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Sitting in her car in the parking lot of a shopping center, Magenta patiently waits on Pandora to arrive. They're supposed to be getting manicures and pedicures together. Waitin' on 'em boys outside, she sings at the top of her lungs like she's MO3 herself. A white lady walking by tries to look into her car, but Gen's windows are tinted. It's definitely because her music is blasting and can probably be heard from outside. "Boo bitch," she mumbles continuing to sing in the privacy of her vehicle.

Her phone begins ringing causing the music to stop and she assumes it's Pandora to say she's here. Instead her phone screen has Gee's name attached to a FaceTime making her face screw up. It's been a week since she saw him at that Day Party and she gave him her number. She didn't know how to feel about it, so she chose to feel nothing.

"I barely gave you my number. You're mighty comfortable Facetiming me," she answers not looking into the screen. She pulls the sun visor down to look at herself in the mirror. She ruffles her fingers through her light pink pixie cut getting it to a wild yet tamed perfection for the look she wants. Her hairstylist did his thing with this look, but she's ready for a new cut and color because she loves to experiment.

"A number is to be used, right?" She glances down at her screen seeing he's giving back the same attitude she is, but his is more playful. Touché, nigga, touché. "What are you doing?"

Gen shifts her eyes to the side with annoyance wondering if he's calling for casual conversation. She's not quite ready for that yet. "About to go to the nail salon with Pandora. If she ever gets here," she mumbles looking at the time.

"It's nice y'all are still cool with each other after all these years. It shows friendships can last through the tests of time."

Magenta looks down at her phone narrowing her eyes. Is he trying to be sarcastic, funny, or both? "That's my best friend. My dog. Always will be. What's up though?" she asks so he'll say why he's calling.

"I just wanted to remind you we're supposed to meet at the mall later on today. Our teams."

"I know...You could've texted me that."

"Didn't want to. Maybe I wanted to see your face," he does a cheeky smile. Magenta rolls her eyes even though she's fighting a smile herself. "I look forward to seeing you later."

"Buh-bye," they hang up. She reaches for the bottle of gum in one of her cup holders popping the top to get a piece. She puts it in her mouth beginning to chew while saying, "You're not going to charm me, baby boy." She doesn't even like smacking, but she does it hoping it releases some tension inside her.

Magenta's realizing playing like she doesn't want Gee in her life is harder than she thought. She did think about him over the years. She does miss their friendship... But she's also getting tired of letting people into her life only for them to be temporary. She's tired of letting people get close only to end up hurt. Her hearts been though enough.

She leans her head back against the headrest taking a deep breath closing her eyes. She doesn't open them until her phone rings again. This time it's actually Pandora saying she's here. Gen grabs her purse and phone exiting the car stepping onto the sidewalk running right into Pandora...

"Bout damn time. No wonder it took so long. I knew you were in someone's store shopping," she walks up hugging Pandora.

"I know you not talkin'. I had to bribe you out the house. I haven't seen you since that Day Party and before that I hadn't seen you for a month. You've been hiding out."

"I've been busy and goin' through it. I'll tell you everything when we get in there. You're still paying for mine, right?" she bounces up her eyebrows enticingly.

The only reason Magenta agreed was because she offered to pay. Other than that, she hasn't been going out unless it has to do with work. Her nails and feet need to be done desperately. When she gets down, it's hard for her to break out of it. She tends to dwell in her sadness for long periods of time.

"Yeah, I gotchu," they walk into their regular nail salon.

It doesn't matter how old they get or where they good, Pandora will always be her best friend. Even the times they got closer to other people or barely saw one another, they always bounced back. Magenta thought her going away to college would send them on different paths, but Pandora was always the last one standing. The one always there and the most loyal. She always stuck by her side.

Once they get into their pedicure spa chairs the gossip and catching up between the two starts. "Now that we're both single at the same time it's time to start acting up. We gotta start going out on the weekends on some Sex in the City shit," Pandora smiles.

"You've never even watched that show," Gen chuckles.

"Okay, maybe not. How 'bout on some Girlfriends shit. We gotta be like them. They worked and still managed to go out for drinks or lunch every damn day."

"That's how you know tv is unrealistic. How did they have the time and energy? Sometimes I need alone time and space." She huffs thinking about everything she needs to do for this music video shoot.

Pandora smacks her lips. "Well, fuck you too then."

"I didn't mean it like that. You know I love you, girl. There's just been a lot going on."

"Yeah, I'm glad you finally kicked Noah to the curb. You've been single a couple months. I think it's time to at least go on a date. Houston got some fine niggas. It's just about finding them."

"I don't know about that."

