Chapter 4

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The next morning Anika arrived at 8:00 a.m sharp at Shivaay's office clad in a gree cotton saree. As soon as she entered the office, the whole staff looked at her and their jaws dropped. It was not everyday you see you boss's  ex wife in the office. The male staff started snickering and smirking- their boss's ex wife was a hot piece of ass.

Anika was officially scared now. Majority of the staff happened to be male and they all were looking at her as if they were going to pounce any minute. Cursing her fate she started looking around for her boss.

So you are here came Shivaay Singh Oberoi's voice . As soon as he entered the room , there was pin drop silence. Everyone was shoked. In the past three months, their boss had hardly showed up at the office and now he was there at such an early time and that too was having a conversation with his ex wife who he had thrown out of his house. The big Oberoi divorce had been all over the news- who could have missed it.

Mishra...Anika will be taking control of the event managment department..she will organize all the formal dinners and parties...explain to her all the work and give her Rochak's office. One more thing  said Shivaay looking at Anika- you will report not to anyone else but to me only. I hope everything is clear.

But everything was not clear - not to rochak gupta at least. He was the chief financial advisor of Shivaay and an integral part of the company. And now his office had been given to his whore of a ex wife according to rochak .

Shivaay was no fool. He obviously had a motive for giving Anika Rochak's office. It was right in front of his- not that it mattered since he was going to make her work in his office most of the time. Still he ahd to keep the pretenses up. Second reason was he would rather have her have minimal interaction with the staff especially the male staff.

Aniak was offcially more confused now. Why had he given her an office that too such a big one. Her doibts were cleared as soon as she saw its location. Shivaay had a direct view in to her office and also the curtains had been removed.

Bliss. Bliss is what Shivaay felt as he sat on his chair gawking at her back. She had alreafdy started working- that was clear.

Perhaps i should also get some work done thought Shivaay with a small smile on his face.

Anika had been so engrossed in her work that she hadn't notice that it was lunch time. It didn't matter to her anyway. Skipping meals was now a regualr part of her life. She was no longer the Anika who loved eating. After the divorce, everything in her life had become bland including the taste of the food. Not to mention feeding oneself requires money and though Chanda had been helping her out financially , Anika would often try to cut down on unnecessary things . So she had decided she would at least skip one meal a day. Also she had convinced herself that she could lose weight that way. Think about how proud Rudra would be of you Anika she told herself everytime she skipped a meal.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was none other than Rochak. Would you like to join us for a lunch miss. Anika? Asked Rochak making his way towards her.

There will be need for that came Shivaay's voice. Miss Anika is quite capable of having lunch by herself Mr. Gupta. You should go ahead camme Shivaay's voice which was enough to make rochak turn around.

Have you had lunch yet? Asmed Shivaay to which Anika nodded negatively.

Come with me

I had a late breakfast so...

I said come with me

You are my boss can make me work ...not have lunch argued Anika.

Exactly you are my employee and not eating will decrease your work efficiency. I can't have that as tonight you have to work late as i have to host the annual office party tomorrow night .

Wait party but at such a short notice..i mean how can i possibly

That's you problem ...not mine come with me

Shivaay had taken Anika to his own cabin where he had someone  bring aalo poori from a place she liked.

Anika was officially confused now. She had thought that Shivaay had hired for the sole purpose of making her life miserable. But here he was feeding her her favourite dish.

After finishing the most awkward lunch she had ever had, Anika got out the office as soon as she could.

Shivaay had been true to his words and had made her work to the bone. He had shown no mercy. For a moment she thought that SSO was back. But Anika was happy. She quite enjoyed working even though it was as a part of her ex husband's twisted revenge game.

Anika! Its late shoukd go home you want me to drop you came Gupta's voice.

Anika was about to say no when she had an idea. She knew Shivaay would be watching so she walked to Gupta and said why not? I could use a ride and it is...

There will be no need for that came Shivaay voice. He had come in a flash when he had seen Gupta entering her office.

Gupta go from here..

But Sir

I said Leave right otherwise you are fired.

Afraid of loosing his job Gupta dashed out of the room.

What the hell was that? questioned Shivaay

What do you mean said Anika fulky aware of what he was talking about.

Why did you agree to let him drop you?

Because its quiet late and

So ? You are not allowed to do that. You should have asked.

You are my boss. How could i have asked you.

Because just...i said so okay said Shivaay . Come now...i'll drop you home now.

There is no beed for that. I don't think i should travel late at night with a strange man.

