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2021: Present Day

In the Houston residence, Magenta shudders under her velvet covers. The temperatures are dropping from the weather changing, and she forgot to at least turn her AC up or turn the heat on. The master bedroom of her three floor townhome is completely dark. Gen tries to move to roll over, but her body feels stuck and it's not simply stiffness from being cold.

Her entire body tenses up as she lays in the king size bed listening closely. At first she thinks the noise she hears is her fan that she can't sleep without. But upon listening closer it feels like she can hear rigid breathing coming from behind her as she lays on her side. The breathing is right in her ear and she can smell alcohol on it. It even feels like there's an added weight to the bed space behind her. Which it shouldn't because she's a single woman who lives alone.

Magenta realizes she's conscious but unable to move. It's not until she moves a small muscle in her toes that she snaps out of it. It's all in her imagination. She wouldn't even say it's a dream. More like a fuzzy memory she keeps reliving.

She lays still for a second too scared to move then raises up turning her nightstand lamp on. Looking around the room it's empty except her, so she's right about it not being real. She's been having the same very vivid conceptualization for months now. She can smell all the scents and physically feel all the emotions. The only problem is it always ends before she can turn over and see who it is laying behind her. Before it was scary, but now it's pissing her off because it's cutting into her beauty rest.

And like clockwork, she wakes up at the same time every single time. 2:22a.m...

Instead of going back to sleep, she climbs out of her bed going downstairs to her craft room. She has undoubtedly become a night owl now. She figures she'll get some work done until she can go back to sleep.

A couple hours later, Magenta wakes up at her desk not even knowing when she fell asleep. She's lucky she has a body clock because she has two hours until she needs to get to work. Gen climbs the stairs tiredly going down the hall, so she can begin getting ready for the day.

She looks at all the boxes lined against the wall that she brought back from California after moving her stuff out of Noah's. She still hasn't unpacked it and probably won't for awhile. A day after she moved it all out Noah text her, So we're really done?

She doesn't know why he's asking that stupid ass question. They've been done for months. She hasn't seen the man and they've barely had any conversations. So yes, they're done.

The main reason it's over is because Noah wanted Magenta to give up her career, so they can 'start their family.' He wanted her to move to L.A. with him and throw away everything she's been trying to build these last couple of years.

In later years, commitment isn't a strong suit for Gen. She's not exactly willing to merge as one by joining homes, families, lifestyles, and bank accounts. Noah didn't get the Gen he had at 18. He couldn't exactly control her. Not after everything she's been through in the years they were apart.

Noah likes to control every aspect of life. He's an anal, perfectionist with OCD. She thought it was because he was raised with both parents who were in the Navy. They were very strict, but that's also just how he is. If one hair is out of place or a nail is chipped he's going to notice and point it out.

That's not Magenta. From her upbringing to who she is now she's imperfect. When he'd introduce her to white people he'd never say her real name out of embarrassment. He'd make slick comments when she'd order certain food. He made her wear makeup that covered her face tattoos and wanted her to dress like the Amish because her curves were 'distracting.' He even convinced her to lose weight for her 'health' which resulted in her current size.

Magenta's not the woman for him. He needs a trophy wife he can show off. Someone who fulfills his every need with no complaints.

Magenta puts her tea kettle filled with water on the stove, while turning on some motivational audiobook Choice suggested. "Everyday you must ensure you're doing your shadow work. Resolve your karma, improve your frequency, work on your ascension process," the voice reads aloud through her Google Home speaker.

"I'm doing that. So why shit not getting better?" She replies to the speaker as if it can respond. She shows attitude and all, putting weight on one hip wearing a look of confusion. "Yeah, aiight," she smacks her lips going back to whipping eggs in preparation for making French Toast.

"This may be a time when you'll see a resurgence of some remnants of shadows or past like karma coming out since it's the final purging pass if you will. You can still get triggered, and even though you've made all of this progress so far, don't be too harsh on yourself. You're only human. These trials are a natural part of the human experience, even when you're on a sacred mission part of life."

"Natural me ass. I gotta experience trauma to elevate?" She mumbles putting brown sugar and butter into the already hot skillet. Once it melts she puts in two slices of bread dipped in egg. In that moment she realizes her negative outlook isn't going to help.

Along with the French Toast she has two scrambled eggs and a mug of Twining's herbal tea in Winter Spice with a bag of Lipton black tea. Still sipping from her mug she goes to her bedroom.

