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Sitting in the driver's seat, Genesis pushes the button to roll the window down as they're parked in the stall of a Sonic Drive-In. "You're gonna make us late," he looks at Magenta who waves him off. With a shake of his head, he pushes the red button waiting for someone to come over the intercom.

"Hi. Can I get a large cranberry limeade?" She emphasizes large while leaning over Gee so she can be heard. "You want anything? It's on me.."

"I'm good," he chuckles lowly checking the time once again. Magenta shrugs completing the order. This was an item on her long list of pregnancy cravings that he's gotten used to.

While they wait Gee answers an unexpected call from someone he knows back home in Kentucky. To his surprise the old friend is detailing how Seven's been back in Louisville displaying odd behavior.

It makes perfect sense to Gee though... He describes Seven as paranoid, jumpy, and fearful. His brother kept saying he thinks he's being followed all the time. And anytime he sees well-dressed white men he thinks they're law enforcement or in the mob.

The main reason, he called is because that paranoia has culminated into him acting out. Apparently, Seven got into argument at a dice game and pulled a gun on someone he considered a friend since elementary. They were able to deescalate the situation, luckily.

"I'm only callin', so maybe you can talk sense into him before it's too late. I heard what really happened to yo Daddy with the gambling. Don't want anything happening like that again."

"Fasho. I'll talk to him," he hangs up right as they bring Gen's drink out.

In the last months up until Destin's murder, Seven was back on track. He was staying in Austin and working under Choice at his Cannabis company. Now Seven's been floating with the wind..

He spends his days smoking weed, playing video games, clubbing, and hanging out doing nothing. At least according to his social media.

Gee thought Seven having income from renting out their father's house would be good... Nope. He doesn't have to have a 9-5 that requires him to clock-in and have routine. He's been blowing the money.

Their father's death shook Seven to his core as Genaro had been a huge pillar in his life. Seven's entire life centered around making his father proud and following his father's plan for him - college and football.

He has none of that anymore. He doesn't have college, football, or his father. Seven doesn't know what to do with his life. He doesn't know who he is. His life has gone into a tailspin. Now he spends his days worrying about death or prison.

Gee doesn't know what to do. He can't keep trying to help Seven when he's grieving too. He has his own life to live. He can't keep trying to save him. He's done being the hero. He's putting up boundaries.

"Who was that?" Magenta asks as Gee backs out. She stirs her drink with the straw seeing the perturbed look on his face.

"A friend back home. Apparently, Seven's out there being stupid."


"Yeah, I can't keep up. He's not answering my calls, but he's on Instagram. Every week it looks like a new city."

"He's running hoping they won't catch up with him."

"Apart of me wants to go get his ass and the other says, 'fuck it.'"

Magenta stays quiet on the subject. He assumes it's because her stance is clear. Gee can't keep putting Seven before himself, his future, or his family. Not when they have a baby on the way.

Pulling up to their property, they both get out of the car. Their house is currently in the framing stage of being built. They have an appointment with the builder for a pre-drywall meeting.

"We have stairs. That's crazy," Gee comments as they walk around. They're only made of framing lumber, but it's something. They've made a lot of progress with the framing, electrical, and plumbing now complete. The house is finally taking shape.

"I say 2 weeks until the dry wall goes up," their builder informs them. "It should start looking more like a house in the next couple weeks. I estimate the closing date will be end of December. 10-12 weeks give or take delays."

"Don't make any promises you can't keep," Gee says making him laugh.

"When's the baby due?" He asks looking at Gen who's still slurping on her drink.


"I think we can get you guys in the house by the holidays. At least by the time the baby comes." It's obvious this pregnancy wasn't planned. No one wants to be building a house and having a baby. Gen's biggest concern is the nursery.

"We're gonna hold you to that. I already started ordering furniture," she taps her fingers like an evil villain.

The builder leaves them to roam, so they take that time to write messages on the framing with Sharpies. They either wrote affirmations, reminders, or Bible verses for protection and blessings. They also had their mothers write some down, so they'd write them for them.

