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It's been three months making Magenta well into her 2nd trimester. And over those months, things have been going way smoother than she anticipated. It's been quiet, which usually means a storm is coming. Until it hits, Gen's going to enjoy the sunshine for all it has to offer.

If you would've asked her last year does she see herself pregnant and engaged in the new year, she would've said no. A lot of days she didn't even want to live. Everything she wanted is falling into place. Not on her timing, but she tries to be optimistic and say it's right on time.

That sounds crazy to say considering she was diagnosed with prenatal depression. She thought she was just being moody and hormonal, but it was deeper than that. A lot of days Gen felt like she hit a wall and crashed.

She wanted to cry all the time. She felt sad, worried, and anxious about everything. She couldn't produce and be as hands on with work as she usually was. Between feeling sick or tired, it's been hard especially when she's the owner. Most days she'd come home from work and go straight to sleep. That creates those thoughts of worthlessness and uselessness she had after the assault.

She's happy about the baby, but she didn't envision her first pregnancy this way. Living apart from Gee hasn't been easy. Gee still manages to wait on her hand and foot from afar, but she can't believe it's happening this way.

Magenta knows her feelings are rooted in her c-PTSD. Pregnancy hormones heighten her symptoms.

Living in her body can be difficult at times. The panic attacks, nightmares, and flashbacks came back. Sometimes she dissociates making it hard for her to stay present. Her self-harm thoughts came back after not having them for a year. She just wasn't in the best place.

The only thing that helped is being surrounded by loved ones. Staying with Misty has been a breath of fresh air. Also, she goes to therapy on a more regular basis again. She needs people to confide in.

She's slowly coming out of it now that she's in the second trimester. It lasted a month, which she's glad it didn't drag on longer.

Magenta finally isn't second guessing and she second guesses everything. Caprice's second trial is right around the corner. She wants to be at her best mentally to prepare for it, and eventually, giving birth.

Strolling through Target, Gen pushes a cart through the baby section. Right on her trail is her hired security as she piles her buggy with anything she finds remotely cute.

She holds up onesies debating on if she should get them. They're a few days away from the gender reveal to find out the sex. 'I can always return it,' she convinces herself throwing it in. She's taken out of her thoughts when she feels a hand on her lower back.

A rush of energy surges through her muscles as her body tenses. Not even knowing who it is she whips around saying, "Please, don't touch me like that."

Seeing her ex, Noah, her face turns up. Noticing the small gesture made her anxious he takes a step back. He does it right as her security, Rodney, starts coming towards him. "Oh, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, Rod," she flags him to stand down.

"I saw you and wanted to speak. Long time no see," he smiles.

"Yeah," she nods awkwardly.

"Heard you're engaged," Noah looks at the big rock on her finger.

"Heard you're engaged too."

"Yeah, the wedding's next summer." He looks down at her exposed stomach in the crop top she's wearing. He blows air out of his nose with a short smile on his face. "You're pregnant. Congrats! It looks good on you."

"Thanks." She can tell he's wrestling with regrets.

He pauses as silence falls over them. Rubbing his facial hair he says, "I actually wanted to apologize. How I treated you our entire relationship. How I handled that situation with Caprice and what I said on the stand was childish and petty. I only did that because I was hurt about the breakup. I was hurt seeing you move on with Gee. I guess, I always knew you had feelings for him beyond a friend. And I knew he was the one for you."

"How'd you know that?" She asks with curiosity. Noah only saw them interact in person 2 or three times.

"You didn't look at me the way you looked at him," he admits. "Maybe I'm out of line for asking, but why not me? We were together longer. You wouldn't move in with me, I wanted to get married, I wanted to have children..."

Gen sighs. She learned the hard way that closure isn't needed from past relationships. After that dinner and sleeping with him the last time, she reconciled any feelings she couldn't resolve. It was a hard pill to swallow that the person she knew since a teen really never loved her.

Despite knowing she doesn't owe him an answer, she decides to give him one. "You wanted me to do all those things at the cost of my own wants. You wanted me to move to California. Leave behind my life, family, and friends. You wanted me to quit my career in order to be married and have kids. I'd be the only one sacrificing and compromising."

