Chapter 6

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This chapter is dark. Contains mention of rape and sexual harassment at workplace. Read at your own risk. It may trigger.

Working in the same office as Anika proved to be a challenge  for Shivaay for he spent most of his day trying to steal glances at her and occasionally kept calling her to his cabin under the pretense of work. Anika on the other hand was loving her new job and for once everything was running smoothly. There was the problem of Gupta who kept on trying ways to unecessarily touch her . The last thing she wanted was tell that to Shivaay. She knew his anger amd the last thing she wanted was for him to be mad. Besides she thought it was too late now. She should have told him about Gupta's intentions the day he asked him .

And now when Shivaay was away on a international conference she was forced to work under Gupta who purposely made her stay late at office. She could have easily made one call to Shivaay but she didn't want to be that girl. She wanted to handle her own problems. Besides she had a lot of catching up to do with Samar. She couldn't meet him when Shivaay was around. He'd again assume something and get jealous. If only he knew.

But he can never know Anika. Don't even think about the possibility Anika chided herself.

But she did not have the heart to not tell Shivaay about her meeting so she had sent him a message which read ' going to meet Samar today' and she had immedietly switcged off her phone. She knew she couldn't tell him on the phone. Shivaay ha dbeen bugging her about her deal with Samar and she had till now successfully dodged his questions but it was becoming difficult day by day.

Catching up with Samar proved to be really relaxing for her. She needed the pleasant company. Though his company couldn't make up for the absence of Shivaay yet it did make her feel less alone. Samar was the only one who k ew about Anika's past. He was the one who had helped Anika during the toughest time of her life and though there deal was shady it helped them both deal with their issue. Anika had also confided in him about Gupta's advances towards her to which he had responded by offering his help though Anika had politely refused . She just needed someone to hear her and though her  and Shivaay talked but she couldn't discuss things like these because Shivaay would as usual throw a hissy fit without even listening the whole thing. Yes Gupta was a creep but he hadn't done anything direct yet . At least not direct enough for him to lose his job .

Anika reached home tired and finally switched on jer phone which were as expected flooded with messages from Shivaay. While she was scrolling through the messages a voice startled her.

So you finally found time to check your phone huh cane Shivaay's voice.

You! Anika yelled she was shocked to see him there.

What ar eyou doing here? And when did you come back said Anika as she ran into his arms.

Shivaay said nothing but picked her up placing a kiss on her lips.

We can talk later. Come now i have a romantic dinner planned for us.

But i already ate.

Okay then we'll go for ice cream come on.

The entire car ride Anika kept talking about one thing or the other trumying to avoid the Samar topic. Eventually shivaay asked

How was your meeting with Samar?

The smile on Anika's face vanished. It was fine she replied.

Its okay Anika. I am not angry.

Really then why did you come back early.

Because i finisheed my work early and i missed you. Your meeting with Samar had nothing to do with it. Though since we are on this subject i was wondering if the three of us could have dinner.

I am sorry what?

Well you, Samar and I should have dinner. He is your friend and its time i meet him.

But you already know him.

That's a different thing. I know him professionally but not personally .

Okay i'll check with him and let you know.

Great. So tell me about what everyone in the office has  been upto? Did anyone trouble you?

Anika knew this was the best time to come clean about Gupta but she did not want to have that talk yet.

Actually Shivaay you know i was wondering if i could change my office if its okay with you. Maybe if she could work on a floor away from Gupta she would be successful in steering clear of him.  But the problem was Shivaay's office was also on the same floor though he was out most of the time.

Why do you want to change your office? I like having yours in fornt of mine.

I know but everyone on this floor has been working for years and have so much experience while i am just an amateur. I mean soemone else deserves this office more. You should give it back to gupta.

There is no need of that. Besides it doesn't matter how long anyone has been working. You are good at what you do if not best and deserve that office.

Yeah but

You are not moving Anika. If you want though you can just work from mine.

But its your office.

So two people can't use it? Its big enough and i barely work in it. I am away nost of the time.

But what about the staff?

What about them? You think too much. Pick any place you want as long as its nearby my office though i would love it if we could work in the same one said Shivaay suggestively.

Anika knew what kind of work Shivaay meant. That man was insatiable.