"Last but not least," Gen says while writing 222 with a big heart. Underneath she puts, 'You're in the right place, at the right time.'

"For a little minute there I wasn't seeing it anymore."

"Same, but a lot of times it's so routine to see it I don't notice."

While walking through their land back to the car, Gee comments, "We did good though. He's gonna have a lot of space to run around. Run around, play football-"

"The one thing we're not negotiating on is my child playing football. It's not happening. I know you have a pop warner team, but he's not actually playing the team sport."

"What?! Why not? It's in the Wilson blood to play football!" He sounds outraged.

"Our son's not about to be getting hit and developing CTE."

"I played football my entire childhood up to college and I'm fine."

"That's debatable," Gen laughs at her own joke getting a lip smack.

"We're going to have a decent size child. It'd be a crying shame not to put him on the field. That's all I'm saying."

"Are you speaking about our unborn baby like cattle?"

"That came out wrong. We need to start thinking of a name though."

"I know."

"We can use your brother's idea. Chosen," he cracks up laughing getting a glare.

"Virtue names run in my family and they're beginning to take them too far."

"Virtue names?"

"Trinity, Legend, Serenity, Choice, Dream, Charity, Heavenly, Felicity," she rolls her eyes.

"Ohh, that's why your family functions sound like someone opened a Bible, closed their eyes, and pointed at a word," Gee jokes.

"I know you're not talking, Genesis. Your brother's name is Seven. A number!"

"Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, and, upon completion, God rested on the seventh. My granny thought she was so raw coming up with both our names," he chuckles.

"That actually is kinda hard. We may have to give gran a call," they both laugh. As soon as they get in the car it's no surprise Gen says, "Bae, let's go get Mastro's or P.F. Chang's. I'm hungry."

"There's food at the house," he says like a black mother.

"What you mean? I thought you said it's a date day. Your baby wants P.F. Chang's," she whines.

And this is exactly his fault. Ever since they've been living apart Gee plans dates and activities for a few days out of the week. It was to ensure her prenatal depression didn't get worse. It got her out and they spent quality time together. Now she's spoiled.

"We're already spending too much money."

"I'm carrying your big ass linebacker baby, and you can't get me food? If that's what he wants, that's what he's going to get."

He's so glad she's out of the crying at the drop of the dime phase. "Fine, damn!" He responds tired of hearing her mouth.

Dancing in her seat she says, "Thank you."

"Your ass is so spoiled."

"You made me this way."

"I know... I guess that's only a problem for a man who can't maintain it. You always get what you want. Shit, you get more than what you want." She dances again this time with a big smile leaning over to kiss him.

That same excitement carries on to the restaurant as she now bops in her seat while eating. Using his chopsticks he takes something off her plate making her happy dance stop. "I know you're not literally taking food off our baby's plate."

"First it was my manning folks to death. Then it was my fiancé. Now it's my baby this, our baby that," he laughs. "We're in love. Share."

"But if I was to take something off your plate you'd be ready to kung fu grip it back. Stingy ass."

The bickering falls quiet as Gee takes a business call, while she eats her dessert. It's now second nature for his hand to find it's way to her growing belly. It rests on the bump and Gee doesn't even notice the silly smirk on Gen's face.

With good days like this both want to live in this peace forever. They hate to admit it's been way calmer with Seven gone. They've been living in an ignorant bliss.

Gee's put on hold, Gee looks over at Gen. "Let me see," he says prompting her to look at him. "You so fuckin' pretty. No makeup and all," he traces his thumb across her jawline before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you. I didn't wear makeup 'cause I want you to nut on my face later. I'ma suck that dick," she sings while licking her spoon. He laughs because he knows it's all because he simply fed her. "Let's go home so I can gobble you down," her eyebrows bounce.

"You know damn well you're gonna be asleep as soon as we get in the house."

After he pays the bill they're back in the car they head towards home. "Look at my man, y'all. Drop the top on they bitch ass," she exclaims with wind blowing through her hair.

