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2015: October, Fall Semester

Magenta was completely thrown off when her mother called asking for her to come home during the week. There's never been something so urgent that couldn't wait until a weekend or holiday break. She's worried.

Felicity got the same request, so they rode together making the 45-minute trip. They pulled up to the two-story suburban home in Garland that their mother shares with their stepfather. Choice's car is by the mailbox indicating he's here. If all of her children needed to be here it had Gen's heart at her feet.

When they enter the home it's more barren than they're used to. It's usually loud and lively considering their stepfather, Savino, has two school-aged children that live with the couple. Magenta dislikes her step-siblings because they're rowdy, spoiled brats. She's glad they're not here.

"Ma!" Felicity calls out.

Both her and Gen wear confused faces noticing all the family portraits have been removed from the entrance hallway wall. Every picture of Savino and Tempest looking like the Obama's, taken down. All the pictures of the six kids shared between the two mates, gone.

"Living room," they hear a male voice that matches with Choice respond back. They make their way to the family room where their mother and brother sit down patiently awaiting their arrival.

Magenta and Felicity are both thrown off by their mother's appearance. Tempest has always been the high-maintenance type even when she was a project chick. Her hair's always laid, makeup done, dressed to the nines, and her long acrylic nails done up painted in their classic candle Apple red. If you saw her looking any less than that there's a problem because that never happens. Cancelled appointment? She has a backup person. She'll call in sick if she has to.

In a PINK loungewear set with her real hair in a ponytail and no makeup, Tempest has a look of sorrow. She wasn't quite living up to her nickname of Sunshine because even when she smiled it came off forced. Gen glances at Choice who wears a serious look.

Both daughters hug their mother before sitting. "What's going on?" Felicity asks.

"I have something I need to tell you all." Sitting in an armchair Tempest leans forward holding her hands in her lap. "Well, my doctor suggested I start getting mammograms last year when I turned the big 4-0, but I didn't." Magenta already doesn't like where this is going... "I had my first one this year."

"Ma," Felicity says wanting her to just say it and rip the band-aid off.

"I have Stage 0 Breast Cancer, a type called Ductal carcinoma."

When you think cancer, you think the worst. At that point, Gen felt like the walls were closing in on her as Tempest went on like this was nothing...

"I didn't want to tell you two until I knew what's going on, especially with you both being away at school. I had a lumpectomy that Choice came with me to. That was the first surgery. The good news is I'm still at stage 0. The bad news is the cancer is still there. I have two options for my DCIS, a mastectomy to remove the entire breast or radiation. Now, I done had these bad boys since I was 11," she tries to lighten the heavy topic. "So, I'm going to start radiation 5 days a week daily for the next several weeks to see how that goes."

"Wait, wait, wait," Felicity waves her arms and hands trying to process all this information. Magenta was still stuck on the first sentence of her saying she has cancer. "When did you find out?"

"A few weeks ago. Everything's been happening so fast with the appointments. Choice was a big help though." Magenta looks at Choice. She saw him homecoming week when he came to the football game and he said nothing.

"She's been strong," he nods his head. "Tell them the other part."

Tempest gives him a look as if not wanting to. She sighs then admits, "Also, Savino and I are getting a divorce," she mentions her husband.

"What?!" Felicity and Magenta say at the same time.

"He left me maybe two weeks ago. It was too much for him, I guess," Tempest shrugs.

"How can he leave you at the time you need him most?" Gen asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"It's easy when you found someone younger and healthier.."

"Oh, hell no! This is too much. I can't handle all this." They can already hear the tears in Felicity's throat as she gets up to walk off. They're used to it. Gen thought she was emotional, but Tink always had her beat. "Obviously we're gonna have to sell this house. Even if I get it in the divorce, spousal support won't be enough to keep it. I was only able to live like this because of him."

And this is why Magenta never wanted to put her all into a man. They can support you and have you in a nice lifestyle one minute then the next you're back at square one because you relied on them too heavily.

Magenta always found it weird they lived in the same house he shared with his ex-wife anyway. Same furniture and all. There were even still pictures of him and his ex when her mother moved in. Savino was a nice enough man. He paid for her college application fees and helped her get her first car. She wasn't close to him though throughout his five year relationship with her mother.

After all the dumping of bad news, Magenta finds herself in the home's backyard. She sits on the end of a lounge chair staring at the water of the pool ripple and move. She thinks to herself and of course her mind goes to losing her mother...

The Thomas children all have different ways of dealing with things. They always have.

Choice will treat it like its normal. He'll talk about it with no problem. It's actually very comforting for the person going through it because he doesn't treat you differently. He'll come up with solutions and be the light at the end of the tunnel. He's not one to run from issues or helping someone he loves.

