Alternate universe-2

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Shivaay Singh Oberoi was a complicated man. Never in his life had he ever wanted anyone the way he wanted Anika. He thought of himself as someone who could be cruel at times. He had been cruel to her afterall. But aftersome time she had made him melt. He had never thought that he would ever hug anyone back for he detested physical intimacy but she had changed all that. He found ways to touch her every now and then. She was the kind of wife he needed- someone whose loyalty towards him would be limitless. Someone who made him feel like a real human being rather than a broken man that he was. She soothed the pain of his heartbreak . All Shivaay wanted was to do the same for her.

But first he had to take care of Nikhil. He had run a background check on the guy and found out that he frequented local dance bars. Even the thought of Anika being with a man like him made him sick. What if he tried to take undue advantage of her? He knew how innocent she could be and she already had been molested by Daksh. He had to make sure that nothing like that ever happened to her. It was only he who could ever touch in that way - of that he was convinced.

He had made up his mind- he was going to marry her. He didn't care about anything else.

Mr. Oberoi ! Priyanka is up. I am taking breakfast for her . You should come too said Anika interrupting Shivaay's line of thoughts.

Yeah I'll come. The two entered the bedroom to find Priyanka sitting on the bed.

Anika I told you didn't have to do this.. bhaiya tell her to take some time off nah.

Before Shivaay could say anything Anika replied - absolutely not. First we need to make sure you are all right.

How are you feeling Priyanka? Asked Shivaay as he sat by her side.

I am felling good bhaiya which is why I think you should go on that date with Nikhil Anika.

What date asked Shivaay.

Oh..Nikhil has invited our dear Anika out on a date as he should have- they are going to watch a romantic movie.

Anika was nervous now. She knew how weird Mr. Oberoi acted whenever she spent time with Nikhil and after last night it had become clear that he did not like him. The thought of him being jealous had crossed her mind but she had dismissed the idea quickly. After All why would a man like him be jealous for someone like her.

Anika won't go anywhere said Shivaay.

Bhaiya..What are you talking about.

I mean Anika ..I need some help organizing an event for tonight . So can you help me out?

Oh come on bhaiya..She is going hona date after such a long time and..

It's okay Priyanka..of course I will help you Mr. Oberoi...just let me know what to do.

Good. Some investors are coming tonight for dinner. Make sure the dining room is appropriately decorated.

Okay I will.

Anika why don't you invite Nikhil for dinner. Your work will be done by evening anyway.

But she'll get tired Priyanka won't you Anika asked Shivaay looking at Anika commanding with his eyes to say no to the idea of Nikhil coming over.

Mr. Oberoi is right Priyanka..I can meet Nikhil later. I'll go and get started said Anika as she left the room.

The dinner party was a huge success though Shivaay had one problem. Anika was wearing that darn black saree again- the one she had worn on her almost engagement day. While he loved seeing her in it he did not like the way one of the investors was looking at her.

At one point that investor had even dared to make his way towards Anika and under the garb of enquiring  about her work had tried flirting with her. Shivaay had immediately rushed t
there and put an end to it.

What was that ? Asked Shivaay addressing Anika.

What do you mean Mr. Oberoi ?

Why were you entertaining him?

Because it's my job to. He is your guest and..

Let me make one thing very clear..I am the only one you can talk to here..don't interact with anyone other than me okay?

But what if someone approaches me ?

Excuse yourself and leave. Besides dinner party is almost about to end. Go to Priyanka's room till then. She'd be missing you.

Okay fine said Anika as she made her way to Priyanka's bedroom. The dinner party ended after some time.

By the end of dinner party Shivaay had made up his mind. He had decided to ask Anika to marry him. He didn't care that they had known each other for a short time and there was a very go0od chance that she could turn him down but it was a chance he was willing to take.

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