Alternate universe

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Based on the current track. Really loving this new Shivika. Takes place after Anika exposes Daksh.

Thankful- Thankful was what Shivaay felt to Anika when she succeeded in exposing Daksh's reality. At first he couldn't believe but Anika had prese ted all the evidence. Daksh had indeed been harassing her. She had made Khanna ji present to the Oberoi's all the CCTV footage which clearly showed what Daksh had been doing. She had also been able to expose his affair with Payal. All of that had resulted in Oberoi's breaking their ties with Kapoors forever. Shivaay had obviously called off his wedding with Tia. Priyanka had been heartbroken at first but everyone tried to console her by saying that it was for the best that Daksh's true face had been revealed before their wedding had taken place. As a token of thanks Dadi had asked Anika to stay in out house along with her family for as long as she wanted.

Anika had been constantly trying to cheer up Priyanka much to Shivaay's glee. She was showering maternal love on Priyanka of which Shivaay and his sister had been deprived of ever since childhood in the same way she showered on her sister Gauri.

Everything was going smooth though there was still one big problem in Shivaay's life - Nikhil Sharma.  He was still engaged to his Anika. Shivaay didn't know when exactly did he start feeling for the girl. He was experiencing jealously and possessiveness in a way that he never had before which was driving him mad.  Shivaay had been successful in preventing Anika's engagement with Nikhil the other day but he knew that he didn't have much time anymore. He needed to get rid of him amd fast.

Anika was working in the kitchen preparing kheer for Priyanka when Shivaay walked in.

What are you doing ?  asked Shivaay

I am preparing Kheer for Priyanka Mr. Oberoi.

Yeah but why haven't you just ask any of the servants to do so ?

Because she likes it the wya i prepare it and it hardly takes much time.

So what ?

How is it going ?

Anika stopped what she was doing and started looking at shivaay trying to decode his actions.

Is there anything you need Mr. Oberoi ?

My name is Shivaay ! Call me call Priyanka by her name don't you.

There is a lot of difference between you and Priyanka. She is my friend ..

And what i am not?

I think you already know the answer to that question. Its a good thing you are here. I have been meaning to talk to you. Umm..i finally got off the ring that you were supposed to give to Tia took some time but it came off . I returned it to dadi .

Why? Yelled Shivaay...i mean its not like i am in a hurry now that i am not marrying Tia.

Yeah but i can't keep on wearing it can i ..i mean its inappropriate and besides i have to wear the ring my fiance has given me.

So why aren't you asked Shivaay bitterly.

He'll be here tonight and then i'll wear it.

Like hell you will thought Shivaay.

Excuse me! kheer is ready so i am going to take it to Priyanka. She rarely eats properly nowadays siad Anika .

Thanks for taking care of her the way you do said Shivaay amd he really meant it. This girl had him floored. She singehandedly took care of the expenses of her own household by doing various businesses and also took care of his sister like her own.

Later that night Shivaay found a way to stop Nikhil from coming to meet Anika and giving her the engagement ring.  Priyanka due to her allergies acting up had fallen sick . She had specifically asked Shivaay not to tell Anika knowing fully well that she'd rush to be by her side. But Shivaay had told Khanna and he knew that Khanna was a chatterbox who'd definitely tell Anika. When Anika found out she cancelled her plans for the night and rushed by Priyanka's side to take care of her.

After Priyanka had fallen asleep Anika decided to return to the out house. As she started walking along the hallways of Oberoi mansion she heard her name being called out by none other Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Mr. Oberoi ! You scared me.

I didn't mean to responded shivaay clearly hurt with the fact that she was still calling him Mr. Oberoi.

I am sorry your engagemnt got cancelled again.

Don't be..its not your fault anyway.

Can i ask you a question?

Of course you can.

How do you know if Nikhil is the right man for you ? I mean giys these days are not trustworthy.. Daksh turned out to be a sleezeball didn't were the one who exposed him and begged me to not rush Priyanka's wedding with him..and you were rigbt to do so..why are you rushimg into your then ?

Because Priyanka amd I we belong to different worlds. Your sister is an Oberoi- she has the luxury of chosing her life partner- one whom she truly loves- as it should be but when a middle class girl like me decides to get married she doesn't do it because of love. I know how important it is for a woman to take her husband's name..their are many who might disagree..but i have always wanted that . My mother..she left me and my sister when were  little in order to pursue an illegitimate relationship with another man. My father passed away soon after. I don't want to end ul like my mother as someone's mistress- i want to be someone's lawfully wedded wife and Nikhil has accepted me along with my past.

Shivaay fell silent on hearing what Anika had said. After hearing her side he was convinced that he felt something stronger for this girl than he had ever imagined.

But there can be another man who is more perfect for you- who can love you reasoned Shivaay. His heart screamed to tell her that he was ready to marry her. How could he not - they both were just perfect for each other. He too had been the victim of  illegitimate affair of his father wich resulted in his parents's death. He hated the term mistress as much as Anika did.

I don't think there is anyone who'd want to love me ..i mean i am not exactly someone who'd make an ideal wife. Men want women who belong to good families..women who don't have their mothers living as mistresses. I don't have that said Anika as a lone tear escaped her eyes. I should go now ..its late.

There'll be at least two more shots to this track ! Comment and like.

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