Keeping it simple today she gets dressed in a black silk button-up, white pants, and black heels. Everyday she's glad she doesn't work somewhere with a strict dress code. It helps she's part owner, so they made sure it wasn't uptight and stuffy.

Running her hands through her natural curls to fix her TWA that has a design cut into it, she still remembers the day Gee cut her hair off when they were freshman's. Since then she couldn't bother herself to grow it out. She got used to it being short.

The small recollection reminds her that he emailed her about business. Magenta couldn't explain fully why she's held a grudge towards him. It's been three and a half years since he left without a decent goodbye. She should be over it by now.

In her opinion, she is. Her form of being over it just doesn't involve talking to him or needing to be friends. The last time they had a personal conversation is when she reached out after hearing he got shot. It was the nice thing to do. Other than that it's been strictly business and she plans to keep it that way.

Gen can't bother with face makeup today and settles on only eyelashes and lip-gloss. She grabs her Burberry purse and keys leaving for work knowing she's going to be in Houston traffic like every other morning.

Arriving at the downtown office space, employees making sure they clock in for the day. Magenta gets comfortable at her desk in the warehouse-style office decked out in modern furniture. The hottest songs play through the surround system setting the tone for a productive day. Magenta has one goal today and that's to get through it. She usually comes to work in a good mood, but it's not one of those days.

Seeing Colby waltz in twenty minutes late, which is no surprise anymore, she shakes her head. At least he's not empty handed as he comes in with Starbuck's.

"I know that's not you coming in here smelling like straight up reefer," her sister, Felicity, scolds him sounding like someone's old, country auntie.

"You know I gotta smoke the good ol' ganja to start my day." Both Magenta and Felicity exchange a look because he's still the same Jux from college. A productive pothead is how she describes him.

Gen initially only hung around Colby because he was Gee's roommate and friend, but they formed their own friendship. College is all about making connections for the future and that's what they did. It was a no brainer to hire Colby as the Art Director of their company.

With a degree in Communication Design he's perfect for graphic design. He works with words, images, and art. He also manages their team of designers while working on creative projects. They came a long way from some of the shenanigans they used to get into at school.

Then there's Magenta's sister, Felicity. After graduating she started off as a personal shopper to a couple of celebrity and influencer friends she made then that elevated to a fashion director. She works with fabrics, textiles, and patterns. She's along the lines of a stylist, but she feels like she's so much more.

While Magenta finished up school she watched her sister from afar. Gen earned a degree in Journalism and had a couple of options career wise. After an internship her senior year she realized Digital Journalism may not be for her. Before Magenta knew it she started a career as a creative and digital director. Pretty much, she implements an overall branding and design strategy.

That lead to them combining their skills to start a creative design company and agency together called 'Ill Minds'. They offer a combination of strategy, design, and advertising services to clients and businesses helping them increase brand awareness. Now they have about 15 employees, which is good for the company only being two years old. It worked in their favor that they all individually had great connections to make the business successful.

Choice was also a big help with the loan he provided to start all this. He could've been selfish with everything Pop left him. Who could blame him? He spent so many years helping others and thinking of himself last, especially when it came to his mother and siblings. But this was bigger than Choice. He believed in his sisters' vision and invested into them and their business. With everything he was doing career wise there was enough money and opportunity to be shared and spread. Pop really set the Thomas family up for creating generational wealth, while breaking a couple curses.

Magenta knows how hard it is after-grad. Some people can't find a job with their degree after all those years and thousands on tuition. That's why Gen interviews artists on the side just to feel like she's using her hard earned degree. She was able to build up her social media presence then use her platform to become a premiere spot for rappers to gain a spotlight.

She's glad to have a career that she has fun with and makes really good money from. She always wanted a job that involves creativity.

It's not all fun and games though. It can be stressful. Most of their work is in the music industry, so it's not easy being a Black woman in this field. She's constantly being tried and disrespected. She almost quit a few months ago after what happened to her, but she decided she wasn't going to let that person win...

"What's the date?" Magenta asks aloud as people file into the conference room for their weekly staff meeting.

"11/22/21," one of them relays from their tablet screen.

"Thank you, kindly," she flips to the date in her planner making Felicity chuckle. Mostly because she feels like her sister's the only person who still uses paper for everything as if technology isn't at their fingertips.

