part 2- Reunion

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Shivaay Singh Oberoi was having the worst day ever. First of all his wife had made him attend somd stupid meeting and now she wasn't even picking up his phone. Earlier what made Shivaay's day 'worst' was when he lost a business deal but now things had changed and so had his priorities. Gone was the cold hearted shrewd and calculative businessmen. Shivaay was now a completely changed man. All his employees could see the change in their boss. Today in the meeting , he was smiling looking at the picture of his wife on his phone.

On reaching home, he practically ran inside looking for his wife only to find all members of his family gathered in the living room with a worried look on their face with the exception of mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi. But there was one member missing - his Anika.

What's going on? Why are you guys looking so worried? And where is Anika asked Shivaay.

Shivaay lost his cool when nobody said Anika. I asked a question where is she? Rudra? ...gauri what's going on

Bhaiya we have been looking for bhabhi for quiet some time now. She is not picking up her phone and she left left without informing anymore. We were just about to go look for her ..maybe she's at the chawl said Rudra.

Oh my maata that girl has no manners. She left the house without informing anyone of her whereabouts...that wretched girl...see Shivaay i keep on telling you to

That's enough mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi..not a word more against my wife. I am going to look for her.

Shivaay left the Oberoi fuming in anger. How dare that woman who called herself his mother say a word against his wife.

Shivaay got into the car hurriedly. He was not able to even drive properly his mind was concerned with thoughts of her being hurt . He was worried sick about her. She had never done something like this before. She always picked up her phone and never missed especially his call. Unless something had happened to her. The worst possible thoughts started crossing his mind. Shivaay had gotten the taste of living without Anika during their separation..he no longer could bear any minute of not being with her. He couldn't imagine if any harm had befallen her.

When he reached the chawl , he could hear his heart throbbing. But to his utter relief , as soon as he got out he saw her emerge from Chanda's house. But his joy soon turned into fury. How could she do this to him? How could she have been so irresponsible ? Did she not think she owed it to her hisband to tell where she was going. That's it she is getting her own personal security detail from tomorrow thought Shivaay as he made his way over her and picked her up.

Shivaay decided to remain silent during the entire car ride. He knew he if he said something to her now he would unleash the beast bursting with fury within him. And he was in mood of hurting her with his harsh words. So instead he decided to wait it out until he calmed down before he apprehended her. Though he doubted he'd ever calm down. If only his impulsive wife knew how much worried he was.

After reaching Oberoi mansion and eating dinner-

They both started heading towards their bedroom. Anika kept looking at Shivaay wondering why he hadn't uttered even a single word yet. Shivaay said nothing but just took her hand in his and led her to the bedroom.

Shivaay ..actually i left in a hurry today...and no one was at home phone died..and i lost track of i hope you don't mind that i..

That was the last straw for him. Hope you don't mind really i really not supposed to mind that my wife left the house without informing anyone and did not even bother to make a phone call. If your phone died you could have just borrowed Chanda's....i have decide dthat from tomorrow onwards you'll have your own personal security detail. I want to know where you are going at all times.

No way Shivaay. You can't do that. That's not your decision . I need my own space and since when do we ask each other permission for such...

This is not about permission Anika..this about being aware of each other's life. And don't you think the dynamics of our relationship have changed in these past 3 months. I mean we are no longer a divorced couple. And we need to act more like husband and wife. Our relationship never really reached a stage like that three months ago because we were constantly caught up in one scheme or the other but not anymore. We have a chance to have a normal relationship finally. Look i don't want to play the role of the possessive husband and i know that our relationship ever since we have met has been anything but normal but can we atleast try?

Anika was speechless. She had never has such an intense talk with Shivaay about their marriage and he had laid it all out in the open. His lack of emotional awareness had always surprised her but now it seemed she was the one who was being insensitive towards him. She felt a pang of guilt for making him upset.

Shivaay i know you are looking out for me ....i did not do it on purpose you know said Anika as she walked towards him and caressed his face. Can we please let this one go?

