one shot - part 3

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Anika couldn't help but appreciate how good she looked in the mirror. Though she felt a bit uncomfortable. Sure she had worn designer saris amd lehengas in the past- perks of being an Oberoi bahu. But she had never worn a designer gown - especially the one as beautiful as she was wearing. It was a satin gown which enhanced her bosom and curves to a great extent. Also there was a slit exposing her legs. She felt as if she was not doing enough justice to it.As if  Someone more class thany her deserved it.  Like the girls Dhivaay ahd dated before her- Malika ,Tia etc. 

Hey Anika are you asked asked Smaar as he knocked on the door.

Just a second.

Don't worry Anika beta you look so beautiful saod Smita to her approvingly.

I am not used to all this you know aunty.

I know how overwhelming it all can be. You know when i married Samar's dad he was a rich businessmen amd i girl from a lower middle class family who lived in a one bedroom house. But fate happened and i fell in love with Rishi amd so did he. In the beginning , i too felt as if i was a misfit but slowly overtime i learnt thay my beauty laid in the my heart and not in the clothes i wore and the english i spoke and my husband fully supported me . I know out situation isn't the same but never lose faith in yourself ever okay?

The words spoken by Smita hit Anika hard. She spent most of the ride silent until Samar finally spoke.

Anika...are you okay have been oddly silent for a long time.

You say that as if i speak non step.

That's because you do.

And you got to know that in the short time we have known each other.

Well it seems like i have known you for a lifetime not in a crerpy way though. You just remind of someone and ..

Oh..well you are right actually there is a conflict going in on my mind.

Mind sharing it with me?

What the hell? Okay so here's the thing my ex husband..

Woah wait a second you were married.

Yes i was to a filthy rich businessman. How come you don't know was all over the news.

Well mom amd i returned just a few days ago from London to be with Ragini here in India. So who was he?

I'd rather not get into the details but anyway as i was saying i am a middle class girl summer amd i could never fit into his world. I don't know how speak in proper english or drink wine amd order that tasteless food that you rich people do. I am the kind of girl who eats aloo puri anywhere she goes and i don't know how to handle cutlery. So i just want to say this upfront if all this bothers you and will embarass you in front of your friends then don't take me there.

Samar couldn't help but laugh at his situation . He had been in that exact same situation a few years ago. His wife Ganga too was a girl from a lower midlle class family who lived in the same chawl as Anika did. In fact it was the reason for many of her insecurities.

Anika i am so glad you told me all this said Smaar as he parked the car in the driveway of the hotel. But i really don't care about all this you now. My now dead wife too lived in a chawl and she was exactly like you amd i loved her for it as i will for the rest of my life.  So before go in know that i have seen how pure your heart is and i would never be embarassed of you.
I know we are not in any way romantically involved but as your friend i want you to know all this.
And i am guessing that your relationship ended because your husband couldn't accept you for who you are?

No it was not that . I was just a relaly crappy wife to him and he decided that it was time for us to part ways.

Just like that? And i can't imagine you being a bad wife asked Samar looking at Anika suspiciously.

Aniak obviously couldn't tell him the truth so she just said You don't know the half of it.

So shall we go Anika...?

Just Anika said Anika as she got out of the car as did Samar.

I was going to open the car dar for you  but then i thought you'd think i was being a pretentious rich man? Said Samar as they made their way inside the lavish hotel .

What? please i don't even think about all thse things said Anika as she followed Samar who for courtesy's sake led her by hand.

On the other hand Ragini had butterflies  in her stomach. It was her first date with Shivaay though their families were going to be there. Although the thing that had surprised her the most that her brother had agreed to come and that he was bringing a female friend. Ragini though she would never live to see the day her brother finally moved on from his dead wife Ganga.

ShivOmru and Rivya were already settled in their seats. Gauri had been dressed in a beautiful green sari by jhanvi herself but was a bit nervous whereas bhavya was wearing a goldren dress that reached her till her knees though she was anything but nervous. She was an A.C.P after all. The two brothers OmRu kept stealing glances at each other and laughing whenever they looked at Ragini. They both hated her to a great extent and her choice of clothes was quite funny. She was wearing leopard print dress which barely covered her ass and kept trying to throw herself at Shivaay who was clealry ingnoring her.

But Shivaay Singh Oberoi was only interested in meeting Samar Jeet Malhotra. Tonight was that night he'd finally get the chawl where Anila lived from Samar. He had heard Samar had a drinking problem amd planned on getting him drunk and signing the papers. He kne wit was morally wrong but desparate times call  for desparate measures.

He kept looming at the door waitimg for Samar to come in.