Once everyone is seated and ready the Senior Traffic Manager, Kayla, stands at the front saying, "We have a new project request. It's for a music video shoot in Atlanta."

"Who is it from?" Felicity asks, while Magenta already know.

"The request comes from a Genesis Wilson on behalf of Made Men Management. The artist is FML GraveDigger," their intern from Rice University reads the rappers name like she's unsure. She's extremely proper, so it makes them all bust out laughing. "Don't laugh. I can't keep up with these rappers and their acronyms," she pouts.

"Oh, Gee. We'll accept it," Felicity waves it off like it's nothing not even giving it a second thought. Magenta fights back rolling her eyes keeping them concentrated on her laptop.

As a team they begin throwing out ideas for the video treatment based on the budget, song, and artist. "Also, in the special request it says the artist wants Gen to be in the music video," the intern mentions.

Magenta immediately turns up her face. She didn't see that. "I'm not a video girl, so that's not happening," she declines without second thought.

"Girl, that's extra money. Don't be so quick to say no. Plus, you have a following. They're probably thinking of it in that aspect. Outside of here you're deemed a public figure and influencer based on your social media and YouTube," Felicity says making Gen give her a look. They've discussed numerous times just because they're siblings doesn't mean she should talk to her like her little sister in the workplace.

"You think I haven't been asked by these rappers before? No. They already try me enough as it is. Based on his music they're not going to showcase me in a decent manner in this music video. I know my body type and what I look like."

"I mean, the artist and director might not have you doing the most. If he doesn't want you half-naked with your behind out I think it'll be fine. We can setup a call with the artist and his management. I think they want you as the main girl. You know, stand around looking pretty. That's easy enough," the STM agrees with Felicity.

If it's so easy, one of you do it. Magenta blows air out of her nose. Instead of arguing about it she says, "Can you get Genesis on the line?" She wants to know what the plan is before she accepts anything. She can still see herself saying no.

"Do you have his number? I only have his email," the intern looks at her iPad. "I can email him for it though," she's already typing.

"Gen," Felicity offers her up.

"I don't have it," she responds almost like she's offended Felicity would think she did.

"How do you not have his number? You and him used to be so close."

"Used to be," she emphasizes the words. "Colby, do you have Gee's number?" Seeing as he's still in communication with Gee, he gives the number from his contacts.

As soon as Genesis' voice can be heard throughout the room on speaker phone, Magenta's heart skips a beat. All these years later and it still does it. It doesn't matter the circumstance. If she's watching stories on Instagram and his comes up, it still drops. If she scrolls past a video or picture, the same thing.

"Magenta," Felicity repeats making Gen realize she zoned out.


"Is that okay?"

"Is what okay?"

"What Gee said..."

"Yeah, yeah," she just agrees not even knowing what he said. Why did I do that? They end the call going to the next part of the meeting.

"What did I agree to?" Magenta leans into Jux whispering, while everyone else has moved on.

"To be in the video. You have to come up with a contract and they'll agree to all your terms and the amount."

"Damn, really?" She mumbles immediately regretting it.

Jux chuckles under his breath. "That man still got you trippin' and stumblin'."

"Shut up," she sighs trying to tune back into the meeting.

She did always wonder why she was so hurt that Gee left. Maybe it was the kiss and the talk at Christmas dinner of him saying he was going to change. Maybe it was the promise ring and the fact she believed what he said. Maybe it was the letter. Maybe it was even the fact she heard he was in a relationship with Trinidad and she moved to Kentucky with him after he did all that to her.

All Gen knows is she has bigger issues to deal with than a guy she thought she had feelings for in college...

After work, Magenta sits in a circle of women in a spacious room. It's supposed to be a safe space, but it feels hollow to her. She came here right after work and she's much rather be eating and lounging around at home, but she promised someone she'd attend. That'd she would at least try and see if she likes it...

Magenta is spaced out looking at a sign that reads Survivors support group.

The more she hears the women tell their stories and speak, the more she feels like she doesn't belong. While one of the women tells their story of being groomed by an older man when she was 15, Gen gathers her purse from the floor. She quietly gets up whispering, "Excuse me." Without another word she exits the room and the building altogether.

While walking across the parking lot she gets her keys from her purse. The sun is beginning to set and any other time she would admire it, but not right now.

