Random drabble

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Continuation of that handcuff drabble ! Wrote this a long time ago .

Later that night Shivaay couldn't help but think about Anika in that position. How good she looked tied to to the bed , her hands fettered by the handcuffs restricting her movement. It was pure bliss to see her like that. And when he was scratching her, he knew she got all hot and bothered. If only Bhavya hadn't interrupted their movement.

Shivaay you need to throw that idea out of your mind...she is your ex wife thought Shivaay in a feeble attempt to convince himself that he could actually forget it. But what alternative did he have? They couldn't just ...could they . No Anika hadn't slept with him when they were together ..now that they weren't she sure as hell wouldn't. But she was also turned on earlier today thought Shivaay.

I need to know for sure thought Shivaay as he went to his bedroom. He acqired a pair of handcuffs in case Anika agreed to what he had in mind. Though chances looked bleek but a guy could hope.  Texting her he asked her to come to his bedroom aftwr dinner.

Anika was surprised to see Shivaay's text at that hour of the night. What could he possibly need from her? She hoped it wasn't about what happened earlier. She was in mood to discuss her embarassment.

Anika entered the room quietly. Shivaay was waiting by the bed.

Why did you call me here ? Asked Anika making Shivaay turn around .

We need to talk

About what Shivaay

About what happened earlier today

No we don't

Come on..Anika..we had a moment

We did ?

Don't act so coy now ..you know what i am talking about..you liked being in that position

Even if i did..it doesn't matter..i mean the moment's gone now

It can be recreated again though said Shivaay seductively taking astep towards her .

Meaning asked Anika her heartbeat racing

I got these in case you'd want me to use them..said Shivaay taking out the pair of handcuffs

Why would i want you to use them m?

Because the prospect of being tied and me touching you turned you on Anika said Shivaay pulling her in his arms.

Shivaay what are you doing...we can't

Why not Anika

Because we are no longer married

Not a good enough reason..let me do it..just give in

But..come said Shivaay leading her to the bed.

Just lay down..trust me

Anika did as she was told. As much as she knew how wrong it was she still very much wanted to do it.

Shivaay tied her to the bed with the hancuffs. Okay you are all ready. Just tell me to stop whenever you want me to.

Shivaay got on the bed and started running his hands on her womanhood through her jeans. Anika could do nothing but moan. Ahh Shivaay

Are you okay with it


Then i should continue . He continued rubbing her down there for some time befor unbuttoning her jeans. Anika looked at him in alarm. It was all too much for her. Shivaay please stop begged Anika.

Shivaay was surprised. Few minutes back she was enjoying jt and suddenly she wasn't.

Okay..Anika but

Untie me

Shivaay said nothing for a while but after some time finally untied her.

Anika got up from the bed and was about to leave the room when she felt a pair of hands on her waist.

Why not Anika?

You know the answer already Shivaay.

I don't Anika..i don't get you ...first you come back to this house and claim to be engaged yet i haven't seen you with your so called fiance once except for the time when you went to that restraunt which i know was a set up ..i also know that Rudra gave you that dress.. i know you are not engaged..then why should we deny ourselves the pleasure we crave.

Let' say i give in to my desires right now Shivaay..then what..the next morning we'll wake up as the same old estranged couple who don't know anything about each other's life anymore..who don't what the other person has been doing since the past three months...

Whose fault is that Anika..you bought this on by doing what you did that day dammit..if you want me just forgive you then you have to atleast ..

Beg for it Shivaay..guess what..i don't want to...and i also don't what you to think that i am trying to trap you once we sleep together..because i know you well enough Shivaay Singh Oberoi to know that girls like me are only out there working every minute to trap rich guys like you..but i won't Shivaay..i won't stand anymore insults again..i won't be treated like your bloody misstr..

Beofre Anika could complete that sentence Shivaay's lips were on her mouth. They broke the kiss after some time.

Don't you ever say that  eord again okay..you are not my misstress okay..don't say it ever again

I should go its late..

I used to watch you you know..standing by the window..looking at the moon..night after night...then i felt you at Ragini's home...i had to know what you were doing there..i remember looking at a photo of you and Samar sipping tea ...i was livid when i found out that he bought that chawl you know...i remember breaking so many things the day i found out that youbwere going to work for him...you may have moved on Anika bit i was waiting every single day so that you could come back and apologize and eventually i'd take you back....why didn't you..i deserve an answer.

What do you want me to say Shivaay..if you want me to beg then that's not going to happen. Besides i don't think you did anything wrong by divorcing me. I mean we were never meant to be..you were always meant to be with a high society girl . We were not compatible at all and ..

Before Anika coupd complete what she was sayimg Shivaay smashed his lips on hers. After sometime he pulled away.

You have no right to decided how compatible we were. We were doing just fine as i recall.

Anika knew that that she had to say something to make him back off.

There was a reason why i didn't sleep with you back when we were marriedamd it was because i knew we wouldn't last..i was right wasn't I..as for today you are right i did get carried away but then i remembered something..how special losing my virginity is to me and i don't want to lose it to a man who i am no longer married to.

Really? So who are you going to lose is to..your non exsistent fiance.

I don't know but it won't be to you Shivaay said Anika exitimg his bedroom.

Challenge accepted thought Shivaay as he watched go.

End of the handcuff drabbles !

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