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2016: May 4th, Spring Semester

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day all passed and soon Gee's sophomore year will be coming to an end. A week to be exact. The past six months have been smooth sailing compared to the beginning of the school year. He was no longer getting into confrontations and he was focused on school.

His football season also was good even if the team didn't do everything they wanted. Gee played all 13 games of the season, which says a lot as a sophomore. He racked up 60 solo tackles and his production on the field was going up. He won several awards including All-American Sophomore linebacker of 2015, the Conference USA Defensive player of the year, and the Dick Butkus Award for Outstanding Linebacker. He solidified his place on the team and next year is another chance to prove himself.

It's Reading Day, so that means no classes. Genesis finds himself at Choice's house in Mesquite to pick something up. Gen sits in the passenger seat of his Dodge Charger with the door open. She holds her phone on Facetime waiting for Gee, so they can go.

Over the months Gee and Gen stuck with remaining friends, but those underlying feelings are always there. That translates into flirting occasionally, touching, cuddling, outings that borderline being dates, and even heat of the moment kissing. Everything for the makings of a situationship. Neither of them has dated anyone else. It was more drama than it's worth. Plus, they were serious about working on themselves.

By a miracle Magenta made it through the Fall semester and now Spring. Gee was a big help. She almost failed Physics, but luckily the Final exam was exactly like the review. She didn't know that until test day, but it was the same questions and answers. If you did it and studied, you were good. Gee helped her study and she got a 100. That boosted her failing grade to a B at the very last minute saving her GPA.

Walking out of the side door to Choice's house after helping him move things into a car, they stop in the driveway. "Can I ask you a favor?" Choice starts. "Can you make a drive today or sometime this weekend? The other dude can't make it."

"Bruh, it's the week before finals. I gotta study."

"I know. I know I'm asking a lot. I'll pay you double. I need you to meet Fade with this shipment. The rental car's ready to go for you. It's literally go and come back," Choice pleads his case. "When do your finals start?"

"Mine start Monday."

"It's only Wednesday. You have time to go, get back, and still study."

"Where?" Gee scratches his head contemplating on it now.


"Nigga!" Gee crosses his arms over his chest.

"Double," Choice taps his arm. Gee could always use extra money, especially in the thousands.

He sucks his teeth agreeing. "Fine."

"Let me call, Fade."

They both walk over to Gee's car towards Magenta. Gee rests his arms on the roof standing over her as Choice puts his phone to his ear. Gen turns her phone showing her mother on the screen. She hands the phone to Genesis and with a smile he greets Tempest.

"How you doin'?" He asks. She had definitely become a mother figure to him. She always welcomed him in during holidays when he can't go home. Magenta's family was basically his and he appreciates that.

With a smile she says, "Look!" He laughs at her unzipping her jacket. "Them bad boys gone. Went from a D to an A, child. I ain't never been this flat chested in my life!"

"Ma, why are you showing him your titties?" Gen asks with embarrassment. She can only hear, but she knows what's happening on that screen.

Tempest went through her radiation treatments and the cancer was gone... Only for a time. It came back, which was always a chance and it did. The last solution was a mastectomy and that's what she did. She had both breasts surgically removed then immediate reconstruction surgery.

Now their focus is her recovering from this whole ordeal and her health. They're just glad they were able to get through it even though all her stress isn't quite over. But to be able to say she's Breast Cancer free and she survived is a relief.

"I gotta tank top on. I went through a lot. I'm showing these to everybody. They took my baby gut and gave me a little somethin' to work with," she poses.

"You look good, girl!" He hypes her up with a chuckle. "I heard you ain't got no nipples." Magenta shakes her head thinking they've gotten way entirely too close.

Choice had no idea what was going on in the conversation, but he couldn't miss the chance to quote Kevin Hart, "Ohhhh! He said she ain't had no nipplessssss!"

"Y'all a fool," Tempest laughs as Gee hands Gen back her phone.

"I'll come visit when finals are over," she tells her. "I love you." Once Gen hangs up Gee looks at Choice who waves him over.

"I just got off the phone with Fade. Here's the address. This is last minute, but it should be good. I've never lost a shipment, so get to point B without the police pulling you over or someone stealing this mutha fucka. Got it?"

"You tell me this every time. I got this," he assures him.

You can tell Choice has been doing everything possible to make money. He went against everything he previously said and decided to start selling pills along with weed. He needed the extra money because at first he was helping his mother with her medical bills. Of course, we're in America where people pay for insurance, but it doesn't cover everything. Especially with how high medical bills are and no free healthcare.

Eventually, their stepfather was forced by a judge to pay all of Tempest's medical bills until the divorce is finalized. The courts saw her as financially dependent upon Savino, so he's still monetarily responsible for helping maintain her medical care.

