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This shot deals with the aftermath of Veer's revelation.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi thought he was a smart man who could protect his family from no matter what and who. But he had been proved wrong , time and again, especially when it came to her.

Never in a million years would he have thought that he would ever love some the way he loved his wife. That he would ever care for someone other than his family to that extent. But it had eventually happened or rather she had happened restoring his faith in unconditional and neverending love.

But his stupidity had put her in danger and as  he stood outside the hospital room inside which his wife was being treated in he couldn't help but curse himself for failing her once again. He should have learned his lesson long time ago. A lesson which he though he had learned courtesy his ex friend Daksh Khurana. Yet he let another obsessive man enter their lives who tried take her away from him right under his nose.

How could he have been so naive? How could he have not seen it? Everything was making semse now . It was all clear. How Veer's eyes used to follow his wife's every moment. How he used to find ways to talk with Anika . Shivaay had ignored it all for he had thought that Veer was a married man with a daughter. And Shivaay as a married man never had the desire to look at another woman like that let alone married so why would a family man like Veer would. Oh how he had been proven wrong. Except this time stakes were higher than ever. Veer was no Daksh. Even Daksh appeared saint like in the front of Veer.

Mr. Oberoi ! Mr. Oberoi the doctor called out to Shivaay.

Bhaiya Bhaiya said Rudra trying to bring Shivaay back to reality.

Shivaay immedietly stood up and looked at the doctor scared of what he might say.

She is out of danger for now. Though there are some things i would like to discuss with you in private.

Can i see her ? Please? Whispered Shivaay or more like begged. It had been a month , an entire month, after which he would be seeing her. They had been away from each other for this long during their separation and even then Shivaay would sneak to her chawl to sneak a peek at her. But this time he had to live or more like exist for a month without her.

The doctor took pity on him and let him see her first. There she laid on the hospital bed bruised abd battered , attached to various tubes, her eyes closed. Shivaay had resolve that he wouldn't cry ; that he would't break down but he broke down seeing her in that condition and it was all because of him .

After sitting with her for some time he finally went to meet the doctor leaving her with his brothers and their partners.

Mr. Oberoi first all we would like to say that your wife is really lucky or rather strong. However there is one thing we are worried about.

What are you talking about Mr. Kumar asked Shivaay worriedly.

Well as you already know that your wife was in the captivation of that man for a long time . And though she is going to recover there is a possibility that there are going to be quite a few psycholgical represcussions.

Can you please elaborate?

Well i am talking about a disorder called the stockholm syndrome that i fear your wife is going to experience . In this syndrome the victim views the captor in a positive light and relates with him/ her. When your wife was brought in and whisly we were operating on her she kept whispering that veer was innocemt over amd over again . This had led us to believe that she may act a bit differently than your expectation.

So how can we take care of it? There is a cure right? Asked Shivaay impatiently.

Well it can be treated but there are no medicines. It requires therapy and patience. This is the name of the best therapist in Goa who specialises in cases like these. I would suggest that you take your wife as soon as possible to him.

Shivaay was so confused now. He had spent most of his time on besides her  bed the rest of the day searching about the syndrome and he couldn't help but be scared. He woke up to the sounds of her screaming.

Let me go! Where is he? Why have you taken him ? Veer ! Veer!

Anika Shhh calm down please...let me just call the doctor.

No stay away from me. I want Veer. By that time the doctor had already entered with nurses in tow amd put Anika to sleep with an injection. Anika's behaviour had confirmed that seh was indeed suffering from Stockholm syndrome. This had sent Shivaay into a shock.

The next day had been equally difficult if not more. The hospital had dischared Anika but taking her back to their home proved to be a mammoth task. Anika had her memories of Oberoi but they were marred with the manipulations of Veer. Though she was responding to Gauri a few time she was mostly silent wjem anybody ttied to talj to her and turned her face away everytime Shivaay even came around her.

When the reached home and efforts were made to take Anika to theri bedroom , Anika had flat out regused to sleep in the same room let alone the same bed as Shivaay. Gauri had finally convinced Anika to share the room with her. All this broke Shivaay's heart . Never had he imagined this kind of pain. But he couldn't be weak. For her sake. He would have to be S.S.O , the cruel Shivaay in order to save her.

The next morning Anika had refused to have breakfast at the same table as him saying that Veer would disapprove. But this time Shivaay hadn't obliged her request.

Listen to me Anika! You are my wife not Veer's and i know deep down you still remember that you still remember us. So you can act all you want and i know you are in a lot of pain but know this you will never be allowed to meet Veer ever again. I will mak sure of it. And we are going to a therapist today so finish your breakfast so that i can take you there. Shivaay's tone had been enough to make her scared.

But Veer ..

Do not test my patience hollered Shivaay. Eat . Your. Breakfast. That had been enough to make her have her breakfast in peace. She had chosen to remain silent throughout the whole ride. Gone was the Anika who could talk for hours about anything.

The therapy session had proved to be more depressing for Shivaay than ever. He had to listen to his wife glorify another man...show admiration towars another man for Veer had fed Anika lies.

The therapist had advised Shivaay to be very careful with Anika and walk on egshells around her. That night Anika had tried to escape from the house only to be caught by Shivaay.

The therapy had been going for a while now. Though Anika was talking with Omru and Rivya she couldn't hold a conversation with Shivaay. As her normal self began coming back the relaization of what she had done to him had started dawning on her. Though there were days whe still thought of Veer in a postive light there were those too which reminded her of his cruelty. His torture. Him starving her for days and beating her. Soothing her by singing to her. Feeding her sometimes. Slowly Anika started regaining her senses and everything she felt for Shivaay started rushing back. Their love for each other. Their ishqbaazi. It was all too over whelming for her.

She had shocked everyone when she had asked Shivaay if he could move back to their room to which Shivaay Shivaay ahd readily agreed. Though he slept in the couch in the beginning but eventually she started opening more to him. There were good days and bad days but old Anika made an appearemce now amd then. And for Shivaay it became enough.

Eventually they had started sleeping on the same bed again. The therapy sessions were successful in rewriting Anika's perception about Veer. The more session she intened the sorried she felt though Shivaay never for a moment blamed her. Finally one night she had took intiative and hughed Shivaay which had left to them making out though Anika had requested soem more time to have sex as she still had reservations about it. She had confided in Shivaay that there were times when Veer had asked for it though he never forced it as he wanted hee to be willing. This had made Shivaay's blood boil but he had maintained a facade of calmness in front of her.

Finally she told him that she was ready and once again they were back to being Shivaay. There were quite a few ups and down now and then. Aniak still couldn't be trusted enough to be let alone which made Shivaay keep track of everything she wore. Shivaay had gotten possessive of her like never before. He made sure that there was no unwarranted male attention towards her from anyone. She was only allowed to interact with her devars and devranis . He had discussed it in depth with her therapist and he had also agreed. For her protection the male staff had been carefulky selected whichw as headed by Khanna as he wa sthe only outsider thatShivaay trusted.

Months had passed but it still anoyyed Anika the way Shivaya acted. She knew he washirt and afraid but this couldn't go on foreverm she had aske dhim to change his stance amd let her step out on her more to which Shivaay ahd replied ovee his dead body causing another fight.

But their wasn't anything that theie takkar ki ishqbaazi couldn't change.

I know this one's a bit different. Let me know how it was by commenting and liking and if you want me to write another shot following this.

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