"What did I do wrong? What went wrong?"

"What didn't you do wrong?" she asks with a pleasant smile. Noah grabs his chest as if she stabbed him. "We weren't meant, Noah. I had to be someone else to be with you. It drained me and I was unhappy trying to be perfect. You were never a safe space for me. I always felt judged."

"And you don't feel that way with Gee?"

"Never. He never makes me feel ashamed to just be me. I'm completely different in this relationship than I was with you. I'm free." Gen thinks about something. "I remember one time I decided to do the big chop. I cut off all my hair. I called you after and you didn't give me the response I was looking for. Deep down I was hurt. I told Gee I didn't care what you thought and he said I should. Not because it should control my choices, but because a partner should be someone you're excited to share things with."

He nods. "I get it."

Since he asked a question, Gen asks, "Why me? I clearly wasn't your type.."

"You were different." He smiles shortly. "I still remember the day you walked into class and the teacher introduced you. The new girl."

Magenta knew his fascination with her had a lot to do with the fact she was the girl from across the tracks, the girl from the hood. All the things he liked about her in the beginning became the same things he used to make her feel low or ashamed of. He wanted to change her.

Noah goes on adding, "If it means anything coming from me, I did believe you. Always did. I just let my pride and ego get to me. I'm glad to see you're doing well after everything." She knows he's talking about the sexual assault.

"Thank you," she keeps it simple before they both go about their business.

Later that afternoon, Magenta's at a very needed therapy session. It was already scheduled, but after seeing Noah it's perfect timing. She uses the first twenty minutes to vent her feelings about running into him.

"We've talked about how narcissistic abuse syndrome affects the brain. We've been working on what you deal with post-relationship. I think you feel like because you've been broken up awhile and that you've moved on, you should be healed. Seeing Noah was a trigger," her therapist explains.

"Yeah, it was weird. He's someone I knew since 14-years-old. Someone I dated at 18.."

"Those are very pivotal times in a young woman's life, so it's understandable. Add in emotional abuse.. How did it feel to get an apology from him?"

"Eh," Magenta starts. "I'm used to him using his words to manipulate me or cause damage, so I'm skeptical. Is their an ulterior motive? Is he trying to get in my head?"

"Reasonable thoughts. I want you to think about how you felt while in the relationship with him..."

"99% of the time I felt crazy and insecure. I was always reacting after being gaslit. Constantly walking on eggshells. Constantly being belittled. I had to come to reality that none of those years in that relationship were real."

"Think about how you felt during intimacy with him..."

"Sex was used to control, manipulate, and damage the self-esteem. I felt disgusting or gross afterwards, but couldn't understand why. I had to turn off emotions to engage. I had to just look at it as sex because it didn't feel mutual. I'd shut down emotionally. Sex felt transactional."

"And all of these traits are reminiscent of your sexual abuser. I'm bringing this up because I want to make sure you can point out signs of what that looks like. At a point after the breakup your ex mimicked the behaviors of Caprice. Trying to provoke you, lying in court to gain control, etc."

"And I can't let him control me or my thoughts. I don't need that validation, his validation, anymore," she nods understanding where she's going with it.

"Exactly. Something happened to you, not because of you. Let's talk about this pregnancy... You're doing better with the prenatal depression. What're your thoughts now?"

"Struggling," she breathes out deeply.

"In what aspect?"

"Being pregnant brings up a lot past trauma to my childhood. I'm thinking a lot about how I want to parent differently than how I was raised and keeping my child safe."

"Are you doing better with the doctor's appointments?"

Her eyes roll. "Now. At first the process of vaginal exams reminded me of a sexual assault. It makes you feel vulnerable and it doesn't help if the workers are dismissive or uncaring. I got more comfortable with who I have now."

Her therapist smiles a little. "That's good. Are you embracing the pregnancy body more?"

"Chile," Gen flags her hand off. "No. I hate that I'm losing control over my body when I spent so much time trying to gain it back after the assault."

She nods. "Sexual violence is characterized by having control of your body stripped in that moment. During pregnancy, things happen to your body that're completely out of your control. Control makes you feel safe."