"That dude I'm talking to has some friends," Pandora tries to convince her. "I got some guys you can choose from," she pulls her phone out.

"Oh, God! Are you still talking to that dude who can't spell?"

Pandora busts out laughing. "I showed you a couple text messages and now you won't let it go. Is he supposed to be Akeelah and the Bee? Damn!"

"The man said board instead of bored. An immediate turn off. He needs Hooked on Phonics. And they say you're the company you keep. His friends can't be any better. I'm good."

"I'm not saying marry one of them. I just wanna go on a double date. Have some fun. You need it.." Pandora pouts her lips and Gen shakes her head. She knows what she's alluding to. But Gen's always going pretend she's fine when she's suffering inside. She doesn't like sharing her problems with the world.

"Fine," she gives in knowing she's going to regret it.

Pandora smiles beginning to show Magenta Instagram profiles of multiple guys. Every last one of them, Gen has a reason to say no. "Alright, bitch!" P gets frustrated. "The nigga's popular, but he doesn't have that many homies left. What's wrong with him?"

"He's too skinny. You know I like my men solid with some weight on them. I'm a big body Benz. Imagine a motorcycle crashing into me. I'm a curvy road, baby. I need someone who can handle all this," she waves over her body.

"I can't with you," Pandora laughs.

"He's more your type. Lookin' like two cinnamon sticks."

"The skinny dudes be packin'. You sleep. What about him?" She goes to another profile.

"He looks short. I need to see him standing next to someone in a picture. They try to trick us with the angles."

"Once again, people sleep on the short niggas too. They're all types of agile. They can do stuff the bigger dudes can't. They'll be standing and doing tricks all in the pussy. Short with a long dick. You don't know about that."

"And I don't want to," she hands the phone back.

"See, that's your problem now. You're looking for the perfect package. You were mad about Noah trying to change you and not accepting your imperfections, but look at you. He rubbed off on you. Go out of your box and you might find the one."

"I'm not picky, but no." The truth is she wouldn't be interested in any of them even if they were the perfect 10.

"That's your problem. You get with these dudes from the suburbs who you can't relate to. If I can't be myself I'm not messing with the dude. I gotta be able to bring you around my loud ass, ghetto family. You can't judge me. You can't try and change me. Accept me for me, baby. Where the hood niggas at!?"

Magenta laughs rubbing her forehead. "That's why me and you are different."

"Oh, I get it," Pandora locks her phone. "The reason you can't pick one of these guys is because it's Gee who you want."

"What're you talking about?"

"Don't play slow with me. You can act all stank if you want, but I saw the way you looked at him when he walked away at that Day Party." Gen rolls her neck not wanting to talk about this. "Why can't you just admit he broke your heart?"

"And why would I give him that much power over my feelings? We were never even together. The reality is we were two young, college kids who didn't know shit about anything. Damn sure not love. He was a fling, friends with benefits, my side nigga, if you will."

Pandora laughs. "You can keep lying to yourself if you want." Knowing Magenta like the back of her hand she knows Gen takes heartbreak and loss hard. It's because she cares deeply despite acting like she doesn't. She also holds lifelong grudges even if she forgives easily.

"Plus, it's strictly business. I'm not even interested in being his friend."


"Because we've slept together. It's awkward."

"Y'all were sneaking and creeping," Pandora recalls as if she forgot. "Wasn't he the first one to give you head?"

Magenta nods. "First to eat it, first orgasm. There's a couple more firsts," she remembers the fond memories. It wasn't all bad. In fact 90% of it was good. "We did a lot of freaky, reckless shit together. He was nasty. He kinda turned me out."

"First person you were in love with?"

That quickly Gen's attitude changes. "Let's not go overboard now."

"I think he might be more important than Noah with the firsts. I'm just saying. He meant something to you." The nail tech asking Gen a question ends the conversation, thankfully. "I can't believe till this day Fade's still tryna run that lie he ran Gee out of Texas back home to Kentucky. I always call him out on that shit though. He knows Gee had to leave. He didn't run nobody outta nowhere."

Gen rolls her eyes. "Fade swear he runs Dallas. He's the same way all these years later. That's why he'll never be blessed. God don't like ugly."

"Are him and your brother back coo?"

"Yeah, him and Choice will talk shit saying they're done being friends then be right back. I think they talk every now and again since he's locked up."

"Just like me and the nigga I talk to," P laughs. "They in a toxic, codependent relationship. Niggas and they homies worse than a baby daddy and baby mama that can't stop fuckin'."

