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Enjoy this small shot! Based on today's episode.

Rage- rage is what Shivaay Singh Oberoi's blue eyes reflected and it was all that it took for Viraj Solanki to feel intimidated but he still kept his hands around the waist of his nemisis's wife. It allowed him to feel victorious bit alas his victory was short lived as he saw Shivaay singh Oberoi walk towards the stage and het up on it. Before Viraj knew he had been dragged away by Anika and was on the floor courtesy his enemy's punch.

Blood was oozing out of him as Shivaay Singh Oberoi kept on punching him but Viraj Solanki had more resiliance which made him get up despite his nadly beaten up state and challenge Shivaay once again.

Shivaay singh Oberoi...how does it feel to know that i have touched what was once yours...yelled Viraj pointing towards Anika loud enough for everyone present to hear. You'd be a fool to think that this will be the first time i'll be touching her...i am going to

Before Viraj could utter the words he was about to shivaay had once again started beating him black and blue until finally Omru finally  arrived in an attempt to calm bim down but nothing they said or did quelled his anger .

All the while Anika stood rooted at the same exact spot unable to process the events that had transpired. She needed to get away...the dress was suffocating her way too much not to mention the fact that her ex husband was about to murder Viraj and she had no desire to witness is.

As soon as Anika turned around she felt a hand on her back...it was Shivaay. Finally he had stopped beating Viraj who was now being  taken caren of by OmRu .

Aniak tried to escape but Shivaay's grip only tightened. Getting closer to her he said or rather ordered

Go and change right now...i'll see in a bit.

Anika siad nothing but went or rather ran back to get changed. But her clothes were nowhere to be found. Not knowing what to do she started searching from them .

They are said here bharjai came Gauri's voice as she pointed towards the clothes kept on the chair which Anika had somehow managed to not see.

Anika said nothing but took the clothes and headed towards the changing room. Finally after a fee minuted she came out in her normal clothes feelimg much more comfortable only to find Gauri standing exactly where she had left.

What are you doing here Gauri...you should go said Anika

Aniks is right Gauri....you should go for now came Shivaay's voice as he entered the room.

Gauri looked at Anika and then at Shivaay and without saying anything left the room.

Anika didn't dare move as Shivaay walked up to her but as soon as he got closer she started moving backwards.

So you are into modelling now huh ?questioned Shivaay

Shivaay i did not know anything about Viraj and..
I should go...this really isn't my place and

Do you really think i am about to let you leave after what happened?

Look i know this was an important event for you and your family and you wanted the function to go successfully but i had no idea

You think that's what i care about Anika said Shivaay pulling her towards him.

What else could you possibly care about asked Anika cluelessly. Up until now the though that shivaay ahd done what he had done out of jealousy hadn't even croosed her mind...she though that it was only because of his  apparent rivalry with Viraj.  He had no reason to be jealous after all he was marriage to someone else now was Anika's reasoning.

Let me go now ...its late ...i have a bus to catch.

The hell you are leaving without answering me..why did you agree to do the ramp walk and that too with viraj?

It wasn't my choice okay...Viraj made me do it..the model who was supposed to walk with him

Broke her leg because you spilled some ice on stage.. i know thata..but why didn't you just refuse Anika? Of couse Shivaay knew Viraj was the mastermind behind this but why jad anika agreed to it was beyond his comprehension.

Anika could have told Shivaay the truth -that she desperately needed the money and couldn't pay the liability that Simone was demanding but she had been humiliated enough for the day. She knew if she brough up the money Shivaay would have probably insulted her further. Of course money had not been the sole reason for her walking the ramp.

I owe you no explanations...now let me go but Shivaay was persistent.

Really you owe me no explanations Anika?

Shivaay please..i promise you will never see my around you again let me go .

Oh my god look shivaay seems like you need to take a chill pill came Viraj  Solanki's voice.

He had managed to escape from omRu.

Entering the room Viraj stood in front of Shivaay.

Don't blame your poor ex Shivaay...i mean she was just doing her job...vaise if i had knowmln she was your ex wife i would have well not done that of course  .

Like hell you wouldn't have you bastard.

You got me but well you have to admit we both looked good don the stage didn't we Anika..

Viraj if you don't shut the hell up i won't just hit you...i'll kill you.

Anika who was silently watching the two men have a piss off match tried to make an escape only to be stopped by a hand on her waist. For a moment she was afraid it was Viraaj's but she heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Shivaay's.

Not so soon Anika. Shivaay had made Viraaj leave with a few threatening words.

You and i are about to have a long chat.

That's it for today !

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