Savino wasn't trying to give Tempest anything in the divorce because this was his second failed marriage. They knew it wasn't going to be easy. It's rare you see a man walk away from a divorce with his house, cars, and primary custody of his kids like he did with his first wife. He had and has a good ass lawyer. But this is also Texas where a woman's entitled to half. Tempest was going to fight unlike his ex who rolled over and gave up.

Savino committed adultery and criminal abandonment. He stopped providing for the care, protection, and support of his spouse who has health problems. She's entitled to get something.

Even with their stepfather paying her medical bills, Choice still needed to make money to pay for the divorce lawyer. So he gave into Fade's idea of selling pills. They were all seeing a lot of money, but in the back of their head they worried about people getting serious addictions or overdosing. Neither is a good look. It's a different ballpark from weed.

Once Gee gets the keys to the rental car, he walks over to his. He holds onto the passenger door looking at Gen. "You ready yet? I'm hungry," she wears an aggravated face.

"Not exactly. When do your finals start? You don't have any this weekend, right?" He has no idea who decided the final exam schedule this year. Some people have to come in at 8a.m. on a Saturday. It's ridiculous.

"Nah, mine are Monday through Wednesday."

"Aiight, then roll wit' me right quick. I gotta go to Arkansas to deliver something for your brother," he says casually.

She stretches her neck back. "Arkansas? The fuck?!"

"It won't take too long," he gives a hopeful smile.

"You're acting like that's the corner store up the street. That's another state, boy."

"I need you to drive half. I'm running on no sleep between studying for finals and spring workouts. Please?" He pokes out his bottom lip making her smack her own.

"How long is the drive?" She rolls her eyes.

"8 hours."

"I didn't even pack a little bag. I hope you don't think we're driving there and back without stopping."

"Shit, I got some 5-hour Energy's and if you need it an Addy or two." Seeing her unamused face he laughs. "I'm kidding. We can stop in Denton before we hit the road. We'll stay at a hotel tonight."

"I feel like I'm gonna regret this, but fine."

He smiles then leans in kissing her cheek. "Thanks, friend."

He knows he's taking a risk doing this right before finals. He should be studying around the clock, but he also has to get this money. Four days is enough time to get there and back in case something does happen or go wrong.

A few hours later, Magenta drives on a country road surrounded by only trees, clouds, and blue sky. She's concentrated on the road as Gee sits in the passenger seat with his notebook in his lap going over his notes. He looks out of the window as they pass by pastures. They're making good timing in his opinion.

"Have you done this before?" Gee asks deciding to take a break from studying.

"Yup, Choice would only have me do drop offs in Texas though."

Gee quietly nods when the music from Magenta's playlist stops. She has her phone hooked up to the AUX, but she doesn't answer. He can see the number on her screen. Even though it's unsaved he knows who it is.

"You just gonna keep ignoring him?

"Yup." That one word carried a lot of attitude.

"He might've had a good reason for not wanting to see you," he says.

"And what could that be? It was my Dad's first chance to see me in ten years and he ruined it. If you can't see me, don't talk to me either," Gen stares straight ahead.

A part of Magenta's healing journey was dealing with her Daddy issues. After not speaking to or seeing him for over a decade she decided to reach out. For a few months they corresponded through letters and phone calls considering he's in prison. Then she finally decided she wanted to visit him.

They picked a day and she was nervous, excited, anxious, anything you can think of. He knew she was coming. Magenta made the couple hour trip even missing class that day. Gee came with her as support and everything. She showed up, but at the last minute he decided he didn't want to see her. That he wasn't ready...

That was in March, but she's still upset about it. "Look, I'll be yo daddy," Gee gently flicks her chin.

Gen looks over at him seeing the cheeky smile on his face. It was the freakiest yet sweetest thing someone has ever said. "Oh, okay. You tryna be my daddy?" she smirks before they both bust out laughing.

"I'm dead serious. I'll protect you, look out for you, whatever you need," he cups her chin.

"You already do that." He smiles letting her go back to focusing on the road.

They were able to get through the eight hour drive with no hiccups and not getting pulled over. They successfully got to Fade and like planned they spent the night in a hotel. The next morning they checked out and were back on the road. Magenta slept most of the time and at some point Gee pulled over for gas.

While she went inside to get them snacks and drinks, Gee pumps the gas. They're in some country ass town they probably shouldn't even be stopping in. He gets the vibe it's a Sundown Town or once was. Leaning against the car watching the numbers for the price of the gas go up he holds his phone to his ear on a call.

Seeing Magenta come out he says, "I'll see you later. Aiight," quickly hanging up.

Walking towards the car in a Black Sports romper that hugs her body and Fenty x Puma Fur Slides she holds up a bag. "Got the snacks!" She announces. She goes to the passenger side but looks over the top of the car to ask, "You want me to drive?"

