The Aftermath of the Ramp walk -shot 2

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Shivaay whatever you have with viraj i want no part of it... now i understand why he targeted me ..he thinks he can get to you by dangling me in front of you... i am no longer your i would very much like to exclude myself from this scenario said Anika fearlessly. She did not want to come off as weak in front of her ex husband.

Shivaay was speechless. All the anger he had towards her had vanished in thin air when he had seen thay Viraj trrating her the way he did and Shivaay knew Anika was right- she was a mere pawn in the gaem of their rivalry.

Can i please go now?

No you may not...soad Shivaay after some time.

Anika's phone rang exactly at that moment . It was sameer - Chanda's husband.

Shivaay looked at the screen expecting to see Sahil's name flash acroos it but it was some guy named Sameer.

Who is it? asked Shivaay pretending that he hadn't seen the name .

Anika did not want Shivaay to know about Chanda and Sameer - otherwise he would trace their location to Pune where She and Sahil were  living which was the last thing that she wanted.

Its Sahil's  said Anika picking up.

But as soon asshe picked it up Shivaah snatched the phone from her hands and put it on speaker  as if daring Anika to talk now.

Anika are you there? Where have you been all day ? Are you okay...we have been worried sick enquired Sameer much to Shivaay's displeasure.

I am fine Sameer.

Are you coming home tonight?

No i'll reach by morning .

Shivaay was getting frustrated by the moment. Who the hell was this Sameer guy now and why was he enquiring about her as if he cared about her?

Well its not safe ...apaarently some rally is going on so don't travel tonight...just stay there. I have some work in Mumbai tomorrow anyway..i'll pick you up and don't worry about Sahil. He is still at the hospital and is doing much fine.

Shivaay was shocked now. This guy was way too involved in his wife's life and also Sahil was in the hospital. Be couldn"t believe it.

Okay Sameer see you tomorrow said Anika as she cut the call thanking her lucky stars that he hadn't mentioned Pune.

So who is this Sameer?

I am sorry Shivaay...last time i checked you were married some other woman while we were still married shoukd have atleast had the decency to divorce me before you married her. I deserved atleats that but then again what else can i expect from aan like you?

Seriously are blaming me...after everything you have done you should be lucky that am letting you stand in front of me and as for my 2nd marriage you don't even know the whole story.

I don't want to hear anymore lies or watch you pin the blame on me as always for tbe destuction of our so called marriage. Now if you'll excuse me i have a bus to catch.

Did you not hear you boyfriend on the phone Anika...there is a rally you can't leave its not safe.

Sonetimes it shocked Aniam at how emotionally dumb Shivaay was. Did he really think Sameer was her boyfriend but instead of replying she chose to walk out.

My mom is in a coma because of you you know ! Said Shivaay making anika stop dead in her tracks.

What ...pinky aunty is in a coma..wait and how is it my fault.

Before Shivaay could respond pooja had entered the room.

Suniye ji...i was wondering if you wanted to have dinner .

Anika tried her best to hold back her tears as she saw pooja approach shivaay. God knows how hard it was for her to see them together.

Shivaay started scolding pooja on the spot and Anika managed to sneak off .

Some time later-

Shivaay hadn't notice as to when Anika had slipped away whilst he was arguing with Pooja.

He had been looking for her for quiet some time .

Anika was wondering cluelessly on the streets of Mumbai until finally she had managed to reach a dhaba where buses to Pune usually stopped. Anika sat at the same spot and cried for what seemed like an eternity.

Sometime later she saw a group of man dressed in saffron clothes approach in large numbers.

Fear swept over her. It was too late in the night and there was barely any female around.

Anika felt a strong muscular hand on her hand and a chill went down her spine. She turned around only to see it was Rudra.

Bhabhi...its okay ..its me...yeah bhaiya i found her ..i'll bring her to you said Rudra a she cut the call to Shivaay.

Bhabhi...come on with me..its not safe
..look around

I am fine Rudra.

Well i can't leave you here all alone.

I don't need you Oberois to look after me  said Anika witha  venom in her voice that Rudra had never heard before.

Bhabhi just come ...otherwise Shivaay bhaiya will come here.

I am not afraid of him rudra ...go back its late. One of the heir of the Oberois shouldn't be in a place like this. This place is for middle class people not for an Oberoi.

Rudra was taken aback again wondering what had gotten into Anika. If only he knew of the pain Anika had experienced in the past few days not to mention Sahil currnet predicament.

Anika saw a bus approaching and got up with an aim to board it but was stopped bya  certain blue eyed man who had become the bane of her existence.

Rudra you go...i am her now.

But bhaiya..

Don't worry about it...go ...Bhavya must be waiting.

After Rudra had left Shivaay tirned to anika.

So Anika...are you coming with me or do i have to drag you along.

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