Shall we order? It seems as if bhai will take some time siad Ragini.

Let's wait ragini..i am sure he'll be here in a few.

Shivaay said Om looking at him. How come you agreed to come here tonight? I mean you obviously haven't been interested in going out since past three months so why the sudden change of heart said O to make Ragini feel jealous. She knew exactly why he disliked going out. It was because of her.

Shivaay knew what O was doing but chose to ignore it. He realised that losing anika had not been only hard for him but them too. Both his brothers could have never imagined that their bha hi would have tried to break them up.

Well i think personally that Shivaay is over that stage now..i mean he obviously  doesn't care if she lives or

Ragini...i think we should order after all said Shivaay cutting her midway. He couldn't bear to hear her name and the word die in the same sentence.

Anika could you walk a bit faster said Samar teasingly.

Excuse me i am wearing high heels.

So you must be used to wearing them.

Actually i am not said Anika as they stepped out of the elevator amd were about to walk into the restaurant.

Why not asked Samar were  married to a rich business man after all said Samar as they finally entered the restaurant.

Who happens to be here! ex husband ia here said Anika alarmingly trying to cover her face.

Hearing this Samar stopped immietly. Wait your ex husband is here ..where?

There he is sitting woth his brothers and their partems along with a female friend who i have seen on news with him before.

Wait a mean Ragini?

She is in your sister

Oh my god! Anika don't tell me you are Shivaay Singh Oberoi's ex because we are having dinner with the Oberoi tonight.

Anika said nothing but nodded positively. It all suddenly made sense to Samar. Now he knew why Shivaay wanted that chawl.

Samar i can't go in front of them . Can we leave please?

Okay we'll...but it was too late Ragini had spotted them and waved her hands to her brothe rthough Anika was standing with her back to them.

Oh crap... Anika Ragini has already seen us we have to go over there now. 

Samar i can't..

Just turn around and walk with me. I'll take care of it all. I'll make an  excuse in  half an hour amd we'll leave i promise.

Fine said Anika as she turned around and walked with Samar towards the table where hwr ex husband was sitting. For a moment time stopped as soon as they reaced the table shock was qritten over everyone' s face .

Finally Ragini who recognized Anika from her photos that she had come across in shivaay's room finally spoke' bhai what is ..

Knowing fully well how petty his siter could be Samar immedietly cut her before she could speak any further.

Ragini this is a good friend of mine- Anika and Anika this is Ragini
baby sister.

Why has everyone fallen silent  said Samar as he pulled a chair for Anika and himself .

But Anika wasn't listening amd neither was Shivaay. There they were sitting  across each other after three months. All Anika saw was rage and fear in Shivaay's eyes.

I see you guys have already ordered. So let me formally introduce myself i am Samar jeet Malhotra said Shivaay as he extende dhis hands towards the three brothers one by one and waved to their partners.

Rudra and Om along with Rivya sat in shock. They had no clue about what the hell was going on. Their Anika bhabhi was in front of them but with another man by his side.

Bhaiya..before Ragini could finish the sentence...Samar again cut her off.

Ragini where have you been these past few days...i missed you so much why don't you tell me all about it said Samar in order to divert Everyone's attention from Anika.

But there was one person who couldn't stop staring at her. The fa t that she was wearing that gow which exposed her cleavage didn't help either. Shivaay continued looking at Anika though she was trying to look anywhere but him now.

Finally Shivaay spoke.

So Samar how do you exactly know Anika askwd Shivaay bluntly?

Oh she works for my mom but she is a really good friend of mine so i thought that it would good for us to hang out.

Of course said Shivaay.

But she is Shivaay's ex wife bhaiya hissed Ragini. This time noone could cut her off.

So what Ragini? Actually its all my fault ...i had no idea she is your ex wife and i failed to inform  her that we were having dinner with you guys. I am terribly sorry Shivaay if you want we can..

Of couse not Samar. Besides we are all mature adults. I don't mind at all said Shivaay looking at Anika .

So its settled then. Anika what would you like to have- how about that mocktail mom served at dinner the other night asked Shivaay looking at her.

As long as it doesn't turn into a cocktail replied Anika as calmly as she could . It was the first time she had spoken the entire night. Shivaay was taken aback by her indifference if only he knew about the turmoil inside her heart.

Don't worry it wait said Samar as he ordered the mocktail for the both of them.

Wait you aren't having whiskey bhaiya chimed in Ragini shocked.

Not tonight Ragini.

Anyway so Om i heard that you just woke up from a coma. So how does it feel to be back asked Samar in an effort to get everyone talking and reduce the awkwardness of the entire situation.

