Conflicts- last shot

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This is the last shot in this series. I will try to finish both always and forever and betrayal In the next few days before releasing another grand story.

Anika stood in front of the mirror getting ready for her day out with the girl. The three Obahu's had decided to go shopping to spend some quality time together. Though they were together most of the time still it was never enough for them.

So where exactly are you three going ? Asked Shivaay as he was putting on his shirt.

We haven't decided yet. Gauri and I left that decision to Bhavya. It was her turn to pick.

Hmm..Okay.. just text me when you where is it that you are going.

I will replied Anika.

At the mall the three girls had a great time. Bhavya made Anika and Gauri go to a lingerie showroom.. It was the most hilarious scenario. Gauri was so embarrased when Bhavya took her inside that she ran out of there. Anika though nervous at first finally decided that she should get some. Shivaay and hew were a married couple and she rarely made any efforts to initiate sex-she did not want him to think that was not interested in him. Most of all she had this recurring fear of not living Up to his previous girlfriends in the bedroom. She remembered the way Tia used to dress even casually- it was too revealing - Anika couldn't help but wonder if Shivaay and Tia were ever physical. Yes Tia was someone else's wife at that time and it didn't seem as if Shivaay was attra Ted to her but still Anika had her reservations and couldn't keep her insecurity at bay.

Sometimes Anika felt that she should have dated someone else in the past before Shivaay. That way she would have had some more experience. Anika knew that it was stupid of her to think like that but it made sense. While she did have a few crushes and male friends growing up it was never real. She had had admirers in the past- since she worked as a caterer and event manager she used to run into a lot of men but the attention that she received was always the wrong kind- they all wanted sex which was the last thing on her mind.

Anika ended up buying a black see through piece which looked very erotic. All she had to do was now muster up the courage to wear it in front of her husband. She ended up buying few sexy dresses and top as well- the kind that Shivaay's exes wore.

Anika bhabhi why are you so worried.. Shivaay bhaiya is not like that remarked Bhavya in an attempt to placate Anika.

Yes bharjai you are worried for no reason said Gauri.

You guys don't understand...I just needed to do this..I can't help but feel inadequate for Shivaay .

Inadequate as in how biz hi asked Bhavya.

You know what let's just leave this topic. We were supposed to meet your friend Natasha for lunch weren't we Bhavya .

Oh yes she'll meet us at seven heights cafe- let's go. But the discussion did not end there. When the Obahu's went to meet Natasha they ended up talking for hours. Natasha immediately hit it off with both Gauri and Anika.

So Anika I see that you shopped at la senza- looks like your husband is going to have some fun tonight said Natasha . Hearing that made Anika blush.

Though I don't think bhabhi bought it for the right reasons said Bhavya.

What do you mean ? asked Natasha

It's nothing replied Anika.

Bhabhi you can share this with Natasha. She has been in the same position as you are. She too got married to a rich businessman who had a colourful past.

Hearing Bhavya's argument Anika ended up explaining everything to Natasha. Even Gauri was worried now- her husband too was in a live in relationship in the past.

Okay..I have a solution to all your problems. Look I know what it's like when husband's exes are all rich pretty girls . When I got married I too was sometimes intimidated by his past. In fact I was so insecure about every woman he interacted with. It's not that I don't trust my husband it's that I felt as if he deserves more. I was a suit clad kinda girl as you can now see I no longer dress conservative. As for you feeling inadequate I think it's probably because you feel you don't get as much as male attention as your husband gets female attention but I know how to fix it said Natasha.

How can I did it? Asked Anika hoping for a solution.

We first of all bhabhi if you are not satisfied with how you dress just dress sexier- the same way his exes used to dress. I know you all bought a few sexy clothes on your own but that isn't going to cut it. I have the no. Of a personal stylist . In fact I was going to go meet her after leaving from here. We can all go together. She'd love to have Oberoi's. It'll be good for her business. She dresses all major celebrities. As for the whole feeling inadequate part all you need is some male attention..don't get me wrong ..what I mean is when you go to a high profile party and all the gents check you out not in a creepy way though but in a damn her husband is lucky way it sort of inflates your ego and pisses your husband off. This one time at office party I wore a high slit gown and all the men kept looking at my legs. It pissed my husband off so much ..We ended up having great sex.

