Jealous S.S.O rocks

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Sorry guys i can't update other stories as i don't have the time right now but here's a drabble for now. Enjoy. Takes place during the Vikram track.  18+ so please read at your own risk.

Rudra Singh Oberoi knew exactly what would piss off Shivaay to the extent that he would keep aside his ego and call off the wedding of his ex wife and his dear bhabhi Anika. Though omkara had been tempted to tell Rudra to shut up when he had narrated his plan he refrained from doing so. Om knew that they neede dto stop the wedding functions before things got out of hand . So both the brothers along with their respective partners had hatched the perfect plan with Rudra and Gauri proclaiming jealous S.SO rocks as the official tagline of the mission .

It was the perfect plan...they'd throw a party and Rudra with his famous fruit punch would get Anika drunk. Then they would ask Vikram to escort Anika to the room when she would get tipsy enough in front of Shivaay. Shivaay unable to bear the sight of Vikram touching anika in any way would go ballistic and call off the wedding.

Except they weren't aware of how much of a creep Vikram was or how he was planted by Ragini. But Anika was no fool. She knew what kind of a man Vikram was which is why she was growing impatient by the minute to end the drama. Thought she had thought of him as a good man he had thrown her off the other night when she had seen him constantly eyes her bosom amd sometimes he purposely tried to push himself towards her by making an excuse or two. Somehow she had resisted the urge to tell her ex husband. Last thing she needed was for them to get into a brawl.

Anika viewed the sari Gauri had laid out for her in confusion. Wearing it would bare her back completely and the front too won't cover much. It wasn't that never wore saris like that . She had adorned them on several occasions in the past but now she wasn't so sure . Vikram would be there and she wasn't sure how much of his ogling could she taken anymore. But then her ex husband was also going to be there and Vikram wouldn't do anything in fronnt of Shivaay.

Finally Anika wore  the sari and entered the pool area which was entirely  decorated courtesy Rudra Singh Oberoi.

As soon as entered the room, she could feels his eyes on her back. She turned around to see her husba- ex husband dressed in a sharp suit staring at her as if he was going to eat her up at any moment. Shivaay made his way towards her trying hard not to get an erection.

Anika greeted Shivaay

Before Anika could reply she was pulled away by Gauri and Bhavya on Rudra's order and taken to Vikram's side.

You both definitely need to get clicked together. You guys are getting married after all said Rudra loud enough for Shivaay to hear.

What's the need for that rudy? I mean this is not a function its just a normal gathering and..

Arey Shivaay bhaiya they couldn't get any picture clicked on their engagement day remember ...Ragini and badi ma even tried to click some but due to some reason it was stopped..haina Gauri bhabhi?

Shivaay knew what Rudra was doing. He knew that Shivaay was the one who had interrupted the photo clicking session earlier considering that bastard Vikram had tried to place his filthy hands on Anika. But alas he couldn't react could he.

But to his great relief Anika had excused herself from there citing that she needed to use the washrool which she really did comsidering her blouse's dori was very loose amd could open any moment.

After some time when Anika still hadn't returned and everyone was engrossed in one thing or the other Shivaay made his way to the bedroom to attend an important call on his phone only to be met with the sight of Anila struggling to contain her blouse.

Can i help asked Shivaay startling Anika and making her turn around.

I only came to your room sonce it is so close and..

You don't have to justify your use of this room can use ot whemever you want said Shivaay making his way towards helping her adjust her blouse. After he was done tightening her dori the urge to open it completely and take her blouse off completely had intensified .

I just thought that your Ragini might mind me being in your room considering..

Comsidering what shivaay cut her off

Considering she is your fiance

Oh right no what would make you think that Ragini is really secure she is not like other girls said Shivaay tring to make Anika jealous.

I just though that...never mind its good to hear that i mean i happen to know of some people who get jealous when their partner even talks on the phone to their friend of the opposite sex said Anika remembering the Rohit and the phone call incident.

Well thats because thats wrong completely wrong if soemone is flirting with your partner?

