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It's been a week since Magenta's name became public and it seems like things still haven't died down. A long seven days of her not leaving her home because every time she looked out of her window there's at least one news channel trying to get an interview. She couldn't eat for days. All she did was stay in bed sleeping all day hoping she'd wake up and this would be over. Everyday it's a new headline. Every time you refresh the page it's another person threatening, bullying, or wishing death on her.

No one should have to live through this. It's like reliving that night. It's re-victimization designed to scare her into dropping the case or changing her testimony. She's proven why it's terrifying for sexual accusers of high profile men to come forward. They're setting her up for public ostracism in the industry.

This is intensified by the fact that salacious details are turned into chatty gossip being shared as daily tea. No victim wants to subject themselves to more pain with their sexuality being further exploited for the casual interest or entertainment of others.

Staring at her tv she lays in the bed too lazy to change the channel. She hasn't moved in hours. The past few days she doesn't wake up until noon, takes cat naps throughout the day, and only goes from her bed to downstairs to back up again.

Letting the daytime talk show play she's not really paying attention until Caprice's name is mentioned. "I'm sure you guys have heard about this whole fiasco with the rapper Caprice and these sexual assault allegations. He does the interview with Gayle King and CBS, everything blows up. Do you think he did it?" the host asks the audience.

The crowd of women are either making faces while nodding or shaking their heads. Magenta sighs burying herself deeper into the mattress. "More information has come out about the victim. She apparently works in the music industry and made a name for herself around Houston. She's a creative director and I guess a journalist. She actually interviews rappers like Caprice."

"And other artists," the co-host speaks up. "She's in artist development, a visual creative, content creator, if you will." Gen shakes her head. People found out who she is and thought it was free reign to look into her. Instead of respecting her privacy they've dove deeper into her life.

"Beautiful girl. Caprice isn't a bad looking guy either, so-" Gen rolls her eyes because that's all people have been saying. That he doesn't have to do that because he's good looking. The host leans in putting her hand by her mouth like she has a secret. "And word on the curb, her own sister's engaged to Caprice," the crowd gasps as a picture of Caprice and Felicity is flashed on screen. "They actually had their engagement party two days after everything blew up. All I'm saying is something isn't clean in the water, honey."

"I also heard the manager of Caprice who the accuser is dating- The one who fought and broke Caprice's jaw... Well, he apparently ended things with her." Magenta looks over at Gee who's sitting against the headboard trying to get work done on his laptop.

"Yeah, I ended things," he scoffs with a chuckle of disbelief.

The host keeps going. "That's just a rumor with no regard. You didn't hear it from me. I believe it because you noticed he didn't come to her defense when all the internet hullabaloo was going on. You know, considering everyone had something to say.."

"Who wants a man who's on the internet arguing and having Twitter fingers? Niggas talk too much on the internet as it is," Magenta smacks her lips.

"Doing nothing but incriminating themselves or making empty threats."

"When is this going to end?" she mumbles.

"This part? Now," Gee grabs the remote switching it to something else.

CBS thought they could makeup for their 'mistake' by offering her an interview. An opportunity to tell her side as they put it. She also had offers from The Real, Tasha K, Jason Lee, and others trying to get her to sit down and talk to them.

Magenta's never had a manager because she didn't think she needed one. These days having Gee comes in handy. He's been filtering through calls and emails giving the same response of no. He's even the one who typed up the PR perfect statement that was posted to her Instagram before logging out.

Gee moves his leg from under hers and gets up from the bed saying, "I'll be back."

Since it happened he hasn't left her side, so for a split second she shows excessive neediness by asking, "Wait, where are you going?"

You can tell she's been stressed because she's been more clingy and emotionally needy than usual. She didn't want whoever was over to leave her side. Gee has been a constant while Pandora, Cortlen, or Choice have been in rotation. Not even this could bring her brothers together. If Cortlen showed up when Choice was over he was making an excuse and leaving. Mostly because they didn't want to bring drama to her doorstep when she's had enough of it.

"I have to to pickup the groceries from Walmart. They're ready unless you want to keep having an empty fridge. You could ride with me," he offers grabbing his keys.

"No, I'll stay here." The thought of going out has her petrified.

"It won't take that long. Knowing me, I'm still going to stop and get food, so what do you want?"

"Chic-Fil-A. Do you know what I want?"

"Eight count chicken nugget meal, barbecue sauce, Mac and cheese, and a Sunjoy," he recites effortlessly. "You order the same thing at every place."

"Make it a 12 piece," she says making him chuckle under his breath.

"Aiight, I'll be back."

"Thanks. I–" she stops herself realizing what she's about to say. Gee stops his strides waiting for her to finish her statement. "I fuck with you heavy," she points.