Magenta's energy level definitely increased and she's starting to feel more like her old self again. That first trimester was a rollercoaster of emotions, but they got through it.

They may be in the clear now, but he knows she has a higher chance of getting postpartum depression after birth. He can't stop it from happening if it does, but he tries to help in anyway possible.

Bad Bitch Alert by Rob49 plays as they sit in traffic. The song makes her hype as they both rap, "And I bought that Rolls for that pussy to get wetter." When she lifts her leg up his first thought is, "Keep playin'! That's how you ended up pregnant in the first place."

"I'm surprised I can still do that," she laughs.

They sit in traffic for twenty minutes and Gee was wrong... Magenta fell asleep before they got home. He shakes his head because she can always talk a good game. She always has big plans then that itis hits.

She's dead asleep in the passenger seat. Head leaned back and mouth wide open – That good sleep. He sticks his finger in her nose and she swats it away.

Gee's distracted from bothering her when his phone rings. Seeing it's finally Seven calling him back earlier he contemplates. He ignores the call not wanting to ruin his current mood. He's fed up and wiping his hands of his brother...

Sitting at the desk in her craft room, Magenta sways back and forth in her swivel chair while on a Zoom video call. She's currently talking to her attorney when she rather not be.

"With the upcoming trial only a few days away I'm concerned about re-traumatization and the triggers for you and all the other survivors. You may have to start therapy again," her lawyer notes.

"I never stopped."

"Well, that's good. With all the media coverage it might cause memory triggers, trauma reactions, and your symptoms may resurface. It'll bring you back to the abuse."

Magenta's been preparing herself heavily for that. No matter how much time passes, it'll never be forgotten.

The closer it gets to d-day the more she thinks about everything she went through the first time. The last trial did a number on her. The paranoia of everyone and everything closed in. She almost took her own life a week before the trial. After it was finished, her and Gee took a break and she went to that retreat.

Now that she's pregnant she can't afford another breakdown like that. She wants to protect her emotions and baby at all costs.

"I think we should go over the possible questions the prosecutor may ask during cross-examination," her lawyer suggests.

"Maybe I'm not understanding... We've been to trial before. What's there we're preparing for? Won't it be the same? Maybe even easier without all the nonsense the defense tried to pull the last time."

"I know you know how this works. The line of questioning will be similar. You'll tell the events of the night and answer questions just like before. The only difference is you may be in a different place emotionally and mentally than last year. I want to ensure your answers and recollection is consistent to what you said last time. We don't want the defense catching a detail that's not the same."

"Okay, I just-" Gen gives an overwhelmed sigh rubbing her face. It sounds tedious and time consuming.

"Also, you're pregnant now..."

"What does that mean?"

"You're more emotional and vulnerable." If her lawyer wasn't a woman she might take offence to the statement. Its true though. "There's baby brain. Trust me, I know because I just had a baby."


"Yeah, I got pregnant soon after the mistrial. Honestly, if you feel like you don't want to take the stand you don't have to. I wouldn't blame you. It's your decision though."

Gee expressed the same sentiments. 'You don't need the stress.' Now that so many other victims have been added to the case, they honestly don't need her to take the stand. Her initial statement and the affidavit she signed is enough. But Magenta wants to finish what she started considering she was the first person to come forward.

According to the D.A. the trial will have over 40 witnesses called to the stand. It'll also take a couple weeks to get through it before the verdict.

"No, I still want to take the stand. I can do it," Gen says more so to convince herself.

Once they get through the lengthy meeting, Magenta gets up from the desk. She grabs her phone from the craft table dialing Seven's number. She's tried calling for days with no luck.

She paces the bottom floor looking up the steps to ensure Gee isn't coming down the stairs or near them. Biting the end of her acrylic nail she breathes out in relief when he answers.

"Where the fuck are you?!" She asks in a whisper looking again to make sure Gee isn't coming.

"Kentucky," his voice has a slur making her eyebrows furrow.

"I know that. What the fuck are you doing there? You're supposed to be in Vegas turning yourself in before Destin's family gets your ass."