And its not wrong to help your ex wife adjust her dress?

You know what Anika i know what youa re doing so don't even..ugh why don't you just admit that your so called relationship with Vikrsm is a facade and telle the truth so that we can put an end to this.

What makes you think this is a facade? Asked Anika witha  smirk on her face.

Enough Anika you ar etesting my patience. 

Me are the one who is getting mearried Shivaay

Only because you want to

Really what made you think that but them again i know your concepts regarding consent before getting married are not clear. I should lnow since..

Don't ge there Anika

Why not shivaay i live there let's have it out in the open shall we

I tried to make up for it remember but you wouldn't let me infact you did things which led to our divorece amd i have beea sking you sonce then why? Please just tell me.

I can't Shivaay said Anika sitting down on the bed . Please try and understand.

So you are not going to tell me then i won't be the one callingnoff this wedding Anika said Shivaay in his Tadi.

Really? You will have no problem if i marry Vikram.

Absolutely not. I am marrying Ragini and you Vikram . Unless..

I tell you the truth Anika completed the sentence as she stood up.

We should go everyone must be waiting for us.

As soon as Anika went outside she was made to drink Rudra's punch and even though she knew it had alcohola fter the first taste she didn't care. Getting drunk seemed to be the only think that would make her noght bearable as Shovaay had spent the rntire evening by Ragini's side to make Anika jealous. Finally when Anika was drunk enough she had relatiated by asking Vikram to take her to her room.

There is no need of that. Rudra will take you Anika came Shivaay's voice.

There will be no need of that Shivaay. Besides i want to spend some time with my fiance privately said Anika witha wink enough to drain the blood from Shivaay face.

Vikram had tried to place hands on Anika waist and that's when all hll had broken loose. Rudra's plan had worked with Shivaay punching Vilram which was  a funny scene considering their height difference. Shivaay had had Vikram thrown out of the mansion and carried Anika to his bedroom.

Where is Vikram shivaay ...he is my fiance he should be the one placing me on bed mumbled Anika drunkily

That's it Anika you take these game s too far someties and cross line that you shouldn't

What line tell me what is wrong in me asking my fiance to escort me to my room...i needed his help anyway

What kind of help did you need care to share

Well for one said Anika signalling Shivaay to come closer to her and then leaned in to whisper in his ears ' i needed his help in taking this saree off' how the hell can i take it off on my own.

That is it Anika yelled Shivaay. Take that back right now.

Why Shivaay i am marrying the guy. He has every right to see me naked don't  you think...and besides after our marriage he'll be doing a lot more than...

Do not compleet that sentence i am warning you said Shivaay as he smashed his phoen on the floor and proceeded to break the rest of the crockery in his room.

Once he was done breaking stuff he looked back at the bed only to find his wife curled up in a ball sleeping like a baby. He wondered how she had fallen asleep amidst the noise of him breaking stuff. But then she was pretty tired and drunk.  After changing his clothes Shivaay made his way to the bed near Anika and slept peacefully.

The next morning Anika woke up shit scared. She remembered everything that had happned the night before and instantly regretted. She really had croosed a line in their games. To her aurprise eveything in the room had been cleaned and the broken items replaced. Nearby a glass juice of glass was kept on the table with what appeared to be a disprin and note that read

' We'll talk about what happened last night when i get home tonight. Be ready at 8 :00 p.m. '

Anika knew she was royally screwed. What were they going to talk about. How she  had insuniated that she ad Vikram were going to have sex after their imaginary wedding or how careless sshe had been saying that knowing fully well how possessive Shivaay was. But on some level she reasoned he needed it. It had after all made him call of the wedding. She no longer had to bear that creep Vikram.

Anika was deep in her tjoughts when he entered the room shatp at 8:00 p.m

You are here said Anika as she stood up

I said i would be .