"Yup. The thought of suddenly having to share my body with another person is scary after having done so much work to make it feel like it belongs to me again. I couldn't imagine having to give it over to someone else. Does that sound selfish?"

"No, it makes sense. Don't feel guilty for certain thoughts you have . We've talked about that. How're you emotionally with the pregnancy?"

Gen shrugs. "I felt totally indifferent about it at first. I was detached and numb, so sometimes it's hard for me to be excited about things. Everyone else in my life is ecstatic, and I'm just... meh. And I felt a lot of shame about the fact that I wasn't feeling what I should be feeling."

"Guilt and shame again. That's from your PTSD. What have been some of your triggers lately?"

"Oh my gosh! People touching my belly without permission, unwelcome touch," she groans.

"Do you practice your boundaries?" Gen nods. "Lastly, your main concern currently?"

"We find out the gender soon..."

"Exciting, right?"

"Not really. I have a lot of anxiety. I hope the baby isn't a girl."


"I don't want her to have to go through what I went through. I know boys can be sexually assaulted. I know boys, especially black boys who become men, have a whole 'nother set of problems. I just don't want a girl who gets my body, my figure, my curves. My mama had them, my granny, my sister, me. This body came with a lot of problems."

"Like what?"

"I remember we were at a McDonald's. I was with my friend and her mom. We saw our teacher there. When we got in the car, my friend's mom asked if I had him as a teacher. I said yes. She told me to stay away from him because she didn't like the way he was looking at me. He was staring at my butt. I was 12. It was always like that. Grown men trying to talk to me, grabbing, being uncomfortable."

Her therapist lets her continue to get everything off her chest. "I wanted to be skinny. Flat chested with no butt. And the girls like that wanted to look like me. With women there's really no winning. No matter what there's someone who will take advantage. Petite, curvy, plus size, short, tall. I don't want that."

"How did your body effect your self-esteem?"

"I felt judged. People make assumptions about you and your behavior because of your body type. I was labeled fast because I developed a curvy body early on. Sex was the first thing men wanted from me. Men treat you aggressively and hypersexual. I was objectified."

"Do you think you internalized that the primary value of the female body is to evoke sexual desire and deliver sexual pleasure?"

"Yeah, I struggled with my desires of wanting sexual intimacy. The movies made it seem like that was the only way to a man's heart. Obviously, now I know I can connect with people in other areas. In my relationship now there's emotional intimacy that's rooted in safety, security, respect, and trust."

"And Genesis is a man who understood what you went through. You say you don't want a daughter. What about concerns with having a boy? You don't worry they could be a man like your abusers?"

"If I have a boy I'll teach him how to treat women. He'll respect and protect them. I want to raise an empathetic boy who grows into a man who refuses to tolerate sexual aggression. Like his father..."

"Final thoughts?" Her therapist gets ready to close the session.

"I just want everything to go smoothly. The pregnancy. The birth. The rest of our lives. All of us free and living. We deserve an easy life."

"What're you looking forward to the most about motherhood?"

"I'm finally starting the family I always dreamed of with a person I love." She chuckles to herself with a sigh of relief.

"What're you thinking?"

"My old therapist... During a session she asked who had the most impact on my early adulthood? I said Gee. It's just crazy how everything's coming full circle."

Even after all this time she's still trying to make sense of her love and relationship with Gee. It amazes her sometimes. Really it makes her speechless.

Magenta looks down at her belly feeling flutters. It's the first time she's felt them. It feels like a little tickling in her tummy. Almost like bubbles popping. It's reassuring, so it makes a smile spread across her face. It's a magical feeling.

"I felt him move."

"Him? You think it's a boy."

Gen nods. "Intuition."

"Seems to me you're excited about this pregnancy now," her therapist smiles. "You did great today. I'll see you next time."

After leaving her session, Magenta heads to the place she's called home the last couple of months. Staying with her future mother-in-law wasn't as bad as she thought it'd be. Her and Misty have always had a good relationship, but living together is the fastest way for something to go south. Luckily, it's only made them closer.

