Escaping destiny- part 1

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Based on the current pia track. AniRi deserve better.

If someone had told Anika that one day she'd be contemplating about whether her decision to marry her husband again was right after all she would have slapped that person. For her it had always been the only thing which felt right- being married to him- every since they had gotten martied in the first place. But now it seemed they were back to sqaure one.
For once everything had settled down  and she had thought that they could finally  start their happy married life but how could the curse of fate ever escape her.

She would have never imagined that her husband whom  she worshipped blindly would have cheated on her the way he did. So what if he hadn't slept with that cheapde? He had still picked her upin his arms - in the very same arms which were only supposed to pick her up. He had let another woman kiss her though on the cheek but still it was enough to shake Anika to the core. And then he had the audacity to hide it from her. If he would have just told her the truth in the first place she would have after much convincing forgiven him. How could she not? But he chose to violate the sanctity of their marriage by lying further to cover up his sins.

She would have never figure it on her own if she hadn't their conversation with pia by the pool. Later that night she had secretly peaked at Shivaay's phone and seen that video. She couldn't but feel sorry for her devrani too. Gauri had also trusted Omkara blindly like her stupid bharjai. Anika remembered the look on on Gauri's face and tears in her eyes when Anika showed her the scandalous video. Seeing her cry like that broke Anika's heart and a sure of protectiveness overcame her. As much as she had wanted to console her devrani that there was a reasonalke explanation for all this she couldn't. The truth was that the Obros had broken their truth beyond repair and possibly ina  way damaged their marriage.

Anika and Gauri had decided to confront their husband the next morning. All six of them had gathered in teh living room on Anika's instance  .

Anika bhabhi what's going on why did you call us so early here that too together asked Rudra

Its not early ...its 11:00 a.m. dumbell Oberou said Omkara as he smacked Rudra on his head.

But yes bhabhi ehy did you call us all here ?

Gauri and I have a surprise for both of you and we wanted Rudra and Bhavya both to be here.

What surprise Anika asked Shivaay suspicously.  He knew something had been up . Anika had been acting weirdly since morning.

Just a second bade bhaiya said Gauri. Never had she though that she would look at her bade bhaiya with such  contempt.

Anika switched on the t.v and connected her phone to it . After some time the video started playing.

Shivaay , Omkara and Rudra looked at the t.v screen in shock. Nobody spoke anything for soem time after the video finished.

Shivaay took a step towards Anika as did Om towards Gauri

Don't yelled Anika at Shivaay holding her hand up in the air.

Gauri I

Nahi Omkari ji....not today

With tears in their eyes both the wives made their way towards their respective bedroom leaving Obros fixed to their spot. Bhavya had tried to consoel them but to no avail.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi knew that he ahd fucked up royally. How was he supposed to turn this around..he could tell her that they were drugged but the chanced of Anika believing it after everything were the same as Rudra not hitting on a hot girl- slim to zero.

Shivaay made his way towards the bedroom only to find Anika packing her suitcase.

Anika what are you doing?

What does it look like?

Anika please just...

Not now Shivaay said Anika as she zipped the briefcase.

Anika if youare moving to the other rolm don't i'll just..

What makes you think i am packimg this stuff for moving to the other room. I am packing it because i have decided to stay at Chanda's for some time.

Oh come on Anika you can't possibly be thinking about leaving the house just because..

Just because what ...just because what husband decided to cheat on his newly wed wife and then tried to cover it up...tell me Shivaay if the roles had been reversed and you had to see a video like that of me with another man what would you reaction have been...i can already imagine it with my mind.

Anika just listen to me..i can

Please don't..i don't have it in me anymore Shivaay..i can't...we both have been through alot together and during that time you have done and said a lot of things which have broken me but i let those slide because my live for you has always blinded me. That's the thing about us orphans . We are so hungry for love that we accept it any form even when the ones we love enough to die for hurt us in the most brutal way. You know sometimes i miss the Anika i was before i met you. Yes i was all alone and had no family...i may have stuggled to make a living but i had self respect. I miss having that but enough is enough. I think that we took the decision of getting married again way too soon we should have waited and gotten to know each other better. I have decided that i need a break.

Anika please don't like this..and a break..what do you mean by a break

It means i want to stay away from you for some time and if you want us to ever work things out then you will do as i say

Anika please just listen that video..its take  out of context and I ...please jsut

Shivaay i don't hae time for all this i said i need a break and i want you to stay away from me for as long as possible..please don't try to contact me or come at Chanda's house..give me space so that i can think things over..please

For the first time in his life Shivaay singh Oberoi felt defeated.

Gauri had also decide to leave the mansion for some following the confrontation with Omkara. She had decided follow her bhorjai. At first Anika was heading towards Chanda's house but she knew Shivaay would keep bugging her if she went there. Anjak decided that she meeded some peace as did Gauri. They both had some money with them and decided to board a bus which was headed to Manali. For some starnge reason they felt as if they were complete whenever they were with each other. If only they knew that theirs was a bond sealed with blood meant to last a lifetime together.

Anika had decided not to take her phone with her and so had gauri for they feared that their husbands would follow  them.

They both knew that perhaps they w ere overreacting a bit and should have listened to their husband's explanation at least once but at that moment both of them were consumed with the lethal combination of angst and fury.

Midway the journey while Gauri had fallen asleep Anika had a strong urge to call her husband and let him know of their whereabouts. To tell him that they were okay. Anika laughed at the absurdity of her situation. She herself had left her husband and was now lamenting it after a mere few hours. But that's what loving shivaay did to her- it constantly clouded her judgement. Moreovee she had the responsibility of Gauri on her and couldn't let the poor girl suffer with her. She had only just gotten back with Omkara and deserved the taste of marital bliss the one Anika had known briefly .

After having a mental fight with herself Anika decided that they would get down at the next bus stop and board another bus back to Mumbai. As alluring the idea of going to Manali  and the prosepect of making her husband worried about her  to extract her revenge on him seemed there was a stong feeling of fear that had engulfed her.

Anika decided to ignore her intuition and closed her eyes waiting for the bus to halt they could return home and fight with her husband for all eternity.

But that's the thing about life . It never lets you escape destiny and ,Anika and Gauri, the two sisters who had been separated years back had ended up with the worst fate of all.

They both had fallen asleep with the hope that they would soon be reunited with the people they loved. If only the bus hadn't collided with the truck and fallen deep in the ditch.
If only the driver had been more careful while driving and averting the accident.

If only the events that had transpired been prevented.

But alas the accident had taken place thus altering the course of their lives and those who loved them forever but finally for once the two sisters were united.

I hope you guys liked this story. I know its a bit different but i have a really good track planned. Your criticism is highly welcome.

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