity to buy her out of the business. Today they're having a meeting to discuss what that looks like as the steps are being taken. Walking in she can see several employees take glances at her and whisper. At this point, everyone knows about her being the Jane Doe.

"Hey, Magenta," one of them greets her with a smile and wave. She gives a greeting back looking at her dark office in the background. "We missed you!"

"I missed you too," she gives a bittersweet smile going to the meeting room they're gathering in. Upon her arrival she takes a seat at the long table next to Colby.

"I can't believe its come to this," Jux shakes his head. He's simply been in the middle of their family feud. "We were just getting started."

"She's giving me no choice." In walks Felicity along with two other men who all sit down. "We ready to start?"

"We've had a good ride. We've accomplished a lot in the past two years to be such a new business. I think this creative design company and agency will look great on any resume or portfolio as a stepping stone to bigger and better things, which I'm sure Magenta will do. She just needs to find a more fitting place," Felicity gives a fake speech with a snide smile.

"Can we get to why we're here? Negotiations..." Magenta's straightforward.

"We had a business valuation done to determine a fair price for your partnership buyout. Also, for the record, Felicity did pay back the $500k from the emergency fund," Jux details.

"I said I would," her sister gives attitude.

The hired acquisitions attorney speaks up to continue saying, "The amount we came up with is based on all expected profits in the foreseeable future and how essential your expertise or industry contacts are to the business's success. $500,000," he slides a check across the table.

Magenta looks at it then at Felicity who sits across the table from her. "That's all you think I'm worth?"

"You're one third of the company. Honestly, you had the least important role. Based on numbers I brought in most of the business," Felicity scoffs.

Gen looks at Jux knowing that's not true. Rubbing her forehead she says, "Let's not act like I didn't bring a lot of A-list clientele from me interviewing artists on the side. I made a lot of connections and always told them about this company so we could all eat."

"And I've done the same with my career in fashion," Felicity rebuttals.

"We've all brought in clients," Jux gets in the middle. "She deserves what's fair," he looks at Felicity.

"That is fair, but we all know she likes to take until she can't anymore. If you want more, fine. I have an offer..." She nods to the man next to her. He hasn't said a word since the meeting started and it did make Magenta wonder who he is.

"Who is this?"

"I'm a representative of Caprice Wilcox," he says making her immediately groan.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," Gen mumbles.

"On top of the $500,000 you can have additions. Anything you want if you sign this," Felicity slides a contract across the table.

"What's this?" She picks it up beginning to read it.

"A settlement," the man says peering into Magenta. "You sign it and take payment in any form then Caprice's case is water under a bridge. Everyone moves on with their lives. What do you want? Just name it..."

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want? You're about to be done with this business. I'm sure there's something else you want to do. We can get you your own company. Maybe a boutique or salon? A hosting job or show. Television, radio, a podcast," he keeps listing.

"Are you serious right now, Tink?" Jux asks seeing Magenta's trying to contain her anger. "This is business. You couldn't keep this personal shit for another time."

Felicity says nothing waiting on her sister's answer. "My pain can't be bought. If that was the case I would've done a civil case and sued. Tell Caprice from whatever jail cell he's in to fuck himself!" She stands up. "I'm not taking anything from him, especially not money. What happened to me that day was not a type of violence involving physical harm, but rather a type of emotional destruction and he keeps it coming. And you're facilitating it," she looks at Felicity in disgust.

"My fiancé is in jail because of you!"

"No, your fiancé is in jail because he's an idiot who can't follow rules. Are we done here?" Jux nods knowing this has gone left. "I want $700k and nothing less."

"That's why we negotiate. Let's try this again on a later date. Once the terms have been negotiated and all parties are on board with the new agreement, we'll be ready to make the buyout official."

"Right," Magenta picks up her purse storming out. Between this and negotiations for a settlement with CBS, Gen's stressed, but she can use this money for the next step in her path.

Laying on a tattoo table of a shop, Magenta's zoned out with her eyes closed. The buzzing of the gun could be music to her ears if she didn't have headphones in as a Vince Staples song plays. Getting another tattoo was the best bet after the thoughts she had looking at those scissors.