Gen enters the home being welcomed by loud rap music. A smile graces her lips knowing Genesis is here. His car was in the driveway, but she's just as excited as if it was a pleasant surprise.

The best thing about them living apart is the excitement when she does see him. It's true – distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Gee makes sure his presence is still always felt. He never misses an appointment or a beat. He's another reason she couldn't sit in her depression. He's so happy about this baby it's bound to rub off on you. Even when she wanted to fall back into her old ways of shutting him out, he didn't let her.

She enters the kitchen where Gee is hugging him from behind. He stops what he's doing to turn around embracing the tight and long hold. "What's wrong?" he asks kissing her temple.

"Nothing. I missed you." She also feels lucky that she didn't stay with Noah feeling stuck and unloved.

Gee smiles slightly saying, "I saw you yesterday."

"It's not the same. I miss going to sleep next to you every night."

"Me too, but this is for the best. I can stay until you fall asleep tonight."

"Thanks, but you don't have to. What're you cooking?" she leans against the counter.

"My mama made your meal preps. She said you haven't been eating."

Magenta makes a face because Misty always has to tell on her. "I'm getting better."

"C'mon, you gotta eat. You're eating for two."

"I know," she whines deciding to get something to drink. "I saw Noah at the grocery store," Gen divulges.

"I feel like I still owe him a well-deserved ass whooping."

Gen waves it off. "We're over that. He apologized too."

Genesis laughs. "A little late for that."

She shrugs not wanting to dwell on the encounter much longer. "How long are you staying?"

"'Til whenever. We can watch a movie."

Gen smiles. "For someone who's supposed to be taking space from me, you sure stay up under me all the time. Don't you have somewhere to go?"

"We can't hang out? Can't leave space for another mutha fucka to weasel their way in."

"I'm pregnant as hell. Nobody's checking for me and I'm not checking for them," she shakes her head.

"Shit, niggas love other dudes bm's. Belly or not you still look good as fuck."

"I didn't think I would say this, but I rather you call me your ol' lady than bm," she says making him laugh. "That or your fiancée.."

"Does it remind you we had sex out of wedlock and ended up knocked up?" Gee emphasizes certain words to get under her skin.

"You know my granny gave me an earful. I hope he's still gonna marry you. First y'all playing house now this. Men love to get the milk for free without buying the whole cow," she mimics her grandmother. "Meantime, she's been married and divorced three times over. And every time it was to make her an 'honest' woman. The math ain't mathing because my calculations tell me she was pregnant at every wedding," Gen rants.

"Leave my dawg Miss Ev alone. She was gonna get it right one of those times," he laughs as there's a ring at the doorbell.

Gee looks at her to get it because he's doing something, but she looks as if she doesn't plan to move. "I'm carrying your child!" she uses her favorite excuse right now.

He smacks his lips going to open the door. Behind it is Magenta's mother who came in town for the gender reveal.

Gen rolls her eyes hearing the excited greeting between Gee and Tempest. She makes a face because the way her mother talks to Gee comes off flirtatious, but really since the day she met him she treated him like her own child.

"I Iike your teeth, baby," Tempest compliments him as Gen stands back watching.

"I got new ones. These are better diamonds."

"Yeah, I like these. They shinin'. You know in high school I had gold fronts, 6 at the bottom and two on top. Couldn't tell me shit!"

"Let me find out you were a baddie back in the day."

"What?! The original! They didn't call me Sunny get the money for nothin'. Okay! Straight up out the mutha fuckin' D. A real hustla. I was sellin' oz's out the Mickie D's drive-thru window at 14."

"Noo, Ma! 14?" Gee asks with shock entertaining her story.

"I lied on the application. That's how her Daddy found out about me. He wanted me to sell for him and I told him to get the fuck from 'round my window. I don't work for nobody. Whole time my shift managers yellin' at me. Who did I think I was? Her daddy was one of the big drug dealers on our block and I cussed his ass out. Made an impression on him."

"Hello, mother," she interrupts the recollection because Tempest has yet to greet her.

"Don't hate," Gee points.

"Exactly. My sweet cheeks," Temp pinches his face before hugging her daughter.