He nods not trying to show any signs of amusement going along with it. "I fuck with you too, big dog," he hits his chest twice before exiting.

Falling back onto the bed from sitting up she looks at the ceiling. "I love you. Love you. Love ya," she mumbles in different intonations not knowing why it's so hard.

Hearing her front door indicating he left she grabs her phone. Everybody's biggest thing is her staying off social media. She knows they're right, but she's tempted. Logging into her Instagram she noticed that Gee had turned off the comments for most of her pictures. A part of her wants to delete any pictures that could be deemed as revealing knowing people will use that to judge her.

She goes to her dm's and of course they're filled with people she knows reaching out. Scrolling through them she notices some names she's never seen before. She wonders why they didn't go to her request, but she opens one from a girl reading it.

After reading about the fourth message of women saying they were victimized by Caprice too or knew someone who was, she's in shock. Apparently, him and his crew are known for inviting women to recording sessions and house parties. Then they supply women with drinks and drugs with the intention of engaging in sexual acts not caring if they're able to consent or not.

She spends the next 30 minutes responding back to the women asking if she can send the messages to the attorney on the case. Most of them ask to be anonymous not wanting to go through what she's currently experiencing.

When she hears Gee is back, Magenta logs back out. She's about to get out of the bed, but Genesis is already up the stairs coming into her room. "Why the hell are the lines at Chic-Fil-A always so long?" he asks sitting everything in his hands down.

"Because everyone fears they'll crave it on a Sunday, so you gotta get it when you can remember."

"Here," he extends a bouquet of sunflowers wrapped in burlap and brown paper with one hand and her drink with the other. She looks at the teddy bear of roses he got to ask her to be his Valentine realizing she didn't even get to enjoy that moment. Her busting out in tears makes him furrow his eyebrows. "Bruh, what you crying for? I got them to make you smile."

"Cause you're so nice," she blubbers. "Why can't we just be happy? Petting our alpacas on our ranch," she wipes her eyes.

Gee tries to hold in his laugh, but ends up chuckling. "I'm not laughing at you, I swear. I'm happy. You happy?"

"Yeah," she wipes her face.

"Then alright. What those people have going on don't have shit to do with us. Let's try again... Here." She finally takes the flowers and drink putting on a smile. "There you go," he kisses all over her face as she basks in it.

"You buy flowers like every week."

"Consuela's my girl. She gives me a discount now," he says while figuring out whose food is whose.

"Who the hell is Consuela?"

"My new flower lady. She loves me. She calls me and says she has something special already made for me to pick up."

"You and older women. They always love you. You remind me of my husband," she mocks the voice of a waitress they had. "Are there still camera crews outside?"

"Yup, way less though. I think they realized you're not coming out." She sighs right as her phone rings. It's her lawyer. When she answers she's told to put her tv on the news in 5 minutes, so that's what she does.

Seeing the headline that Caprice was arrested she sits up so straight her entire posture changes. A warrant was issued for his arrest for breaking the gag order. It wasn't for the Gayle King interview like some would assume. He didn't break it by doing that. It's because he passed restricted information to an unauthorized third party. Caprice told his friends details about the case that weren't public and they used it as ammo in Twitter arguments with Pandora.

He violated the active protective order and is in contempt. The charge of harassment was added to the ones he already has. He turned himself in, but based on Caprice's cocky smirk as they walk him in cuffs, he was willing to risk his freedom if it meant Magenta's identity being out. He'll be in county jail until trial begins.

Right after that her lawyer pops on the screen for a press conference in front of the courthouse. "What CBS did was a big no-no for coverage of sexual assault, which has centered on standard practices that bar major media outlets from naming rape victims in public coverage. Especially because she was a Jane Doe making this a big misstep that needs to be answered for. Whoever at CBS made this hugely terrible mistake needs to answer for that and pay. We're requesting they be fired or legal action will be taken."

"Shit, don't be surprised if she ask where the cash at," Gee mumbles the Lil Wayne lyrics. Her attorney already said she's in negotiations for a payout settlement through mediation. Money won't stop her name and face being plastered everywhere. It won't stop her career taking a hit.

"For the victim this case has never been about monetary gain but justice. The way she has been painted in the media the last week is humiliating and disgusting. I don't think CBS or any of these news outlets would've been so negligent if it were anyone else. If she was a blonde hair, blue eyed, petite woman picturesque of vulnerability and innocence they would've felt more obligation to protect her. Because of who was involved they were careless. She's a Black woman working behind the scenes in the music industry who should've been safeguarded like any victim. My client would like the ability to choose the right time to come out in public based on her own healing process, if ever," her attorney ends it.