It helps with any burgeoning feelings of self-harm. Instead of doing the unthinkable and harming herself, she set an appointment for a session. Right now she's releasing any rush of endorphins she could've got from cutting. It stops all the emotional and sometimes physical pain. It's like therapy.

Fuck a friend, I don't want no friends with no open hands, the lyrics fill her ears as her eyes shift under her eyelids. She hates to admit she's considering accepting the settlement with Caprice. If that means moving on with her life and extra money in her pocket, why not? Look at the stress it's causing her.

6 months later and it feels like her life has been on replay of that August night. She wants it to be over. If the case drags on for years like most she doesn't know how much longer she can deal with this.

The tattoo artist removes one of her headphones to say, "All done." Opening her eyes she looks at it as the tattooist cleans it up.

"Thanks," Gen says lowly getting up from the table to look at it in the mirror. She unlocks her phone wanting to get a video, but notices all the notifications she has with multiple missed calls and texts. They're all from her closest friends making her eyebrows furrow.

"You know what to do for after care," her tattoo artist chuckles considering she's come in so much since August. Beginning to wrap it she adds, "I can't lie, Gen, I love money... But I don't wanna see you in here for at least another 6 months."

"Seriously? I have an idea for a fire back piece. You don't do it, I'll go to someone else," she teases.

"3 months," she points.

Once they finish up Magenta walks out to her car calling Pandora back. After answering P immediately tells her what's so urgent causing Gen to say, "I'm on my way!"

After stopping to get the first-aid kit that was requested she drives to Pandora's clothing store. Before she enters the boutique she sees the two display windows on the outside are broken. Walking in her boots crunch in the shattered glass seeing mannequins in the floor and clothes ripped from racks.

"What the hell happened?" She asks making the small group turn to look at her. It consists of Pandora, her store employees, Glow, and Chandrika.

"Caprice's minions. Amil showed up here with a group of people trying to fight me," Pandora explains.

"They tried to jump her, but we're not goin' for that. Plus, she has hired security for the store. Dummies," her sister, Sasha, speaks up. One thing about Pandora is her younger sister doesn't play about her.

"Are you serious?" Magenta's still trying to process the wreckage left behind.

"She had full-grown men with her. Four gremlins and like three grem-lettes," Sasha shakes her head.

"I pulled out the pow pow pow 'cause I fight niggas, but not three and four of them. We almost had a stand your ground situation," Pandora laughs with her workers as if this is nothing. "We get active little mama," her and Sasha say at the same time swinging their arms.

"I'm so sorry," Gen says in shock. "This is all happening because of me."

"It's all good. You know I hold my own," Pandora shrugs holding a tissue to her bleeding broken nail. "You think I'ma let people come for you? If this was me, I'd want you dragging these bitches by their non-existent edges. I'm checkin' bitches at the door. Where ever a hoe have you fucked up at that's where I check her at!"

"Period!" Chandrika says from the couch she sits on.

"No, this isn't okay. Why can't they leave me and anyone around me alone? This is getting out of hand. The Twitter fights. People threatening to dox anyone who defends me, the lies, threats, manipulation," Gen states.

"My Instagram page got deleted from people reporting it. Shadow banned my business page too. Now they're effecting my business and my bag," Pandora adds to the list. "I feel like I'm in high school. All this kiddy ass clique up shit they do in this influencer world. Childish."

"Exactly. What is Amil's problem? She acts like I killed her dog. The girl made a Storytime on Youtube about this and straight lied to make herself look better. It's ridiculous," she says with discontentment.

"That's why I don't like some of those Youtubers. They live for drama, so they can get paid off it. She's always trying to play this innocent, pretty girl role when she gets beat up. Where they mess up at is thinking I'm like them. Girl, we fight forreal. Don't show up to my place of business!" Pandora rants.

"Everyone's okay though?" Magenta asks looking around. Pandora's assistant, Jontell, holds up one of the girls wigs with a smirk.

"Still pretty!" P flips her hair that's always laid cockily. "I'm mad her friend only had her top teeth done, but not the bottom. Fix ya grill before I knock 'em down your throat," she jokes.

"Y'all can't take anything serious," Gen finally laughs sitting on the couch. She takes the first-aid kit out of her purse getting a Band-Aid for Pandora. Putting it on one of her fingers she says, "Thank you for always having my back."

