escaping destiny - part 3

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1 year later -

Kalyani Oberoi sat in her bedroom as usual all alone in the same bedroom which was once filled with her grandsons's laughter and her bahu's chatter. She still remmember the day clearly. It still haunted her- the look on Shivaay and Omkara's face as they perforemed the final rites of the one they loved the most.

It had been a year and nothing had changed since that day. Both the brothers had retreated to a life of quiet. They barely spoke if at all. The Obros who once couldn't go a day without seeing each other went months now without even looking at the otehr person.

Omkara had started taking drugs again though thsi time it wasn't Shivaay who saved him . How could he ..after all he himslef was broken. For once Tej Singh oberoi had stepped up and acted a s afather to his son ad gotten him into a good rehab facility. Though Om continued to have a few relapses here and there but Jhanvi and Tej tried their best but even they couldn't fill the void in his heart.

And Shivaay Singh Oberoi? He did not even have a sound parental system..Pinky tried to act as if she was sad for him but he could see through her and Shakti though tried to get closer to his son couldn't just close the distance between them.

The only person Shivaay found solace in was Sahil. Only Sahil could understand the pain Shivaay was going through for his pain was same too. Both had lost the only person who had loved them madly enough. Sahil was the only way Shivaay could connect to his dead wife. He had tried his best to give the boy everything he could- love , care ,affection but alas he couldn't fulfill the role played by his Anika didi. There were still soemd ays when he could hear the little boy crying sitting on the floor. And as much as he wanted to console him he could't help but do the same.

There was only one Obro brother left- who had lost his entire world in just one day. Rudra Singh Oberoi cursed himself everday for making that plan to go to Goa. His bhabhi's death had had a profound impact on him and made him realize how fragile human life was. He had sorted his differences out with Bhavya and both were trying to move on together from the tragedy. Rudra had decided to take more responsibilities and taken the ropes of Oberoi empire under the patronage of his father Tej Singh Oberoi. He felt it was the right thingh to do- his father and chote papa were getting older and couldn't handle the work load anymore and his Shivaay bhaiya had lost all interest in business. He rarely showed up to office anyway.

Meanwhile in Manali

Anika was still sitting by gauri's bedside. She stil hadn't woken up from her comma. Though the doctors had gived uo hope Anika hadn't. She still had faith that her chutki was one day going to wake up. Anika still hadn't recalled anything of her past though there were bits and pieces..her dreams were consumed by  recurring images of a little boy and a man dressed in a sharp suit with blue eyes. Though she couldn't place his face..she tried hard to remember but everything was jumbled ..whenever she tried thinking about her past her head got heavy and only made her suffering worst.

Kabir had told her not take any stress. Kabir Raichand had been her support system since the whole past year. He was the one who had found her and her sister and bought them home. He ahd even financed their treatment and let them stay with him at their house ever since. The man had alot of money to squander yet no one to spend on. He too was an orphan ...his parents died when he was only 4 leaving him to fend for himself. He studied hard and made a name for himself in the business world. He had to come to Manali on a business trip when he had fallen in love with a local girl and gotten married. Soon his wife gave birth to a baby girl but unfortunately died. In order to feel closer to his wife he had permanen tly moved to his cottage in Manali . He lived there with his wife's parents and daughter until one day he found Anika and his sister. Taking pity on them he ahd allowed them to stay at their place for as long as they wanted.

Over time Anika had grown to adore  his little girl named Samara and assumed the role of her mother which had ultimately bought both of them closer. Everything Kabir did was perfect but still Anika knew something was amiss if something was very wrong but she chose to ignore it because for the first time in her life she ahd a family. Kabir's wife Sia's parent treated her as their own daughter and since Anika coudl not recall her name they lovingly called her Sia. It had irked Kabir in the beginning though he eventually accepted for he knew how desperately his in laws were looking for a connection with theid dead daughter.