"Wait," she hears a female voice yell making Gen look over her shoulder. She can see the woman who runs the support group jogging to catch up. "Why are you leaving?"

"Family emergency," Magenta lies tilting her head to the side.

"I know I don't know you, but that's a crock of shit." The Black woman looks to be in her forties, but there's no telling. She could be in her sixties. Black don't crack. "No disrespect, of course."

Gen looks around licking over her teeth. "I don't think this is the right place for me."

"Why not?"

"I still don't even know if I'm a victim, let alone a survivor. I don't even know what happened to me that night 100%–" she stops herself.

"You're the one Regina referred?" Gen nods. "Yeah, she told me what happened. I know we call it support for survivors, but it's more than that. It's for any woman who's been mistreated or abused, which I think we all have. Even the smallest thing such as a man in the office continuously making advances after you saying no. You can come here and vent or get advice."

Magenta narrows her eyes. "I've gotta go. Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. I have some things to figure out first. Thank you though."

"No problem. The door is always open. Essence, by the way." She extends her hand and Magenta shakes it, also introducing herself. Once they release Gen goes to her car getting into the driver's seat with a flop. She sighs before starting the car and leaving.

Standing in his father's Kentucky home, Gee finds himself repeatedly picking up things then sitting them right back down when he's supposed to be packing them up. It's been a week since the funeral and he's ready to get out of here. He much rather be working, to be honest. They're supposed to be cleaning and packing up Genaro's house, while dividing the things they want between them.

He's still trying to make sense of his father's death. Mostly because he still doesn't know how he died. One day he got a call from his mother saying she went by his house and found him dead. The coroner couldn't give a definitive answer for the cause of death either. That's always going to bother him. It would be better if they could say cancer, a heart attack, even someone murdering him.

He couldn't prepare himself for this. These last couple of years Gee worked hard to not only build something for himself and his future, but his parents. He was finally doing it right too. No more selling drugs. Something his father was happy to see.

The sad part is, it took Gee getting shot and seeing his father crying at his bedside to finally change. The thought of hurting his parents because they would be burying him instead of the other way around scared him straight. Now Gee had to bury his father twenty years sooner than he expected.

Going through his father's things in his bedroom, Gee picks up a Rolex box. He opens it remembering gifting it to his father for his last birthday. It looked like it had never been taken out of the box and worn once.

In that moment. he realizes that nothing he really did for his parents mattered. Retiring them, cars, vacations, expensive things. Those are nice. They're signs of success, but it usually came with Gee not actually being there. He was always too busy working, avoiding home at all costs, or in another state.

Much like his college years, people were telling Gee to stay away from Kentucky. After he was shot, he got permission from a judge to relocate once again. This place wasn't any safer for him.

To others it didn't make sense how he got shot the first night he was off house arrest. Till this day Gee tells his mother it was simply a case of mistaken identity. Wrong place, wrong time. The truth is it was some of his childhood friends who felt like Gee was choosing sides when it came to the city beef.

They also held some sort of underlying hate towards Gee. They felt like he should've given them some of his connections that he made while in Texas when he was selling drugs. They felt like he didn't bring any money back to the city or try to put any people on. As if he didn't have his own problems... No one asked him if he needed money for his lawyers, his bond, his family, or if he was good when he had to come back home. He didn't expect them to because they're all grown men. Stuff like that is 'it's nice you did it' to him. Not enough to go shooting people.

His best bet was to take Destin's offer and he did. Destin matched whatever him and his friend, Kross, had saved up and they started a management company. Destin already had connections in the music industry for his promotion business and that started it all. Gee and Kross started off managing small, local artists but they got lucky with one who blew up and became mainstream. They've been doing good business-wise since then.

"If it's too soon," he hears making him look up. Seeing his mother standing in the doorway he pushes out a close-lipped smile.

Closing the watch box he replies, "I'm good. Maybe just do a different room." He sits the box on the dresser walking towards the door.

He stands over his mother who says, "I'll do it. You do the guest bedroom." Gee nods as Misty pats his arm. He leans down to kiss her temple before walking around her and she goes into Genaro's bedroom. Looking over his shoulder he can see Misty let out a deep sigh.

He knows his mother is struggling with his father's death. For a few years, his parents had been consistent with their relationship. They were actually back together with none of the breakup to makeup like they usually did. It was like what Gee said after he was released on bond actually made it click for them.