Felicity's going to show everyone her emotions. She's going to be the one crying and having a fit. You'll have to console her so much you'll start to wonder if it's happening to you or her. No one will admit she kinda makes things about herself and her feelings. They'll tell her it'll be alright, but at least they know someone cares. You have to care to be as upset and dramatic as Tink, right?

Magenta's going to ignore the issue like it's the plague. She won't talk about it even if it's casual conversation about how the person's coping. She won't show emotion. Honestly, you'll think she doesn't give a single damn. Inside she's overthinking, preparing for the worst, and distraught. She's probably the most torn up about it, but you'll never know. She'll deal with everything internally, behind closed doors.

Cortlen can't do much behind bars. He's been in so long all they can do is give a phone call to inform him of what's going on. Behind bars he feels useless because when he was out he fixed issues the way he knew how... Money. And getting money to help his family meant doing something he shouldn't. If he was out he'd probably already be planning to rob a mutha fucka to get money for her treatments. That was his way of being there for someone as fucked up as it is.

In a Gnarcotic x Robb Bank$, 'I think I might be happy' hoodie it's perfect for her mood and the dropping temperatures. She wanted to go inside because it's getting cold, but she felt glued to the seat. Right as she pulls the hood over her head, Choice comes out of the back door.

Standing near her, he stares forward not saying anything. He lights a blunt taking the first puff extending it to his little sister. Gen shakes her head responding, "You know weed makes me paranoid."

"Right," he licks his lips taking another drag. "I never liked that nigga," he's refers to Savino.

"Why?" She looks up at him before he sits in the seat next to her.

"Just didn't. Why like someone who didn't even try to get to know the kids of the woman he's marrying? He felt he didn't have to because we're older. This man got this big ass house. Do you think he made one of them a room for you? No, his reasoning was that you were about to be grown. He made that comment when you were 16. He has a theatre, game room, an office, his kids' room, but no guest room if we wanted to stay."

"To be fair, I didn't want to live with them. I didn't want to move and change schools. That's why I stayed with granny until I graduated," she shrugs.

Choice smacks his lips. "That mentality that a kid has to leave the house at 18 right away is bullshit anyway. That's why I made sure you had a room at my spot so you'll always have a place to lay your head."

Magenta looks at him. "And I appreciate it. You know Mama plays a part in that... She didn't exactly argue or put up a fight for me to move with them. She said it was my choice."

"Because he was a fuckin' weirdo."

"What do you mean?"

"He used to always make these slick comments around his friends or me and Fade about you or Felicity. He would agree with his homies saying how y'all clearly got your body from Mama. Saying Ma needs to watch you because the way you dress. Insinuating you were fast or something."

"He did? Story of my life," she's not even surprised.

"That mutha fucka wanted her to get all involved with his kids, but never wanted her to help us. How you marry a nigga livin' like this with a good job-" he motions to the house. "-but I'm the one always helpin' everyone. Threw away my life and dreams. Then this nigga just leaves her. For a chick close to you and Tink's age. Doesn't surprise me. I wasn't buying that blended family bullshit anyway," Choice vents blowing out more smoke.

"What're we gonna do?"

Choice shrugs. "My money's definitely going to be tight helping Ma out. I'm gonna have to do something."

Magenta can see he's stressed. There's going to be more weight on his shoulders. There has been for years once he became 'the man of the family'.

"Why does bad stuff always happen to us?" She asks the unanswerable question.

"I don't know. We gon' figure this shit out like we always do," he stands up going back in the house.

Magenta and Felicity started off only staying for dinner, but then they decided to just spend the night the later it got and stay until tomorrow. They both could miss one class day and call into work. The next day all three of her children accompanied Tempest to a doctor's appointment, which was nice for her.

Tempest was putting up a front like she wasn't scared, but she was terrified. Mostly because she didn't think this could ever be her going through all this.

As much as she wanted to stay and be there for her mother, she can't. The day after that, Magenta was back on campus acting like everything was okay. The way this world works you can't dwell on things too long because you have responsibilities and obligations.

With her backpack on, she drags herself to her first class on a Wednesday morning, which is Physics. She climbs the steps making her way up to her friend, Selena, so she can sit by her. Once she gets to the row she sits down with a sigh looking at the board. Seeing Unit 2 Test written in chalk her eyes widen.

"Please tell me that's for the class before this one... We have a test today?"

"Yeah, over the last three chapters," Selena answers nonchalantly pulling out two mechanical pencils and her calculator. Gen's eyes look around the room seeing the student teacher's holding Scantrons.

"Shit, I forgot. I didn't study," she says rubbing her forehead in stress.

"I tried calling and texting you, so we could have a study session."

"Do you have a pencil for the scantron? I only have pens." Selena gives her one of hers.

Once the classroom fills they start handing out the tests and answer sheets. Even if Magenta wanted to cheat, she couldn't. There's 4 versions of the test and no one around her has the same one.