"Man, what? Dudes will give their homeboys a million chances, but when their girl cheats back it's over. They can't look at us the same. Meanwhile that man backdoored you, snitched on ya, set you up, fucked your girl, everything."

"I'm not about to play with you," they both share a laugh.

"Am I lying? I just hope jail is teaching him something and he changes with his fake ass."

After finishing up with Pandora, she drives to the Galleria Mall. Once parking she takes in a deep breath preparing herself for seeing Gee again. Pandora didn't lie about anything she said. Gen just convinced herself that if she denies every little feeling or thought it'll make it the truth.

"You can get through this," she coaches herself getting out of her car. She walks until getting to the place her sister, Felicity, said to meet her. Walking up she sees her already waiting on her...

"I know damn well you're not bringing that mangy mutt in there," Gen screws up her face as they turn to walk.

"That's no way to talk about your nephew. She didn't mean it, Frappe," she baby talks her dog scratching under his chin.

Before she can respond she can hear men cat calling both of them. Magenta rolls her eyes hearing a man say loudly, "I'll put a baby in both of you. Have some hood twins, y'all so fine." Gen turns up her lips wondering why men think that's a compliment. She ignores him continuing to walk, but Felicity laughs making him think it's okay to keep going.

It's just like her not to think it's a big deal. She's always liked the wrong type of attention, especially since she's been getting it from a young age. While Magenta thought it was creepy for grown men to be trying to talk to her in middle school, Felicity indulged in it. In junior high she dated high schoolers. In high school she dated college guys.

Both sisters learned their shape and looks would garner a lot of attention from boys to grown men. From experience their mother taught them there's no manual on attention. She told them to move like they never got any. Don't ever look like you're desperate for it because men take advantage of women like that.

Gen thought she knew the power of her body, pretty privilege, and desirability politics. She was told her power was within being able to withhold it and say no. That her body and space was always her choice. She doesn't know how much she believes that anymore after what she went through...

"That's disgusting," she mumbles. Although, Felicity chuckling and smiling like it was the biggest compliment prompted the man to touch Gen.

As soon as he grabbed her wrist to get her attention, she snaps towards him saying, "Don't touch me." When she holds up her pink pepper spray that's on her keychain he quickly releases her wrist holding his hands up.

"Damn," he backs off and walks away.

Magenta glances at Felicity who wears a look as if her sister's crazy. "Was it that serious? You overreacted by a long shot."

"Please, stop talking to me," Gen walks ahead moving faster than before.

"Someone's in a bad mood today. Really everyday. I hope you get rid of whatever attitude you got, while we're with this client. And don't be rude just because it's Gee." Gen waves her off continuing to walk.

Magenta thought her and Felicity would get closer since starting this company together. That didn't happen. They have two different ways of doing things.

As they walk through the mall, Gee's already at Neiman Marcus waiting for them to arrive. He's with his business partner, Kross, and his artist, FML Gravedigger. They're supposed to be getting outfits for the music video that's right around the corner.

"You good, nigga?" Kross asks with concern looking down at Gee who sits in a velvet armchair.

"Huh? I'm cool," he snaps himself with the rubber band on his wrist continuously. It was a habit that still didn't die even if his friendship with Gen did.

He's kinda nervous, especially because she's clearly giving him the cold shoulder. He knows eventually they'll have to talk about the past rather than ignoring it. Gee knows how Magenta works. Come correct or don't come at all. He owes her an apology and explanation before they can ever be at least cool. That's the only step to truly moving forward. He's waiting on the right time.

They came to the agreement she'd make an appearance in the music video if Gee does an interview for her Youtube channel. He was opposed to it at first because she usually interviews artists. She said she wants to show her viewers another option for being in the music industry other than rapping, singing, or producing, so he agreed to it.

They also had to pay her $20,000 just for her appearance in the video. Instead of that coming from the label budget Gee will pay it out of pocket because this was his idea. Gen only asked for that much because she thought they wouldn't pay it. Therefore, they would no longer want her to be in the music video. It didn't work that way.

Magenta enters the store with Felicity by her side. She holds her phone to her ear talking to someone who makes her wear a face of annoyance and stress. They walk up giving greetings and introductions, all the while Gen's still on the phone.

"Mr. Gravedigger, what's the name ya mama gave you? I'm not calling you that," Felicity asks while shaking his hand.

"Only cause you fine... Torrance," he responds.

"See, that's a nice, wholesome name."

"Let me finish this phone call. Y'all can start shopping," Gen quickly excuses herself walking to the other side of the store to continue her conversation.