True to his word shivaay had made Anika work from his office. Though he kept finding ways of touching her and what not. Shivaay still kept pestering Anika about having dinner with Samar and Anika kept delaying it.

They had now started spending their nights at Shivaay's penthouse. It provided them with complete privacy and an escape from the outside world. It was hardly a few minutes away from their office which really helped considering Mumbai traffic.

They were both lying in bed cuddling each other. Shivaay kissed Anika on her nose and whispered 'you are so cute baby'.

Is that so? you want me to show you how cute i think you are?

Seriously you wanna go for another round now?

Why not ? Said Shivaay gazing at her breasts that laid naked because of their earlier lovemaking session.

Because i am tired and I want to sleep. Besides from tomorrow the preparation for Chanda's wedding has to begin or she'll kill me so i need the energy.

Fine we'll sleep for now said Shivaay. The next morning when he woke up Anika was still sleeping. He knew she had a busy day ahead so he let her sleep as she needed wouldn't have momemt to rest today.

Anika finally woke up and after having breakfast Shivaay dropped her off at Chanda's place. Then when she was done helping for the preparation there she went to the office as their was going to be a big event in a few days with a lot of foreign potential business partners so she had to make sure that everything was spick and span.

Anika what are you doing here? Gupta cornered her outside the elevator.

Umm...i work here.

I know that dear but i though you had a day off.

How did you know that?

Oh well you know through the grapevine.

I should go...i have to make arrangements for the..

The big event coming up? Well i was just about to hold a meeting about the finacial budget of the even so i suppose you'll have to join the rest of us.

No i report directly to..

Mr. Oberoi...i know but he is not in the office right now...he has to gone to attend that conference today remember...anyway we need to discuss all the details today so be ther in the conference room in a few said Gupta before walking away.

Anika had a bad feeling about this. She tried to call shivaay but he wasn't pocking up.

Oh what's the harm in attending the meeting...other people are going to be there yhough Anika as she made her way inside. For some reason Gupta had delayed the meeting citing that he needed aome more time to work out the details . Finally Anika was called in the remote conference room on the alst floor where Gupta and others were waiting for her. She presented her plans for the party which was readily accepted by everyone with the exception of Gupta .

You call this a plan ? Look i now you are new and all but this is isn't soem local event? Oberoi's prestige is relate dto it and we need something big remarked Gupta.

Okay by tomorrow i'll...

But Anika was cut off. We don't have till tomorrow . I am sure you can spare some time tonight and prepare the plans.

But its already 8:00 p.m Anika pointed out.

So people work late all the time..

Fine. I'll go..

No..just stay here and start working i'll help you out. We don't have a lot of time. Shruti you can go but Mohit and alok stay here and help us said Gupta.

Anika was so confused right now. Her plans were anything but mediocre ..she was the one who had arranged all the Oberoi functions in the past so she was familiar with their taste.

But this is an office event Anika. Don't read too much into it. Though Anika.
Anika had tried calling Shivaay but there was no network .

Things started getting strange after that.  The clock had struck 10:00 p.m. and Gupta ahd opened a bottle of whiskey.

Anika would you like one? Asked gupta as he poured soem for Alok , Mohit and himself.

No i would like to finish the work.

Oh come on Anika said Mohit as he sat beside her keeping his hands around her shoulder. Have some yaar..

I think i should go said Anika getting up only to be pulled by ashok. Not so soon Anika said Ashok.

What the hell are you doing ? Let me go !yelled Anika

Boys don't tease her ..we were just having some fun can go said gupta.

Anika heaved a sigh of relief . For a moment she was convinced that the intention of these three men were something else.

Gatherimg her stuff Anika ran towards the elevator and pressed the button but it didn't work. She kept pressing it.

Oh the elevator is not allowed to come to this floor after a certain time as its dangerous since this floor is rarely used by anyone and is always almost isolated came Gupta's voice.

How are we supposed to go down then asked Anika  as the realization dawned on her that her hunch about the three men was correct. They were upto something.

Oh well you can always use the stairs but..

But this fool Ashok well i told him to carry the keys to the door leading to staircase but he forgot. So guess we'll have to stay here for quiet some time Anika said Gupta comeing closer towards her. The lights went off as it was raining outside and there was a thunderstorm

You are doing this on purpose aren't you?