It's not that Shivaay doesn't get jealous.. trust me he is very possessive and jealous..Though because for different reasons not because of the fact that i come off as too attractive.

Anika bharjai's right..It's same with Omkara least bharjai wears something other than suits like me remarked Gauri grimly.

Like I said girls I have a solution to all your problems..bhabhi I know the annual businessmen awards function is coming up where alot of peopel are going to be there.. my husband and I too are invited ..obviously you'll all be there.. It's the perfect opputunity for you to show how sexy you can be. Let's go to my stylist now.

The Obahu's ended up having a great time at Natasha's stylist. The three got the perfect dresses for the awards functions and even everyday clothes . Anika couldn't wait for her husband to see her in them.

Anika was eagerly waiting for Shivaay to come back home but unfortunately he was running late and texted her telling her to have dinner without him and sleep. But Anika being Anika couldn't fall asleep without him by her side so she sat on the couch waiting for him. Anika did not know when exactly she fell asleep but when she opened her eyes it was morning already and she was in bed with her husband by her side.

Hey you ..finally you are awake said Shivaay softly.

At what time did you come home last night asked Anika rubbing her eyes.

Around 2..when I came you were asleep on the couch so naturally i shifted you replied Shivaay.

Mm..why were you so late last night.

Oh I ended up having dinner with a few fact I ran into an old friend of mine..Shikha Rao...we were together in school..she is doing a great job at handling business fact Oberoi industries may sign a contract with the Rao's said Shivaay getting out of bed.

Anika spent rest of the day googling about Shikha Rao who happened to be the daughter of a rich businessman Shekhar Rao. She looked hot as hell making Anika further insecure. She had complete trust on her husband but there were certain insecurities that kept on rearing their ugly head again and again.

Anika was feeling restless at work until lunchtime when she was approached by few of her colleagues for lunch. Usually Anika turned them down as she wanted to maintain a certain distance. But today she could use the company.

The 6 colleagues ended up going to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

So Anika tell us a bit about yourself said Nikhil who was the head of financial department.

There is not much to tell I guess. I grew up in Mumbai itself and always wanted to do something good in my field of work so I chose this job said Anika.

Hmm...are you coming to the office party tonight Anika asked Sachi another co worker.

Umm...I don't think so..I sort of have a thing but some other time.

Later that evening Shivaay was supposed to pick Anika up but since he was stuck in a meeting he texted Anika that he couldn't make it and to call the driver.

Anika had been trying to call the driver but he wasn't picking up the phone.

Anika if you need a lift I can just drop you said Nikhil.

There is no need replied Anika. She was about to say her driver was coming but she did not want them to think that she was rich enough to afford one. Only the bosses knew who she really was but her co workers didn't and she preferred to keep it that way

Oh come on get in the car.. everyone is's not safe for you to wait alone. Reluctantly Anika agreed and got into the car. The entire car ride Nikhil kept on trying to make conversation and compliment Anika several times which made Anika a bit uncomfortable but she told herself that this was exactly what Natasha had said that she needed. To feel that she was worth of attention from the opposite sex - to not feel inferior than any other girl.

Anika made Nik drop her at some distance from Oberoi Mansio. She did not want him to know where she lived.

When Anika walked in she was greeted by a worried looking Shivaay.

Where were you? The driver told me that he didn't pick up your call as his cell phone was not with him. How did you come home..did you take a auto..god Anika you know it's so unsafe.

Shivaay just hold on a sec..I did not take an auto..a co worker dropped me as everyone was leaving and I did not want to be the only one alone.

Why did you not call anyone else..There are so many drivers and even Rudra or Om could have come to ..

There was no need of that. Now can we please have some dinner and by the way I thought you were stuck in a meeting come you are home.

I called you several times to see if you have reached home but there was no network so I called Gauri to ask whether you were home but she said you still hadn't returned . I got so worried. I called the driver ..he said that he had no conversation with you. I fired him by the way. He should know better . Anyway I even went to your office but the security guard told me you just left . He didn't know how so I rushed back.

Oh my god Shivaay there was no need for that.. I am not a child..I spent more than half my life on my own in this I know the way.

That's not the point Anika. Anyway we'll talk about this later..come have dinner.

After the dinner everyone made way to their respective bedrooms.

So you should give me the no. of your co worker in case of she a good friend? Asked Shivaay as he was changing into his night clothes.