While Felicity begins shopping and having the store worker pull pieces, Gee sits back down. He watches Gen across the store not being able to help himself from staring. It's not until Torrance starts rattling off at the mouth that his attention is grabbed. "That's the one you went to college with? Damn! You ain't say she looked like that. Unless she just bought that body. You know girls been getting ass down in Miami and overseas like it's buy one get one free."

Gee's used to Torrance. He's only 21, so a lot of stuff you know he means no harm. That and he's just dumb.

"She always looked like that. Not everybody got their body done. She was actually thicker than that. She lost weight," Gee observes watching Gen pace in a circle while still on the phone.

"You hit? I would've fucked the–" Torrance starts.

"Chill out," he cuts him off getting protective. Gee's glad when Felicity motions Torrance over to come try something on.

"Don't trip off him. You know he's stupid," Kross shakes his head. "What's up with you two?" he asks nodding his head towards Magenta sensing something.

"What do you mean?"

"There's this off vibe and energy there, but I also notice the looks that show there was something more."

Gee shrugs. "You know I was into some other shit while in Texas. She was the only person who was consistently there for me, especially with how I acted. Pushing people away, thinking I know better than everybody, wanting to do what I wanted. She was the only person that believed in me."

"I know what you mean."

"Everybody was saying how I'm gonna end up in prison or dead. I was a piece of shit at one point. A fucked up nigga. There were times I felt like I didn't deserve to get this far, but God saw fit. And she saw it. I lost everything. Everything I touched literally went to shit. Before I could be the reason I lose her too by fucking up, I decided to push her away before I cause it," Gee laments.

Kross looks at Magenta then it clicks. "She's the one who got you your first plug? Her brother. That nigga provided you with some good ass weed," he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, well, I took it to a level no one could've imagined. I was a lost cause. You only get the type of relationship we had once in a lifetime and I think I used my once," Gee sighs.

"Clearly, she's not fuckin' with you. Y'all were that close?"

He nods. "We took care of each other the best that we knew how. Very protective. We gave each other a lot." Kross narrows his eyes looking at Gee speak about her. There was a different level of passion in his eyes that couldn't even be lied about. "She did a lot for me. We did a lot for each other."

"Well, if it was that deep I'm sure it'll come back. Shit like that doesn't just disappear," Kross reassures him.

Magenta can feel eyes on her, so she looks over seeing Gee talking to his friend. She quickly goes back to focusing on her phone conversation trying not to seem phased by his gaze.

Being around Gee was always a reminder where she came from and what she wanted to get away from. Even if they're not from the same city or neighborhood, he represents the mentality and ways. At least he used to. She's trying to see him in this new lens who's a successful business man.

It's hard because she still sees the Gee in college who was selling drugs and getting arrested. With him there's always this imperfection that she's trying to escape. He reminds her of all the men that weren't there to protect her because they chose the streets instead. He couldn't commit to her and give her what she needed back then.

Accepting who he is now means she'll have to face her feelings for him and give him a chance now that he finally changed his life around. That scares the shit out of her, so she rather block him out and pretend she hates him.

The Noah's of her life were always an image thing. Gee understood her in a way no man could ever. He challenged her because they were one in the same. No one could ever keep up with her spirit like him. But she always wanted the clean, good guy image because it's safe. She never wanted to be attached to the street lifestyle.

It took too many people from her and Gee was no different...

Gen ends the call with her lawyer walking back over to everyone. Instead of joining them she abruptly interrupts saying, "Sorry. I have an emergency and have to go."

"Everything good?" Felicity asks her sister.

"Yeah. You know my measurements and sizes, so you got it covered. Right? I really have to go."

"Of course." Felicity's a little embarrassed because this could be considered unprofessional even if their company is more on the loose end.

"I'll see everybody in Atlanta for the shoot." Gee watches as Magenta quickly exits the store wondering what happened.

"Sorry, she has a lot going on," Felicity speaks for her sister going back to shopping without another question.

Leaving the mall, Magenta goes straight to her lawyer's office in the downtown area. Sitting in a high-rise building that overlooks the city she sits in front of a desk. Her lawyer enter back into the room sitting down.

"I have more good news." In a navy blue suit, a very expensive attorney smiles at her client. "More evidence."

Gen sighs not wanting to get too excited too fast. "Okay. What is it?"

She unlocks an iPad saying, "See for yourself." She hits play and a video that's from a security camera begins playing. "It's footage from the recording studio. They don't have cameras in the actual studio spaces, but they do in the hallways."

On the camera you can see Magenta stumbling down the hallway bumping into walls and railings trying to find her way and keep balanced. She clearly looks out of it and in a distressed state. After awhile she can't even stand to watch it anymore. Her attorney can tell, so she stops the video.