So when his in laws had suggested that Sia aka Anika and kabir got married he couldn't refuse. It made sense thathe married her. She was the perfect mother to Samara and Kabira had eventually grown to love her. Though Anika still had reservations about marriage she eventually gave in and agreed to get engaged for the time being. After everything Kabir and her family ahd done for her and Chutki she couldn't refuse them no matter how wrong it felt but there was part of her- which was still waiting for something or someone. Anika still had the magalsutra she was wearing the day of her accident and also the ring though she find it hard to believe that she had been married. And if she was why hadn't the erson come looing for her. As much as tried to recall she cluldn't so finally she just gave up and accepted defeat and chose ignore the symbols which clearly pointed thats he belonged to another man.

Sia i have a business meeting tomorrow night..some inverstors are coming from Mumbai ...wil you please put Samara to bed again..i know i always..

Why are you making it sound like as if its a burden on me..Kabir she is my daughter too..i can easily taken care of her don't have to worry about it said Sia

Thank you Sia

For what

For being a mother to my little girl. After ...

Kabir why do you talk about the past if it only pains you..what's done is done..we should concentrate on giving Samara  a good future now okay?

Okay. Said Kabir

So tell me about your investors? Should i cook dinner for them..

I don't mean to offend you sia but you do know that you can do everything except cook.

That is so mean Kabir Raichand.

Don't don't have to cook but i would appreciate it if you could dress up and atleast come once downstairs once you are done with Samara to meet the investors. I know you don't like meeting new people..

I'll be there and oh yes mom and dad need to be taken to the doctor for their monthly check up will you please take them or should I..

No I don't want you step out on your own. You still haven't recovered amd I..

Its been a year Kabir..i can take them by myself

Perhaps another day said Kabir placing a kiss on her forehead. Anika knew it was a sweet gesture but for some weird reason her skin felt as if it was on if she shouldn't have allowed her soon to be husband to touch her like if only one man had that right over her..the one who haunted her dreams dressed impecabbly in his black suit..the one who sometimes broke phones yet one one she couldn't recall.

Meanwhile in Mumbai-

Absolutely not Rudra i will not accompany you to to Manali..i am busy ..i promised Sahil said Shivaay

Bhaiya we can take Sahil along with us..i wouldn't be asked if papa was well but his health had been deteriorating for quite some time and he can't travel . Bhaiya i wouldn't be asking you but this is important for us ..Oberoi empire has incurred huges lossed and this deal is important begged Rudra

There was time when Shivaay singh Obeeoi would ahve give in to every demand of  his brother but not now. Besides hearing the name Manali did something to Shivaay.

A whole year later Shivaay still hand't bene able to figure out why his wife had to get on that doomed bus headed to Manali? If only he had stopped her ..there were so many ifs in his life now that they had  started to define him

If only he had never gone to Goa

If only he hadn't danced with that wretched woman

If only he had told Anika the truth in the first place  instead of trying to cover it up.

Bhaiya i have also convinced O to come along it was tough but he relented..he is clean for now and has begun oainting again..there is an exhibition going on in Manali and for the first time since the last year he agreed to put up his work in that exhibition bhaiya and also Sahil's birthday is tomorrow..we can make a vacation out of it bhaiya..Bhavya is also coming and ..

Shivaay was about to refuse but a voice stopped him.

I want to go to Manali SSO for my birthday..rudy bhaiya is right..we'll all go together please SSO said Sahil

Shivaay kneeled down to his level and said if you want to then we'll go and kissed him on his forehead

Thank you SSO

Rudra smiled and looked at them with a tinge of jealousy . There was time when Shivaay spoilt him like that but that time seemed ages ago.

Then i'll book the air tickets bhaiya

Bus..i want to go by bus.

But bhaiya how will we all..

You all can go by air ..Sahil will also accompany you but i will go by bus

As will i came Omkara's voice ashe entered the room

But SSO..

Sahil please don't ask me to take you along on the can come tomorrow with Rudra and Bhavya by air

Actually we can all go on bus i mean..i wouldn't mind said Rudra

Fine then we'll have to start out journey today only if we wnat to reach Manali by tomorrow.

Kalyani Oberoi stood outside the room eavesdropping on the converstaion. For the first time since the accident the Obros were going soemwhere together . She couldn't but feel giddy with joy. The prospect of them travelling together had ignited a faint hope in her.

Just like that two brothers Shivaay a nd Om stood facing each other after a whole year ready to face their demons before they embarked on a journey which snatched the ones they loved from them forever.

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