escaping destiny - part 2

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Shivaay had woken up in the middle fo the night with pain his chest. It wasn't as if he was having the most peaceful sleep in the first place . Something had felt wrong very wrong. It had felt as if Anika was in danger. He had tried calling her but her phone was switched off.

She is probably sleeping. I'll go get her back tomorrow from Chanda's house though Shivaay as he laid down in the bed to sleep brushing his intuitions  asaid. If only he knew about the storm that was brewing- the one which threatened to take away a part of his soul - his wife whom he loved more then he could ever say.

Shivaay had spent the entire day thinking of ways he could get Anika to forgive him.

I am going to bring you back Anika..and make it all okay you'll see thought Shivaay before sleep engulfed him. If only he knew the world he would wake up to will be the one very different from the one he was living in.

The next morning-

Om and Shivaay had decided that they they were going to get their respectives wives back no matter what . The next morning after seeking dadi's blessing they decided to head towards their destination- Chanda's house.  Shivaay knew that Anika was stayinh there and knowing Gauri she would have went wherever her bhorjai did.

At least have breakfats puttar said dadi

No time for that dadi..your bahus are quiet in a mood but don't worry we'll get them back in a bit and then we can all have breakfast together.

Oh my mata mummy ji...did you see the news...may god have mercy on all

What's wrong pinky?  Kalyani asked her youngest daughter in law .

I was just watching the news and saw the horrific news of a bus enroute manali  colliding with a truck ...the images were petrifying mummyji..there are no survivors.

Oh ho Pinky...why do you have to start ylu day with listening to such negative news said Shakti

Shakti ji i was just...

I think we should jsut leave said Shivaay . He had no time to listen to her mother talk about things which were irrelevant to his life.

If only he knew how important the news of this accident was going to be both to him and his brother.

At chanda's house

How is it possible Chanda...she told me she was coming here.

I am sorry shivaay but she is not here you can come inside and check if you want replied Chanda.

No that's you have any idea where she could have gone

Sorry Shivaay i have no clue..she called me up and asked me if it was okay for her and her devrani   to stay with me for some time and i agreed. I  waited for them but they never came. I had just assumed that she had just changed her mind and decided to stay with at home after all.

If they are not here them where could they possinly be said Om looking at his Shivaay.

I don't know but don't worry we'll find them...anyway thanks for your help Chanda..if you hear anything from them olease let us know.

Of course Shivaay.

Om i think you should call Gauri's mom and ask if they are there ...where else could they have possibly gone said Shivaay as he got into the car.

Meanwhile in a dark ditch Anika had just woken up covered in blood her head was pounding. In fact every part of her body was hurting in the worst possible way . As soon as she regained her senses she started looking around in hopes of finding any help. But there were dead bodies all around her. She had woken up clutching the hand of a girl...a girl whose name she couldn't recall. She tried hard to remember her name but to no avail. Everything seemed lost but one thing was clear ...the girl she was holding on to was an important part of her life.

Wake up...i don't know who youa re but please wake up yelled Anika..

Oh god please..wake up

Bhaujai..are you okay mumble gauri sleepily. Thankfully te poor girl hadn't lost her memory and could remember the events that had transpired vividly.

It hurts every where...don't worry ..i am going to make it all better said Anika before she fell in a deep slumber only to wake up in a house hooked up to  machines.

Anika opened her eyes to see a doctor standing by the bedside.

Who are you? Mumbled Anika

Don't worry its going to be are going to be okay .. i am a doctor..this young man bought you adn your sister here

My sister?...that girl is my sister

Yes...we went through the bag she had wrapped around herself and found this photo of two girls sitting side by side ..also that girl needed a particular blood type so we tested yours and it matched..we also tested your dna to make sure before the transfusion...usually it requires consent but since we assumed she was your sister we went ahead

That girl is my sister...said Anika looking at the photograph..even though she couldn't recall anything else the name chutki was engraved on her heart

I can't remember anything..who am i ..what am i doing here and who bough me here

Don't worry .. its a case of classic amnesia have lost your memory for some will however regain it slowly by slowly

How long will it take

Well it depends on a lot of factors ...none of which can be controlled so i'd suggest that you concentrate only on your physical recovedy for now.

Where is she...where is my chutki

You mean your sister..i am sorry but sadly she had slipped in a comma we tried our best but the accident had a far too deep impact on her..she is out of danger for now.

Don't worry she'll be fine and as for who bought you here..a young gentleman who owns this house found you and your seems as if you two were involved in an accident..can you rememeber where you were going or on what

No i can't

Don't worry it'll all come back to you don't take stress.

Oberoi mansion

It had been two days since the Oberoi had heard about the whereabouts of their bahus except Pinki of course who was rejoicing in the fact that both the lower class girls had left her home forever .

What do you mean you couldn't find hard it is to find two girls.

Sir they don't have their phones with them so its not possible to trace their location and we have been looking for them everywhere.

I don't care Khanna..i want them home by tonight yelled Shivaay

Shivaay sir there is police at the door ..they want to meet you

Police? Why would the police come here..perhaps they know soemthing about Gauri and Bhabhi said Om

Let them in puttar said daadi

Shivaay puttar calm down..Anika and Gauri will be fine ...they are just mad at both of you as they should be..they'll come around..whenever your dadi ji and I fought i always used to hide for some time so that he'd come take me back. Trust me they'll be fine.

Dadi they both have been gone for an..

Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi..the police inspector's voice cut in.

Yes...i am Shivaay and this is my brother Om

I am sorry but i need to ask you both a few questions.

What's going on inspector...asked Bhavya

You are?

Former A.C.P Bhavya pratap Rathore..i am head of security for Oberpi mansion

Well miss Rathore we are just following standard protocol

Which would be aksed Bhavya

Well you all must have beard about the bus accident enroute Manali

How is that relevant to us.. we have better things to do

Let him finish bade bhaiya please said Bhavya looking at Shivaay

Well as you all must be knowing the bus fell into a ditch and well we are trying to identify the casualties said the police he ordered the hawaldar to bring the packet.

Opening the packet the police men retrieved a bag and phone .

Mr. Oberoi do you recognize this bag

This is Anika's did you..stuttered Shuvaay

It was found on the sight of accident. And this phone was also found which is still functioning..we switched it on and found some photos and recognized who you were.

This is gauri's phone..said Om befor he collapsing on the ground

I am sorry but i need to you both to come to the police station and check if  the casualties are indeed your wives.

No it can't be..oh my god said Shivaay with tears flowing down from his eyes. And just like that the foundation of the Oberoi mansion shook that day.


1 year later..With Gauri still in comma and Anika unable to recall anything of her past life agrees to marry the man who saved her -Kabir Raichand ...but will her past ever let her foget the man who truly held his heart.

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