"Based on the footage you walked around aimlessly for a very long time trying to find your way. You finally got on the elevator and got to the lobby. All the stumbling explains some of the bruises you had in the pictures taken of your body for evidence."

"Okay. So what does this mean?"

"It's one more thing we can use in the next court date. I'm pushing for the defendant to take a plea deal, so you won't have to suffer through a long trial."

She doesn't even know if she wants that. She doesn't know what she wants. Magenta thought she did when this all started, but it's beginning to become blurry. The remainder of the meeting she's quiet just listening to her lawyer speaks.

When Magenta goes home for the day she sighs glad that she can unwind. Going through her garage, she goes up to the second level of her townhome where her living room and kitchen are. She's not surprised at all to see her sister on the couch watching tv because she saw her car parked on the street.

"I gave you a key to my place for emergencies since you're my only family in Houston, not to pop up when you want."

"I came so you can try on the outfits for the music video since you bailed on the shopping trip. I only have so much time to make alterations." Gen groans while sitting the Korean BBQ she bought on kitchen counter. "Why'd you do Gee like that? He seemed excited to see you and you paid that man dust."

"What was I supposed to do? Jump up and down. That man is not thinking about me passed business. We don't need to be besties again."

"Why do I sense some animosity?"

"Why would I have animosity? We're just not friends anymore. No bad blood, no beef."

"Okay, I hope not. I don't want the video shoot to be awkward. We set the tone and vibe. If we do good with this it brings in more business. This song is going crazy right now."

"It won't be. Him and I are straight. We're all here to do a job and have the same goal. A poppin' ass video."

She said that, but later on she got a text from Gee that contradicted that... He clearly feels like there is a problem.

I think we need to talk and clear the air, she reads the text wishing she didn't.

"He can't be serious," she mumbles under her breath. Magenta sighs. She has enough going on and doesn't need this added to it.

Atlanta, she one word replies him tossing her phone to the side.

After landing in Atlanta last night, Gee's running on practically no sleep. Following taking time off to bury his father he's had to hit the ground running. Being a manager is also a lot like being a babysitter for grown folks, especially the ones who are barely over 18.

We're talking about individuals who don't have a regular 9 to 5, fame, and money. Sometimes just getting them to a location on time is the most stressful thing of the day. It's no different for today considering Torrance missed two flights to get here. Last night and early this morning. He tries to be understanding knowing he was a handful at that age too, but it's still frustrating.

"Just get his ass here!" Gee barks at Torrance's assistant who says he still hasn't left the hotel. He hangs up smacking his lips because they only have a certain window to shoot this video and get it up before people don't care anymore. There's no time to reschedule to another date. Nowadays people's attention span is short then they move to the next trend and song.

"Relax, nigga. We have plenty of time. This is going to be an all day shoot," Kross sips his coffee always being the more easygoing of the two. "Oh, and Destin called. He found out about us looking to sign Caprice. He said do it," he slides in.

"He suggested we do it or said?" Gee appreciate everything Destin's done, but he's strongly against him telling them how to run their business. He said they could run it how they want.

"In his way he told us to. You know Destin. He has a friendship with the label head of Caprice's label. He said just do it and worry about the other stuff later considering Caprice is about to release his debut album."

"That's not how business works with me. That's like committing a crime and thinking about the consequences later. You'll be assed out."

"His label has a timeline. They want to push his album out while he's riding this wave. Also, they know they'll be able to recoup their money. If they wait they're potentially risking him being in jail for those gun charges," Kross shrugs.

Gee narrows his eyes. "Do you really believe these are just gun charges? Those can be beat or probation. They're acting like this dude has assault or murder charges."

"I think it was unregistered and in New York City. That's more serious. Look, I don't know. Destin said if we want to be apart of the team, aka the gravy train, during his first album it'd be wise to sign him."

"We'll sign him, but if this goes bad, it's on you. He's your responsibility."

"Fine by me, seeing as you have to deal with Torrance the majority of the time. I'll set the meeting up." Kross gives a smile and Gee shakes his head.

He looks around the set watching the last few things being setup. Seeing Colby coming his way they both smile as they hold their hands up for a dap pulling into an embrace. Jux is the whole reason he knew about the creative design agency they had. He's sure an offer to be a client wouldn't have been accepted without Jux working there.

"What's up, bro?" he says as they part.

"Nothing much. Finally caught up to you after all these months. You've been workin' overtime. I'm proud of you," Jux compliments.

"You too! I can always count on you for the visuals. Logos, cover art, lyric videos. You always got me. I appreciate it."

"For sure. How's my boy, Destin?"