"Girl, it's nothing," she waves it off with her free hand. "They came to my store trying to beat me up when their friend is supposedly innocent according to them. It's giving guilty. It's giving send him to the clinker, judge!"

Chandrika chuckles adding, "The chicken has come home to roost. Wait, which one roosts? The chicken or the rooster? Whatever. They're telling on themselves, that's what I'm trying to say."

"Why would you wanna scuffle with someone who fights the air when she's bored? P swears she's Ali so bad with all that shadow boxing," Sasha says making them all laugh.

"I gotta stay ready," P swings on the air. "Wassup, hoe?"

They continue to joke even showing Magenta the security camera footage, so she can see what happened. She makes sure to send it to herself in case it can be used in the case. So much evidence is piling up. Hopefully, all these things can come in handy.

Pulling all their efforts together they begin cleaning up the store that Pandora's going to have to shut down for some time. Twenty minutes later Colby's showing up to check on her. Fifteen minutes after that Kross is here too making things become tense. It's clear they're not cool with her seeing both anymore.

"What's he doing here?" Kross asks motioning to Jux.

"What're you doing here?" Pandora shoots the question back. She called Jux to come, but not Kross. She figured he'd be too busy with work like he always is.

"Sasha called me," he looks at her sister. Pandora gives her a glare. Her sister has a tendency to get close to people P dates, calling them "brother" and all if she likes them. She likes both men, but Kross is very generous with money. That's always a plus.

"I'm here to check on her just like you. Ain't no thing," Juz says coolly keeping his usual laid-back temperament.

"I don't remember talking to you," Kross snaps back.

"You talkin' about me, so address me like a man when I'm in the room. Anything else is bitch made." Everyone's eyebrows raise.

"You really don't wanna go there with me," Kross steps up to Jux. The drama only starts up again as the two men begin arguing ensuing a shoving match between them. Finally getting them apart Kross looks at Pandora saying, "You can have that nigga, but you know what you're losing if you choose him."

"What's your problem?" P asks as everyone else tries to mind their business.

"I told you before I put the money down for the new shop to cut that nigga off. Did I not? Call me when you tell him what's up," Kross flounces out leaving several people confused, including Jux.

Pandora tries to explain to him, but he cuts her off. "I really don't have time for this. I came here on my lunch break. I need to get back to work. I only came to make sure you're good and I think you're more than that... I'll call you later," he leaves next.

"Why y'all gotta be like that? Why can't we all just get along? Be one big happy family," Pandora smacks her lips as the door dings indicating he's gone. "There goes my fantasy of having a threesome," she grumbles flopping on the couch.

"What's Kross talking about?" Gen asks nosily.

"He got my store in Miami for me," she admits.

"You're going to take it?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I? Look, I've been hustling all my life. For once can a nigga buy me something? It's feels good to have nice things and not pay for it."

"But it sounds like him paying for it means you have to choose him."

"I mean, why not?" P shrugs.

"So he's buying your love?"

Changing the subject she says, "Did I show you the Birkin he got me." She holds up the light pink bag modeling it. Seeing the straight face Magenta wears, P smacks her lips. "Damn, bitch you can't just say congratulations? I got my second location like I wanted."

"So, now what? You're going to be in a relationship with Kross?"

"I guess. I like him!"

"More than Jux?" Pandora's silent at that.

"I like Jux too, but for once I'd like to fuck with a nigga who provides opportunities. The man made the down payment on my second shop and is helping me get a condo out there. What man's willing to do that nowadays?"

Gen rubs her forehead thinking about Gee and Kross slowly but surely falling apart. "How well do you know Kross?"

"Well enough. Of course we're still getting to know one another. We've been seeing each other, what? Almost two months. That's enough time to know if you want to be with someone in my book."

"Just don't move too fast like you usually do. What happened to everything you said a few weeks ago? You know what, if you're happy," she holds up her hands to back off.

"Thank you."

"One thing though... If Kross says anything about Gee you'll tell me, right?"

"If he says what about him?"

"Like, maybe hurting Gee..."

Pandora's face screws up. "What? Why would he hurt his friend?"