They knew the constant back and forth of being together a few months then breaking up for another few months then getting right back together was exhausting. They were doing good for three years straight and even moved back in together. Then they got into a big argument and the cycle of them living apart started all over again.

Gee had accepted that this was their version of love. When people asked him about Genaro and Misty, he always said, They thuggin'. That's the only way to describe them. He commended them for always trying and never giving up, but he also knew how unhealthy it was.

And now, Genaro's deceased and Misty thinks about the what if's. They can never try again. They can never mend what was broken before his passing. They'll also never get that wasted time back.

Gee goes to one of the extra bedrooms that his father used to store things. While going through it, he realizes a lot of it's his stuff. He forgot his Dad had a lot of his stuff ever since they brought it back from Texas. All his high school and college stuff had been here for years.

He begins looking through it holding up all the jerseys he's had since beginning his career in football starting with Pop Warner. Every last one he's worn since elementary had been in his father's possession for safe keeping. Gee remembers how big of a dream it was. The goal was the NFL, how did he end up here? Some people don't know how crazy it is to work at something your whole life and it not work out.

He throws them into the throw away box. They don't really hold any sentimental value to him. Going through another box he laughs when he sees the airbrushed t-shirt from the time he went to the Texas State Fair with Magenta. "Hell nah," he grabs it looking at the front and back. He looks back down seeing the photo booth picture they took together under it.

The box is filled with momentous throughout his college years and most of them have to do with Magenta. Whether she was with him when he got it or she gave it to him. He's been thinking about her a lot lately...

Earlier today her company called and she finally accepted the request to do the music video. He doesn't exactly know what his end-goal is. All he knows is that he misses their friendship.

"You want this?" He hears. Gee looks over his shoulder to his younger brother, Seven, holding up the box of the Rolex. His brother's currently a student at the University of Kentucky and hopefully, he finishes unlike him. Gee still wouldn't consider himself to be close to his brother. He helps him with money for school, but that's it.

Even now that he knows the truth about his parent's relationship there's still a block there. It's like the child version of Genesis who found out his father was having a child with another woman takes over. The version of himself that thought his mother was weak for not leaving his father completely. The version who was angry at his father. Even now that he knows it was more complicated than that.

He's trying though. Now that their father is gone, Gee wants to be there for Seven as much as he can.

"You can have it. I can sell it and give you the money, if you want."

"No, I want it. I was looking through all the other stuff. I don't even know if I have room for the shit I want at my apartment. I settle for the small stuff, pictures, and clothes."

"I take it that's your decision on keeping the house for yourself."

"Yeah, I'm good on that. Shit is creepy." Considering he died here. "That's how those white people end up in haunted houses. Plus, I'm off at school. I know it's only been a couple weeks, but I think we should just sell it. It won't ever be the same," he looks around.

"True. We could put all this stuff in a storage unit and call it a day." Gee's beginning to feel overwhelmed. Especially with family members calling or stopping by trying to call dibs on certain items. It's tacky and careless to him.

"I figured you would take most of it. You have two spots," Seven shrugs.

"Yeah, nah. That's too much work taking it to Atlanta and Houston. Plus, I'm on the verge of getting rid of that Atlanta spot."

"Storage unit it is."

He's about to walk away until Gee says, "Ay, Sev?" He turns around looking at Gee who goes on, "Are you gonna go back to school for the rest of the semester? You can take time off if you need it."

Seven shakes his head. "Nah, I think I'll be good. I took my bereavement absences and then it runs into Thanksgiving break. There's only a couple weeks left of the semester, so I should be good. I can get through it."

"What about next semester? Grief doesn't have a time limit..." Gee looks at the box filled with his college items. He thinks about his own college experience. He feels like it would've went a lot differently if he had better support. When his close friend was killed he still had to act normal by going to class and football practice.

"Uhh, I guess I wouldn't know until that day comes. I'll let you know if shit ever gets too hard. I don't know." Gee nods and Seven leaves the room like he intended.

They spend the next couple of hours packing things up or getting rid of them. As hard as this is it's not wise to leave an unoccupied house filled with valuable items. Gee looks at the time on his watch right as his mother enters the living room asking, "When are you going back to Houston?"

"You've asked me that everyday I've been back here. You want me to leave or something? I honestly could stay through Thanksgiving."

"That's not happening and I actually do. You know it's not safe for you. And really, we should have Thanksgiving at your place this year."