"I changed my mind."

"You made a deal with Matteo. You said you'd turn yourself in and they fall off what they had planned. You had a time limit, so you know the hit's back on."

"Fuck that! Why should I go to prison? Destin deserved it."

"That's neither here nor there anymore. It's bigger than that. This is the mafia. You said you wanted to make sure your brother, me, this baby, the whole family is safe. Do you not care what can come of this? You left and we're still here.." The line is silent. "Seven, we need you," she says with desperation.

"What do you want me to say, Gen?"

"We're in trouble if you don't turn yourself in. We're not safe. I did what you and your brother couldn't. I put my pride aside. I called Matteo and begged for mercy. Don't make it be in vain."

"I'm sorry," he hangs up on her.

Giving a frustrated groan she paces before calming herself down. "That boy is insufferable."

Going back upstairs, she acts like the previous conversation didn't happen. That was something her and Seven kept between just them. Gee didn't know. Nor did he need to convince Seven to do otherwise, even though he did that himself.

"Can you put the interview on?" She asks Gee who's on the couch watching something else.

Her sister wasted no time sitting down with someone. Gen thought she wouldn't do it, but she proves everyday she's not a good person.

"Do you really want to watch it?" Gee asks despite pulling it up.

"Yes, I want to see what she's going to say. It'll determine if I respond."


"If I get mad enough I'm going to stop letting her ass slide." Gee chuckles to himself as she sits on the couch.

He clicks on the hour-long interview that she decided to do with Tasha K. Magenta can't even say of all people because based on Twitter reactions she wasn't biased with Felicity. She actually asked the questions that were needed.

"Outside of you being the ex and mother to Caprice's child, you're a celebrity stylist. You have your own career, name, and money," she starts. "Caprice is awaiting trial that's right around the corner. One of the witnesses and accusers is your blood sister... Let's start with your upbringing."

Listening to Felicity's recollection of their childhood makes Gen scratch her head. Everyone's entitled to their perspective, but it doesn't align with hers.

"What's the age different between you and your sister, Magenta?"

"She's two years younger than me."

"That's close in age, so were you two close?"

"Our mother would dress us the same. Then when we got older she'd steal my clothes. We were both known and popular around the city. I was known for fashion. She just knew everybody," Felicity doesn't actually answer the question with yes or no. "But also, I got into a lot of altercations in school when I was younger."


"I don't know. Other girls hated me. I got a lot of attention for my looks. Jealousy. People would bully me. They'd start rumors, and Magenta would let people get in her head about me. She'd allow it to alter how she treated me."

She's keeping track of every lie her sister tells. Lie.

"In what way?"

"She's always been jealous of me, always in competition. I went to a certain college, she went there too. I mentioned a business idea to my brother, she said she wanted to do that too. It forced him to give the money to the both of us to start the company together as a partnership."

Lie. Lie. Lie.

How can she say Gen was jealous or in competition with her? If she was she wouldn't have defended her sister against all the rumors about her growing up. She wouldn't have come to her aid when girls wanted to fight her.

Gen's been jumped trying to defend Felicity. Every time she'd practically leave her for dead because she's 'too cute to fight.' Pandora would come to her rescue before her own blood sister.

"If you could talk to your sister now what would you say?"

"I want to talk to my sister and find out why she made me react the way I did." A perpetual victim.

"What?" Gee vocalizes even though he wasn't paying attention that much.

"You said one of your mother's boyfriends molested you and your sister... Is that true or false?" Tasha asks.

"It's true."

"We don't have to go into detail about what took place, but did you ever tell your mother it was both you and your sister?"

"No. She was so young and didn't understand what was going on. I figured me coming forward alone would be enough to get him away from our family."

"You told your mother. What did she do?"

"She confronted him. Threw him out of her house. She called my uncles and the police. They interviewed me, took a statement, and said they'd look into it. The second interview there was so many people talking and asking questions I eventually gave in and said it wasn't true. I said it was a lie."

"What happened after that?"