"Nah, I got it."

"You sure?"

"I drank a Mountain Dew Kickstart. The next stop." Magenta shrugs getting into the passenger side. Once the gas pump clicks indicating it's full he takes it out, puts the gas cap back on, gets his receipt, then gets back in the car.

As he puts the key in the ignition Gen looks at Gee confused asking, "Why does my phone say we're in Tennessee? Now, I don't know where all 50 states are on the map, but I'm pretty sure we should be going in the opposite direction."

"About that... I just thought we could see my parents then go back Saturday or Sunday. I haven't been home in awhile. Plus, it's my birthday and mother's day this weekend. I hope that's cool with you."

"That's cool with me," she pulls her leg onto the seat getting more comfortable. Gee's surprised she didn't at least trip a little bit. As long as she makes it back for class on Monday she doesn't care. "I'm ridin' witcha wherever."

At the same time they both look at each other smiling. She meant that and he knows it. He needed to admit to himself that he was madly in love with her... But he can't and won't. She can't either. They both constantly wonder if they even know what love is at this age. He can't believe it's almost been two years since they met. Every second is a rollercoaster, but it feels right...

"We gotta stop at a store and buy some stuff. I only packed enough for two days," she says nonchalantly while opening a bag of Rips candy.

"We'll stop at Walmart and a mall," he puts the car in drive pulling off.

"Our first cross state road trip!" She says with excitement going to her notes in her phone. He chuckles at the fact she still has the list of things she wants to do while in college that she had freshman year.

Once they merge back onto the highway Gen reaches over turning up the music. She bounces in her seat eager to meet his parents in person and see where he comes from.

When You're The One by Dondria starts playing in the playlist they both sing along. Let some good R&B come on and they're singing like their life depends on it...

I don't believe that we were put together not to be together
And I don't believe there's anyone out there that can love me better

They both move left and right. She grabs onto his right arm that's on the middle counsel shaking it while still singing. Magenta chuckles at his deep raspy voice trying to hit those notes. "I feel it all over my body... You're the one for me. All the signs say that ever since the day that we laid eyes on each other, baby," Gen sways backs and forth now holding his hand.

He lets her hold onto it until he needs both of them on the wheel to get more control on a curvy road. Gee sings lowly glad that Magenta came with him to make this trip entertaining. At some point during the song Gen's hand rested on the back of his neck. One thing about him, that's one of his spots.

When her thumb brushes back and forth sending chills up his spine he finally says, "Aiight, you better relax before you get folded like a lawn chair up in here."

Gen moves her hand with a guilty smile. "Folded? In a good way or bad way? Cause that could mean fighting orrr.." she plays clueless.

"In a good way. Like, fold yo ass up in different positions!" She laughs leaning back fully in her seat throwing her hands up to say she's done. "You always playin' wit me," he shakes his head sitting up straight in his seat prepared to speed up.

They drove for almost four more hours before getting to his hometown. Arriving at a house towards the end of the dead-end street in the cul-de-sac, Gee parks his car in the driveway of his mother's home. The house he spent $30,000 to save didn't look like much, but it's theirs and he wasn't going to let anyone take it.

Climbing out of the car he does a long stretch with a sigh after spending hours driving. He didn't even have to call or ring the doorbell before his mother's already exiting the house. With a smile Misty walks across the porch coming down the driveway.

Despite not seeing her son since Winter break, she goes straight for Magenta to greet her first. Gee looks around with a screwed face mumbling, "So, I'm not standing here?"

He watches the two women hug as if they've actually met in person before. He's not surprised because every time his mother calls or FaceTime's and Magenta's around they have a short conversation. Misty's the type to build relationships with all his friends. It used to be to vet the fake from real. She was always right when she said someone wasn't his friend. She likes Gen from the conversations they've had.

"You're so pretty in person!" Misty compliments running her hand through the Brazilian wavy on Gen's head.

"Hello, my only son. I missed you. I cooked your favorites," Gee says sarcastically getting waved off by his mother.

"Boy, move. Call your friends and tell 'em your in town. I need to get the lowdown and gossip of what you got going on down at school since you wanna be secretive. Come inside," Misty puts her hand on Gen's upper back steering her towards the house.

Genesis shakes his head, but he stays outside for awhile to call his friends to let them know he's home. Once he's done he goes into the house. He stares at a picture from his high school graduation. Sometimes he wonders if being in college is actually what he wants to do. At the same time he doesn't know what else he could do. He's always looked at this as a way to help his people.

While Magenta talks with his mother, Gee goes to the kitchen where she keeps all her bills. Eventually, Misty had to get over what he's doing for money and accept the help. She's still working two jobs, but him sending money lightens the load.

