one shot -part 2

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Samar Jeet Malhotra had spent most of the night tossing and turning in his bed. How could he fall sleep after what Anika had said. And also he was not used to sleepimg without alcohol in his system.  Samar remembered what had happened that night very clearly and he also remembred the ways he had tried to dela with his pain. He couldn't help but feel guilty now. That girl had given him alot to think about it.

Samar beta you are awake ...howcome asked Smita as she  amd her way in.

Would you believe me if i said i didn't drink tonight.

I thought you hadn't been.

We both know you know.

I know why you aren't drinking beta.

And why is that?

Because of thay girl. She remined her of you know who. You felt as if you were with her again and you don't want to violate its sanctity by drinking now do you?

How do you do this mom? How do you always know?

Well i am your mother even if adoptive.

Mom please don't..

Its the truth beta. When you were growing up i wasn't exactly the ideal mother. I always focused all my attention on Ragini and now i regret it. I am here for you now okay. Always?

I know mom. By the where is she?

I have no idea and i want it to stay that way for some time for my peace of mind. That girl drives me nuts you know.

I'll take care of it tomorrow.

Don't ...let her be on her own for soemtime. God knows what she is ipto now. Do you want a cup of coffee?

I would love one.

I'll be back in  a moment beta.

Meanwhile Anika stood in front of the mirror holding the mangalsutra in her hand. How she missed wearing it everywhere. Though she still wore it everytime she stepped outside in the chawl for she knew that it was full of lecherous men and she kept the pretense up that she was still married.

However she had to agree that her life was finally getting back on track. She had a job again and soon she could arrange enough money for Sahil's education. All she cared about was his future and then in her old days she could probably retire and work in an orphanage. That was all she wanted now.

But a part of her always imagined her   as being the mother of two kanhi eyes kids running around a ceratinansion calling out to her. Everytime she thought about it she couldn't help but smile. So what if they existed in  just a dream. It was her dream and noone not even he himself could take it away from her. Taking her phone out Anika started going through their old videos again. It had become her daily ritual before sleeping.

Suddenly her phone rang. Seeing that it was Gauri she picked it up immedietly wondering if something bad had happened to Om. But to her surprise he had finally woken up after three months of coma. Anika was over the moon. How could she not be? Her favourite devar was back...Anika made a mental note never to say that in front of Rudra again. Besides between the two of her devars ther enever could be a favourite.

Anika had the best sleep that night after a long night. The next morning she reached the Malhotra's at time and started working. As much as casual and  fun loving Anika could be she alsoeant business when it came to her work. Smita aunty had asked her to first have her bedroom redecorated and Anika had already started picking the colour schemes. Unbeknownest to him someone watched her from afar. Samar stood by a different and saw her engroosed in her work completely. How could it but that she looked like her so much ? That was something he could never wrap his head around. Moreover her antics also resembled those of his dead wife.

Anika Samar called out to her.

Hey Samar said Anika getting up from the couch.

Thanks for last night.

I should be the one thanking you. The dinner was..

No i meant thanks for saying what you said last night. It was strangely soothing.

Glad i could help replied Anika before turning back to her work.

Smita who had been observing all this couldn't help but be grateful to god for bring some sense of normalcy in her son's life.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi had spent the night chatting with his brother after what seemed like an eternity. Everyone was in a joyous mood since they had found out that Gauri was pregnant.  But Shivaay jad felt in that moment whem he had heard about the pregnancy a tinge of jealousy. Om who had met Gauri over a few months ago was now having a baby with her and there he was - frozen. He was still in the same place where she had left her. There wa stime one he could have never imagined her as the mother of his kids but now he couldn't imagine anyone other than her as the mother of his kids. At this point Shivaay knew that he was going to be forever alone. Or he could after a few years get amrried to some rich girl just like he had planned to get amrried to tia and live a loveless life.

But he allowed himslef to indulge in dreams of touching her . Of making love to her as if it was the only thing that mattered. The vision of two of them in their bed kissing each other, of her screaming his name out amd scratching his back bought him some sort of  relief. So what if they would never be together again. He had the feelimg of loving someone and even Anika or her betrayal could take that away from him. Tha Anika he had loved still lived in his heart and that feleing would last for as long as he lived.

Shivaay what are you doing here ? Come on ...i though we could all go for dinner now said Ragini as she walked in.

Ragini i don't think..