By nightfall Magenta's in her bathroom running water for a bubble bath. "I really need, I need a free mind now," she sings the Tems' song as it plays from a speaker. She begins pouring Dr. Teal's pink himalayan foaming bath into the tub then lights three different candles.

Continuing to hum she grabs her clippers making sure the right guard is on. She hasn't bothered to do her hair at all this week. She's been wearing wigs for two months straight, so her hair has grown a few inches. Running her fingers through her natural hair she cuts it halfway.

Anytime she gets any length she's cutting it right back down. It's just easier. She then takes scissors cutting anything on the top that may be uneven before hitting the edges with the clippers.

Brushing hair from her shoulders and chest she grabs her broom and dustpan sweeping it up. She turns the bath water off realizing how high it's gotten. Only wearing a bra and panties, Gen looks at the scissors that sit on the counter. They're still pulled open and she gets the sudden thought that makes her want to grab them. She closes her eyes remembering the girl in her survivors group who showed them scars on her arms, stomach, and thighs from cutting herself.

Instead of taking the woman's experience as a learning lesson it makes her wonder if it could be a release of pain. To set me free. Freer than the open mind, the song sounds like it's in slow motion in her head as she still stares at the scissors.

Realizing that she's thinking about self-harm Magenta quickly grabs them and closes them before sticking them in the drawer slamming it shut.

"You're enough," she whispers the words Essence gave as a coping mechanism. Magenta quickly strips naked sitting in the warm water submerging into high bubbles.

She soaks for 15 minutes in solitude before holding her breath and going under. While under the water she blows bubbles seeing how long she can hold her breath. Hearing her name being called in a muffled voice Gen comes back to the surface. Wiping water off her face she turns to see Gee.

"Can I come in?" He stands in the doorway that's wide open. She nods and he enters sitting on her vanity stool. "I think I have to go to the studio tonight for one of my artists. Probably won't be done until 2a.m. You gonna be cool by yourself?"

"Yeah," she pulls her knees to her chest hugging them to herself. "You don't have to be over here everyday. I know you have to work." She's trying very hard not to put her guard back up after this.

"I was over here nearly everyday before this, so why not?"

She shrugs. "Don't wanna be a burden... You haven't backed out or folded yet."

"Did you expect me to?"

"No... Maybe, yeah. I don't want you to get lost in all this. Just by choosing my side a lot is at stake. I don't want to be the reason you lose anything. Then you might resent me later on in life."

"You're acting like my life is perfect. I have problems too. Regardless, when we were in college you were in my shoes. I'm sure a lot of people told you to stop being my friend and you never switched up."

"True, but I know you're still mourning. You have a tendency to bury yourself in work or other people. I want you to take care of yourself first."

"I'm fine. I have my moments in private. I'd be doing my father a disservice if I just stopped. I know what he'd want me to do. I talk about Seven's behavior, but ever since my father left I have some pain I can't let go of. Once they put my Daddy in the ground it's like they buried my heart with him too," he admits.

"I know."

"I've been angry. And that's why I fell back into old habits. Fighting Caprice and letting Fade draw me back into old beef. I wish I could get rid of my old ways. Now they're investigating me," it slips out.

"Wait, what?"

"I wasn't going to tell you. I didn't want you to say, I told you so."

"I wouldn't do that. What's going on?" she asks with concern.

"If they see fit I'll either have to serve the original 5 year sentence, do some type of alternative, or drop it altogether. We'll see."

"Don't you only have a few weeks left on probation?"

"Yup, it doesn't matter to them though. I fucked up," he shakes his head.

It's quiet before she asks, "Are you okay? Ever since you found out about Kross and Destin it seems like you're in your head."

"I'm always in my head. It doesn't stop," he swipes over his face. "I'm good. Just planning. I'ma genuine nigga, so if I feel like we're locked in and I rub you the wrong way I'ma do everything in my power to make it right. That's just me though. They're clearly not trying to fix things." She nods in understanding. "Can I trust you?"

Looking over at Gee his eyes are already on her. He's looking at her, but into her at the same time. It always felt like he can see right though her. "Of course. What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know. It seems there's so little of that going around... And loyalty. People all out for self gain."

"Trust me. I know how bad betrayal hurts." In that moment she wants to tell him everything on her mind, especially with the scissors earlier. Instead she doesn't not wanting overload either of them with her feelings. Looking at her fingers that're beginning to prune she says softly, "Why am I so scared to tell you I love you?"

"To think someone's going to tell you I love you just because you say it is crazy. Everyone says it on their own time. Now if the actions don't match that's another story. I know you do."

"I never stopped," she admits.

Walking over to the edge of the tub he leans down kissing her forehead. "I know. That's why I'm here. I never did either," he kisses her before standing up and leaving the bathroom.