Gen watches people one by one turn their test in and leave. Once she's done she walks down the stairs turning hers in. The professor smiles at her and all she does is rush out. Magenta's surprised when she exits and Selena's waiting on her, especially because it took her so long to finish. She barely finished before the class time was over.

"Do you think you passed?" Selena asks as they walk in the same direction.

"Hell no. This might be the first class I fail," she sucks her teeth.

"You still have two weeks to drop the class with a grade of W. It won't affect your GPA."

"Nah, I would still have to take my required science class. Plus, I don't wanna start bad habits of dropping classes."

"True. After that paper we had to write about the inventor, I think everyone's grade is hurting. That student teacher takes their job a little too seriously. I still can't believe I got a 40 on that paper and I'm an English major. Bitch, I know how to write."

"Dude's an asshole. Talking about it's plagiarism to add quotes word for word when everyone cited their sources. That we should've reworded it. Maybe in science, but not in my major. I don't even know why they have us taking this bullshit. We're not going to use it."

"Exactly. MLA, APA, Chicago... How many ways can you say I got this shit from somewhere else?"

Magenta chuckles and sighs. "Ohhh, man. I guess I'll actually have to do the homework that's considered extra credit if I want to pass."

"Good luck on that. It's hard as hell. And it's only worth up to 15 points."

"That's better than nothing." When they reach the center of campus Magenta stops to say, "I'll see you later."

"You don't wanna get food?" She points her thumb towards the Union building behind them. "I was thinking Fuzzy's Taco Shop."

"Nah, I'm exhausted and tapped out financially. I need to save."

Selena nods in understanding. "Alright, bye, girl." They hug then go their separate ways.

Magenta stands there a few more seconds unlocking her phone going to her text messages. Seeing there's still nothing from Gee, she sighs before beginning to walk. She hasn't heard from him since the night he was shot at and Jody showed up at her dorm drunk.

That could easily be solved if she reached out to him first...And she should. Magenta knew what she was doing when she opened the door. She had a second of lapsed judgement. She was being petty, vindictive, and manipulative. She knew there was only one person who would make Jody jealous and that was Gee.

She opened that door to show him that she wasn't sweating his lies or the fact he played her. The truth is, she was. She felt hurt and used no matter how much she tried to convince herself Jody meant nothing. In turn, she ended up using Gee for a split second of vengeance. And worse, Genesis could tell.

She was lucky that night didn't escalate. Gee's in enough bullshit with Jody and other guys on campus. He didn't need to be added to anything else. He didn't need another reason for their to be tension surrounding him.

Later that night Magenta sits on a bench by the Library Mall and fountain. She stares at the doors of Willis Library waiting for Genesis to come out. She wraps herself in her bomber jacket listening to the sounds of the fountain waterfalls feeling a sense of relaxation and peace.

Gee pushes through the door exiting the library. Seeing him coming her way Gen's nerves suddenly take over. She shakes out her hands as if it'll make the anxious feeling shake away while they're still a distance away.

Magenta stands up deciding to meet him halfway as if they're not going to sit right back down. Gee surprisingly opens his arm for a hug. As soon as her body comes in contact with his, she wraps her arms around him putting her head on his chest. Closing her eyes she takes in a deep breath. She needed that more than she thought.

"You shouldn't just be sitting out here this late at night," he comments in a monotone voice as she sits back down on the bench. She can tell by his energy he's still upset. For the first time he looks at her face. "You okay?" He asks with concern. It wasn't even the fact she's not wearing makeup and dressed down. It's something about her vibe that seems off.

"Mhm," she nods. She's not okay at all. "You okay?"

"A-Okay," he says passively aggressively. She's not used to it because Gee's usually the one wanting to have the serious, hard conversations rather than ignoring and avoiding them. "About these J. Cole tour tickets..." he says clearly wanting to get to why they're here.

As soon as the dates and locations for his Forest Hills Drive tour were announced they said they were going to go. While Genesis pulls up the link for Ticket Master, Gen looks down at her checkerboard slip-on Vans. She's trying to muster up an apology or a way to talk about what happened last time they saw each other.

"Which seats?" He asks looking at the diagram of the stadium.

"Do you still even want to go? With me?"

"Wouldn't be here trying to buy tickets if I didn't. We said we'd go to our first concert together. Now, which seats?" He repeats the question. "I could honestly pay for both of ours. $200 each isn't shit if it means better seats."

"You don't have to do that," she says lowly.

"It's cool," he's already pulling out his wallet entering his information in. A minutes later he's saying, "We're set. I gotta go."

He's about to turn, but Gen grabs his wrist. "Wait... Can you come to my dorm?"

"I'm still in a group study session. My stuff is still inside with the people."

