Conflicts 2.0

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Wow that was good...if I had known that this would be so good I would have done it sooner said Anika after the love making session that they had.

Is that so...because I remember begging you to give it a try...I mean I had this room decorated twice.

That was three months ago before ..Anika stopped midway

Before you left me completed Shivaay.

Because you threw me out Anika was quick to respond.

You made me do that..I still don't know the reason.

I can't believe we are back to this..let it go na Shivaay

I will when I know the truth .

Then I guess you'll never let it go because you'll never know why I did what I did.

The two chose to remain silent after this. Finally Anika moved closer to Shivaay and placed her head on his chest .

We have spent so much time away from each other ...I don't want to waste even a second fighting with you.

Then don't..tell me what are the things that you did while you were away..I want to know about your life during those three months.

I tried to find work and failed miserably though I did arrange some events. Most of my time was spent at the chawl helping Chanda take care of her old frail mother and Sahil used to come on weekends.

Hmm..did you ever think about picking up the phone and calling me?

Of course I did..every day in time I did call Gauri to enquire about Om but you picked up and put it down as soon as you realized that it was me.

I was really angry at you back then.

Sometimes I feel as if you still are Shivaay.

I am just afraid of you going away Anika. Anyway let's not get into this for now. I don't want it to ruin the amazing time we just had. I hope that you remember about the party that we have to attend tomorrow.

Anika was in a fix now. Of course she remembers the party that they had to attend - it was being hosted by Visual Khanna but that was not what was bothering Anika. Visual Khanna happened to be a partner of Samar Meet Malhotra. While Shivaay was thankful to Samar for revealing the truth about his sister Ragini he did not know that Samar and Anika had in fact met before not to mention that he was the one she met at the restaurant. Shivaay had a tendency to be irrationally jealous and possessive ever since they got back together and Anika didn't want to aggravate him further but she also knew that keeping this from him would blow up in his face.

Shivaay I have to tell you something !

What is it?

I know Samar Meet Malhotra..I mean I have met him before.

Really? How so Shivaay was confused now. Even he had never met the man himself.. how did Anika ?

Did you meet him when you and Bhavya were collecting evidence against Ragini asked Shivaay.

No we met way before..I mean he used to come to the chawl quite often ask one time

One time what

We had tea together..I mean I was sitting outside and he was also there and he bought me tea and started reciting poetry and then I met him again when he hired me for a job

Wait a second you worked for him.

Not exactly..I just got the job ..never really had the chance to take it.

Is that all asked Shivaay pretending his best to be not bothered about it. The truth was that he really flipped of whenever he saw Anika talking to some other man and the fact that this Samar Meet Malhotra bought her tea bothered him. Shivaay knew it was stupid and he felt like a teenage boy who couldn't control his emotions but that was how it was.

No that's not you remember I went to that restaurant wearing that grey dress

Of course I do...wait was the man who was there..

Yes it was Samar but It was all a setup ..I was just trying to get a reaction out of you.

Oh I know what you were doing but was falling on him really necessary..I cannot believe you did that

I didn't want to but it was Rudra's plan and

Of course it was..god he is so immature but Anika you are not Shivaay was getting angry now

Shivaay it happened so long ago calm down

I am sorry I just ...never mind ..thank you for telling me.

Shivaay.. Can I ask you something.

Sure. Anything.

You never were this ..possessive ..I mean we are back together but you have become so ..Anika had no words to explain.

Territorial that's what happens Anika after one has been through what I have been without you by my side. So you are going to have to put up with all this said Shivaay getting up.

Shivaay please don't go anywhere...I can't sleep without you by my side..I'll end up having nightmares pleaded Anika. This made Shivaay stop and he calmed himself down.

The next morning Anika was relieved when she found out that she did not have to go to work today owing to the renovations going on at the workplace. Everyone had been assigned work to be completed from home which meant she could start as late as as she wanted.

The truth was that she wanted to give more time to Shivaay. His mood swings concerned her . Anika tried to convince herself that he was fine until another incident happened.

She was in the room working when two technicians were sent by Khanna to check the T.V in their which wasn't working. Anika hadn't taken much notice of them and went about doing her work. Some time later she got up and walked towards the wardrobe to retrieve some files that were placed on the upper shelf so she had to stand on her toes to fetch them. It probably wasn't the best decision since she was wearing a Saree which happened to reveal her backside to quite some extent.