Genesis rarely ever came to the actual office of their management company, but today calls for it. He's the type of guy who's fast to say, 'this could've been emailed and don't waste my time'. Right now, he needs face to face conversations.

There's a knock at his office door and he signals they can enter. In walks Destin who smiles only receiving a stoic look from Gee. "What's up?" They dap before he sits. "You wanted to talk?" The last time he saw Destin was after that private investigator revealed Magenta was the accuser.

"I've been hearing you didn't like the last conversation we had in person, so if you do I think right now you can tell me that yourself," Gee says coldly looking into him.

Destin's bubbly energy dies realizing this isn't a happy meeting. "Uh, I just thought we were better than that, man. We've known each other since college and you accuse me of knowing Magenta was the Jane Doe. I never would want to see any woman get hurt. Let alone, I don't want to be accused of knowing. I felt like you were questioning my character."

"I was. Still am," he says bluntly. "I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe that you didn't know. I really don't believe shit anymore, but that's neither here nor there. If y'all are protecting Caprice, coo. I'ma do what I gotta do to protect her. What's done in the dark, comes to light. I'm really not even worried about that right now."

"What's going on?" Destin clears his throat fidgeting in the seat like he's uncomfortable.

"What's this I hear about a deal with our company and Interscope?" He comes right out and asks. "Y'all going behind my back?"

"It's not like that."

"Then what's it like?" Gee puts his index finger to his temple curious to hear this.

"Kross did this behind my back," Destin throws him under the bus. Gee can't tell if he's lying or trying to save his own ass. He knew he could crack him first.

"Really? So how'd you get to the point of secret meetings and negotiations? I'm sure it took some time and still at no point did you tell me."

"I said it was wrong. But then Kross was telling me that you had been stealing from clients, withholding royalties, and inflating the cost of label expenditures. Also, that you were taking more than the typical 20% management fee. That you were stealing from Irvin," he refers to one of their artists who was killed last year. "He said there was supposed to be a $300k check coming from Sony after he passed, but when it came you said it was only half of that. That you pocketed half for yourself then sold some of his catalog to the label without permission. He felt like he wanted to break away from you because you're 'bad for business.'"

Gee shakes his head. "Does that even make sense to you? I would never take money from an artist, let alone a deceased one. Not when I know that money and royalties feed his children and family. You could've came to me with that. Instead you let him get in your head."

"I'm sorry," Destin clears his throat. "The deal was for all three of us, but he wanted it to go all the way through before telling you. He didn't want it ruined. Surprise you with it," he clearly lies.

"Where's the money at from the deal?"

"M-money?" he stutters.

"I know you already got paid some of it. Don't play dumb."

"It's going to be 60 to 90 days before we see a check."

"Okay, then I'll send my representatives over to the Interscope office to collect my portion. Make sure it gets to the right account," Gee turns to his computer as if he's going to email someone.

"You don't have to do that," he responds nervously. Everyone knows Gee is no joke, especially Destin.

"We're going to get this all straightened out. Don't worry."

"All this hubbub going on is too much," Destin gives uneasy laughter.

"The fuck is a hubbub? That's the white coming out... It's a hubbub alright," Gee turns his laptop where Zoom is on the screen. One of their employees is secretly recording a boardroom where a company meeting is being held.

They're not even talking about anything of importance, but he purposely planned it to come off as if it's in secret. It's staged. Kross doesn't know that after being informed only a few minutes before it took place.

He wants to get in his head. Gee knows he needs to keep others in suspended terror of what he'll do. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. It keeps people off-balance and intimidates.

And like he expected Kross walks in on the meeting and begins going crazy because control is out of his hands. It shows how paranoid Kross is since he knows he's the one doing wrong. It's like when someone cheats, but they start accusing you because they're the guilty one

"Why are y'all having a meeting I'm not privy to?" He asks their staff who are only doing what Gee asked. "What were y'all talking about? Huh?!" When nobody answers he yells, "These are my artists!"

Gee rubs his facial hair staring at the screen with a grin listening to Kross' tirade. "Now y'all can't speak?! Sitting here with the stuck face. This is my company! Nobody needs to be making any moves without me. This is my shit! How are y'all having meetings without me? You need to call me first! This is bullshit."

"You don't need to talk to us like that," one of their employees speaks up as everyone stares at Kross like he's a madman.

"Nobody's about to be interfering with my artists. I sit in on all meetings even if it's a call. I ain't Gee. Sending an email afterwards isn't enough. I'm on top of all this shit."

"We can reschedule," one of them stands up.

"Reschedule? Naw, don't reschedule shit!"

"But I'm the one who's bad for business?" Gee asks Destin who looks on edge.

"If you want to talk to Gee he's in his office," someone informs Kross.