"Nothing really. The charges were dropped against him. And we moved on like nothing."

"Did you mother get back with him?"


"Did your mother ask why you might've lied? Get you counseling or therapy?"

"No. My mother was in the hood raising 4 kids by herself. She wasn't thinkin' about that."

"How did you cope with it? Being molested?"

Felicity looks down getting choked up. She's handed a tissue box and wipes her face, but there's no tears. She's only sniffling. "I didn't really." It sounds like she's crying before going back to instantaneously telling her story normally, "Everything takes a really hard toll on me. I'm my biggest critic. I felt like I couldn't use my voice and say what I wanted to say. It felt like it was swept under the rug....It scarred me still to this day."

Because Gen's in therapy she recognizes what her sister's doing.. She's utilizing empathy as a weapon. It's called empathy farming.

It's like Felicity doesn't think about the fact most of their family was in that living room in Miami when she said why she lied. Out of her own mouth she admitted to lying on our mother's ex-boyfriend.

"How has it shown itself now for you?"

"When I was a teen I'd date older guys. Then when I was an adult I usually ended up with emotionally abusive or manipulative men. Men who'd cheat and lie. Who'd use me."

"Is that what led you to being with Caprice?"


"I have a question... if you allege your sister was also molested by your mother's boyfriend, why didn't you believe her when she told you Caprice sexually assaulted her?"

"Bloop!" Gen says to the tv screen.

"Uh," Felicity stammers looking for a response. "Like I said she's always been jealous of me."

"You have said that you think Magenta slept with Caprice willingly, but she didn't want you to be mad at her. That's why she said it was rape. That was even the opening statement from his attorney. That your sister lied, is lying..."

"Yes, I still believe that."

"Really? Okay," Tasha seems taken aback. "I'm going to be honest... How do you publicly let a man disrespect you repeatedly and you still stand by him. But your sister, you treat any kind of way and say she's a liar. You have lied also, Felicity..."

"What did I lie about?" Tink gets defensive.

"You got on the stand and said you believed Caprice could be a rapist. Now you say you believe his main defense in his case. Were you lying on the stand?"

"I was just going off stories I heard. I was in a bad place then. I was angry at him after he broke up with me and I was pregnant. I was repeating what other people said to get back at him."

"You realize that's perjury? You lied on the stand."

"Yes, I was wrong."

"Like I said you've lied. How can people believe anything else you said if you'd lie under oath about something very serious out of anger?"

"I lied one time," she shrugs flippantly.

"You're either lying now or was lying then. Either way your credibility is shaky. Do you understand that?"

"I made a mistake. I'm taking accountability for my lies, unlike my sister who continues to do so. She ruined my entire life. My business has suffered. She took my daughter's father from her. She made me a single mother."

"She made you a single mother?" Tasha's head tilts. She examines Felicity whose leg bounces up and down. She's trying to keep her composure under the pressure. "You're really shaking and upset right now."

"Yeah, because we're here based on the fact one person is lying. We both can't be telling the truth. And now you're telling me in my face I'm basically lying about being molested as a child!"

"I didn't say you lied though. I do think that when someone makes you mad you become vindictive. First it was Caprice. Now it could very well be with your sister. Based on research, people often remember their interpretations or constructions of something read, seen, or heard. When you experience crucial gaps in memory, people tend to fill in these blanks with logical reconstructions as memories of actual events. It's easy to create memories of events that never actually happened when you believe them to be true."

"So, I convinced myself I was molested?"

"If you've told the lie so long, yes... You seem to embellish or believe certain things happened when they didn't.. There are things called mental blocks as a trauma response, so you can't remember things. There's also false memory where you remember an incorrect recollection of part or an entire event. You could think you're accessing a real memory – It's not an attempt to lie. Memory isn't perfect and it's not meant to be. Trauma can lead to distorted memory."

"Did you say this to my sister or the other victims?" Felicity's now argumentative. "Why isn't her story considered a false memory?"