"Well, can you come when you're done?" She can see the annoyance on his face as he avoids her eye contact. "Please? I need help with Physics." That's the only excuse she could come with even though it's true. She can hear Gee blow short air between his teeth as if to say Gen has some nerve. "...And to talk."

He's silent for a few seconds. "I won't be done until late and I have practice early in the morning." Seeing the pitiful look on her face he gives in. "Tomorrow. I'll come to your dorm and help you tomorrow," he reasons with her.

"Thank you."

"You sure you're okay?" He asks one more time with furrowed eyebrows. She nods. Usually she'd tell Gee everything going on, but this time she doesn't. She keeps it to herself. Watching him disappear back into the library she sighs to herself.

The Next Day...

Sitting at her desk in her dorm room, Magenta talks on the phone with her mother for their daily check-ups. "How was radiation therapy?" She asks pushing the clicker of her pen into the desk over and over again.

"The first of many sessions, but I got this."

"Who went with you?"

"No one, but you know people have to work and lives to live."

"Ma, I don't want you going by yourself–"

"You don't have any choice because you're going to stay where you are and focus on school."

"You can't ask Aunt Treasure or Aunt Keitha to come with you?"

"They work, baby. Same with Choice who's pulling more hours at the airport. I don't need anybody to hold my hand through this. Plus, I haven't exactly told that many people..." she admits hesitantly.

"Who did you tell?"

"Uh, my kids. My soon-to-be ex-husband. That's about it."

"Ma, you didn't tell Granny or any of your siblings? As big as our family is you can get the support you need. You don't have to go through this alone."

Tempest smacks her lips. "I don't wanna tell them and have my business all through the streets of Dallas. Before I look up it'll be posted all over Facebook. I just wanna deal with this on my own in peace. The treatments and divorce. I don't wanna bunch of people bothering me or fake praying for me. I don't want anyone to know. Don't tell anyone."

Gen exhales. "Fine." She looks at the spooky bouquet Gee bought her that's now in a vase of water. It's on the verge of dying, but it somehow looks better. She loves dead flowers for some reason. She looks at the card that's standing up on her desk. Anytime she wants to smile or even shed a couple tears she reads it.

"We're always talking about me and my health. How are you? Your mental health?"

"Eh, I don't know. Can I ask you something?" Given the go ahead she asks, "Do you regret being with my Dad?"

"How could I regret the person who gave me my four beautiful kids?" Tempest gives the cheesy response.

"That's a cute answer, but be real with me. Do you regret basically giving your youth to be a ride or die?"

"Sometimes. I was so young when I met him. I was 15 and he was 19. I thought I was so grown 'cause I was with an older dude. A nigga with money who was feared in D-town, at that. I was with one of the biggest drugs dealers 'round the way. He'd pick me up from school in his Jaguar and take me to Big Town Mall. Me and Shakita thought we were hot shit," she mentions Pandora's mother who was with her father's best friend. "The gold chains, cars, Chanel, fur coats."

"The bad?"

Tempest laughs. "He cloaked being protective in controlling me. Him getting arrested and shot numerous times. Constantly finding his ass with other women. I remember I pulled up to a club with Shakita and we waited outside for hours. We couldn't get in because we weren't 21 yet. A damn shame. De'Mario walked out with that hoe ass bitch, Laquanda. Cussed them both out and I was gonna stab 'em. Ya Daddy dodged the blade, but I got Laquanda. Only reason my ass wasn't in prison for attempted murder is because the knife was weak and broke on her skin before it could go in. My ass thought I was crazy in love."

"Were you in love with him?"

"I thought I was, but that wasn't love. I was with him from 15 to my mid-twenties. Ten years. I was cheated on left and right. I done almost stabbed the man, hit him with my car, busted a glass bottle against his head. He was in those streets rippin' and runnin'. I was thankful for a long time he went to prison. If he didn't, we never would've left each other. We would've just been putting you kids through a lot of trauma."

Magenta wants to say they experienced trauma with him being gone regardless, but she doesn't. Gen has a flashback of Gee's grazed hand on that night and thinks about him asking her on that date.

"You're young. You're going to think a lot of shit is love and it turns out not to be. You'll also meet people and it actually is love, but either one or both of you aren't ready. Right person, wrong time. That's okay too. Be patient," Tempest gives the advice.

Gen ends the phone call with her mother and a few minutes later, Gee's at her dorm like he said he would be. For the first 45-minutes he's been no nonsense showing he's only here to help with her Physics work. If she even tried to veer into another subject he brought it back to science.

While Gen sits at her desk with her laptop and journal open, Gee paces throwing a ball in the air repeatedly. He repeats the question she's on slower because she doesn't get it. "Which equation would you use? If you don't use the right equation you're already starting off wrong," he instructs her.