Come on shivaay...Omkara is fine amd i have always wanted to be friend swith your brothers amd their partmers. Gauri and bhavya seem nice though that bhavya speaks in a weird if she wants to arrest me you know but please we should all go tonight...also i could use a break from crying over Sid.

Okay Ragini let me make the arrangements. I'll inform Omru also . We'll leave in a hour is that alright?


Oh and Ragini why don't you invite Samar too. Shivaay had  been dying to meet this Samar Jeet Malhotra.

Oh okay i'll ask bhai but i don't think he'll come.

Why not?

Well he doesn't like going out much but i'll try my  best replied Ragini surpriseby Shivaay's sudden interest in her brother. Maybe he wants to ask him permission before he proposes me thought Ragini before making her way outside.

Samar jeet Malhota was annoyed beyond point. Now that he was sober he realised how many lossed his company had incurred owing to his drinking habits. He vowed to refrain from ever drinking again.

Hey Samar i brought this for you said Anika cheerily as she entered the room holding a glass - the contents of which looked similar to whiskey.

What exactly is that?

Its a special resembles whiskey though not in taste of course..i bought in the whiskey glass so you can drink this thinking that its actually whiskey.

What purpose does thsi whole thing serves asked Samar clearly amused.

Well i know that quitting drinking cannot be all that easy amd besides i thought it might help you with the urge. I knows its stupid i'll just..

No don't give it to me ...i like yor idea..its unique just like you are. Anika couldn't help but smile.

I should go now...aunty will be back soon and i want her room ready to be by then .

You are already close to completing it?

Well i don't work like a kachua na'll see i am a fast worker time...and thsu Anika started prattling about another one of her tales. The ones Samar had grown fond of. 

Finally after some time Anika realized that she had indeed wasted a lot of time in talking and rushed out to complete her work.

Samar tried to go back to working when his phone rang . It was his little sister Ragini who apparently wanted him to joing her for dinner with the Oberois. Samar wanted to turn the invitation down when an idea struck him . Shivaay had been wanting the chawl he had  bought. He couldn't obviously let him have it so he decide dto go for dinner after all. This way he could find out what the hell Shivaay wanted. Why was he so resolute about owning a chawl? And why that particular one.  But Samar was facing a dilemma now . He knew that there would be alcohol there and what if he had a relapse?

Samar i just heard you are going to dinner with Ragini and the Oberois? I am so happy that you are stepping out for dinner after such a long time.

I don't think i should go though.

Why not beta?

There'll be alcohol there mom and i don't wnat to have a relapse.

Good thing i have a perfect solution to this. Just ask Anika. That girl won't ever let you even so much as look at it. She'll keep you engroosed in her stories .

But i don't think she'll be willing to..

Don't be stupid ...Anika beta shouted Smita ...come here for a second .

Anika made her way inside the room withing a minute.

Yes auntyji?   

I nees a favour beta.

Yes yes aunty...anything you want will be done.

Well i want to you to get ready in one of my daughter's dresses and get ready for dinner . Samar will accompany you of course.

But aunty said Anika looking at Samar.

Mom please don't impose on her  intervened Smaar on Anika's behalf though he was dying to spend some time with her.

Arey Anika beta i am not  asking you to go on a date with him. Actually Sama's sister Ragini and her friends are going for dinner akd they want Samar to join . But as you are well aware Smaar has a bit of a drinking problem so i was thinking that if you could accompany him then he would probably stay away from it.

Oh okay aunty but i have never even met Samar's sister..

So what beta? You know us this for me beta. It is after all because of you that Smaar has finally given up drinking. Obviously Smita had an ulterior motive for doing all this. She wanted her son to move on and Anika could be the one who could take him out  of  the abysmal pit he had fallen into after the death of his wife.

Looking at Smita's face Anika cpuldn't help but feel pity for the mother who stood in front of her. Also she started thinking of Samar as a friend and he seemed decent enough.

Okay aunty i'll go agreed Anika.

Great i am going to have a dress ready for you and i'll help you with the make up and hairstyle.

Mom its a dinner not a party said Samar in an effort to remind her.

Oh please you'll be going to a fancy place so its better to be on the safe side saod Smita as she called a designed friend of hers to arrange a dress for Anika. One which would make Samar' s jaw drop. Also she suspected that Ragini would probably have a breakdown of she saw someone else wearing her dress and looking good in it.

If only Smita knew that a jealous Ragini would be the least of Anika's concern tonight.

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