You could go with Gupta but not with me? I am you hus...beofre he  could complete that sentence he realize she was purposely trying to annoy him and he was just about to admit what he thought of her. How he still considered her his and how he hated Gupta or any other man who came close to her.

Come on now. Let's go

The whole ride Shivaay kept stealing glances at her but she remained oblivious for she was far too sleepy.

Anika regained conciousness when she felt herself being carried. Beofre she could make anu sense of what was happening, she was already placed on the bed.

She opened her eyes to find herself staring into a pair of blue eyes.

She looked at him questioningly.

You fell asleep.


I didn't want to wake you up?

Why not? why do you care about an employee anyway..why

Anika stop please just stop

You are the one who hired me to hurt me

Do you really think i'll do that Anika?

No Shivaay i know you would never hurt me.

But you did Anika. Three months ago.

I don't wanna talk about that please Shivaay.

You can quit if you want said Shivaay after some time.

I like working and this job seems like a good fit for me was all Anika said.

Shivaay's happines knew no bounds. Atleast she would be close to him. So what if they were divorced . Something is better then nothing thought Shivaay.

I'll take your leave now said Shivaay before turning around.

Wait! Chanda isn't home tonight you wanna stay...i can stay if you want. Its too late and it looks as if its going to rain and the traffic

Before Anika could give any more explanation Shivaay agreed.

I'll stay Anika.

Okay then.

Anika had no idea why she had asked him to stay. Perhaps she wasn't ready to be away from him once again. An inner battle was going inside her. She had no idea what was about to happen .

They had initially decided on making dinner but Shivaay was the one who did most of the cooking. It was as if they had never gotten divorced. That's how perfect it felt.

They had spent the night talking about how her first day went. Eventually Anika felt asleep on Shivaay's chest . Shivaay placed her on the bed and laid beside her. He had held Anika as if someone was going to take her away. Their legs tangled and hands entwined made for a perfect end to the night. Until there was knock at the door whick woke Shivaay up.

Shivaay looked at the time. It was 3:00 a.m . He wondered who it coukd have been. Perhaps its chanda thought Shivaay as he made his way towards the door.

To his utter shock he found the current bane of his existence standing at the door. It was none other than samar jeet malhotra who was clearly intoxicated as he was holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

Where is she? Asked Samar

She is sleeping replied Shivaay calmly. The last thing he wanted was for her to wake up.

I thought i would have a drink with her. Tell her i that i came and also that i will come tomorrow so she better be prepared to keep her end of the bargain said Samar before going away.

Wait . What end of the bargain?

Oh that's a personal matter now ...and  by the way aren't you two divorced so what are you doing here?

That is none of your business replied Shivaay.

Right then. I should go said Samar before walking out.

Shivaay wemt back to the back though sleep evaded him. The whole Samar and Anika thing was really bugging him. Had Anika borrowed money from Samar? But he knew Anika. She was far too arrogant or proud to ask anyone for help. And why would Samar out of all people help her.

The next morning when shivaay woke up Anika was already dressed in a red saree . She was braiding her hrain when Shivaay called out to her.

You are already awake? How?

Because today is the office party remember and you told me that i have to finish work.

Don't worry about it. I can cancel it.

No. I made most of the arrangements yesterday. We should go now. I mean i should go. You will obviously need to go home and change.

Okay i'll go home and come back to pick you.

No...i mean i can come by myself to the office. Besides i don't think it'd be wise to be seen by anyone.

I don't think its a good option for your to ride your champa wearing a saree or for that matter a bus. Driver will pick you up and drop you somewjere close to office. Before Anika could protest Shivaay was out of the door. He was trying to avoid the talk. What happened last night had made him vulnerable. Even when he hated her loved her if and nothing could change that.

Anika spent the entire day running from here and there to make sure that everything was taken care of. When lunch came , she was once again whisked to Shivaay's cabin to have lunch though Shivaay was in a meeting.

Shivaay came out of the conference room with a smile on his face after cracking a big business deal which vanished as soon as he saw gupta hovering near Anika. Anika was sitting while gupta's hand were on the back of the chair though dangerously close to her back. Apparently Anika needed some help in selecting a few design and in also getting the costs approved for which she had approached Gupta who have ever so graciously offered to help her. As soon as Anika saw Shivaay she immediately got up . This time she had no intention of annoying and wnated to get her work done but the baghad billa wouldn't understand that.

Miss Anika. My. Office. Now ordered Shivaay beofre he turned around and stormed out of there.


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