"You swear he's so innocent." He'll have anybody fooled with that soft voice saying yes, ma'am and no ma'am. Whole time he's a tyrant.

Magenta knew her mother would notice that she's staying at Misty's house and Gee isn't. They already prepared a lie so she doesn't ask questions... She doesn't need to know the truth – Gee was an accomplice to murder of someone affiliated with the Mafia and it's not safe for them to live together.

After that meeting with Destin's uncle they've been waiting on something bad to happen, but nothing yet. There's a reason for that...

"Do I hear my girl?" Misty comes down the stairs.

"Lord, Thelma and Louise," Gen pokes fun as they hug while laughing. She can already tell the two plan to have a ball this weekend.

Ever since they found out about the pregnancy it's been nothing but 'my grandbaby' this and that. It can get annoying having two women trying to tell you what to do in regards to your body and child, but she wouldn't trade it for the world. Having this support system behind her is what she needs at a time like this.

For the past couple of months, Gee has been staying at Choice's house in Katy. It made sense because Choice is planning to sell the home anyway. He doesn't need all this space with a deceased wife and no children.

In one of the guest bedrooms, Gee's getting dressed for the gender reveal party. They had their doctor call Pandora with the results and she was sworn to secrecy while planning it for them.

He pulls a plain white tee over his head and there's a light knock at the open door. Cortlen walks in holding the camcorder Magenta's been using to capture everything throughout her pregnancy. Her plan is to give it to their child one day so they can see all the memories.

"How are you feeling?" Cort asks. He's already dressed with an outfit that includes a hot pink sweater for his gender guess.

"I'm feeling good. I'm excited. I'm not gonna lie, I'ma little nervous," Gee says putting on his watch and bracelets. "I see you got pink on. If I have a girl I'm gonna be soft as shit. I'm still thuggin' though. I'll be my little baby's gangsta," he smiles.

"What do you want?"

"I want a boy," he whispers like it's a secret. "They say dudes who get girls was ain't shit niggas. To teach them how to treat girls. I wasn't a dog. I treated women pretty good."

"That 'pretty' could allude to some not so good treatment," Cortlen chuckles.

"I'ma lover," he touches his chest. "Regardless, I'ma be happy with whatever."


Once Gee, Cortlen, and Choice are all ready they leave heading for his mother's house where it's being held. After arriving they go to the backyard that's slowly filling up with invited guests.

The first person Gee heads for is his wife-to-be. "You look so cute, mamas," he rubs Magenta's belly before hugging her. "You aight? You ate today? They feedin' you? You sleep good last night?" He asks his playful line of questions that he says every time they see one another.

"I'm perfect," she giggles kissing him before looking him up and down. "Look at my baby daddy."

He wears a Tan Dickie suit and Travis Scott Nike SB Dunk lows. On top of his head is a Dallas Cowboys New Era hat that has her initials embroidered on the side and a patch of her company logo – basically anything to do with Magenta. It's his hint of blue for his gender guess. The outfit's simple, but it always does something for Gen. Probably because it brings her back to simpler times. It's a hood staple.

They're still holding onto each other from the hug so Gen takes that time to lower her hands and squeeze. "Chill out in front of all these people." She laughs biting into her bottom lip as Gee backs up.

Looking around the backyard it's decorated nicely for the occasion. It's an intimate yet casual and elegant al-fresco luncheon dressed in white, natural canvas, and brown kraft paper.

It's neutral like Gen wanted – No team Glocks or Glitter like Pandora would joke.

There's a large balloon display with one of them saying 'Baby Wilson' in calligraphy. Pandora made sure to get the best for desserts and snacks. They told her not to do too much because they still have the baby shower. But how can you tell P not to pull all the stops out when her best friend is having her first baby?

The backyard's buzzing with excitement on this Sunday afternoon. As guest enter they make sure to fill out the "Wishes for Baby" book. They all get a gender button to choose Team Girl or Boy to wear. And attendees take a polaroid photo with their guess pinning it to a bird, so Gen can save them for the baby's memory box. Most people don't care because all everyone wants is a healthy, happy baby.

