Escaping destiny- part 4

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If an year ago someone has told Shivaay Singh Oberoi that one day he'd be travelling by bus he would have laughed his ass off. However that was not the case today. The entire younger clan of Oberoi family were travelling on a bus to Manali. For the first time in the past they were all together.

Om and Shivaay were sitting together after eternity though instead of making conversation they were lost in their deep thoughts.

Shivaay was sitting at the window seat wondering what would have hone through Anika's head before the accident? Was she still that mad at him or had her anger calmed down a bit? Was she thinking about him ..missing him? But these questions were not alien to him. He thought about her death and the circumstances surrounding it all the time.

Shivaay couldn't help but wonder where they would be if she hadn't...would they have kids? The prospect of starting a family with her had looked alluring to him ever since he had seen her taking care of Pari.

But it was all hypothetical . None of it could ever come true. Sometimes Shivaay would sit at the edge of his bed in hos big empty room and laugh at the irony of his life- the man who could buy everything, anything ...who owned a fucking chopper lost his wife in a bus accident.

Shivaay still remembered the day he and Om had to go to the police station. He remembered how bad both of them were shaking as they entered the morgue. He remembered looking at the bodies ...their face had been completely distorted but the belongings matched. Anika's bag was found and so was Gauri's phone. At first both of them had refused toa ccept that they ahd lost their better halves forever.

For three months Shivaay lived in denial...his Anika meter rold him that she was still alive . He continued hoping praying even begging to god to send her back. Every morning he'd wake up hoping that she and Gauri were going to walk through the door and apologize to them for playing this cruel joke on them.. but days turned into months with mo sign of them ever coming back.

Shivaay vividly recalled how he had refused to perform the final rites of his dead wife. Finally he had no choice and had to lit the pyre. He was about to jump on it if it weren't for Rudra who was restraining him.
Omkara had the felt the same way. Though both the brothers had gone through the same thing they couldn't talk to each other without being reminded that it was all their fault and sometimes they would pin it all on their little brother who was once the apple of their eye in order to alleviate their guilt.

Bade bhaiya Sahil is refusing to eat what i had packed for him..please make hime eat something came Bhavya's voice breaking Shivaay's chain of thoughts.

Shivaay had immedeitly eaten the food once SSO had asked him to .

The bus stopped for sometime at a dhaba. As he was getting down a sign caught his view.

Greenlake resort...Shivaay immedietly took out the clippings he always carried with himself..those of the newspaper annoucing the accident..reading it only confirmed his was on this road only that the bus had collided...

Shivaay stopped breathing for a second and looked at the beidge and the water under it wher etheyw ould have probably fallen.

Shivaay what it that? Asked Omkara looking at the clipping she was holding. Those were the first words they had exchanged since the accident.

Shivaay said nothing but handed over the clipping to hos equally broken brother. As soon as he read the paper his face distorted into one expressing pain.

Shivaay is this the same...

The very same O said Shivaay beofr emaking his way towards the bridge only to be followed by his brother. It was the first time shivaay had called Omkara in a year. Rudra couldn't help but what if he wasn't as close to both of them like earlier but atleast they both were talking to each other again..perhaps one day the three of them could once again talk normally. Rudra hi fived Sahil for convincing Shivaay. This trip was not just about business but making his brothers spend some time together. Rudra rarely showed his pain because he ahd to puta strong front for his entire family but he terribly missed his Anika bhabhi. He missed her calling Shivaay billu ji, he missed how she used to tease him, he missed it when Gauri used her face deewar pe satade dialogue but most of all he missed the times they all used to spend together. With them in the house there was nota single moment of quiet but now the eerie silence of Oberoi mansion haunted those who resisded in it. Even the servants were afraid to make noise for the fear of pissing Shivaay or Omkara off. Anything could trigger them any time of the day. The other day a staff member had by mistake dropped something on Anika's bag..her chikni..the last possession he had of her..Shivaay ahd almost had an heart attack amd murdered the employee. The employee had officially prrssed charges against him though Rudra had made them go away. Gone were the days when Rudra Singh Oberoi could act immaturely. He was now the new great wall of Rudra Singh Oberoi.

As bhavya, Rudra and Sahil continued having lunch...Om and Shivaay had reached the bridge...they stood side by side for some time before Om finally spoke.

The both of them would have been so much pain..

Shivaay said nothing for a moment before responding- i think about it everyday.

So do i big brother said O and then something happened which hadn't in the past year. The two brother held each other's hands before hugging each other .

They are gone yet they are everywhere in every corner amd nook of our house whispered Om while embracing Shivaay after ages.

