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Set a few  years after Anika leaves Shivaay for the second time ...after he marries tanya.

Anika had never expected that one day she would be working for sidharth Vikram Rana but then she had never expwcted that she would be a divorced women.

A year had passed by since she had seen her ex husband Shivaay singh Oberoi. P

Anika knew that she couldn't have stayed in the same city as Shivaay so she was ready to leave Mumbai forever and move to a small town. She was done with the city life and wanted some peace but life jad other plana for her.

The taxi she was travelling in met with an accident which resulted in injuring both her and Sahil but that was nothing compared to the injury that Mallika Sidharth Rana had suffered.

Mallika had slipped into a comma and sopn after a few days passe away leaving a very hearbroken husband. Sidharth Vikram Rana had never even he would have lost his way the way he did. It had torn his entire family  apart . His parents saw their son break down completely.

But he wasn't alone in his grief. Anika had lost her little brother sahil a few days after Mallika had passed away. Things had taken a very tragic turn in both their lives. Not only had Sidharth lost his wife , he had also lost his unborn child and anika had lost the last person who was her family.

Grief brought the two together in a way that they never expected to. Anika had hone into depression while sidharth had turned to alcohol. The two would often meet and just sit together in silence for long hours.

That's when it hit janki- Sidharth's mother that the two could help each other out. She was tired of seeing her eldest  son like this which is when she suggested that the two should get married.

Anika had detested the idea at first but finally she had agreed. There was simply nothing in her life to look forward to. With sidhath by her side, she could at leadt share her misery with someone. They had a completely platonic relationship and hada greed that their marriage would just be a pretense . The Rana's annouced that their son had married again but they hadn't disclosed Anika's identity. Both anika and sidharth were in dire need of privacy and the last thing they wanted was the media's attention.

Anika had completed her education with siddharth's help and was learning the ropes of his business empire. The two would often drink together and get high. They had both experimented with hard drugs to ease their pain. Sidharth had been able to recover , anika hadn't.  Her drug problem had been worrying the entire rana family.

Anika simply wasn't who she used to be. As time passed , she turned into an exact opposite version of who she used to be. She drank black coffee like her ex husband and cared about making money. Gone was her modesty - she now wore revealing clothes and acted in an extremely sophisticated manner. She had managed to tone dine her drug use for the sake of the Rana family.

There were nights when she woukd lay in bed and think about why things had turne dout titned the way it did - sahil was the last person on this earth who was her family and he was gone. Forever. All because of the Oberoi's- their cousin Veer was responsible for the accident . The car that she was travelling in had been tampered with to amke sure that Anika died . Anika had started hating shivaay witha fury- becaus eof him she had lost her little brother. His famiky drama had left her all alone.

When sidharth found out that it was becaus eof the Oberoi's family feuds that his wife Malika died , he was furious. Which is why he wanted revenge.

We will have our revenge Anika i promise.

When ? aske dme tobwait amd i did. I have turned myself around. I am no longer the weak Anikathat i used to be. I want to make Oberoi's pay.

You think you can do that to Shivaay ? He was your husband.

Exactly. He was ...not only did her marry another woman , i had to lose my brother because of his family and not to forget that his family is in some way responsible for my father's death. I want to know the truth sidharth. It's time to finished our unfinished business.

Fine. Pack your bags . Its time we return to Mumbai .

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