"I don't understand why they can't just tell us what equation to use for every question. This is so unnecessary," she groans in frustration.

"Then there's really no challenge because all you do is plug in numbers into a calculator. That's too easy." He looks at Gen rubbing her temples chuckling to himself. "Maybe you should take a break. We have been working for almost an hour."

"Thank you," she sighs in gratitude. He sits on her couch and she spins around in her desk chair. She pulls her leg to tuck it under the other. "I'm so over school. I'm 'bout ready to say fuck it and dropout."

"At least you only have going to class to worry about," he says while looking at his phone. "All you gotta think about is college. You don't have to think about money, a sport, nothing. You have it easy."

"I got shit going on too," she screws up her face.

"Like what? You have family and support. Your brother gives you money for the stuff your scholarship won't pay for. You can visit your family whenever you want. You have a lot of time to study. Sounds easy to me," he shrugs.

"Ain't nothin' easy for me or my family," she says feeling a bit offended.

He doesn't realize until he actually looks up from his phone. Gee looks at her confused. "Why are you getting so uptight?"

"You really think I have it easy? I'm not some girl who comes from a well-off family whose parents pay for everything. I, we worked really hard for me to be here. I take more credit hours then full-time students have to. It's more classes so maybe I can graduate early. But knowing how college works, it'll probably only make me graduate on time because it seems like most people are here more than four years. More classes meaning more to stress about trying to study and keep up with all this bullshit. All the while maintaining my Honor student status."

Genesis doesn't interrupt her tirade. Magenta still hasn't quite learned her lesson from last year about not holding things in because then she becomes a ticking time bomb of unrevealed and unresolved feelings.

"You think I like having to be a burden for Choice? He has his own life and bills, he doesn't need me as an added worry, especially if he has to do something illegal. My Mom has breast cancer and I don't even know if I want to continue school. That way I can help her and go to her radiation appointments, so she's not alone. Something. I might drop out or at least go back home and commute instead of living on campus. I rather be anywhere, but here right now."

Magenta stops realizing she just did exactly what her mother told her not to... Tell her business. "Ms. Temp has Cancer?" He asks with worry on his face.

"Shit," Gen mumbles. She looks down at her hands playing with her fingers. "There I go emotionally oversharing, but yeah."

"You didn't say anything."

"I know. She didn't want me telling anyone. My mama doesn't like people in her business or feeling sorry for her. Showing her sympathy and shit. She used to always say, have sympathy for the dead, not me." But what if she becomes the dead? Morbid thought, she knows. "Plus, like always, things have been awkward between us."

"I can take a page out of your book and be there regardless of how weird things may get. I'm your friend first."

"You shouldn't be," she says faintly making Gee bounce his eyebrows up. He can't say if he agrees or not.

"We won't talk about that right now." He's the one avoiding. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," Gen sighs. It's silent because neither of them knows what to say. Gee could give a generic 'its's going to be okay' speech, but he hates those. He doesn't want them nor does he give them. "Can I have a hug though?" She asks.

Without a word he gives a small smile and opens his arms. Magenta moves from the desk chair to the couch with him. She comfortably lays in his lap being cradled like a baby as he holds her. It's probably the only time she liked being babied.

"How can I help?" He asks.


"How can I help?"

"I don't think you can," she answers not really understanding what he means.

"I'm sure I can. Maybe help with some of your work. Do it completely if I need to."

That's probably the nicest thing someone can offer in college. Help. It's something everyone needs. "That's nice of you, but no. You have enough on your own plate." Gen looks at his hand that's on her arm seeing the bandage. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For always being there."

"Only returning the favor," he mumbles as it falls quiet.

Magenta closes her eyes and she feels that heavy weight in her chest making her think, 'Oh, no.' She hasn't really cried since her mother revealed the news. But for some reason this was the one space she felt comfortable to. Gee has a way of breaking her walls down without doing much. The tears break free from her eyelids beginning to pour down. She can't even control the sobs that escape. Her mind immediately goes to the worst. What if her mother dies? What would she do without her?

Later that night Genesis is at evening practice. While he stands on the sideline since he's not needed for the play he readjusts the football glove on his hand. His hand has been irritating him the whole practice considering he needs it to do his job.

Gee's capable of getting a guy down with one hand or using his body, but two hands is always better than one. He hasn't told anybody about almost getting shot except for Magenta, Colby, and Destin. He wants to keep it that way. He has his suspicions of who was involved by the looks he was getting in the locker room.

"You good, Wilson?" The linebacker coach asks.

"Yeah." He was about to take his glove off to check his bandage, but he quickly pulls it back up so he doesn't see.

"Something wrong with that hand?" The coach asks crossing his arms over his chest with his eyes glued to the field watching other players.

"I burned my hand while cooking. I'm not exactly the best around the kitchen," Gee lies.