You mean he said Anika . mean a male co worker dropped you home said Shivaay.

Not exactly. I made him drop me at some distance from the house. Couldn't let him see where I lived said Anika.

Why not?

Because then he'd know that I am your wife and

And what?

I told you I want to hide my marital status at work..all the bosses know thanks to media...however there are quite a few co workers who are still unaware and I would like it to remain that way.

But why asked Shivaay..I mean you are my wife Oberoi.

It's not that big of a deal Shivaay.

So this co worker of yours..what's his name ?

Nikhil...I don't know his last name.

You let a guy whose last name you don't know give you a lift home.. he's practically a stranger Anika said Shivaay loudly.

I remember when you use d to drop me home Shivaay..we were also strangers remember..and he works with me.. in fact we even had lunch today.

Hold on a second what do you mean you guys had lunch today.

I went to lunch with my co workers Shivaay..There were six of us .

So what he has now become your friend

Oh my god what difference does it make .

Yeah right said Shivaay storming off.

Some time later he returned only to find Anika talking on phone with someone. Actually after Shivaay and stormed off Anika had called Natasha to seek advice and ended up talking to her for quiet some time. When Shivaay entered the room Anika bade goodbye to her friend before cutting off the call.

Who were you talking to ? Asked Shivaay curiously.

Just a friend replied Anika.

I am sure that this friend of your has a name. Was it Nikhil ?

What ? No..why would I be talking to him.

Apparently he is a good enough friend to drop you home and ..

Stop it Shivaay. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Besides you have lunches and dinners with people of opposite sex all the time don't you..have I ever objected to them?

Because there is nothing for you to object to. That's strictly business and they all know I am a married man. And I tell you all about them myself. You don't have to coax it out of me like I have to .

Okay..listen to me.. It's okay for both of us to have friends of opposite sex do You agree?

Yes but

No buts..let's end this right now. Come here...please ..I barely saw you all the day pleaded Anika in a cute voice.

She looked so adorable like that that Shivaay he e I and climes I to bed together. They spent the better part of an hour gossip- actually it was Anika who kept on talking until finally she fell asleep. Pulling the sheet over her Shivaay got up and headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water as he was thirsty . But as he was getting out Anika's phone beeped indicating that she had just received a message.

Who could be texting her at this hour ? Maybe it's one of those sales companies and all thought Shivaay and was on the verge of walking away again but the phone started beeping again. Yes Shivaay knew that it was a sheer invasion of his wife's privacy to check her phone but he couldn't help himself. He had to know. This Nikhil dropping her home thing was screwing his head. Picking up the phone Shivaay saw that it was a text from someone named Natasha that read:

Don't worry about it..remember what I said ..It's okay to hang out with people of opposite sex. You read too much into everything. Nikhil is a co worker.. feel free to hang out without any guilt.

And P.S did you tell your husband about the trip ?

The next hour was spent by Shivaay contemplating about who the he'll this Natasha was and why the he'll was she giving Anika such bad advice..he knew someone else was provoking his wife from the start and which trip was she talking about.

Shivaay couldn't sleep the entire night . Finally he fell asleep at around 5 in the morning and decided to skip office altogether. It was very unlike of him to do that but he needed to have a long talk with Anika.

Anika I just want to know one thing clearly : what's going on?

Nothing replied Anika .

Why is a woman named Natasha telling you it's okay to hang out with people to opposite sex and what trip was she talking about ?

Anika remained silence.

I knew you wouldn't say but still I found out . I heard Gauri and Bhavya talking this morning and everything seems a bit clearer now.

What did you hear? Asked Anika

Well I know you have been feeling a bit insecure..god Anika how can you even think so low of me..I would never so much as look at any woman other you in that way..I love you..just the way you are..And I am sorry of the whole thing about Sheena missed you makes a whole lot of sense..So let's come up with a new deal..we interact with people with whom both of us are comfortable with..I am not saying we need permission but there should be se boundaries.. agreed ?

Anika said nothing but nodded her head .

Now why don't you go and try on that lingerie that you bought..I'd love to see you in it said Shivaay.

How did you know asked Anika.

You do realize that the brand that you brought them from is famous for lingerie only? Now go and change.


No bought them yourself..I want to see how you look in it.

The two continued bickering for some time until Anika finally changed and gave Shivaay what he wanted and just like that everything fell right into place.

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