One shot - part 1

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Takes place during the separation track!

Shivaay Singh Oberoi had been in a sour mood since morning ever since he had heard Ragini say the word Kanjhi. It triggered him and led to a breakdown all over again. Its impact was so profound that he had immedietly asked Ragini in angry tone never to use it again in front of him.

How could the word not bother him? After all it had been her who used it to tease him...Shivaay tried his best not to dwell on the past but he just couldn't help it. Everything reminded her of him. Even his bade papa had voiced out what everyone was thinking- he no longer knows how to live without her by his side.

He could barely concerntrate on his work and spent most of his time indulging in reckless behaviour. The bike that he rode was the biggest proof of it.

So when the photos of Ragini and him were shown all over the news he felt delighted. He knew she'd be watching it and would feel hurt. That is exactly what he wanted her to feel- hurt. He wanted her to be in the same misery as he was.

Making his way towards the couch by the poolside Shivaay fired up his laptop in a bid to getting some work done. A few minutes later Khanna walked in.

Sir i have some news for you .

What is it Khanna? Asked Shivaay without looking up from his laptop.

Well you asked me to get that Chawl deal finalized but ..

But what? Asked Shivaay finally looking up. The mention of that chawl where she lived had captured his full attention.

Sir that chawl has already been bought by someone..

So just pay him more..

Sir he is not bowing down . There is nothing we can do said Khanna fully anticipating an outburst.

Then make him bod down Khanna saod Shivaay standing up. That chawl is mine ..who is the owner by the way.?

Sir SamarJeet Malhotra replied Khanna.

Ragini's brothere? Hmm..i don't care Khanna just get me the chawl. Now leave ordered Shivaay.

Sir there is something else you need to know.

And what that might be asked Shivaay disinterested.

Its about Anika ma'am. This had Shivaay's full attention.

What about her Khanna? Asked Shivaay impatiently.

You asked us to keep track of who she meets with. Well today she was sitting outside the chawl on the bench when someone approached her out of nowhere.

And who was that person Khanna?..don't tell me its Rudra who has been.

No was a complete stranger may want to check your email. I have just semt you his photo.

Shivaay immedietly open the email and to his utter shock it was none other than Samar jeet Malhotra. There was a picture of his ex wife amd Samar Jeet Malhotra talking though she clearly looked disinterested.

What the hell? What was Samar Jeet Malhotra doing at the chawl asked Shivaay. Wait is she the reason why he..

It can't be sir. Like i said he randomly approached her. Also he is a drunkyard. He was stumblimg. He bought a cup of tea for Anika ma'am a and sat by her side . He tried to talk but she left the conversation midway.

Khanna i want a complete file on Samar Jeet Malhotra and keep me updated and let me know immedietly if he approaches her again. Okay?

Khanna said nothing but nodded. After a pause he finally spoke.

Sir can i ask you a question if you don't mind?

Go on Khanna.

Sir Anika ma'am is your ex wife..don't you think its wrong and also illegal for you to have her followed and constantly under survellience? I mean ...

Anika is am enemy of Oberoi family..that has been clear since the day she tried to separate me from my family and break it apart. I like to keep track of all my enemies. Besides Samar Jeet is a business man..i can't risk her telling him anything about the workings of her house or even about security replied Shivaay trying to convince his employee who though had crossed a boundary by asking such a question but was completely right about how he wa sonly tracking Anika for the sake of his family.

Leave now Khanna ...i have work to do. As soon as Khanna left Shivaay opened the photo again to analyse ot carefully. She was wearing white top which exposed her navel and jeans with flowers on them. She wasn't wearing her mangalsutra or sindoor. For some reason this infuriated him.

Shivaay? What are you doing need to leave and go to Ragini's house right know her fiance hit her ...go right now there and try to comforts hers came Pinky Singh Oberoi's voice.

On any other day Shivaay would have flat out reduced to do so. But going there meant running into Samar Jeet Malhotra so how could he not go?

He immedietly got in the car amd made his way towards her house.