"Your sister's not calling someone a liar on the internet. You are. You can't call someone a liar, and don't think 'your truth' won't be questioned. Because Caprice's first trial you accused him of beating you until you had a miscarriage. That turned out to be a lie. Correct?"

"It was a lie. I had abortions in the past while with him."

Magenta narrows her eyes. Felicity displays signs of a pathological liar. The elaborate stories that paint her in a favorable light. She characterizes herself as either a hero or victim.

"Court is coming up. Are you trying to protect Caprice's image?"

"I've done that for years. Always defended him. I was loyal. Paid for almost everything. Supported him in everything. It got me nothing. I was down talked and degraded. I've been threatened by his management, label, mother, and friends when I exposed him. Why protect him now?"

"At this moment, do you believe he did what he was accused of?"

"No," Tink answers strongly.

"Why did you decide to end the marriage then? People assumed it was the last allegation that he assaulted one of your friends the day before the wedding..."

You can tell she doesn't want to say no because it makes her look bad. She was willing to stick by him after that. She called her ex-friend a liar too. "No, actually, I heard a recording. The recording turned out to be edited and manipulated. Regardless, I decided to step away from the marriage. That's all I'll say because the trial's in a few days."

Another lie. Nothing was edited.

"A recording of what? Him admitting something or him in the act?"

"I can't speak on that with court coming up."

"Okay. Why did you want to do an interview? Because to me it seems you're trying to save face for the father of your child. You could not want to see him go to prison..."

"My daughter's my entire life. She's with me all day everyday. Is it ideal to raise a child alone? No, but I'm doing it. Caprice and I are trying to annul the marriage. Regardless, of us not working out I'm going to speak on what's right. I've been going through postpartum depression. My business is slowly going down the drain because I'm dealing with so much in my personal life. Nobody has been there or helped me but him," she rants clearly agitated.

"I know you and your family's estranged. Do you have help from Caprice's mother?"

"No. We don't get along because of what I said on the stand. She's coddles her son. When she gets mad that I don't do the same she cusses me out and has even tried to fight me. She threatens me. I don't want her in my daughter's life."

"I wouldn't like my grandchild's mother if they lied on my son either. Especially when he's facing significant time in prison."

"Okay, are you just going to keep calling me a liar. You got me on your platform to bash me apparently. You're painting me in a negative light. I'm done," Felicity removes her mic and stands up.

Ever since the interview came out this morning, Magenta's phone has been blowing up. It's been other platforms trying to get an interview for her to respond to her sister. She hasn't answered any of them.

If she does an interview it'll be on her own time because she knows they're going to ask about Caprice too. Her attorney gave the advise to do it after the trial if she is.

But when the right person called an hour later, Gen ended up agreeing to it. She's tired of not responding. She thought of what Béla said... Abusers want you to be the bigger person.

Before she knew it she set up an interview for after the trial to address the case, Caprice, and her sister.

Hours have passed and Magenta lays on the couch half asleep when her cellphone rings. Seeing it's her mother, she answers groggily. Her mother's still in town and she figures she's on the doorstep needing someone to open the front door.


"Did you watch your sister's interview?" Tempest already sounds annoyed.

It's understandable because Felicity painted their mother as a bully who was jealous of her daughters while treating her "criminal son's" like God's gift to earth. She also chastised their mother for not helping with her grandchild. As if she didn't kick Tempest out when she tried.

Tink fails to realize she's the common denominator. She's the one most people on the family don't have a close relationship with. Maybe it's you, Tink.

"Yeah, a bunch of lying," Gen wipes her eyes.

"That penny-ass production of dramatics she always wants to put on to get attention. I'm sick of it. Somebody needs to glue her mouth shut!" Temp vents before sighing. "Have you seen though? On Instagram?"


"Caprice's mom exposed voice notes and texts of Felicity saying she's going to kill herself and the baby. You know she spoke bad about his Mom, so she went off. There was a video from when she was pregnant of her holding a knife to her stomach. I didn't even know all this. Then there was one from today of her threatening it again."

"His mother posted it?"