"Where is Genesis?!" Kross shouts.

"In his office, like I said," the employee gives the smart remark. Kross has made the work environment toxic the last couple of months, so some are fed up.

"Man, get the fuck out. Go copy some papers or fix a pot of coffee," Kross storms out going to the elevator pushing the button hard and fast multiple times.

A few minutes pass and Kross is on the floor they're on. Already hearing him coming down the hallway Destin says, "We've got company."

He flies past Gee's assistant barging into the office. Prepared to keep his battering going Kross looks at Destin. "What's he doing here?" He asks pointing at him. "Matter of fact, where have you been? And where's Seven? I've been calling you to make sure he's good and not somewhere kidnapped, but you haven't been answering. I got back from Miami and he was gone."

"I decided to send him back to Kentucky," Gee lies.

"Oh, shit," he calms down a little. "I guess that's good. I thought his Mama said he can't come stay by her anymore?"

"I found another family member for him to stay with. He'll be alright." Kross narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Have a seat."

"Why are meetings being had without one of us being there? I don't care if it's just for planning. A representative still needs to be there," Kross shuts the door joining them.

"What? You don't like it when secret meetings are being held just like you two mutha fuckas." Kross' eyes become shifty looking at Destin. "I know about the meeting with Interscope."

Kross scoffs looking off to the side. "They asked that you not be there."

"And why is that?"

"You don't mince words and people can feel like you come off abrasive," Destin speaks up not wanting Kross to say the wrong thing.

"Cause I don't kiss ass. I know what I bring to the table and if someone's offended by my words we have a bigger problem. This is business."

"It's business and you've become self-destructive to the brand," Kross responds with attitude.

"We're not going to have a brand if we keep signing artists with bad reputations. We lose money every time we do. We're trying to make a globally recognized company and build equity that can be bought and sold into. Yet y'all want to keep signing and protecting criminals," Gee explains.

"Do you think we'll be able to be that big by throwing every artist who does something wrong to the wolves? This industry is dog eat dog. Most of these artists are fucked up. You buy, pay, do whatever to make sure they keep making us money," Kross says with no shame.

"You're the reason Magenta's name was outed," he shakes his head.

"No, his team was."

"You ARE his team, Kross!" Gee yells.

"You're really willing to jeopardize everything we've built, our business, and industry relationships over a bitch?!"

"Watch ya mouth!" he snaps at him.

"No, you need to listen! You're not even in a relationship with this chick and even if you do get in one it probably won't last. She's been jerking you around for how long? Women come and go. Money, success, and accomplishments are worth a lot more than a woman who's only going to bring you down. You need to tap back into reality. Now you have an investigation and potentially a case on you because you violated your probation tryna defend her-"

"How do you know that? I didn't tell you that," he cuts him off. They haven't spoken since Miami. Gee rolls his neck laughing under his breath. "How do you figure that it's okay for you to backdoor me and start doing things without me with someone I introduced you to?! You know that's not right. I brought you to the table. You went behind my back on some sneaky shit!"

"That's your fuckin' problem. You wanna sit at the head of the table like a king. We all put food on this mutha fucka!" Kross argues back.

"Nigga, you ain't brought shit to to the table and got the nerve to think you're worth more than the weight you actually pull," Gee slams his hands on the desk. "You ain't made a deal yet. I made all the deals. Why do you think you do all the footwork with the artists? You're damn near a glorified babysitter!"

"Come on guys. We're friends," Destin tries to jump in.

"Are we? Is there even respect still here as friends? Fuck the business and money. If not, let it be that and we go our separate ways as men," Gee states.

"I don't care if we're best friends, I'm gonna tell you when you're wrong. You've been fuckin' shit up," Kross smacks his lips.

"Me? You're trying to make deals without me. That's a decision we should've sat down all three of us and decided. You don't get to make a decision then say I'll present it to them later. I need to look at the contract because this could be a bogus ass deal. I want to see a contract," Gee pokes the table.

"Nigga, you're so insecure," Kross groans.

"Insecure? I would be dumb as hell to just say, Aiight, I trust you."

He looks in Gee's face saying, "It's none of your got damn business."

For a second hurt flickers in his eyes. "I don't even know who this nigga is anymore."

They've been through everything in the world together. Selling drugs, make drives cross state, getting arrested, women, friends dying, family deaths, lived together when we first got to Houston.

His character made him convince Destin to take Kross on as an equal partner. Gee believed in him. His position in Kross' life has always been one of protection. It's never been transactional unlike him. They were supposed to all have defined roles in this to build an empire. The plan was to sell it after ten years and it hasn't even been five. Kross is comprising the mission.

It's silent before Destin speaks up, "When there's years between people things should be handled a certain way. Let's try to fix this and if we can't then cool.