Like always the coach is smacking on gum. A smile creeps on his face. "Momma didn't teach you how to cook before you left home, boy?" He puts an arm on Gee's shoulder buying the excuse.

"Not exactly," he goes along with it.

"Better learn if you plan on surviving. Guess you really don't have to with college dining halls and meal plans. Then you go to the NFL and you'll probably hire a chef and nutritionist." He heavily pats Gee's back making him give a faint smile.

Genesis has gotten really close to his position coach and the defensive coordinator. It's partly because he listened to his father about his freshman year while redshirting. To prove he was a capable leader even on the sideline he tried to be as helpful as possible. The regular season is halfway thru and Gee has definitely proved himself to makeup for the loss of a year. Out of the entire team he's put up the most tackles.

Gee's always been a dog on the field and no one could take that from him. Even with a hurt hand and this only being practice, he had been straight bullying wide receiver, Jody. It was all in healthy competition, but of course they weren't happy about it.

Being called to the sideline Jarvis walks off the field not missing the chance to make a slick comment to Gee... "How's that hand you're trying to hide?" Jarvis evilly smiles.

"How were those tackles you ate, bitch?" Gee gives him a petty smile running on the field at the instruction of his coach.

Once practice is over all the players retire to the locker room. Gee laughs with some of his teammates not caring that Jody stares a hole into him. At this point, Gee's starting to think the nigga's in love with him.

Jody interrupts their joking to say, "How it feel to get my sloppy seconds? Took you long enough to get some play. Meanwhile, she opened up easy for me."

Gee only gives him an unimpressed smile. He's like a little kid constantly picking and trying to instigate a fight. He has no energy to respond. Being on this team has been more draining than if should be. His other teammate and who he's closest to responds for him saying, "Mayne, don't start that shit today. We had a good practice."

Everyone knows there's cliques within the team, especially the offense. They usually picked on the teammates who were easy targets. The guys from the suburbs who were deemed 'soft.' In football if you don't do things the way other people do, you stick out, you make yourself a target. They find a way to entertain themselves at the expense of others. It's like a fraternity and it eats at the team like a cancer.

See, they met their match with Gee. They thought they got a laugh with him being shot at, but he's going to get the last laugh...

"This shit don't get old to you?" Gee asks Jody. "You can play the tough guy shit. You can act so playa, but you were at her doorstep drunk and begging. You're in your feelings, my boy. Live in 'em, accept 'em, then leave me the fuck alone. I don't want no parts in whatever weird bullshit y'all got going on."

Jody looks around the locker room as eyes are on both of them. Instead of arguing that it wasn't true he blows out air. "Whatever," Jody heads for the showers.

Gee shakes his head when a senior linebacker asks, "You know they're jealous of you, right?"

"Jealous of me for what?"

"You only started playing this year and you're already getting all the attention. You get covered in newspapers, you're breaking records, winning awards. You're a leader, not a follower. When niggas have been apart of a team their whole life they hate a mutha fucka who can stand out... Someone who can stand alone and has an identity. Your NFL draft stock is rising. Keep doing what you're doing. Don't mind them."

"Oh, I don't."

After showering and changing Gee leaves the locker room ready to get back to the dorm to turn in for the night. He's exhausted. Right as he reaches his dorm building he feels like he's home free turning towards it until he hears a horn honk. He looks over his shoulder hearing a certain familiar rattle of a sound system. Seeing a car roll up on him along the curb the window rolls down and Breon blows out smoke. "We need to talk."

Gee wants to groan because his bed's calling his name, but he gets in the passenger seat of Fade's car. "Wassup?"

"Why haven't you been answering my calls."

"If it's about the pills, I'm not doing that anymore. I told you that."

"And why not? You saw how much money you touched and how fast. We can do this. They've been going crazy on college campuses."


"No worries. He's down with it now. He needs the extra money. His family's in a bind." Gee turns to look at him with an arched eyebrow.

"This doesn't happen to have to do with his mother."

"Medical bills, lawyer fees, all typ'a shit."

"I guess I don't have a choice then," Gee rubs his face.

"I guess you don't. What happened to your hand? Football?"

Gee looks out of the window. He can literally see the spot it happened at. Several people called the campus police to report hearing a gunshot, but nothing came of it. Mostly because Gee didn't go to the hospital or report it himself. For obvious reasons he didn't go to the police. Around here they're only going to look at you suspicious and wonder why you're getting shot at. You'll report a crime done to you as the victim, next thing you know you're arrested because they asked around and found out you sell drugs.

"Bullet graze," he answers honestly.

"Niggas shootin' at a college campus?"

Gee laughs rubbing his face. "Apparently. These niggas in Texas wild. This shit like Kentucky. Evidently everybody gotta gun 'round here. They shoot at parties, all types of shit. A girl shot her cheating boyfriend in the leg last week."

