Chapter 5

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Anika entered the office but not before  bracing herself for the litany of insults she was sure Shivaay was going to hurl at her. But to her utter shock , she saw a very calm Shivaay standing with his back to her looking out of the window.

You are here he said with pain in his voice.

You did call me. How could ignore your order?

Is that only reason why you listen to me. Because i am your boss?

Is there any other reason why i should listen to you?

Really? That low huh Anika said Shivaay finally turning around.

Says the man  who threw his wife out of his house.

Yeah because she talked about breaking his family apart even though she knew what it means to him. What was that? What gave you the right to play with out lives like that?

I don't owe you anything Shivaay.

Yeah you know what you are right just go back to your Samar jeet Malhotra . I was wrong . I thought perhaps we could work our differences out. But you are just a gold digger.

Oh so yoi are backing to blaming me for marrying you for your money are you? Except i didn' made me forcefully marry you by blackmailing me and what did you say about Samar. You know what you are right i should run back to him because unlike you he actually understands me.

So you admit it you are having an affair with him?

No Shivaay i am not and i would explain further but i see no point in doing that . I thought you had changed but you are still that Shivaay who accused me of sleeping with your hest froend for money even though i was innocent all because your rich friend told you so.

Tread carefully Anika said Shivaay clearly hurt. Daksh was a part of his or their life he couldn't even think about without losing his shit.

Why should I? You have never trusted me even once though i have proved my loyalty to you over and over again. But you can't blame for your insecurities Shivaay. I know the reason why we are having this discussion in the first place. You are mad at me for interacting with Gupta and want to mark your territory as if you are some alpha male? Well news flash you are not because you have lost every right Shivaay the day you divorced me.

So who has rights over you Anika? That Samar who showed up in the middle of the night asking for you the too leep your end of the bargain. Tell me right now what deal do you have with him? Huh said Shivaay moving close to her with a predatory look in his eyes. Pulling her by her waist towards him he whispered in her eyes you know very well what right i have over you..i showed you them that night didn't I ?

It took every ounce of will power for Anika to push him away. Not today Shivaay not again...i can't do this again...this tadi of yours Shivaay it will be the end of us one day...ot alreasdy has been the end of us. The night beofre was one of the best nights i have had in a long time but what now Shivaay? Are we going to play haq and dard games with each other and to what extent? Let's just admit that we have no future together and let each other go the way we did three months ago except this time there'll be no turning me back. Once i am out the door the possibility of us being us again is off the table said with tears streaming down her face.

You don't think i want that? I wat to stay away from you ...i want to move on but every time i look at you i just...i can't believe that for once i had found someone other than my family who i loved and then you just left me ..i may have thrown you out but you should have atleast come back once  ..i would have taken you back ..i would have forgotten everything despite my anger but you never did. Why? Was it really that easy to move on? And now once  again you want to do that again but this time i won't ley you walk out that door and that my love is a promise said Shivaay before storming out of the office.

Anikaa stood there for some time catching on the fact that he loved her. Somethibg which he had never said before. She was still confused regarding her job and their relatationship more than ever.  She decided it was best if she skipped the party altogether and headed home only to be met by Samar there .

What are you doin here Samar? Go home..

You know very well what i am doing here...we had a deal its time you honor it. Besides its nothing knew. We have it beofre haven't we.

Things have changed Samar i can't risk Shivaay ever finding out.

I can help you to pay off his loan Anika if we continue with our deal.

No Samar this is something i need to do on my own . As for as the money i owe you for helping me pay Chanda's rent i'll..

Don't worry about it Annika. We both were  just helping out each other said Samar before he left leaving behing an utterly miserable alone Anika. The thought of Shivaay finding out about her deal with Samar sent chills down her spine. Anika decided to make soup for herself as it was quite cold and settled on the couch. A knock on the door woke her up. It was far too late for anyone else to come other than him so she opened it without hesitation.

Shivaay entered her house with package of food in hand. Is chanda home? He asked after placing food on the table.

She is out with Amit.

Who is Amit now?

Her fiance. They are celebrating their 6 months anniversary today so.. what are you doing her...i mean what about the party.

It was a success thanks to you.

Hmm. So now what?

Now i we are going to have dinner followed by a session of us making out like a couple of teenagers which may escalate into something more depending on your mood.


Let's eat shall we.

This is like we are repeating yesterday all over again Shivaay said Anika whilst they were eating.

Though If Samar shows up today i'll beat the shit out of him said Shivaay half jokingly half serious. Anika just gave a nervous chuckle at this.

Once they were done Shivaay pulled Aniak to sit on his lap so that she was straddlibg her. Anika being ever shy trued to look away .

Shivaay said nothing but placed a kiss on her breasts over her top indicating that he wanted her to remove it. Anika couldn't help but agree and in a  second her top was on the floor. 

Why do we do this Shivaay when we know that...

Shhhh let's not talk please Said Shivaay before he leaning in and started kissing her. The night ended the way he had predicted with him on top of her fucking her brains out. It was as if all his anger and fristration found an outlet. He suspected that her moans would wake up the entire neighbourhood. Finally he pulled out.

That was... WOW said Amika after a few minutes.

I know . We should do it regularly said Shivaay with a smirk on his face.

This doesn't solve anything Shivaay.

I know. It didn't have to.

Then why did we do it.

Because sex is not the way to solve problem. Its to have fun and well express love.

Too bad our marriage couldn't survive even though there was love.

Don't ruin the mood.

Hmm. Well you should sleep now you have office tomorrow.

So do you. I didn't mean it Anika. Just come back once work i mean.

Shivaay you...

I know...just one last time . Promise me one thing though.


Gupta is a creep Anika and i would rather you mantain your distance. He has been accused of sexual harassment several times in the past.

Anika already knew that. Heck she had already gotten a dose of that this afternoon. Whilst Gupta was helping her out, there was a moment his hands had moved dangerously closed to her backside and aftersome time he placed them there. She could have sworn that he was trying to find the hook of her bra or play with the straps but she had chosen to ignore it and thankfully Shivaay had walked out right then . But she couldn't say all of this to the man who laid beside her.

I will Shivaay.

He hasn't said anything has he?

No. Of course not. If he would have i would have come to you.

That's my girl said Shivaay pulling he closer and kissed her hands. Sleeping with her in his arms was something he had dreamt of in the past three months and now he has hed and nothing could take her away from him. And that was enough for now.

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