Shivaay said nothing but after a minute finally moved and kissed her on her forhead. Anika started running her hands on his chest and kissed him passionately.

Shivaay was now sitting on the couch while Anika was straddling him. They continued their make up session for some time. Anika knew that she wnated to take this perhaps a little bit more further. Not all the way but still a bit more than kissing. Now that she had tasted him she couldn't resist desiring more of him.

We can move to the bed if you want whispered Anika.

Really? I mean i thought you wanted to wait..

I still do but that doesn't mean we have to restrict ourselves to kissing only. I want to get more comfortable with you .

Okay. He carried her up and laid her down on the bed. Just tell me when you want me to stop okay.

Anika said nothing but nodded. Shivaay placed a soft kiss on her neck . He kissed her everywhere on her face and started moving downwards. He kissed her on her right breast making her gasp. He could see her errct nipples peaking up.

He started unbuttoning her top slowly all the while looking in her eyes making sure she was okay. Finally her top came off and she was lying in front of him in a red bra. Anika was now blushing... she turned her face sideways but Shivaay made her look at him.

It's okay. Its only don't need to be shy. Shivaay knew that all of this was overwhelming for his wife.

Do you want me to...

No i want you to continue

Okay then. Shivaay brushed his hands against her breasts and inspected them for some time before running his his hands across her waist. There was a scar right below her waist. It looked like a wound delivered from a knife.

What happened here? Asked Shivaay afraid of the answer.

Nothing its an old scar said Anika not knowing how to tell him.

Did it happen at the orphanage.

Shivaay why are we talking about this. It doesn't matter. Let it go.

You have been asking me to let go of quite a few things recently said Shivaay as he placed a soft kiss on her scar.

That was the moment when Anika felt all the pain of her lonely childhood slowly go away. She never used to have hope that she could find happiness but this man had turned her life around in a way she could have never imagined him to.

Shivaay moved his thumb over her right nipple . She was still wearing her bra. He gave her breasts a squeeze making her graon in pleasure. Finaaly he decided that it time to unhook her bra. He slowly put his hand hand on her back and unhooked it and started taking it off. This time Anika did not shy away...she looed at him straight in the eye and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Shivaay kissed her both her breats amd started squeezing them hard. Her moans only got louder. The both continued this until his hands started moving a bit downwards.

I know you want to wait and i am completely fine with it. But there are other things we can do if its okay with you.

Okay said Anika quickly. She really did want to explore that aspect of their relationship and she wanted to do it right. And besides she could feel the growing errction of her husband against her. She did not want to disappoint him.

Her answer took him by surprise. He started moving her hands across her highs. His hands were now dangerously closed to her entrance. Finally he just brushed his hands against that area making her groan.

Is it okay if i take it off. Anika said nothing but nodded. Shivaay started unbuttoning her jeans slowly . Then he took it off her completely. Anika was no lying in fron of him only in her red panties.

Anika had closer her legs widely shut. Taking them apart he place a kiss each on her inner thigh. Finally he touched her there ...her wetness was clearly visible.

Slowly he staarted rubbing his hands on her pussy. He wanted her to me more wet.

Shivaay ah i ...just don't stop. He continued rubbing her down there for some time all the while kissing her anywhere he could. When he knew that if they continued they won't be able to stop he mustered ever ounce of his willpower and stopped.

Why did you stop Shivaay. I wanted to ..i know but you are still getting comfortable with me and this was just a teaser...i don't want to overwhelm you. Now sleep said Shivaay placing a soft kiss on her lips.

But Shivaay i really ...

Feel frustrated..that's what i feel whenever i am around you .

So you are getting back at me.

Trust me its as hard for me as for you if not more. But i want to do this right Anika.

You really are a gentleman aren't you.

Hmm...sleep now you had a tiring day mrs. Oberoi.

Only Anika...i am only Anika.

No you are not only are also mine now and don't you ever forget that .

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