The envelopes that're already ripped open he looks at how much is owed. He takes out money counting it out having to give up almost half of it. He's going to get it right back for this drive though.

Right as he places it on top of the papers, Misty walks in seeing what he's doing. "Anything else you need money for?" He asks.

She shakes her head. She doesn't argue about the money, but he can see that worried look in her eyes. "You're being safe and smart, right?" She goes to the fridge.

"Always," he eases out.

"I want you to know I don't like it, but I do appreciate the help. I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful. I wish it wasn't like this..." She stands up straight putting what she needs on the counter.

"Me too. One more year," he leans his hands on the dining table.

Misty furrows her eyebrows. "You mean two? You're graduating and getting the degree, Genesis. That's non-negotiable."

"Look at these bills, Ma," Gee holds some of them up. "We need the money. Me going to school two more years when I can enter the draft next year and make money isn't helping anyone. I could be making millions the year I'm sitting in lecture halls for a degree I won't need."

"I need you to think, baby. I don't know if you know, but most professional athletes retire before 30. Shit, most football players don't have the luxury to retire. Many are forced into leaving the game at an early age because of injury, getting cut from teams like nothing, or not picked up by another. You could absolutely need and use that degree one day. An NFL career isn't guaranteed. Your father's right about you getting the bachelors and master's. They can take your able body or take you off a team, they can't take that degree."

As a kid, Gee dreamed of becoming a football star, not because he loved the sport, it was just what he knew. "All everyone cares about around here is making it to college sports. I did that, but reality's hitting that college ain't what it's cracked up to be. It's a financial burden even with a scholarship."

Misty sighs. "I'll support whatever decision you make. Sometimes I wish I didn't make such a strong-headed child," she touches his face.

"I get it from somewhere," he says making her chuckle. She kisses his cheek and pats his shoulder before maneuvering around him. "You guys are staying here, right?"

"Actually, a hotel. I figured you didn't have enough space now that granny stays with you."

"Oh, I guess you're right." Misty pauses to say with a smile, "She's so pretty and sweet."

They both glance to the living room where Magenta sits on the couch. "Yup, that's my dawg," he agrees playing it down, so his mother doesn't start.

She does anyway. "I'm just saying... I want some grandchildren. I'm not rushing, but I heard a college campus is prime real-estate to find a future wife. A pretty, nice, educated girl with her head on straight and a plan for the future."

"Here you go," Gee laughs. "Those college girls are vultures and I'm not trying to be the carcass. We're friends, Ma."

"I'm just saying," Misty throws up her hands.

By late afternoon Gee stands outside of his mother's house with some of his childhood friends who stopped by. Genesis always hung out with older guys, so most of them are in their mid to late twenties. They're partly the reason he can't seem to get along with the guys on his football team. He's used to a certain type of nigga.

"If it ain't college boy. This nigga tryna get an education," his friend, Fathead, immediately starts after pulling up and hopping out. Gee daps him with a laugh. Leave it to your homies to make fun of you for doing the right thing. They mean no harm though. "You ain't even tell me you were coming."

"It was a spur of the moment thing."

He jokes around with them as some play a game of dice. Seeing Magenta come out of the house all the men stop whatever they're doing or saying to look at her. They wonder who she is knowing she's not from around here. "Wassup," his homie, Ali, looks her up and down now that she's closer.

"Hello," she says casually not really paying him any mind. Gen extends a piece of paper to Gee. "Your Mom's still cooking dinner, but she ran out of shredded cheese. She needs you to run to the store to get that and a couple things for tomorrow."

Gee nods taking the list. "We're about to go to Quez's grave, so we'll stop there first. You'll be good here for awhile?"


Gen turns about to walk away when Gee's friend asks, "What's your name?"

"Magenta," she answers simply, but keeping it moving and going back inside.

"Who's that? She yo cousin or somethin'?" Mike asks licking his lips ready to risk it all. "Ass fatter than swollen tonsils!"

They laugh and Gee responds, "Definitely not my cousin, so chill out. She goes to the same college as me."

"Those the type'a chicks they got in college?" He blows out air. "Shit, I'd be all up in those classes, raising my hand answering questions, doing extra credit and shit."

"That you?" One of them asks.

"Nah. Let's go before it gets too late," he brushes it off. All the men pile into two vehicles. Every time Gee comes home he visits Quez's grave just to check in on him, talk, and put new flowers. This past year he lost more friends to violence and prison, but he's become numb to it.

A couple hours later, Gee's back at his mother's house and dinner's finally ready. His father, Genaro, is off from work and came over to make this a family affair. He definitely needed a home-cooked meal.

Sitting around the table ready to eat, Genaro's about to take the biggest piece of chicken until Misty slaps his hand. "That's just rude. Let Gen have it or at least let her pick first. She's the guest."