Meanwhile Anika stood in front of the mirror making sure her red Sari had been tied properly for the upteenth time. She had finally gotten a job all thanks to the nice lady who she ahd helped out in the market. She had offered him a job as an event manager for her husban'd company. Also she needed help with redecoratimg the house and had been impressed with anika's colourful clothes. She wanted her house to be full of such combinations and had hired her on spot. Something about Anika's lively spirit just fascinated her. Besides she reminded her of her dead daughter in law.

Anika if you don't want to wear a sari then don't..wear simple jeans top said it yourself that she was impressed by you colourful clothes and all that so just he yourself suggested Chanda.

Chanda is right thought Anika and changed into a bright yellow top which exposed her navel and a pair of jeans.

Finally she reached the Malhotra's. Smita Malhotra had immedietly put her to work amd Anika loved every moment of it. She ahd gotten the shock of he rlife when her son turned out be nome other than that creppy man who had approached her the other day. She felt guilty for being rude to him. What if he fires me thought Anika as she followed him to his cabin.

Samar remembered who she was but chose to act indifferent. He did not want her to spill in front of his motjer that he ahd been drinking again. He just gave her instruction about the type of events she'd had to arrange.

Mr. Malhotra i am really sorry about..

You were not being rude miss Anika. Do me a favour but never talk about that day in front of my mother. She doesn't like it when i drink.

Perhaps you shouldn't said Anika regretting it the momemt she said it.

For a moment Samar was taken aback by her boldness but then replied- you are right. I shouldn't .

You know there is a kalu pandit in my chawl. He can help you quit if you want . It is believed he has magical powers you know . If you want i can get you a discount blabbered Anika .

Samar couldn't help but laugh. The way she spoke and her expressions were eerily similar to his dead wife. As Smita Malhotra stood by the door she couldn't help but smile. It was in a long that she had seen her son smile. Perhaps hiring the girl had been the right decision after all.

Shivaay was on his way to Ragini's house when Rudra called him up and asked him to get home immedietly. Apparently Omkara had woken up from coma. Hearing the news was like music to his ears so Shivaay turned tje car around and headed back to the Oberoi mansion.

Ragini Malhotra sometimes couldn't stand her family. They were all so positive but she well she knew she was evil. She preffered stayimg on the 1st floor away from them otherwise they'sd try to tell her to reform her ways. So when she got teh news that Shovaay wasn't coming as usual she threw a hissy fit and indulged in reckless drinking.

Shivaay this time you escaped me but the next time you won't thought Ragini as she sipped her fourth glass of wine.

Meanwhile her brother Samar had been having the best time in a long time. His mother had insited that their new employee Anika stay for dinner . At first she had resistwd but finally she gave in.
There was just something about her that lighted up the whole room. The girl hadn't stopped talkimg about her brother and how he was a genius. It was as if she could never run out of topics to talk about. Finally after bidding them farewell Anika made her way outside when Smita called out to her.

Aniam beta wait its late Samar will drop you .

No aunty its

Mom's right ots quite late let me get the car keys said Samar.

As Anika made her way inside the car. She couldn't help but feel uneasy. She had never gone alone with stranger at that time of the night in a car. Sure Samar seemedsweet and all as did his mother but she had been watching too much crime patrol. Besides Anika knew that she was all alone again and there was noone who would come to save her. But she made herself calm down eventually and agains atarted chatting nonstop with Samar . She tried her best not to think about the times Shivaay ahd dropped her home but then how again could she control herself from thinking about the past. It was all she had after all .

So i think i am going to do it saod Samar out of nowhere breaking her trance.

Do what asked Aniak confused.

Quit drinking..i don't even like it anyway.

Then why do it asked Anial curiously.

Because it helps me forget.

What does it help you forget?

Not what but who. And that's a conversation for some other day .

You know i have had some fair share of pain but forgetting about those who have caused it is not the solution. Confronting our pain is the only thing whoch can help us move on. I saw the photo of the pretty lady with the flower string around it you know. She would have wamted you to confront the pain you carry instead of hiding away from it said Anika getting down from the car leaving Samar thinking about what she ahd said the whole night.

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