"Fuck both of y'all," Gee blurts out. "Y'all went behind my back. Then you're letting people run around putting dirt on my name? Fuck y'all," he reiterates. "I did you a favor, but I did it out of the goodness of my heart because you're my friend. Now you're gonna make me pop my shit and remind you," he says to Kross.

"Fuck you too. We work on percentage based contracts. I'm not your employee and you're not my boss. I'm not a charity case either. If you would've treated me equal it wouldn't have come to this," Kross puts the blame on Gee. "It's never been about money, but it's the respect level."

"Respect? You're not doing this for respect. You wanna act like Destin is yo Daddy because he helped fund a lot of stuff, but don't get it twisted... This was my idea. I came up with starting an entertainment management company. I came to you with an opportunity to legitimize. Get greedy and become a beggar!"

"I never needed any nigga, but you needed me," Gee keeps going. He pulls out a copy of the contract slamming it on the table. Not only was Devin a stand up guy for telling him about the meeting, he also sent a copy of the deal they're trying to negotiate. "And this contract is a prime example of why I made all the deals!"

"It's a solid deal," Kross grumbles.

"This deal is frontloaded. You won't gain anything until it's completed. Everybody knows labels find a million ways for recouping not to be possible. Your plan to spend millions for this partnership that will stress our yearly budget. It's too big of a risk. It's not smart to put all this money into a partnership when our business is solid on it's own."

"Then we'll raise the money from an outside source. One of us can sell their portion of the company. Take a minority stake."

"By someone you thought it'd be me? Destin's portion is too small. Your name isn't on enough paperwork. I don't know why y'all think I'm stupid." He picks up the contract. "I could've let y'all sink and fuck up everything we built. Guess what? Devin made it to where there's no deal without me also signing this contract. It's contingent on all three of us signing. Now it's not happening," Gee rips it in half.

"You dumb ass nigga," Kross clenches his jaw.

"Y'all can get the fuck out of my office." He watches them walk out leaning back in his office chair. He still didn't tell them he knows about them creating another company. He's going to keep that for later after they make another move. He knows they will...

Sitting at a table Gee sends another stack of money through a money counter. He looks across the room at Fade who just got done counting the $20,000 he's paying Big Bleak. Now he's counting the money he's supposed to pay Cortlen. The two men who came with Fade have guns visible as they watch Gee closely. He's sure the hired bodyguard he usually uses for his artists does the same.

"Cortlen must trust you to let you pick up his money and not come himself," Fade speaks up in the dead silent room.

"He trusts me enough."

"You two got cool quick..." Gee looks at him wondering why he's trying to make conversation.

"I'ma cool guy. Only niggas who hate don't like me." Throwing the last stacks back in the bag of money he zips it up. "It's all here. We done here?"

"Where's the boy?" Fade asks about Seven.

"None of your damn business. Your weird ass obsession with my brother needs to die because you're never gonna see him again. I paid my brother's debt. Big Bleak and I came to an understanding. It's over."

"Who said I answer to Bleak?"

Gee laughs like that's the funniest thing he's heard in a while. "You never been a real boss in ya life. You're a professional lackey. First, you were under Cortlen then Choice. The minute you tried to make boss moves you started a war. None of the people under you respected you. Because of that we got arrested. You don't have leadership skills. You're just an overly arrogant underling."

Fade chuckles himself. "Who's the arrogant one? This is your second time leaving me alive."

"Then you better live everyday like it's your last. Have a blast," Gee steps around him.

"I forgive you," Fade says making him stop in his tracks and look over his shoulder.

"Is that what you wanted? A sorry?"

"It doesn't change anything."

"I forgave myself. That's all that matters to me."

"Then tell Choice and Cortlen I forgave myself for my mistakes too." Gee can't figure out if it's round about way of admitting he snaked them out. He only nods his head leaving for his next destination.

Going to the hotel Cortlen's staying at Gee walks through the lobby with the bag of money. While waiting on the elevator he checks his phone. The doors open and he looks up to see Chandrika stepping off.

"Hey, ChaCha," he gets her attention because she doesn't realize it's him.

"Oh, hi, Gee." She looks up realizing it's obvious why she's here. "You here to see Cortlen?" she asks tucking hair behind her ear. Gee nods holding the elevator door with his hand. "We were talking."

He nods, "Okay."

"Yeah, trying to figure out how we make things better with Choice. It was a rebound fling and nothing more, ya know. Regardless there's still hurt behind it." He furrows his eyebrows at the use of the word 'fling.' That's usually longer than a one-night stand...

"Uh huh. You don't have to explain to me. I'll see you around," he steps on pushing the button for the right floor. Once he reaches it he finds Cortlen's room and he lets Gee in.