"It's fine," Gen insists.

"Why can't I get it? Technically, I'm a guest and I'm your son," Gee reaches with his fork, but Genaro stabs his into it first.

"I just worked a 10-hour shift, I think I deserve it." Father and son are now in a stand-off over it.

"Daddy, I just came in town. Come on wit' all dat," he screws up his face.

"What that gotta do with me and my belly?"

Magenta laughs and Misty sits down rolling her eyes. "I'll solve this. The piece is mine. This is my house anyway. The biggest piece is for the man of the house, but I don't have one of those," Misty takes it putting it on her plate.

Gee holds up his index finger. "I would like to call a flag on the play. Wouldn't be a house if I didn't save it."

"I got something to say too," Genaro gives attitude. "I've been takin' you out on dates and laying good wood lately. Don't try to front like I'm not the nigga up in this bitch," Big Gee pokes his chest out.

Misty huffs covering her face. "Why you always gotta show yo ass?!"

Gee pushes his plate away with a look of disgust. "I'm not even hungry anymore." Magenta has been laughing the entire time while already eating. She's starving.

"I'm sorry," Misty apologizes more on behalf of her embarrassment.

"It's fine with me. We all gotta get ours. The food's good by the way." She looks across the table at Gee and they both fight the want to bust out laughing.

By the time dinner's over and they help clean up, Gee's exhausted. Falling onto the couch of the living room he lets out a groan. The tv plays re-runs of Tyler Perry's House of Payne as Genaro relaxes in the recliner. Looking at a mirror on the wall, Gee has a view of Misty and Magenta sitting at the dining table talking to each other.

He doesn't even realize he's staring at the interaction until his father asks, "So why aren't you two together? It's obvious you two are more than friends."

"How's that obvious?" He acts lost.

"You're always with her. Every time I call, at least. I see something. I sense it. So?"

Gee shrugs. "Wrong time, I guess," he answers Genaro's initial question. "I think she's scared of what I got going on. Ya know..."

"I can understand that. I don't think your mother ever forgave me after I went to prison, especially when I came back on the same shit. She lived in fear everyday she'd get that call I was picked up again or worse, picked off..."

"She cheated on you," Gee narrows his eyes.

"I took the chance of that happening when I went away."

"I don't agree with that. If she decided to stay with you while you were locked up she knows what that comes with. She should've divorced you, not cheat."

"True, we all have choices in life. Maybe it was too hard for her to walk away from me because the love she had for me. Maybe she felt like she owed me loyalty to hold me down. Who knows."

"Cheating ain't love or loyalty," he says strongly making Genaro raise an eyebrow.

"I cheated myself and her every time I stepped onto those streets doing what I did. When you come from where we come from that's all we know. It ain't right, but I just hope you have something better relationship wise. Now that you know what not to do."

"Sometimes I feel monogamous relationships are just two people living in a fairytale. You can love vanilla ice cream, but that don't mean that's all you're ever gonna eat. One day you might wanna try chocolate to switch it up, but now vanilla's jealous and upset."

Genaro chuckles at his analogy. "That's how you feel? So you think you can't be faithful to one woman?"

"I'm not saying that. I'm not about to trick myself into thinking I can at this young age. I'm about to be 20. This is when you make mistakes and you need the freedom to do that. Why be tied down with one person to end up hurting them?"

"People get married straight out of high school at 18. They start a family and go on to only have been with that one person their whole life."

"Ask people who got married young how much they went through..." He looks at his father knowing his parents got married at 21. "How can somebody convince themselves their soulmate is the first person they ever dated in middle school or high school with billions of people on this earth? You just happened to meet who you're supposed to be with the rest of your life in your hometown?"

"I see why none of your little high school relationships lasted," Genaro laughs and shakes his head. "So, what? Are y'all just supposed to sit around waiting on each other? Because I'll tell you now there will never be the perfect time. There will always be an excuse of wrong time with how this thing called life works."

Gee shrugs. "If it's meant to be, it's meant to be."

"What happens when you guys start dating other people? Are you supposed to act like you don't have feelings for each other or hurt these other people? What if you actually fall in love with someone else? Now one of you is getting married and starting a family with someone else. The friendship will be ruined somewhere along that road. Then you have to watch each other be with someone else and wonder what if."

"Let me ask something... Why aren't you with Ma?"

Genaro thinks on it for a second then says, "We feel like we have all the time in the world, but we don't. It's a bunch of wasted time... I'm sorry me and your mother messed up your perception of love." At that he stands up announcing, "I gotta get up outta here. It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow." He says bye to everyone before leaving.

Not that long later, Gee decides to call it a night too. They leave his mother's house driving to the hotel they got for the night. "Your parents have an interesting dynamic," Gen chuckles as they drive.

