one shot- The dinner party

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'I have nothing to do with this woman' Anika woke up with a jerk. She was having the same dream of the day they got divorced . Though it was more of a nightmare. Anika looked at the clock it was 7 in the evening. She had to get ready for the dinner party tonight. She had finally gotten a job as a caterer after 3 months of looking for a job.

Initially Anika did not want to take this job but she had no other option besides Samar jeet Malhotra seemed like a decent enough man. Though she did find it weird that he had offered her the job after having a cup of tea with her at the chawl.

Anika stop overthinking it. This job is perfect for you need to pay for Sahil's fees also remember came her friend Chanda's voice.

Anika turned around to look at her best friend. Yes you are right now i am going to go take a shower amd then change. And i won't be coming home till late in the night...the event may continue very well till the morning.

After taking a shower Anika looked at the dress laid on the bed. It was a blue satin gown that she had been gifted especially for this event by none other then her boss. She tried to refuse him but he was adamant that she wear since it was going to be a hotshot event. She had accepted it on the condition that the cost of dress would be deducted from her salary. But now she was having second thoughts. The dress would expose much of her waist and cleavage ( imagine the dress Anika wore on shivika date). Moreover it was a catering job so she would have to spend the whole evening running around making sure that everything was perfect. She was not sure she could carry it properely while working. But alas she had no choice.

After half hour of getting ready she decided to proceed towards the venue. She couldn't very well take her champa so decided to take the auto. It turned out to be the most uncomfortable ride she had ever had in her entire life. She wondered how she would get through the night.

After reaching the venue she wasted no time in getting the work started . By 9 o clock the guest had started pouring in. They all looked like businessmen  and reminded her of him . Dressed in a suit more espensive then her annual salary with their polished hifi significant others. Anika wondered if they were still together would he have taken her to an event like that.

Obviously he wouldn't have and stop thinking about him while you are at work thought Anika apprehending herself.

Samar had asked her to make sure that all the guests were served with the finest scotch. So there she was standing with a trolley surpervising the waiter. She couldn't help think  bbout the time when she catered at that dinner party and he also attended it. How he had to eat her burnt past and how she gave a challenge to him. But that was all in the past now. They were divorced and nothing could change that bitter reality.

Meanwhile at Oberoi Mansion

No Ragini i am in no mood to attend this dart party. You know i don't do parties anyway. You should go alone.

Oh come on Shivaay...Sid and i broke up and i was supposed to go with him. I can't just go alone and its my brother's party i can't just not ho and there will be so many businessmen there ..i am not exactly asking you to dance and sing but just come with me for the sake of it.

Of course he will go with you beta said Pinky as she entered the living room. Shivaay Ragini is your friend and she needs your help. Don't do this to yourself okay been months since that girl..

Mom i don't want to talk about this.

Fine then just go with Ragini. I will send a tuxedo to your room . I had it specially made for you tonight. Its going to be your first public appearance after months.

Ragini was wearing a beautiful black latex gown and Pinky had made sure that her son's outfit was coordinating with Ragini.

Shivaay knew what his mother was trying to do. She was trying to make him move on but he knew that it was of no use. No matter how much he tried she was everywhere. Every corner of the house haunted him with her memories. He was able to throw her out of his house and life but his heart? She was the only one could live there. The only one who was able to break through his walls. But it was over now. They were over because of what she did on that one day.

Shivaay and Ragini reached the venue hand in hand. Rangini immedietly started mingling with her friends whereas Shivaay was engaged in a conversation with Samar.

Shivaay how about a drink. I had a bottle of pinot noir imported especially  from france. Its perfect to raise a toast to our new partenship said Samar .

That was when Shivaay felt it ...felt her. He froze for a moment before regaining his posture . She couldn't be here could she thought Shivaay .

I am no mood to drink Samar .

Oh come on one drink said Samar as he called out to his employee...Anika come here.

For a moment Shivaay's heartbeat stopped. His entire universe came to a standstill. She was making his way towards him totally ignorant of the fact that he was standing there.

Anika froze for a moment . What else was she supposed to do. What the hell was her ex husband doing at this godforsaken dinner party out of all places. But the more she thought about it actually made sense. She was the one out of place not him.

She plastered a smile on her face and said yes Mr. Malhotra all the while avoiding eye contact with the man who made still made her go weak in the knees.

Anika this is my special friend Shivaay Singh Oberoi . Please make sure he is taken care of tonight. Serve him with the best of the best .

What were the odds that Shivaay and Samar knew each other? What were the odds that Samar didn't know that Anika was Shivaay's ex? Maybe that's why he had had given her the job...because he didn't know. But how was it possible was all over the news.