"I'm good, ma. I've been out here two weeks. But if you must know, I'm going home tomorrow."

"Good." Gee shakes his head looking around at everything. "Let's go get this storage unit before they close," she smiles. He blows out air standing up.

He could have the whole city against him and he'd still stand his ground. Bertrand Russel once said, War does not determine who is right, only who is left. Gee realized he'd be a fool to stay in Kentucky and wait for someone to kill him after getting shot. He'd also be a fool to keep participating in street shit. He left and made something of himself. No one can take that from him.

The Next Day...

As soon as Genesis landed back in Houston he finds himself diving right back into work. Missing two weeks almost feels like missing two months in this business. Everything moves so fast, so he has to get right back on it.

He doesn't even go home to drop his bags off. He went straight to his friend and business partner, Kross', where he showered and changed then they left for a meeting. While home in Kentucky they had been discussing potentially becoming the new management of an artist by the name of Caprice.

Even though Gee really wants to work with him, he's also going into this one cautious. Caprice can walk the line of unpredictable and controversial. But he also has the talent to outweigh all of that. His music speaks for itself, while Caprice's antics add about ten more decibels to the pandemonium. They're in a generation of microwave music, so Gee's on the search for an artist he knows will have longevity.

"There he is," Kross points as the approach Caprice who's already waiting on them...

Gee approaches hesitantly looking at the dog. "Is he coo?" He points at it.

"Yeah, he don't bite," Caprice motions for them to come.

"You sure? I'll kick a dog in the snout." He's dead serious, but Caprice laughs as if he's joking.

"He's chill."

"The new tape is hard," Gee daps him as they sit down.

"I appreciate it. So hard that you want to be apart of the team?"

"Exactly. We're trying manage you, bruh."

"I'm not opposed to that. I think we would make a good team. Y'all always supported my music and career. And I happen to be in need of management seeing as I don't have any right now. We can set up a full meeting with my team to discuss it further and draw up a contract for negotiations."

"One question... Why did your old management drop you? In your opinion, of course. Everyone has their side of the story."

"We just weren't seeing eye to eye. They were trying to make me something I'm not as if I didn't come to them a certain way."

"Does this have anything to do with your legal issues?"

Caprice laughs. "Man, it's all good. Just some lawsuits that'll get resolved. They'll be thrown out. My label got me a good ass expensive lawyer. Don't worry about all that. If I decide to sign to your company we can talk about it in more depth. Just some gun charges," he brushes it off as nothing.

They spend another 30 minutes having conversation before Gee and Kross are leaving. "I don't know. I want him as a client and I can see us making a lot of money. Those legal issues though..." Gee rubs over his face.

Kross looks at him sideways. "Since when did you start looking down on niggas 'cause they have some cases? Someone gave us a chance and we both have records."

He has a point. Gee wasn't starting this business without Kross because he was the only one that was really there for him when he caught his case. He always made sure Gee was good when he was on probation. He felt like he owed him. They've made a lot of money and work good together, illegal or legal. They both came a long way from long drives on interstates..

"I'm not looking down on him. I just- Throughout the years, we've mostly signed artists who come from where we come from. Yeah, they rap about shit they've really done... The whole no 'cap in my rap' shit, but it's cost us a lot of money. We sign them, they take off, then they're locked up. There's no money in having artists in jail," Gee explains.

"Who's to say he won't change like we did? There's always a breaking point. I'm sure we can have a talk with him to make him realize his careers means more than sitting in jail."

"I don't know, bro. They sensationalize that type of stuff now. These white kids in the suburbs eat up the fact they do what they rap about, and streams come in the droves. I'd rather have an artist with their freedom who can tour and do shows than just millions of streams. Artists like that also don't get the endorsements and mainstream success. No longevity because they can't change their ways. I'm thinking big picture."

"Do you really think we have that problem with Caprice? He's not one of these Drill or Trap artists," Kross tries to reason.

"I'm talking hip-hop artist in general. The last two artists we signed are now in jail and they were looking for us to bail them out, only for the judge not to even offer bail. One has a got damn murder charge. We've lost millions just over those two."

"You have a point," Kross blows out air.

"They have no incentive to change when that shit is praised, so they won't. I don't know what his cases and charges are, but I need to know before we sign any paperwork."

"I'll look into it, but like I said, I couldn't find them in public records. I think it's sealed to the public until it's over." Gee huffs as they approach Kross' car both getting in. "We have to make one more stop."