"Yeah, they claim they didn't wanna pay for the divorce 'cause it's expensive. One time I was so mad at my Daddy, I looked up how much it cost for a divorce in this state. That shit's less than $200. Talkin' bout they don't want the government in they business like they didn't take they ass down to the courthouse to get married in the first place," they both laugh. "I call bullshit. They still love each other. They've just been livin' separately. I guess it keeps them sane. Pride is a mutha fucka too."

"Sounds like my parents. They didn't think about divorce until my Mom started dating my step-dad. All those years while my Dad was locked up she had boyfriends. Dudes she had us calling uncle cause they bought us school clothes," she shakes her head.

"Love is a crazy place. I don't even know if I wanna go there. Sounds like hell to me," Gee blows out air. He pulls into a parking spot at a Holiday Inn Express stopping the car. "You been in love?" He turns to ask her.

"Nope. I think I'll fall in love for the first time and realize my first love wasn't my first love." Gee nods his head in agreement before they both get out of the car. They take anything they need going up to their room.

They enter a double Queen suite room. They honestly don't know why they chose to get separate beds on this road trip. Even though they decided to remain friends, they often sleep in each other's dorm rooms. It was something that started after Gee got grazed. He has a lot of sleepless nights and it seems the only time he can get any shut eye is if he's in the same room as her. He can't explain it.

An hour later they've both showered and gotten comfortable in their beds. At least Gee has. He tries to ignore the fact Magenta keeps flipping and flopping with groans.

Playing Candy Crush, he takes his eyes off his screen to ask, "What's your issue?"

"The issue is you're really sleeping in another bed," she raises up turning on the lamp.

"Uh, yeah. I paid for two for a reason. A nigga don't get to sleep in a Queen often and stretch out. The fuck you mean?" He laughs at her unamused face.

"Oh, but I'm expected to share my bed back on campus damn near half the week. Why can't we sleep in the same bed?"

"Now look who's being the clingy one," he teases.

"Please? I can never sleep in hotels," Gen pouts.

"You slept fine last night. Yo ass was snoring and everything," he jokes.

"I do not snore!" She throws one of her pillows at him.

He catches it then says, "Come on." With excitement Magenta quickly gets out of her bed coming to his. He scoots over and she gets comfortable under the covers. Gee looks at her as she gets closer and closer to him. "Damn, you can't be all up under me like this."

She ignores him moving to his side putting her head on his shoulder. He tries to go back to playing his game when her leg flings across him. "Rub my booty!" She grabs his free hand planting it on her cheek making him laugh. She only sleeps in a large T-shirt and underwear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong is us not cuddling," she gives a 'duh' facial expression.

"What more do you want, G?" With a smile she moves to where she's laying on top of him straddling her legs on either side of him. She puts her head on his chest hugging his body and enjoying the closeness. "You won't be satisfied until you're in my skin."

"I've been trying to find a way to make that happen. Imagine us walking around in each other 24/7," she looks up at him with wide eyes.

"I never should've followed you out of class that one day and asked to be your friend."

"You're stuck with me now," she nestles her face into his body making Gee chuckle as he wraps an arm around her.

Gee thought he'd be tired by now, but he's not. The last six months he's had bad insomnia. With her eyes closed Magenta tries to sleep between the tv still being on and Gee watching YouTube videos.

"I can't sleep like this," she mumbles sleepily. With the tips of his fingers running up and down the side of her back she has goosebumps all over.

"You're the one who came over here."

"You gotta turn one off." Gen opens her eyes grabbing his phone as he still laughs at RDCworld1 videos. She hits the button to lock it then plugs it into the charger on the nightstand.

He smacks his lips. "Aiight, but you can't sleep on top of me like this."

"And why not?"

"You don't even have your little hairnet thingy on," he says making her laugh. "Where is it?"

Magenta raises up reaching over to grab her hairclip. "I should snatch this bitch off," she refers to her wig.

"Go 'head. I won't judge." She shakes her head and Gee watches as she twirls it around before putting it up. "You just said fuck pants," he examines her. She has on a white t-shirt and it's evident she doesn't have a bra on underneath.

His hands rub against her thighs squeezing at the same time. He can see her briefly bite her bottom lip before putting her hands on his collarbones. She plays with the 222 pendent around his neck.

"You be fuckin' bitches with this on?" She blurts out catching Gee off-guard.

"What?!" he busts out laughing.

"Answer the question, nigga," she moves both of her hands to his throat pretending she's going to choke him.

"Would it matter?" She shrugs. One thing they know, they can't be possessive over each other despite the feelings. That's the hardest part. Gen's quiet as she looks at him almost as if admiring him. "Nah, I don't."