"They're not really seeing eye to eye right now. It's about business. I try to stay out of men's business, but I just want you to watch your back. Kross has some... not so great tendencies," is the best way she can put it.

"Until I personally see it and he does it to me, I'm rockin' with him. I don't have anything to do with an issue between two grown men who have been friends since the playground."

"I know. For all I know they could work things out. I'm not trying to argue with you or fall out behind a guy. Just warning you."

"I hear you," P nods.

"Let's finish this," Gen goes back to sweeping.

The Next Day...

Looking at a fan deck of paint swatches and her pink walls Magenta contemplates to herself. With all her living room furniture moved out of the way she looks at her brother, Cortlen, walk back into the room. "Which color? Sea foam green or spring green?"

To answer her question better he opens both paint cans getting a look at them. "Shit, I don't know," is the best he can come up with making her smack her lips.

"I want something more relaxing. I'm redecorating this room."

"You should. This bubblegum pink got my eyes hurting," he receives a light hit to his arm from his sister. Deciding on a color they make the steps to prepare painting.

"Have you decided yet? If you're going to stay in Houston or go back to Dallas.."

"I think I'm gonna stick it out here. I've been thinking about what I'm going to do on my own as far as business. I know I have equity in Choice's company, but I want something for myself. Gotta figure out what I wanna do."

"Good you're thinking about it. That's a start," she encourages him.

"Have you talked to Choice?" Cortlen asks as they begin on the first wall.

"A few days ago. He's been busy at his warehouse in Austin. He has a big order of CBD products he has to ship out," she explains his recent absence. "Also, I think him and ChaCha are starting counseling."

"Yeahhh," Cort says faintly. "I gotta date," he changes the subject with a wide smile.

"Date? You happy as hell. Who is this chick?" She playfully crosses her arms over her chest.

"Her name's Kendra. I met her at the gym. Figured, might as well.."

Moving her hands to her hip Gen smiles a little too. "Look at you. Go 'head, boy. Good luck because the dating world is a different planet."

"I'ma need it. If we're being honest I've never even been on a real date. That sounds crazy."

"Well, where are you taking her?" He tells her and Magenta begins giving him as many tips as she can as they continue painting.

Taking a break to get a drink of water Magenta checks her phone. They've done two walls of three so far. Even though she's gotten out of her slump she's been staying off the internet, so she doesn't go back down that hole.

She's slapped in the face by nearly every blog posting a story about Caprice. Apparently, they got a hold of documents of his legal team asking for him to be released from a California county jail. He's only been in there two weeks. They're claiming he was slashed in the face with a knife by an inmate causing a cut from his mouth all the way towards his ear.

He wants a bond because on top of being cut, inmates have tried to jump him. He's also a target for inmates who want to garner respect. Caprice is forgetting he was given a bond, but he didn't follow the rules. That's why he's in there until trial. He claims to fear for his life, which is laughable to Gen.

"Have you seen this?" She asks Cortlen.

She barely flashes her screen towards him before he's saying, "Yup," flippantly.

She narrows her eyes into him studying his body language as he acts busy painting. "What do you know, Cort?"

"I don't know anything," he denies it.

Re-reading it she sucks her teeth. "It says it was done by gang members, crips. The same set our family has been connected to since forever. Uncle Tracy's old ass will remind you every second what he bangs so you don't forget. I'm not stupid. What'd you do?"

"That nigga still wears a bandana fit head to toe. Tacky as hell, but he's gonna wave his flag," Cortlen laughs not answering her question.

"Dooda!" she claps to get his attention.

He huffs admitting, "I might have found what county jail he's in and made a phone call..."

"So you ordered a hit? Do you wanna go back to prison?"

"I mean, I didn't have them kill the nigga. He'll be aiight. Some scars be fire. He has a story now," Cort shrugs.

"I can't believe you," she drops her phone to the kitchen counter.

"That man had grown ass men on the internet coming at you and Pandora. Had them at her store. I don't know about that other shit. I don't know about typing and yelling at screens. I barely know how to post on Instagram still. I do know how to get a mutha fucka touched!"

"I just- I want this to end. They do something, then someone retaliates, then it's a cycle. I want to live my life and the only time I have to deal with it is the actual days of the trial. Out of sight, out of mind.."