"Damn, aiight. I'm tired," he raises a hand to rub his eye with his fist while stretching at the same time.

When they get to the location, Gee is highly annoyed. It's a day party filled with people mingling over drinks and talking. Industry shit that he doesn't really like. This is more Kross' lane when it comes to parties and events to 'network' for more business. Kross said, "We're only going to stay for twenty minutes." That was 45 minutes ago. He's wishing he got an Uber from the airport now.

Gee groans to himself deciding to go to the bar. He wasn't going to get a drink since it was supposed to be a quick stop, but now he needs one. He waits his turn to order when he feels a body occupy the space next to him. Looking over he sees a woman who looks familiar to the point it makes him do a doubletake.

"Pandora?" He questions making her look over and up at him.

She squints before stretching her neck back. "Gee?"

At the same time they both smile. "If it ain't Pandora like the box because you full of surprises."

"I ain't seen yo ass in years. You've been in the wind since you left Texas. Look at you out here shinin'!"

He chuckles always loving her energy. Back then there only connection was the fact they shared Magenta as a friend. Pandora also wasn't around a lot since Gen was away at college. "Well, it blew me back in not too long ago. I stay in Houston. Majority of the time," he clarifies.

"Really?" Pandora's eyebrows perk up. "Sounds like someone I know.."


"Magenta. She lives in Houston too. Shit, we all do really. She's here actually," Pandora looks in that direction making him look too. It's a far distance, but he feels like he can spot her.

"Forreal? I've been trying to get in touch with her."

"Yeah." With her cup still in her hand, Pandora uses her pinky to point at Gen who sits out on the patio.

"Oh!" That makes it clear for him rather than him guessing. When the bar tender slides him his drink, he thanks him. "I'ma go say what's up to her."

"Go ahead. I'll be over there."

"Nice seeing you. Good lookin'," Gee walks off with his drinks outside. "Excuse me," he says every so often maneuvering through people even getting annoyed at the ones who don't move at the first request. It's loud with music and voices, but a lot of them just don't want to move.

Finally, reaching where she is Magenta notices someone coming towards her...

It takes her a second to realize who it is. It's been so many years of her avoiding him. They've been in the same place like clubs and parties, but always at a distance. Far enough away that she can duck and dodge him before he notices her. Not this time...

Gee is all smiles, but he can tell she wants to claw his eyes out. She's also caught off-guard.

"Ya girl Pandora told me you're over here," he starts as Magenta just looks at him.

"Did she?" Remind me to kill her later, she thinks. Glancing around him, she looks at Pandora who smiles in the background like this is a romance movie moment. This ain't that, at all. "How are you?" She asks coldly.

He gives the basic, "I'm fine." He's not at all. But Gee knows he'd look crazy beginning to overstate how he really feels. He has to ease into things. "And you?"

"I'm good. I feel like you came over to talk about your artist's music video." I didn't. Of course she wants to go the business route. I'll have the contract with my terms signed and sent by the end of the week. Wednesday at the latest. Don't worry."

He narrows his eyebrows wondering if she's trying to fast talk and dismiss him. "Cool, cool. No rush. Thanks for even agreeing to do it. I know you're not a model or video girl. My artist really just wanted you," he slightly lies. It was his idea. He knew her being in the video would put them in the same room for at least the day of the video shoot. "Your business really took off. I didn't expect you to get into the music industry."

"I didn't expect you to go into management," she shrugs before sipping from her drink.

"Still got that slick talk to make a sell," he comments before reaching into the pocket of his jeans. "Actually, I was wondering if I could get your number. I feel like it would be faster and better than having only your email."

He can hear magenta chuckle to herself. He unlocks his phone and she types in her name and number for a new contact. "I would give you my number, but I got a new one and phone. I don't exactly remember my it yet. Let's just do the whole call and I'll save it thing."

"Good idea. I gotta make sure you didn't give a fake one." He calls the number and when her phone rings she turns the screen so he can see.

"My real number."

She makes sure to save it as he says, "I mean, we should've had each other's number years ago all the business we've done with each other."

"Mhm," is all she can push out.

"You look good, by the way," he compliments not knowing what to say in the painful interaction. He hates small talk and it's like pulling teeth that it's like this. They were once so close. Even the first time they met wasn't this awkward.