Choice is now the one behind the camcorder as he approaches Gee and his sister. "I'm assuming team boy?" He asks Magenta. She wears all white down to her Dolce & Gabbana heels, but her blue hair gives it away.

"Of course," she smiles.

Pandora jumps into the frame shouting. "Team girl!" She runs her hands over her pastel pink tresses for the occasion.

"Here she goes," they laugh.

"I'm ready to spoil my niece. I'm gonna buy her everything she wants. This is my baby, the fuck," she mimics Tabina. "Hi, TiTi baby! Auntie baby," Pandora cups Gen's bump like a basketball only for her hand to be moved away.

"Y'all next," Gee looks at Colby.

"Don't wish that on me right now," P's quick with the response. "I still have some partying left in me. I'm going to be the rich aunt."

Jux laughs shaking his head. "Exactly. Give us a few years, shit."

Genesis moves around the backyard speaking to everyone. While moving through the space he notices a chair with flowers. It says 'Reserved' in cursive then underneath it reads: In memory of Genaro Wilson. Father of daddy to be celebrating with us in heaven.

It's been bittersweet without his father here to witness this. Magenta's growing belly and the changes unseen to the eye. Especially for Gee as he's preparing and transitioning into fatherhood.⁣

The irony is, he still feels his father's presence with him everywhere he goes. Genaro's in the wind, the trees, the sky.

"I wish he was here," Gee hears from behind him. He turns to see Seven who arrived not too long ago with his girlfriend, Haile. He's surprised she's still with him after Vegas the way she was crying and panicking. She's clearly a girl with her head on straight. Too good for the mess his brother's in.

"Where you been at?" He asks because he hasn't seen Seven in nearly a month.

"Around. Just making sure my 'bullshit ass decisions' don't effect anyone else. This baby deserves to be cultivated in nothing but love. If I gotta stay away for 9 months and even beyond, so be it," Seven shrugs with a smile. "This baby's our hope."

The past couple of months Seven's been staying out of the way. Everyday he's waiting to be brought in for questioning as a person of interest, be arrested, or a hit to come. The longer time goes by the more paranoid he becomes. He rather they rip the Band-Aid off. Gee feels the same way.

Seven stares at the chair asking, "Do you believe what Destin said? That Daddy wasn't going to turn the tapes in to the police?"

"I honestly don't know. If he wasn't does that change your view of him?"

Sev shrugs. "A little. I mean, I kinda believe Destin. Your Mom had the tapes for how long? If he was going to go to the police he would've done it as soon as he had them in his possession. I was fighting trying to get his approval, but the whole time he wasn't even a solid nigga - A good, stand up man."

"When you start to live a lie you try to run from it to avoid the truth. The truth was he had a problem with gambling. You can't underestimate the willingness to feed an addiction. All immorality goes out the door. We all make mistakes. But the thing is we still have the chance to fix his mistakes. Even if he didn't turn the tapes in, I did..."

"Don't you regret it though? Because it flipped everything upside down."

"If they wouldn't have killed Daddy, I probably wouldn't have turned in the tapes either," Gee says honestly. "Work with prosecutors to put someone in jail? Hell no. That's not what we do where we're from. We come from a certain code. You can't fault Daddy for that."

"I guess that's true."

Everyone's glad when they're ready to officially do the gender reveal. The anticipations been too much. Standing in front of large Tic-Tac-Toe board, Gee and Magenta flip circles filling the board with either blue or pink.

Seeing three blue circles in a row it's confirmed they're expecting a baby boy. Several people let off smoke canons that release blue powder into the air. Nearly everyone rushes to engulf Gee and Gen in a hug while congratulating them.

After the excitement dies down they continue the event allowing for everyone to eat. The couple takes that time to pull Choice and Pandora to the side and ask them to be the godparents with gifts.

But, when it comes to these two they already gave themselves the position as soon as they found out about the pregnancy.

"The fuck you askin' for? I was gonna be that anyway. Who else would it be?" Pandora says cockily putting their gift of a new watch on her wrist.

"You can name him Choice after me. Ooh, or Chosen. That's hard as fuck!" He bounces in his seat.


