The Ex

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This shot centres around Anika's past. So far we have had Shivaay get jealous of basically Anika's imaginary male friends and stalkers. This one deals with Anika and her ex. Also it takes place in the current track and time .

Anika woke up with a huge smile on her face . Being back in their own room was a bliss. She missed Goa but home was home. She was excited to be back amidst the chatter of Oberoi mansion which is exactly how she liked it. As she dressed up in her yellow dress when suddenly the realization that that today was Sahil'l s parents and her adoptive paremt death anniversary dawned on her. It instantly made her sad . They were the only ones who treated her as her own and loved her even if for a short time. She knew that it was best of she kept this information to herslef as she did not want spoil everyone's mood by sharing her grief especially since they were happy after a long time. Sometimes all Anika wanted was to talk to someone. Sure she had her own family now but she couldn't talk about her past and overwhelm them. Descending down the staors she walked in the kitchen with a huge smile on her face . The boys were apparently discussing about what they were going to gift their respective partners.

Anika put on abrave front and started hounding Shivaay about what her gift id  going to be. Finally she left the kitchen when after hearing Shivaay's speech on how Valentine's day was just a way to huudwink naive lovers. Later all the youngsters were gathered in the grand living room of Oberoi mansion whilst Anika was in the room . She had excused herself as it was getting harder for her to keep pretenses up.

Khanna walked into the living room of Oberoi mansion with a bouquet of red roses accompanying a letter and a box of chocolates.

Who are those from Khanna ji ? Aww rudy did you order those for me asked Bhavya excitedly

Oh please why would i give you roses on Valentine's day...i was thinking more like golden cuffs

Rudra said Bhaya as she punched him with her elbows.

Lady cop you need to tone it down mumbled Rudra.

Actually these are for Anika ma'am interjected  Khanna.

Aww Shivaay i thought according to you Valentine's day was a marketing tool. But you still ordered it for bhabhi came Omkara's voice accopanied by a smile on his face.

I did not order these O. Show me Khanna said Shivaay. Obviously he had something big planned for Anika but he wasn't the one who had ordered these.

Taking the bouquet and the box of chocolate from Khanna which looked ridiculously expensive Shivaay opened the letter attached to them. The letter read :

Thinking of you today. I know how hard this day can be for you. They will always be with you and Sahil Anika. Never forget that. I am sending you your favourite comfort food - those ridiculously expensive chocolates that you liked but i couldn't give them to you back then. But now i Can . Oh and also the flowers because old habits die hard. Call me up if you feel like talking.


Yours and only yours


What is in the letter bhaiya ? Asked Rudra as he snatched it from Shivaay who stood fixed to his spot and  started reading it aloud. Unfortunately Rudra had read the whole letter before relaizing what he had read.

Shuvaay was super confused now . Who was Ady? And why was Anika sad today. Who was he talking about ? Sahil's parents? Could it be possible that Sahil's parents had....but why wouldn't have Anika shared this with him and why the hell was this Afy persom sensing his wife chocoaltes amd flowers. How did he know whoch chocolates she liked? And what old habits. Shivaay had to find out . He asked Omru and Rivya not to mention the fact that they knew the contents of the letter to Anika. He also had a servant take them up to Anika.

Sometime later Dhivaay walked into the room with Anika speaking to someone on the phone. She put the phone down immedietly when she saw Shivaay.

Was she talking to that Ady wondered Shivaay.

Shivaay! You are here.

Well it is our room isn't it.

I thought you were with everyone else downstairs.

I was but everyone was asking about you downstairs.

Oh ..Shivaay i know that Rudra has this big night planned but can we please call it a night. I mean i know its not night technically but you know what i mean.

Yeah. Of course. We'll celebrate tomorrow.

I though you did not believe in valentine's day.

I mean we'll party the way Rudra wanted to tomorrow said Shivaaya s he scanned the room for the bouquet, chocaltes and the note which were  nowhere to be seen.

Khanna told me that you received some gifts. Who sent you those?

An old friend did.

Why would a friend send you bouquet and expensive chocolate that you liked eaten in childhood out of nowhere?

How did you know about the gifts and wait aminute did you read the letter? Oh my god you read my note Shivaay shouted Anika.

Yes i did. Shall we discuss who Ady is and why did you not tell me that it is Sahil's parents...said Shivaay as he sat on the couch besides Anika.

You figured that out huh? Look i did not want to spoil your day and everyone else's which now i clearly have said Anika with tears in her eyes.

Oh my god Anika i am your husband. Hey its okay saod Shivaay as he pulled her closer and place a kiss on her forehead.

I am sorry i know that everyone is happy and..

Shh ...Anika stop justifying  .

Once Shivaay was able to calm Anika down, he took her downstairs for lunch.

After lunch he took her to their bedroom. Anika knew Shivaay was dying to know about Ady.

What was she supposed to say about Ady? Her sole companion in the orphange and her rock when she was a teenger. He was also adopted by  friend's of Sahil's parents and automatically started living in the same chawl as her . They even briefly dated. Though Anika never loved him. There was no spark according to her in that relationship. But to him she was her world. After Sahil's paremts death he helped her in every way possible until Anika realized that she was leading him on. Heartbroken   he moved on to live in some other city.Last Anika he had moved back to Mumbai.  How was she supposed to tell all this to her husband? They never had the talk about exes.

But that night before going to did Anika finally did. Shivaay was schocked. He had never thought of Anika being with any other man .

Shivaay are you okay?

Yeah ...i am fine.

So ady and you...i mean you never mentioned him.

Well we rarley talked about the people in our past.

So there are more?

No of couse not.

Hmm...why did you hid thsi from me.

I wasn't hiding anything Shivaay. It just never came up.  Besides did you tell me about every girl you have been with.

You pretty much know them. Mallika and tia.

You expect me to believe those are the only onse you have dated.

Why would i lie?

Do you have any other questions Shivaay ? Asked  Anika yawning

Yes i do...were you guys..

No we were not in any way engaged in a sexual relationship if that's what you are worried about .

I wasn't going to ask that but thanks for clearing that up. Were you guys in love ?

No i did not love him. But he did. I tried to but i knew our relationship wasn't right.

So you broke up with him?

I did.

Huh ..suddenly there was knock on the door. It was Rudra. Shivaay ahd promised that the three brother would  sleep together tonight.

I am going to Rudra's room. Will you be fine alone.

Yeah ..i'll be in Bhavya's room.

Okay. We'll talk about this tomorrow.

Tomorrow it is.

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