"Good! Yo ass shouldn't have this dangling in no other hoes face," she playfully rolls her eyes.

"What? You want it dangling in your face instead?" He asks with a smirk making her raise an eyebrow.

He's trying to figure out where her head's at, especially with all this sexual tension. As much as Gee would like to think he could've had sex with her a long time ago; she's mentioned it multiple times, but he actually doesn't think he could've. Words versus actions are different. Neither had even tiptoed the line where they thought it was about to happen. They didn't need to have sex. They're connected regardless. But the way she's looking at him right now...

"You get on my nerves," she doesn't answer lowering her upper-body to lay back down.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she buries her face in the crook of it. "I done let you get too comfortable with me." He looks up at the ceiling seeing she has no plans of moving from on top of him.

Gen turns her head to look at him. "That's good," she says faintly. She kisses his cheek then connects her lips with his smiling against them.

He looks at her for a second. "You also think you can kiss me anytime you want.."

"I can't? You kiss me."


"Really?" Each time she tried to kiss him, he'd playfully swerve his head.

"Too slow," he laughs making Gen smack her lips. Putting a hand on his face she holds his head still and he finally lets her kiss him.

Seeing how easily he got deep into it she hums, "Mhm." With his hands roaming her body they move down to her ass cupping it. He couldn't help but kneading it like Play-Doh with it being so soft.

The more intense the kissing gets, Gee can feel her start to subtly grind against his lap. He puts a firm hold on her waist holding her in place. "Ay, chill out. You're gonna make my dick hard," he states frankly.

"That's the point."

He's stuck for a second feeling like maybe they should stop. "I'm tellin' you, you need to know what you're starting."

She ignores him going right back to kissing him. At that point, it's out of his hands. He warned her. He can't control what his body does after that, but she got exactly what she wanted. Pulling away from his lips she looks him directly in the eye while slithering her hand between their bodies into his shorts.

It hits Gee that she's dead serious and this is happening. He's never had to contemplate so hard on whether or not he wants to have sex with someone. He just knows this could really change things between them.

He grunts at her hand wrapping around his length. He can try to hide his desires, but a hard dick always tells the truth. Kissing his bottom lip before sitting up, Magenta removes the t-shirt only leaving her in underwear.

Gee looks at every inch and curve of her body wondering why no other nigga could act right. She wanted to know what he's thinking because a mischievous look slowly came over his face like a bad kid. "I'm about to break your pretty ass down and put you back together again."

He swiftly moves them so she's the one laying on the bed, while at the same time he can hear her say, "Wait, I'm scared now." The way her heart's thumping in her chest you would've thought she's losing her virginity again.

"You don't have to be scared. I'ma take care of you," he assures her making her nod softly. "But remember you started with me first, I'm just gonna finish it." He hovers over her kissing her.

The body he was just admiring is now privy to another of the five senses as his mouth explored every inch. Gen watches move down her body, kissing her stomach before parting her legs. Hooking his arms under her thighs he moves her to where he wants her.

Gen lets a deep breath out as his lips kiss her inner thighs. "You're so beautiful," he compliments while sliding her panties off. He just stared for a few seconds as if he was about devour her. Taking his fingers he moves in slow circles against her clit making Magenta eyes flutter as she sighs.

As soon as his mouth attaches to her, she lays her head back. He's surprised at how wet she already is. She scared to even look at him, but when she their eyes do connect she lets out a moan. Looking up at her with his wide guileless eyes, her heart feels like it skips a beat. Seeing her body's reaction to him, Gee gives a cocky yet menacing smile letting Gen know imminent danger is nearing and she's sure it involves her dismantling...

May 7th, 2016

Sitting in a car parked on some random block, Magenta sits in the passenger seat of the car on Facetime with Pandora. It was supposed to be a simple task of running last minute errands before his birthday celebration tonight, but Gee kept making a million stops and running into old friends. You can tell he's happy to be home.

The A.C. blasts even though it's not as warm as Texas would already be out here. Gen watches as Gee talks with a group of guys on the sidewalk. Her door's open and she sits backwards with her back to the glove box. They've been here so long she's gotten comfortable. She also wants to honk the horn and tell him 'come on'.

"He was the first to eat the cookie out?" Pandora gasps after Magenta tells her what went down last night.

"Girl," they both poke their lips out.

"You 'bout to be in love. First time you actually get good dick you start actin' a fool. Stalkin' the nigga, wanting to fight other girls, bleaching clothes, stabbing tires, breaking windshields, and crying," she laughs.

"That's my biggest fear. I've seen too many girls get dickmatized and I don't wanna be one of them."

"Y'all gotta be together now."

Gen laughs under her breath looking down. "We haven't talked about that yet."