"Let me find out..." he blows out smoke. "It didn't have anything to do with what we got going, right? This isn't a competition thing?"

For a second thought it could've been Keaton sending someone. But that wouldn't make sense because Gee had stopped selling pills. He knows it was Jarvis and Kentrell. He gave the stolen items and even that money over too easy. It wasn't that serious to Gee for him to send someone to shoot at him. That's ridiculous.

"Nah, somebody broke into Magenta's dorm. I handled up and got her shit back. Some folks ain't like that since they're my teammates. I said I would look out for her and she comes before some niggas I don't even like. These football players act like gang members with that loyalty and trust bullshit."

"I can understand being loyal to the brotherhood, but you did right. That's what you're supposed to do. Twinkle is off limits. You need me to handle that up for you?" He points at my hand.

Gee thinks for a second. He definitely didn't want to get revenge in a violent manner. He did at first because that's his old mentality. Eye for an eye. Someone shoots at you, you shoot back. He had time to think and cool down though. He has too much at risk.

"I got a couple addresses where you can send people to hit a lick. A bunch of electronics and they keep cash. It'll be a good hit if you want it."

"We talking 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' injuries? They can get slapped around." Fade's so calm while saying this. Gee realized him and Choice are very different despite them being best friends. Fade's not against violence or selling certain drugs. If it makes him money he's going to do it.

"Nah, just set them back a couple thousand."

"I can make something happen. You needa gun? Protection?"


"I gotchu. It'll cost you. Until then I'ma get up witchya. We'll get you gas and pills for ya people. You should get another drive in about two weeks. Stay out the way until then." They dap then Gee exits the car watching Fade drive off before going into the residence hall.

A Couple Days Later...

Genesis hasn't seen or heard from Magenta in a few days, so he takes the elevator down to her floor. Nobody has really been seeing much of her lately. She's been staying to herself, which is understandable.

Making his way down the hall he stops at her suite door and knocks. He stands there almost a minute looking at his phone. Maybe he should've called or texted first, but that would give her an excuse to ignore him. Finally, the door hesitantly opens.

"Gee?" she asks with confusion. She wears a sports bra and shorts making it clear she hasn't left her room despite it being a Saturday. "What're you doing here?" She lets him in.

He follows her through the common area into her room saying, "Get dressed."

"Huh? For what?"

"I heard one of my teammates talking about the state fair. I wanna go. I remember you saying you wanted to go too. You mentioned it to Ki and Juju, but they went yesterday and you didn't."

"I can't. I don't have time. I'm still working on this Physics homework. You know I struggle with anything that's not simply reading or writing. I've been working on this for hours, days damn near." Her computer screens on the app for doing homework. There's a reason she chose a Bachelor of Arts, yet here they are making her do science.

"I can do it for you later. We both know I'm better at science and math than you. Come on. Get dressed. I wanna see what y'alls state fair is talkin' bout. I heard they got fried ice-cream," he rubs his hands together while licking his lips.

"I'm sure all state fairs are the same nationwide.." She looks at him then her laptop. "Fine," she logs out shutting it. Gee watches her mull over an outfit choice making it more complicated than it has to be. She finally settles on something then goes to the bathroom to change.

An hour later they find themselves at the Texas State Fair in Dallas at Fair Park. After paying for their entry, Gee stares up at the 55-foot figure dressed like a cowboy affectionately called Big Tex. They didn't even have to ask this overly excited older White lady to take a picture of them because she offered.

After getting a few they thank her then begin walking. "Is this a date?" Magenta asks out of curiosity.

"If I told you it was you wouldn't have come," he throws petty shade since she never gave him an answer. To be fair he forgot to bring it up again with everything going on.

"Don't do that." He chuckles as they figure out what they want to do first. Of course that was food. With practically full stomachs they walk around. Gen gets a little too excited seeing the airbrush station. She wasn't going to miss the chance at getting airbrush T-shirt's and a picture.

"We gotta get matching shirts. I want mine to say Twinkle G on the front. Ooh, and on the back it can say Double G," she says with enthusiasm.

"You so damn corny," he teases. He's just glad to see her smiling. "But that's coo. I'm with it."

When they're next in line they both sit down waiting for the man to finish. At one point he comments, "Cute couple," making them both look at him with screwed faces.

They both awkwardly laugh. "We ain't together."

The man only smiles because usually it's couples getting pictures and matching shirts made together. "Oops," he turns around showing the picture of them sitting next to each other with a heart above their heads.

"Now who the hell told you to do that?" Magenta asks in a non-serious manner. They had been joking with him the entire time like they knew him.

"I can do another one. Start completely over," he looks at the long line.