"What? All the shit I done did for you and my first nephew can't be named after me? I see how it is," he nods with a look of distaste. "Felicity gave her baby the same initials as me and Cortlen. We weren't even on good terms."

Gen gives him a glare. "She also named her baby after that nigga. Baby daddy wasn't even at the hospital and still named the baby after him. It can't mean that much."

"I always said I'd let you pick my daughter's name but not anymore," he sticks his tongue out being childish and storming off.

"Is this our baby or everyone else's?" Magenta asks as Gee chuckles. This is about to be a very loved and spoiled child.

By nightfall they shoot off fireworks that burst blue. The Afrobeats song, Calm Down by Rema plays and people laugh at Cortlen and Choice who dance in the open space. They've both been drinking, but somehow they're in-sync enough to make a spontaneous routine.

Everyone laughs at them waving their arms in the air mirroring one another. Gee's eyes scan around the yard before landing on Magenta. She holds one of her cousin's babies dancing with the infant in her arms. He can't believe that'll be their baby in a few months. The joy and in his eyes and that smile on his face tells it all.

After all the guests have left a few people stayed behind to clean up and hang out. While an episode of Baddies South plays, Gee wonders how they watch this nonsense. He sits on one end of the couch, Pandora's on the other, and Magenta lays between them getting her feet rubbed by him and her scalp scratched by P.

"Scratch the middle, to the left," Gen instructs.

"You got it made, huh?"

"Yup," she beams. "I don't know. Should I post these first maternity pictures and announce the pregnancy? I'm scared."

"You don't get as many trolls as you used to. Why should you have to hide because of some miserable people on the internet?"

It wasn't the people she didn't know that Gen had to worry about. Not even an hour after she announced the pregnancy with pictures, here comes Felicity writing books on her Instagram story...

Magenta and I are not family. Do not associate me with them. My mother or brothers.

If we're family how come I don't get invited to events? I didn't even know my sister was pregnant. I wasn't invited to the gender reveal.

My sister's a liar about everything. Caprice didn't touch you. But you know who did? Our mother's boyfriend when we were children.

Magenta knew our Mom's boyfriend molested BOTH of us. Not just me. I told my Mom, but Gen was too scared to tell her with me. They (my family & the police) put me under so much pressure I eventually said I was lying.

A police report was filed and I spoke to detectives, so don't say I'm lying. I've let my family think I lied to save myself more trauma for years.

Twinkle tried to act like she didn't know or remember me accusing that man. That's what she does. She pretends to be clueless. She sat back and watched our whole family attack me at that Miami trip. Never spoke up to say I wasn't lying.

You accuse someone of assault who DIDN'T, but didn't speak up about the person who really did.. You're sick.

I lost my husband and family because of you. My daughter's 8 months. You've seen her twice. Once in a room where you didn't speak to me. Nor do you acknowledge her presence and she's your niece. Nobody threw me a gender reveal. My family came to my baby shower and started drama. My brother fought my daughter's father. Nobody did shit for me and still doesn't. I do it all alone.

Congrats on your pregnancy. Too bad it's with a violent felon ex-drug dealer. Oh, and by a guy who kissed me. You've always been jealous and wanted any guy that wanted me. That's why you slept with Caprice CONSENSUALLY.

I'm tired of staying silent. I'm ready to speak my truth about everything. My sister, family, & Caprice. I'm only doing exclusive, paid interviews. HMU.

"First of all, after I finished my probation my record was expunged. It's called felony diversion. I'm not a damn felon," Gee grumbles that she got the facts wrong. "Don't lie on me."

"Ever since she got that nose and tittie job she done forgot who the fuck she is," Pandora shakes her head.

"Should I respond?" Gen asks because normally when her sister does stuff like this she pays her dust. She lets Felicity look stupid alone.

"I'll handle it. You're not about to be stressin' yourself and getting worked up," Gee wears an annoyed face.

All he can think about is the conversation he had with Felicity at that Miami store. He's glad he didn't try to help them mend their relationship. Tink never means it.

Using Tempest's phone, Gee calls Felicity putting it on speaker. When she answers he asks, "Wassup? What's the problem? What're you doing?"