Shsh..Om..they both loved us and they knew we loved them..we made a mistake amd paid a heavy proce for it but they wouldn't want us to be crying..i miss them every day too but we should start acting more like the men they fell in love with instead of cowards who have abandoned their little brother said Shivaay poimting at Rudra.

Come on now

I wamt to do one last thing Shivaay said Om before he went towards a vendor selling roses. He came back carrying two in his hand and handed one to Shivaay.

I'll go first..said Om...i know i can't bring you back but please forgive me for all my sins..I know i couldn't give you the life i promised but know this i will carry you with me forever Mrs. Gauri Omkara Oberoi Singh Said Om dropping the flower in the river under the bridge.

Its your turn Shivaay said Om placing a hand on his shoulder.

You know don't know the michmichis i feel every morning when i wake up on our bed to your empty side...i wish i could hear the billu song once again said Shivaay in a cracking voice... always and forever Anika . Till forever ends right..well guess what my forever ended the day you died..know this that one day i will have grey hair ,grow old ,my memory will fade but your importance for me will never diminish neither will my love. I'll see you up there Shivaay ki 'sirf' Anika said Shivaay dropping the rose in the river hoping that somehow she will listen to him.

Raichand cottage-

Anika had gotten all ready after putting Samara down . She was wearing red backless valentino wasn't her style but Kabir had insisted she wear it..he had gotten it for her along with million other dresses from one of his international business tours. Though Anika knew it wasn't her style she ahd decided to wear it after all. So much changed in her life in the past year- so much she wasn't even aware of but one thing hadn't - her chaand bracelet. Soemhow all her jewellery had survived the accident was only her memory that she ahd lost and her chutki who was still in comatose state. Day after day Anika would enter her room looking for any signs of movement and day after day she would emerge from the bedroom crying though something felt different about today. It felt as if soemthing was about to if someone was coming to take both of them back home.

Stop having such thoughts Sia...this is your home now .

Sia ...are you ready? Said Kabir as he entered her room.

Wow you look amazing commented Kabir as soon as Anika turned around.

Perhaps its because i am wearing the dress that my soon to be husband gifted me.

Or perhaps its because you are simply sexy.

Anika chose to ignore that comment. She had no plans of discussing anything related to sex with Kabir for anytime soon. She knew that once they would get married they'd have to consummate their relationship but Anika intended to delay it for as long as possible.

I think the guests have arrived..are you coming ..

Let me check on Samara and i'll be downstairs in a jiffy

I'll be waiting said Kabir befpre leavinv her room.

Downstairs at teh dinner table-

The Oberoi had finally arrived to be welcome by Kabir's in laws. Rudra and Shivaay shook hands with Kabir . For once Omkara had agreed to accompany them ...his conversation with Shivaay had made him realize how much he had missed his brothers though there was a certain soemone he missed who unlike his brother's wasn't there anymore. The only one who had stayed back was Sahil..he was staying with Bhavya in the hotel room.

So gentlemen shall we begin discussing the proposal. Kabir began briefing them about the deal beofore being interuppted by his father in law.

Beta kabir they ahve had a long can talk business all night...pour them a glass of wbiskey first

Oh i am sorry for my rude manners i am just really excited that i could get you onboard for this project...what would you all like to have.

The three of them politely refused saying they were in no mood to drink.

After some time when it was time for dinner Kabir called out to Sia.

Who is Sia if you don't mind me asking said Rudra.

Oh she is my soon to be wife..well practically my wife..she is just putting our daughter down...fair warning she is going to be trying to make you all eat her pasta but don't its a trick..her pasta is usually burnt amd if you do just praise her.

Shivaay couldn't help but smile at that he remember how Anika used to make burn pasta and claimed how she was an expert at cooking it.

Finally Sia made her way downstairs dressed elegantly.

Good evening everyone.. as soon as she said those words the three brothers who were looking at the deal stood up from their chairs staring at her direction. For a moment the three of them  went into shock.

Hi! I am Sia..Kabir's soon to be wife said Anika extending her hands towards Shivaay but as soon as she took in his appearance her breath hitched- he was dressed in the smae way the amn in his dreams that black suit..his blue eyes shone brighter than anything she ahd seen before..his hairstyle..Anika knew she had seen him somewhere but she still couldn't recall.

Who the hell is he Kabir?

Sia..what are you talking about..i told you..the investors were coming today..he is Shivaay Singh Oberoi ..a mega business magnate.. as soon as Anika heard the name Oberoi something inside her clicked as if this was it. Oberoi- this name meant soe.thing to her...Shivaay Simgh Oberoi meant somethig to her..the two men who stood by his side meant something to her

Kabir..I..think i ...oh my god were the last words uttered by her bepfre she collapsed and fell to the ground.

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