"Bruh did too much. He deserved it. That's why you have to respect everyone. When you go to prison or jail you have to be around dudes who killed your homies and loved ones. Maybe the gang of someone you disrespected or hurt, now you have a whole unit against you. He should've thought before he acted. Consequences. This girl I hurt has brothers, a father, cousins, and uncles with street backgrounds from the south to the west. Penitentiary rules in effect."

"You better pray it doesn't blow back on you or me. You see Gee has a damn investigation over his head now."

"Then we'll deal with it. That boy been goin' through it bad. Jaw broken and now Buck 50'd. Somebody should tell him to P.C. up and quit crying if he's that weak of a bitch. That's how jail is. Cali jails..." he blows out air. "Ain't no joke. Karma don't stop. God is good," he begins humming going back to painting.

"Your ass is crazy," she comments grabbing her pain brush to get back to work.

"You know I was the one who taught you how to walk?" He asks randomly. "You can ask Mama if you don't believe me. I needed all y'all walking, so I can start having y'all do stuff for me."

"That sounds like some shit you'd do," she chuckles.

"Every time you fell, I picked you right back up because we had shit to do and trouble to get into. It's still the same thing. You, Choice, and Tink were my first ever bestfriends. Just know that I'm behind you every step of the way. We're gonna get back right. All of us..." It falls quiet.

An hour later Cortlen's gone and Magenta's opening her front door letting Genesis in. The last two weeks he's been working overtime trying to get his business in order for what he plans to do in regards to Kross and Destin.

"Tell me you're not wearing my clothes to paint?" He asks as they walk down the hallway that's filled with stuff from her living room.

"Then I won't tell you," she jokes as they enter her kitchen. Both sitting on the stools to her island they turn to look at the freshly painted walls. "What do you think?" she asks of the new color.

"A lot better than all that bright ass pink you had up and through here."

"More tranquil, right?" she waves over her body letting out a deep sigh.

He nods. "How was your day?"

She makes explosion sound effects with her mouth making him laugh. "You?" He makes a screeching sound before a crash. "What the hell is that?"

"A car crash. Head on collision."

"That bad? Wanna talk about it?"

"Nope, I come here for peace," he stares into the paint that gives the illusion of a happy glow.

She feels the same way. They sit in comfortable silence for a minute before she asks, "You gotta gun?"

"What?" he laughs thrown off by the question. "I got these," he holds up his fists jokingly.

"These!? Uh uh, boy, that's not enough. You got hands, but niggas like to shoot nowadays. I know you're not supposed to have a gun because you're a felon. You need me to get you one in my name for you?"

"You ridin' like that?" Seeing her serious face he discloses, "I'm kidding. I have guns. Illegally, of course. Once I'm off probation I can have a firearm in my residence since it'll be 5 years from my sentence. Why are you asking me this?"

"I just wanna know if you're protecting yourself. I don't trust Kross, Fade, Caprice, anyone."

"I'm good. Always aware of my surroundings." Looking over at him she tries not to show any worry. Her biggest fear is something happening to him. He got out of that life, but some people don't want to see you moving on with it.

Stopping at a gas station before heading to his destination, Gee leans against his car watching the numbers of the price go up. Holding his phone to his ear he listens to his brother, Seven, tell him what's been going on at school so far.

"Yeah, there's this girl I'm tryna get at, but she's playing too many games. I think she's slick tryna friend zone me and I'm not with that at all," Seven details.

Gee laughs remembering those days. "You've only been up there a few weeks. You're not giving it no time. Have you told her how you feel?"

"See, that's the thing. She's already playin'. So why put it out there and risk her shutting it all the way down?" Seven expresses honestly.

"That's niggas problem. Y'all don't ever know how to just be someone's friend. If she's not on that then you gotta let it go, bro. Be the homie. Stop being horny. Don't stare at her booty on some creepy shit," he gives the advice. Seeing he has to go inside for the receipt Gee smacks his lips saying 'fuck it'.

Hearing an indistinct voice in the background of the phone call Gee hears Seven talking to someone. "I gotta go. I'll call you back later," he quickly hangs up on him.