When she looks up Gee's coming her way. He stands in the doorway leaning his hand on top of the car. "I wouldn't advice you to keep your nose in your phone. They could start shooting at any moment. Gotta stay alert to take cover," he looks around.

"I thought you said it was safe? Are we good over here?"

He laughs. "I'm kidding. You good."

"I always promised my Mama I wouldn't die on nobody else's block. Let me know now. I'm not from 'round here."

"What kinda promise is that?"

"A good one. Don't nobody even know I'm out here. A whole other state at that. My mama used to always tell us, 'Ya ass shouldn't have been over there in the first place.'"

"We straight. Regardless, I got you, Twinkle. I always do." He leans into the car kissing her temple making her wear a smitten look for a second. "We're gonna go in another 5 minutes."

As soon as he walks away Pandora says, "Oh, yeah. You about to be dick whipped," reminding her they're on Facetime.

"Shut up!" she laughs.

A couple hours later a group of people are gathered at Gee's mother's house. Everyone surrounds him singing happy birthday, while Magenta holds his birthday cake that's lit with 20 candles. He's finally out of his teens even though he's always felt older than what he is.

He's about to blow out the candles, but they bust out the Black version. He's impatient and doesn't want to be here all day, so he blows them out anyway making a wish. "Now why would you do that?" Misty asks as everyone cuts their singing abruptly.

"I'm ready to open my gifts."

She's glad they're here for his birthday. Because it's always around finals, he doesn't get the big celebrations like everyone else. People are too busy studying and stressed getting ready for the semester to be over. His birthday usually gets lost in it and treated like an after-thought. It's a shame because he's such a giving person and goes all out for everyone else.

"What'd you wish for?" Gen asks as his mother cuts the cake for everyone.

"You know I can't tell you that," he looks at her with a smirk.

As he opens his gifts, Gen watches from a distance sitting with one of his female cousins. She smiles to herself seeing him get excited about one of the gifts she got him. He has the type of smile that lights up his whole face. She's just glad to see him happy. At school he always seems angry or stressed because he has so much pressure on him.

That Sunday, Genesis and Magenta took the long trip back from Kentucky to Texas. They have about less than two hours to go to get back to Denton. They're currently driving through a small town in East Texas.

"When was the Renaissance Period?" Magenta asks from the passenger seat as Gee drives. She looks at the back of the flashcard awaiting his answer.

"The 1400's through the-"

"Ahhh!" she says obnoxiously before he can even finish.

"Whatchu mean?"

"It was the 14th through the 17th century meaning the 1300's to 1700."

He sucks his teeth. "This shit so stupid." Gen's about to ask the next question when Gee looks in the rearview mirror seeing a police car get behind them. His eyes are shifty making sure he's doing the speed limit. They're behind him for a minute before they finally turn on the red and blue lights. "Shit."


"Cops," Gee begins slowing down.

Gen looks behind them. "Why are they pulling us over? You weren't speeding."

"I don't know." He stops the car already getting his license out. The problem is this is a rented car under Choice's name and he's not 21 to rent a car anyway.

When the officer reaches the window, Gee rolls it down smiling at him. "Do you know why I'm pulling you over?"

"Not at all."

"This vehicle was reported to be used in commission of a crime. I need you and any other passengers to step out of the vehicle, so we can conduct a search." Gee's heart sinks, but he acts normal.

They both cooperate getting out. "You're not under arrest yet, I'm merely detaining you both for your safety and for mine while I'm over there and can't watch you," he says cuffing both of them and sitting them down on the side of the road next to each other. "Don't move."

When the officer walks away beginning his search in the front seat, Gee whispers to Gen, "There's weed in the backseat."

"How is that possible? You delivered it in Arkansas."

"One of my homies gave me somethin' to take back."

Gen's head lowers and she closes her eyes. "How much?"

"A pound."


"No." He was expecting her to panic and start crying, but she wears a straight face. They both patiently wait hoping he doesn't find it. It takes him nearly 15 minutes to bring it out.

They watch as the cop says something into his little speaker. "Either one of you want to take claim of this?" He holds it up.

Gee knows how this goes. You don't say anything, they can put it on both of you. But even if you do claim it they can still pin it on who they want. It would be wise not to say anything at all without a lawyer, but he can't risk Magenta getting in trouble because of him. At that point, you have to man up and take complete responsibility for it.

"It's mine," he speaks up. Magenta snaps her head in his direction wanting him to be quiet. Gee was raised to know that you never let a girl go to jail if you can help it.

This was his idea. He knew better than to linger. They should've went straight back to Texas. There's a moment where the police officer isn't saying anything or telling them what's going on. Finally, he stands Genesis up letting him know he's under arrest and reads him his rights.


Gee & Gen going back to his hometown? What went down in the hotel?👀

Gee getting arrested?

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