Anika hadn't paid much attention to it..there was nothing to pay attention to after all. But in exactly a few minutes she would find out what was wrong . Apparently Shivaay had come home for lunch and entered the bedroom and while Anika was busy trying to retrieve the files one of the technicians had been ogling her back which her husband had happened to see.

Everything after it happened in a haze. The technician was punched and fell on the ground . Shivaay yelled and called Khanna to throw both of the men out of the room after yelling a variety of expletives at them. Anika on the other hand stood rooted to her spot shocked at what had just happened.

Shivaay what was that?..why did you just punch that poor man like that..what's going on?

Poor you even know what's going on..what were you doing right now?

I was tryimg to take out some files

Anika you should be aware of your surroundings..dammit..your back was on the display and they were practically checking you out.

How is that my fault Shivaay?

Well first of all why were they here in the room in the first place..why did you allow them to work here.

You have got to be kidding me Shivaay..those men were sent by Khanna to fix the T.V...what was I supposed to do?

Khanna ! ...get the fuck in here hollered Shivaay . What followed then was an hour of Shivaay yelling at Khanna for being so irresponsible .

How could you do that Khanna? Why did you send those strangers to work in here when Anika was all alone in the bedroom..You know what..there is a new rule from now male staff in the room when my wife is here all alone. Is that clear Khanna?

What's next Shivaay..are you going to even ban Omru from coming here when I am alone in the room asked Anika sarcastically.

Don't be silly Anika...that rule is only for strangers.

What has gotten into you...You were never like this.

Yes I was you just never had the chance to witness me like this.

You know what Shivaay if you are going to act this paranoid then I am not interested in talking to you.

Paranoid? Some guy was ogling my wife in my own bedroom...what we do supposed to do ..tell him that he is doing great yelled Shivaay.

There was no need for physical violence. God why do you have to be so aggressive.

Aggressive? This wasn't me you have not seen how physically violent I could have been towards that man..I went easy on him..if there would have been any husband in my place he would have killed the man.

Oh my god Shivaay stop please...I need to get some fresh air I am leaving.

Anika wait just...see it from my point of view...You know what I did was right ..can you please be just more aware of what is going on around you.

Shivaay this was a one time chance..It can happen anywhere..what if I step out of the house to go the market and someone check some out..I mean this is normal ...It happens on an everyday basis not just to me but to every female.

You get checked out every time you step out of the house?

That was not the point I was trying to make Shivaay...the point is to let these things go.

Yeah sure ...anything else asked Shivaay sarcastically. like that. A petulant child..You are a 33 year old man Shivaay not some teenage boy.

And you are my wife..I have very right to protect...It is my duty to make sure that no harm befalls you.

Whatever said Anika heading outside but before she could leave Shivaay grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

Then he dragged her to the couch and sat on it pulling her on his lap.

What are you doing Shivaay?

Explaining something very basic to you.

And what is that?

That I don't like it when people look at what's mine..I know what you'll say...that I make you sound like some property or an object...but the truth is you are priceless to me Anika..You cannot be replaced not by all the wealth in the world and every time something like this happens I get afraid of something bad happening to you..I k ow growing up wasn't exactly easy for you and I want to shelter you from that so yes I am irrational and at times maddening but it comes out of live not because of some petty jealousy or possessiveness...I am neither of those things..I don't need assurance of your loyalty towards me anymore..its the others I don't trust..those who have malintentions..those who can hurt you.

Anika did not know what to say. Her husband inspire of acting neurotic managed to make some sense. She understood where he came from and kept herself in his shoes.

To lighten up his mood Anika decided to end the topic at that moment.

So that you are home for the day can we umm spend some time together without any distraction said Anika seductively.

What do you have in mind? Asked Shivaay catching on to the fact that his wife was trying to turn him .

Well maybe you can teach me to be more  careful around other men from now suggested Anika taking Shivaay hand and placing it on her crotch.

Actually I was thinking the same agreed Shivaay.  And thus came an end to the their conflicts filled day and before they knew they were fucking each other like crazy.

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