Doing what..come inside the office

No i am fine here i'll wait here

Oh come on Anika join us na a very drunk Ashok said emerging from the office followed by a drunk could gives tips about to impress Shivaay Sir so we too could get a corner office snickered Gupta.

Yeah Anika tell us how you did that considering you are his asked Mohit.

So that's what this is abou? Look you can take the office back i..

Oh its not about the office Anika said Gupta moving closer. Anika was sweating now. Its about how our boss made me a harvard graduate work beneath you. He gave me the chief financial advisor a small cubicle mad his whore of an orphan wife - a nobody my office.

So what's the plan now ...what to do you want me to do said Anika moving backwards. The three of them were surrounding her. She knew she was outnumbered.

Well we were wondering that maybe you could help us out.

How can i help you out? And Ashok and Mohit what did i ever do to you i though you were my friends.

Friends oh please because of you we have to bear the brunt of Mr. Oberoi's anger. Anything you do wrong he has no problem with it but instead blames us.

Boys let it go na..tell you what Anika we'll let you go if you satisfy us the same way you do you ex said gupta unbucklimg his belt.

Anika knew she had no other option but to run. She started running as fats as she could only to be caught by akash and Mohit. What are you doing please step begged Anika as they dragged her to the office and pinned her down on the table.

By now Gupta's had opened his fly . Don't worry i won't rape you Anika you just have to give me a blow job said Gupta as he moved towards her but Anika worked fast and smashed the whiskey bottle in Ashok's face and   used her knee to kick Mohit's groin . Both the man lay on the floor in pain as Anika ran out .

Idiots muttered i'll have to chase her alone and you both want get any action said Gupta as he ran toward her.

Come on Anika come out wherever you are..i am not asking for much i just want to see how it feels to have my cock sucked by the richest man of India's ex wife oh ..oh and even if you escape tonight then there is always tomorrow abd if you are thinking about telling anyone well no one is going to believe you..not your ex husband..he hates you know..he just hired you to make you miserable ...everyone has seen how he threw you out ..if you think he is going to step up for you and consider risking the reputation of his Oberoi empire then you are a fool  yelled out Gupta . If only he knew what Shivaay Singh Oberoi would do to him.

Anika was hidimg behind a pillar now . She looked at her phone and surpisingly she was getting range here. She called Shivaay and he picked up on the first ring

Anika where are you i ..

Shivaay listen to me very carefully i am at the office.


Suddenly Gupta grabbed Anika from Behind and the phone dropped. But Shivaay had heard Anika's scream before the call cut.

He too was at the office but he had though that Anika was at Chanda's. Anika was nowhere to be seen until he Shruti filled him in on how Gupta arranged a meeting . 

Finally it all  clicked to Shivaay. He rushed inside the elevator . He knew that Gupta mist jave set Anika up.

Gupta had made Anika sit on the couch adn was fondling her breasts.

Take your hands off you creep..

Shh..earlier i wasn't going to do this but now i want all of you

I am going to tell Shivaay he will

Do nothing..he knows how impotamt of an asset i am to this company he wouldn't risk me leaking all his financial secrets to his enemies now would he ..especially for his ex

Is that so cama Shivaay's voice. He atood there his eyes all red looking like a predator ready to jump on his prey.

Shivaay Sir said Gupta getting up amd releasing anika.

I was just...but Shivaay didn't let him finish the senetence. He punched him hard . Soon Khanna too joined the scene.

Shivaay scooped Anika in his arms . Shivaay i..

Its okay baby i am here now

There are two more of them...Ashok and Mohit..they are inside the office cried out Anika . Shivaay ordered khanna to take care of the three bastards. First he needed to attend to Anika who had fallen unconsious.

When Anika woke up she was in their room at the penthouse. She felt weak and then the memories started flooding back in. She started having a panic attack.

Anika its okay i am sokay Shh said Shivaay in an efforst to calm her down. Be helped her take off her sweatly clothes and led her to the shower.

After they both had taken a shower Shivaay made Anika set down. Anika had described what had happened in detail which made Shivaay's blood boil. He wanted to teach those bastards a lesson himslef but he couldn't leave Anika alone.

Finally after tucking Anika in, Shivaay called Khanna. Those three bastards were going to meet their end thought Shivaay as he left the penthouse.

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