"You got here faster than I thought," Cort takes the duffle bag of money.

"Yeah, I wasn't too far from here. He had it all."

"That's what I thought," he sits on the bed opening it taking one stack out running his thumb over it.

"Something weird happened... Fade said he forgave me. For one, I never apologized and I won't. I said I forgave myself years ago and he goes, 'tell Cortlen and Choice I forgave myself.'

"The fuck he mean?"

"I don't know, but his energy's different. I definitely thinks he's feeling the impact of making himself the odd one out," Gee shrugs.

"He don't know whether he wanna be our friends or have smoke. That boy lost as hell without me and Dodi," he refers to Choice. "I just talked to someone from back in Dallas a couple days ago. They said how Fade was offering folks $100k to take out Choice a couple years ago. No one would take it. He gave one of our homeboys the money, but dude ran off with it and didn't do it. He was that desperate."

"Somebody had to have taken it because Choice got shot."

"He had to go to the opps. That's how Kasino came into play. Supposed to be his best friend since 3rd grade. Crazy how niggas play it," he blows out air.

"Hm," Gee makes the quiet noise thinking. "I'ma get outta here."

Like every night Gee stopped by his house to check on it before going to Magenta's where he usually spends the night. When he got there Gen had setup an at home date night seeing as there hasn't been much of leaving the house on her end.

After eating the dinner she cooked for them they've spent hours playing games including UNO, Scrabble, Jenga, and Mancala. Now they're playing Monopoly, while watching BMF.

"What kind of massage is this? You rough as hell," Gee comments while sitting on her living room floor in between her legs as she sits on the couch. He screws up his face as she uses the edge of her hands doing a chopping motion.

She chuckles doing it all the way up his back hearing the vibration in his voice before stopping. "Ooh, look at my nails!" Gen reaches her hand over his shoulder so he can see. At the suggestion of Pandora he had their nail tech do a house call for Gen. It was their way of saying her nails were looking raggedy. "I feel like you and P were tryna say something because she had our hairdresser come slap a wig on me too."

"Those feet were a little rough. Had those claws rubbing up against me last night," he jokes still debating on if he wants to buy the property he landed on on the board.

"You tried it. My feet are cute," she wiggles her toes as her legs are wrapped around him. "Thanks for having her come though." He nods as she sips her red wine with the scent of the lit raspberry turnover candle wafting in the air. She quickly takes her turn smacking her lips that she has to pay him rent.

"I smell you about to lose like the last game," he brags too soon because he ends up having to go to jail.

"Go straight to jail, do not pass go. You're good at that," Gen laughs receiving a glare. "Too soon?"

"Yeah, too soon. I bet if I end up in jail you'll be boohooing."

"If that happens I'm convinced something isn't right. If God doesn't want us to be together just say that," she says in a kidding manner, but it has truth laced in it. Looking at the screen Gen says, "I'm surprised your eye doesn't cock to the side like Terry."

"Man, what?!" he looks upside her head knowing she's trying to roast.

"He got shot in the eye, you got shot in the eye..."

"Quit playin' with me. It's called modern medicine. That was the 80's. Shit, I wouldn't mind some lawsuit money if they would've fucked mine up. I wasn't trying to go the Slick Rick, eyepatch route."

"That would've been cute lowkey. Some different shit on a pirate level," she puts her hand on top of his head kissing the highest point of his cheekbone where his tattoo is.

He chuckles turning to catch her lips. "You're slow as hell... I'm glad you're smiling again though."

"You make me happy," she kisses him again before pulling away. Those first few days were rough, but like always her support system made her feel better. "Oh, I almost forgot I made dessert," she gets up going to the kitchen.

"What'd you make?"

"An Oatmeal Cream Pie cheesecake and mason jar banana pudding. I saw one too many cooking videos on Instagram," she opens the fridge.

"You must wanna get married tomorrow. You cook like someone's wide hipped auntie. They don't make 'em like that anymore." Magenta could always cook, but knowing her in college he rarely got to experience it while living in dorms. Now, she'll have you eating good everyday.

"It's a stress reliever, and I like to eat."

"Me too," he grins making her give a knowing smile.

At the suggestion of Magenta's therapist they do something called attunement. It's a focus on what's going on with yourself and the person you're dating. You attune to each other being able to pick up on most non-verbal cues.

It helps you recognize a shift in emotions or energy then you check in with them. This can be beneficial during intimacy as one person might realize something has changed before the other.

You then use that to map out triggers, especially for Magenta. It helps avoid re-traumatization, flashbacks, or memories of the event. Until she's fully ready they've taken advantage of the other things she feels more comfortable doing. Practice makes perfect...