"Oh, now people can call me?" Felicity responds snidely.

"Family business has no place on Instagram."

"How many times do I have to say you're not family? Why are you the one calling me?"

"I'm not family, but you had to ask me to try and help you get back in your sisters good graces. Your sister's pregnant and doesn't need this shit. She shared a happy moment that you're trying to ruin. You were allowed to get through your pregnancy without anyone knowing."

"Tell her to address what I said. Address the molestation as kids, lying, leaving me out to dry!"

"That's not even her character. I highly doubt anything you're saying is true. Why would she lie about something like that? I know what type of woman she is."

"Tell her address it! If she doesn't I'm setting up a tv interview."

"Address it for what? If you want money and attention just say that. I know you got that nigga tryna get money out of you in the divorce, but doing interviews isn't the way."

"Are you gonna pay my bills or pay Caprice? You want me to shut up and delete the post cough up some bread.."

Gee laughs in disbelief looking at everyone who's listening. "You done lost your fuckin' mind if you think you're gonna extort me. You on the internet talking about sensitive shit like molestation and assault to get money. You're a weirdo."

"No, yo bitch is a weirdo!" Tink yells into the phone.

"No disrespect is gonna be thrown her way. I came to you behind the scenes when you went public. She's spared you over and over again, but you keep coming at her. She could ruin your entire reputation, especially in the industry. Have it to where no woman who truly believes in empowerment would work with you, but she won't because she's not spiteful. She knows you have a mouth to feed and bills to pay."

"I don't give a fuck. Tell her do it and post proof. I'm gonna post my proof."

"You stay acting like you want to be forgiven and be back in her life then do the same shit all over again. And we ain't goin' back and forth. Not in the media."

He hands the phone back to Tempest done talking to her. "You're only making yourself look worse. Take the posts down," she urges her daughter.

"Fuck y'all," she shouts into the phone.

Within seconds Magenta snatches the phone. "How can you tell me what I remember or went through? I genuinely don't recollect anything you're talking about. I've done a lot of therapy. That process brings back buried memories that I could've blacked out from trauma. Not once do I remember being molested or touched inappropriately as a child. You haven't brought this up to me once in these 2 years. Just bold face lying on the internet."

"I swear I wish we weren't related. You're a piece of shit. I hate you," Felicity spews out clearly trying to avoid responding to what she said.

"That's fine," Gen's calm. "I want to say I can't call you a liar on this, but you do lie. I hope you get healing for whatever it is you experienced. Take care," she ends the call.

"She sounds really unstable. I'm concerned for her child," Tempest shakes her head. They all know the outburst is from jealousy that she didn't get the same treatment during her pregnancy.

Gee checks the time realizing he needs to head out. He has work in the morning and he tries not to stay too late. "I have to get going."

"Explain again why my daughter's staying here and you're not," Temp narrows her eyes nosily.

"They're working on the townhome in preparation for us selling it. It's not safe for her with all the construction."


Magenta brushes off her mother walking Gee to the front door. "We can't let your sister ruin our day."

"She didn't," she sighs. Grabbing a gift bag she extends it to him. "I wanted to give you something."

"What's this?" he asks pulling out the tissue paper.

"Another journal. A prayer journal and memory book for the baby," she says as he takes it out. "I got myself one too."

He chuckles. "You always want me to write."

"Because you're good with words. Something about the mind and tongue," she makes the dirty joke. "In all seriousness, I remember how much your father's word meant to you. I know it's going to be the same with our son. So, write down all your words of wisdom and thoughts to him. Tell him everything about yourself. The good, bad, and ugly."


She nods. "Just like you did with Seven." He smiles giving her a hug and kiss. He leans down doing the same to her stomach making Magenta giggle.

He's finally getting what he's been wanting – A real family. Stability. A real connection. Something solid. He's not going to let anyone or anything ruin that...


Magenta running into Noah? Thoughts on her therapy session.. Are they valid concerns?

Thoughts on the gender reveal? The baby being a boy?

Why do you think Destin's family hasn't come for Seven yet?

Felicity's rant? Should Magenta stop sparing her?

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