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Wrote this a long time ago. Just a one shot exploring Shivik's domestic life- normal husband wife stuff.

It had only been a month since Shivaay and Anika had gotten back together after the Vikram fiasco. Shivaay still hadn't managed to find out the truth about ehy Anika left him in the first place. He had tried really heart but neither Anika nor Omru had budged yet. Though he was determined to find out the truth. He already suspected that it had something to do with his mom but he couldn't figure it out . Also pinky's decision to visit her maayka had also delayed his plans of questioning her.

On the other hand Anika was extremely delighted that pinky had gone away for an entire month. It meant that Shivaay couldn't trick her into revealing the truth. Anika knew her husband just wouldn't let it go. Though an agreement had been made between Anika and Pinky for the time being still thanks to OmRu Anika did not trust her . She knew Pinky loathed her with every fibre of her being.

Once the fake marriage dram had been over Shivaay had revealed to his family how he had never filed the divorce papers and how Anika was still his wife. Anika had been accepted with the utmost respect by the Oberoi family. Shivaay was surprised when even his bade papa and badi maa hugged her and welcomed her back. It was as if everyone has forgotten what had happened or Shivaay suspected that everyone had known why it had happened.

Finally after a long time Shivaay amd Anika had settled back into their domestic life. Anika had been getting offers to arrange lavish weddings and she couldn't have been more excited. Shivaay on the other hand was still getting used to the fact that his wish jad come true. They were back together and he still couldn't believe it.

Making his way downstairs he couldn't help but smile as he saw his wife laughing with his brother amd their respective partners. Rudra was narrating the incident of how he had given the grey dress to Anika and how Anika had almost gotten a heart attack hearing its price.

Unbeknownest to them Shivaay ahd listened the entire narration and immedietly interrupted him.

Wait a second! So it was you who orchastrated the whole damn were in on it?

Of course bhaiya...did you really think bhabhi wcould ever wear that dress on her own.

What happened at the restaurant then asked Omkara as he had never heard the whole story before.

Nothing happened ..we should all have breakfast now..said Anika in an attempt to change the topic.

Wait a second..i almost forgot to ask you..who was the man at the restaurant that you met asked Shivaay...was it some friend of Rudy?

Arey nahi bhaiya! He was Anika bhabhi's former boss..though she hadn't worked under him even for a day.

And the whole tripping thing was...asked Shivaay

My plan onviously said Rudra with a grin on his face.

Is that so Rudra said Shivaay with anger written on his face.

Arey bhaiya why are you getting angry after all this time. It was a stupid ploy to get our old S.SO back haina bhabhi.

Rudra is right Shivaay . Let it go...besides aren't you getting late ..come let's have breakfast saod Anika as walked towards him and pulled him towards the dining table.

I cannot believe Rudra would do that to me- his brother remarked Shivaay making Anika giggle.

Arey Shivaay this was nothing you should have seen what Gauri had been trying to during that fake Vikram Anika cocktail to get you jealous...her entire mantra during the evening was Jealous S.S.O rocks said Om.

Really Gauri aksed Shivaay now looking at her.

Arey nahi bade was all Rudy bhaiya's idea..he was the one who coined the phrase jealous S.S.O rocks ..i was merely following him.

I think its safe to say that you all were in on the entire thing togeteher said Shivaay..just like you were in on the entire truth before when Anika left me .

As soon as Shivaay said those words there was pin drop silence. Every one stopped doing whatever they were and looked at each other guitily especially Omru and Anika which was not missed by Shivaay.

I was just kidding guys saod Shivaay trying to lighten up the mood. Anika when will you leave for work..if its now then i'll drop you saod Shivaay changing the topic.

Actually Shivaay i'll be going with Om to his friend's gallery first. I needed to see some sample of wedding cards and he can help with that .

Okay then i'll see you all in the evening said Shivaay as he got up to leave but not before he placed a kiss on his wife's cheek making her blush.

Anika hated lying to Shivaay but she had no other choice. She was going with Om to look for Mahi. She knew that Mahi knew the truth and wamted to make sure that he kept it himself. Besides he was also an Oberoi and if there was anything they could do for him then they would without Shivaay ever finding out.

Exactly when the clock struck 7 Shivaay was back at home . Anika amd Om were still out so he was sitting with Gauri and was helping er with English when finally Om amd Anika returned.

You both have been out since morning for wedding card samples? Asked Shivaay making his way towards the both of them .

Yes Shivaay well my new employers can be pretty demanding.

Really who are you working for again?

The khannas Shivaay replied Anika.

I though their wedding got done like a week ago asked Shivaay.

O lord what should i say now though Anika. How could she have beens o stupid ?

Actually shivaay the wedding cards are for a friend of khannas who were greatly impressed by bhabhi 's work so bhabhi must have .. said Om .

Yeah Shivaay. Anyway i am so hungry let's have dinner.

Olay come on let's go said Shivaay as he grabbed Anika's hand and led her to the dining table. Though he ahd sensed that something was up and Om and Anika were perhaps not doing what they had said.

After dinner had been done Shivaay and Anika had retired back to their room as had everyone else.

Closing the door and locking in Shivaay pulled Anika towards him and started kissing him . They broke apart after some time.

Shivaay let me change my clother first i am really uncomfortable in these.

Why don't you let me help you with that? Said Shivaay as he slid his hand underneath her top.

Before Anika knew it her top was off and she was on the bed.

Do you have any idea how much i missed you uttered Shivaay between kisses.