Of course said Anika ...what would you like to have Mr. Oberoi? She was now looking directly at her ex husband. Oh how she wanted to run her hands through his hair and how she wanted to tell him how bad these e months for her . In a perfect world thry would have been still together but the worls was far from perfect. For her it has always been dark. Anika was convinced that no matter what she could never turn her bad luck around. She was cursed and not even Shivaay Singh Oberoi could change that. They had had everything yet she had to make sure that they would have nothing. Fate was cruel though not more than Pinky Singh Oberoi.

Shivaay scanned her from top to bottom. She was wearing a blue gown that showed way too much of her cleavage and bit of her waist. It wasn't something he would have wanted her to wear in public. He couldn't stand someone else look at her in that way...only he was allowed to do that.

Except you are not anymore. You threw her out of your life didn't you thought Shivaay .

Why don't i have a glass of that red wine you were talking about? Said Shivaay making eye contact with his ex wife for the first time.

Anika be a dear and get that bottle for Shivaay said Samar as he touched her her wrist. Anika immedietly backed off on his touch something which did not go unnoticed by Shivaay. Oh how he wanted to set fire to the whole world in that moment. How dare Samar touch her in front of him .

Anika signalled the waiter to come with the trolley .

Anika this bottle is really expensive i think you should be the the one pouring it yourself i don't want it to get broken said Samar with a creepy smile on his face.

What the hell was wrong with this  man thought Anika before replying of course Mr. Malhotra.

Shivaay was still looking at her as if ordering her to leave from the vicinity of Samar. But she couldn't do that could she . She was no longer mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi and she the bills kept on piling. She had to make a living for the sake of her little  brother .

Anika opened the wine bottle but since the glasses were kept on the 2nd shelf of the trolley she had to bent a little bit to retrieve them.

That was the moment when Shivaay's breath hitched. The moment she had bent down her cleavage was exposed to the maximum extent for all world to see. He looked at Samar who was checking Anika out.

She immedietly stood up after releasing what had happened. She looked at Shivaay who she was sure was giving her death daggers as if she had committed a big sin. And then her eyes averted to Samar who had a smirk on his face.

Anika said nothing but poured the wine  and handed over the glass to Shivaay. She knew he was seething with anger but she didn't know why. He had moved on hand't he. She had seen photos of him with that Ragini. That's when it clicked to her. Ragini's last name was Malhotra ...perhaps she was Samar's sister and that's how they both knew each other. If she wasn't standing in a party full of people she would have laughed so hard. What were the odds that she was the caterer at a party arranged by her ex husband's brother in law. Though she wasn't surprised. At this point fate could throw anything at her .

Anika be a dear and pour me some wine too came Samar's voice.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi was sure that tonight was the night he would murder Samar jeet Malhotra and then lock his stupid ex wife in a room for all eternity to come. Couldn't she see what he was doing? Though Shivaay wasn't a surprised in the bit. She had always been like this- ignorant of any man's advance towards her no matter how obvious it was. He had always thought how had she survived before she met him. Men must have thrown themeselves at her and the fact that she was all alone only rendered her vunlerable. His blood boiled thinking about it.

Oh what are we having here...well whatever it is we would also like to have said Samar's close pal Vikhayat chaudhry who was accompanied by his brother Raghav. Their eyes immedietly drifted towards Anika's  cleavage.

So now it was going to be three men he had to murder tonight thought Shivaay before he averted his gaze towards Anika ordering her once again to leave. Why is this stubborn girl not leaving.

Anika wanted the ground to swallow her up. This is not what she had signed up for when she had taken up this job. To be leered at by 3 men that too in front of her ex husband who looked as if he wanted to murder someone.

Actually I would rather you all stay sober for tonight. I would like to discuss a business deal with three of you. Samar can we go somewhere private .

Really Shivaay.. you want the three of us to discuss business with you. I mean i have trying for months to get you to listen to our ideas came Vikhayat's voice.

Shall we then gentlemen..before Samar could say anything Shivaay made  the three of them move and took them as far as possible from Anika.

Anika knew what he had done and thanked her lucky stars that he was there tonight. Otherwise she didn't know how she could have handled the three of them.

She was making sure that the dinner was ready when she was approached by a man in his uniform. It was none other than Khanna ji.

Khanna ji! What are you doing here..what am i asking..of course if you boss is here you would also be here...anyway how are you Khanna ji?

Hello ma'am.. i am fine ...thanks for asking. I have been sent to deliver a message to you. You are to come with me.

But why Khanna ji asked Anika confused.

Because Shivaay Sir asked me to get you.

Sorry Khanna ji but tell you Shivaay sir that i am working this event amd i can't just leave.

Well then here is the room key card to Shivaay's room. He knew you'd refuse to leave so he booked a room. You are to see him before you leave said khannaji handing her the room key card.

Anika looked at the room key card and awaited what the night had in store for her.

Let me know what you guys think about this one shot and keep on voting people. Also let me know what kind of one shots you would like to read.

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