Alternate universe-3

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Shivaay had finally confessed to Omru about his feelings for Anika. Though he hadn't specifically used the word love but he had made it clear that he wanted to marry her. Omru were relieved to hear that. The two had been speculating about their relationship for days owing to Shivaay's wierd behaviour.

But haven't even asked her yet..She seems to be a simple girl and she is already engaged..I means it's not like you guys have been dating or anything like that.

I know Rudra but i know she feels the same for me. I've felt it. I can't let her marry Nikhil. Now that i don't have to marry Tia it has become clear to me that Anika is the one I should marry. I have always hated even the idea of married or that of physical intimacy with anyone but with her it's different. I can imagine doing all those things with her. I have been doing everything to stop her from meeting Nikhil. I even tried to stop their engagement from taking place but he made her wear the ring in her other finger. And more importantly he is not a good guy. He frequently visits dance bars you know. Can you imagine a girl like Anika being married to a guy like him. Omru I know this is a shock but she makes me feel human .

Shivaay we are on your side . We'll all tell dadi together . I am pretty sure Priyanka is going to be over the moon when she finds out about you two. But you have to talk to Anika first suggested Om.

I will today. So are you guys okay with this?

Okay..we are more than okay bhaiya. We are just glad that you have found someone you really love . I know you haven't used that exact same word but I know that you do said Rudra.

Anika was feeling very nervous. Nikhil was about to come over. Gauri had taken chachi and Sahil to the movies so as to give the newly engaged couple some privacy.

Anika hated the idea of spending the evening alone with Nikhil. They weren't married yet and Anika found it inappropriate to be alone with him at night. Gauri had somehow convinced her by saying that he was he fiance and that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together so what difference one night makes. But Anika still had her reservations.

Finally Nikhil came. Anika had known him for a long time and felt safe around him but still she felt restless as if she didn't belong with him or rather he didn't belong with her.

So Mrs. Future Nikhil Sharma are you ready for tonight?

What do you mean Nikhil..Why do we need to be ready for having dinner ? Asked Anika confused.

We'll I thought we should watch a romantic movies before dinner.. I bought one. Come and sit...I'll put it on.

But Nikhil..

Come and sit Anika. We rarely get to spend time anymore. Ever since you have started living here it's getting harder for us to be together.

I am looking for alternate places to live at said Anika as she sat on the couch as Nikhil put the movie on.

We'll you don't have to anymore. We'll after we get married we'll be living together obviously but i know how much you love your family which is why I have found a place not far from my house. The rent is not too much. You all can move in there tomorrow if you want.

Tomorrow but i can't right now..I mean I want to stay here for some time..Priyanka is my friend and she needs me.

Priyanka has her whole family to look after her Anika said Nikhil placing his hands around her waist making Anika shift comfortably.

The movie started playing and after some time the hero started financing heroine. All of this made Anika uneasy. She had watched several romantic movies with Nikhil in past but now for some reason it felt wrong. Anika knew what the reason was or rather who the reason was but she just wasn't ready to admit it yet.

Nikhil started stroking Anika's back in a seductive way making her freeze. All Anika wanted to do was run at that moment. Fortunately the bell door rang interrupting Nikhil from further continuing what he was doing.

I am going to open the door said Anika getting up and made her way towards the door.

Anika wait said Nikhil pulling her back. I don't want anyone to interrupt us okay.


Whoever it is will go away .

What if it's someone from the Oberoi family..I am living In their outhouse..I have to open said Anika. The bell door rang again.

Anika made her way towards the door knowing fully well who it could be . The truth was that she wanted him to come for she knew that his being there meant that Nikhil would stay away and for some weird reason that was really comforting.

Her guess was indeed right. There stood in front of her in all his glory Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Mr. Oberoi what are you doing here? Asked Anika.

I wanted to talk to you said Shivaay as he walked in but as soon as he entered he became still. Nikhil too was there.

What the hell is he doing here thought Shivaay.

Mr. Oberoi's So good to see you though it was obvious that Nikhil was lying.

Wish I could say the same thought Shivaay.

So what are you two upto and where is everyone else? Asked Shivaay addressing Anika .

Anika was about to reply but Nikhil cut her off. Oh ! We were about to watch a romantic movie so every one else is out engagement couple needs privacy doesn't it said Nikhil jokingly.

What exactly do you need privacy for asked Shivaay?

Well we have hardly spent anytime together since few weeks and i wanted to make sure that my dear fiance hasn't forgotten me said Nikhil winking at Anika which did not go unnoticed by Shivaay.

In order to save herself from the awkward situation Anika gave an excuse and left the room heading towards the kitchen leaving Shivaay and Nikhil all alone in the room.

Nikhil's cell phone rang and he also left the room leaving behind Shivaay. Shivaay started walking around the room and looking at the surrounding. While doing that his eyes fell on somethings which caught his attention. Kept on the table nearby was a gift box with a note on it which read-

I can't wait to see you in this. Feels like i have waited for an eternity to finally have you.

It took a second for Shivaay to finaaly comprehend what Nikhil's note meamt and what kind of gift he had gotten for Anika. All this made Shivaay very restless . He wanted to throw the bastard out right there right then.

Anika came back into the room.

I need to talk to you Anika.

Yes Mr. Oberoi.

You need to seen dthat fiance of yours home.

What ? I can't do that said Anika though she reallu wanted Nikhil to leave.

Why the hell not questioned Shivaay.

Because like you said he's my fiance..

He won't be in some time whispered Shivaay.

What did you say mr. Oberoi asked Anika.

Nothing. Listen we need to talk and i don't want him here so ask him to leave or i will.

At the exact moment Nikhil came back. Shivaay amd Anika exchanged a look until finally Anika spoke.

Nikhil..Priyanka is not feelimg well..i have to go

Anika but what about our date asked Nikhil.

We can continue it tomorrow can't we..i have to be by her side. Please understand.

Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Do open the gift that i got you.

Hearing that Shivaay couldn't help but scoff. As if he is going to let Anika wear whatever cheap lingerie he had purchased. At least that's what Shivaay had assumed on reading his note.

Nikhil finally left leaving Shivaay and Anika alone.

So what did you want to talk about? Asked Anika as she sat down on the sofa.

I wanted to talk about you and Nikhil replied Shivaay.

What about it? Asked Anika confused.

I want you to break off your engagement with him.

I am sorry what.

I want you to leave him.

And why should i do that asked Anika.

You know why said Shivaay.

Okay I am confused right now.

I want you to marry me not him.

This took Anika back my surprise.

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