Anika said nothing but moaned in response. It had been their routine since the past month. There hadn't been a day when they had just gone to bed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Cursing Shivaay opened the door whilst Anika ahd hidden her naked self in the bathroom.

Rudra what are you doing here?

Bhaiya i was bored can you please come downstairs . O is also there..its been too long since we alst hung out.

Now's not the time Rudy ..

But bhaiya ...before Rudra could finish he took in Shivaay's dishevelled appearance.

Try and understand Rudra..

Oh don't worry bhaiya we'll hand out after you are done said Rudra with a smirk earning a smack from Shivaay.

Aftwr he was gone and Sbivaay ha dclosed th door again Shivaay called out to Anika.

Anika you can come out now ..he's gone.

Just a moment Shivaay.

Finally Anika emerged from the bathroom with her hands wrapped around herself making Shivaay laugh.

Anika why are you covering up said Shivaay as he made his way towards her and and took her in for a kiss. Anika was still shy about sex and Shivaay had always been the one to initiate it though she had become much more responsive over time.

In no time they were back on bed again and Shivaay was on top of Anika. Removing her jeans Shivaay kissed the insides of her thighs eliciting a moan from her.
After putting on a condom Shivaay finally entered her. It had been an intense fucking session which had worn out both of them.

Wow that was...said Anika

Amazing...completed Shivaay.

Yeah said Anika as shivaay pulled her closer . Burying her head in his chest Anika continued... Shivaay what happened at the breakfast table this morning...i mean what you said

I am still not over it Anika i sorry i can't just let go. I will find out the truth. I can't live in the fear of you leaving me ever again . On top of that you and Om lied to me again today. I know for a fact that both of you were not visiting a weddimg card maker said Shivaay getting up from the bed and making his eay towards the window looking out at the pool.

So you are saying you still don't trust me?

That's not fair Anika..imagine if the situations were reversed. Would you forgive me?

If it meant being with you then i would. Now come back to bed..please.

Shivaay said nothing and stood at the exact same spot.

Shivaay what can i do for you besides tellying you the tryth? If you want i can give you some space...i am sure Chanda wouldn't mind having a roommate for a few days..

This had Shivaay's attention. Turning back he was quick to retort.

Serioulsy Anika? Will that be your answer to all the problems we ever have...walk away under the pretemse of the so called space. Space means giving your partner some time alone not walking out of the godamn house yelled Shivaay.

Shivaay i just meant...never mind...listen can we please stop talking about this...i have a long day tomorrow and i want to sleep .

Fine we'll continue this tomorrow was all Shivaay said before climbing back in bed.

The next morning had been a pleasant one. Everyone was sitting around the dining table having breakfats with the exception of Anika as she was still getting ready .

Shivaay where is Anika ? Asked Shakti.

Getting ready dad.

Yeah bhabhi must be tired after yesterday said Om.

Is that so? What really could have been so tiring in looking at different cards asked Shivaay accusingly. He wanted Om to know that he knew that the bhabhi devar were lying to him.

Contrary to popular belief darling husband that is not all that we did yesterday. Om helped me in other things too- i needed to chose some colour schemes so we also went to the market in scorching heat added Anika as she sat beside him after greeting everyone.

Shivaay took in her apperance - she was wearing a crop top and skinny jeans which accentuated her ass -after their divorce her clothing choices had become a bold though he wasn't complaining. However he did not want be one of those husbands who tried to control their wives in every aspect of their life. Not that his jangli billi would ever allow him to do so.

He noticed that she wasn't wearing her mangalsurta or Sindoor.

After breakfast Shivaay took Anika to their bedroom.

Why aren't you wearing your mangalsutra and sindoor Anika?

I don't like people at work  knowing that I am married. I mean almost everyone does know that I am your wife but I don't like broadcasting the fact.

Are you ashamed of me? Asked Shivaay

What ? Of course not but people don't take a married woman seriously in this country and if they know that I am married to a billionaire they'll obviously treat both me and my work differently. Anyway can you please drop me asked Anika changing the topic.

Nice try . Why don't you just open your own company and run it from here?

Because I don't want to spend my entire day inside Oberoi mansion.

Anika I just got you back..we should be spending more time together..I have talked to bade papa and I'll be spending less time at the office for this month. I want you to do the same. It's not like you have any financial constraints anymore.

Shivaay I love you and I would like to spend more time with you about this..let me go for now and I'll think it over.

Okay. Come on I'll drop you.

At night

Anika was standing in front of the mirror applying night cream when she felt a pair of hands around her waist.

I missed you so much whispered Shivaay in her ear.

So did I answered Anika.

Give me a moment Shivaay ..I'll change and

No need I'll help you get out of your clothes and you won't be needing any for the rest of the night said Shivaay nuzzling her neck making her moan.

Do you have any idea how hot you looked today?

I do? Asked Anika confused..She was wearing ordinary crop top and jeans only.

These jeans are really figure hugging..they make your ads look really good said Shivaay patting her from the behind making Anika blush.

I can't wait to get you out of these.

Anika couldn't respond. She still had a hard time seducing her husband or being seduced.

Finally after some time she replied..I can't wait for you to get me out of these.

Well then what are we waiting for? Asked Shivaay unzipping her jeans.

He knew it was too soon to take them off all the way as it took a great deal of foreplay to turn on his wife.

You want to go to the couch first or the directly to the bed.

Couch please.

Okay. Couch it is then said Shivaay sitting on the couch and pulling her own on his lap.

Shall we begin asked Shivaay before placing a kiss on Anika's lips .

This was the life they had always yearned for and finally it was their. Yes their marriage had some conflicts but which one  doesn't.

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