And tonight is a night of discovery into her body's modus operandi. He knows it's important for Gen not to feel like a used object for a male's pleasure and be in control of something. It's a type of unearthing of wants and needs that should be required by everyone rather than someone only caring about themselves.

Sitting against the headboard, Gee watches as Magenta puts the brown hair with blonde highlights she just got done today into a ponytail. Walking away from her full length mirror the bed dips in as she makes her way across it.

Stopping in front of him she leans in to kiss him as Jeremih's Late Nights mixtape plays in the background. The only light in the room comes from her sunset lamp that reflects off the wall warmly. "You know what to do then I follow suit," he says says against her lips with his words holding authority. The soft rub to her ass is comforting, but the power's added right back when it's followed by a smack.

She nods swiftly removing her underwear before turning to sit in between his legs. Resting her back on his chest as his arms wrap around her for extra security. Her hand travels down her body to the area that once felt forbidden to go, but is now becoming a paradise of anew exploration.

Biting into her bottom lip her fingers are met with a wetness accumulated throughout the date night. Rubbing in circles her heartbeat increases. With his hand softly placed on her jawline she listens to his coarse voice in her ear give her the motivation she needs. She sucks in a breath and while exhaling a moan hitches in her throat.

Going faster she can feel herself get wetter. "Fuck," she mumbles when his full lips go from the side of her face to her neck. Her back arches away from him before she pulls her hand away squeezing her thighs together not wanting to break too fast.

Grabbing her wrist, he lifts her hand sucking the two fingers she used clean. She stares up at him with pure admiration before saying, "You do it." Gee didn't need to be told twice as used one arm to hold her leg in a lifted position for better access. His fingers now take the place of hers as she's instantly putty in his hands.

The moment one of his fingers slip into her, Gen holds his arm as another one's added. "You know better," he warns seeing her hand coming towards his. She quickly retreats letting him do what he wants considering she asked him to. The faster his middle and ring finger move in and out the louder her wetness becomes.

With his bottom lip tucked into his teeth he enjoys every second of her moaning his name taking over Jeremih's falsetto voice. Her thighs beginning to shake he looks at her dripping onto his fingers and the sheets. "That's how I know you love me... You still get so wet for me," he whispers sending her over the edge to the point his fingers are forced out of her due to her squirming.

She gasps lazily laying in between his legs sliding from her previous upright position to a slumped one. "You done?"

"No. Drawer," she limply points to her nightstand. Laying there with her eyes closed a smile graces her lips hearing the sweet sound of buzzing. Your best friends become vibrators and toys when you spent a couple years with a man who didn't care about your needs. Now they're an intricate tool on a belt.

"Come on. Get right." She sits up and he puts his arms under both her legs to hold her in place, so she can't go anywhere.

"Okay, wait," she gives a frazzled chuckle realizing she brought this on herself. She knew with this hold there's no running. "Slow," she mumbles watching him inch it closer to her clit. As soon as it touches she shudders she holds onto his solid arm for a pillar of support.

Letting the pleasure seep through her, Magenta puts her hand on top of his to hold it too before softly grinding into it. "There you go," his raspy voice encourages loving when she gets involved.

Don't care how you do me
I just want to give you all my love
Tell you how I want it baby

Resting her head on his shoulder she puts her hand on the back of his neck forcefully pulling him down for a kiss. In between the movement of their lips and tongues he mutters, "Pretty ass," making a smile spread on her mouth for a few seconds.

"Up," she can only utter like a toddler.

"Use your words."

"Faster." He pushes the button to turn it up sending curses flying out of her mouth.

"Don't move," he insists as she begins to wriggle trying to break free from his strong hold. Gee only sits up moving her closer to him. Moving his hand that holds her thigh, he extends it palm out allowing Gen to clasp it into hers interlocking their fingers. Staring at him with pleading eyes she feels another wave hit her body.

Not even 30 seconds later she's letting go of his hand to grab the sheets. While she's having her orgasm he release one of her legs because she keeps fighting his hold. With his free hand he now grabs her by the throat kissing her sloppily. Their lips don't lose contact until he smiles with accomplishment at her losing her mind.

With her head thrown back she can't even explain how she ended up under his arm with her face nearly in his armpit. It's not until her thighs clamp together and she gets out, "I'm done," that he sets her free from the euphoric torture.

With a smug smirk he asks, "What're you doing down there?"

Hanging on for my dear life. "I can't," she huffs. Instead of sitting up she continues to lay there catching her breath, while he laughs. "You're having way too much fun."

"I'm just doing what the doctor prescribed," he refers to her therapist. "You okay?" He makes sure to ask as she gives a head nod.


Caprice having to turn himself into jail until trial?

Gen having thoughts of self-harm?

Gee's talk with Kross & Destin?

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