At that exact moment Anika's cell phone  rang and Vikram's name flashed on itm he had sent her a hundred text messages since morning claiming that he had fallen in love with her and cherished every moment they had spent together. After Anika's failure to reply Vikram had procceded to tell her via further texts how one day he was going to get his hand son her and do things to her sexual in mature that would make her forget Shivaay  . The one tha stood out was the one stating that he would make her cum better than Shivaay could which Anika had failed to comprehend . After a quick google search Anika had wanted almost thrown up. The thought of imaging Vikram foing all those things to her made her sick.

Who is it from aske Shivaay looking at the worried expression on anika's face.

Sahil ...its Sahil ...he must be calling to inform that he has reached the hostel safely.

Oh put him on speaker i want to talk to him too.

Oh there is no need of that said Anika cutting off the call quickly...we'll talk to him later after we have talked about what happened last night said Anika in an attempt to distract him.

Look Shivaay I...

You are a really bad lia Anika...showe your phone

But Shivaay i ...Aniak knew at some people she had to give her phone to him. Finally she handed over the phone to him.

Shivaay took one look at the phone amd after seeing who was calling had an urge to smash but something else caught his attetion.  Vikram had sent Anika many text messages. Shivaay decided to open them and well after that  Anika just sat down on the bed as Shivaay scrolled through all the texts reading them which proved to be quite time consuming considering Vikram had written very descriptive messages.

Shivaay mind had been blown at the amount of filth this mad had written and was overcome with guilt that he had allowed Anika to be in his presence.

How do you know him in the first place

I don't

What do you mean

I met him at a market when his car had an accident. Then when you asked about my fiance i just blurted out his name. I never thought you'd call him and even if you did i was certain he wouldn't come but he did amd for some reason told me that he likes helping people out.

And what you let a complete stranger pretend to be your fiance ? Huh ? Asled Shivaya nearly shouting

And what about Omru and Rivya? Did they know.

Of couse they knew...whic is why i though since they knew the truth then i had nothing to worry about.

Wow. I am going to go have a conversation with all of them amd then this Vilram i am going to kill him with my abre hands.

Shivaay please stop i am sorry okay said Anika with tears in her eyes.

Why are you sorry Anika..he is the one who

For what i said last night..i didn't mean it...i was just angry at you for making me marry Vikram and being with that Cheapdi Ragni all night

The latter's called jealousy love saod Shivaay as he bent down on his knees in front of anika amd made her look at him. Wipimg her tears and pulling her closer he whispered never say that things again. Ever. No matter hoe bad it gets ...i cant imagine you..i cam't even complete that smetemce okay said Shivaay placing a kiss on her forehead.

I need to take care of this bastard said Shivaay getting up

No you don't not tonight please just stay with me i don't want to be away with you said Anika getting up too and hugging him. They remained in that position until she felt Shivaay getting a hard on after which she did somethings he had never though she would do ...

Placing her hand on his his dick she started rubbing it .

What are you doing  Anika groaned Shivaay

Making up for last night said Anika as she took his hands in hers and guided it to her on crotch.

Shivaay instantly moved them to the bed. He was amazed at how fast Anika was moving.

What has gotten into you?

Well i sort of want to proved Vikram wrong but i am going to need your help in that.

Oh don't woory i am going to discredit that bastard's claims one by one. Lets start with the i can make you cum better than him . By the why how did you even understand that ?

I google it said Anika whilst blushing.

Hmm i assume that you are comfortable with me making you...

Shivaay please you know this stuff makes me embarassed.

Where's the bold Anika who was just rubbing my ...

Shivaay... i was just trying to tell you i am ready and please you . I cannot talk like

Aww my baby looks so good whem she is embarassed said Shivaay placing akiss on her nose. Finally he stated rubbing ehe crotch through her jeans whoilst he placed kissed on her top clad bosom. Finally after he had taken her top off he had slipped his hand inside his jeans and rubbed her womanhood through her panties. Finally her jeans had been taken off and Shivaay has continued playing with her pussy. Inserting his finger inside and out was only the beginning. Rest assured he had spemt teh entire night making her cum.

Jealous SSO indeed rocks!.

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