Gee looks at his phone sideways shaking his head before getting in his car. At first Seven was calling or texting him everyday, clearly lonely out there. Now he's making friends and finding his place. Gee's glad he's at least trying for him.

He drives to Magenta's photo studio arriving ten minutes later. Barely taking two steps in, he flinches back when she starts throwing confetti jumping around excitedly. She puffs into a party blower making him jump again from the high-pitch noise.

"Okay, you're done," he tries to grab it. "What's all this?"

"You're off probation! And it just so happens to fall on 2/2/2022," her head moves with each time she says two. "That marks a new beginning so you can let go of the past and the negativity that came with it," she blows the party blower again in his face.

He lowers his head doing a light laugh. "You've been reading too many spiritual, self-help books." Walking further in he realizes the studio is decorated with balloons. Seeing a table set up for two in the middle of the room he doesn't know what to say at first. "You really did all this for some regular shit?"

"Why are always so surprised when someone does something nice for you?" She grabs his hand.

"Not used to it. I guess it doesn't happen often," he says in a hushed tone. "Thank you," he kisses her.

"You gotta celebrate the wins when you can. Even if they seem small. But I don't care what you say, this is a big deal! You can stop smoking those damn Black & Milds. Anytime I see someone smoking those or cigarettes, I know they're on papers. Life's gotta be hard."

"A nigga be stressin'."

"Ooh, and we can travel!" She throws her arms around his neck.

"Not exactly. I can't travel out of the country with this investigation or they'll think I'm fleeing. I'm basically still on probation. Maybe that's why I'm not excited. I can only travel domestically."

"Damn," she pouts. "I know you're not off the hook and 100% free, but we can still celebrate the little battles until we win the war. 5 years is no joke. It's designed for you to fuck up and go back. You tried your best."

"Shit, I tried," he agrees. Gee laughs watching Gen prance off to grab something. She comes back with a card and cookie cake. "You're the only person who doesn't like cake cake."

"It's nasty!" he emphasizes opening the card. He reads what she wrote in it with a smile laughing at the last part.

"I know I scolded you for it before, but thank you for whooping that niggas ass. He deserved it lowkey. You always protect me. I really appreciate anyone standing by me during this time," she expounds what's written.

"You're talkin' about me celebrating... What about you? You hit a million subscribers on Youtube," he motions to the gifts, flowers, and balloons given by friends and Gee to congratulate her.

"I feel like I can't even take credit for that. All those followers came after my name was revealed. Is it because I'm tied to scandal or are they actually supporting my content? I've worked so hard building my reputation these years as a reputable interviewer and creator, but it's overshadowed-"

Gee grabs her hands stopping her spew of negativity. "You need to enjoy this regardless of where the subscribers came from. They came, so capitalize off that. They'll stay when they see how hard you work."

"You're right. We both need to enjoy this. I opened the gifts you had sent. I also got you something, but you can open it later." Gee tilts his head making her ask, "What?"

"I like how we reciprocate energy."

"We don't do one-sided over here, baby. You do for me, I do for you. I made us dinner," she gestures to the table, so they both sit.

"Now you know." Before she's moving her chair from across the table to next to his. He looks down at the space of only an inch between them saying, "You can get closer." She begins scooting and seeing her about to stop he says, "Closer." He didn't feel comfortable until their shoulders are touching and she's squeezed directly into him.

"I'm gonna need elbow space to eat," she chuckles. "So clingy."

"I'm not clingy, but I like feeling you next to me. You know you like being in my skin." She smiles a little liking that he's affectionate and attentive. It's helped her get back to herself, which softhearted self rather than closed off. Looking down satisfied with the space between them he notices a red cut on her thigh. "What happened?" he asks.

"Nothing. You know I'm clumsy. Hit one of my metal drawer handles on my dresser," she pulls down her black shaping bodycon dress.

After eating Magenta writes affirmations and manifestations in her journal as Gee goes over the paperwork for the original price they offered in negotiations. "Yeah, you can ask for more than $500k," he finishes the math.

"Is $700k too much?"

"You asked for $50,000 more based on my calculations, but shit, Felicity owes you that much."

Gen scoffs. "Like she'd give me that. If they offer $600k I'll take it, so I can go about my business."