"Yes. My thing is if she has done this several times why put it on social media? I'm going over to Tink's and getting that baby. Regardless, that's still my granddaughter. None of them have the sense of a billy goat. Her, Caprice, the mama, all'um."

"That's not going to go over too well. Felicity did say she was or is going through postpartum depression."

"She's unstable. I could hear it all in her voice when she talked to Gee. I could see it on her in that interview too. The way she'd ramble not actually answering the questions and arguing with the interviewer."

Gen sighs. "Where are you at? I'll come too. You shouldn't go alone in case things go left."

"I'm at Cortlen's. We'll come get you."

They end the call and Magenta makes her way up the stairs. She's already dressed, so she grabs a pair of shoes and her purse. Going to Gee's designated room, she knocks entering to see him on the game.

"Where are you going?" He asks pulling his headphone back.

"To my sister's. My mom wants to get CC because apparently Felicity's having a breakdown all over social media." Tink couldn't handle all the backlash.

"Oh no the hell you're not. That's not your business."

"I can't let my mama go by herself. It's obviously not going to be easy. She needs backup."

"And you think you're pregnant ass will be of much help? That's on top of the fact your sister just said she hates you on a phone call. It'll go left real quick just based off your presence alone. I'll go with your mama. You're staying here."

Magenta's relieved. She didn't want to go anyway. "Okay," she watches him get up to get dressed. "You gonna call the security company though and have someone come with y'all?"

"Why? We don't have time for all'at. For them to find someone then send them out. We could go and be back in that time."

All Magenta can think about is that phone call with Seven. She's tempted to tell Gee the deal they made with Matteo. The longer Seven runs, the more horror is soon to rain down on them.

"Like you tell me, if I'm leaving the house I should have some form of protection."

"You know I'm never naked," he alludes to carrying a gun.

"I don't know if that's enough..."

"I'll be fine. I'm going to make sure things don't go left and I'll be back," he leans down to kiss her. Right on time her phone rings. She answers the call from her mother who informs her that she's outside.

Magenta stands at the door as Gee walks outside to a car that holds Cortlen and her mother. With a sigh she watches them leave before shutting and locking the door.

While they're gone she busies herself with beginning on dinner. She's an hour into cooking when she begins to wonder what's taking so long. She knew it would be no walk in the park with Felicity, but Tempest said she called the police to have an officer accompany them for a wellness check.

She tries calling Gee, her mother, and Cortlen, but no answer. Now she's starting to get worried. Gen now has a habit of walking her floors and rubbing her stomach when she's anxious.

She keeps convincing herself everything's going to be fine. That is until one of them returns her call. On the other end is her mother who's distraught and incoherent. "I can't understand you, ma. Slow down."

It feels like Magenta stops breathing and the time stopped. She can only assume the worst happened, and it happened to Gee. She just knew her worst nightmare was about to come true.

Her throat closes up and tears well up in her eyes. The moisture building up quivers as she tries to hold it back making it resemble waves in the sea. Hearing, "She's dead," Gen's chest tightens. Her mother continues by saying, "Someone hopped out of a car and started shooting outside of her condo building," but it's all jumble as she's trying to regulate her heavy breathing.


"Tink! They killed her, they shot her," you can hear the panic in Tempest's voice.

"What?" she whispers lowering her phone from her ear leaving her mother to repeatedly yell her name. Magenta clutches her chest hunching over as the looming panic attack takes over.

While trying to catch her breath she clutches onto the console table in her entryway. As messed up as it sounds the fit of terror isn't for her sister. Apart of her wants to say 'Thank God' she wasn't left a single mother and an unborn child fatherless.

Her phone is by her shoes as a muffled yet blood curdling scream can be heard come through the speaker. With a wet face, Gen's able to grab her phone making out her mother's muddled words. "Not the baby! Not my grandbaby!"


The way Seven's acting? He agreed to turn himself in, but changed his mind?

Felicity's interview? Felicity dead?

The blowback to Seven's actions effecting Gen's family?

Comment / vote💫

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