"Shit, living his best life between Hollywood and Miami. You know that boy got long money." Destin's event and club promotion business lead to him starting other business. His plan is to have his own annual music festival starting this year. It's quite impressive.

"Everyone in my team's here. Felicity's already getting some of the other people styled and dressed. And Magenta..." Jux looks around. "Speak of the devil," he motions to Gen across the set. She has on a robe and slides clearly just coming from hair and makeup.

Jux furrows his eyebrows and so does Gee when she starts skipping towards them wearing a big smile. "She must be coming over here for you being that chipper," Gee assumes based on the way she's been freezing him out.

"Nah, I don't think so. We're cool on some homeboy shit," Jux wears a confused face dapping up his own hands as an example.

They get their answer when Magenta opens up her arms hugging Gee. He can tell she's being overdramatic as he glances at Colby who shrugs. "Geee!" She rocks him back and forth aggressively as he stands there stiff.

"You tryna be funny? You weren't doing all that at the mall," Genesis gives her a glare as Jux laughs and walks away.

"So that wasn't believable?" she backs up.

"Not at all," he chuckles. He observes that the short hair she had at the mall is now replaced with black, straight hair with a middle part.

"Damn! Well, I tried," Gen says sarcastically. "Let me go finish getting ready." She turns around throwing up a peace sign before walking away. Gee can only shake his head cracking a smile.

It's been hours into the video shoot. It didn't help Global warming is showing its ass this year, so even with it being the beginning of December it wasn't that cold. Some of them weren't expecting the temperatures to drop so low nor were they prepared with outerwear. Magenta's one of them who stands their shivering in the outfit styled by her sister for the video. She wraps her own arms around herself rubbing them up and down hoping to warm up.

"You cold?" Gee asks the obvious question more so to see if she'll keep up her front and deny it.

"I'm good. We're almost done."

"Or you can take my jacket." He was one of smart ones who brought one in his car just in case. Gee starts to remove his Moncler coat extending it to her.

"But then you won't have a jacket," she looks at him still not grabbing it. He only shrugs. "No," she waves him off.

"Fine." He puts it back on making Gen make a face he didn't try harder. He laughs noticing it. "What do you want me to do? Beg?"

"No," she frowns.


"We can share." She walks over to him. Gee opens the jacket an his arms. With her arms still wrapped around her body she moves closer to him being engulfed into his warmth that's much better than being cold.

Neither one of them says anything. Gee can tell Gen's trying her hardest not to make this awkward or uncomfortable but that's impossible. She hasn't been within five feet of him in years, so this is an unusual feeling.

As soon as she eases up and gets used to being this close one of the set employees comes around asking, "Anybody need a blanket?"

"Me," Gen says with the quickness moving away from Gee. He blows air out of his nose before rubbing his hand over his face. He watched Magenta wrap herself in a blanket going over by her sister beginning to talk to her. He would say that's progress...

Everyone's glad when 30 minutes later they hear, "That's a wrap," sending most of them into thankful cheers.

After the video shoot, they all decided to hit up an Atlanta club as if the day wasn't already long enough. But it's to celebrate getting it done and wrapping, so Gee wasn't going to be the odd one out. Although, he thought about going home since he has a condo out here.

Gee didn't have much interaction with Gen, but he really didn't expect to. They said they would sit down and talk, they just didn't say when. They spent a couple hours in the club before leaving and heading to a Waffle House. Today has been one of these days where people keep suggesting things to do and it never ends.

It's now 2a.m. and Gee's exhausted, but he's also starving. While waiting to be seated he looks at Magenta who has on a brown bodysuit with matching mesh leggings and heels. It's cold outside and it's nice to be in a place that's warm. When Gen walks over to him he's surprised when she asks, "We'll sit together?"

"Yeah," he nods.

They're seated at a table alone while everyone else sits with four to a table. They sit across from one other at a table too small for Gee's 6-foot-1 frame. He removes his coat getting comfortable as a group of Georgia State students file in being loud after a night of partying. It makes Magenta smile remembering when that was her, better yet, them.

"We had so many drunken nights at IHOP's and Waffle House's," she reminisces.

He thinks about her 19th birthday when she was drunkenly calling her ex. It took him a couple years to realize that was the night he came to terms with having feelings for her. He just couldn't act on them.

The waitress with a nametag reading Mikayla comes over to their table interrupting his thoughts. "I already know what I want," he barely looks at the menu relaying it to the 19-year-old.

She then looks over at Gen that says, "I'm good. I'll take a lemonade too though."

"You're not hungry?" He asks to double check.