"You're doing good by having multiple streams of income. You had the company, do freelance work, have your Youtube, website, and make money from Instagram. Do you have any investments?"

"Other than my own business? No. Should I?" she winces.

"You don't have any stocks, bitcoin, crypto, investment properties, stake in another company?"

She shakes her head. "I figured I had time. I'm four years out of college. I'm still trying to understand this whole adulthood thing. Every time I look up I have a bill. I can't even keep up with when money is leaving and coming."

"You need to make your money make money. Passive income. I think you'd do good with investment properties since you like decorating and shit. Flipping houses, renting, Airbnb's. That type of thing."

"You're so smart," she kisses him. "I need something until I figure out what's next. Until then I want to focus on my youtube and content... I haven't had an interview since yours in December. A month. The rappers I was supposed to sit with all cancelled," she groans.


"Gossip. Men in the industry stick together. That or they're scared to work with me thinking I'm too police. Same with my Black history month thing highlighting creators. At least ten people have asked not to be featured anymore. It's one thing if it's one or two. That can be easily replaced. I have to find ten more people."

"I can probably help you find some replacements."

"The blackballing begins," she shakes her head. "What're you gonna do? You stopped the Interscope deal for Kross and Destin. What now?"

"I have to get that clone company shut down then plan my exit. I don't get it... All I did was travel with our artists everywhere from high school pep rally's to club sections to promote them and get their music heard. I genuinely wanted our artists to win." It's obvious he's truly hurt by the way things are going with his business partners. "If the respect ain't there, I'm not there, so it is what it is."

"Are you going to start your own company?"

"In management? I don't really know if being a manager is for me anymore. It's so much stress and it costs me more money than it's worth sometimes. It's a spend money to make money business."

"Maybe try having less artists. I've seen some managers only focus on one artist and push them."

"The artists are like having bad ass kids. They call every time they get into an argument with whoever they're dating. Emotional ass calls in the middle of the night asking for me to book them flights then the next morning they're back with them. People throwing careers away over relationships, getting knocked up, arrested. Artists who we help build fanbases from the ground up. I'm talking no one knows them. As soon as they get big or sign a deal, they leave us in the dust thinking the bigger companies will have greener grass," he vents. "I'm over it."


"I have enough savings and investments to figure it out. I have so many connections I could do anything in the music industry. But that's a fucked yo place too. They see the money in the violence when back then the violence ruined the money. They want artists dead or in jail. Posthumous albums are very lucrative right now. Shit's sad as fuck, but those white music execs never cared about us."

Magenta furrows her eyebrows. "In jail... Caprice. That's why Destin and Kross pushed so hard to sign him. Who in his team is telling him to stop? No one. They're steering the wheel on his chaos. Scandal sells records. Don't get me wrong, he did it, but someone's profiting off our real life shit," she realizes.

"You have a point. Kross and the rest of Caprice's team have been behind all this. Your name being outed..."

"That's so fucked up."

"Yeah, and it's the business. We're operating in a system that's been like this. My artist dies, I still manage his career as if he's alive and kicking. In jail, we operate like he's free. Same with the labels. Nothing changes. They're still under contract. When you sign a music contract they have ownership to the extent of the known universe. Meaning if we go to a colony in outer space they still own their music. They're loving this shit. They get to capitalize and control it all and don't have to argue with a soul, especially if the estate wasn't setup correctly."

They both get quiet deep in thought. They're thinking about where they're going to go in their careers when this is said and done. "I just want something of my own," Magenta expresses openly.

"Me too." A smile slowly spreads across his lips as an idea forms. "Fuck it. Let's do it. We can do it together."

"What?" Gen asks in confusion.

"Once we figure out what he want to do we can work together. Like a joint venture. Whatever company or business you decide to do works with mine, but we still own our own shit individually."

Her lips turn up in thought. "Not a half bad idea. I see the vision," she smiles.


Sort of a filler chapter. But Felicity offering a settlement payout on Caprice's behalf?

Amil & others coming to Pandora's store? P in a relationship with Kross?

Caprice being attacked in prison on Cortlen's call?

Magenta & Gee figuring out their future career wise? Working together?

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