"I know," she says cockily making him laugh.

They hold a stare until they hear, "I brought drinks!" Pandora comes into the area balancing several glasses hurriedly putting them on the table before she drops them. "Everyone take one."

"Oh, nah," Gee holds up his hand. "I'm actually about to get out of here. I just popped in."

"What? I thought we could drink and catch up," P sad with a sad face.

"Maybe another time." He can tell his presence isn't quite welcome when looking at how uncomfortable Gen is. "I'll see y'all later. It was nice seeing you two after all these years." He looks right at Magenta when he says it. She only gives a fake smile before he turns to leave.

He runs right into Kross who was actually looking for him. "You ready to go?" He asks. Those are four magic words for Gee.


"Who was that you were talking to?" He looks around Gee at both Magenta and Pandora because they look good from a distance.

"An old friend from college."

"That girl you're always talking about? The one who you reached out to for the music video? What's her name? It was a color... Mauve, Magnolia, Magnesium," he lists.

"Quit playin'! Mauve? Really, bruh?" Gee laughs to himself shaking his head.

"What? You know I'm not good with names. I take it that was wrong."

"As fuck. Magenta, her name's Magenta."

"I was close, shit." At that they end the conversation leaving the day party.

They sit through an hour of traffic before they reach his house. Regardless, Gee's released to finally be home. Until he realizes he's not walking into peace, but more chaos. "Damn!" Kross looks around the living room. Gee's glass coffee table is broken and his tv. His shoes and clothes that should be upstairs in the closet are on the floor cut up.

Gee drops one of his bags immediately yelling, "Kelsey! Kelsey!" He's already going up the stairs skipping every other one of them. Once upstairs he barges into his bedroom seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed twirling a pair of scissors. He looks at his girlfriend of almost one year like she's crazy. She is...

"I know you didn't lose your mind. What's your fuckin' problem?!"

"My problem is you've been gone two weeks. Barely communicating with me. And as soon as you land you go to a party with bitches? Who's the other hoe?"

Gee rubs his temples not being able to process this. "Thus lady is delusional," he mumbles. With his hands clasped he explains, "Not communicate with you? I've talked to you everyday since I went out of town."

"One little call ain't enough. I bet you got a bitch back in Kentucky. I know you do!" She takes the scissors in her hands stabbing them into a pair of Dior shoes.

"I went home to bury my father. Do you think I'm thinking about fuckin' or a bitch at a time like that. My fuckin' Daddy died!" He reiterates his calm voice getting increasingly louder.

Kelsey jumps because he's not a man who raises his voice, but he's fed up. This is a regular occurrence. She's had so many messed up relationships she has trust issues and insecurities. He tried to understand, but he's tired.

"O-okay. Maybe not there, but a party as soon as you land? Really?"

"Kross dragged me there and we weren't even there that long. I missed two weeks of work. There's shit I missed. I really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt..."

"Me? The benefit of the doubt? What did I do?"

"You haven't asked me if I'm okay, if I needed anything, if I wanted to talk. You didn't want to come with me to the funeral. Shit, you didn't send flowers for condolences, but I come home to this?" Gee looks around the bedroom that's in just as much disarray as the living room. That's when he notices his PS5 is missing. Already knowing he shoots from the bedroom to the connected bathroom. Seeing it in a tub full of water he fishes it out. She's done it before.

He angrily storms into the bedroom holding up the dripping wet console. "That's it! You gotta go. You gotta get up outta here. Get your shit and get out. Give me my keys. Take all your shit."

"What?" She looks confused.

"Nope. Ain't no coming back from this. You're done. We're done!" He says while going to the walk-in closet ripping her things down from hangers.

"Done?" She follows behind him.

"Yes, you heard me. I can't keep messin' with your crazy ass. Every time I look up. My clothes, shoes, car, house. You always wanna fight. You keep doin' all this outlandish, wild shit bringing attention to my residence. If the police get called... I'm on probation and your ass is playing a dangerous game. I'm not playing about my freedom and you ain't worth riskin' it."

And that quickly, another relationship over for him. He still has the mentality that if it comes with any type of destruction or chaos he doesn't want it. If it looks like his parents, he doesn't want it.


Gen's new life? Her relationship with Noah being over?

Genesis & Magenta running into each other? Exchanging numbers? Do you think they'll ever be close again?

Gee working with Caprice?

Comment/ Vote💫

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