"Absolutely not," she shakes her head extending the menu back to the waitress. Magenta tucks her hands under her thighs looking around awkwardly.

The waitress walks away leaving a stillness over the table. "Weren't you saying you were hungry earlier? You could've got something. On me," he smiles like this is a five-star restaurant.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she leans in. "Waffle House isn't that good. I only eat it because it's the after club and party spot, but I prefer IHOP. I barely like that now actually. I'm more of a café girl." Gee laughs because she sounds relieved to get that off her chest. She even leans back to where her back hits the booth seat with a sigh. "You agree, right? I'm not crazy. This shit is like the county jail. I just feel unclean. I know they got roaches."

"You know about the county, huh? You get arrested once with me and-"

"Squeeze me?! Who is we? You got arrested. I was detaineddd," she puts a hand on her chest flipping hair over her shoulder.

"They put you in the backseat of that cruiser in cuffs just like me. You took a ride down to the station."

"But I didn't get a mugshot taken or put in a cell. Let's be clear. My record's clean, baby." When she jumps he furrows his eyebrows. "Thought I saw a roach." She rubs her arm making him do a jovial laugh putting a fist to his mouth.

"Still crazy, but you done got bougie on me, Twinkle." Fidgeting with the napkin holder his eyes glance towards her.

"I ain't never been a bougie, high saddity bitch. Don't get it twisted. I've just elevated. I'm a little more expensive."

"Yeah, you realll expensive. You out here asking for $20k like you're Jayda Wayda, Ari, or somebody."

"Yesterday's price is not today's price. I might start doing club hosting's. I think I can stand on a couch and twerk while screaming Ay! I'm tired of doing real work." After they both lightly laugh it dies down. "You must've wanted to see me again really bad to pay that much."

"How do you know I paid it?"

The check was from your company instead of your artist's label. I'm not mad at it. You helped pay off car."

"I'm glad I can help." The waitress brings their drinks and they both take a few seconds to unwrap their straws and take a sip. Gee taps his finger into the table staring into Magenta. "Why did we ever stop talking?"

Gen laughs lowering her head. She can't stand when men act oblivious to the root of a problem. "You're asking the wrong person. Ask yourself that."

"Yeahh, that was my fault," he admits scratching his head. "But I've tried to reach out. Between blocking me, getting new numbers, not responding..."

"You pushed me away, so I left you alone. You just left without saying bye. When I would reach out you would ignore me. After awhile I said fuck it. Clearly, he wants nothing to do with me. I also got a little petty," she slightly shrugs.

"Me being one hundred with you and myself... I was embarrassed," he admits.

"Embarrassed about what? Not being able to come back to school? We saw and knew anything there was to know about each other, good or bad. Went through too much shit together, good or bad. I understood."

"I promised you I'd finish school and I didn't. I always felt like you deserved better than me. When I had to leave I still owed you money too. I thought if I answered your calls or texts you would ask for it and I didn't have it. You know how that shit go. You go from being up to down. Then that male ego shit comes into play. I can't let anybody know I'm going through it, so I rather distance myself in my low moments."

It takes a second for Gen to remember she loaned him over $1,000. He was short and needed it to re-up. That was a lot of money for her back then as a broke college student, but he said he'd pay her right back. "I didn't care about that damn money. Still don't."

"You don't? Cause I got it now," he jokes lightheartedly to help the mood not be so serious. He reaches into the pocket of his pants playfully.

"I'll take it if you got it," she chuckles. "And if I'm being honest, I was hurt. I felt partially to blame because I connected you with my brother and that's how you met Fade. I felt guilty. Shit, I thought you blamed me too. I thought we were closer than that. You were the only person from college I got that close too. Really the only person I had left. It was lonely when you left. Ya know?"

"That definitely is not your guilt to wear. I made a lot of dumb decisions that cost me a lot. I should have said this sooner, but I didn't know what to say or how. I'm sorry. If I knew then what I know now I would've done it differently. I'm sorry for how I handled it, you."

Magenta nods in acceptance. "Apology accepted. I knew you had no choice when it came to leaving. Now am I getting that $1,300 you owe me?" she sticks out her hand making him chuckle.

"You didn't care about the money, but still remember the amount all these years later, huh?" he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a wad of cash and taking the rubber band off then counting it out. He hands it over saying, "$2,000. Extra for interest."

"Thank you," she smiles taking it gladly. She playfully fans herself with it before stuffing it into her bra. "So, how's life been treating you?" She asks resting her arms on the table.

"Like shit," he tries to laugh it off.

"Well, okay. I know you're not still with Trinidad. You guys had the baby though. How's-"

"Ooooh," Gee couldn't help himself from cutting her off. He leans back putting his arm across the top of the booth seat feeling uncomfortable.