They didn't want to be inconsiderate and hold it up. "No, it's fine." Gee shakes his head looking at it before handing it to Magenta.

Gee overlooks the view as the Texas Star Ferris wheel slowly moves up. It's now nightfall, so he mostly sees colorful lights and small bodies on the ground level. When he agreed to go on this ride at Gen's pleading he didn't think about the fact he's kind of scared of heights. That limited him on what rides they went on today, but he compromised for this one.

"If you look down it makes it worse," Gen comments from the seat across from him.

"I'm good," he looks at her.

"We ever gonna talk about that night in my dorm?" She refers to when Jody popped up.

"What's their to talk about?"

Gee knows he can act deceivingly nonchalant and casual. He's very good at hiding his intense and passionate nature behind a façade of unassuming stoicism. The truth is, he's taking it all in and gauging what his next move will be. That he still hasn't figured out, so that's why he hasn't brought up the conversation himself.

He doesn't like talking about his feelings, so him giving her that card was a big step for him. He knows that aspect about him can be frustrating. That's why he makes small gestures like getting flowers to show them. He might not express his feelings with words, but you can tell that he's into you. He's an action person.

Clearly, Magenta is a words type of girl because she's not seeing he's actually serious. Or she doesn't want to see. Regardless, the Jody situation made him wish he never said or done anything at all.

"Come on, Gee," she urges him.

"Forreal. What's there to talk about?"

"I want you to be honest with me..."

"I don't know. We always said we wanted three things out of people... Respect, loyalty, and trust. We're both big on respect. I'on think what you did was cool. You only opened that door, so Jody could see me in your bed. That wasn't cool using me like a pawn or somethin'. His ass was drunk and it could've started real problems. And he's my teammate. I already got shot at that night. I just didn't need any extra drama."

Gen nods. "I got caught up in this crazy college world of toxic flings and fuckboys. Thinking I had to play the game dirty like them. I let it get the best of me. I apologize. You're right. I was being selfish. I'm sorry for trying to drag you into my bullshit."

"From here on out nothing but mutual respect?"

She nods. It's quiet for a second as she looks at the view. "I'm going to be honest, Gee. I do have feelings for you. I think that's clear on both sides. But..." He knew it was coming. "I'm not ready for this to go further and I don't know when I will be. I don't want to lead you on or have you waiting."

"I'm not either." It was a hard reality to come to terms with. "I don't think we ever will be."

"Don't say that. We'll be ready when it's time."

"I thought I knew what I needed when I kissed you, but I'm like–" he blows out air not being able to figure out what he's trying to say. "There's a lot going on. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm not in a good place right now mentally." He adds on, "I don't want you to think I kissed you just 'cause. A kiss isn't just a kiss with me. I take that shit very seriously. I know how I felt when I did it and I can tell how you felt about me."

"I get it."

"I've never really been good with expressing myself. That's why I wrote you the card," he chuckles. "I care about you a lot. I really do appreciate you and the experiences we've had thus far. I just want us to be on the same page."

"I'm gonna cry," she says fanning her face dramatically.

"I knew you were bout to say that," he laughs under his breath.

"Don't laugh. You were really the first person at this cesspool we call a school to make me feel seen and accepted. I sensed our connection from the beginning and I'll feel it regardless what the label is," she smiles at him. "I have some healing and issues to deal with," she huffs.

"Shit, me too." He extends his hand to her and she grabs it. "When you're ready, that date invitation will still be on the table."

"Anywhere? Anytime? Any circumstance?" she asks with a grin.

"Anytime, anywhere," he smiles before kissing her hand. They both sigh accepting that. They were glad to clear the air. They're not ready and that's okay... It's better to recognize it now then jump into it and hurt one another.

Before leaving they played fair games and won a lot of them. Gee's football skills came in handy. They walk across the parking lot and Magenta carries the big bear that Gee won for her. He carries about three other stuffed animals he was able to get.

"I'm going to name him Mr. G Baby," Magenta the bear to her body. Gee can only shake his head and chuckle.

Once they get back to campus and their residence hall they go up to Magenta's dorm room. They're both glad they went. It definitely cheered Gen up about her Mom.

As soon as they enter into her room, Gee sits the stuffed animals on her couch. Magenta opens her drawer of office supplies grabbing a container of tacks. She hangs up the airbrushed picture of her and Gee right next to an airbrush picture of herself that she got done at the Six Flags Mall when she was in fourth grade. Stepping back to look at them she looks over her shoulder at Gee smiling at him. The best thing about college was the memories they're creating together. They'd never forget them...


That Trae Tha Truth song makes me cry. I haven't been saying which chapters are inspired by my real life, but this one hit home😩

Magenta's mother having breast cancer & going through a divorce?

Choice changing his mind about selling pills?

Gee & Gen's talk at the State Fair?

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