MeanWhile Shivaay and Anika continued staring at each other . It was as if one of them was going to leap across the table amd eat the other one. Though ther probability of Shivaay doing that seemed probably highly.

Finally the waiter brought the drinks and the food. Anika was nervous now.  She did not want to eat in front of Shivaay and embarass herself . She could already feel him smirking .
But thankfully Samar came to her rescue.

Anika i think its best you not eat tonight said Samar .

Why not aske Shivaay looking at the both of them.

Oh she had a  stomachache in the fact she wasn't even coming because of it but i forced her to come if not for eating then for company Samar was quick to reply.

Is that so? Are you okay now Anika ? Asked Shivaay addressing her for the first time.

I am quite alright now. Thanks for asking mr. Oberoi came Anika's reply.

Shivaaaay...i think we should order another round of drinks don't you think saod Ragini as she scooted closer to him. However this time Shivaay didn't push her away but instead pulled her closer.

Anika and Samar exchanged a knowing glance and Anika immedietly initiated a conversation with Gauri and Bhavya. All the while Shivaay kept gawking at her.

Unfortunately the waiter whilst bringing  the drinks lost balance and spilled them on Anika thus ruining her dress.

What the hell yelled Shivaay at the waiter? Can't you see amd ruined her dress...

Its okay ...i am sure it was a mistake interjected Anika..don't worry about it said Anika with a reassuring smile towards the waiter's direction. Though he kept on apologizing for it. Anika's intervention calmed Shivaay down and made him sit down only to drink in the sire of red wine runnig across her neck on the verge of travelling downwards towards her breasts. How badly he wanted to lick it off of her breasts.

Excuse me i need to go off to the ladies room was all Anika said as she got up.

Bhavya and i will come with you said Gauri as she too got up alongwith Bhavya and went with Anika.

Meanwhile a very drunk Ragini kept on drinking whilst the four men on the tabel kept on exchangimg glances until Rudy spoke to break the silence.

So Samar bhaiya how long has Anika bhabhi i mean Anika did has been working for you?

She isn't exactly working for me..she works for my mom infact my mom was the one who hired her...they both met in a market and my mom was blowm away by Anika's well...

Lively spirit completed Shivaay.

Exactly said  Samar. The three ladies were back by then . What were you boys and Ragini talkking about asked Bhavya as the three of them sat down looking condescendingly at a drunk Ragini who was clearly latching herslef onto Shivaay.

Anika are you okay now asked Samar as he place his hand on her bare shoulder as a friendly gesture. However to the onlookers and especially Shivaya it looked more of a romabtic gesture owing to which the glass in Shivaay's hand broke with the glass shards peircing his hand amd making them bleed.

Oops..looks like todays is not a good day for glasses now is it was all Shivaay said.

Oh my god Shivaay your hamd Saud Anika in a panic as she picked up a table cloth napkin and wrapped his hand in it. It was the first time the tto of them were touching eavh other after three months and they could both feel sparks as they had  felt in the past.

Pinky mught have been successful in separating them but she could never break there connection for theirs was a love which could transcend both time and distance .

To cover up Shivaay's jealous and his consequent brekaing of the glass Rudra tried to change the topic .

Samar bhaiya amd Anika bhabhi i mean Anika di i am throwing a birthday party at the farmhouse tomorrow...i would love if you guys come

Anika was about to refuse but shivaay interjected.

Of course both should come...unless you'd feel...

Uncomfortable Shivaay...completed Anika...please like you said before we are all mature adults. We'll be there right Samar.

Of course replied Samar. Well i am sorry but we should leave. I have an imporant conference call to take so..

Oh come on Samar i am sure you can make an exception for us tonight can't you.

Before Samar  could reply Anika was quick to respond.

Samar is right..its gettimg quite late and i have to be ready for work tomorrow too early morning..we should go

But Anika di please stay least till'll be my birthday saod Rudra making a puppy face. There was no way in hell she could turn him down no.

Actually you know what i'll delay it for soem time ...Anika Rudra's right we should stay. It is his birthday after all.

Okay them was all Anika said and started chatted with Bhavya amd Gauri.

Finally all eight of them left the restaurant after cutting Rudra's cake. Anika was having trouble walking in high heels again. Sensing her discomfort Samar couldn't help but remark why do people wear heals even though they don't know how to carry it.

Haha Samar...aunty ji made me wear them okay..i do now how carry them
Said Anika . Shivaay couldn't help but feel jealous seeimg them argue. Arguing had always been their thing and now she was doing it with some other guy who appeared to be more than just her boss.

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