"What?" She asks with confusion

"You're really out of the loop if you're bringing that up. The baby wasn't mine."

"What? How?"


Magenta's eyes bug. "Bitch! Wait a minute!" She tries to take it in almost forgetting Gee isn't a female. "As in my brother's, Fade? How the hell did I miss that tea? Then again the man has like 6 kids. He had a new one every 6 months. Baby mamas out the ass. I couldn't keep up if I wanted to back then. You're telling me-"

"Exactly. My dumb ass was tryna start a family with her and everything. The joke was on me," he blows out air sitting back shaking his head.

"At least you found out before it was too late," she tries to be optimistic.

"I guess."

"How did I miss that?" That bombshell makes her forget what she originally intended to ask.

"So, you still with Noah?"

"How do you know about that?" she narrows her eyes.

"Instagram stalking. I really didn't think you would get back with him." The waitress brings his food and he thanks her.

"Me either. It just happened. He moved back to Texas when he got drafted by the Houston Texans and boom," she keeps it vague.

Gee knew Noah was in the NFL. It didn't go like everyone expected it to go. Noah went from a star college athlete to being forgotten after an injury. He recovered, but lost his last season before entering the draft. He also didn't have the best draft workout. That resulted in him getting picked in the last round as opposed to the first like he had been hyped up to be.

It was better than not making it to NFL at all and dreams being shattered like Gee...Noah's career has been filled with the bench, unmet expectations, and injuries. He was honestly a bust. He got traded to the Los Angeles Rams, but this has been his third trade in three years.

"Well, that's all over now," Gen slides in running her hand through her hair.

"Hmph," Gee sounds off taking a bite of his waffle. He thinks about the fact him and Kelsey just broke up as well. "I'm gonna be honest, there's a reason I wanted to see you so bad."

"And that is?"

"I did a lot of thinking about missed opportunities and second chances... after my father passed away."

Magenta's first instinct is for her mouth to drop. She wasn't expecting that. "I didn't know," she says softly after the initial shock. She really didn't. She decided to take a break from social media for her mental well-being. Regardless, Gee didn't post about it anyway. He wouldn't know what to say. He chose to grieve in private. "Can I ask when?"

"A couple weeks ago. It's coo. How would you know if we weren't speaking?"

"I'm sorry," she says with sincerity. "I know how close you were to him."

Gee smiles a little. "My Daddy still used to ask about you. Miss lady. My girl, Twinkle," he mimics Genaro making Gen smile too. "I think he was more upset than me when we stopped being friends. He used to say I was losing my mind without you. I thought I was doing what was right for both of us," he stares into her.

Gen raises her eyebrows. "Was he right?"

"There was for sure missing in my life. I missed you."

She chuckles. In her mind she doesn't want to say it back because it reveals a small notion of emotions. She came into this wanting to have her guard up., but she can't. He has a way of knocking her walls down. "I missed you too," she admits.

"You know you still owe me a date," his eyes brighten up.

"I thought you wouldn't remember that. But I don't owe you anything. The agreement was when I'm ready if I'm recalling correctly."

"Damn, you still not ready after all these years?" He jokes.

She laughs tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Can we just get to know each other as friends again? I'm sure we're completely different people now. We're not the same people we were in college. I know I'm not."

"Me either," he agrees.

"Exactly, so we need to get to know each other again. Build trust. Re-meet one another, so to speak."

He sticks out his bottom lip and nods. Gee cleans off his hand and extends it across the table. "What's your name?"

Playing along she answers, "Magenta."

"Magenta? As in the color? That's your real name?" Gee quotes his words from years ago with a smirk. It damn near feels like a haunting moment. She realizes how much they've been through together. Maybe too much to hold a grudge...

"Yeah, and what about it?" She rolls her neck with playful attitude remembering back then she still had her heavy Dallas accent. She takes his hand and shakes his hand as they look one another in the eye. They hold onto one another's hand for a few seconds before releasing.

"Friends?" When he rests his elbow on the table and sticks out his index finger she chuckles. "Come on. Don't leave me hanging. You remember, right?

"Stupid," she mutters touching her finger to his.

"Locked in. You fasho can't get rid of me this time," he swears.

"Last time you said that you left, so slow down, partna."

"Alright," he holds up his hands. "We cool now?"

"We decent. I'm not saying it's going to be like it used to be. Baby steps."

He nods. "That's fine by me." As long as they're speaking, he'll accept anything.


Some hints were thrown👀

Gee & Gen finally sitting down to talk?

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